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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 137 KB, 800x600, g03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
744733 No.744733 [Reply] [Original]

Most arousing scene in the entire game.

>> No.744738

There's a huge problem with that VN if that's the most arousing scene in the entire game

>> No.744744

This game works with agth and atlas ?

>> No.744749


How so?

>> No.744756


>> No.744776

I'm sorry you have such bad taste.

>> No.745072


May I please have the source?

>> No.745075

Is this YMK?

>> No.745079

Hot, give me more.

>> No.745086

Kanon has the sexiest voice I've ever heard during the ero scenes.

>> No.745185


Fuck, I forgot the title to this. Look around Getchu for a game with some detective story.

>> No.745208


Thanks to the anon who introduced me to this game last week.

>> No.745209
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>> No.745217


oh lawd

>> No.745221 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.745247

OP pic gave me a hardon just before going to work. Fuck.

>> No.745267

1.6-7.6 is non fappan week, did you forget?

and what is the status on the /jp/ ventrilo server?

>> No.745279

That's what I would like to know too.

>> No.745314

I just masturbated for the first time in three weeks.

>> No.745377


>> No.745382

I shouldn't have played Clannad before G-senjou no Maou, Kanon sounds way too much like Ushio and it's pretty distracting.

>> No.745414

>>745267 1.6-7.6 is non fappan week

>> No.745435

says who?

>> No.745674

And really disturbing during the fap sequences.

>> No.745813

Does she have a secret route?

>> No.745823

I dont get it, whats with the sudden rise in choke scenes in VNs?

lol Japan

>> No.745824

What sudden rise?

>> No.745825

Rape is morally wrong.

>> No.745831

You mean really hot, right?
Kanon has the best ero scenes in the game, her voice is so damn fappable.

>> No.745894

Why do you guys always like violent games? Where's the pure romance games?

>> No.745905

The main romance in G-senjou no Maou is beautiful.

>> No.745913

These games are much more interesting than pure romance games. You actually want to keep playing to see what happens next.

>> No.745924

Yes but it's main focus is violence. The only pure romance games I've played are Shuffle! Sono Hanabira ni Kuchizuke, and Nekokawaigari. Which is why Shuffle! remains my favorite VN. There's just not enough truly romantic games out there, everything's just lol rape or blackmail and violence.

>> No.745929

Remember the culture difference, it may be morally wrong in the western world, but it is like saying hello in Japan

>> No.745970

You should try Popotan. Though Mai's route is a bit different, Ai, Mii, and Mea's routes are pretty damn romantic, even a bit sappy. Some of the other routes are comedy. Of the ones I've played there is nothing I could call rape.

>> No.745971
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While I really liked the Haru chapter and it was fucking awesome nonetheless. The "twist" is still shitty. LOL YOUR NOT QUITE TWIN BUT OLDER AND NEARLY IDENTICAL LOOKING BROTHER WHO WAS PRESUMED DEAD WAS DOING IT ALL ALONG! I mean, I don't know how they would have done the story otherwise, but christ. It doesn't make sense with the Kanon ending either as far as I can see, don't know about Tsubaki or Shiratori since I haven't finished those two yet. Kyouhei doesn't really seem like the type that would just throw away his entire masterplan because his beloved brother found a little love. It felt like they couldn't figure out a way to have a romance between victim and motherkiller without it being really unrealistic so they decided to do something even more bizarre. I guess I'm just overreacting because it left a really bad taste in my mouth. Still loved the ending.

>> No.746184


Was better in the old days. May Club, True Love, Knights of Xentar, Season of Sakura etc.

Though 3 sister story, fatal relations, love potion, etc had a bit of rape.

>> No.746230
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Life is about balance.

When the sweet moe games start hurt your brain it's always refreshing to get into crazy sex games like Bible Black, Shusaku and Yami no koe.

>> No.746238

I guess that's true, there's probably more pure romance games in Japan. I just never hear about them here because Americans obsession with violence.

I should check out Nanatsuiro Drops hopefully it'll give me a sugar related heart attack.

