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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 2.76 MB, 1502x3624, neregate.com-Summer-2011-Anime-v6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7563105 No.7563105 [Reply] [Original]

Sup, /jp/? /a/ here, we were wondering if we could move in for the summer, at least until the kiddies go back to school.


>> No.7563106

In our eyes, you are the children.

>> No.7563108

stay out of my thread butthurt troll

>> No.7563111

Go to 7chan.

>> No.7563114

Read VNs and Touhou doujins instead of wasting your time with animes.

>> No.7563124


>> No.7563126

Why would you not be doing all three?

>> No.7563129


>Implying I don't read VNs.

Not much I can say about dem Touhou doujins, though.

But seriously, have you guys SEEN /a/? Spammers fucking EVERYWHERE. It's HORRIBLE.

>> No.7563132

You ARE the kiddies out of school.

>> No.7563134


No. See that greentext /v/-tier "implying" bullshit? That's why your kind don't belong here at any time of the year. Fuck off.

>> No.7563138

Wow, I forgot how hostile you guys were.

I think I'll just stick with the spammers for now rather than diving into this nest of autistic, neckbeard weaboos.

>> No.7563153

take your leaking buttownage back to /v/

>> No.7563154

Unfortunately it's not a troll.

This is what most of /jp/ thinks.

>> No.7563161


Good. And never return, faglet.

>> No.7563162


If you want to stay here on /jp/ you better change your attitude, kid.

>> No.7563169

Don't let the door hit you on the way out.

>> No.7563177

Just be sure not to shit up /a/ with any more 'BAWW, /jp/ WAS MEAN TO ME' threads, I've enjoyed looking at a few recently, but the board doesn't need them - they evidently don't encourage you to be any less of a shitposter over here,

>> No.7563180

>I think I'll just stick with the spammers for now

Now just wait, in 10 minutes there'll be a greentext thread on /a/ about OP's magical faggoty adventures into /jp/ and his subsequent ejection back to tardland, complete with multiple ensuing reaction images and dumbfuck tripfags offering commentary on "y jp is gay nd /a/ is beta cuz NO FUN ALLOWED ON JP!!lolz"

>> No.7563197

It's funny how I can browse /a/ and /jp/ and not be a major faggot as to actually leak the two boards' habits into one another.

>> No.7563206

/jp/ is tsundere for /v/

>> No.7563208

I'm still learning the way /jp/ works as /a/ is beyond horrible at the moment. Silence is key.

>> No.7563214

/a/ has always been horrible since post-split.

>> No.7563215

No, /a/, you are the kiddies.

>> No.7563217

When will people learn to just shut the fuck up and lurk unfamiliar boards instead of waving around their passport?

>> No.7563218

your gaylord ass is tsundere for my cock

>> No.7563220

You could've, you know, just started browsing and trying to fit in instead of making a whole thread about yourself acting as a whole board representative and kindly notifying all of us that you arrived amongst us.

>> No.7563221


>> No.7563224


Thank you for dropping by. I had given up on new charts when the old place stopped updating. Now I can get me some new charts.

But I wouldn't like you to move in here. I have bad experience with you people only spamming shit and never having any decent anime discussions.

>> No.7563226

I browse both /a/ and /jp/ but I feel more at home at /jp/ because I never could get a hang of all those /v/ and /b/-like memes and habits. I just go there because I still enjoy anime.

I want to say more but lol meta discussion.

>> No.7563230

Hey OP, why don't you follow the advice given here?

Don't get the wrong Idea! I-it's not like I want you to stay here or anything...

>> No.7563232

charts are still at chartfag's.

>> No.7563242
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>> No.7563244

>we were wondering if we could move in for the summer
Go ahead.
But you'll have to sleep in the garage. It doesn't have air conditioning and also I think there's a possum or something in there.

>> No.7563265

He stopped writing them himself but he posts other people's charts, so it all works out somewhat.

>> No.7563625
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You have to ask me first , not peasants
and I say "NO >:3"

>> No.7563640

There's nowhere to run. /jp/ is pretty much gaia online/MAL. The summer that never ended.

>> No.7563647


>> No.7563649

I think /a/ would love you.
Or do you rather stay here because you are afraid that you aren't a special snowflake there since most people there are as retarded as you?

>> No.7564618
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>> No.7564622

Just finished watching Blood-C, it was pretty bad.

>> No.7564638

All of the series in the OP image look like moe crap. Is there anything good airing?

>> No.7564640

So what is /jp/ watching this summer?

>> No.7564648


>> No.7564650

Summer season looks horrible.

>> No.7564653


>moe crap
>summer incarnate

>> No.7564657

cant be worse than spring

>> No.7564661

But actual anime discussions are generally just spammed with shit by autisits, so it's not much different from /a/ or even worse. Might as well take them there, where they are on-topic.

