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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 598 KB, 1680x1050, 6688_katawa_shoujo_hd_wallpapers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7549681 No.7549681 [Reply] [Original]

Firstly allow me to say I am Japanese and English is not my first language, so forgive me for misspellings or awkward grammar. Try not to be to harsh on me, as I am juist getting used to it. I have browsed this website for several years but my first time posting some thing....

This week I browsed the Internet and located and read some english eroge (visual novels, this case) I saw posted here before times and I am confused. Why do westerners try hard to imitate everything about japan visual novels? Western culture != japanese culture. I am not saying one is best, just different. Many were poor quality because they were thin imitations.

If you all could do your best and write something focuses on your own culture it would be more 3 dimensional and interesting to read. I do not understand why Disability Girls is so popular at all, it is generic Japanese story and not even excited to real japanese natives, let alone american or european people. I liked Digital Love Story and Girl of Dandelions, because they were western and acted western, and not perfect but charming in small ways (although we Japanese do not abuse internet talking as in former novel). That is not to say they were better than Japan visual novels, but not worse either.

Why do westerners insist to imitate japanese in “individual” development? You all are competent of some level and should not try copying so much.

Once again, I apologize for poor spelling or grammar. When I type long sentences or paragraphs my language slips slightly.

>> No.7549687
File: 14 KB, 202x243, gag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we Japanese do not abuse internet talking as in former novel

>> No.7549685

sage... and reported... and moved to the next page...

>> No.7549689

>more 3 dimensional

Stopped reading there.

>> No.7549688

Western women are pig disgusting (even in 2d).

>> No.7549692


>>Reporting thread

The irony made me laugh more than anything else.

>> No.7549691

yer a daft bloke gon out drinkin an yer burd posts on 'er facebook that she pregnant den you like fuck awkward moment wen u burd pregnant and yer out wi yer pals n' day all rippin u to shit for gettin yer 14 yold burd pregnant, innit

I'd play it

>> No.7549694

We don't make VNs on this board. Either way, there are Japanese VNs with western settings and shit too, so I don't see why people in the west can't make stuff with Japanese settings.

>> No.7549695

People "copy" because they just do what they like. It's not as much copying as it is "hurr durr japanese school this happens in japan", which makes sense for anime, but when a western developer does it it's generally pretty retarded because all they know about Japanese culture they just got from anime, so their knowledge is very diluted.
First rule of writing: write what you KNOW.
And Katawa Shoujo is just popular because it started off in 4chan. There are tons of western VNs out there (mostly bad, but they exist)

In short, yeah. Western devs should stick to western settings when doing these sort of things.

>> No.7549696

The kind of people who develop the visual novels in the west are just retarded, take this >>7549685 man for example.

>> No.7549698

>>there are Japanese VNs with western settings and shit too, so I don't see why people in the west can't make stuff with Japanese settings.

I agree, although I think OP was trying to say (in pitiful Engrish) that they try usually too hard, whereas published VNs that take place in western settings sound less forced.

>> No.7549700

Lol! Irony indeed... Me too... I don't usually report threads but this is obviously another subtle advertisement by KS devs... probably to gather attention for their upcoming release... I usually ignore their posts here but I'm having a bad day so might as well try something different and report shitposts...

>> No.7549702

>Either way, there are Japanese VNs with western settings and shit too,

And we're also the first ones to note when they fuck up in something.

>> No.7549703

>Girl of Dandelions

What the fuck is Girl of Dandelions?

>> No.7549707

Thanks OP. This gave me a good laugh.

>> No.7549709

KS devs are really prepared to stoop to anything for a KS thread. That's amazing.

>> No.7549710

I believe it's related to Girls of Sunflowers.

>> No.7549711

Shut the... fuck up... Mugen...


>> No.7549718


I think he means "Dandelion Girl".

.... Wait, there's a VN called Sunflower Girl?

>> No.7549722

That's because we consume their media but they don't consume ours. Not to mention the majority of the shit that western people produce is extremely amateurish, while the stuff in the east is often commercial stuff made by regular companies.

>> No.7549726

Wheel Country, Sunflower Girl

>> No.7549734


>They don't consume ours
>Anime originated from Disney movies like Snow White being imported to Japan after WWII.
>Many Japanese enjoy western games/media

>> No.7549732

inb4 anyone actually believes that op is Japanese

captcha: frtingi bangkok

fuck, I don't want that retard in this thread

>> No.7549730

>claim to ignore their posts
>post anytime a KS dev thread is made
>turnip smuggling not so smooth since authorities now recognize him
>printer cartridge sweatshop work not giving enough money to buy a big enough dildo to up his ass.
>mugen craves for dicks/attention.

