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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 305 KB, 996x1370, 5d2609d6b6db39f2bf6b6f0f4151c01a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7563278 No.7563278 [Reply] [Original]

Last Thread has gone into auto-sage: >>7521217

Ar Tonelico For Lazy People Pack™:

Contains torrents for the games along with the emulator installer and bios. Now updated with the latest PCsx2 SVN beta client, plugins are automatically included. Thanks to Anonymous for this.

UPDATE: There's a new version of PCSX (0.9.8) which can be found here: http://pcsx2.net/downloads.php

AT2 Flash Cosmosphere:

Lossless albums:

AT - All: http://www.hongfire.com/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=116396&d=1240137696
AT2 - All: http://www.hongfire.com/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=108204&d=1232984269
AT3 - OST: http://www.nyaatorrents.org/?page=download&tid=112183
AT3 - Hymmnos albums: http://www.nyaatorrents.org/?page=download&tid=111040

Thanks to Yuyucow and Anonymous in previous threads for digging up the links. Foobar can play the .tta files but if you feel like converting them to .FLAC or whatever for your MP3 player/Media player of choice then Foobar also provides an easy convert tool. Takes about a minute to convert the albums over to FLAC.

mp3s of the full version of the songs in the AT1 Hymmnos Musical

Utau Oka ~Ar=Ciel Ar=Dor~ is out! Download it here:

>> No.7563291

Mana Khemia 3 announced for never

>> No.7563294
File: 97 KB, 600x300, atelier_meruru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AT3 Artbook - http://www.mediafire.com/?jrm2mg22mkx

AT2 Raki bug patch - http://www.mediafire.com/?bp8ydy03ml7r5xa
You shouldn't need this if you're using the newest version (0.9.7) of PCSX2. Thanks to anonymous for uploading this!

Latest Technical Data Compilation Room Issue:

Latest Toukousphere Translation:
April Fools TKS:

AT Visual Book available for pre-order:
Atelier Official Chronicle is OUT:

>> No.7563326

Oh, it shall come, good man.

It shall come.

>> No.7563363
File: 50 KB, 424x600, 356283.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somehow I missed this old doujinshi, but it's prettty good.

Got a copy of all this guy's AT stuff so far.

>> No.7563381

Uhh, link?

>> No.7563403
File: 413 KB, 1133x1600, TRiLOBiTE_006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OK I did the googled it for you:


>> No.7563418

Normally, I would do that myself, yeah, but right now I got this horrible stomachache, so I just wanted you to do that favor for me, and you got my thanks for that.

>> No.7563439

Insinuating that I dislike assisting fellow ar tonelibros ever.

>> No.7563457
File: 149 KB, 850x680, at2-chibi-characters1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished AT2 one Cloche route after like 66 hours of playtime. It felt a lot more satisfying than the first one, even though the boss was kinda disappointing (Raki was more challenging ...)

I really like the improved Extra section where you can even rewatch all the talk topics and synth talk.

It also seems like I didn't get one one Cloche's spells ... is that some "you have to play the other route to get it" kinda thing or did I just somehow miss it?

>> No.7563459

People on /jp/ are more than capable of browsing past the very first page.

>> No.7563466

Did you do Frelia's Binary Field?
Because you get some stuff for all the girls in there. I'm not sure if a Cloche spell is one of them, but you never know.
Or maybe you just missed an optional point in the cosmosphere.

>> No.7563495

Yeah, I did the binarysphere and I usually made sure that I didn't miss out on stuff in the cosmosphere. Maybe it's because I didn't capture all the I.P.D. ?

>> No.7563520

Theres something wrong with mir's eyebrows

>> No.7563541

On a related note: going to AT3 right after playing AT1 and 2 felt like watching the new season of Gintama. After what felt like a few years, suddenly, widescreen. Widescreen, everywhere.

>> No.7563550

luca is a whore and a slut

>> No.7563556

>you have to play the other route to get it
If i am not wrong the answer is yes. Synchronicity spell from infelsphere.

>> No.7563654

Does anyone have that Visual Content bonus DVD from the japanese version? I've seen the odd video of it on youtube ( mainly the Flip Gravie ).
And I'm wondering if there's more stuff like this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=de_OWDwXSVQ

>> No.7564466

You should have added these two to the OP

Utau Oka ~Salavec Rhaplanca~

>> No.7564713

Holy shit, AT3's credits are the best credits ever.
Holy shit

>> No.7564745
File: 346 KB, 850x680, 1309648125738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7564755


People still haven't downloaded Harmonia/Akiko Shikata's entire discography? Excuse me while I laugh in their general direction.

>> No.7564762

what are those things anyway?

>> No.7564788

Super deformed characters?

Also Jakuri looks even more like an moemoe now. Good work Anon.

>> No.7564800

Anyone else "played" at3 via youtube? I'm poor and I can't buy a ps3 but I loved the first two.

>> No.7564865

Hello, me.
Sure wish there was a way to turn off the commentary.

>> No.7564986

People do that? Seriously?

>> No.7565294

Remixes of the first two games' OP

>> No.7565301

I don't know about them, but I turn on playthroughs to watch as a makeshift white noise generator to go to sleep to drown out the noise of drunk frat assholes at 3am.

>> No.7565308

if you have no intention of getting a ps3 and you can find one where people don't speak over the game, I don't see what's wrong with it

>> No.7566208

But you are supposed to play the game. What is appealing in watching someone else have fun?

>> No.7566224

You Demon!

>> No.7566253

Because you can still experience the story and characters without shelling out a large sum of money for a single game? Buying a console for just one game is ridiculously expensive; at this point it's (disclaimer: I haven't been keeping track as I already own one) 300 USD for the PS3 and another 80 for the game if you're lucky, we'll call it 400 USD total because I like big, round numbers. even getting 100 hours out of AT3 grinding out every route, getting every scene, and indulging every moment of it, that's 4 USD/hour. Watching it all online is almost free. It's an inferior copy, I agree, but unless you're looking at getting many games to defray the cost of the console then you're probably going to get more enjoyment by watching it online and spending that 400 elsewhere.

