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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7567842 No.7567842 [Reply] [Original]

How long have you been a hikki /jp/? What do you do with all your time? How well off are you?

>> No.7567846

3rd time today is a bit much.

>> No.7567848

Been a hikikomori for a few days now. I usually spend my time sitting on the computer, listening to music, playing games, etc.

>> No.7567862

>How long have you been a hikki /jp/?
10 years.
>What do you do with all your time?
Play video games, watch anime, read VNs, listen to music, browse the Internet.
>How well off are you?
Enough so that I'll never have to work if I don't want to.

>> No.7567860 [DELETED] 
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i graduated last year at roughly this time as HELL
been a NEET ever since

>> No.7567867 [DELETED] 
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>How long have you been hikki?

28 years and counting

>What do you do with all your time?

Make award-winning albums

>How well off are you?

52million records, bitch. Take a guess.

>> No.7567868

I haven't gone outside since I woke up so atleast 12 hours, half a day.

>> No.7567874

I am no longer a hikki. I spend my time here. I have a net worth of 0 dollars.

>> No.7567878

I think one week was the longest, so far about a few hours.

>> No.7567902

Kaguya... Will you be Hikki with me to eternity?

>> No.7567917

Hey guys, how can I become a hikki without getting an allowance from parents?

>> No.7567918

>How long have you been a hikki /jp/?
4-5 years
>What do you do with all your time?
Play video games, browse /jp/, and listen to music while browsing the internet.
>How well off are you?
Terrible. I'm trying to follow Sudongs path, but it's long and treacherous.

>> No.7567922

Learn to make money online

>> No.7567925

Government disability.

>> No.7567933

Couple of years, not sure exactly how long it's been.

As for how well off I am, I have some student loan left over from before I dropped out, but nothing coming in and a fair bit going out, despite living the NEET lifestyle. So not very.

>> No.7567938

Doing what?

>> No.7567942

>How long have you been a hikki /jp/?
Started this summer, getting back into non hikki mode this September.

>What do you do with all your time?
Write my accursed thesis, surf 4chan, anime, game.

How well off are you?
>Going to be 100k in debt by September over student loans. Maxed my line of credit. Shit sucks.

>> No.7567947

Forex trading, check it out.

>> No.7567968

Oh you

>> No.7567974

Stop trying to get poor NEETs to go bankrupt.

>> No.7567983

>How long have you been a hikki /jp/?
7 years

>What do you do with all your time?
Play video games for 4-12 hours a day, browse the Internet, watch anime if there's something that catches my interest.

>How well off are you?
Poor as shit, but I have almost everything I want so I don't mind.

>> No.7567987

This interests me. I was a Hikki for a good 4 years before joining the Marines, and when I get out I will hopefully have saved up a lot of money and get back to my Hikki lifestyle, only self-maintained this time.

>> No.7567989

Forgot to add, I'm pretty happy as well. No depression for me.

>> No.7568110

>How long have you been a hikki /jp/?
About two or three months this time. The longest time was about four years. I think people that claim to be a hikki for longer than five years or NEET for longer than 10 years are are lying or embellishing a little too much. Such situations would be quite rare and require special circumstances or they are virtually impossible to maintain.

In the last ten years I've been NEET & hikki for about seven, but broken up into about four periods, and minor intervals in between. I think that is probably a more realistic depiction of those that are really NEET or hikki, because unless you are rich and self-supported your life is at the whim of an ever changing environment.

>What do you do with all your time?
I do different stuff, sometimes read books, look things up, watch stuff on nicodouga or youtube, anime, games, worry, sleep.

>How well off are you?
Not terribly wealthy but I can muster a surplus of $500 monthly to spend on whatever. That's another thing, if you are technically a fulltime NEET and hikki your income will be much lower. But if you work anywhere from five to fifteen hours a week your income can be much higher. When I was a freeter for 15 hours a week I was able to get a surplus of almost $1000 a month.

Where I live there are also laws that allow for things like disability payments to be freely combined with student support payments. As long as you complete your study within something like eight years you don't pay anything back, otherwise it turns into a load if you fail. The funny thing is that the money more than pays for the tuition fees, it is like they will pay you to go back to school.

Not that any of this matters, because these threads are mostly just for the posers.

>> No.7568155

You're just mad because you're a low-level hikki, unlike some posters in this thread.

>> No.7568157

You act as if it's hard to not leave the house.

>> No.7568168

I'm almost glad you're naive enough to think people can't get stuck in shit circumstances that result in long term withdrawal.

You make it sound like it's something fucking good like winning the god damn lottery.

