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7511524 No.7511524 [Reply] [Original]

Where did it all go wrong?

>> No.7511530


>> No.7511608

Why did (s)he do that?

>> No.7511636

Because she loves Battler, why else?

If you haven't gotten a pair of pantsu from the girl you love, YOU DON'T KNOW SHIT ABOUT LOVE.

>> No.7511904

I'd love to wear her panties

>> No.7511977
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Wouldn't we all

>> No.7512010

R07 never gave us the sex scene

>> No.7512032
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Oh yeah, where is the sex scene.

All we got in the end was a meager kiss. And then they died.

>> No.7512069
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I can't wait for Umineko Rei. No idea what's gonna happen, or even what its going to be about. But I can already FEEL /jp/'s rage, emanating backwards through time to envelop me today.This pleases me. Shits gonna be SO cash.

>> No.7512192

I think R07 gave up on Rei

I fucking hate R07. Why can't he follow up his shit properly. This shit could have been something great, but in the end it became.... this.

>> No.7512278

He's still writing new TIPS at a good clip. No sign of giving up there.

The latest one was good stuff. Evil psycho Battler and an EP5 knock explanation.

>> No.7512283

So what exactly IS he doing next then? If not Rei, or some new project, then what? I remember things being said about both here in the past. No word or progress in either regard?

>> No.7512284

That wasn't what he said in an other thread (yesterday, I think?).

>> No.7512299

>Ep 5 knock explanation.

I recall my personal theory was that the clock in the hallway was simply 15 minutes fast, so one of the people declared in red to be in the guest house at midnight was able to be in the mansion when the knock came at 11:45 (and the clock, which was turned ahead, read 12).

But most everyone agreed that there never was a knock at all. Or a letter, or a ring. Since none of them were ever mentioned again. Not much to explain, aside from why they made up that story. Unless I was actually right.

>> No.7512309

According to the most recent updates on his blog, he's working on Higanbana part 1 for summer Comiket, and possibly Rei for winter. Also Ougon Musoukyoku 2.

>> No.7512342



I thought that was a manga. And I thought everyone hated it. Dammit...

>> No.7512361

Obviously Kinzo made the knock.
It was never said in red that the dead could not knock doors

>> No.7512365

He's rewriting it as a bunch of related short stories in VN form. Supposedly there will be six stories in the first batch, and they'll be about the same length as an Umineko episode when they're put together.

>> No.7512423

>Kinzo doesn't exist
>no one in the mansion placed the letter in the hallway.
>It was impossible for anyone outside the mansion to influence anything inside the mansion around the time of the family conference.

If someone doesn't exist, they wouldn't count as being inside or outside so... maybe?

>> No.7512450

It won't wrong when it stopped being about Beato femdomming the shit out of cry babby Battler and the author bizarrely got it into his head he knew how to write a story

>> No.7512461
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> they'll be about the same length as an Umineko episode when they're put together.

Holy shit, what! This is insane, isn't it!?

>> No.7512468
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It all started with ep VI, Shkanonshit and Featherine herp derp fanfictions.

EP VII showed us some light with Kyrie being crazy but in the end he fucked up again with ep VIII and lolitwalladream ending

>> No.7512471

What? Each short story is about 1/6 the length of an Umineko episode, and there are six of them.

>> No.7512492
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EP1 was the best, fuck the haters.

dat ambience
dat music
dat general unease
dat mystery

It all went to shit with LOL ROMANCE DRAMA. I now realize why most mystery novels do not delve into romance, the two genres are in opposition of one another, Ryukishi tried to defy that, and failed.

>> No.7512493


Can somebody make a summary for the new tip?

>> No.7512563

Well, I personally loved the relationship of Beato and Battler, or at least during EP 1-4 (all dat sexual tension), and then the magic route ending scene of EP8. But I do agree. It became way too much about shitty romance in chiru, and it didn't help that I didn' like either Kanon, Shannon, George or Jessica.

Other things I think shitted up the story is Ange, Featherine and all the focus on 1998. Was that really necessary? Ultimately, I think the story strayed too far away from what it was about in the beginning.

>> No.7512609

Someone on animesuki translated it already:


>> No.7512728

Ange was necessary, because she was pretty much the entire reason any of the stories were written at all. Eva could never tell Ange the truth herself. And Battler was afraid to approach her directly, since he no longer considered himself to be Ushiromiya Battler.

So, the stories. Writing them helped Battler come to grips with/remember his past, helped Ange move on with her life, and cleared up any of Eva's remaining regrets.