>> No.7566300


There's more than one game available for the console though. Unless you don't feel like playing stuff like Demon's Souls, Rorona/Totori/Meruru, Valkyria Chronicles etc. in which case you'd have pretty shit taste.

>> No.7566303

I am in the same position of being poor and wanting to play AT3 freaking bad but I can't bring myself to watch other people play because I want to hear the music in all its glory when I play. I also like making decisions myself.

I would do it by saving up for a few months and switching to an all beans and rice diet but I can't see myself ever liking JRPGs beyond Ar Tonelico and its sequels. If there were more games I actually wanted I think I could go through with it.

>> No.7566435

Well, given I already own a PS3 and a number of games for it (though I haven't picked up Demon's Souls yet), your passive accusations would be misplaced. You're further mislead in your argument given that I addressed that point already:
>but unless you're looking at getting many games to defray the cost of the console then

>> No.7566477

ARQ god horrible reviews.

Should I buy it? If yes why?

>> No.7566493


>> No.7566531

If you played other AT games, yes.

Why do you even need to ask?

>> No.7566573

have you examined the reviews and asked WHY they gave it a horrible review?

>> No.7566590

I'd gladly pay the 400usd if I had them

>> No.7566745

I don't know your tastes. But for me, AT3 was worth every single penny

>> No.7566939

Because I never played any AT games I hever had a PS1 nor 2.

I am asking you. They bitched about horrible voices and stupid repetitive combat.

Could you tell me in detail why? I'm not trolling or anything, I'm just new to jRPGs you see my PS3 is the first console since NES, I played no jRPGs what so ever.

I have played Trinity Universe, nice VN part bad combat
Valkyrie Chronicles overall that was the best tactical rpg experience since jagged alliance 2, even better the silent sentinel...
I've played Demon's Souls but thats not a real jRPG. I've also played Agarest that was somewhat disapointing.
Disgeae 3 was okayish I found it fun since I never played any Disgaeas before.
Ethernal Sonata had a really nice mood, a nice charactes but the combat was kind of repetitive.

Atilier Rorona was fun but I hated the time limit imposed on you.

I'm also looking into Star Ocean,HyperDimension Neptunia, White Knight Cronicles 2 since the EU version will have 1 on it too, Star Oceans I hear is pretty bad?

I'll definitely buy Rune Factory Oceans, Atelier Totori and Disgaea 4.

>> No.7566945

So play AT2 on your PC for free, decide if you like this kind of game, and then buy or don't buy the PS3 game.

>> No.7566960

>Because I never played any AT games I hever had a PS1 nor 2.
Then play the first two and decide whether or not you want to play the third one.
Seriously, you're asking for an unbiased opinion in a chain of threads dedicated to a series?

>> No.7566961

Now call me ignorant or whatever you want but I just can play it on my 1080p screen, it looks so horrible and outdated... I tried but the fact that it's all well so ugly I couldnt...

>> No.7566963

I'm asking you what you like and don't like about the game, why is it so special people would give 400$ for it.

>> No.7566971

Because I didn't spend four hundred dollars on it. I spent sixty, like any other of the twenty games I have for my PS3, because when I purchased the damn thing at the time Demon's Souls was the game that was worth spending five hundred dollars on a system for.

>> No.7566990

Run it in a window you stupid fuck.

>> No.7567001

I loved AT1 and 2, gonna play AT3 after I finish Neptunia (I have a huge backlog). But did anyone else want to punch Cloche and Luca in the face eighty MILLION times in AT2? Honestly if it weren't for Jacqli being amazing I don't know if I could have lasted through the endless bitching.

>> No.7567011
File: 105 KB, 814x950, 19052148_p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Characters having flaws. God forbid.
Did you enjoy your mary sue ending? "I love you so much I learned hymnos for you!!"

>> No.7567012

Cloche wasn't so bad.

>> No.7567060

>Mary sue
>Deciding to accept someone who killed a shit ton of people

I don't think you know what that means. And it wasn't that they had those flaws, it's that the game HARPED ON THEM FOR 50% OF THE STORY. I understand the animosity, it made sense and would have been great characterization, but they just kept going over it and over it shoving it in your face.

She wasn't, but she didn't stand up for herself at all until the end of the game.

>> No.7567148
File: 515 KB, 700x900, 19659582.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Deciding to accept someone who killed a shit ton of people
>I don't think you know what that means.

Oh man, you're a funny one.

>> No.7567179

You know, I was going to try to play through Rorona at least once without a guide, but since Totori's coming out in, what, September? I don't think I'd have enough time to play through the game 3+ times and get all the trophies.

>> No.7567204

I pretty much choosed Cloche's path because I wanted to fight God.

Am I going to, eventually?

>> No.7567241

There is a difference between "flawed characters" and "bitches so retarded it's not funny anymore".

>> No.7567328


I've played AT1 and 2 on my homecinema projector setup (due to the lack of a working TV that I could use with my PS2). Imagine about 100 inch of lowres pixels ... still, I didn't think it was that bad, especially since the VN parts (character art) and movies do look decent. Even more so, the story, especially of AT2 more than made up for looking at pixelated game screen.
In the end it's up to you if you want to "endure" it, though I think it'd be sad to miss out on a good game just because it doesn't run in current gen graphic quality.


There was exactly one point where I wanted to slap Luca, but even that part is understandable if you put yourself into her character / situation I.P.D. labs. By the way, the issues the girls have, and overcoming them is kinda one of the main parts of the story. Of course it has to be dominant.

I'd much rather complain about how your heroine choice doesn't have that much of an impact in the second half of the game, even if you completed her cosmosphere and basically married her.

>> No.7567346

This, I can't fucking stand either one of them on any level even after they turned gay for each other. Luca was a monster bitch and Cloche was all sorts of being hypocrite, I couldn't take a fucking thing Cloche said at face value.

