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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 21 KB, 475x358, 1290219980644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7567233 No.7567233 [Reply] [Original]

/sp/ owned you mikufags

>> No.7567239

/sp/ couldn't own a bag of chips.

>> No.7567237

Go back to your lonely and insignificant existence as a basement dwelling outcast, whose only interaction with people is the rare occasion your mother comes out of her alcoholic stupor to wash the cloths that have been incubating on your floor for the last few months or when you pry your outrageously fat ass out of the computer chair you've been glued to, to answer the door and pay the pizza guy for the extra everything pizza you ordered in an attempt to eat away the pain.

>> No.7567240
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>> No.7567245

mad as fuck nerds

>> No.7567246

I fucking love it when people on /sp/ complain about /b/ as if their board wasn't just as bad.

>> No.7567249

Look in a mirror fatboy

Now GTFO before I handle your faggy ass.

>> No.7567250

I don't care about what /sp/ has to say about anything but all of the concert footage in that video does look extremely shameful.

>> No.7567253
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>>paying concert priced tickets to see a turned on projector

I'd rather pay to hear my grandma sing the national anthem before a football game.

>> No.7567255
File: 38 KB, 500x375, 1301627672067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey nerds. have fun dressing up like faggots and marrying a hambeast i'm gonna go fuck my solid 7 girlfriend bitch cuz i like sports and im not a nerd like you faggot neckbeards

>> No.7567257

It really is a sad state of affairs that people are new enough to believe they can "troll" /jp/.

When was the last time I wasn't depressing?

>> No.7567263

all fans of anime and related stuff are shameful, including /a/ and /jp/ users. its just that /a/ and /jp/ dont get to go on camera

>> No.7567262
File: 25 KB, 510x381, sup_fatbruh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/sp/ IRL

>> No.7567261
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>> No.7567259 [DELETED] 

>have fun dressing up like faggots

>> No.7567265

You buy books about golf? That's also really depressing.

Why is /sp/ so shitty?

>> No.7567266

Dear /sp/,

I live in a small town in Kansas. I've always been the artsy type..painting, photography...while most other guys around here were more jocky. Tons of guys joined the millitary after high school and now almost all of them are in Iraq. They send letters home saying how proud they are of their wives and how it must be hard for them to deal with their husbands being away.
Well do you know how they deal with it?
They fuck me.
Thats right. While you are away getting your ass hot off I'm shooting myself off in your wifes ass. Thank God for George Bush. I have about 4 wives I'm currently fucking because of his great leadership. I voted republican this year and then promptly went to a shipped off wives's home and came in her mouth.

>> No.7567269

I used to want to dress up as a girl

>> No.7567270

Dear /sp/,

It thought about the question of the ages while looking at the spaghetti
napolitain of the lunch. It is a question "Why is the napolitain red?". It
looks easy, and the problem with a deep interior.
It doesn't become an idea stop ..another.., and not exist excluding the
defeat of the intellect at all though arranges "It is red because it is red"
etc. and tautology and there is complacent superficial man, too either.
There is a phenomenon "Redshift". It is a phenomenon that the spectral line
changes red by the Doppler effect in the heavenly body that goes away from
the earth at high speed in space. In a word, if the napolitain goes away
from us at high speed even though what color, an original napolitain is sure
to look red glaring. Whether does the napolitain in the presence move at
high speed or not?It is understood from turning on the opposite side of the
napolitain. Blue one are sure to change, and to look blue the spectrum by
observing it from the opposite direction of the movement. When having turned
oppositely, the napolitain was red. Therefore, it can be said that this
napolitain will not high-speed move.

>> No.7567271

I think /sp/ is my most hated fucking board in the fucking world.

You've got Costanza, the worst fucking meme in online fucking image boards. What a fucking faggot. I knew he was a tosser the moment he started talking about putting ketchup in the fridge, but no "OH HURR DURR WE LOVE OFF-TOPIC POSTING SO EDGY AND MODERN". And then he said don't put your ketchup in the fridge, and everyone was still like "OH HURR DURR THIS IS THE BEST MEME EVER". Only when people started adding "l seriously hope you don't do this" at the end of his posts did everyone even vaguely start to come around, and even then, the Summerfags of /sp/ were still all "oh, at least lspl has one cool meme." Well fuck all of you you morons. He's overrated as a meme and as a sitcom character.

