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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7510208 No.7510208 [Reply] [Original]

Which type of otaku would you say is the most disgusting?

>> No.7510215

idol otaku

>> No.7510214

the ones who get annoyed ever, considering all of this shit is irrelevant.

>> No.7510216


>> No.7510221
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The kind that doesn't like what I like.

>> No.7510230


>> No.7510242

Laundry Otakus

Otakus obsessed with doing laundry, perusing electronics catalogues for the latest laundry machine models and discussing laundry and dirty clothes on their own BBS. They love putting their laundry machines (they own more than one, actually) through impossible stress tests, wallowing in their own filth and wearing the same clothes for weeks on end just to see how well they perform at removing filth. Then they compare results. If their expectations aren't met they repeat the process over again with the same clothes, at least until a new laundry machine is out.

>> No.7510248


those are the worst.

>> No.7510249

Train otaku

>> No.7510265

Buttrage otaku.

>> No.7510268

train otaku and love+ otaku.

>> No.7510269


Washing machines are now /jp/-related.

>> No.7510274
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I thought I was alone...

>> No.7510279

excuse my ignorance but what is a train otaku ?

>> No.7510283


>> No.7510288
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Trainspotters, that's what the rest of the world calls them.

>> No.7510297

that explain all the visual novels video about train i saw on jewtube/NND

>> No.7510300

Otaku is similar to geek, someone with obsessive interests and hobbies to the point that it holds negative conotations. Fill in the blanks.

>> No.7510313

I see, i thought Otaku only means someone obsessed with manga/anime/mecha and all that kind of stuff.

>> No.7510316

At the end of the day we're all pretty disgusting. Which is why we're on /jp/ and not hanging outside with friends or a girl/boyfriend.

>> No.7510321


I'd rather not label myself as "otaku". "Loser" fits pretty well for me.

>> No.7510325
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>Otaku is similar to geek

Wow. Will you be my sensei?

>> No.7510328

You should get out of /jp/ then.

>> No.7510432

Aya Hirano otaku

>> No.7510470

idol otakus are definitely the most disgusting.
Pantsu fetishists and similar people are close runner-ups. Guy in pic-related talks about his panty collection surpassing 300 items.

>> No.7510473
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forgot pic

>> No.7510484
File: 238 KB, 1015x1100, ;_;.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really should get out of /jp/... I have friends, I hang out with them and I'm not even disgusting. I'm just a lolicon Touhou fan.

>> No.7510492

>not disgusting

>> No.7510494
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>not disgusting
I've got bad news for you...

>> No.7510499

Depends on how you define disgusting. I think it just means you look bad physically. I'm also only a 2D lolicon so I don't understand how I'm disgusting in any way.

>> No.7510511


>> No.7510520

>I'm also only a 2D lolicon so I don't understand how I'm disgusting in any way
Yeah, you go ahead and explain that to normals.

>> No.7510526

I haven't tried and never will, being a lolicon doesn't make me stupid.

>> No.7510543


You're still pretty disgusting, bro.

>> No.7510559

Whatever, as well as no one in real life knows about it I'll be fine.

>> No.7510573

breathing type

>> No.7510580

You're no better than the normals you despise when you judge people like this, /jp/.

>> No.7511795
File: 56 KB, 430x241, Nichijou Episode 5 English Sub, Nichijou 5 Raw Online.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>implying /jp/ could ever have been or aspired to be or thought of itself as being better than anyone

The thread thickens...

>> No.7511996


>> No.7512019


>> No.7512159

faggot otaku

pig disgusting

>> No.7512382
File: 308 KB, 1024x768, Laundry Otaku Meetup 2009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

