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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7547723 No.7547723 [Reply] [Original]

>"W-why would you want to smell my feet? I mean they're all dirty and sweaty... Onii-chan must be a pervert....
Foot thread

>> No.7547732


That's it... I'm outta here.

>> No.7547740

why only one?

>> No.7547741

You will never have a little sister, tease you with her feet.

>> No.7547749

>You will never have an older brother who you can blue-ball with your feet.

>> No.7547750


Oh but I have, her feet smell really bad though, not lewd at all.

I'm more of an armpit man, anyway.

>> No.7547755

Details will be apreciated.
Oh you, Lain~

>> No.7547758
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>Lain !!FsvM2KFZ/6g

>> No.7547773

I've had my little sister touch me with her feet many times. She particularly likes to see me squirm while she rubs her feet up my back onto my head.

>> No.7547778

That's fine. I don't care for little sisters.

>> No.7547782

One may thinkg that much more women enjoy men with a feet fetish since they can do what women love so much, humiliating men

>> No.7547791

I literally do not understand your post.

>> No.7547811

They do.
But how would feel if a woman wanted to suck your toes? You'd think its pretty gross, right? Well thats how most women feel.
And yes, its great humiliating men. Bit that's mainly because im dom. Most women have this silly, archaic idea that they must be submissive in the relationship and in bed.

>> No.7547821

That's nice, but you are an attentionwhoring bitch on /jp/ which makes everything you say invalid.

>> No.7547823

A Touhou can make you cum if she sucked you toe like a penis

>> No.7547851

Can you please remove your trip.

>> No.7547874

>not demanding you punish her for being so lewd

>> No.7547879

>Yes I'm a girl, don't hit on me you silly boys ~

>> No.7547907

Now now, be nice.

>> No.7547923

What are you getting so angry about?

>> No.7547930

>Virigin, you're just mad you can't get a girl like me :3 silly boys~

>> No.7547938


>> No.7547957

Well fuck, I didn't know being pent up in a house alone, could make a person so irritable

>> No.7547962

What are you, new?

>> No.7547964

Naw, just fucking around.

>> No.7547970

At least half your posts here mention that you're a girl.

>> No.7547974
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>> No.7547972

>I'm just a girl, silly boys~ Stop hitting on me. I've got a boyfriend, but I can accept your giftz if you really want to give them to me :3

>> No.7547979

Thanks for feeding me with new fap material.

>> No.7547981

>Lain !!FsvM2KFZ/6g
Reported for attentionwhoring.

>> No.7547991

Giving attention to the histrionic fuck so he can get attention from other sources

>> No.7547995
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>> No.7548004

So much hatred... you guys really need a hug, you know that?

>> No.7548029

Don't remind us.

>> No.7548036

You're mistaken, I didn't express any hate in my post.

>> No.7548037

>Just because I'm a girl doesn't mean I want to be treated any differently. If you lost your virginity then you wouldn't be so hostile. :3

>> No.7548060

>Remove your trip remove you trip remove your trip!
Do it yourself you lazy motherfucker(s). That's what extensions are for.

>> No.7548065

Wtf, i'm not implying that, i'm a virgin, and im calmer than you guys.

>> No.7548076

>So much hatred

Let's take a closer, unbiased look shall we?

>Giving attention to the histrionic fuck so he can get attention from other sources
Could be taken as hateful.

>Reported for attentionwhoring.
Is expressing extreme dislike.

>Thanks for feeding me with new fap material.
Isn't even mentioning Lain !!FsvM2KFZ/6g.

>>I'm just a girl, silly boys~ Stop hitting [...] want to give them to me :3
Ironic post expressing hatred.

>At least half your posts here mention that you're a girl.
No hatred.

>> No.7548086

>Don't hit on me, silly guys. It's not my fault that you can't be with a unique snowflake like me.

>> No.7548102

Wah, everyone just take it easy!

>> No.7548106

you're assuming i don't get giggly when i post :3 and say silly boys out loud.

i still hate women

>> No.7548108

goddamn you OPlover wish i could take it easy as you do, you would be the perfect Yukkuri and i would like to abuse you a little so you can puff-puff easy.

>> No.7548111

Puffing up defeats the entire point of taking it easy.

>> No.7548117

Eh, true, the magical catface does seem to have a euphoric effect on people.
But still, I pity you for your bad experiences that led to your misogynistic behavier.

>> No.7548124

Why do you feel the need to mention your gender in every other post?

