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7534243 No.7534243 [Reply] [Original]

Previous >>7465763

What are you playing/expecting/etc..., talk about anything VN related here

Huge influx of promising games these days, even Vermilion is finally out

>> No.7534258

Playing Rewrite, finished Lucia's route, now finishing what's left of the common route to get to Kotori's.
So lengthy.

>> No.7534262

>So lengthy.
You're saying it like it's a bad thing.

>> No.7534269

I thought I had finished the common route when I got to Lucia's.
The pacing is good so I don't mind it.

>> No.7534282

Not this guy but the common route was far too long for what it was.
I don't have anything against slice of life but I was a bit disappointed by the humor.
The routes themselves though seem excellent so far.

>> No.7534306

So is the music, tracks like withering, journey or carnation are excellent.

>> No.7534328

Talking about Rewrite, who wrote which routes? Since it has several writers.

>> No.7534339

Ryu wrote Lucia, Tonogawa wrote Shizuru's probably and Tanaka the rest I believe.
Thoug wasn't it supposed to have a mystery writer working too?

>> No.7534340

Romeo: Kotori, Akane, Moon, Terra
Tonogawa: Chihaya, Shizuru
R07: Lucia

>> No.7534362

>Moon, Terra

>> No.7534380

Last thread was: >>7501066
(the one linked in OP was the one before last one)

>> No.7534407
File: 1.70 MB, 1468x2060, sonanyl0003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since the Sona-nyl web novel finally came out, here's the the Sona-nyl sketch/art book I scanned a while back! http://www.mediafire.com/?11c8x810iya6xyg

>> No.7534421
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In addition to that, I just got the cd that comes with last month BugBug magazine which got an extra gag scenario for Sona-nyl and G-senjou no Maou. Since I don't think this is shared anywhere, here are the links in case someone wants it too.

>> No.7534422

Anyone got the siscon patch?

>> No.7534447

Thanks, stuff like this usually doesn't get uploaded anywhere.

>> No.7534494

Aha, the writer change is so obvious in Lucia's route, Ryuukishi has such an obvious style.

>> No.7534502

the extra gag scenario is actually some commemorative thing for the magazine mascot, so don't play it thinking it's properly about Sona-nyl, it's more about those characters interacting with said mascot.

>> No.7534532
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This is the scene where I gained a new fetish.

>> No.7534544

Looks like the siscon patch is not out yet.

>> No.7534545

To those who are reading Rewrite, what's the MC like? Bland, interesting, puny Riki-like weakling?

>> No.7534563

He is kind of like Taichi without the pervertedness and the sociopath tendency.

>> No.7534579

so he isn't like Taichi at all?

>> No.7534589

He has the same type of frivolous character with a hidden side.
He isn't like any other Key protag at least

>> No.7534650

The surprise hit of the month may be Sukima Sakura, it's very enjoyable.

>> No.7534678
File: 121 KB, 1280x800, frrrrr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lovely x Cation made me realize that I want more dating-sims. Pretty cool how some of your stats can influence H-scenes. You can drown your girl in cum with a high physical-fitness stat for example. Going for the delicious PE-teacher right now.

>> No.7534700

>You can drown your girl in cum with a high physical-fitness stat for example.
I've laughed when they explained that bit.
The stat building is pretty simple but ok, heroines are all attractive.

>> No.7534722

Yoshino's song

>> No.7535414

Oretsuba R isn't out yet?

>> No.7535515

Still not seeing Chronicles vol2 in Share, what's up with that?

>> No.7535527

Chronicles 01 took around a week to be uploaded.
Have some more patience.

>> No.7535614

So, does Rewrite have a good story?

>> No.7535954

Depends on what your expectations are. Key fans seem to be loving it, Romeo fans not so much.

>> No.7536107

Story is very chuuni, if you don't like this kind of thing don't play it.

Romeo's fans don't seem to dislike it, just that he dumbed down his style a bit so there isn't the brilliant proses of CC or Ima though Akane's route is supposed to be more Romeo-esque than the rest.
It's still enjoyable to read but it's not something to read for the writing.

Anyways I'm liking it quite a bit though surprisingly I found Chihaya's route, that was written by Tonogawa, better than Kotori's route, written by Romeo.

>> No.7536179

Just finished my first route in Rewrite, Chihaya's. Wish I didn't have to work so much or I would probably be done the whole thing by now.

>> No.7536224

>video has been removed by the user

>> No.7536229


>> No.7536230

>Story is very chuuni
can you elaborate on this? You mean the usual convenient setting where the protagonists are the good guys and always pull through and shit like that?
How did you like it so far?

>> No.7536304

It was ok. It didn't really have the same atmosphere I usually find Key games to have. The plot also reads like it is from a Shounen Jump manga. The humour wasn't as good as previous Key games, but still fine.

If I were to rate this game on this route alone I would say 7.5~8/10. Not amazing, but definitely worth a read.

>> No.7536456 [SPOILER] 
File: 75 KB, 961x540, Kotori_is_love.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I loved your fucking end, Kotori.
That's all I need to say, moving onto Chihaya.

>> No.7536498
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>> No.7536549

My main problem with Rewrite is that the humor is pretty bad for me.
Only a few scenes with Yoshino and some of Kotori's cold jokes managed to get a smile out of me so far.
If I liked the humor better I would have gone through the common parts faster.