Not focusing on Ange's side of the story in at least a few episodes would have left the resolution kind of pointless.

Admittedly though, most of Ange's story was rather boring.

>> No.7512746

Well, to be precise, she was the reason all the stories after the first two were written. Battler picked up where Yasu left off.

>> No.7512785

Or, you know, he could've made it so it all really was a game between witches and had nothing to do with 1998, or something else even. But instead he had to take the predictable route and explain everything as being not-magic.

The whole "IT WAS ALL JUST SHIT WRITTEN BY BATTLER-THAT'S NOT REALLY BATTLER-BUT STILL BATTLER IN THE FUTURE" really cheapened everything for me. Fuck that shit. Anti-fantasy fags can go die in a fire.

>> No.7512841
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Ange is my favorite Umineko character.

>> No.7512856

You can always go up a level and explain Twilight as a fragment created by witches to allow Meta-Battler to return to the "real world." There's magic in both of the endings.

It's one of the interesting things about the setting that you can always create a fragment that claims to be the source of all of the previous fragments, even if all of them are actually on the same level.

>> No.7512861

It didn't.

Trolls gunna troll.

>> No.7512880

But.... I... Don't want Meta-Battler returning to the real world.

That's one of the things that made me so buttmad in twilight.

>> No.7512896


>> No.7512918
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>Battler and Erika as main protagonists
>Closed island mystery
>Switches between the two characters every so often, and you read through it in their perspective
>The witch of the island is still being thrown around as a reason to the murders, but no meta horseshit
>No kakera, just one big story
There, now Umineko is an interesting mystery, rather than a potentially interesting mystery that freakishly mutated into some kind of supernatural soap opera from hell with no real answer to everything.

>> No.7512920

Well, that WAS the plan starting immediately once he figured out what was going on, so it's not like it came completely out of nowhere.

>> No.7512948

I remember at the end of episode 4 when Lambda said that Beatrice was just faking the entire scene at the end since she still had her hands raised the entire time. I thought shit was going to go down in 5 because of that but then she just went and died. I was also thinking the mystery would start being solved after it was declared that Kinzo was dead but then he kept showing up in 5 anyways. And then I remember when it felt like the reader was in Battler's shoes up until 5 where he suddenly said fuck everyone and magically learned the truth on his own, at which point the became nothing but fillers for the rest of the series.

Yeah, the series got pretty shitty at Chiru. I mean I understand what R07 was trying to do with the whole blend of mystery and romance but the execution was terrible and it ended up feeling like a sharp and forced transition. Also, having a thing fall in love with 3 different family members and then write up stories about murdering the entire family is not very romantic at all, so even that part was shitty.

Sorry for the rant, I haven't vented on this atrocity of a series in a while.

>> No.7513139

I would read a forgery like that.

>> No.7513161

When it turned into serious crap and meta-meta-meta-metaplans and retarded red truth revolver duels instead of Battler and Beatrice shouting at each other and assorted hilarity while shit went down and people died.

>> No.7513440


God, this. This so hard

Beato vs Battler NO THIS IS WHAT HAPPENED NO THAT'S AGAINST THE RULES *CACKLE*CACKLE* was the best part of the series. Also, Beato's amazing trolling

>> No.7514254
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Okay I'll be honest here, I just wanted Battler and Beato to have sex, I didn't really care for anything else.

But then even that wish was denied.

>> No.7514774

I thought that Battler never killed anyone.

>> No.7514820

He didn't

R07 is ridiculing you

>> No.7514916


He did.

Ryuukishi is just butthurt Japs didn't trust Battler and guessed he was evil so he pretends it is a silly idea.

>> No.7514981
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Since the beginning as the planned solution was garbage.
Umineko really went into an unrecoverable spin after EP5.

>> No.7515009

I'm just going to keep believing that it was a case of Homolust gone wrong and that Battler is Yasu is Beatrice is Shanon is Kanon is Claire is really an autistic boy staring into a snowglobe.

>> No.7515051

Unless it's a translation fuck up, Yasu was referred as female in the latest R07 interview.

>> No.7515118

Link? And are we talking actual vagina-having female or new-half female?

>> No.7515197


>> No.7515261
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Isn't Japanese gender neutral?

Beside, Yasu is refereed as female shitons of time during the story, after all her personality is female

>> No.7515282

It's not an interview, it's a book:

>> No.7515348

>How scary must it be, to be told that your partner „wants children“, when you have a body that cannot make love. That’s why Shannon couldn’t speak honestly. Because she thought she would be hated if she were honest.
So as much as I really wanted to deny it, it really was a mangled mangina all along. What bullshit.