At least the other games had Finnel and Misha

>> No.7567898

where can I find the AT2 cgs?

>> No.7568230

Amusingly it was one of the times that a "wake up slap" was needed and never delivered. And I realize it was a main part of the story, but it took too long for them to progress to the point of actually fighting it out, they harped on it and harped on the same exact issue (you don't understand me! You don't understand me either!) too much. They also sabotaged eachother at wildly inappropriate times.

I don't mind that they had those flaws, but how it was dealt with was atrocious.

Uh, I don't know if you know this, but "perfect" characters generally don't allow killers to become party members, much less love interests. Please think about what you are saying. Also he learned Hymnos for ONE SONG, it's the equivalent of a guy making the effort to learn something in the native language of a girl he likes. Hardly Mary Sue material.

Pretty much.

>> No.7568266

I'm pretty damn sure when a character forgives everything atrocious that a love interest has done, that makes the love interest a mary sue, you can do no wrong can you?

>> No.7568307

Raskolnikov was a Mary Sue.

>> No.7568412

Did you even do her cosmosphere? His whole stance was pretty much "Uh, that's pretty goddamn bad, but I want to try and help you move past it while you atone."

Stop using buzzwords you don't understand the meaning of, or the ghost of Inigo Montoya will kill you in your sleep.

>> No.7568529

Inigo Montoya is a fictional character who doesn't have a ghost.

>> No.7568593

God, why is Ar_Ru so cute when she purges?

>> No.7569224


>> No.7569451

Would reviewers give good scores to a VN? No? Okay then.

>> No.7569477

999 and Phoenix Wright have become fairly popular

>> No.7569481

*presumably from good reviews and word of mouth from normals.

>> No.7569511

Those can both appeal to broader audiences though.

>> No.7569906

For me its like she wasn't really aware and suddenly surprise-purged. Also dem butt-cheeks

>> No.7569909
File: 90 KB, 500x500, forever500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7569986

Did Croix just take Cocona's virginity? You know, "figuratively".

I mean, what the hell. I wasn't really expecting that.

>> No.7570371

Just watched Cloche's ending


>> No.7570389

It's just diving, get over it.

>> No.7570579


It disturbs me that after all this time forever500x500.jpg is still forever500x500.jpg. ;_;

>> No.7570628


There are 300x300 and 160x160, too!

>> No.7571269
File: 652 KB, 1000x1000, 1309803690968.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


3000x3000 and 5000x5000 been posted previously.. They looked horrible. Someone really needs to make a proper version some time.

>> No.7571291
File: 639 KB, 1000x1000, 1309804283592.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Decided to take a minute or two and see what I could do. Slightly better, but not much.

>> No.7571673

I guarantee nothing beyond a willingness to work on it. How large do you want it?

>> No.7572827


Whatever it would look good at really before you sacrifice potential quality. Anything is better than 500x500. ;_;

>> No.7572940

Do I need to specifically turn down all possible reyvateils in AT3 to get Cocona end, or can I just not trigger their confessions at all? I left Finnel and Saki at Cosmosphere 3 when I did my Tyria run, and that's the clear file I'm using for this one, so I'd like to not need to redo them again if I can avoid it.
Also I only need like five trophies to get platinum: Cocona end, 100 saves, 25 area clears, max money, and max level. What was the item I could mass produce to make money quickly?

>> No.7572994

First, just can just turn down all confession or just not trigger them at all. At the end of the credits it will be Cocona's ending, so if you accepted Tyria's confession, that won't work.
Second, you can mass produce Lethal Frills for a ~5000x99 leaf profit

>> No.7572992


2 heart points in one, 1 in another. You can then dive up to level 8, I believe, before they confess to you so just ignore them when that happens.

As for the money question here's a copy paste from the ARM forum (via Google) as I'm too lazy to explain it myself:

Buy Refracting Capes (1280 leaf each) from Ciela Gate, and the Silver Materials (202 leaf each) from Archia, and Synth them into the Lethal Frills. Sell for massive profit. Each batch of 99 should take 146,718 leaf to buy, 13,662 DP to Synth, and sell all the Lethal Frills for 686,070 leaf, with a result of 539,352 leaf profit.

>> No.7573119

Yeah, when I said I was going to use my Tyria save I meant the save from the point right before I accepted her confession. Thanks.

>> No.7574785
File: 79 KB, 885x504, ar-tonelico-3-flip-gravie-021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7574848
File: 175 KB, 1024x683, anime-expo-2011-104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll just leave this here...

>> No.7574905
File: 58 KB, 703x782, 1309864587934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


... I didn't think I'd need to use this image so soon.

>> No.7574925

I recognise cloche but the other two...?

Nice. Color it and it'd be perfect

>> No.7574949

Sucky and Finnel.

>> No.7574950

ahhh how did I miss those girls

>> No.7574992
File: 36 KB, 576x432, 1309866997826.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7575043

Fuck you, humanity

>> No.7575045
File: 55 KB, 214x614, 1309868544545.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do women know about AT in the first place?

>> No.7575187

I just finished all the endings in AT2 but I'm still missing 1 CG. It's on the first page, the second from the top and second from the left, right in between infel/nenesha cg and luca's ending cg. I'm just curious but dos anybody know what picture is it?

>> No.7575302


My sister (who incidentally drew the "ooh lady soma" comic) got into it via watching me play it. It's obviously a very male-oriented game but not by all that much more than any other JRPG.

>> No.7575416


The Cloche is actually pretty good and the Saki isn't that bad either. The Finnel would probably look a lot better if the pic didn't catch her with a weird expression.

>> No.7575427

found CG rips, if anybody's interested:
AT: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=UOJ3E0TM
AT2: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=5W6Z89S0

no AT3 tho

and no sprites. If anybody know where to find sprite rips/how to rip them please let me know?

>> No.7575428

The -costumes- are good, yes. But the girls... (I'm not even sure if that Cloche is a girl.)

>> No.7575483


Cloche looks fine. Especially if it's a trap.