Grisaia had a hugeass common route made of slice of life after slice of life too, script-wise it was about 1mb but I went through it really quickly because the humor and character interactions in general was god tier, I just can't do it with Rewrite.

Anyways I'm on the 25 of October, anyone know when the story finally kick in?
Despite what I said about the humor I'm liking the foreshadowing and the cast is mostly nice so I don't want to drop it.

>> No.7536723
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Still no Oretsuba R?
Damn, I can't wait to read Ai's route

>> No.7536979

I for one am pretty amused by Rewrites humor so far, but I can see how it won't fit everyone. Also like the foreshadowing and the characters, but hearing how it will turn chuuni later on is a bit worrying.

>> No.7537523 [DELETED] 

Chronicles 02 seems to have popped up on Share.
Only have found ~1/6 or so of the pieces though.

>> No.7537533 [DELETED] 

Closer to ~5/7 now, actually.

>> No.7537542

anyone played Hyper->Highspeed->Genius, it seems to be getting pretty good scores in EGS so was wonderinf how is it?

>> No.7537644

Don't trust those scores.

>> No.7537662

>My main problem with Rewrite is that the humor is pretty bad for me.

Angel Beats all over again, huh. Hope he improves on that when he's making the game version.

>> No.7537668
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>> No.7537672

>I for one am pretty amused by Rewrites humor so far, but I can see how it won't fit everyone.

Yeah this. Found myself laughing at a lot of the scenes.

>> No.7537765
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Shizuka Itou, so good.

>> No.7537982

The website for the delicious monster girl VN from Cyc Soft is open:
How the hell are you supposed to do it with a centaur, anyways?

I already love dat meido and the spider girl.

>> No.7537988
File: 78 KB, 640x406, bee19eedeaa1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished this shit. Not one of your all time masterpieces, but definitely a good read. Irene is mai waifu.
that feel when Irene X Lavi threesome

>> No.7538150

That spider girl is fucking scary but the robot girl is pretty cute.

Also wondering about the centaur, are you supposed to do it with the horse ass?

>> No.7538264

Not the same writer at all.

>> No.7538280


I can't see this ending well. I agree though, I'll be looking forward to the spider. Too bad her spider half is yet another golden orbweaver, but I guess it can't be helped since those are the archetypal seductive demon spiders.

>> No.7538303

Too bad they didn't give dolljoints to the robot girl, she doesn't really look like she has any monster-like characteristics as it is.
I lol'd at Baaya

>> No.7538670

I wish Rewrite had something other than Mappi or whatever. It's truly boring. I liked LB's Baseball and fighting stuff. You could even turn them off if you didn't want them in subsequent playthroughs.

I see no option to turn off Mappi and it is annoying to manually skip through it.

>> No.7538781

Yeah the mappi is pretty annoying.
I wonder if there are some special scenes to get if you complete some of the quests and discover some hidden things though

>> No.7538783

Damn it. I wanted to do Shizuru's route next but I have to do Kotori's first to unlock it.

>> No.7538969

Chronicles 02 is already out on hongfire

>> No.7538979

From the Rewrite threads in 2ch it seems the Tomogawa routes are considered better than the Romeo routes.
Who would have thought?

>> No.7539101

100% agreed. After full of awesomeness Chihaya route Kotori bored me to death.

>> No.7539334

currently playing rewrite, chihaya's route.
Barely started by can't understand shit about "our side" and Shizuru and Lucia are "maybe" our enemies

Probably explained later, but I have hard time to deal with characters being stingy with information (here, Sakuya and Chihaya).

>> No.7539367

Just finished [CLOCKUP] euphoria true route

At first I though this will be nukige armed with fetish fuel, words escape me after all the twist that happened

A++ title

>> No.7539449

Mind spoiler the twist? Did only sensei route and haven't been impressed, need stimulus to complete.

>> No.7539490
File: 267 KB, 560x420, KGNE_Latest_Edition.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been playing this lately. Just about to finish up Haruka's third chapter. Then I'm going to move onto the other routes. Gotta say though, it's pretty long, which is nice.

I'm really glad I never saw the anime. It would have spoiled the hell out of this game. I have no doubt that the experience of reading through it and getting to know the characters better leads to a much more fulfilling experience.

From what I've been through so far the three other male characters are total bros. Which was nice to have in there.

Why won't I stop crying ;_; I don't usually cry but damn.

>> No.7539509

post impressions when you get to the green haired girl route

>> No.7539516


Sure. But I still gotta go through Mitsuki's and Akane's routes. Which should take some time.

I now have the feeling that Homura's route is going to disappoint me or make me rage. Either way it should be interesting. I guess I'll have to make a thread once I get there.

>> No.7539523 [SPOILER] 
File: 68 KB, 777x570, 156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best route

>> No.7539524

I was hoping for more action with the dinosaurs showed in the second opening on Rewrite, so I was kinda disappointed. It was okay overall though, Little Busters! is still my #1 Key game.

>> No.7539528

So what's /jp/'s overall opinion on KGNE? Good, bad, mediocre, excellent? Haven't seen any threads on it.

>> No.7539529
File: 37 KB, 1180x224, kiminozowillneverbetranslated.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will never be translated.

