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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 144 KB, 608x600, 608px-SWR-menu-en.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
753214 No.753214 [Reply] [Original]

Old one on auto-sage, etc.
Beginner Reimu US West

>> No.753244

GG, but what was with that lag?
Anyways, rehosting.
Beginner Reimu US West

>> No.753253

I'm afraid that can't be removed. GG
Pretty good Reimu you got there

>> No.753260
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>> No.753261
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753261 EUfaq

>> No.753273

how I fixed conection failure? I can connect just fine on IaMP and Meltyblood so why can't there just be a netplay exe made for SWR?

>> No.753293

Try over and over again
Or post where do you live

>> No.753299

nevada so west coast

>> No.753318

Did you patch your game?

>> No.753347

Patch your game to 1.01 and watch out for lolis with box cutters

>> No.753349
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What does this spellcard for Tenshi do?

>> No.753368

It gives her superarmor and has another effect. I don't know what

>> No.753385

No, it makes it so that the opponent doesn't receive the effects of the weather for a short period of time.

>> No.753378

It starts playing dragonforce songs in the head of your opponent, distracting him.

>> No.753393
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still hosting

>> No.753411

Combo it in before superarmor for extra lulz.

>> No.753428

Good games man, your Patchi wiped the floor with me pretty good.

>> No.753435
US West, Don't know if it was some one from here that connected but my button configuration was screwed up, rehosting.

>> No.753440

Nooby Aya/Iku/Patchouli here, good games, I fall too much for that Reimu teletransportation kick and the corner combo, maybe you should change your level to intermediate.

>> No.753516

If anyone in the UK wants to join me...

Beginner Sakuya

>> No.753534

Not working

>> No.753539

Whoops! Try 49216

>> No.753544

Beginner Reimu US West

>> No.753549 EU

>> No.753563

Jesus CHRIST those were some intense matches.

>> No.753573
Intermediate Reimu US West

>> No.753642 EU only

>> No.753655

GGs HitBox.

>> No.753659


>> No.753666

>>753642 here

gg although it was just one rather one-sided match.

>> No.753663

Okay, you'r just a BIT above me lol.

>> No.753675

Sorry, interuptions. ggs though

>> No.753676

Good games man. Looks like I need more practice ;P
Intermediate Reimu US West

>> No.753695


GGs. I think it's a safe bet to say you're the guy I played around 5-6pm today, too. I cannot beat your Yuyuko no matter what I do. :/

>> No.753691

Hosting ON, Canada. Yukari/Iku/Remila.

>> No.753707

Rehosting with no weather patch. Had enough of typhoon ruining games.

>> No.753713

Yep, that was me, I usually play either Yuyuko or Marisa (or fail with Iku).

>> No.753718

rage-quit? Don't worry, I understand completely.

>> No.753744

Is typhoon the weather condition where you can't block? Cause it's seriously pissing me off.

>> No.753746


>> No.753755

Eh, is the no weather launcher unstable? Our games kept getting occasional mega lag and dropping.

>> No.753773

Trying again with no weather. Lets see if it causes lag spikes again.

>> No.753791

anyone got the url to the SWR wiki?

>> No.753794

hosting,, US

>> No.753796

More like anyone got the url to Google?

>> No.753802

I think it's google.com

Lemme check

>> No.753819

No takers for no weather? Okay, hosting normally ON, Canada.

>> No.753822 EU

>> No.753833

Good games Magister ;P I didn't see your profile name when we started but as soon as we started playing I knew it was you ;P

You got any tips for me? Thanks for the replays, btw >>

>> No.753842


You went airborne a lot. I don't think I got you to block even once on the ground, and thus, I couldn't pressure you. Did you already know that ahead of time or something and fixed your strategy accordingly, or do you usually do that? It was really hard to deal with either way, since Reimu's air game is pretty bad.

>> No.753851 ec

>> No.753852

Also it's storming so if I drop, you know why.

>> No.753854

I know you've got Reimu's corner-lock pretty much down and I didn't want to have to deal with that.

But, to be honest, I always do that. Should I try to stay on the ground more?

