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7532405 No.7532405 [Reply] [Original]

Carnival Phantasm OP:


>> No.7532408

Fuck off, anime goes in /a/.


>> No.7532415


Look, I know you hate Type-Moon, but every time a non-VN Type-Moon thread appears, you don't have to as well.

Maybe just once we could have a nice Fate/Zero thread without you.

>> No.7532417

Jizzed in my pants.

I should be reporting this, but I miss the perpetual TM discussions of yore.

>> No.7532416

How many more threads of this do we need?

>> No.7532429

I saw Nrvnqsr dancing and my lungs exploded.

Fuck you, I need to get new lungs now.

>> No.7532432

>Maybe just once we could have a nice Fate/Zero thread without you.



>> No.7532440

Nah, I think that guy just wanted to troll you because this is like the 5th thread I've seen on /jp/ about Carnival Phantasm.

>> No.7532443
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In this universe Berserker is a giant Indian chief upon whose head the King of Heroes' throne is set.

Neco Arc is the sun.

>> No.7532444

Stop teasing my cock type moon.


>> No.7532445

Kaleido-Ruby, Kaleid Liner Prisma Illya, Magical Amber, AND Phantasmoon?


>> No.7532455


>> No.7532465

Who's the other Neko-Arcs?

Neko-Arc Chaos
Neko-Arc.. Green? Player Two?
Neko-Arc Pink? Player Three?

>> No.7532468
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Oh Fuji-nee

>> No.7532471

My fibers have not been this full of juffo wup in a long time.

I plan to enjoy this animation immensely.

>> No.7532474


>> No.7532477

Imagine Nrvnqsr vs Araya vs Kotomine in mahjong

>> No.7532480


>> No.7532481

is this a dancing anime?

>> No.7532482


I've grown very turgid indeed, if you know what I mean.

>> No.7532483

When does it come out?

>> No.7532486

You don't know how to play Mahjong, that doesn't make sense.

>> No.7532490

when is that piece of crap nasu going to make some other series besides type-moon? japs make like one or two original ips per life time and you complain about rehashed in the west?

>> No.7532499

Between this to handle my fanservice boner and Fate/Zero to handle my raging nerdboner, I feel I'm going to have a pleasant year.

>> No.7532500


>> No.7532508

Who complained about rehashes in the west?

>> No.7532533

I've recently started rereading Tsukihime again, and it reminded me: it can actually get very dark at times. But pretty much everything to follow it, from Melty Blood to the various gag doujins and now Carnival Phantasm has been real light-hearted haha funny.

I've often wondered why a VN full of violence and rape about a guy who has a superpower to kill people that is slowly killing him lends itself so easily to comedy.

>> No.7532534
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>> No.7532543

where is nervin

>> No.7532544


People complain about remakes of films, etc. all the time.

>> No.7532558

mite b cool
Though I really just want nasu to complete the tsukihime remake.

Unfortunately he doesn't seem to care about it, or if he does he has certainly left everyone in the dark for far too long.

I REALLY want to believe its the latter.

>> No.7532567


Technically, Nasu's only done one explicit rehash, and it's not even done yet. (Tsukihime remake)

The rest is either fanservice or legitimate plot expansion.

>> No.7532574

This is Japan we're talking about. Hello? The home of tentacle erotica?

>> No.7532582

I'm actually really not happy about this.

Moeification sucks.

Akiha is pretty cute though

>> No.7532570

Because people liked the characters more than the plot and the best way to enjoy the characters is with shenanigans.

>> No.7532584


>Though I really just want nasu to complete the tsukihime remake.

You know I started learning Japanese with the goal of being able to read the Tsukihime remake when it came out.

Didn't think I'd have this long to meet my goal.


>> No.7532623

>Can't handle them being cuter
>Perfect design in a comedy show
Why are you such a faggot?

>> No.7532626


>But pretty much everything to follow it, from Melty Blood to the various gag doujins and now Carnival Phantasm has been real light-hearted haha funny.

Melty Blood? Light-hearted haha funny?

The one with the insane vampire who makes your nightmares real and drinks an entire city's worth of blood?
Also the white cat who makes the dark parts of your psyche solid and have them challenge you face-to-face?
And the evolved successor to the insane vampire, who is much more sane and intent on killing everything despite that?

Yes, there are lighthearted extra scenes, G-Akiha, Neko-Arc Chaos, Mech-Hisui. They're the not-really-serious-canon parts of the actual Melty Blood story.

Well, I admit Re-Act and Actress Again didn't really have the serious plotline that the original Melty Blood did, with Sion and TATARI. White Len didn't even have much of a personality, she was just sorta.. there. Dusty O'Sion needed more explanation, but she was ultimately just Wallachia MKII.

>> No.7532630


Nasu's problem is that he's bitten off more than he can chew. In between writing DDD, Canaan, that one live-action visual novel, negotiating the deals for the Fate/Zero novels and now anime, the Fate fighting games, Melty Blood, that Girl's Work VN (or anime or whatever the hell it is now), the Kara no Kyoukai films, and writing and directing Mayoho, and now Carnival Phantasm it's not surprising he doesn't have time for the Tsukihime Renewal. In fact that's probably the reason why Type-Moon hasn't released a new VN in over half a decade. It's like a guy's eaten 50 pizzas at once, and then wondering why he can't take a shit. Really Nasu needs to stick with one project and finish it.