>> No.7539532

That's the thing, I wasn't expecting dinosaurs or any of that shit at all. Which is why I was kinda peeved when I saw an armless T-Rex. THIS ISN'T THE KEY I KNOW AND LOVE.

>> No.7539533


I'm not opening that image. I despise spoilers. So I don't know if you're honest or trolling.

>> No.7539534

You finished it completely already?

>> No.7539535

Not completely, I'm still on the final route

>> No.7539536


Well, not everyone on /jp/ is limited to games with English patches. I'm certainly not. I thought this board had more people that were literate in Japanese than any other.

>> No.7539537

It's pretty excellent.
One of the first eroge I read so I may have nostalgia goggles but I seriously had shivers when THAT scene happened and the opening played, everything after that was a great rollercoaster of emotions.
I should play the remake one of these days.

>> No.7539543


Remake is great. Each of the three main heroines get an extra chapter for their routes that continue where the original left off. The CGs are all redone to be larger and are now widescreen. Pretty sure it also has the special fan disk route Which is based on the premise of what would have happened if THAT scene didn't happen. Haven't gotten to that part yet though, saving it for last.

>> No.7539546

I know. I just like using every chance I get to post that.

>> No.7539553
File: 46 KB, 528x600, hayase_hot_outfit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Was playing a bit last night and earlier today. Came to a flashback and saw Hayase in this outfit and had to save it.

Am I the only one who found it nigh impossible to fap to this game? For some reason all the scenes that I've gotten to so far have been right after an emotional scene and each time I was still trying to recover. It's not that the sex scenes were poorly done or anything, the exact opposite really, they contributed to the story on a much more significant level than other games I've played in the past.

>> No.7539558

Damn I can't keep focused playing Rewrite, I feel like a ADD fag, shit.
On the 28th going at a slow pace, I guess I don't have much compatibility with this game.

>> No.7539569

Good/very good (only played LE). It's probably meaningless to compare it with games in different genres, but I'd put it above Sharin/Eustia/S;G, below C†C/Muramasa/Baldrsky.

Manami's route contains what is probably one of the more crushing scenes I've seen in eroge (when Takayuki manages to get out of her house and meets Mitsuki and Shinji)

>> No.7539616
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>> No.7539617

Any good?

>> No.7539634

Game of the year.

>> No.7539653
File: 481 KB, 1024x600, chron02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chronicles 02?
More like not!Lelouch making funny faces.

>> No.7539776

It's good. Akane is the best.

>> No.7539809

So now that Rewrite is out only Taiyou no Ko and Mahoutsukai no Yoru for the VNs hyped for years.

What do you guys expect from the future VNs wise? Except for these 2 I don't see much promising projects.

>> No.7539816

I don't think any of Key's future VNs will be too great without Maeda.

>> No.7539823

next month there is Tenshi no Hane fumanaide, and for future there is Ikusa Megami Remake (and inevitable Genrin 3 someday) and Elfen Blaze (if it ever comes out) coming. and then there is few nukiges that I'm looking foward to but those are highly taste dependant.
Personally I couldn't care less about mahoyo, altough greatly looking foward to Taiyou no Ko.

>> No.7539836

>Elfen Blaze
That's the title by Inoue Keiji and age that hasn't even really been officially announced, yet right?
If it's still coming, I'd say they'd probably announce it after the KimiIta remake comes out.

>> No.7539844

In no particular order
Grisaia FD because I need my Kazuki and JB routes
Twinkle Crusader and Princess Witches crossover because Princess Witches is fucking amazing
Tenshi no Hane because I'm an ItsuSora fanboy

>> No.7539849

Am I the only one who gets annoyed when there are actual game CG's in opening movies?

>> No.7539851

I hate when they spoil shits like the opening of Steins;Gate for example

>> No.7539852

Yeah, I heard it has crazy script length or something.

Anyways, hype is not that good, it just sets expectations way too high. Rewrite is a pretty good as agame, but I have to struggle to not think of it as very disappointing after all the talk about it.
The less hype about games the better I say.

Because you feel like you've been spoiled? No, I feel the same even when people post CGs of mundane stuff here.

>> No.7539856

Only really when they spoil the basic plot, and have pretty much all of the CGs in it.

>> No.7539864

The best way to do an opening is to make it completely unrelated to what happen in the game.
Like the opening of Carnival for example

>> No.7539872


I can't stand spoilers, in any shape or form. I have all the tags on vndb.org disabled. I don't do google image searches for a game until I've finished it. I tend to skip OPs for games as soon as I notice what looks like CGs or plot related material.

It's not always easy but I've managed to play quite a few games without getting spoiled at all.

>> No.7539890

You mean Maeda is done writing?

>> No.7539892

He is currently writing Angel Beats the VN.
Couldn't care less about this though

>> No.7539896
File: 320 KB, 1280x720, FGMO02B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you mean spoilers like this?

>> No.7539897

But afterwards, he'll write more for Key right? Rewrite just didn't feel like KEY at all.

>> No.7539900

Looking at Chihaya and Shizuru's routes, Tonogawa is good enough to carry Key, no need for Maeda.

>> No.7539902

Wow, you should get over that. I'm able to enjoy a game 100% knowing or not knowing spoilers, as it is almost always the buildup TO the spoiler + the payoff that is the best part.

>> No.7539906

I'd have to disagree, I've been a fan of Maeda since the beginning and Rewrite didn't have...that flair Maeda gives his work.