>> No.753913

Like I said, Reimu's ground game is much stronger than her air game. However, your strategy works for everyone around your speed or slower. If you're in the air spamming projectiles against someone slower than Reimu, you're going to almost always win out, because they can't get close fast enough, and trying to cancel out C amulets with their own danmaku is like trying to stop a train with your hands.

But against say, an Aya or Youmu, they can get right up to you if you're spamming projectiles, and if you try to engage in close-quarters while in the air, you'll probably be the one taking damage, as Aya's kick and Youmu's elbow have the most priority and reach in the game, I believe. Even a Yuyuko will give you trouble this way by spamming more ghosts and butterflies than you can cancel out with your own danmaku, and fanslamming you if you get close.

Certainly your strategy isn't a bad thing, but I'm almost positive that you have trouble against the things mentioned above, and insinuating more ground-ground combat with your opponent can make you an extremely annoying Reimu to deal with.

>> No.753952

ggs bix.

>> No.753957
Canada ON

>> No.753966

Hosting. First timer.

>> No.754139

Where is everyone?

>> No.754160


good games. I don't get many chances to play against Patchy.

>> No.754165

GG i couldn't stop laughing after your yuyuko kept trying to hit hit me in the air with that butterfly melee attack which you loved to spam. Rehosting

>> No.754179


>> No.754180

what can I say, I like the butterfly slam. I need to stop using it so much, but in all honesty I like the visual effect of it.

>> No.754184

whoever I was playing against gg, I just started two days ago

>> No.754206 im still waiting ;_; Canada ON

>> No.754270


>> No.754281
Intermediate Reimu US West

>> No.754282
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So I was playing, and ended up getting what I guess is a game over and when I continued, it took me to this little area.

Was quite a groundless battle.

>> No.754288
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>>753822 (I think - no mokou?)

>> No.754289

Common glitch in story mode, yeah.

>> No.754293
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>> No.754294
US East, beginner
First time trying to host, tell me if you cant connect.

>> No.754316

Nope. Nothing happens

>> No.754332

rehosting, trying default port.

>> No.754350


>> No.754356

ggs keith

>> No.754414

I am quite the scrub

>> No.754420

ggs shieru

>> No.754427


>> No.754451
Canada West

>> No.754465

GG, first suika i've played against who doesn't just sit in a corner and use that fast fireball all game long

>> No.754476

GGs, Patchy can be scary to play against with someone who knows what they're doing. Your only real problem was that you spent like 75% of the time at the top of the screen, which really doesn't do a whole lot besides making you an easier target for Suika's j.8A lolicopter. GGs nonetheless.

>> No.754478

Sorry, too laggy. gg

>> No.754479
Intermediate Reimu US West

>> No.754496

So if you're a total newb, where do you go to figure out what all these spellcards do and how they work?

I have no idea how to put together a deck, let alone know how to exploit it.

>> No.754504


>> No.754507

See OP picture, from there you configure your deck and go to practice mode to test out cards.

>> No.754520


But I can barely read their Engrish names.

>> No.754533
US West - Intermediate. Attempting to learn Suika.

>> No.754536


>> No.754537

Hosting ON, Canada.

>> No.754563

Is the game running really slow?

>> No.754565

still hosting or already in a match?

>> No.754570

GGs Girdot

>> No.754577
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GGs there, yeah I suck with Tenshi. OTL

>> No.754582

Not really. I suck against fast characters...well...at least mroeso than against slow characters ;P im working on it though.
Intermediate Reimu US West

>> No.754585

see >>754563
My end was lagging dropping inputs and everything. rehosting.

>> No.754612

Thanks for all the games.
I was more used to IaMP, but I didn't know it would be this different.

GGs Good sir. I found my main.

>> No.754643

Someone host.

>> No.754653
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Great games, I was about to say that you should definitely main Komachi or Yuyuko. I could definitely tell you were learning quickly as we went along.

>> No.754680
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Thanks Anon.
I'll keep practising those two.

>> No.754760 canada east, average

>> No.754775

gg lbg
i really need to learn to avoid that lightning attack
i must have not grazed that 80% of the time

>> No.754776

gg's. Sorry about the match with patchy, and the double typhoon super nonsense.