>> No.7532647

Kirei being moe, and doing silly things with Lancer, and Gil.

I want to see it.

>> No.7532676


Yeah there were some darker moments in MB, especially in the first one with the story mode.

But then there's Neco Arc, Neco Arc chaos, Giant Akiha, Mech Hisui, the maids, etc. The bizarre shit like that tends to come to mind when I think of Melty Blood. And the fact that all this occurs in the context of a world that has mass-murdering vampires that make nightmares come to life only makes it seem more weird. Why all this wacky shit in the midst of carnage and violence? And why does it seem to work so well?

>> No.7532706

Fighting games always have joke characters. Also, everyone needs a plot for story mode, but there's no way to involve every character in the main storyline, so shenanigans are there for filler.

>> No.7532719

>Len jumping up and down

M-My heart.

>> No.7532827

There's also this:


Which has some clips from the show interspersed with introducing the characters and their voice actors.

>> No.7532844
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Have you preordered yours /jp/?


>> No.7532870

Hurp durp must be grimdark

>> No.7532882
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Ordinarily I'd agree with you on the artshift, but this is just too cute for me to hate.

>> No.7532914

What if this becomes the next K-on?

>> No.7532928

I'm ok with that.

>> No.7532929

>OVA series

Completely unlikely.

>> No.7532943

A T-M Fumoffu becomes successful, which results in more money for T-M, and opportunity for more T-M related works being created? Sounds pretty good to me.

>> No.7532946

But it wouldn't be bad. Arc would finally get the amount of doujins that she deserves.

>> No.7532960

I am very happy with the lack of Sakura.
I am ok with this.

>> No.7532977

>lack of
She was in the character introductions....

>> No.7533018

Arc has a ton of doujins though.

just not h ones.

>> No.7533027


If the OVA sells well enough it could motivate them to go into TV production.

Just imagine it. /a/ overfilled with people watching this new K-ON with vampires, pouring into /jp/ asking about Tsukihime, where to download the translation patch, and what the hell arc.sar is.

It'll be like Umineko allover again.

>> No.7533030

Compare her screen time in the OP to char like saber/rin.
I mean even sacchin got more screentime that her.

>> No.7533035

yeah but installing tsukihime takes 30 seconds as opposed to


>> No.7533060

Granted, but Satsuki didn't even GET an introduction.
Isn't it sad, Sacchin?

>> No.7533061
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What else would you expect for the least popular Type-Moon heroine of all times?

>> No.7533069


Hey that's nothing strange, she didn't get a route either!

>> No.7533073


Illyasviel got an introduction though.

>> No.7533091
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But everyone loves Illya.

>> No.7533105
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Don't you dare put down my Satsuki. She worked hard so the back alley alliance could be part of the summer festival.

>> No.7533107


Sacchin will forever remain Type-Moon's walking in-joke. She was as likely to get a character introduction as she is to get a route in the totally not vaporware Tsukihime renewal, she should be lucky she even appears in Carnival Phantasm but even then she's probably going to be the butt of all the jokes.

Isn't it sad, indeed.

>> No.7533117
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You don't know what love is.

>> No.7533119 [DELETED] 

No matter how terrible, lame and pathetic you are, you'll always be better than Satchin.

>> No.7533123
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>> No.7533130 [SPOILER] 
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>Satsuki didn't even GET an introduction.

She's not the only one.

>> No.7533151


Luviagelita should show up as an archenemy to all the magical girls.

>> No.7533156
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She didn't need one.

>> No.7533177

This OP is pretty much the pure expression of fanservice. I wonder how the f/z OP is going to pan out, if they're able to pull this off so thematically

>> No.7533223

I guess she was too busy being better than Rin.

>> No.7533268
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>> No.7533342

Is it strange that I want to see the villains most in this?

Nrvnqsr and Roa both showed up in the everybody-dancing part.
I think SHIKI did too, but I honestly can't tell who the bluish-purplish robed person way in the back is (he does not seem to be even dancing, the knave).

>> No.7533349

that would be assassin.

He's too cool to dance.

>> No.7533362 [DELETED] 

Nobody from Kara no Kyokai is in this.

>> No.7533375


I meant Tohno SHIKI, who often dressed in a purple robe.


If Nrvnqsr of all people is dancing, everyone should be fucking dancing.

>> No.7533400

>PC Game
>We're sorry; this item can not be shipped outside Japan

What the fuck

>> No.7535530 [DELETED] 


>> No.7535533

Nice contribution to this thread.

>> No.7535554

Type-Moon already has more than enough money, FSN alone was the biggest commercial success among of the 00's.
What is happening though is that TM is definitely starting to focus more and more on anime only, Girl's Work for example was supposed to be a new VN was demoted to anime only.
I don't see how this is a good thing

>> No.7535571
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At first I WTF'd hard.
Then I grinned like a bitch.

Rider seems to really enjoy the dancing.