>> No.7539911

>I'm able to enjoy a game 100% knowing or not knowing spoilers
well, that's good for you, but not everyone is like you. Some like the surprise feeling of finally reaching a CG moment, or being thrown off their chairs by twists you didn't see coming.
Knowing something comes before it does sort of cheapens the enjoyment in my case.

>> No.7539918

That's why I play all the eroge I'm hyped for on release.

>> No.7539926

Tonokawa isn't that great. If Chihaya's route is considered one of the good ones in Rewrite then I am not looking forward to the rest.

>> No.7540450

Still want spoilers for what is so awesome in euphoria.

>> No.7540470
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>> No.7540485

people die in painful ways
so deep

>> No.7540551

At Rewrite.
So far in term of route Shizuru = Chihaya > Akane = Lucia > Kotori
Key guy being better than Romeo, I'm shocked

>> No.7540563

Romeo isn't really that great of a writer...

>> No.7540565
File: 154 KB, 800x600, 1309204793034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like this one better

>> No.7540578

I'm not very far in, but this doesn't feel like a Key game at all. I hope Maeda comes back after AB! novel is written.

>> No.7540580

Didn't Maeda step down as Key's main scenario writer though? Rewrite will probably still sell well enough for them.

>> No.7540590


>> No.7540607

Poor Kotori.
Worst route, not even the real main heroine.

>> No.7540720

Can someone explain the dinosaurs and moon?

>> No.7540725

Play the game and see for yourself.

>> No.7540734

Oh god Michiru is voiced by Mizuhashi Kaori, you guys should have warned me.
My heart.

>> No.7540741

I'm on leave (army), so not enough time to play. Not to mention, haha, I don't even read fucking Japanese.

>> No.7540750

I just visited /a/, saw their VN threads, and remembered why no game should ever be translated.

>> No.7540765

I think that the best and most hyped should be tl'd, that way those who do not have time nor the means to learn Japanese can read them. Not everyone is as fortunate as everyone.

>> No.7540769


Why does a game you like being liked by idiots automatically make it a bad game.

Fuck you.

>> No.7540777

Inferiors shouldn't be allowed to play VNs in a language other than Japanese.

>> No.7540784

Moogy! I've missed you!

>> No.7540788

Finished Chihaya's route.
Ended up liking her a lot in the end after not liking her at all in the trial, she was so good.
I liked how the plots of Kotori/Lucia/Chihaya all connect to each other so well.
Moving onto Akane.

>> No.7540822

So Rewrite is shit after all?

lol at everyone who hyped themselves for keyshit

>> No.7540830

general consensus on 2ch would say otherwise

>> No.7540832

it's not, just not the masterpiece everyone was expecting
though I lol'd at seeing loss so angry, yeah

>> No.7540840

LoSs got angry?

>> No.7540848

People seem to like it overall.
Where do you see people calling it shit?

The only real complain I see is from the Romeo fanboys who hyped themselves too much in 2ch expecting the best thing since sliced bread, but even them don't hate it.
Even the R07 route is mostly liked

>> No.7540854

Loss is a pure retard, who the fuck care about him.

>> No.7540857

You probably have LoSs mistaken for Moogy

>> No.7540870

Masato, who is also pure retard, and probably thinks he is trolling hard right now.

>> No.7540875

I'm too busy to troll

>> No.7540934

Don't recall any one saying it's shit. It has been entertaining thus far, which is all I expected. I had hoped it would be better, but that doesn't mean it is bad.

>> No.7541030

Any news of admin of erogenews? He got to army or jail or got eaten by dinosaurs or something?

>> No.7541041

I guess he just stopped caring about the site, since everyone who cares about untranslated eroge can see news for themselves.
He tweets often so it's not like he disappeared.

>> No.7542463

Hows lovely cation? I haven't played a characterge/moege in a long time

>> No.7542785

I just started playing it myself. Not far enough to make any real opinions. My two complaints so far are that all the girls save one are far too healthy, and that there doesn't seem to be sprites for anybody other than the 5 heroines. So there is a male friend who has had a decent amount of appearances in the 30 minutes or so I played, and he has no sprite. Seems weird.

>> No.7542916

It's like Lover Able, if you played that one. The focus is in flirting with the heroines and couple life once you become lovers, the "drama" and plot are really weak but that's not what you're there for. The protagonist is a bit more average but I can't say I cared for Loverable's MC clown antics that much, and the art is a lot better. There's no imouto but two teacher heroines, their dynamic reminded me a lot of Marimo and Yuuko.

>> No.7543092

So...how is Chronicles 02?
There hasn't been much discussion about it.

>> No.7543145

Still playing other games, but it's the next on the list. From what I've read it's better than Chronicles 01, but still unsatisfingly short.

>> No.7543321

Started playing it. Man, starting the Day After and the very first scene is a shot of the Earth with sirens starting to wail and then panicked radio chatter -- ah, it's like finally coming home! How I've missed muvluv. Death in combat porn at it's finest.

>> No.7543428
File: 92 KB, 1024x600, 響.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Downloaded it yesterday, just getting started playing it.


I heard it was supposed to be longer than Chronicles 01, though I wasn't expecting even a significant fraction of Alternative's length. I still enjoyed TDA 00, so I'll probably enjoy this one too.