>> No.7564663

No. 6 and Usagi Drop look good. Everything else looks like shit.

>> No.7564669

Watching Nyanpire, Usagi Drop and im@s. This will be a great season.

>> No.7564688

No crossdressing drama?

I am sad...;_;

>> No.7564716

Name one moe show worth watching.

You can't.

>> No.7564717

Uta no Prince
Kamisama Dolls
Kami-sama no Memo-cho
Usagi Drop
Mayo Chiki
Ikoku Meiro no Croiseé

and I'll probably end up dropping half of them.

>> No.7564720

Seriously, evacuate the premises, known as /jp/.

>> No.7564727


>I watch mature animes like Bleach because i'm a mature person.

>> No.7564730


>> No.7564732

I'll be watching Dantalian no Shoka Usagi Drop, No. 6, Mawaru Penguindrum, Sacred Seven, Kami-sama no Memo-cho, Ikoku Meiro no Croiseé, and I'll be finishing up Tiger & Bunny. I expect to drop most of them. I've already dropped Blood C. It was terrible.

>> No.7564771

No, I like serious shows with good art. For example:
Legend of the Galactic Heroes

Still haven't heard of any moe shit worth watching. How many have an actual story, instead of focusing entirely on its all-girl cast for the viewers to ogle and buy lots of merchandise of? None.

>> No.7564784


/jp/ isn't the whine about shit you don't like board, /a/ is waiting warmly for your presence.

>> No.7564789

>Good art

Seriously. For all the fucking reasons you could watch those shows. The shittacular art? I bet you played Tsukihime for its awesome art too. Or Touhou for its backgrounds.

>> No.7564790

>/jp/ isn't the whine about shit you don't like board
But that's all /jp/ does anymore.
>good art.

>> No.7564791


>> No.7564793

I see an /a/ thread on /jp/ and, what do you know, there's a MOESHIT vs. LOLDEEP debate going on.

>> No.7564796

Shit list

Good Shows
Hourou Musuko
Skip Beat
Fresh Precure
Crayon Shin-chan

>> No.7564798

It's all newcomers to /jp/ trying to prove their colors by getting into fuckhuge arguments with people from their old board.

That's the delusion I'm going to maintain because the alternative implies that actual /jp/ers are even participating in these retarded discussions..

>> No.7564799

>Skip Beat
You've got to be fucking kidding me.

>> No.7564803

You're retarded. This thread is about the anime airing this summer. I said they all look like garbage. If you can't handle negative opinions, get off the Internet.

I feel sorry for you people if you think Kaiji and Akagi do not have good art. Go play Touhou.

>> No.7564805

I imagine the actual /jp/ lurkers are quite frustrated at this thread proving, once again, that reporting is absolutely pointless.

>> No.7564808

People on /jp/ still watch anime? It's shit.

>> No.7564815

I don't even like Touhou bro. Try again, bro. Just because Akagi and Kaiji's art is different doesn't mean it's good.

>> No.7564816

GALS! and Yucie

>> No.7564820

... Bro. Twice.
I hate summer.

>> No.7564822


>Hey everyone, I don't know what sarcasm and hyperbole is, please rape my face.

>> No.7564824

Not that guy but what would you guys recommend for touhou doujins?

>> No.7564826

I'm tired so excuse the bro bullshit.

>> No.7564830

All of them.

>> No.7564836

You low level fake weeaboos. Fuck you. Fuck ninja anime. Fuck CGI. Appleseed XIII? WTF?

>> No.7564840

no good anime anymore op

>> No.7564845

Seriously, someone please suggest a moe show that has a good story. I'm all ears.

>> No.7564849

I'm bored so. If you mean non-H:


Entry-level: Winter Scenery, Omchicken, Ennui Akadako, FLIPFLOPS. Or just browse randomly.

If you mean H check THP's 18+ board or this. https://docs.google.com/leaf?id=0B0jmtti7tHTBZmY5NWIzOWMtODgxYi00Yjc5LTljYjMtMTkxYjJiOGQ1YWU3&hl

>> No.7564853
File: 113 KB, 368x382, 1293567329937.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fellow /a/non here, I got banned for hentai but too lazy to reset my IP so lurking /jp/.

>> No.7564856


I know one, it's called 'go back to /a/'.

>> No.7564861
File: 18 KB, 400x323, 2093809283309809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anime is getting worse, VNs are getting worse, the next generation of kids is always worst than your generation, we've been on a downward spiral for hundreds of years

pic related, the downward spiral

>> No.7564864

Moe is not genre it's a feeling why won't western fans understand this?

>> No.7564868

Same people who think seinen and harem are genres.

>> No.7564871
File: 79 KB, 1068x600, 1306986519559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/a/ has been trying to tell people that for years.