>> No.7515350

>What bullshit.

What did you expect?

>> No.7515406

Is Battler from the Phoenix Wright series? It's been so long, and I have that in my head for whatever reason, probably the suit and tie.

>> No.7515450


Well, first one was fine because we didn't know the trainwreck R07 had planned for us - it even felt like a mystery. But only a few knew the entire thing depended on word read of person/individual/body and the clusterfuck.

>> No.7515458

Big spoiler for Rewrite
The route R07 wrote contains several closed room murders and you have to go around a map to collect clues, also supposedly a lot of deaths and shit hitting the fan.

>> No.7515521

Shouldn't his/her face look more like Clair/Kuwadoriantrice's? Kumasawa and the others even said that she resembles her mother. Otherwise this is what I imagine Yasu looks like.

>> No.7515563
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I still love them.
And it doesn't matter if Yasu is a male; Beato is a meta!character and she's Battler's ideal WOMAN. So she's breasts, blue eyes, blonde hair and she has a vagina.

>> No.7515564

That's right, only her right hand fell.
"so that's what it meant".

Never gonna explain it cuz nobody mentioned it on the internets and so I didn't have to use that clue, lol. But having to make it both Kyrie and Shannon, which were the most popular sure was hard!

>> No.7515575

And she won't get pregnant no matter how many times they have sex?

>> No.7515588

Are meta!characters supposed to get pregnant?

>> No.7515593

Only metaphorically.

>> No.7515598

Then she'll get metaphorically pregnant.

>> No.7515608

How do you get metaphorically pregnant?

>> No.7515617

Like there will be a girl named Umineko and she will be their daughter they both cared for in a part of her life and now she is mature and goes out into the world.
She is naturally a metaphore of the game growing.
Shin is about how she dates the reader(while in fact, it's still all R07selfinsert)

>> No.7515656
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Resemblance, not the same. It's kinda hard to point resemblance in sprites. I always figured s/he looks like Lion if she doesn't fall from the cliff (no hormonal fuckup) and Shkanon when she does.

Beatrice only appeared in front of Battler from afar and in Meta

>> No.7515681

Yasu hated his/her true appearance, so I find it hard to believe that any of her alternate personalities resembled her true appearance very much, especially not Shannon who was her "ideal" at the time. I guess a somewhat more frail-looking Lion is what s/he'd look like then.

>> No.7515903
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>> No.7516085


I don't undestand.
Should i feel sadness? rage? wat

>> No.7516096

You're supposed to wonder why she's naked

>> No.7516123


She was fucking with Battler before killing him.

>> No.7516125

What a slut.

>> No.7516131


It is love. You can't see because goat.

>> No.7516136
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She's THE fucking slut, sleeping with three of her realtives at the same time

>> No.7516157
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Hell yeah.

>> No.7516177


It is fine because fat fat fat is ntr'd.

>> No.7516192

As long as Battler gets to be with his Beato I'm fine with anything

>> No.7516221
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Everything was fine when battler was the main character, then it went all to shit. Why shaft your fucking main character, it makes all the character development seem like a waste. its a lot like how they didnt use camille and ruined hamans character after zeta, what a waste..

>> No.7516242

But Camille went brain-dead after Zeta, how could he be the main character

>> No.7516266

They could of made him heal before the events of zz and used him. Also haman shouldn't have been a Darth vader, she was not evil, she just wanted revenge. the whole point of her was to get char to say he was sorry, and char wasn't even in fucking zz so it was like using a character for no reason and killing her off. Dont even get me started with yazan.

>> No.7516273
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It went to shit the moment Beato stop being the game master and trolling the fuck out of Battler.

It went to shit the moment Beato's love for battler went from troll love to moe love.

It went to shit the moment it made Kyrie and Rudolph the culprit.

EP 1-3 are golden, EP4 is silver. With a lot more editing involved the story could really become great. EP5-8 are unnesscary. The funny thing is that Ryu implies that EP5-8 aren't important to the mystery so I ignore any contributions they make to the mystery side and just have fun with the magical characters.

>> No.7516288
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Why do you all hate fatty anyway

Is it because he reminds you all of yourselves?

>> No.7516315
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He killed my waifu just because she worried about his fat ass.

Seriously if I had such a disappointing son I would never pay attention to him and let him marry whoever he wants as long as he lefts my house and never comes back again.