Then fucking 'Why?". People hacking olf over this shit because it had a decent run. WELL HERE'S SOME NEWS FOR YOU FAGGOTS, KORNHEISER IS SHIT AS A SPORTS PUNDIT, HE DOES NOTHING EVEN VAGUELY GOOD, AND NOW HE'S RIDING HIS 500 SHlTl'Y REACTION IMAGES. I pity any message board that gets that slapheaded piece of shit.

Then what else do you have? Amerifat vs Yuropoor threads? Power rankings? MESSI MESSI MESSI MESSI MESSI MESSI? Posts that are vaguely interesting for about five seconds and people actually think it's an achievement? Well fuck me sideways.

Fuck you /sp/. You rode your way through the best season of sport ever, had some of the most lenient modding in the modern history of 4Chan, and still you're a bunch of cunts. You are nothing, and I give you a very short amount of time before you faggots fade back into being thought of as being as dreadful as /ck/, it's your rightful place.

Go to hell you sports fans.

>> No.7567272
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If you don't care why you mad tho?

>> No.7567273
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>> No.7567277

hey alphas. have fun dressing uplike men and marrying girls i'm gonna go fuck myself cuz i like animay and im not a alpha like you faggot neckbeards

>> No.7567279
File: 91 KB, 500x500, 1309696701086.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for /jp/ from /sp/

>> No.7567280

Miku has always been shit also I am embarssed by the fat girl who can't even pronounce her name right. The reporter got it right and the said manja what the fuck?

>> No.7567282

You send us your butthurt?

>> No.7567284

No need to be so butthurt, /sp/, it's all right.

>> No.7567286

THIS WILL MAKE A GLORIOUS COPY PASTA if it isn't one already of course

>> No.7567293

>i'm gonna go fuck my solid 7 girlfriend bitch cuz i like sports

Your fucking Solid Snake? What the fuck is a solid 7? 7 penises?

>> No.7567295

Seven years old, bro. This is /jp/.

>> No.7567299

Wow you guys produce a lot of butthurt

>> No.7567303

>not knowing what is an solid 7
confirmed for fagot

>> No.7567302
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>my solid 7 girlfriend
>being proud of fucking a solid 7

>> No.7567304

7/7 you fucking nerd

>> No.7567306

>fuck my solid 7 girlfriend bitch cuz i like sports
mor like fuq her with ur 7 cm cock rite?

>> No.7567308

>i'm gonna go fuck my solid 7 girlfriend bitch
being proud of being a bottom feeder? shit /sp/ get it together

>> No.7567310

>an solid 7
Oh, you /sp/-scum. I love conversing (I wonder, can you even call it that?) with you sorry bunch because it helps me realize just how superior I am as a human being.

>> No.7567313

>implying i browse /jp/
>implying im not from /sp/ and pointing out that you dont know what a solid 7 is

>> No.7567314
File: 32 KB, 606x455, Solid_7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

urs gf? LAMAO

>> No.7567315


Seriously, why does everybody shit post on /jp/ for shit that never belongs on /jp/ in the first place? Moot should change our directory name too.

>> No.7567321

moot should do alot of things for us.
Or maybe, he wants us to find it within ourselves to do something about it.

>> No.7567319

They think we care about 3D girls.

>> No.7567320

>getting easily trolled
i'm from /jp/ and I can tell that was an obvious troll

>> No.7567323

Anyone else feel the irony in this? I mean, we were exactly the same way back when /b/ was good.

>> No.7567322
File: 4 KB, 464x103, moot hates .jp..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, right.

>> No.7567331

Does the post you quoted give off the appearance that the one who made it was "trolled?" Get lost, fuckface.

No. We didn't exist then.

>> No.7567335

I thought it was like 50 bucks a ticket

>> No.7567343
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>> No.7567344

You type like a nicodouga freak.

>> No.7567369
File: 314 KB, 800x1013, umehararin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

k i m e t a ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

>> No.7567378

...Why does 4chan have a sports board?

>> No.7567396

Because many nerds are into sports. Check /sp/, it's full of them.