>> No.7549731 [DELETED] 
File: 104 KB, 400x400, 1309232562473.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The developers are obviously fans of western VNs, and "imitation is the sincerest of flattery."

It's obvious that a group's first project will be a large homage to all those which they have enjoyed.

>> No.7549739

Bingo!... the majority of the shit that western people produce is extremely amateurish... wait... am I included in that lump of people?...

>> No.7549742 [DELETED] 

Your confusion is understandable, for you appear to think that western visual novels exist as a genre. This is not true, the closest you can get to VNs in the west are the likes of Mass Effect, which definitely are much different than conventional visual novels. While you may be under the impression that what you have sampled is the western approach to VNs, truth of the matter is that virtually every "western VN" is a result of a bunch of youngsters (and do be assured that creators of those games are young enough to be called children) think to be entertaining. Those cannot be thought as the epitome of the genre in the West just as you wouldn't consider the games on Newgrounds as the western view of gaming.

A second factor to be considered is that the audience interested in developing a VN, no matter whether Eastern or Western, is already interested in the genre and therefore enjoys the well-beaten path enough to extensively involve himself with VNs. When such an individual tries to make a VN, he will no doubt be inclined towards reflecting what he has seen and liked - and since the VN genre does not exist in the west, his work is virtually always similar to Japanese VNs. Consider Narahara and his constant swordfighting infodumps - that is natural, for he practices the art. What can you expect of authors that enjoy the eastern approach to VNs so much but a reflection of the eastern tendencies?

That being said, /jp/ has quite a few unusual VN ideas thrown around, which may be more befitting of your views on what a western VN should be like. Though as we're a lazy lot, very few of those get off the ground.

>> No.7549743

0/10, too obvious.

>> No.7549744
File: 104 KB, 400x400, 1309232562473.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The developers are obviously fans of Japanese VNs, and "imitation is the sincerest of flattery." They hope by being similar to others, they will be able to pass off as good.

It's obvious that a group's first project will be a large homage to all those which they have enjoyed.

>> No.7549745


>> No.7549749

I'm talking about visual novels. I highly doubt the average Japanese person that reads VNs, is also interested at all in our shitty western VNs. While on the other hand, we here will read their VNs, and generally ignore the western created VNs.

The shit you produce is just shit.

>> No.7549750

Your confusion is understandable, for you appear to think that western visual novels exist as a genre. This is not true, the closest you can get to VNs in the west are the likes of Mass Effect, which definitely are much different than conventional visual novels. While you may be under the impression that what you have sampled is the western approach to VNs, truth of the matter is that virtually every "western VN" is a result of a bunch of youngsters (and do be assured that creators of those games are young enough to be called children) gathering and producing something to entertain themselves and garner attention instead of intending truly to contribute to the genre. Those cannot be thought as the epitome of the genre in the West just as you wouldn't consider the games on Newgrounds as the western view of gaming.

A second factor to be considered is that the audience interested in developing a VN, no matter whether Eastern or Western, is already interested in the genre and therefore enjoys the well-beaten path enough to extensively involve himself with VNs. When such an individual tries to make a VN, he will no doubt be inclined towards reflecting what he has seen and liked - and since the VN genre does not exist in the west, his work is virtually always similar to Japanese VNs. Consider Narahara and his constant swordfighting infodumps - that is natural, for he practices the art. What can you expect of authors that enjoy the eastern approach to VNs so much but a reflection of the eastern tendencies?

That being said, /jp/ has quite a few unusual VN ideas thrown around, which may be more befitting of your views on what a western VN should be like. Though as we're a lazy lot, very few of those get off the ground.

>> No.7549751

Your clumsy doodles and below subpar games cannot even begin to be considered mediocre mugen.

Hell, I know for a fact that you TRACE YOUR DRAWINGS. You are a hack.

>> No.7549753

Actually the developers are only casual VN fans at best. For example the devs related to your image don't even like kamige like Cross Channel and Sharin no Kuni.

>> No.7549756

I can sense some hostility in your posting... are you by any chance... angry?...

Nah... it's 2:40 something AM in his timezone so he won't be here for now... unless someone else took his place...

So what do you call a Japanese that is obsessed with Western Media... Reverse-Weaboo?...

>> No.7549764

>I am Japanese
Suuuure, and I'm from Mars.

>> No.7549767

Because we are all supposed to like the same things, right?

I cannot tolerate Key's work, but I adore Leaf's and Elf's early work, for example.

Hell, the only thing I liked from Air was the soundtrack.

>> No.7549769



The guy who created Metal Gear Solid for instance, is obsessed with Western culture and media. He even collects videos, books, souvenirs and action figures.