>> No.7516403

>Seriously if I had such a disappointing son I would never pay attention to him and let him marry whoever he wants as long as he lefts my house and never comes back again.
You will never get a woman pregnant

>> No.7516411

The problem with Chiru, in my opinion, was that it lose basically all the aspects that made the first 4 episodes as likeable as they were, but the main aspect would be the loss of Battler and Beato's dynamics. That was by far, and I'm sure the majority will agree with me, the most entertaining part of the game. In addition, while the game had several seriously sad parts, it always managed to have fun over-the-top feel to it. Not to mention that the suspense along with the God Tier music always managed to keep you at the edge of your seat.

All of that was lost in Chiru. Erika and Battler's dynamics were never even remotely close to Battler and Beato's. The story became much more moody. There was no suspense any longer, not to mention the story went almost full meta.

I think R07 shouldn't have made EP5 the climax of the story. Everything that came afterwards just felt too disappointing.

As for the sad atmosphere in Chiru, I'm sure BT's death is very related. Now, that cannot be helped and it was a really sad thing. But, I'm sure that was a big factor.

>> No.7516450

>The story became much more moody
And even so I find it less sad than the firs 4 episodes. I cried several times with each one, but nothing on EP5 or 6 got me enough to make me cry.

Agreeing 100% in the Beato and Battler part. Bern tried to take the place of the troll, but she bored me, her trolling was always the same: mocking and saying she is cruel. Beato got a hundred ways to troll Battler.

>> No.7516459

5 was fantastic. 6 and 7 had their great moments. The overall story and truth are slightly lacking but you can't deny how enjoyable the events are.

>> No.7516461

Umineko made you cry. May I ask how? I am genuinely curious as to how this work could inspire tears from someone.

>> No.7516478


It's fucking easy to make me cry. It doesn't prove Ep 1-4 are good at drama but that Chiru sucks even at being sad.

>> No.7516500

I can't speak for anyone else, but I shed a tear in EP6 when Battler was being a douche because he realised his waifu had died. And then I cried some more in the ending of EP8, when Battler jumped after Beato into the ocean, but that was probably due to the lovely song by Shikata Akiko.

Oh, and then I think I cried tears of frustration and hate at some points too. Like when Ange butted in in EP4.

You may call me a faggot.

Oh, and then I cried over how shit everything else was.

>> No.7516543

Oh, there's no need for me to call you a faggot. I was simply curious as to what aspect of Umineko could draw tears from a person. Unfortunately, "Oh, and then I cried over how shit everything else was," ended up being the only reason that really made sense to me, but I suppose everyone's different. It's not like I haven't ever shed a few tears myself, but just not over Umineko.

>> No.7516545


You mean when the ghost of the old Beato and the stakes appear? I was all teary reading that part.

>> No.7516547

7 was the worse, that chapter shit was so fucking boring. It started so good too wit kinzos story and all. the ending was good but the chapter shit took 80% of the whole read.

>> No.7516559

Yeah, that part. Dat sad fucking music man. And Battler going all Kinzoー☆.

>> No.7516564

>we will never see battler other mother.

>> No.7516568

Fuck, me too. I mostly disliked EP6, but some things were done just right.

>> No.7516572

In EP5, the scene in Kinzo's study as well as the whole Trial part were pretty good, and I enjoyed Dlanor + her subordinates, but aside from that it didn't feel very eventful. EP6 Had Beato's resurrection and the very well done logic error scenes, I guess, but it also introduced one of the shittiest character in the whole series, Featherine. The only thing in EP7 I can really say I enjoyed was the latter half of the Tea Party, but it was kind of tedious to have to watch all the siblings solve the epitaph again, one more fucking time just after Yasu had.

And EP8.... I won't even go there.

>> No.7516597
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I think ep VI should have been an epic battler between Erika and Battler, old Beatrice and Battler style.

But no, instead we got a single closed room, tons of Shkanon cockteasing and a boring first half. I understand what R07 tried to do, but he failed because no one wanted to understand the "heart" since the heart fucking sucked.

>> No.7516599

Like I said, the truth wasn't all that great, but there were still awesome moments. Shannon malfunctioning, young Kinzo, Kyrie and Rudolph, Will encounter with Bern. And of course, all of the music.


>> No.7516617
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Ep VII was one of the best episode.

And DAT Tea Party... it really mind-fucking me pretty badly. I really believed R07 was on the way for redemption after the huge piece of shit ep VI was.

But then we got ep VIII...