Saki looks appropriately retarded.

If I'm going to fap I'd still prefer a less candid photo. And Saki to be dead.

>> No.7575488


Nice. Thanks, anons.

>> No.7575491

anon, even

>> No.7575591


>> No.7575718


I think I was missing that one too. It's probably a CG they removed late in development but never adjusted. The only other explanation I can think of is that it's one you see for making a "wrong" choice and thus wouldn't catch during normal play.

>> No.7575764

I'd all three of them.

>>My sister (who incidentally drew the "ooh lady soma" comic)

Tell your sister that she's a genius for drawing that.

>> No.7575790 [DELETED] 
File: 39 KB, 177x284, 1309885408662.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>There was Miwa standing, drenched in the rain.
>Finding Kuroaki did not move her at all.
>Her eyes kept staring at him.
>Those eyes seemed to be possessed by something.
>mfw no cg

>> No.7575817


Those threads mentions how to extract things from the game but I can't figure it out

>> No.7575982
File: 41 KB, 465x339, 1309889612876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just found this:


Nichijou OP X Ar tonelico

>> No.7576092 [DELETED] 


Just nabbed a Totori nendoroid. Thank god I checked my mail before going to sleep because that was the last one on that site.

>> No.7576103
File: 255 KB, 730x1044, 1309891608657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Just nabbed a Totori nendoroid. Thank god I checked my mail before going to sleep because that was the last one on that site. And while I was at it, grabbed the Arland series OSTs...

>> No.7576141
File: 65 KB, 982x650, 1309892498225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7576303
File: 149 KB, 480x270, 1303920756148.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Progress? On 500x500.jpg? You, sir, are fucking awesome.

>> No.7576447

Just buy the real thing and scan it.
I'm afraid of the final result....
Yeah, I know, it was a limited edition....

>> No.7576458

By the way, you can do this yourself.
Just take pictures from the artbook.
I'll do it tomorrow, if I have time.
I wanna print it on a cushion.

>> No.7576490
File: 94 KB, 774x944, 1309898408957.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Learning quickly doing this. Sarapatra's right hand was... interesting once blown up ten times. Need to seek thoughts and tips from a friend with some more experience with this, but I'll be calling it a day for now. More tomorrow.

>> No.7577481

Your sister? that's unexpected indeed
Hey Jones

>> No.7578266
File: 62 KB, 703x782, freliapuke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7578290

Nice! (The face's a bit too red tho). Saving this now

>> No.7578313

I was playing AT1 and I tought it was very easy. I stopped playing right after Liner had his "revenge" on the dragon that destroyed his ship at the start of the game.

Does the game start to get harder or the difficulty stays the same?

>> No.7578319

it stays around the same. If you want more difficulty you can always try not leveling up or not using new equipments

>> No.7578326


What about the sequels?

>> No.7578328

>The face's a bit too red tho
Ah, I thought it was supposed to be like that

>> No.7578335

Put them on hard, geez.
All the games are pretty much all easy, they're meant for you to relax and enjoy the story and cosmospheres, doing cool song magic and listening to the awesome hymns.

>> No.7578336

I haven't played AT3 so I don't know about that but AT2 can be difficult at first due to the semi-real time battle which needs some getting used to (especially when guarding). After you get used to it it's not that hard either, though.

>> No.7578339

Ar Tonelico II is ridiculously easy (especially when you take advantage of girl power), unless you have no sense of timing. Guarding basically is a rhythm mini-game.

>> No.7578366

>they're meant for you to relax and enjoy the story and cosmospheres, doing cool song magic and listening to the awesome hymns.

That's the other issue. There were some parts I felt "too generic" (It's just my opinion). Do the sequels improve in that aspect?

I think the game is good, but it's not something I'd play again.

>> No.7578368

You're gonna have to be a bit more specific there.

>> No.7578380


I'm gonna be frank now: I thought Liner and Aurica were retarded.

>> No.7578403

Well, yeah, Lyner is retarded

>> No.7578411

I'm glad you are not mentioning misha.

>> No.7578432


Nah, Misha was fine. She and Jack were the most reasonable fellows of the lot.

>> No.7578960
File: 2.52 MB, 1920x1080, dose bitches.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AT1 is probably closer to a traditional JRPG... well I say probably when I mean definitely. It bleeds high fantasy and high adventure. They were trying out a new thing here, and it wasn't until AT2 that the series really started to become its own thing.

I really wish they kept item quality from AT1 though. Sure, I like the streamlined crafting systems in AT2 and 3, but crafting felt rather unnecessary in those games. Hell, I didn't really touch it in AT2, and I got along in the game just peachy.

>> No.7579021

Who the fuck is Jones?

You should've crafted the shit out of AT2, the crafting dialogues were hilarious as well as resulting conversations from using stuff you created for Dualstalling. Also, little subplots/sidequests.

>> No.7579040

One of the things I liked about AT3 was bringing back crafting at save points. I know it takes literally twenty seconds to get to a synthesis shop, but I always found them to be out of the way unless the story actually took me to a town.

>> No.7579249


It looks fine, it's just slightly out of place without the background,

>> No.7579420

Does AT3 have a million shop events? That is the only thing that keeps me away from shops in AT2 (plus the fact that you can beat the game without visiting a single shop after phase one)

That is because they are retarded. Seriously you have to be messed up in the head to not pick Misha and enjoy Lyner's antics. Even though AT2 gave us terrible heroines at least Croix wasn't a chucklefuck like Lyner.

>> No.7579444

I kinda liked the shop events though. It reminds me of Atelier Iris which has a lot of shop hillarious shop events just like AT2 (also, the idea of "Eattle brand" comes from AI)

>> No.7579466

You guys have me interested in this game, how legit is the gameplay? Are these neckbeard games?

>> No.7579471

> how legit is the gameplay?
How can a certain game's mechanic/s be NOT legit?

>> No.7579516

Hard hitting gameplay that requires real strategy and different ways to approach a situation.