>> No.7549770

I don't think there is that much of a stigma reverse wise. For example, I believe it isn't that uncommon to listen to English music in non English countries, but in an English country, it seems pretty weird to listen to foreign language music. It's just a difference in mindsets.

>> No.7549771

English VNs are just a by-product of the popularity of Japanese VNs. They imitate the Japanese style because that's pretty much the only experience the creators have with the medium.

I seriously doubt that Western VNs will ever fully take off, but if they do, I'm sure they'll will gradually evolve into their own distinctive style.

>> No.7549779

Ohoho... accusations, accusations and no backing evidence... it's easy to throw accusation when your anonymous... don't be shy give me your best shot... I Uncle Mugen will be waiting... at least for another 30 or so minutes before I... go back to bed...

Aw c'mon... my work is not shit... it's not superb... true... but not shit either... except for that My Little Pony parody... I put every once of my heart and soul into my work... I'm... gonna improve next time... really...

>> No.7549782


Newfiend here, who's this mugen?

>> No.7549786

You're right, the work you produce is just of such high quality, like this beautiful piece of work.

>> No.7549785
File: 112 KB, 1024x640, westernvisualnovel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are late to the party. They already did.

And in 3DCG!

>> No.7549788

Oh... just some handsome long haired guy who happened to pass by this thread...

>> No.7549795

An attention whore who makes horrible short games with self-inserts and gloats about them. He also edits his own face into pictures. That's his entire shtick, so he gets boring very quickly. He's also filthy rich, so you'd think he'd be above trying to bolster his self-confidence on /jp/ but there you have it.

>> No.7549792

I imagine making a western high school setting would be like making Napoleon Dynamite into a VN.

>> No.7549798
File: 554 KB, 1440x1080, 1309147210445.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd punch you in the face if I ever met you.

>> No.7549802

Attention whore. Usually latches on to Meiling to try to suck up some popularity. Is known fro his bad taste in clothes, hairdo, drawings and overall shit.

For all intents and purposes, ignore him. Insulting him as soon as he posts is a time honored tradition.

By the way, your mother is a whore, as all filipino women are, Mugen.

>> No.7549805

I think a western setting would be a bit different. You have different school systems depending on the area, no uniforms, disgusting western names, a ton of different races, etc. I guess you could have a western setting in a catholic school or something and it would be kinda similar.

>> No.7549810


>Disgusting western names
>Which are heavily used in anime.

>> No.7549813

Am I the only one who didn't think that OP was trolling?

>> No.7549815

Hong Meiling?... Is that you?...

>> No.7549819

To be honest, the closest we have are those hideous newgrounds dating games that were made back when the interweb was young.

>> No.7549821


Please, ignore the poster known as "mugenjohncel".
He is barely a minor smuggler and black market profiteer who labours under the delusion that he is a great tycoon.
His business is sneaking $4000000 of vegetables past customs, deny responsibility and frame colleagues.
Truly, he is a laughable figure.
The state of his country is worrisome.
I would not desire him as a comrade, nor as my friend on the internet.

>> No.7549829
File: 17 KB, 384x384, 1151346587208.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope. But you may call me Ozoianon.

I just have noticed how you like to sling shit in Hong's way when he is being entirely harmless, like the filthy monkey you are.

That's when I became convinced that you are desperate for attention. Any attention.

>> No.7549831

>Because we are all supposed to like the same things, right?
No, but when they only like beginner stuff and they rant about how terrible Japanese VNs are despite not playing very many it's clear that they aren't as big of fans as the guy implied.

>> No.7549838

OK fine... I know my writing sucks... there!.... I admit it!... my art is nothing special... it's not Tony Taka but definitely not crap...besides my writing is direct from... THE HEART... though I know whatever I say will not matter since no matter what my intentions were... the only thing that will matter most is how the audience will receive it...

>> No.7549844

Thanks for the copypasta, OP. Can't wait for the next /v/ KS thread, ooh boy.

>> No.7549845

Except Tony can be very good with shadings and colors, while yours are flat. Just plain flat and boring.

Just like you.

>> No.7549848

Your...ellipses really...get...on my nerves...Do people...tell you that...often? Stop...using...ellipses...they make you...seem like...a spineless pussy...which you...probably are...................

>> No.7549851

cool, that famous mugen guy. care to show me a drawing?

>> No.7549856

Could you fuckers please stop replying to Mugen? He's the only tripfag I've ever filtered, and I'd like to keep his existence from further preventing me from taking it easy. A'ight?

>> No.7549866

now you have to post some Ozoi, pal.

>> No.7549872

well, can't you just ignore the thread?
also, there's much more worst people around that Ellipses spammer.

>> No.7549874
File: 41 KB, 448x448, 1235231162282.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will make an Ozoi thread when I come back from an interview.

