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File: 229 KB, 792x720, [HorribleSubs] Kamisama Dolls - 01 [720p].mkv_snapshot_05.41_[2011.07.06_08.54.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7578049 No.7578049 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.7578054

One sip, more like.

>> No.7578073

I don't drink anymore because if I start again
I would drink every day.

Also too much sugar.

>> No.7578077

I would have thought we'd all be pretty expert drinkers around here.
Go Single Malt or go home.

>> No.7578087

I haven't tried much alcohol, but I could never drink beer. Shit is disgusting.

>> No.7578091

I would actually be dead, got a weak liver and alcohol is strictly forbidden, or so says my doctor.

>> No.7578097

epic macro but what the HELL is up with that font?

>> No.7578101
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I flavor my corn flakes with shit stronger than most beer.

That aside thanks for reminding me how much I want a good beer.

Fuck I've been craving something good for like 2 weeks now but can't make myself purchase it because of the gallons of alcohol I already have.

>> No.7578127
File: 316 KB, 823x1200, 1309928997786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I drink beer quite often at the moment; there's lots of good summer ales going around right now. Summer Solstice (from Andersen Valley) is my favorite seasonal at the moment.

I have a couple bottles of some hard stuff but I don't go through them that fast, because if I drink past like 6 shots I can't play games very well at all, and past 10 I can't bring myself to focus enough to even watch an anime. Like one or two shots along with a beer as a chaser is a good way to mellow out for the night though.

Also warm sake + Hidamari Sketch = best thing ever. Most sake really isn't strong enough to affect you much, unless you chugged like a whole 750 mil at once or something. So you can just keep a very night, barely perceptible warmness going that combines with Hidamari (or well, any good slice of life) to basically be the most luxuriously relaxing thing in the fucking universe.

>> No.7578149

Personally I like only rum cocktails like Long island ice tea or Mojito.

Red wine is good but I have no idea what sort of wine is good or not.

Beer probably only Blanche de Bruxelles.

>> No.7578168

Change beer to vodka and it'll be more accurate.

If only because I have never tried/refuse to try beer, but I've had vodka a few times. Though I hate alcohol period.

>> No.7578191

>one bottle of vodka
>anyone except for russian

>> No.7578192

Get some Mel and Rose flavored vodka(the classy gentleman's vodka for getting 13 year olds smashed) and listen to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e7kJRGPgvRQ and even you can feel like a man.

>> No.7578236

nope. unlike most of your asspies, I can take a good drink.

I'd rather not waste my gut on shit like beer though. Whiskey all the way.

>> No.7578241
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/jp/ superior version


>> No.7578243

I have to admit, I enjoyed that song.

>> No.7578250

Never was much of a dark liquor fan. I can put down some pretty mean vodka and tequila though, just starting to get turned onto beer, though. Couldn't stand any of it a month ago, slowly but surely I'm being turned onto wheat and corn based beers, though. I'm pleased by these developments.

>> No.7578248
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>> No.7578249

Am I the only one who thinks beer taste shitty? I much prefer Vodka.

>> No.7578256

It takes a certain type to enjoy beer. I found it hard to enjoy to start with because I was used to sugary drinks like sodas and such, but as I get older I find bitter drinks much more palatable.

>> No.7578268

That or you can enjoy a beer with a nice sweet taste.

A nice Belgian trippel or if you're a hipster like myself a delicious quad.

>> No.7578271

I thought that back when I was in high school and had only had shit like Bud and Coors. Now that I've gotten into craft beers it's basically all I drink. I'm too poor to buy it very often though.

>> No.7578289

Nuts to that, I'm a winter ale kind of guy.

>> No.7578322

Not that I don't enjoy a nice bitter beer now and again but you should at least give all beers a try.

>> No.7578946

I like all kinds of beer that I have tried growing up in germany. I remember trying some cider of all things with my step dad and I grew to like that too. I had the opportunity to try scotch just by itself and various wines. Dont get me wrong I like the taste of beer but I dont like the bloatness I would feel sometimes. If I had a choice I would much rather drink the harder stuff.
