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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 401 KB, 768x1024, 2ba9b4b7d07341a42910fa0e63fcd83d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7498191 No.7498191 [Reply] [Original]

[x] Rape the maids

>> No.7498196


>> No.7498205

[x] crossdress as a maid.

>> No.7498211

[x] rape >>7498205

>> No.7498209


>> No.7498215

[X] Raped by the maid who is forcing me to crossdress as a maid.


>> No.7498219
File: 144 KB, 630x999, 4667433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[ ] Rape the maids
[x] Get raped by the maids

>> No.7498226

In the case of Sakuya, it's more a matter of minding one's own business then suddenly being naked, tied to a bed, covered in semen and cumming like the Fist of the North Star and blacking out only to wake up where one was before with a slightly sore set of orifices and being left to wonder what the hell just happened.

Not that I'd know or anything.

>> No.7498227

[x] Genuflect

>> No.7498229

[x] Dress up as a maid and rape the guards

>> No.7498234
File: 116 KB, 467x641, rape the maids.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7498244

>Sakuya, i-i-if you want.. you can have my anal virginity! I don't mind if it's you!
>What anal virginity? You mean the one I took when we first met without you noticing?
>Y-you bastard!

>> No.7498254
File: 46 KB, 500x313, 1256886050357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure. let's rape some maids and then we can go to the bar and chill.

>> No.7498258

It's not nice to spy on people.

>> No.7498272
File: 65 KB, 650x828, 244b295e2356a149cca04aeec1b94f1e078e9f66.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7498275 [DELETED] 

i wanna rape the madoka


>> No.7498287
File: 300 KB, 600x800, b17ec01e7fe4e58dca643fd738eb2d44afd75ddb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/jp/ meetup

>> No.7498304 [DELETED] 

me on the left

>> No.7498310

me on the right

>> No.7498314
File: 221 KB, 720x640, 1291464487194.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

T-This thread is making me a litlle...

>> No.7498353

I'd love to see a shota dressed as a maid raping a maid.

>> No.7498363

[x] Rape the OP

>> No.7498372

Sorry, I'm relatively new here, so I had no idea this was a board for homosexuals (no offence). After being on here for three months the femininity and (not so) subtle homosexuality exhibited by users are getting to me.

Can someone recommend me a straight board? Somewhere with no shotas, traps, crossdressing little boys, and users who don't shave their legs and drool at the thought of being gangraped by large men while wearing a skirt with their penis tucked between their legs.

>> No.7498376

No one will be able to help you if you keep distracting us by saying such erotic things.

>> No.7498379

Only board like that on 4chan is /u/

>> No.7498388
File: 1.15 MB, 1509x1000, 3f3a5311ae876bf88f8acf0078bf6f6f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at this faggot, lol.

>> No.7498406

What did you come here for anyway?

>> No.7498407
File: 859 KB, 255x155, 30163 - death_note eating gif potato_chip solo yagami_light.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

<-- does anyone else think of this when you read that?

>> No.7498410

OMG thats sooooooooooo tru ur rite XD

>> No.7498414

opps I forgot death note is mainstream.. sorry to get you buttmad you wapanese hipsters

>> No.7498417


Looks like someone clicked the wrong board.//

>> No.7498418

Enjoying your summer, kid?

>> No.7498419
File: 24 KB, 400x430, 1264714577381.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7498422 [DELETED] 

/u/ is full of lesbians and men who are homosexual and want to be women themselves. They have that gender disorder where you're psychologically a woman trapped in a males body, but are a lesbian and want to be with women. Per/post op shemales who are still with women are what I'm describing. 4chan as whole has lots of homosexual undertones on every board.

>> No.7498427

>gender disorder where you're psychologically a woman trapped in a males body

That's called delusion, dear.

>> No.7498429

[x] Become the maids

>> No.7498433

people still do this?
it doesn't make you look smart or condescending, it just makes you look like an old man pretending to be a woman.

>> No.7498434

I would say /k/ is the least homosexual board. That is, if you don't think that long, big guns are substitutes for cocks.

>> No.7498438

fuck off then
seriously, fuck off, you don't fucking belong here, you don't fucking belong in the 21st century you disgusting piece of shit.

>> No.7498439

They're not?

>> No.7498442 [DELETED] 

Men like women and are called men. Women who like women are called lesbians. They're not men and don't have the psychologically of a man. Very few lesbians claim they're actual "men" trapped in female bodies, and even so, lesser creatures known as women can't ever be men not even in their mind.

Men who want to be women and are attracted to women still are psychologically lesbians and are not men. You don't get to be called a man when you're like that. If you want to be a little girl and pleasure men, feel free to call yourself man though.

>> No.7498441

except they are, not to mention that statistically /k/ has the lowest female population.

>> No.7498444

If this isn't a pasta already, then it is now.
Thanks. I allways need new material for shitposting.

>> No.7498446

/soc/ is the least homosexual.

>> No.7498451 [DELETED] 

Men like women and are called men. Women who like women are called lesbians. They're not men and don't have the psychology of a man. Very few lesbians claim they're actual "men" trapped in female bodies, and even so, lesser creatures known as women can't ever be men not even in their mind.

Men who want to be women and are attracted to women still are psychologically lesbians and are not men. You don't get to be called a man when you're like that. If you want to be a little girl and pleasure men, feel free to call yourself man though.

>> No.7498454

>If this isn't a pasta already
Sorry, but you have to be in /jp/ for more than one month before you can be issued your shitposting license.

>> No.7498458

I've seen it posted at least three times in the past 24 hours.
Are you blind?

>> No.7498459

it's called kopipe you uncultured barbarian swine.

>> No.7498461 [DELETED] 

That is copy&paste from yesterday and you posted it probably, and I'd figure you're this guy too >>7498379 if I had to guess.

Pretty sure you're a butthurt yuri fan trying to advertise your board and insult the master race.

>> No.7498468

It's called nanban, you uncultured nanban buta.

>> No.7498473

I never unsterstood where this term came from and why people use it.

>> No.7498477

it's called deculture you gorgeous delicious deculture

>> No.7498476 [DELETED] 

it's the generic weeeaboo version of how nips mispronounce copy and paste.

>> No.7498484

Sure, appropriate board for you would be /v/.

>> No.7498486

it also has textboard quality

>> No.7498518

Textboard quality?
OnLy iF yOu PaY mE EnOuGh ;)

>> No.7498521
File: 95 KB, 800x600, ev219_4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eh, I'd rather be raped by a chick while doing that.

Pic related. This VN has the best storyline for this fetish -- the MC is forced to crossdress and tied to a bed until he submits to the chick, who then makes him crossdress in public and fucks him in a public restroom. After that he moves in with her and has sex with her while she tells him that he'll be hers forever. Its quite romantic, really, but the game has the gall to call it a Bad End.

>> No.7498533

Me too. With slight difference that I would like her to have a cock too.

>> No.7498541

That's a Bad End?
What's the Good one?

>> No.7498601

No idea. I've only played/fapped to those few scenes with ATLAS.

The rest of the routes seem to be mostly vanilla sex though.