>> No.7543486

what other stories are in chronicles 2 aside from tda01?

>> No.7543527
File: 310 KB, 1024x600, Snap13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the Eurofront side story and various radio/wallpaper materials, that's about it.

>> No.7543534

what are the euro front ones? is it a continuation of the rain dancers thing or is this the battle of britain shit that was in the pv?

>> No.7543546

it's a german squad that appeared in short stories before, but it's their first proper game appearance. I don't know if that's the battle of Britain since I didn't watch any PVs

>> No.7543674

Oh God, the Haggis scene literally made me die of laughter.

>> No.7543746

It's better than Chronicles 01.
Eurofront side story is about the son of a VIP, who's a cadet, in the Japanese Imperial army who is transferred to a European base to learn some stuff and evaluate stuff at the base as well over the course of 10 days.
It's mostly slice of lifeish and comedic stuff though, probably to balance out TDA01 desperate atmosphere.

Yeah, that was great. Though, for me nothing topped any of the Ralerstein moments.

>> No.7543749

Yeah, those were great too.

>> No.7544059

Oh right, just thought I should mention this.
Some one on /m/ pointed out that in TDA01, when "Yuuhi" shows up, she's voiced by Meiya's VA, not her normal one.

>> No.7544107
File: 104 KB, 600x338, 1309271689792.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.7544181

H-Hinoue drew those......?

>> No.7544193


>> No.7544200

Wow, I have a better opinion of her now. Maybe she isn't a shitty artist after all.

By the way, can someone tell who who wrote what in Rewrite? Routes, etc....

>> No.7544212

read the fucking thread >>7534340

>> No.7544217

It's getting tiring following vn threads across three boards. I know /jp/ is where most of the people I'm actually interested in reading the opinions of post, but stil...

>> No.7544318

Why do so many people complain there is fantasy and battles in Rewrite?
Didn't they watch the second opening before playing the game or something?

>> No.7544464

Damn Terra is fucking long, I thought I was almost done with the game but I was wrong.

>> No.7544556

Can someone tell me how long routes are in Rewrite?

>> No.7544827

About 8 hours, depending on how fast you read maybe shorter.

>> No.7545049
File: 159 KB, 800x600, 3258235235903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I officially nominate Uhou Renka for the best nukige of the year. Goddamn, h-scenes in this game are just unbelievably hot.

Now back to fapping

>> No.7545249

Finally started Muramasa after having read the trial 2 years ago and deciding that my reading ability wasn't quite good enough yet.

Ah, lectures about history and Tsurugi, how I missed you.

>> No.7545894

So far this year

God: nothing
Excellent: Kamidori, Eustia, Grisaia
Very good: Rewrite, Artemis Blue, Aqua, Euphoria, Loverable
Good: Promia, Onigoko

Anything good I missed?

>> No.7546024
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Last week my 17 inch (1440x900) monitor died on me, so I had to break out my old 14 inch (1024x768). Now when I try to launch Aiyoku no Eustia, I get this

Anybody know how to fix it without reinstalling?

>> No.7546044

I know this isn't a help corner. But anyone ever tried to play "Lust Scripter"?
I got it, and ran it, got some Japanese error thing, and only then noticed how I was supposed to copy an "Assemblage.INI" to the windows folder and set the path.
Thing is though, no matter what I do now, it won't find the directory anymore, and I can't even manage to get the first error in Japanese again. Now it only complains about not finding the in game files, even though they are there.

>> No.7546109

Looks like you like to eat and praise shit.

>> No.7546772

haven't played all of those, and so using EGS as reference, but I'd bump Kamidori to God-tier from perspective of gameplay and it having stayed at median of 90 in EGS (line which is decently good to draw the line of kamige). and I'd bump Artemis Blue and Euphoria up a tier. Also I'd add Vermilion and Tits Explorer there somewhere (very good tier)

>> No.7546862

I'd put Eustia, Rewrite, Kamidori, Grisia, Loverable, and Kamikaze Explorere all on good tier, and all the other ones you listed somewhere below that.

>> No.7547511
File: 76 KB, 856x639, euphoria.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished Euphoria. It's been a while since a VN managed to entertain me this good, not a single dull moment in this entire fucking game, more VNs need this kind of pacing. The plot-twist in the true route was also really well done, didn't see that coming. The stuff after the credits was kind of unnecessary though.
I was just looking for a quick fap and found something that I really like, feels good man.

>> No.7547530

I'm looking for a game where the (male) protagonist gets raped by either a futa or another man. Preferably while wearing a dress.

Is there anything like this? I tried searching VNDB, but it wasn't much help.

>> No.7547625
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Did you try the yaoi tag?

>> No.7547728
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I was looking for something more along the lines of this.

Anyway, あすか♂女装美少年凌辱ストーリー looks pretty good, so I'll try that out.

>> No.7548120

Finished lovely cation.

As the name says, it has a very lovely feeling to it. In terms of being a dating sim, I'll give it like 95 and that's only because the routes could be a bit longer. Everything about it is really high spec. I don't think there'll be a dating sim that can top this, ever.

But because it's the best dating sim potentially forever, the flaws of the genre become very apparent. When you remove all the relics of the past that lengthen play time such as health and money management and doing weight lifting for like two weeks before trying to go for the sports girl and then reloading every day on every location to try and get a flag with the girl you're after, you see that there's really not much left. What's left is satisfying yes but short.