>> No.7579537


Combat is easy as hell but enjoyable enough, with 2's Vakyrie Profile-inspired combat system being the best in that department. Like most JRPGs it's a game you play for the story more than the gameplay, obviously.

>> No.7579584
File: 248 KB, 710x756, 1309950304850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hey that turned out rather nice. 乙!

Now if only there was shureliapuke.jpg and tyriapuke.jpg too, then synth them all into a collage and get originspuke.jpg it would be complete...

>> No.7579597
File: 232 KB, 996x1370, 1309950521690.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7579608


>> No.7579609

Ar Tonelico and GST games in general aren't for you then.

>> No.7579613

It's some guy who keeps trying to force a new epic XD meme or something while everyone else fails to care. It's alright, just ignore it.

>> No.7579920

I don't have that much free time, though. I would do them, but not colored.

>> No.7580728

I think that's cool. Some other anon might color them eventually or you might one day have some free time and decide to color it.

>> No.7580794


I picked Misha but that didn't stop me from visiting Aurica's cosmosphere or just take a look at her actions.

>> No.7581056
File: 837 KB, 703x782, 1309980951182.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I' not the one who originally drew this but here, I tried adding the background to freliapuke.jpg (adding the actual puke is beyond what I can do, though)

>> No.7581147

Huge file size, "dose bitches".

>> No.7581175

are there anymore of these?

>> No.7581176

>I really wish they kept item quality from AT1 though. Sure, I like the streamlined crafting systems in AT2 and 3, but crafting felt rather unnecessary in those games. Hell, I didn't really touch it in AT2, and I got along in the game just peachy.
I'm the reverse of this. I didn't touch grathmelding in AT1 much and I never even bothered messing around with the quality or to recrystallize things. I did every single synthesis in AT2 because I want to watch the shop events though.

>> No.7581177

Great job, Anonymous!

>> No.7581179

see >>7579920

>> No.7581411

Yo, video spoilers

What is the song played during the first part of the last boss in AT3?

>> No.7581444
File: 1.20 MB, 1240x1754, 1309988899100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feelin' rude today.

>> No.7581526


The first three parts of the final battle song aren't on any OST and thus don't really have a name. There are direct rips from the game out there, though, that are called Ec Tisa ~Tarifa (which is also the name of the track from the Ar Ciel Ar Door CD that consists solely of the fourth part.)

>> No.7581734
File: 64 KB, 703x782, 1309994434476.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7581746
File: 241 KB, 495x700, 1309994906287.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The best.jpg.exe

>> No.7582279


So much awesome.. and in the same thread as progress on 500x500.jpg too. I must be dreaming.

>> No.7582309 [SPOILER] 
File: 269 KB, 1417x1596, 1310003628203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Do you like your ghosts rude?

>> No.7582466

I like both flat chests and nice chests, but that's a little *too* rude! I would be happy to see nice Pamela pictures where her breasts aren't four times the size of her head, though...

>> No.7582505

Speaking of, I'm starting again with a different program. From the advice I was given I won't be able to do a proper vector with the program I was using. There will be some delay while I learn how to use the new one, but I can already tell it's better oriented toward this sort of thing.

>> No.7582537
File: 337 KB, 542x800, atelier5257259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too rude. I draw the line at head sized.

No limits for me on DFC though.

>> No.7582786

I take back my word. With the background the face looks fine

>> No.7583440

I have Adobe Illustrator and I still don't understand how to do vectors. The way I'm instructed (using the pen tool and constructing bezier curves around everything) just seems so time consuming and cumbersome.
That's neither here nor there however.

>> No.7583666

Just finished Jacqli's cosmosphere. It was fucking beautiful. Now that I have all of her song magics, which is her strongest?

The combo magic with Ayatane or Ar Tonelico?

>> No.7583690

Should be either Ayatane or Phantasmagoria

captcha: ravatel wnring

>> No.7584376


Combo magic isn't really worth it considering most things die before you manage to get synced up.

>> No.7584385

equip synchro rate+ girl power > make sure no instant kills are equiped > equip your weakest weapons > watch combo magic in their full glory

>> No.7584393

I always get combo magic, even without trying.
Also with Replekia or maximum 'you have just been killed'

>> No.7584428
File: 372 KB, 1920x1200, 1310046484772.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just seems so time consuming and cumbersome.
It is. Further, with an upscale/vector of this scale difference you're essentially redrawing the image anyway due to the amount of additional detail required to fill the space out and correct for minor problems in the original.

I happen to know the guy who did this Merry vector and the tips I got from him should prove useful. Though, he at least got to cop out with large, flat color regions, which isn't going to cut it for our glorious 500x500.jpg

>> No.7585114

me too. Sometimes I even deliberately don't use down attacks as I want to rack up burst gauge/see other magics

>> No.7585263
File: 168 KB, 600x541, 1310064309608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Playing Meruru, get to first boss fight.... Me-Me-Ru-Ru-Ruu... ahahah oh wow, that made laugh, just something about this combination of situation and this boss battle theme was quite funny and awesome sametime. maybe it was that having vocal song for normal boss fight agains horde of evil looking bunnies when you are used to vocal songs playing only in significant fights. proceeds blowing bunnies up with Dynamite...
Oh yeah, Atelier Meruru is pretty great for me from the little that I have played so far

...saves, reloads save before the fight, enters it again and pauses game. fuck I just can't get this damn track out of my mind.

>> No.7585288

You mean this track? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gHNTntvWENQ

Yeah, it's pretty surprising at first.

>> No.7585304

yeah that track, it's really catchy somehow, can't get out of my head at all.
there was OST already out? you got lik?

>> No.7585323

OST link: http://www.sonixgvn.net/2011/07/atelier-meruru-original-soundtrack.html

>> No.7585356
File: 624 KB, 1200x1544, 20071523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks a lot

>> No.7586211

Atelier Bloomers: Alchemist of My Fetish

>> No.7586798


Is that supposed to be a joke track? It's actually surprisingly good.