>> No.754784
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754784 West Coast US (California)

>> No.754786

did you notice i have no idea how to play komachi

>> No.754792

its cool, ggs, was fun

>> No.754790

GGs sorry for cutting that last game short, something came up.

>> No.754800
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>> No.754802

Heh, yeah you kept using the explosion move with no spirits around. You should narrow your choice down to 3-4 characters you're good with. Your Reimu and Yuyuko were definitely better than others. Oh, and so you know you use Sakuya's World wrong. What you need to do is smack them with A once, then apply knives and A combos directly to their face.

>> No.754808

Where's Let's tango?

>> No.754817

I did alot better than I expected since this was my first play.

Didn't know you could do a double KO though

>> No.754821

Good games. I didn't know you could draw, that was weird. I saw us both flying away and I thought "oh crap, who won." Your Remi wiped the floor with me ><

>> No.754833

Any beginners still hosting?

>> No.754835

The thing is, I dont even know what the spellcards do at this point. I just use one and hope it has the effect I want. Unfortunately, that one stopped time and wasnt a megabuster attack.

I like playing random because I like playing all the characters. Its less boring when you dont do the same combos and pressure the entire game, plus it makes me a worse player since I dont focus letting me play vs more people in the average range.

Its more fun that way since its usually close battles.

>> No.754843

ultimate spellcards look flash and are a step up to another spellcard they also take 5 cards to use

>> No.754878
US West - Rehosting, preferably someone of mid-high level play

>> No.754879
beginner hosting

>> No.754893

Not working, 75000 or 07500

>> No.754894

ggs limiter.

>> No.754897

tatari, i was enjoying that beat up u made, man!

>> No.754901

I noticed my spellcard was changing at various times during our fights and that fucked me up a couple times

Is there weather or attacks that change the current card of your deck? Not sure if it was a coincidence but I saw it change when I got hit by komachi once.

>> No.754916

beat story mode with every single character

>> No.754909

so i just got this game, playing through it, pretty fun... but there are only like 3 tracks of music and 4 levels. do i have to unlock the rest or something? if so, how?
i want to avoid downloading already completed data.

>> No.754912

ports don't work that way

>> No.754915

you have to download unless you like lunatic without using continues

>> No.754918

Complete Story Mode with all the characters.
New characters are unlocked doing that as well.

>> No.754921

sometimes when u have a spell card ready to use, your opponent can make that card back into your deck. preventing it from getting used.

>> No.754927


hoo boy. well, thanks for being helpful.

>> No.754932

I'd play longer (especially against a fellow east canadian, fuck yeah low delay) but I try to avoid playing too much so I don't get good. Your Yuyuko surprised me, what with your Border Escaping and your actual blockstrings ಠ_ಠ

>> No.754935

>lunatic without using continues
normal mode with continues worked for me
pretty sure the unlocker files have it done with easy mode and continues

>> No.754960


yea. i need to fight someone good with yuyuko. so I could learn more stuff.

>> No.754987

Game just randomly shut down on me, rehosting.

>> No.755013

Yep, one of the weather types causes your super bar to drain when you get hit. If it drains enough, you will lose a card. But then you hit the guy and get a new one back. I've had 2-3 cards change due to this at times. I believe Reisen has a super that does the same thing, but no one seriously uses her so it's not a factor.

>> No.755020

reminds me what the fuck does reisen's red circle thing around her do? I've found no use for it

>> No.755031

Yep, easy is fine. Story mode is annoying as fuck with certain characters. Poor Youmu and Iku get assraped by Yukari's cheesy, cheesy spells.

>> No.755046

If your opponent is in the circle, you will auto-graze their attacks. The pink version works the same way, but it makes your illusionary projectiles real. Getting hit once cancels them. Both are useless as hell, just take the third option which is actually a decent attack.

>> No.755082

us and a hoastan

trying to improve so kick my ass and then critique my play

>> No.755098

East Coast
Intermediate Skill Level

>> No.755090

I was ready to throw my 10 pound arcade stick at the TV screen when Yukari started her cheesy spamming when I was trying to play through with Youmu.