And it's just so weird to see a protagonist change so completely just to suit the girl's needs. Found out she likes a certain artist? Better go down to the record store to buy that artist's latest album and study the shit out of it so you got something to talk about. Found out she likes a certain brand of movie? Better get the DVD and study the shit out etc etc. It's like the protagonist not only has zero personality but he's a cookie shaper molded to the girl's taste. It's just so silly but I guess that's the point of this genre.

This was the best dating sim and I guess dating sims are just not for me. The どS kouhei was cute as fuck though.

>> No.7548212

> I don't think there'll be a dating sim that can top this, ever.
You mustn't have played a lot of dating sims then. It's a pretty good game but hardly anywhere near the top.

>> No.7548218

Anyone who's played both Nobleworks and Parfait Chocolat- Second Brew want to give me some of their opinions? I don't have much free time nowadays, so I want to invest it wisely. (Though I've heard that both games are fairly decent).

>> No.7548238

Noble Work isn't bad for a moege, it's fairly fast paced and light.
Parfait is a classic and definitely worth reading

>> No.7548269

Thank you for taking the time to write this.

>> No.7548525
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>> No.7548866

Does the game change or something? I've been aiming for the first year and all I really do is go to the arcade and keep getting events for her. The game doesn't really seem to require much thought, and I'm not quite sure I understand the importance of the stats.

>> No.7548959

The fuck teachers are also virgins? This is retarded.

>> No.7548971

It's mostly to get the bonus effects like the choice of coming outside/inside and more heated faces. Also I think some scenes don't happen if you don't have enough of a particular stats.
One went to an all-girls school so she's not comfortable with men, and the other is pretty masculine so she scares them away. Those archetypes are not that farfetched in eroge.

>> No.7548983


>> No.7548991

Propeller's latest game.

>> No.7549001
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Full of DEEP (in a good sense) jokes.

>> No.7549060


Name one then. I don't think you know what a dating sim means. It certainly doesn't mean an ADV.


Like the rest of the chicks, to into their route you can pretty much keep going to the same two locations. However if you want to max their affection asap and get their optional sex scenes you have to be more varied, have a bit of foresight and/or get the secret book from the library after your first playthrough. I went through Aya too on my first playthrough and I didn't get her affection into love until like the last sex scene and I missed out on all the optional ones.

>> No.7549061

I'm loving the story so far. I started reading last night, got to where the one girl got electrocuted and then stopped for the night.

>> No.7549087

even the tokimeki memorials are better dating sims than this. The stats aspect is really shallow, as are the story developments. I'm not saying it's a bad game, but thinking it's the pinnacle of dating sims is a bit an exageration, imo.

>> No.7549182


Then I guess that's just your opinion vs my opinion. I feel this is the better form of the game part of dating sims then the tokimekis. Though yeah, like I said the routes are very short.

>> No.7549231

The game doesn't really feel like a dating sim at all to me. The stats only seem relevant to optional stuff the way I hear it. And clicking on girl icon and getting event doesn't really seem like it requires a ton of work.

She doesn't have to love you to have sex with you? That seems pretty slutty. How do you check her affection for you?

>> No.7549459


Right click. If she loves you then her face will change and there'll be hearts all around here. If she doesn't love you then she won't let you cum inside.

>> No.7549495
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mein waifu

>> No.7549515

Visitor from /a/ here.

I just started playing F/SN and Tsukihime.

So, I'm a total entry-level newfag.

>> No.7549575

For everyone who is reading Euphoria: make sure to read the 'evil' route BEFORE the true end. Doing it the other way round is just soul-crushing.

>> No.7549592

I'm right now doing my first route Rinne's, who's is true route, Kanaes? and do you get evil route by choosing everyone once?

>> No.7549599

It's me of she is more an more beautiful as the VN plays?

>> No.7549610


>> No.7549612


>> No.7549616

No, Kanae's route splits into the true and 'evil' end. There is no real ending if you alternate between the heroines.

>> No.7549634

Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

>> No.7549735

Chihaya's route? More like Sakuya's route.
But Chihaya is really cute too.
I'm really liking the story of Rewrite for some reason

>> No.7549988

Started the Terra chapter in rewrite.
That's the biggest wow I've had in a really long time.
Moon was really interesting too.

>> No.7550008

Does Sukima pick up the pace a bit later on? I'm around the second choco-tan episode thingie and all the everyday stuff is starting to feel a bit dull

>> No.7550034

whats the most tear-inducing translated VN out right now ?

>> No.7550054

Depends really.
ef is probably the only that had me actually crying for a sizable amount of time, rather than just tearing up a bit.

>> No.7550159

Where the fuck is OreTsuba? Doesn't anybody care about this game or what.

>> No.7550172

If I understand correctly, this has happened to me before. It isn't just you.

>> No.7550184

Clannad is the crowned king of the nakige genre.

>> No.7550240

This thread is motivating me to study more kanji. JPLT 1 kanji deck 12% done in Anki. At this rate, I suppose I should be done with this deck around November. Can't wait to play some VNs.

>> No.7550271

Ganbatte, anon!

>> No.7550296

Maybe if you've never played a nakige before that.

>> No.7550327

You can learn as you read you know. Use TA + Jparser + Mecab + JDIC, as well as optional machine translation if you feel uncomfortable with those alone.