>> No.7568171
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age 14-16/16-18/18-22. i've spent about a year total since i was 14 not being a hikikomori. living on my own comfortably in an apartment having not left going outside in a year nearly now.

>> No.7568179

Since early this morning, after I came home from work after getting loaded at the bar with my co-workers until 1:00 AM and banging my girlfriend in the back of her Lexus.

>> No.7568203

I have anxiety problems and for some reason if Im in my room for too long i get it bad, but i also am afraid of going back to college for my second year because my anxiety is getting worse, I get that "doom is coming" feeling if im in a environment im not 100% safe in. I pass out from anxiety sometimes and im afraid of it.

>> No.7568209

Can't be a hikki because of family related situation but I buy a lotto ticket every 2 weeks and if I ever win then I'm buying a house and locking myself in forever.

>> No.7568247

Anyone else feel like their muscles are atrophying from disuse?

>> No.7568250

I wish you luck and hope for the best

>> No.7568961

Actually I think it is far more naive to believe it's commonly possible for someone to never leave the house for ten years. If you were self-supported and rich you could muster the resources to reliably accomplish this but otherwise it isn't realistic.

I think everyone that receives some form of disability payment is practically forced outside to maintain their situation from time to time.

Western families also aren't as stable, so it is far more common to be kicked out, forced to go places, get institutionalized, or a number of other events that prevent you from staying in the same location for ten years.

>> No.7569176
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you are mistaken. you aren't required to leave if you're receiving disability. i don't see doctors or anyone else and i've never let my place to do anything involving ssd/ssi. i requested they send a doctor to me and they did for the original evaluation. after that i was accepted and they just mailed me the forms, and i mailed them back. they tried to have me come in for a reevaluation, but i refused and told them to mail me the stuff and he was basically like fuck it and just did it over the phone.

>> No.7569212



>> No.7569226

I broke my left arm a few years ago and the bone didn't set properly and after it had mended, so they needed to take out a portion of the bone and put a plate in. I ended up not using that arm for atleast six months and it got really skinny. Even today, years later, there's still a very noticable difference in bulk between my left arm and my right arm. The fact that I do basically everything right handed makes things even worse. When I feel my right arm getting sore from too much masturbation, all I can think of is that it's going to get even larger and the discrepancy in size between my arms will grow. I mean, both of my arms are pretty skinny, but my left one is skinnier than my right. It's worrysome.

On top of that, over the years I've just gotten weaker overall.

>> No.7569242

>i requested they send a doctor to me and they did for the original evaluation
I had no idea you could do that. This changes everything.

>> No.7569278
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you have some requirements for qualifying ssd/ssi if you're aiming for social anxiety disability namely being withdrawal for +6 months in succession. you're aiming to prove it's effected your ability to work. i think there may be exceptions if you leave a few times during the 6 months; i'm not sure, though. i had already spent 2 years withdrawn so it was easy when i finally decided to try.

>> No.7569287

I've got that covered, but do you think having worked a bit online would impact it?

>> No.7569301


Self-employed hacker/coder. I sleep late, stay up coding, gaming, watching anime, smoking weed, fapping, hanging out with friends, working out, and trying to enjoy life as much as possible right now.

>> No.7569312

its been a while since i read through all the information, but i vaguely recall there being some type of requirement when it comes to work, but i forgot.

if it's "work" in the sense of forex, mechanicalturks, and other temp job type deals then they don't count that as employment, but they request all that information and it effects the amount of ssi (supplement security insurance) you receive, if your state has ssi. ssd (social security disability) is based off the amount of money you made before you became disabled, and if you didn't work its based off the amount of money your fathers made if you're under the age of 22 I think it was.... basically if you're on ssd and don't get 700+ dollars from it you qualify for ssi and that supplements your cost of living.

i want to say you can still qualify because they try and get you to work and there is programs so you can still receive, but also work. did you have actual employment? are you still employed? does it cover the cost of living?

>> No.7569317

I've always been withdrawn from society but a few days ago I started being a hikki. What I've done most of the time hasn't changed (same as most others here) just no contact with others (or sunlight) now.

I had a few IRL friends. Two of them for some odd reason started making up bullshit, like a herd the rest of the few people who knew me followed, well other than two friends. Anyways the few people I know thought I was an asshole and neither did I really care that much. Now I don't have to bother with their attempts to "help me socialize", not that they ever got me to go out. Currently im unsure whether or not to cut ties with those two friends I have left, I mean, its not like I have much to lose but nothing to gain either from cutting ties.

None of them knew or ever will know about me, they thought I was just "playing video games" for years.

>> No.7569322

>How long have you been a hikki /jp/?
Almost 3 years now.

> What do you do with all your time?
4chan, eroge, manga, jrpgs.