>> No.7567402

It fits with moot's new image for 4chan, and makes it easier to make money because it helps attract neurotypicals.

>> No.7567414
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>> No.7567418

When will moot stop pretending to be normal?

>> No.7567420
File: 7 KB, 230x214, crazyman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hehehe he thinks i care about girls and interacting with real people all i need is my pillow waifu yeah thats right she loves me like no other woman can love anybody no how

>> No.7567430

I'll rape your ass, cut off your penis and shove it down your throat.

>> No.7567432

Remember when a troll thread on /jp/ would get 0 replies from anyone besides the OP?

>> No.7567435

come at me nerd

>> No.7567439

If you wanna talk like that to me why don't you come here and say it to me face so i can answer your insults with a swift fist to the nose. yea you have a lot to say from hundreds of miles away but i bet if my fists were in reach of your face you would be like a tv on mute with no volume button So do yourself a favor and keep your mouth shut unless you want to die. Next time you think about saying something like that to me I want you to remember one thing. I know the guy that created google maps and I can locate you in the time it took me to type this.Don't want anymore problems....didn't think so faggots. You have any idea what gorilla warfare is? I do, I was in the US Marine Core and I perfected it. I'm fully capable of using it on you motherfuckers. Do you know the dander your in if I find you? I am 100$ serious. Bunch of god damn newfaf loser here and I will not have it. At least I've had sex, had girlfriends, and gotten laid, and blowjobbed unlike you virgin pieces of unpatriotic SHIT.

>> No.7567442

lol is that a copypasta

>> No.7567443

Wtf is even going on in here?

>> No.7567447

There's a sports board?

>> No.7567449
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>> No.7567452

Only in the fantasy world you're from.

Besides, all of the replies bumping this thread are the OP or his faggoty /sp/ cohorts.

>> No.7567453

HAHAHAHAA thats the most pathetic shit ive ever read

>> No.7567472

It's kind of fun verbally demolishing retards.

It might just be me, though.

>> No.7567473


>> No.7567476
File: 23 KB, 249x544, aesthetics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

say that to my face in real life and see what happens NERD

>> No.7567482
File: 25 KB, 320x240, 1295974723131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Deal with it nerd, I know both Judo and Karate. You can't touch me.

>> No.7567492
File: 35 KB, 525x660, moxley_blindness_cure_and_health_tonic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is further evidence of NSA/CIA PsyOps utilizing inferior /sp/ subhumans to cause diversions from /jp/ normality and thus allowing NSA Agent Virgina Newbon and her hermaphrodite lover Christoper Poole to instigate 4chan 2.0 with Facebook intergration acceptance and astroturf marketing in order to inact data collection on superior /jp/ denizens. /jp/ must remain vigilant against these transgressions.

Irrefuteable evidence further implicating them is Christopher Poole suffers from a sexual deformity of which he cannot obtain sexual fulfillment from humans, this drives him to commit heinous acts such as seeking rodents as sexual resources and to engage in beastial pornography, both Senator Bennet and Senator Udall have received the complaint about this issue as well as Toronto city government, thus one motive is for vengence is what I believe the current case against me is based.

>> No.7567497

This is reminding me of that Yume Nikki ordeal from yesterday.

Please, let's just stop here, shall we?

>> No.7567512

>implying this isnt best laugh I had on /jp/ in ages

>> No.7567517


>> No.7567529

>implying martial arts actually make you good at fighting and the average guy at a boxing gym couldn't kick your ass without breaking a sweat.

>> No.7567533

I can say with confidence that any punch he threw at me would be caught or dodged.

>> No.7567539

Let's see how your faggy boxing holds up against my Aikido, the most effective and powerful martial art in the world.

>> No.7567552

I'm sure the boxer would be a lot better at dodging punches than you. For one thing he actually fights rather than dancing and fighting invisible ninjas like in Karate.

>> No.7567570

>71 posts and 19 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.onic
We're on a roll this week.

>> No.7567577

Boxing is a martial art you dumbass.
Being one of the best martial arts doesn't make it completely seperate.

>> No.7567623
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>> No.7567652

Boxing is a sport.

>> No.7567655

So are most martial arts. It doesn't make them not martial arts.