>> No.7587369
File: 47 KB, 703x782, 1310092822567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7587421
File: 230 KB, 500x707, 1310093959403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is pretty much perfect.

>> No.7587834

Goddamn "play for 100 hours" trophy on AT3, it's my last trophy left and my PS3 is apparently overheating for all the goddamn hours I've left it idling.

>> No.7588080

I fucked up Finnel's cosmosphere (missed 5%) so I get the joy of playing through the whole thing again.
I'll probably accrue 100 hours play time naturally that way, so consider yourself blessed to be doing it that way.

Yeah I kind of figured. Oh well.
Good luck with all your endeavors in vectoring 500x500.jpg though.

>> No.7588138

Fuck, same happened to me, but with Saki's LV1 CS peak event, fuck you Saki.

>> No.7588324

Did you go back in her Cosmosphere after you finished level 9?

>> No.7588505

I got my 100 hours by experimenting with hyuma effects on battle music after I platinumed the game.

>> No.7588593

>Holy shit, AT3's credits are the best credits ever.
>Holy shit
Well yeah. You just fucking saved the world forever.

You deserve it.

>> No.7588770

Nope. That's why.
My only save remaining on her route is past the point of no return as well. Goddonit.

>> No.7588943
File: 140 KB, 480x640, 1310118818617.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Considering how getting through the XP Shell takes like five minutes with Air Spray on and running from all random encounters, I've set all my saves in Clustania right before you get to that point.
And my Finnel save has my Elemia Island stuff on it. Oh god, I'm a horrible person for doing that to my favorite girl.

>> No.7589333
File: 315 KB, 500x750, 1310127360651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found Shurelia-sama NOT

>> No.7589347

Nice costume, terrible face.
Sums up most cosplaying though I suppose. And being asian.

>> No.7589507

Ec Tisia is the best thing ever

>> No.7589629

Here you go, all the originspuke we have compiled in one folder

We just need some volunteers to color shureliapuke and tyriapuke now (I can add the background in after that)

>> No.7589678

Well, you know, I would color them, but I barely had time to draw them in the first place. Maybe next week? I dunno.

>> No.7589694

I'm willing to have a crack at it, but I can't get access to my desktop until probably Sunday night. Sorry.

>> No.7589724

Great! Don't worry, there's no rush, we're all warmly waiting

>> No.7589811
File: 138 KB, 550x768, 1310137137642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now come on, her face's not THAT bad. Sure, the derp level is rather high but doesn't that make her cute again?

Also, make her a face a bit longer and she looks pretty much exactly how I'd imagine Shurelia IRL.

>> No.7589850


With so many stores selling AT costumes good costume isn't worth praising anymore

>> No.7589854
File: 77 KB, 481x719, 1310138416238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic

>> No.7589860


I'd buy the Cloche one.
If I was a girl ;_;

>> No.7589862
File: 142 KB, 242x264, 1310138728913.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7589871

You'd be quite the slut if you were a woman.

>> No.7589878

I said Cloche, not Luca!
inb4 copypasta

>> No.7589880

Talking about lica, I googled "Ar Tonelico Cosplay Costume" and most stores seems to be selling her's wonder why

>> No.7589889

Because it's easy to wear.Remember the scene when they tried to take a bath?

>> No.7589914

Well, I know there's at least an easily removable outer layer (red in color). She removes that in a second eveytime Croix wants to insert an infelsphere key

>> No.7590017

Holy fucking shit.

Windstone just redeemed AT3 for me.

>> No.7590037

Lisyening to AT1/AT2 soundtrack on their own I'm starting to notice the similarities between their soundtrack and Mana Khemia's...

>> No.7590145

I just got a problem with her wide nose.

>> No.7590151

Why did it need redemption in the first place?

>> No.7590489

It was disappointing and all over the place at the beginning, in terms of pacing and especially with the music, it just didn't have that "AT feel" I expected from the previous games.

And then Windstone came, and that was the point where I knew that great things were on their way.

>> No.7590527

Well yeah, it feels quite different at first

>> No.7590743


AT3 back-loads all of its good parts, relative to the other two games where the climax of each phase was pretty epic. Pretty much all the really good parts happen after reaching Clustania.

>> No.7591739

So these games are basically like VN, right?

>> No.7591777

Pretty much

>> No.7591814

Yeah but the gameplay is not only monotonous but boring filler until cosmosphere/cut scene/flag events. The non-heroine characters aren't annoying as shit and not grimdark FF ripoffs.

Music is god's gift to humanity and so are Misha and Finnel.

>> No.7591822


1 and 3 definitely but to me the combat system of 2 made it seem a little more like a "video game" if you will.

>> No.7591858

>Music is god's gift to humanity and so are Misha and Finnel.
This man speaks the utter truth.
But add Mir in there.
The goddamn music will make you believe in Gods

>> No.7591873

Combat system wise
2>3>1 for me, I liked AT3's system, how every battle started, the purging, all of that.

>> No.7591891

>Music is god's gift to humanity and so are Misha and Finnel.
>Misha and Finnel
Please let me use this opportunity to congratulate you on your refined tastes good sir.

Have a pleasant day.

>> No.7592117


Thank God i'm not alone.

>> No.7592168

Most of /jp/ is full of pedophiles so Misha and Finnel really tickle their fancy. Watch them like Cocona and Shurelia but hate Cloche, Luka, and Saki

>> No.7592194


It's a JRPG where you power up your heroines by diving into their minds and going through a VN about working out their personal issues as represented by cheesy metaphors. The combat is absurdly easy and not particularly complicated (with the exception of 2) and there's a crafting system but you generally craft items more to see the conversations the characters have while crafting than because you actually need the items. I wouldn't say it's a straight-up VN any more than any other game where the gameplay is shallow filler and the main draw is the story.

But yeah, the main draws are the girls, the cosmospheres (ie the VN part,) the music, the story, and the completely ridiculous amount of detail put into the setting. You will probably find an average of at least one girl per game to be prime waifu material.