Just for you anon. <3

>> No.7549877

Sling shit?... Uh... I think you're barking at the wrong tree my friend... I don't know what Hong thinks of me or if he even gives a damn but I ain't one of those cowards who insult and hide under Anonymous... I am Uncle Mugen... I'll say what I say under my official tripcode... when I am displeased or don't agree with something and want to voice my opinion, I will and always post under a tripcode... no exception including this thread... so whoever is it that seems harming Hong in any way is not me... I'm pretty much neutral towards him just like Kuroko-Poster Guy and Saten Fan and Flying Flanders...

I know this is /jp/ and I am in any circumstance not obligated to conform to you or to anyone and yet I still do... you know why?... Because this is what I am... contrary to popular belief... I am a honest to goodness law abiding citizen... I hope this should clear the misunderstanding my friend...

>> No.7549878

...thanks. I'll wait your return.

>> No.7549885

No, there really isn't. wtH can at least be almost humorous by accident sometimes, and while every post of his bleeds autism it's not really enraging or egotistical. Mugen has NO redeeming qualities, every post of his is annoying to read, mostly off-topic, attention whoring, and full of shit. He is the worst person who consistently posts on /jp/. It's like portal spammer, but three times more annoying and off-topic.

Holy shit, I'm just going to leave this thread before I enrage myself more.

>> No.7549888

tl,dr...where's the pic, uncle?

>> No.7549892 [SPOILER] 
File: 797 KB, 1164x1231, Uncle Mugen the Stallion by Mugenjohncel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Picture?... Err... will this do?...

>> No.7549896
File: 408 KB, 1280x720, uncle mugen and kuronegro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmm... it's getting late... Good night guys... see you later...

>> No.7549898

well, flying high above any comment on the subject of the pic, seems that you're not really bad,and good coloring. I really was expecting worse.

>> No.7549901

...flying really, really high, like, over the stratosphere.

>> No.7549945
File: 9 KB, 208x251, 1232833868226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw mugen makes up the half of the posts in this thread, including the original OP

seriously, /jp/, i dont know how many of you are regulars, but stop falling for this shit

>> No.7551124

Oho! Let's see... you're one of those tin foiled hat conspiracy nuts right?... Though I already gave my statement... I won't force the truth on you and will instead leave you to your fantasies and conspiracy theories if this is what it takes to keep you sane and happyd celoses...

>> No.7551125

The smell of onions permeates every post in this thread, mugen. You might as well give it up.

>> No.7551133

No it doesn't... I think you need to get your nose checked up my friend...

>> No.7551136


0/10 Try harder next time OP!

>> No.7551153
File: 596 KB, 1920x1080, 1306851032408.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'll give you the benefit of the doubt for now and assume you're not a troll (which is unlikely because it's /jp/):

If you're referring to things like trying to imitate the school life of a Japanese student or including Japanese culture references, I agree with you, it's silly and somewhat pointless.

If you're not: I know what got me into VNs was the interactive story and interesting characters. While I may not be excited by moe, what I saw in many of these VNs was something generally superior to the English stories I had read. I also liked the 'chose your own adventure' horror stories back in the 90's (that I'm currently forgetting the name of).
There really isn't anything like a VN in English culture, so there isn't really anything to pull on for their creation. Also, English stories get plagued by a small cast of mostly generic characters (much like all the 'main moe' found in Japanese works), and the character archetypes are a bit of a refreshing break.
Finally, the western culture I know is so 'anti-sex' that it's annoying. Games like the Rance series are hilarious and entertaining, but there's no acceptable outlet for that in the western world. So, we're stuck to either the Japanese counterparts or being angry at a system which is too controlled by religion to change.

>> No.7551159
File: 1.57 MB, 1920x1200, 1304572836776.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Should also add: most western works I know are too predictable with their character development (assuming they even focus on t0eh characters), especially having too strong definitions of 'good' and 'evil'. While the Japanese works have problems of their own, they're generally good about those things.

>> No.7551169
File: 48 KB, 400x400, internet tough guy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7551183

>the western culture I know is so 'anti-sex'
So that means you havent read books right? (best sellers dont count)

>> No.7551185

Who give a shit about japanese culture and other shit.
I play Visual Novel/Eroge because of their expert use of time leap/time loop plot.

>> No.7551190

It's not so much anti-sex as it is anti-deviant-sex. That H manga where the loli gets gangraped, then asks god to kill all they guys, that shit won't fly here.

Palahniuk is one of the few novelists I've read that'll take it there, but it's still not quite....

>> No.7551204

Only an idiot would think a style could belong to a country simply because they thought of it first.

The reason for crappy vns from our side is obvious- our side has no taste in general.