>> No.755100

Third option?

>> No.755108

felt the same way.

>> No.755119
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This one. She zaps in a small circle around her.

>> No.755121


>> No.755126

GGs. Your Youmu is aggressive, be sure to watch out for people stuffing bullets into your air melee.

>> No.755130

Ah, that one. It is a perfect ender to 5AAAA

>> No.755275

anyone hosting?

>> No.755281

GGs, I don't think I'll EVER be able to win a Suika mirror match. Your loliball always beats out my loliball; guess I still need more practice.

>> No.755288

GG's anon. You've gotta learn to bait attacks with your Suika. Randomly tossing fireballs and 66C's isn't going to carry you far. You've got to know when to use them.

>> No.755302

>know when to use them

>> No.755303

Well that was pretty lame to be honest, stop spamming the fireball shit.

>> No.755316
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Hosting, WC:

>> No.755326


>> No.755333

>> No.755343


sage for sirlin

>> No.755352


>> No.755353

Has someone found a use for Youmu's grab? It does absolutely no damage, and it adds too much to the limit

>> No.755360

GGs Alice

>> No.755366


>> No.755374

No beginners hosting?

>> No.755408

>No beginners hosting?

Why don't you host it then, n00b

>> No.755417



>> No.755463

ggs, rehosting.

>> No.755474

If it works, I don't see why he should stop.

>> No.755498

Perhaps because there are more things, other than spamming fireballs, to do?

>> No.755524

IF IT WORKS, I don't see why he should stop.

>> No.755534

You should read the link I posted earlier

>> No.755562

Spamming the same move over and over essentially changes the game from a two-player fighting game to a one-player puzzle game, since all it is is trying to figure out how to beat the other guy's one "move". Might as well play spellcards in story mode; it's pretty much the same thing.

>> No.755580

That doesn't make a lot of sense. The game is about finding a way to beat the other guy's strategy, in this case spamming fireballs, but it can be more complex than that and a good player changes strategies once it has been figured out. That's my point of view.

>> No.755578

ggs pear, just picked up swr? you'll crush me soon enough like you do in melty

>> No.755583

No, at least the enemies in the story mode mix it up slightly.

>> No.755595


>> No.755640

i was the guy who he was complaining about, and its not like i was just simply sitting on a corner spamming 1 button, i was actually flying around doing fireballs, but this necessarly runs me out of orbs, forcing me to land, im positive a better player could have taken advantage of this in some way.

>> No.755663


>> No.755657



>> No.755658

West Coast n00b hostan

>> No.755681

ggs rabbit.

>> No.755685

I don't disagree, but I wouldn't go so far as to call mashing 5B, or whatever, a "strategy. It's the player's own damn fault for not being able to see through and beat someone who spams the same move constantly, but you have to admit. it does take a lot of the two-player element out of the game. It's no longer about beating the opponent, it's about beating the move. It's just a spellcard without the superarmor.

>> No.755686

GGs Hitbox, Its really hard to chase your Aya. Shame on you though for patchy fireball spam

>> No.755697


Not working.

>> No.755719

No dice

>> No.755713


Try one more time...

>> No.755718

5c actually, and i try and fly offscreen to do it so its hard to dodge.

>> No.755726

Aight, well I guess I fail at opening ports. I'll have this figured out.

>> No.755773


>> No.755799

Thunderstorm caused my computer to crash.

I shit you not.

Rehosting. Feel free to rejoin. You're easily the best alice player I've ever played against.

>> No.755802

GGs anon it was fun

>> No.755814

Hi, you must be new here.

>> No.755807

/v/ is that way <-

>> No.755823


Hahahaha, best laugh all day

>> No.755834
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>> No.755845


>> No.755849
Canada West, casual

>> No.755994

GGs rabbit

>> No.755995


>> No.755998


>> No.756024 (EU)

>> No.756066

GGs, sorry about using my main on your Komachi in that first round, really wasn't a very nice thing to do. Anyway, is your Yuyu getting better or my Suika getting worse? I cried a little on that perfect.