>> No.7592190

I'm all for tsunderes, not necessarily loli

>> No.7592241

>Most of /jp/ is full of lolicons

Now you're correct.

>> No.7592256

Wild guess:
You're Jones, right?

>> No.7592262
File: 287 KB, 647x1001, 1310169504855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>people liking Finnel

I'm very OK with this. Never seen this before in the threads yet.

>> No.7592284

But it's Finnel!
I just want to hug her and tell her everything's going to be ok.

>> No.7592305

Mir is the best anyway

>> No.7592318


To be fair, there's arguably no non-pedo choice in AT3. Cocona's about as young and DFC as Finnel, Tyria's body is even more DFC/child-like, and Saki has giant tits but the mind of a retarded child.

>> No.7592339

I prefer Adult Misha over Loli Misha. And the main reason I like Firurun is because she's the best choice among a retarded moeblob and an apathic flatboard.

>> No.7592344

I like adult Misha, Luca, and Finnel.
Where's your Freudian analysis?

>> No.7592354

>liking luca
You sir... never mind.
inb4 copypasta

>> No.7592353

You're a danger to society

>> No.7592358

I'm sorry, but has Luca even engaged in sexual intercourse? Oh, that’s right. She hasn't even made contact with a man outside of dive therapy. In fact, it’s only therapy involving fields for soothing. Does not having a cliche tsundere personality make you a slut? Is that what you’re saying? Because if you’re saying that I can assure you that you’re wrong. Why would you make this topic when the game is already finished and we know for certain she is pure? Luca is a holy maiden now and she was been the purest maiden in Metafalss? Luca has to go up against one of the sluttiest reyvateils in Ar Ciel who just happened to have a lead because she was praying on Croix's innocence. But you know what? Cloche is still a whore. Luca is the best heroine in all three games, she has the best songs. Luca has already won Croix over, she would have done it sooner if it wasn't for her tragedy with her sister throwing her for a mental loop. Maybe you should shut the fuck up before you make retarded topics like this. You know why? Because you're going to be embarrassed when Luca is proven a better waifu than any other in AT2. Cloche tries to latch on to anyone who would have shown her a different and free life. Are you retarded? Are you autistic? You are a fucking idiot and you should never make a topic on this board again and I’m fucking serious. I almost have a feeling you’re the only guy making all these anti-Luca topics because you’re a faggot hater who doesn’t like a heroine because they’re canonically pure. Fuck you, be good at something in YOUR life and then maybe try to troll these fucking idiots on the board, like I give a fuck. It’s so easy to spot out your threads now, you’re a retard. Always doing stupid shit like this. Why don’t you try to be a good poster? Just for once? For once in your fucking life try not to make a topic like this. That’s just you, you’re always right at getting it wrong. Fuck you. You are nothing.

>> No.7592377
File: 481 KB, 544x640, 1310171024257.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh man. I like Luca, but this copypasta is retarded and dumb.
You should be ashamed.

>> No.7592394
File: 261 KB, 521x800, 1310171265461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, just so you know I respect your opinion even though I disagree with it. All the girls have likeable qualities, and Luca's just tended to click with me.

>> No.7592424


At this point it's become a tradition to post it once per thread when she's mentioned. Kind of like how we post "ooh Lady Soma" every time.

She's probably the least anime stereotype-ey of the girls, that's why she tends to not go over well with the weeaboo crowd who demand a certain level of moe from their waifus.

>> No.7592430
File: 75 KB, 800x853, 1310171874899.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Self-fulfilling prophecy.

>> No.7592429

You're telling me Mir is stereotypical?

>> No.7592441

I'll say this now
I want a new AT game taking place on the regenerated Ar Ciel.

>> No.7592451

Now you're just trolling.
Everything about Mir in AT2 is pure fanservice on every level.
Not saying that's a bad thing - I liked her anyway - but ignoring it is just plain silly.

>> No.7592458

I bought AT 3 (Special edition with OST and artbook) just because of these threads, I didn't even play the first two, fuck you /jp/.

Totally worth it

>> No.7592480 [DELETED] 
File: 593 KB, 505x567, 1310172867126.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ignore this

>> No.7592539
File: 450 KB, 2151x2015, 1310173722542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now play the first two and know what love is, AT2 has a better OST for my money too

>> No.7592660

Hey whichever anon whose sister drew this, tell her to edit "20 mile" to "200 ston" for improved effect.

>> No.7593157

Ec Tisia and Arphage did it for me on AT3, I kinda like them better than AT2's hymns.

>> No.7593295

Both games have fantastic OSTs, I love EXEC_COSMOFLIPS the most out of AT3 but I think AT2 body of work is better overall with Homura, EXEC_SOL=FAGE, EXEC_SPHILIA, EXEC_DESPERIA, EXEC_METAFALICA, and METHOD_METAFALICA
AT3 is top heavy and kinda falls off the cliff but AT2's ost quality remains consistently good.

I find it funny that AT1 has not only the worse OST of the series but that it happens to have the best song in the series by far, EXEC_CHRONICLE_KEY

>> No.7593328

So does this game have sex scenes?

>> No.7593343

Yes, it is mostly S though, Cloche does some face sitting and Luka is a pegging fanatic.

>> No.7593353

Dude I really want to play AT3.
I needs to get me a PS3

>> No.7593372

Same here bro.

>> No.7593405

I chose the cheaper way. Watch a AT3 jikkyou on niconico.

>> No.7593429

More like the stupid way

>> No.7593449 [DELETED] 

I'm interested in the series because of the story, not the gameplay per se. And it's not like the cosmospheres have a choices like galge.
If not forking several hundred dollars to get some gameplay is the stupid way, I'm happy being stupid.

>> No.7593458

I'm interested in the series because of the story, not the gameplay per se. And it's not like the cosmospheres have real forking choices like any galge besides locking on a heroine at level 8.
If not forking away several hundred dollars to get some gameplay is the stupid way, I'm happy being stupid.