>> No.7516626
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Wrong picture

>> No.7516630

Noone can deny that the music in Umineko was the one thing that had high standards until the end. "Life" from episode 6 is one of my favourite tracks, along with "The Executioner"

>> No.7516640

My favorite track was discolor. Shame it wasn't used more.

>> No.7516651

Hoh, can anyone translate this?

>> No.7516658

I haven't read 8 yet but I'm pretty sure I will be disappointed from what I've gathered from spoilers. I'm thinking it could just be redone though. Episode 7 left the ending pretty open and changeable.

>> No.7516716
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Battler: So... What exactly is it that you want me, Beato? Why are you dressed like that?

Beato: I've told you several times. I'm offering to become your furniture here.

Beato: You should feel priviliged!
Battler: That's not what I mean...

Beato: Oh come one, just accept my service Battler
Battler: Hey... Don't get too close, you...

Battler: Let me go!

Beato & Battler: A...

Ange: A!

Battler: Ange... This is, uh, a misunderstanding....

Battler: Ange, nooooooooooo!

Beato: Come on, who cares, it's fine!
Battler: No it's not!

Beato: Don't hold baaack, I know that you really want to ***** me **** and ***** this instant, riiiiight?
Battler: Don't say it straight out! Don't you have any shame!?

Beato: If I'm wrong, then why not just deny me with red?
Battler: If you get too cocky, I won't go easy on you...

Kyrie: Battler!

Beato: And so this,

Beato: Battler didn't get into it this time either
Lambda: So... You're going to try playing maid tonight?

Kyrie: Battler, you should choose a place more carefully when doing that
Battler: Yeah, uh, sorry...

>> No.7516724



To bad all the meta scene never happened. Fuck you R07!

>> No.7516730

Indeed. I hated EP8 but the music was awesome as usual: lastendconductor and Ricordando il passato are among the best Umineko bgm imo.

>> No.7516731

So, Battler doesn't like maids?

>> No.7516733

Aaaaaaaw, so lovely!

Ryukishi should write a TIP with Battler and Beato being lovely stupid...

>> No.7516758
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Let's just believe that the meta-world was actually the "real world", and that everyone is living happily in the golden land right now. Battler, Beato, all the Ushiromiyas, all the furniture, Gohda, even Bern.... Everyone.


>> No.7516770

Of course he doesn't. Maids are submissive. Battler likes being dominated. Duh.

>> No.7516793

Yeah... fuck everything!


>> No.7516819

Let's see. I don't remember well my initial emotions from the very first arcs and whether I cried or not. Though some scenes in ep4 really got to me. Then in ep5, 約束 scene and later tears of awesome. Ep6, despite being quite shitty, has "my dear", which can induce tears in almost every scene. Ep7 was very sad, "fall" + rain sound + Kinzo's story and some parts of Yasu's were very depressing and tear inducing. Then なまえのないうた was also very sad, because despite promising hope, I was realizing the truth and all ruined hopes, both in and about the story. In ep8, the very end is quite sad, and because of the song too.
Maybe I forgot something.

>But then we got ep VIII...
We got nothing. Ep8 doesn't add almost nothing new, everything was said in ep7. You just didn't believe it for some reason.

>> No.7516834

>We got nothing. Ep8 doesn't add almost nothing new, everything was said in ep7. You just didn't believe it for some reason.

We got Tohya, that pretty much doesn't leave space for Meta-world. Everything was fanctioction Battler wrote.

>> No.7516844

And that was pretty much the last straw.

Fuck R07. I'm going to pretend that the ???? part of EP8 doesn't exist.

>> No.7516846

Please read it first.
Also such theories were rather popular before ep8.

>> No.7516867

>Everything was fanctioction Battler wrote.
Except it wasn't. Featherine =\= Tohya-Battler.

>> No.7516878

Except they wrote it together, since Tohya was the one with actual memories of rokkenjima.

>> No.7516904

And Ikuko with actual power to be Ryukishi.

>> No.7516916

And that's why she is the shittiest character of seacats and I hate her.

>> No.7516973

And then Ryukishi talks in the EP8 guidebook about how Bernkastel split from Rika after Saikoroshi and how Hanyuu was born from a glitch in Featherine's existence and shit gets even more confusing.

>> No.7516978



>> No.7517005

So in order to get the maximum possible enjoyment out of Umineko, you shouldn't read it to begin with?

Sounds about right, actually.