>> No.7548131

Eh, mainly attention whoreing reasons.
But still, I didn't mention my gender in that post.

>> No.7548135

Obviously because the reactions to this troll are funny. Geddit?

This thread is now for doubles and triples.

>> No.7548137

the master race doesn't need pity. you should feel ashamed of being a lesser creature and being out of favor. repent your sins and submit.

>> No.7548142

Oh look, another shitty tripfaggot like Sudo.

>> No.7548144

Oh? Are you forgetting who's in charge here? I don't carry this riding crop for nothing you know~
Whoa whoa whoa, lets not get hasty here. I'll admit im an attention whore sometimes, but im not a troll. I don't want to upset people. Doing that to /jp/ is like kicking a guy when he's down. Which frankly is fun, but mean and wrong.

>> No.7548141

And there you have it, gentlemen.

>> No.7548167

>im not a troll
You seem to be doing an excellent job of it.

>> No.7548169
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men who submit to women aren't men. you're required to have a penis to be a man(human), but simply having one doesn't make you a human(man).

>> No.7548171

I'm not female.

>> No.7548188

Whats wrong with a beta?
If a guy is so whipped, that he'll beg to lick the cum from you toes, then he's my ideal man. (Luckily my boyfreind already does that :3c. It feels so nice to have a slave)

>> No.7548192
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Your problem is that you reply to everyone.

I bet if I called you fat then you would have said something about not being fat. Fuck, I bet you are going to reply to this post, you super slut homo :(

>> No.7548194


Consistent tripf/a/g stay classy

>> No.7548195

fuck lain I only like 2d feet for most part

>> No.7548196

didn't you just claim in this thread you're a virgin? you're story is getting all mixed up. i never take talking with a woman seriously so don't be too embarrassed.

>> No.7548202

Yes, im a virgin.
I've never actually have had penetrative sex.

>> No.7548207

so you let the beta-faggot boyfriend cum on your toes?

sounds like he is using you and you're misinterpreting it.

>> No.7548208

I definitely won't reply to this post.

>> No.7548215

sounds like you're only toying with this beta boyfriend and deep down you want to be raped by a strong man. i understand though, women and even beta men want strong alpha men to ravage them.

>> No.7548222

whether he's useing me or not, i enjoy seeing him humiliated by drinking his own cum off my toes, and he enjoys it, well for masochistic reasons. Win-win situation.

>> No.7548223
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>Sudo !Tohsaka8ks

>> No.7548227

sudo don't post in this thread, the lack of purity will harm you!

>> No.7548229
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>> No.7548236

Another trip attentionwhore?

Even Sudo is better than this new one.

>> No.7548239
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>> No.7548246 [DELETED] 


Sudo is so fat when he goes run his gigantic sagging man tits get road rash from scraping against the asphalt.

>> No.7548248

Sudo is so fat when he goes running his gigantic sagging man tits get road rash from scraping against the asphalt.

>> No.7548253

Sudo is so fucking fat it takes him 10 minutes to respond to a post because his giant fat sausage fingers keep hitting the wrong keys.

>> No.7548257
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Fuck off!

>> No.7548261

What a bad thread.

>> No.7548262
File: 151 KB, 800x720, 1309218132914.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is Sudo so fat?

>> No.7548264

>implying the desire of all women is to be raped
That's more like wishful thinking on your part.

>> No.7548266


But at least it provides a free place to take shots at the next shittiest poster after Jones.

>> No.7548267

why would i wish that? i don't even care. they give it up to anyone who can ask properly anyway.

>> No.7548277

You really need a hug, huh?
Anyway, I hope you find a good woman, so you can throw away those silly misogynistic views.

>> No.7548279

Who let you out of /a/?

>> No.7548281

What, do you expect gatekeepers on an anonymous imageboard, that encourages contribution from any source?

>> No.7548289

my stomach turned and i frowned deeply when i read your post. i hope you're happy with yourself after writing something so rude.

>> No.7548301

Im so sorry. I didn't mean to make you upset.
What? I first started out on /jp/.
I adopted this trip during my brief vacation at /a/.

>> No.7548313
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>> No.7548326


>> No.7548327

Can we go back to the topic of touhou feet?

>> No.7548330

Going backwards

>> No.7548332

Shut up. Toehoes are always just a pretext.
/jp/ is and always was a meta board.

>> No.7548334
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>> No.7548654
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Chen's feet are a wonder of the universe

>> No.7551953

Bump for touhou footage.