>> No.746272
File: 242 KB, 677x1000, nanatsu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nanatsuiro Drops was quite good. It has some strong emotion without resorting to cheap "MY PARENTS ARE DEEEEAD" melodrama.

>> No.746290

Oh god, her eye, her face is melting!

>> No.746922

No fappan week?! I'm not gonna let myself have noturnal emissions just for /jp/'s sake.

>> No.746926

Besides I just finished downloading MagusTale and Fortune Arterial

>> No.746930


Fuck yes! you are the best eroge company ever!

>> No.746950

Speaking of eroge, I heard about this Atlas thing a while back. Never got to try it. So, /jp/, does that shit actually work?

>> No.746969

It does, check out the text hookers (notably AGTH) on Hongfire. Sometimes you'll need a command line argument to tell the program how to get the text out of the game, but it's not very hard to find the right code for most games.

I don't know about Atlas itself though, since I know enough runes to get by, but I hear it's sufficient to follow the story.

>> No.746974

Oh, by the way, on another G線上 thread they said Atlas wasn't translating very well with that particular game because of the sci-fi vocabulary and the writing style.

>> No.746992


Alice Parade completely rocked the moe genre for me simply because just about all the heroines are complete headcases.

It's kinda hard getting back to the really basic "classmate", "childhood friend", "big sister" and holy god so hot "stepmother" fetish characters, when they are not masochistic bakers based on Mad Hatter, or monoclekko rabbitgirls who are with obsessed with carrots and making baby rabbits with the main character.

>> No.747006

wheres my english patch?

>> No.747025
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>english patch

>> No.747040
File: 30 KB, 599x470, wut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>english patch

>> No.747185

how is moe formed
how girl get pragnant

>> No.747360

when girl get pragnant, moe go away

>> No.747369
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>english patch

>> No.747373
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>> No.747382


Stop ruining my dreams, bastards!

>> No.747395

The Lelouch voice annoys me

I keep thinking back to Code Geass

>> No.749462

bampu pantsu~

>> No.749755

pantsu bampu~

>> No.749760


go and get hit by 20 trucks, both of you

>> No.749793

That was the best part.

>> No.749851

Just finished the Kanon ending -- I have to say it wasn't that good. This game is ALL about the Maou and Usami -- without them, it's much less of a game. The Maou was all like: "lol I fell in love, I'm out," and Usami was like: "I'm done here, later." Lukewarm mother-daughter angst story, meh, but a pretty good climax nevertheless. I'm going to stick with the main plot, and finish off the other girls for the closure.

>> No.749881

Samefag, actually. I'd just like this thread to be alive next morning so I can fap to the OP picture again

>> No.749893

noob question, can i play this shit without actually knowing what the fuck is going on? I know shit about moonspeak but i might try this (and 11eyes wich is currently downloading), but i just hope this shit isn´t as long as Tsukihime/Fate

>> No.749896


Right click -> Save Image As...

>> No.749900

None of the sub-endings are that good. Tsubaki's was my favourite, but even it isn't that impressive. Mizuha's is my least favourite. It's all about the main route, definitely.

>> No.749913

It's not as long as either Tsukihime or Fate/stay Night - around 2.5mb of raw text in the script (both Tsukihime and Fate are >3)

>> No.749921

Most VNs are playable without any moon (I've seen some where you must understand what's going on to get a good end, but it's rare - H-games aren't generally too hard or they'd piss off the player who just wants his fap). It's just that you'll have a much easier time just getting an HCG rip than skipping through the game if you don't care about the story.

>> No.749931

>H-games aren't generally too hard or they'd piss off the player who just wants his fap

Goddamn Raidy. I'm still ashamed that I downloaded it.

>> No.749932

Funny thing is, i don´t play for the faps

>> No.750103

not exactly when her voice reminds you a lot of a seifuku daughter.
I mean, yes the voice is noice (albeit too young for Kanon, kinda), it is very disturbing when it reminds you of child from another VN (Ushio from Clannad)

>> No.750252

Problems, /jp/ has them.

>> No.751049

I'm no /d/ guy, but I still find the OP very fappable. Nice long hair, perfect proportions, a submissive position, and 2D human attractive

>> No.751981

Holy s...