>> No.7517008

I actually enjoyed Chiru, and even think EP7 is one of the best episodes (unfortunately, it's surrounded by shit and is really different in feel, style, and content than the others) but I can agree with a lot of this. Erika was a piss-poor replacement as Battler's rival compared to Beato and the story got too meta and convoluted even for my tastes.

>> No.7517009

Kind anon who translated this, can you translate even those two scans from ep v you can find here

>> No.7517031

Except that never happened.

>> No.7517034

Except yeah, it did.

>> No.7517038

But that's why there's space for meta-world and everything isn't fanfiction that Battler wrote.

>> No.7517057




>> No.7517113

Okay, if 2ch says so.
Maybe we can ask that translator, who bought this book, to confirm it.

Still, it's another meta-legend for fictional characters, just like, say, siestas.

>> No.7517226


It doesn't make shit sense.
You still got Battler writing fanfction. Every Meta even at best it's him talking to himself. HOW AWESOME.

>> No.7517248


So he made Higurashi fiction in fiction as well?

>> No.7517286

〇 “Bern refuse Telecom” being attached, dragon horseman 07 comment
perhaps, as for her the pear flower parted with the “賽 murder compilation”, it probably is
to be personality of witch side of hundred years.That is separated at
the sea of [kakera], just the cruelest part in the witch
of hundred years remains and the existence which crystallizes has to is she
.Her and, relationship
of the witches of first layer around lambda and [huezarinu] to be small has the setting
inside the brain well enough.

It is attached in angle of dragon horseman 07 comment feather entrance
of 〇 “[huezarinu]” the sword scar, you remember that?
“Her” storage unit breaks down with that single blow, the her existence
resident in bug [tsu] [te] is to put away.Because of that,
[huezarinu] it became [kiyara] which had
the identity which differs completely,…, with the [ri] which has the hiding setting which
is said it is not,….

>> No.7517305

This means I reached the truth by EP3. I remember thinking "HAHA, WHAT IF IT'S ALL IN BATTLER'S HEAD; WOW WOULDN'T THAT BE SHITTY" sometime during that game.

I wish that was something I could actually brag about.

>> No.7517356
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Some conditions:

- There are no wordplays or "gotcha!"s in the red text. Everything means exactly what it says in the dictionary with no verbal tricks. Names refer only to actual physical people and places and do not change midstream.
- Imaginary friends or alternate personalities do NOT count as "people" for the purposes of red text, and they cannot "die" in a way that would be acknowledged by red text.
- The motive does NOT require the culprit to be aware of the red text (ie. he does everything for real-word reasons, not just to duck around red text)
- The motive does not require the culprit to be a damn lunatic on the Joker level.
- The mystery does not require people to ignore the fact that there's a fucking servant with sixteen to twenty-three alternate personalities.
- It will be, at least in theory, solvable based on the clues shown without intergalactic leaps of logic.

>> No.7517405


How identities work in Umineko was explain shitons of times. You may not like the explanation, but it's part of the setting.

>> No.7517526

The only time i really got a chill behind my back was that random doll in the room with jess (which was never explained) and that part with bern and the black cat.

>> No.7517555


Yeah, it's part of the setting, the same way cancer is part of the patient. "Personalities = people" is inexcusable and indefensible. It single-handedly ruins the whole mystery. It turns it from a detective story, or something that tries to be one, into semantics wank where the solution to the "mystery" is that Ryukishi doesn't know what the fuck words mean.

>> No.7517588


The whole story always resolved about understanding Beato and her heart, that's why you can kill personalities.
You completely missed the point.

>> No.7517593
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>> No.7517599

She’s probably the personality of the 100-year-old witch that Rika separated herself from in Saikoroshi-hen. Isolated in the Sea of Fragments, she must have become an existence that was a crystallization of only the very cruelest parts left over from inside the 100-year-old witch. I have a pretty detailed scenario planned out in my head about the relations between the top class witches surrounding her, Lambda, and Featherine.

Do you remember how there were katana cuts on Hanyuu’s horns? With that blow, “her” memory device broke down, and there was a bug in her existence. Because of that, she became a character with a completely different identity from Featherine… or there may or may not have been a hidden scenario like that…

>> No.7517603

Wow, I'm honestly not too crazy about personalities=people either, but it was set up fairly early in the story, and your asspain is delicious enough that I'm actually more inclined to side with Ryukishi on this one.

>> No.7517612


So what came fist, Hanyuu or Featherine?

>> No.7517613

Haha oh wow

Oh Ryukishi you tool

>> No.7517623


Excerpt from Lambda vs. Featherine in EP8:

The horseshoe-shaped memory storage device floating around Featherine’s head.