>How well off are you?
I get food, internet and a place to sleep so I'm happy. I never have any money to spare though.

>> No.7569358

Well, it was just an independent contractor gig and nowhere near enough to live on. Guess I'd better check out the SS site.

>> No.7569403

I'm not, but I spend the vast majority of my days alone in my room. I mostly browse /jp/ and kill time in normalfag games. I'm subsidized by my parents.

>> No.7569406

How did you survive for 2 years with no benefits and still being a hikki? Curious because even though I've terrible social anxiety I can't see myself being able to get into that situation willingly or not.

>> No.7569462

I've been a hikki for several years, but my mother won't let me start collecting disability checks. Feels bad man.

>> No.7569510
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when i hit 18 i worked for 3 months and used that money to survive for the 2 years. quality of life and food was bad, but i had mmos to help me forget i was alive for that duration of time. i was still living at home so the cost of living was very low and partially paid that way, but i still covered nearly all of my cost of living. i had been a hikikomori for the majority of my teenage users anyway so it wasn't a problem getting into that situation. there has been gaps where i went out and did the normalfag thing at ages 16/18

>> No.7569524

A real shut in wouldn't even bother telling people about it since it'd be embarrassing.

>> No.7569525

forgot to quote the person i was replying to.>>7569406

>> No.7569530
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that's true, but true to some degree. this is an anonymous imageboard though. it's true if i got to know someone in a game i never told them i was a hikikomori/shut-in. /jp/ is different though since there is others who are in a similar situation. there has always been plenty of threads detailing ways to get on social services, making money online, and NEET culture.

>> No.7569535

I'm not really a hikki. Hell, I'm technically not even a NEET anymore. I'm in education, it's just that I don't show up or do any of the work. Gonna get the phone call telling me that I've failed the course any day now.

>> No.7569541

Well I thought about that too. I'm not really a regular on 4chan and have a lot of problems myself. It feels rather weird for me even talking here.

>> No.7569552

6 months of complete withdrawal, leaving your house at absolutely no point? That sounds kinda hard. I try to avoid the outside world as much as possible, but my mom still asks me to go shopping once in a while.

>> No.7569554
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I was hikki until just a few months ago when I got an internship as a civil servant. The job pays pretty well and I can't complain about the work. Its certainly been a trip to change from getting 10+ hours of sleep a day to waking up at 7AM with around six hours sleep.

Prior to that I was a total shut in living in my parents attic (I still do, but I get out once in a while now). Once in a while I'll do the social thing and go out drinking, but even with a job I still spend at least 70% of my time alone in the dark playing video games, drinking, and sleeping.

I keep telling myself I'm going to buy touhou figurines and dakimakura with my earnings, but to be honest being a worker is actually beginning to slowly pull me away from my interests, and I'm beginning to consider putting it towards normal things like a vehicle. I guess I'm becoming what I hate the most

Still, working is something I'd encourage all of you to try at least once. Interview somewhere. Even if you don't get the job, all you have to lose is time and dignity. The former of which we all have in great excess, and the latter of which we have none to lose.

>> No.7569561

The problem is if you actually get the job, which could make you lose your will to live.

>> No.7569592
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You'd be surprised. Dropping your lifestyle to work will dull your sense of the world, but that doesn't actually have any net effect on your desire to live.

Hell, with the amount of time that will be cut out of time spent looking at dumb nico videos and playing with your SNES emulator, you'd might be surprised to find a net increase in the value you place on your own life.

>> No.7569604

Anything that consumes a significant amount of my free time also ends up consuming my will to live.

>> No.7569617

If you have any kind of educated background you can probably work as an intern somewhere. That will ease you into working as well as earn you some money. You'll have some responsibilities, but as an acquaintance of mine said, the job of an intern is to keep their own seat warm.

>> No.7569627

>If you have any kind of educated background
I don't.

>> No.7569640
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6 months straight was something i regularly did before when i was younger, consecutive years is difficult. the longest period without going outside even a single time was a year and half for me. i started taking out my garbage in the middle of the night every couple weeks since i got the urge to see the sky. it was on the property still so it's not like anyone would really consider that going "out". since it's not like anyone is involved and it's a few steps away.

>> No.7569649 [DELETED] 
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Then work flipping burgers or digging trenches or driving a forklift. If you don't like it, stick it out until your first paycheck then quit.

If you don't at least take a taste of the other side, you will eventually be cornered and destroyed by it.

>> No.7569660
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Then work flipping burgers or digging trenches or driving a forklift. If you don't like it, stick it out until your first paycheck then quit.

If you don't at least take a taste of the other side, you will eventually be cornered and destroyed by it.