>> No.7550335

VN hipster. Clannad is tied for the 2nd best VN of all time, Japan agreed.


>> No.7550414

If a site existed for anime and Naruto was number 2, would you agree with it? Those are just peoples opinions, and a lot of people who play Clannad haven't played a ton of other VNs. Just checking some of the users that have given Clannad 90~100 point ratings, and a lot of them have played less than 20 VNs, and plenty have played under 15.

>> No.7550507

How would you else crown a king of nakiges if not by peoples opinions?

>> No.7550617

Talking about nakige, it's been a while since I saw a straightforward one.
I guess its era ended

>> No.7550643

Well sure, but the opinions of people who have only played a few nakige don't really seem that relevant to me.

>> No.7550666


Clannad is still pretty high

>> No.7550672

What do you guys think is the funniest eroge?

>> No.7550703

That's even more difficult than the saddest VN, especially as people will find different types of humor far funnier than others.
Like for me, Kishin Hishou Demonbane had some of the funniest scenes I've ever read, but I wouldn't exactly call it the funniest I've read.

>> No.7550730

I've completed main route and one character route in one day off.

>> No.7550773

All right, if it's relatively short I'll guess I'll keep it up, thanks.

>> No.7550783

Oretsuba, Tsuyokiss, Grisaia. I also really liked the humor in Comyu, Ayakshibito and Muramasa for some reason but they aren't comedy eroge at all.

I'm not really into neta-humor but people who are would probably think Majikoi is funny too I guess

>> No.7550819

This might be a bit biased since I just finished it but to all the games they mentioned I'd also add the Eurofront sidestory in Chronicles 02 (It's around 4-5 hours so like a short game).
I'm actually really picky when it comes to comedy but that game had moments that literally made me burst out in laughter, few games managed that.

>> No.7550853
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>but that game had moments that literally made me burst out in laughter
It was Ralerstein, wasn't it?
One day, I'll manage to cap him as he's peeking out from behind the back of whatever her name was.

>> No.7551123 [SPOILER] 
File: 252 KB, 1280x720, FGSZ05A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished Rewrite.
Music, graphic and system great but scenario disappointing, only routes that Tonogawa wrote weren't bad.

>> No.7551300

Is that the same artist for Sumaga?.... Reminds me I still need to read that.

>> No.7551329

Right off the top of my head I'll say Oretsuba, Akatsuki and Grisaia. Not alot of other people agree but I also found Prism Ark very, very funny.

>> No.7551347


Basically I would rank them like this:

Oretsuba = Akatsuki = Grisaia
Prism Ark
Tsuyokiss = Butler = Majikoi

>> No.7551377


Nope, the muchimuchi looks the same but an eroge connoisseur can tell the subtle differences.

>> No.7551397

So any idea on how to actually run Euphoria in full screen?
I seem to be getting all kinds of errors with this thing.

>> No.7551424

I bow to your skills, ero-sommelier.

>> No.7551458


Give it time, there was so many releases this month. The swaneye nukige isn't out yet either.

>> No.7551578
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I keep hearing Gumi from Flyable Heart, as if she wasn't high tension enough there.

This whole scene was great though.

>> No.7551585

I haven't gotten any problems with it, everything has worked for me without errors. maybe it's your comp. try reinstalling, also did you apply the patch? (altough I doubt its that)

>> No.7551586


>> No.7551659

That the letter scene?

>> No.7551702


That's the one.

>> No.7551725

That was great.
You've got a bunch of great scenes with Ellen coming up as well.

>> No.7552026

Goddamn that TDA01 last battle.
And that end. They got me good. Real good.
TDA02 fucking where?

>> No.7552128
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Anyone here play Tasogare no Sinsemilla?
It's been in my backlogged list sitting for some time now.

>> No.7552366

Yup liked it quite a bit, funny, great characters and so on. Ending was a bit on the weak side but in all I found it really entertaining, also every game should have a flowchart like Sinsemilla.

>> No.7552424

>Romeo Tanaka writing for Rewrite

I knew this years ago and yet I still haven't gotten it. What's wrong with me?

>> No.7552457

Who is the canon heroine in Rewrite? Or the True route heroine to be more precise.

>> No.7552514

OreTsuba R still not out? Feels bad man.

>> No.7552534

I'm sure Ai is so lonely, waiting for me to capture her.

>> No.7552585

Holy Moly is Holy Moly so hot.

>> No.7552599

I liked their Chikan games better. You should check them out if you haven't already.

>> No.7552608
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>> No.7552647


Wow, so the dark crusader in real life just a fat ossan. What a miscast.

>> No.7552654

The score for Rewrite on EGS seems to be getting a bit more realistic.

>> No.7552946

Anyone played Hyper Highspeed Genius?
It's getting decent scores in egs

>> No.7553090

Finished Chihaya's route, felt like I was reading a shonen manga.
Next Lucia since I'm interested to see what R07 could cook up.

>> No.7553420
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Have we ever got the full version of this song in the Kikokugai remake? Because they are not selling it on iTunes, and I don't think we will get a CD release anytime soon.

And speaking of the music, where the hell is my delicious new FES single?

>> No.7553424

>they are NOW selling
Hurr, I'm a durr.