Last chapter is a remake of Die Hard 1... in a good way.

>> No.751992

>>Most arousing follow-up scene to sex in the entire game


Oh, and fix'd.

>> No.752009

Yeah, enjoy that choke-hold you slut.

>> No.752883
File: 118 KB, 810x648, 1212523566053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I migrated (some of the) translation shit I did for the demo over to the full game. Wasn't a great deal of effort - even though the full version of the game uses a slightly different archive format, it accepts old archives just fine, which means patching the game is just shoving in, at the moment, two patch XP3s.

I'll start TLing the scripts again after I've gone and readded all the translated dialogue boxes and stuff, and fixing up my previous QUALITY translation (which was made last year when my moon wasn't so good).

I decided to give it the name 'Devil on the G String', to make it closer match with 'Air on the G String' - 'The Devil on G String' doesn't make the association immediately obvious, and I don't want to call it 'G-Senjou no Maou' for the same reasons.

>> No.752890


Sounds like a stripper demon.

>> No.752893
File: 96 KB, 810x648, 1212523673327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

History layer also works

>> No.752896

Anon, you just single-handedly restored my faith in humanity. Great as this game is, I'm sure ATLAS doesn't do it justice.

>> No.752904

Only if you're an uncultured swine.

>> No.752928

holy shit awesome

>> No.752951

My plans for the TL:
1) Just translating the main route of the game for now, i.e. g01-g55. The other routes aren't really at all interesting. They could get translated later, but whatever
2) I'll release a patch for the demo after finishing g12, probably.

>> No.753074

Awesome Anon, you're my hero.
I can't stand the Atlas translation, is hard for me the Japonese ---(atlas) ---> English --(my brain)--> Spanish...

Yeah, I'm latinofag.

>> No.753082

No one cares about you.

>> No.753257


>> No.753271

lol chokan gaems

>> No.753301


>> No.753421


>> No.753442

oh hi i fixed your post

>> No.753459


lol. No one ever 'needs' a wiki.

>> No.753461

Didnt clannad prove wiki is a good thing?

>> No.753464

can't you just use pastebin or something similar?

>> No.753467

Where is this clannad wiki? I didn't get the memo.

>> No.753469

For all i care use whatever you want just get it translated.

>> No.753470

Are you retarded?

>> No.753477


>> No.753482

Who's the writer for this?

I've had the game for awhile now before the sudden boom of threads.

>> No.753480

No. I just don't play Clannad.
Thank you.

>> No.753494

Loose Boy, did Sharin no Kuni, Himawary no Shoujo.

>> No.753497

A while? It's been out for about a week.

>> No.753505

Did it? Last I saw all the Clannad wiki proved is wiki projects are good for grabbing incomplete script files and shoving them into low quality patches before they're ready to be released. They get something finished faster, but the quality seemed to be sacrificed as a result, which is probably why it's taking them so long to fix it up now for actual release.

Akabeesoft2's るーすぼーい, well known for their earlier work Sharin no Kuni, Himawari no Shoujo.

>> No.753517

Really? Looks like I'm losing track of time again.

>> No.753520

Well i'd sacrifice some quality for speed.

>> No.753532


>> No.753535

Just use Atlas then

>> No.753537

Loose Boy also did A Profile, a reasonable game to check out (but nothing compared to Syarin or G-Senjou)

>> No.753538

You did not just compare Clannad's translation to ATLAS.

>> No.753545

Little difference.

>> No.753562
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>> No.753583

Well saying that some people do manage to fuck both up. Someone posted the scripts of the Little Busters translation project, which isn't a wiki, but some of the mistakes in it were just silly and if it WAS a wiki would've been easily fixable by someone.

I'm just idealistic though, I guess.

lol no. The Clannad translation was mostly at least a bit better, usually much better, than anything ATLAS has ever churned out. I'd take a mediocre wiki project over an Atlas translation any day of the week.

>> No.753623

You never saw the Clannad translation did you?

>> No.753965


>> No.754257

oh shit i haxed my anus by accident

it looked a bit like the pic but without the boobs
