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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7603529 No.7603529 [Reply] [Original]

byakuren with her two friends, love and peace

won't you embrace her ideals?

>> No.7603532

I'm sorry, I fight for love and justice, not love and peace.

>> No.7603539
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posting for the cause

>> No.7603549

>love and peace

Isn't that the name of that douijin which shows Byakuren for the horrible monster she truly is?

>> No.7603558
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onlything monsterous about byuakuren is her lack of attention on this board

posting tits

>> No.7604023

That doujin was outright retarded.

>> No.7604528

Where do you guys go for your douijins....?
I have never been into hentai or porn so.......I don't think I will check it out, but I guess I'm really asking is do you guys ever buy douijins? lol I've seen some douijins that are comical here, but Are most of them just strait up Hentai? I know that there are a lot of main stream artists in Japan that do douijins for extra cash and to get out of their main stream style, but it would seem like most Otaku fans would want to see their "wifu" doing sothing they wouldn't be able to see in the regular series.

>> No.7604531

Where the fuck did you come from?

>> No.7604538
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You see /jp/

Byakuren regularly gets plastic surgery. Using her beauty, she sucks up all the jelly from other Touhous and has it implanted into her chest and rear end.

Aya regularly reports on her many beauty expeditions. It's a popular tabloid story in Gensokyo.

>dem tits
holy mother of bueno

>> No.7604539

A rock perhaps.

>> No.7604543
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Come on, /jp/
Lay your head on mama's chest
Tell me about your day

>> No.7604545

Goddamn just when i started my ''Stop sexualizing Touhous'' week.

fuck you OP

>> No.7604549
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I don't bite, you know

Unless you want me to.

>> No.7604550
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>> No.7604553
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>> No.7604555

>she sucks up all the jelly from other Touhous
i thought that was parsee

>> No.7604558


>> No.7604565 [SPOILER] 
File: 151 KB, 841x817, 1310395901713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol you mad case you prefer fanonshit moeblobs to actual dark monsters touhous really are

>> No.7604569

Why must Byakuren has to wear such seductive clothing when she is clearly a monk?, she's not a lewd wench.

>> No.7604588
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Mind your own business

>> No.7604589
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>> No.7604592
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>> No.7604590

From the thumbnail I thought she had a large erection concealed by her dress. Needless to say I was very dissapointed.

>> No.7604597

My business was to calm this raging erection so please post that picture with Byakuren and Ran.

>> No.7604599
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>> No.7604604
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Someone else already got you covered

Happy fapping

>> No.7604608
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Shou's going to be introduced to love and peace...

ラブ ラブ ラブw

>> No.7604613
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>> No.7604616
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Byakuren - War and Peace
Yukari - Anna Karenina

>> No.7604619
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>> No.7604623
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>> No.7604628

I've been on /jp/ for 2 years now and today I've been on for 3 hours, but not once have I participated in a douijin threa/discustion. I read about what douijins are in magazines and online, but never really knew where /jp/ or americans/other contries find them except if they were in Japan themselfs. That is where I have been. I never really talked or tried finding out where /jp/ reads them at because the douijins /jp/ was talking about/looking at always involved lolis and I think looking at any kind of loli is wrong. THERE I SAID IT " I think looking at any kind of loli is wrong" I'M READY FOR MY CRUSIFIXTION IF YOU GUYS ARE REALLY THAT PISSED THAT I SAID IT. I KNOW YOU GUYS HATE IT WHEN OTHER BOARDS/NEWFAGS/SUMMERFAGS/MORALFAGS SAY HOW ITS PEDO OF /jp/ TO LOOK AT THAT STUFF, BUT I'M NOT HERE TO RIDDICULE YOU MY HONOREBEL ANON-SANS!

>> No.7604640
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This isn't meant to be patronising, Anonymous.

I think it's really cool that you're so passionate about this that you're willing to write such a long post, and with such feeling in it too.

But, let's not argue. We'll get nowhere. Right? Calm down for a moment. Make some tea. Open your windows and get some fresh air. Channel all that passion into something productive.

You can do it. You know you can do it.

>> No.7604645
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>> No.7604650
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gently resting between the heavens and earth

>> No.7604658
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>> No.7604661
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>omoimasu sinkin

I hope your thoughts aren't sinking down to your pants, Anonymous.

>> No.7604665
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>> No.7604669
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>> No.7604673

Domo anon-san. My intention was never to arguee, I just wanted to say where and why I had never posted in Doijin threads without loosing my honor at /jp/, sense I don't like lolis.

>> No.7604684
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I see.

A spirited defence!

>> No.7604686
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>> No.7604690
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>> No.7604699
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Cosmic Mind

>> No.7604701
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Emotional Skyscraper

>> No.7604709
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>> No.7604730


>> No.7604864

Understood. I'm not a loli fan, either, but I show up here every once in a while from some Touhou stuff.

>> No.7604872

Sooooooo where does /jp/ get its doijin at????

>> No.7604891

7604673 here
Bro fist.

>> No.7604899

I'm more appalled by your lack of proper English skills than your dislike of loli.

