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7568498 No.7568498 [Reply] [Original]

old thread on autosage: >>7507850


Summary of last thread: trolls, "how do i install patch", possible KimiNago/CandyHeart project, trial patch translation not as good as thought, TL elitists crying harder than ever, etc...

>> No.7568505

When will those trolls learn?

>> No.7568507

One more thing I forgot:
-damage control trying to divert attention away from the latter

>> No.7568509

sup Cudder.

>> No.7568511


>> No.7568512

Hatsukoi when faggot

>> No.7568513

This had too much cute girls doing cute things.

>> No.7568525

Let's hope those elitists who think translations need to be actual translations won't shit up this thread too.

>> No.7568527

Hey mods, we've had over a year of him spamming the link to his site.
Ban him already.

>> No.7568530

No such thing

>> No.7568536

Forgot to mention
- calling everyone Cudder just for the hell of it

Going into overtroll mode now that your precious "at least it's not pure machine garbage" trial patch was exposed to be a piece of shit? This gets curiouser and curiouser...

>> No.7568547

Is more than 50% translated?

>> No.7568552

Hello Moogy.

>> No.7568557

This is especially funny because he got the context right a hell of a lot more times than you, but you are so hung up on your idea that MACHINES = GOD that you think the omission or addition of any word is a sign of error.

>> No.7568566

So, last thread someone mentioned something about: はいこれ
Saying that in that context it doesn't means Yes, this.

>> No.7568576

Than me? What the fuck are you blabbering on about? I'm just reporting on the last thread. If your only strategy is to accuse everyone you don't like of being the translator, that's funny.

>> No.7568581

Sup Cudder.

>> No.7568587

This is SUGOI

>> No.7568603
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Posting Heart in a spam thread.

>> No.7568623

Yeah, but 突き飛ばされる doesn't mean "calling me hero" in ANY context.

>> No.7568628

I just want to know if was he said is true.

>> No.7568642

If you think that はい always means yes, then you are entirely unqualified to even think about translating or commenting on other people's translations.

>> No.7568648

The fuck are you talking about you self centered pretentious piece of shit?

>> No.7568651

It also means "I'm present" or "I'm here". U MAD?

>> No.7568653

...Holy shit, you are stupid.

>> No.7568670

Go look up はい on WWWJDIC and tell me what you've learned.

>> No.7568694

Go look up 用意できたon WWWJDIC and tell me if that means "No problems here too." >>7568648

>> No.7568745

You're so cute in the morning when you're raging and unintelligible.

>> No.7568746

are you seriously going to harp on that perfectly acceptable translation when there are plenty of flat out wrong translations you could pick from?

>> No.7568773

You're making a straw man argument. Nobody was defending the other translation in favor of yours; they were simply criticizing your translation.

That said, I do prefer the other translation. Let's look at this line again, shall we?

Original Japanese: >こっちも用意できたわ。はい、これ
Your translation: >I was able to prepare this too. Yes, this.
Trial translation: >No problems here too. Here you go.

The translation you gave, "I was able to prepare this too," is technically correct, but much too literal. It doesn't flow very well, and sounds rather awkward. It would be acceptable for a first draft translation, but not for a finished product which supposedly went through editing.

His translation isn't without its problems, but it fits much more in place with the tone of the conversation. It doesn't leave out any information, because it can readily be assumed that the speaker is talking about her preparations from the context. The "too" at the end sounds a little awkward, but can be overlooked.

Now, did we learn something today?

>> No.7568789

The one right below it in the pic he posted, 手渡してきた being "in the hands of"?

>> No.7568800

In this context, はい、これ was used as a phrase said when giving something to someone.
He could have translated it to "This is for you" or "This one is yours" or something like that, for example. The other guy translated it to "here you go" and that was OK too.
It certainly didn't mean "yes, this"

>> No.7568806

Where did I say that's my translation? I just quoted him.

>> No.7568812
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>I just happen to be a concerned passerby who posts the same things as him. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.

>> No.7568824

Stop being so paranoid, anon. It's right here >>7561809

I'd say the trial is more of a localization, but some of the lines mean the exact opposite like the one about the scanner machine and the "license".

>> No.7568835

That one is a little better as an example, but it's still more of an example of just knowing what it means and just changing up the exact wording and the result has no negative bearing on the final sentence product.

If you want to pick on the trial translation, the first thing that jumps out at me in the posted examples is translating 有無を言わさない雰囲気 as "I can't decide whether I would or not". Then again, this translation pretty much butchered it almost as badly into an incomprehensible literal mess so eh.