>> No.7553522

It should stabilize around 80.
That would be a good score for it I'd say, it's not a bad game but it's nothing great either, a bit simple I guess.
It's still in the top 10 of the year so far

>> No.7553782
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Lovely x Cation

So, when you clear a route all of your stats increase by 5 points after starting a new game. I just kept on loading save 1, gimping myself in the process, what the fuck. And I'm still missing two items after clearing every route...

>> No.7553835
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R07 and his maid fetish

>> No.7553881
File: 62 KB, 852x640, stupid cunt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Playing euphoria right now and my god, I hate this bitch so much. Everything bad that happens to her is well deserved.

>> No.7553900

She's just a kid. But I do enjoy tormenting her.

>> No.7553911

finished my first route in euphoria, was more entertaining that I first tough it would be. ending kinda felt sudden, but was fitting. still big questions unanswered but they get answered in true&other route most likely.

>> No.7553915

Man that's a funny way of putting sauce on meat it's almost like

>> No.7553927

I have no problem with the fact that she's weak and a sheep, but she has a genuinely rotten personality on top of that. Ugh.

>> No.7554136
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So, is it any good?

>> No.7554146

I actually like good shounen manga like FMA and Blue Exorcist, will I like Rewrite?

>> No.7554150

I've heard it gets good in the last two routes or so, and before that for good or worse it's just your average chuuni fighting flick where people call their moves with cool names.

>> No.7554155

Probably, Rewrite is pretty good all in all.

>> No.7554167

Kuon no Kizuna should be out today.
Looks really promising.

>> No.7554183

The fighting is well done with a lot of special effects, there are a lot of battles and the soundtrack is god tier.
So yeah if you play it for the action and powerlevel it should be a blast.

People who want DEEP would probably be disappointed though

>> No.7554202


So kind of like F/SN, then?

>> No.7554209

Yes, basically.
The action is faster paced and has less narration though

>> No.7554212

It's funny that everyone thought the part where the protagonist and the other guy punch each other silly in the trial was an amazing parody of Nasu, and then they get the exact same shit in the full game

>> No.7554256


Oh god, yes. Time to sign up for another Japanese course.


That doesn't stop it from being a parody, you know?

>> No.7555694

How do I get to the true ending in euphoria? I already did the fucked up ending but choosing all the "good" options means I just die at the end.

>> No.7555778

uguu~ it's already about to be the weekend and neither oretsuba and swaneye are out yet

>> No.7555832

Trying to play an older CD based game, and running into fun times trying to get the CDDA audio to work.
Fun times.

>> No.7555913

Just had to burn it to a CD, it seems.

>> No.7555992


Lemme guess, Daiakuji?

>> No.7556005

Nope. Not a fan of stuff with gameplay.
KimiIta. Was cleaning out my PD download folder, noticed it and decided what the hell, I've got nothing better to do.
I must have queued it up when grabbing KimiNozo Radio episodes or something a while back or something.

>> No.7556027
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Finally starting Clear. It's been on my computer for over a year.

>> No.7556080

Trying to finish up Grisaia before I start Rewrite, but I feel that I end up disappointed going from a game with such a great common route to one with an apparently less interesting common route. Will still be some time though, I just reached the first choice for Grisaia with zero endings down, so maybe another 30 or so hours to go probably.

>> No.7556104

So guys, who has the password to download the siscon patch of sukimazakura at the official HP?

>> No.7556129
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Random question, /jp/. I just started playing Koihime recently and the formation relationship chart confused me a little after I struggled a bit with the first battles where the enemy army actually had formations (Bunshuu and Ganryou).

Which end of the arrow is at a disadvantage on this chart? The red end or the blue end?

>> No.7556231

New thread soon?

>> No.7556241

I interpreted it as the blue end has the advantage over the read end. Seemed to work.

>> No.7556265

How is it? I'm in basically the same situation you were in

>> No.7556308

Screw it.


>> No.7556371

Wow, July sucks. I think there's one game in there I'm interested in.

>> No.7556417

I'll probably give djibril, lovebride, and irotoridori a shot.

>> No.7556425

Irotoridori for me, however I doubt it will be good.

>> No.7556490

Only the new M&M nukige for me in July, oh well.

>> No.7556612

Irotoridori, it's everything I liked in Hoshimemo but with better characters and actually interesting plot.

And I never saw so many eroge with ugly art in one month, there was some contest for worst art or what?

>> No.7556733
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Oh shi--

>> No.7557010
File: 133 KB, 1024x576, Grisaia 2011-07-12 11-54-13-20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is cat-on-head retarded. And I love it.

>> No.7557072

Hey faggot, stop linking to that site. Either that, or you're sucking your own cock. Nobody wants to read the commentary by that fucker writing in green.

>> No.7557095
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>> No.7557108

>Nobody wants to read the commentary by that fucker writing in green.

>> No.7557117

Did you try with _inmm.dll?

>> No.7557197

I don't mind July sucking. I'll just continue reading the goodness that was released in June, still haven't touched Vermillion or Dengeki Strykers.

>> No.7557205

Don't know about you but July seems more promising than June.
June was pretty average in retrospect.

July has Tenshi no Hane (had a fucking awesome trial), Ikinari Anata ni Koishiteiru (trial was hilarious) and Kuon no Kizuna

>> No.7557343

Time for a new thread I guess.

>> No.7557362

New non-troll thread.