>> No.7604923

yeah I'm called disability-san around these parts. I'm going toi have to create a thread sometime about why I spell the way I spell and How sorry I am to /jp/

>> No.7604927

Use a spell check and grammar check. If your post isn't related to the thread use sage.

>> No.7604932
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So, are you the anon posting all those very long and sometimes confusing responses to threads lately?

As above, it's great that you go into such detail in how you reply to things. It's better that you're overly-thoughtful rather than leaving out something important, right?

Maybe you should read over what you write a few times before you post it, however. You seem to get very excited and perhaps your meaning becomes muddled up in the process. Best wishes to you, disability-san.

>> No.7604933
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>> No.7604934
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>> No.7604941
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If you really care, you will find it yourself.

don't do this.

>> No.7604942
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gross old ladies

>> No.7604949
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Don't be mean to disability-kun, he can't help it.

>> No.7604955

Yes, he can! He must not let his disability hinder him! He is able to do everything, as long as he wants it very hard!


>> No.7604954

...do you mean on microsoftword? oor is there a faster way to spellcheck? Maybe I mean I don't think that this is sageble
I truely try to look over them all. I will try to narrow down my thoughts , so they are clearer. Domo anon-san you truely are a good guy, in fact /jp/ seems to be the most accepting/dignified board here.

>> No.7604961

oh sorry I thought /jp/ liked to partake in such mannerisms, but I was called Dissability-san at the start and its kind of suiting.

>> No.7604974

Every day is a battle to function in this world due to my multiple disabilities. I have persevered for 19 years with it and I won't let it take me down now! From Now on I'll go into word and spellcheck it every time, even if that means it will take me longer! Banzi!

Would the majority of /jp/ be alright if I started using the name Disability-san in my posts? I know other boards hate it.

>> No.7604976

Yes for the love of god don't fucking keep doing that shit.

>> No.7604977

You truly are an honorable Otaku.

>> No.7604978

What about the name part though?

>> No.7604979

I think you can probably get a browser add-on if that makes things easier. Mine seems to do it automatically.

>> No.7604984

No never. No need for it. You are speaking English.

>> No.7604988
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>Now on I'll go into word and spellcheck it every time, even if that means it will take me longer! Banzi!

You have so much spirit! Give it your best!

>Would the majority of /jp/ be alright if I started using the name Disability-san in my posts?

Aren't you trying to overcome your disabilities? If you start using that as a name you might end up becoming proud of it. Then you'd never improve... I don't know Disability-kun. It's a tough one.

Go with your heart.

>> No.7604995

Oh really. I'll have to look into that then. What do you think of the name thing hm?
Well if you say so, but there are so few of us here that i'm not sure why we don't use names. I mean it would certianly help us all understand each other more and maybe enjoy each other a little more too.

>> No.7605003

Trust us, names are dangerous. Very, very dangerous. They can even kill you. So, stay smart, don't start!

>> No.7605014

In my 19 years of living my parents had told me to hide my disabilities away, but they are part of who I am and they have made me stronger through life. Yes it is better for a person to not have disabilities, but just the fact that I hide them is saying I am ashamed of who I am. I am proud to be alive with all I have accomplished. With or without these disabilities I am going to succeed with my goals and Dreams. I overcome my disabilities every day.

>> No.7605019

Do you mean like people tracking you down through the web? Well I suppose your right. HAHA that rhyme is pretty good lol did you get that from a safety talk or something

>> No.7605028
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>but they are part of who I am and they have made me stronger through life.

You've turned your weakness into strength. That is really inspiring, Disability-kun.

>Yes it is better for a person to not have disabilities

Of course, but then remember that even people without disabilities have problems of their own. Issues with depression and money, for instance. What I mean is that you shouldn't envy "able" bodied people, or anything, or think you're missing out on what they have. You are who you are!

>I am proud to be alive with all I have accomplished.

Perhaps one day, when you've accomplished even more, you will return to /jp/ and tell us the story of how you changed your life and became a strong person in spite of your disabilities. Perhaps you still won't have a name by then, but for those of us here today we will instantly know that it is you -- the little disability-kun who could.


>> No.7605044

Exactly! When you go around admitting you have a disability when someone blames you, it's like you're saying, "I am inferior, please pity me". But you are not inferior! Hell no! You're not gonna take pity for that! You'll have to work harder, so that they can't be in a position to blame you anymore! That's how you get the power to overcome disabilities, break mountains and conquer the Universe!

>> No.7605053
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>break mountains and conquer the Universe!

Heh, what a great phrase.

Everyone is truly so spirited today.

Let's conquer the Universe.

>> No.7605108
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With Great honor in my heart and a fire that cannot be quenched by a life of mere tolerance, I salute you anons. We all may not know each other by true names, nor face to face or even live on the same continents, but we are connected in the spirit of Valor for our existence on this earth. I know not today whether I am to become a film maker/illustrator, writer/foreign affairs workman, but whatever it may be I will return and share my stories of plenty. I hope you all good and Godspeed.

I'm not leavening yet, but I wanted to say that.
Mishima-damio made word to flesh, now let my words also transend into flesh