There's also the part where "after she scanned, not a single letter showed up blah blah" which is literally the opposite of what it means, and "What's up with that slightly off name" which completely missed the point of what it was trying to say. Also "Making me want to be a part of the action" completely misses the point(but so does the RETRANs translation again) etc.

>> No.7568843

You just admitted that you don't know what はい、これ means and now you think that you're qualified to preach on the accuracy of more complex lines? You really are retarded.

>> No.7568880

Thank you. Anyway I think you could grasp what he meant with "Yes, this." unless unless you're full stupid.

I've been avoiding this threads but now that I finally took a look at it, is just self-centered people arguing about what shit tastes better.

You guys are worst kind of people.

>> No.7568910

>thinking everyone is the same person
"You really are retarded."

>> No.7568974

>It certainly didn't mean "Yes, this."
>I think anybody could understand what it meant


>> No.7569000

Actually, it's pointing out that all shit tastes bad while OP tries to argue that his shit is better because it's thicker and more pure to the concept of fecal matter.

But you'd know that, wouldn't you, Cudder?

>> No.7569086

She says "I was able to prepare this too" so he thinks "what?" and then she says "Yes, this." and hands the thing to him.

If you didn't understand that little exchange you must be autistic or something. Same goes for not knowing what "I was able to prepare this too" means.

>> No.7569103

Are you implying that I am Cudder?

>> No.7569175

See >>7568536, just ignore that faggot.

>> No.7569271
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Thanks for new thread, old one really is too long.

I finished the comparison, it should be on the site.

I prefer this translation style, it close to the original and is keeping the meaning. This is also "first draft", its my first try.

If I try now, it is "atmosphere that makes me unable to say yes or no."

>> No.7569431

Wow... just... wow... makes me wonder about the accuracy of other VN translations out there.

>> No.7570016

What the fuck, how do you confuse "I guess we'll just accept his entry" with "we'll go to the student council to confirm"?

>> No.7570149

How to detect Cudder in this thread: look for any post that does not have sage in the email field.

Sure, there are a few nokosage posts, but over 90% of them are obviously Cudder.

>> No.7570166

...Because Cudder's is completely wrong and the first one isn't?

>> No.7571451

lol wut.

>> No.7571491

>She says "I was able to prepare this too" so he thinks "what?" and then she says "Yes, this." and hands the thing to him.

So, thanks to you rewriting the context to include the guy thinking "what?", we get a perfectly accurate translation that doesn't ruin the original meaning?

>> No.7571525

The best part is how he keeps claiming that he's trying to learn by translating, but every time someone points out that he got something completely wrong, he tries to argue and justify how it's the purest and correctest way to do it.

Well, that and every time he's caught using blatant Atlas/OCN/Google output.

>> No.7572142

He zeroes in on the word 'confirm' and probably just sort of made up his own sentence based around that, just like he did before with the whole unit=school credits thing. It's actually not an uncommon way to translate among people who don't know much Japanese.

Yeah, ok, I think this translation is as bad as anyone, but I don't even know what this sentence is trying to say. What is "the first one?"

>> No.7572734

Well, at least we know for sure he wasn't using machine translator, but now that we see what sorts of mistakes he's making by trying to do it "raw", is that really a good thing?

If he was using TA (like FH4 likely was), "student council" popping up everywhere would've at least given him a clue. And the next line he translated as "So there's a seperate student council." would've made more sense.

>What is "the first one?"
Ignore him, anyone mentioning Cudder is probably just trolling.

>> No.7574211

Yes, I recognize 生徒会 because it is very common word in VN about school (also anime, manga, etc.) like 学園、今日、 etc.

>> No.7574233


Just die

>> No.7574327


>> No.7574479

Funny how all the trolls shut up after that comparison was posted.

>> No.7574490

Bumping your thread again? Not enough abuse for you, Cudder?

>> No.7574511

How do you know its Cudder? Smart ass!!

>> No.7574526

>bump thread
>get called Cudder
As predictable as Pavlov's dogs! Try it yourself!

>> No.7574571
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>> No.7574574

It's funny because you're really Cudder.

>> No.7574599

Saged, reported, hidden, and called the cops. Stop remaking these trainwreck troll threads already.

>> No.7574611

Why mods still not banning cudder and his shills?

>> No.7574615

Relentlessly bumping and being thickheaded aren't against the rules.

>> No.7577149

Keep the SUGOI flowing!

Suzuno route is best route

>> No.7579562
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sugoing thread

>> No.7579610
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