>> No.7564873

>western fans
japanese use "moe anime" and "moe games" just as well

>> No.7564876
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Kind of like how moot says sage does nothing but people keep using it.

>> No.7564880

>all boards are the exact same thing

>> No.7564896

Those people are retarded too but this problem is too prevelent in the western fanbase.

Also a certain L word people think is 2D only.(but I will not say it because /jp/ would rage)

>> No.7564897

Yes, it does nothing, not even bumps the thread.

>> No.7564902

4chan X works great.

>> No.7564924

Glad to see you were incapable of answering a simple question. Guess that proves moe should be abolished.

>> No.7564927

>Those people are retarded too
yes, people actually using terms in their own language are more retarded than you, who read up a definition of moe and think everyone who doesn't stick to that to the letter is misusing the term
I won't argue that /a/ uses it more as an implicit insult than anything, but saying it's wrong to use it as a sub-genre is stupid

>> No.7564931

People who use the word moe in /jp/ should be publicly executed.

>> No.7564938

People on /jp/ should be publicly executed.

>> No.7564949


>> No.7564956

No man, no problem.

>> No.7564957

What do you mean by moe? Are we simply talking about character designs or what?

>> No.7564962

Dude, what the fuck is wrong with you? Could you be any more of an asshole?
I don't want to have to see you fuckers. Keep that shit indoors.

>> No.7564963

Don't try to reason with /a/ retards.

>> No.7564965

What a twist.

>> No.7564968

The word is actually used correctly here for the most part.

But I don't expect you to know that considering you're just another frustrated /a/ denizen.

>> No.7564974
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Yes, character designs mainly.

>> No.7564976


PS. I've already seen Madoka.

>> No.7564977
File: 26 KB, 500x620, MoeSzyslak.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you write it "萌え" is more acceptable.

>> No.7564982

Manyuu hikencho will tickle my fancy, I'll probably check out the new thing from gainex, other than that nothing besides marvel animu is tweaking my fancy.

>> No.7564983

not sure if I should ask this here but can someone tell me what ライト。ノベル this mean?

>> No.7564985

Princess Tutu.

>> No.7564990

Light Novel

>> No.7564994


light novel

>> No.7565002

i haven't seen this, but are all "serious" moe shows about magical girls that suddenly turns grimdark? nanoha, madoka, tutu presumably.

get some new ideas

>> No.7565004

Can you really not read?

>> No.7565011


Wright Nobel

>> No.7565017

oh I see thanks.
I don't know what it mean that why I ask

>> No.7565025

>>Fellow /a/non here, I got banned for hentai but too lazy to reset my IP so lurking /jp/.
>>posts suigintou pic

I love junk so I'm OK with this. Stay as long as you want.

>> No.7565059

oh there is no need for a 。in this word

>> No.7565067

sorry to bother you again but how do you type light novel section in japanese

>> No.7565075 [DELETED] 

Why is /a/ invading /jp/?

>> No.7565080

Who knows. Just report it and the threads will be deleted and/or the creators will be banned.

>> No.7565099


>> No.7565114


Have you SEEN /a/ lately? You may want to avert your eyes.

>> No.7565120

It's /a/'s own fault their board is shit and that's no excuse to bring off-topic threads into /jp/.

>> No.7565123

I just took a look. Damn, /a/ has always been bad but it's never been that bad.

>> No.7565125

It became so shitty with spambots and summerfags, that even shitposters don't feel unique anymore and need a new board to shit up.

>> No.7565127

Stop replying to your own posts and go back to /a/ already.

>> No.7565154
File: 46 KB, 575x720, what's this bullshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got some news for you.

>> No.7565741


So the charts are. I guess he was just lazy those 2-3 months I checked by and nothing new came.

>> No.7565757

I'm afraid you're being made fun of.

By a tripfag, even.

>> No.7565777


moe is the feeling a character instills, technically it's a character archetype based on actions, elements of their character and clothing that may all be fetishes for certain people. /a/ regards moe as a genre in terms of "Moeshit anime" when an Anime cannot be "moe" It can only pander to certain commonly held feelings of moe in fans.

/jp/ understands it perfectly fine, which is why the term "moeshit" is looked down upon.

>> No.7565791
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>> No.7565803
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lucky star is best moe

>> No.7565812

>moe is (...) the character archetype

>/jp/ understands it perfectly fine

Apparently not.

>> No.7565823

Except he has been noticed to confuse them on several occasions.

>> No.7565832
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I'd say Hidamari's best.

But Lucky Star is a lot better than people give it credit for. It's way the fuck better than K-on at the very least. There should have been more Misao and more Miyuki sans-glasses, though.

>> No.7565845


>chop out words that completely change the meaning of not one, but multiple sentances.

You sure are desperate