Without that, she couldn’t maintain her existence.

It’d be impossible to destroy it, …but if she could manage to hit it, …she might be able to cause a bug in the memory device.

There had been one time in the past when Featherine’s memory device had taken damage, and a changed personality had been brought about.

>> No.7517624


The old "too deep for you" argument is going to work here as well as it worked with the Matrix sequels.

To answer OP, it all started going wrong at a very early stage. Red text was introduced in the second episode, and the root of the problem is that the red text lies - or uses so fucked up definitions for words that they're practically lies. It all started going wrong when R07 stopped presenting his mystery in good faith and instead chose to hinge everything on one verbal trick (and a whole pile of retarded contrivances).

>> No.7517639


Or to actually be fair, it was obvious from the same episode the red text was introduced that it was at least partially subjective. (You are incompetent, anyone?)

There are a lot of legit problems with Umineko and its mystery, but there are an equal amount of readers throwing tantrums just because they're sore losers.

>> No.7517653


It went wrong much earlier than that. It went wrong the instant R07 invented the crossdressing MPD meido.

Let's face it: Umineko never had a chance to be good. It was doomed from the first minutes. We just thought or hoped it would be, but it was all because we just couldn't see the whole picture; as long as the game was locked inside the box, it could be shit or awesome (THIS IS ALL VERY META YOU SEE).

Well now the truth is out there and the waveform has collapsed: Umineko is shit. Any people claiming otherwise are the last fanboys fighting the good fight in their forts of desperate denial.

>> No.7517661

Recently Ryuukishi said that Umineko wasn't that succesful because it was too difficult for the reader.
He sure love to find excuses

>> No.7517668

He's stupid, it's that simple. Stupid works come from stupid people.

>> No.7517670

I just hope his route in Rewrite will be good, couldn't care less about his Higan shit

>> No.7517677

He also said that it's impossible for people that have never loved for real to get Umineko (In other words, he pretty much said that "if you don't like my story, you are a fat virgin that has never known real love")

>> No.7517681


Despite all the shit, i don't he's stupid. Actually, i think he's a brilliant man.

>> No.7517812
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>> No.7517858


Or people with different tastes than yours. I liked it and don't think it is shit.

It's not amazing, but it's better than some more hyped stuff out there.
Of course, opinions.

>> No.7517945

what is going on with the translation for ep8 anyway? have they said when it might be done?

>> No.7518032
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Which is idiotic, since people were claiming multiple personality horseshit/LOL FICTION END since like EP3.

It was just so vehemently denied because it was goddamn retarded. Maybe he can swallow his unwarranted arrogance and cool the gluteus evisceration.

>> No.7518043

>Maybe he can swallow his unwarranted arrogance

Maybe Santa Claus is real and pays my mortgage.

>> No.7518279
File: 95 KB, 960x720, hell yea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well there were 3 people who contributed to the tale of santa so in a way he is real, just dead

> i think he's a brilliant man

me to, no matter what your option of his work is you have to admit the man can create captivating lore

>mfw umineko Rei has ange breaking the it was all a dream illusion and whole thing was just a long (insert witch here) troll

>> No.7518308

>Actually, i think he's a brilliant man.
Well yeah, he did write Higurashi. You can't write that much that well by some fluke.

>> No.7518347
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Dumping a short comic.


>> No.7518351
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>> No.7518352
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>> No.7518357
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>> No.7518362
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>> No.7518370
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>> No.7518375
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>> No.7518381
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>> No.7518397
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9/9 and done.

Yes Battler, the one thing you can do for your waifu is to believe in her. You don't need dolls, dakimakura's or someshit, just believe and she will always be there.

>> No.7518404

fff I knew it was headed for heartbreak, but I couldn't stop reading. Thank you for posting.

>> No.7518434
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fucking maria,that was uncalled for, but kinda ironic now that i think about it.

>> No.7518579
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There are a myriad of different paths I could have seen Umineko going that would be fairly favorable, how Ryukishi decided this was the best end is appalling at best, proof of his own incompetence at worst.

>> No.7518993

Oh, fuck. You just revealed to me that every fun moment I had reading and discussing it through these years was shit. ;_; How can I live with that?

>> No.7519072

Might be true, except people found out about shkanon as early as EP2 but it was dismissed because it was fucking awful and stupid. There was no way Ryu would come with something like this, right?

>> No.7519448


And I thought it was some fun story about Beato living in the real world.
This broke my heart.