Also, this whole thread has been more or less dedicated to pointing out how much of a scrub I am for saying this, but I believe I speak for every SWR player everywhere when I say JESUS CHRIST STOP THE CHIQUITA DRILLSPAM FGSJYARDFSLKQ. Sure it WORKS, but it-- well, huh. Guess I'm a scrub.

>> No.756076

gg, giant tree. i think u may need to adapt to a situation. your main have powerful attacks but keep spamming them will make it very easy for me to read and counter it. never do a move if u know it wont connect. force them to block or fly to your direction then hit em hard. some of their moves can graze, they are good only if im busy firing something.

i copy pasta this somewhere.

The most absolute basic things you need to practice in SWR:
#1. Movement. Pick a stage and start practicing your movement. Pick landmarks in the backdrop and try to dash/fly exact distances or jump right to a certain height and dash straight.
#2. Grazing. Grazing is a powerful tool, but sometimes it is a trap if you run into melee attacks while doing it. Learn when grazing is appropriate.
#3. Dash cancel. While you are shooting things push D and a direction to dash out. This is so unbelievably important. Learn when and where you can and should dash cancel. Follow your bullets.

>> No.756085

lol, I learned that from Magister. barely similar though.

>> No.756097
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>> No.756100
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>> No.756103
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>> No.756105
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>> No.756107
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>> No.756109
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>> No.756117

i dont get this one....

>> No.756120


>> No.756121

But really, that's along the lines of what I've been doing with the 22B/C + 5C/6C/loliball/etc. but it's tough to get a 22anything off during being projectilespammed so I usually just BS something from there and there you have why most of it doesn't work.

The main strategy besides that I've been using was j.5A into j.6A when close but I didn't get even one of those off during any of our matches. Looks like I have to rethink what I'm doing a little more. MAINLY what I need to do is figure out some blockstrings with my drunken oni loli, but until then I probably won't get far.

>> No.756130
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>> No.756129

It's just like the actual game!

>> No.756135

where is my picture with remilia 22B spam?

>> No.756147
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US West Coast Hostan

>> No.756150
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>> No.756153

You're beyond me, Rabbit-box.

>> No.756161

P1 was winning but Typhoon comes on and P2 is able to get in Suika's 5card special that is instakill ~ze

>> No.756175

No way man, you're good and it would be a one sided defeat for all my non-Youmu. GGs

>> No.756178

motherfucker is my best main because of that you can easily be good with her with practice even on keyboard

>> No.756238

VGG abba

You're Alice and Sakuya were amazing, but I've had alot of practice dealing with someone who's really good with Marisa, so I know most off her moveset already, and how they're punishable.

Oh, and I hate weather. So damn much.


East Coast US

>> No.756239

ggs. I don't know what's worse, Alice on Yuyuko or Marisa on Komachi. I guess you haven't played Kelrey; my Alice has nothing on his.

>> No.756247

Anyone who loses matches to this has no idea what they're doing.

>> No.756287

gg, chrisana

>> No.756300

Rabbit box's youmu is pretty intense, i might say.

>> No.756500

Lol, good times and good games Jetm. I have so much trouble charging that Komachi.

>> No.756502

VGGs Rabbit box.

>> No.756511

It got pretty hard to punish youmu with my f.5A. Every time I did, you had that line of bullets out, just waiting to be launched. I was worried every time that the f.5A wouldn't come out in time.

>> No.756527

Myself I had the most difficulty with your j.2a. I know Komachi has enough range to hit from behind with it and it became a guessing game which side you'd land on.

>> No.756547

Also, thank you Limiter. I still have a long ways to go to catch up to the likes of Magister.

>> No.756578


Yeah, j.2A is pretty much the best move Komachi has for hitting jumping opponents and safety in air. The only thing I'd trade it for is more 5C bullet walls, but against fast characters, I have to confirm knockdown first or I end up eating faster bullets.

f.5A or j.2A into knockdown with coins to force graze on recover, followed by 5C-j.5C for protection. Then, if you graze through the 5Cs, you can either suffer an unblockable melee attack+projectile, or I whiff and teleport you back into the 5C as you land.

Fun times, if you get it right. Thats what you should watch out for, AFAIK.
