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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7532230 No.7532230 [Reply] [Original]

what are some of the /jp/ approved companion pet?

>> No.7532234

Who gives a shit.

>> No.7532236

Anything that doesn't object when you stick your penis in it.

>> No.7532241

Whatever will tolerate you.

>> No.7532248


>> No.7532249
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>> No.7532255

So, anything, basically?

>> No.7532257
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>> No.7532260

>implying that everything doesn't object when when of the butthurt queers who lurks /jp/ attempts to rape it

>> No.7532263

i can't stand the thought of putting birds, or any animals in a cage... on a leash, maybe, but cages are no good

so, I recommend a dog instead

>> No.7532264
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What does /jp/ think of Felis "cat" Catus?

>> No.7532268
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these guys

>> No.7532275
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>> No.7532279

sup Sheldon

>> No.7532281

BUt they stink....

>> No.7532277

Sticking your penis into something doesn't mean you're raping it.

>> No.7532276
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>> No.7532288

I let mine out of it's cage once in a while to get some exercise, even pretty up the cage a little bit so it feels less like a cage, more home-y.
Works to hand rear it when it's young, big pay-off in affection when it's older.
If you never leave the house that's even better since hand rearing takes some dedication.

>> No.7532297
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birds are crap. you can't hug play with them, let them roam around your place, or even snuggle with them. my ferret ate birds. she was the superior pet. she could take done any of your birds.

>> No.7532303

you probably smell worse so what's the problem?

>> No.7532314

I have three cats that live in my room with me. They just kinda sit on my bed and sleep until they wake up and want to be touched, this is when they meow loudly so I get up and pet them for five minutes and then they go to sleep.

>> No.7532315

Don't those smell like a torrent of piss and act like hyperactive five year olds?

>> No.7532318

Everybody prefers their own brand.

>> No.7532321

My plated lizard spunky could have eaten any of your pets if he wasn't in Valhalla.

I miss him.

That being said, animals are fine companions as long as you take good care of them, just because you neglect your own body doesn't mean anything should suffer because of you.

>> No.7532328


/jp/ers can't even take care of themselves, how do you expect them to take care of an animal?

>> No.7532339

They don't love themselves, they might dredge some affection out for a pet that cheers them up and detracts from their loneliness.

>> No.7532342
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But birds can do all that and learn math, sing and talk.
I used to own a couple of Muscovy ducks, gave them to my uncle since he had a dam/lake they could swim in.

>> No.7532363
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females smell less and if they're sprayed and you aren't letting them roam around soiled areas then they don't smell bad..

what pet do you own where you go up to it and take a whiff thinking "man, my pet smells like they just got out of the bath"

>> No.7532370

cats, they usually smell good.

>> No.7532369

Its just not the same without a crow.

>> No.7532390
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Seriously, a pet that's up when I am, that's what I like.

>> No.7532422
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i had lots of different pets and ferrets didn't smell any worse. the animals that required a cage always left the the most unpleasant smells. even if you cleaned it regularly stuff like pigeons made me want to vomit.

>> No.7532427

If you want a bird try and get a Grey Parrot. Intelligent, affectionate, and very long lived.

>> No.7532460

I have a skunk named Saya. She's really cute, and she enjoys my company. She's actually really clingy, and follows me around a lot. Sometimes when I'm taking a shower she'll prance into the bathroom and tap on the floor or curtain to get in with me.

>> No.7532478
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>> No.7532489
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Sea Monkeys.

>> No.7532492
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my hairy as HELL doggy sniffing ma feets!

>> No.7532493


>> No.7532495

Idra is a cat person really?

>> No.7532504
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>If you don't own a maine coon, you are not fit to be a member of /jp/. These cats are simply everything that a denizen of /jp/ needs for companionship.


>> No.7532511

I used to have one. He's no longer with us....

>> No.7532517

Obviously since he's such a crying baby faggot.

>> No.7532566
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I've had a lot of pets, from dogs to cats, hamsters, snakes, birds,fish, etc.

And maybe it's the age, but I think spiders are the best pet, they aren't stinky or noisy, nor need too many special cares due to their natural resilience to climatic changes and such. And you don't spend too much money in food, because you can feed them almost anything, from other bugs to lizards or meat, and the only vital thing they need is plenty of water.

The only problem is... they can't love you back

Hamster says: "4AM!?, TIME TO RUN IN MY WHEEL"

>> No.7532600

oh, and it's sexually stimulating to watch them hunt their prey.

>> No.7533131

It's not that I don't like spiders, or anything... Actually I don't
But seriously, what the fuck?

>> No.7533147
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>> No.7533532 [SPOILER] 
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my catdog

>> No.7533545


>> No.7533552
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>> No.7533564
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Fuck off guys, now I want a cat ;_;
Too bad my apartment's too small and I live in the sixth floor, so I'm afraid it will fall.

>> No.7533577

cats aren't that stupid.

>> No.7533639
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Yeah, but I want a young one and even if they aren't stupid, they might be careless

>> No.7533643

get a cat fence on your balcony. it's a fence extension that prevents the cat from getting over the railing.

dogs aren't that bad, either. if you find the right one, you'll fall in love.

>> No.7533667
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Well shit, when I said "6th floor" I actually meant "rooftop", so yeah.