>> No.7519469

You can't. Kill yourself. Now.

>> No.7519760

He wrote himself into a corner, that's it.

>> No.7519780


>> No.7519825


He didn't. He just needed not to write.

Just by not writing that hobo Battler end, not insulting the readers on the way, not going with the catbox shit but leaving Kyrie culprit theory it would have been better.

>> No.7519907

What is this hobo Battler end everyone speaks of? Is it "Tohya"? If so, then I agree. That shit was stupid.

In my mind, Umineko ended at EP3, with Battler signing the paper and acknowledging witches of his own will, without any interruptions. Then they all live happily together ever after in the golden land. Kind of a cliché ending, but it's better than what we got in the end.

>> No.7519917

Yeah, sure. Without answering anything at all. You guys would bitch first if that were the case.

>> No.7519929

There's no need for answers

Magic is real
Witches exist
A wizard did it

>> No.7519933

But would you be able to accept it after the 3 episodes? Because nobody in their right mind won't.

>> No.7519935

Oh fuck, my engrish.

>> No.7519942

It's allright, I have autism

>> No.7519974

>this story is fictional. All the people, events and names are purely coindential.
>after Beato is dead, at the beginning of E7 Battler puts a book into the coffin, saying "this is my final story for you"
>'this story is devoted to tha golden witch, Beatrice' is in the end of E8
>tips are still coming out

>> No.7520135

It's a mystery, but it's still a story

Why does it have to end with such a shitty ending as "MAGIC DOESN'T EXIST, FUKKA U"

It's FICTION, doesn't he understand that? Doesn't that contradict his own believe and you will see it shit?

>> No.7520149

Fuck it, I choose to believe as I choose to believe. Ryu lost his love so he can't see the real ending, he can fuck off.

>> No.7520156

It's never stated directly.
>Doesn't that contradict his own believe and you will see it shit?
Not really. You can still believe and see. It may be hard, just as it's hard in the real world, but that's the price for all-powerful gold truth. "Even if the whole world doesn't agree, I believe."

>> No.7520336

How to do an ending that makes sense.

>Yasu writes about becoming the true heir in her diary
>Jessica sees her diary, sees that her supposed has already made her entire life training for the position of heiress pointless in addition to the cross-dressing
>Ange is kidnapped by Kasumi, Kyrie and Rudolf are co-erced into saving her
>Jessica tells George that Yasu has a boner for Battler
>George destroys the letter meant for Yasu
>Jessica mindfucks Yasu over the years because fuck Yasu
>Yasu sets up the bomb, writes in her diary
>Jessica makes plans in reaction to the bomb plan
>Rudolf and Kyrie have their own plans

And the rest of the murders happen due to paranoia and family tensions.

There we go, all good motives for the murders on Umineko.

>> No.7520406

I'm sorry but that's just as shitty

I think the EP7 tea party was perfectly fine. But then R07 was like "Haha no"

>> No.7520423

Pretty classic motive for Jessica. I like it.

>> No.7520439

Wait.... this doesn't make sense chronologically at all. The letter thing happens like 1-2 years before Yasu even becomes the heir. And then Jessica would only have about 2 years to mindfuck Yasu.

>> No.7520465

Holy fuck, that's so awesome I want to frame it.

>> No.7521239
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As much as i think the fake murder theory is stupid, it could actually have saved Umineko.

It would have made Beatrice a victim of the whole mess and of the adults, forced to repeat the fake murder mystery she created over and over and watching it transform into a real massacre. It would give me a reason to pity her for real... but no, instead we got a murder rule. Fuck you R07.

>> No.7521720

That does sound pretty good

Fuck R07 indeed

>> No.7521922

True, but if you're already changing the plot around, it doesn't hurt much to change the order of events of a few things in the past... so long as the actual telling of the story is consistent. Having Yasu become the heir before the letter incident isn't a massive change, really.

>> No.7522260

Another new tip was translated: "Jessica and the Killer Electric Fan."

It's another one about Jessica messing around with magic.

>> No.7522738

It went wrong when Bernkastel finally got a personality.

>> No.7524712

Meanwhile at Witch Hunt:
Translation: 55%
Editing: 50%
Picture Editing: 85%

>> No.7524769


Does anyone know if Tsubasa is translated/being translated? I'd like my tips collection.

>> No.7524774

70-80% is translated. You can find the link for the related animesuki post on vndb.

>> No.7524789


What a bad joke. From R07 or the translator?

>> No.7527196


Exactly this.