>> No.7593630


Nothing resembling straight-up H scenes, no. Pretty much everything to do with Reyvateils is some kind of sexual innuendo, though.

>> No.7593654

I got some money saved up... unfortunately it's only enough for a ps3, so I can't buy any games. How easy it to hack a ps3 and play pirated games on it?

>> No.7593678

Where I live the shop selling the PS3 will hack it for you and you can ask them to copy gams in as well...

>> No.7593694

So, i'm playing AT 3 but Saki doesn't strips when I use Purge, what am I doing wrong?

>> No.7593696

Pretty easy, software stuff you can just google on directly search on PS#Hacks or PSGroove

>> No.7593697

If i can do it at home I'd like to save the money

>> No.7593698

I wouldn't say AT1's OST is the worst, rather the least best. It is certainly more rigid than its successors.

>the best song in the series by far
That's not Salavec Rhaplanca

>> No.7593703

YOU MUST GO DEEPER into her cosmosphere, each level progressively unlocks further purging, followed by multi-level purging.

>> No.7593705

What do you mean?
At first you can only purge once, go through the CS for more.
Or it could be that you mean the purge video, which only appears when you purge on a Beat up note.

>> No.7593706

It's complimentary service that comes with the PS3

>> No.7593755

>the best song in the series by far, EXEC_CHRONICLE_KEY
Hear this man, for he talks pure truth!

That's not even a legitimate Utau oka.

>> No.7593760

the fuck where you live

>> No.7593836

I bet he live at south east asia.
Here, buying hacked PS as easy as buying candies.

>> No.7593845


>> No.7593866

Still around 320-350$ though.

>> No.7593883

According to google currency converter it'd amount to 283.2 to 318.6 U.S. dollars here. Then again I've been buying from that same shop since the PSX era so I get special discounts

>> No.7593930

...I'd hit it.

>> No.7593945

Same here. AT cosplayers are the hottest.

>> No.7593953

I don't know what it is but suddenly NIS games have become really cheap in Australia.
I got Rorona a week ago for $30 and just today Neptunia for the same price. Hell, a few weeks ago a friend bought a copy of Qoga for $30 as well.

To stay on topic though, Finnel is my waifu and my favourite song is Ec Tisia (~Tarifa~).

>> No.7593964
File: 183 KB, 515x679, 1310193677075.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Worth it for how White Heart insults and yells at everything.

>> No.7593974

Ive been looping chronicle key for like 2 hours now. The ear-gasm just won't stop!

>> No.7593986

There was one AT song an Anon looped for 8 hours in a thread before, but I can't remember the name.

Maybe the Cloche ~ Hearts Aflutter/Rustlin' THROB one.

>> No.7594022

I bet the best song for looping hours on end is EXEC_EP=NOVA

>> No.7594027

for me it's method_metafallica

>> No.7594042

method_implanta, method_metafalica, exec_chronicle_key, they all work for me (haven't played AT3 so not going to touch its songs until I played it)

>> No.7594045

That actually sounds like my personal hell.

Why did Gust have to make the main heroine of AT3 mentally handicapped?

>> No.7594052

Song of Alchemy Girl Meruru (>>7585288) is good loop material too, had that playing for over 6 hours in loop while was at work yesterday. also METHOD_Metafalica as that one I have also played for really long time in loop few times.

>> No.7594110

There's also siawase sagasou! from the cocona mini album http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6oSAjZTwcd4

>> No.7594290

It doesn't help that Cocona is 13.

>> No.7594511

>Why did Gust have to make the main heroine of AT3 mentally handicapped?
Trying to make a new archetype dorodere-style, maybe? (I just realized Luca literally said "dorodere" in AT2. I thought dorodere was a term creaed by fans afterwards but apparently not)

>> No.7594516

>Why did Gust have to make the main heroine of AT3 mentally handicapped?

They figured it worked so well with Aurica in the first one.

>> No.7594564

Aurica was no where near as bad as Saki. Aurica was self-depreciating and had absolutely zero confidence. Saki is just... absent.

>> No.7594637

I agree, Aurica had crippling emotional problems and got better as the game went on. Saki has the mental capabilities of a primary schooler and will always be just as retarded.

>> No.7594645

a retards was popular so a bigger retard would be even MORE poplar, right?

>> No.7594994

That's nothing ZUN.

I've looped BURI HAMACHI for literally eight days straight before either during ECO or Aika when that was the flavour of the month.

>> No.7595008

Are you autistic? Serious question. I'm pretty sure that listening to repetitive music for days on end is one of the symptoms of autism.

>> No.7595023

Black Heart did the game for me.
Totally worth it.

>> No.7595027

I stumbled upon a PAL copy of ATQ at a store somewhere. Why PAL? I'm in Asia! Why?

>> No.7595050

I got a playlist with
Infelious Rhaplanca
Ec Tisia

Looping all day forever

>> No.7595054

There's a PAL version?

>> No.7595060 [DELETED] 
File: 140 KB, 395x485, 1310220261912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7595068

Despedia is too noisy for me

>> No.7595080

Yeah. I asked the store for the US one with the OST, but they gave me the PAL one. Funny thing is, it's still unpriced and they want me to buy it right away. I just told them that I'll just wait for them to post the price, probably by tomorrow.

But damn, PAL? I don't even have a UK account? Can't I use my HK account for the DLCs?

>> No.7595098

Certain region DLC won't work with games with different ones, but I got no idea which DLC regions a HK account uses. You can always create a UK account, download the DLC there and still use it on your normal account.

>> No.7595117

UK PSN cards are hard to come by here. And I don't want to use my credit card just to get DLC. I have R3 games and it seems I can get DLC off my US account. But whatever.

>> No.7595118

>Infelious Rhaplanca
Are these AT3 songs? never heard of them

>> No.7595149

Infelious is from Shikata's Ar=Ciel Ar=Dor album, ViiBaCi is from AT3, yes.

>> No.7595272

agrees with this one

>> No.7595313

new thread:
