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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 117 KB, 1280x720, 1304798731260.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7493854 No.7493854 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.7493857

Post the one with her sitting on a toilet

>> No.7493858

I wonder. Is an image without any text suppose to mean anything?

>> No.7493859

Hey, look! It's the same overused image from the same /a/ fag that's been showing up all week!

Prepare for a useless shitpost thread that belongs on /a/!

>> No.7493863


>> No.7493864


>> No.7493869


I was hoping he could find his own way back, but that may be expecting too much if he's been here all week.

>> No.7493877
File: 704 KB, 710x800, 478b4568b676e4cce1ba266d7eb09bea.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're small time.

>> No.7493884

homura time leaped 5 times for like 3 months worth of time. she isn't even worth mentioning when you talk about time loops. also, she wasn't even immortal during the time lapse.

>> No.7493892


>> No.7493893
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>> No.7493901
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>> No.7493906

I thought it's assumed that she repeated it (maybe much) more times than actually shown.

>> No.7493911

Where does "homu homu" come from anyway?

>> No.7493912

Did they ever explain why she gets her wish granted multiple times or is it just more bad writing?

>> No.7493916


>> No.7493924

The worst madoka

>> No.7493929

I guess the same reason these stupid alien fags can rebuild the entire universe, but can't come up with a fast and easy method of countering entropy.

>> No.7493940
File: 168 KB, 852x500, 1306795114203.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mami > Homura > Kyoko > Sayaka > Madoka

>> No.7493941

ie bad writing

>> No.7493942

Entropy is unconquerable.

>> No.7493948

Yet somehow destructive (which is the essence of entropy) energy of witches can counter it. Yeah.

>> No.7493949

They're cheating.

>> No.7493954
File: 70 KB, 1280x720, youre making me sleepy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The incubators did not rebuild the universe

Madoka did

>> No.7493961

They grant the wish => they provide power.

>> No.7493964

It's Madoka. This isn't surprising.

>> No.7493966


The whole things was underpinned by karma. She can't force everyone to attain nirvana, and doing so would end the world anyways, defeating the point of the girls living a normal life.

>> No.7493967

It's clearly stated that the wishes really come from their own powers not from the incubators. Madoka only had all the power to make her universe altering wish from all the power she had built up from all of Homura's time traveling

>> No.7493974 [SPOILER] 
File: 127 KB, 418x600, 1305878478555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Homerun is the best meguca

>> No.7493977

Unlike all the other girls in the loop. Who didn't get special deus ex powers that didn't even make any fucking sense.

Yeah, terrible fucking writing.

>> No.7493989

Then why do they need them to begin with? Why can't they use magic on their own?

>> No.7494013

Some convenient explanation about emotions or something.

The show was mediocre, there's no real point in discussing it, especially not on /jp/ where it doesn't even belong in the first place.

>> No.7494015
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Because they don't know they have magical powers and the incubators just help coax them along

>> No.7494016

That's not how a toilet works, you can't flush.
None of the water will flow in the toilet bowl like that.

>> No.7494032

Nope. Madoka clearly knew it, because she was told by various people, yet she was unable to use it until QB granted her wish.

>> No.7494035

This whole thread is reported for /a/ shit. I hope you're all banned for off-topic discussion.

>> No.7494045

Reported for being White Ren.

>> No.7494046
File: 96 KB, 1280x720, 1299713641075.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you miss the entire series of Homura going MADOKA DON'T MAKE A WISH

>> No.7494048
File: 17 KB, 170x170, saber is not amused.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>akiha thread

>> No.7494055

Cool it with the shitposting, !bar. Take a look at these posts.


They're not discussing Akiha. They're discussing anime, something completely unrelated to this board.

>> No.7494068
File: 62 KB, 1280x720, capture_18062011_025730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you miss that she did after all?

>> No.7494072


That's all he does now, Alabama.

>> No.7494093

I remember a time when I used to like him. Oh well, if you report him his posts will be deleted.

>> No.7494096


Sometimes I think those are not trolls, but I refuse to believe that anyone on /jp/ is that fucking stupid.

>> No.7494113

Who gives a shit.

>> No.7494116
File: 1.00 MB, 1500x844, 1306558801854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


At least this one is actually discussing something, unlike all the railgun threads.

We can have anime threads on /jp/, but they need to discuss more than saten's penis to actually be considered /jp/ related.

The series is about Karma. The other girls fell into despair, and activated their negative karma. Madoka didn't. Every time Homura looped, it was right before Madoka created a seed (AKA cashed in on her negative karma), so it just built up on Madoka until she exploded with power.

The incubators farmed negative karma from the mahou shoujos and used to balance the karma of the universe. How the karma is converted into universe karma isn't explained, but the point was that humans were an easy source of karma and so the incubators exploited it.
The girls powers were from the incubators, but their wish was the release of their karma.

>> No.7494117


>> No.7494125

>walk in
>flip hair

>> No.7494127


You obviously do, since you posted.

>> No.7494136
File: 217 KB, 1152x1152, 19571323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes she could have at any time. But Homura and sometimes other people prevented her from making a wish. By the end of the series with all the extra knowledge she had of how everything worked and with everyone else dead and Homura almost becoming a witch she finally did make her wish that changed the whole universe.

Nothing you've said contradicts anything. If you need more evidence, keep in mind that only Homura and Madoka know anything of the original universe. Even when Homura tells QB about the previous witch system, he says that it's never worked that way

>> No.7494141

>>he actually cares

Is it really such a big deal? Just go with the flow, White Ren. Let the people post their Akiha-type character in peace.

>> No.7494142

Ren gives a shit ironically so it doesn't really count.

>> No.7494146

I don't think you get the point. This thread is completely unrelated. People don't discuss bicycles in /an/ so why would you discuss anime in /jp/?

I can't believe /a/ has gotten to the point where they think any discussion is fine, as long as it's actual discussion and not shitposting. You guys sicken me.

>> No.7494147

Madoka is hipster magical girl anime

>> No.7494150
File: 270 KB, 768x1024, 18018105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Madoka did become a witch at least once. But Homura didn't kill her and just looped again after it happened so maybe that doesn't mean anything

>> No.7494156


Just fuck off already and take your greentext with you

>> No.7494157

Also reported. Enjoy your ban for shitposting and off-topic discussion, shitposters.

>> No.7494158


Incubators have the necessary technology, but they don't have souls, emotions and magical power.

Girls have souls, emotions and magical power but they don't have the necessary technology.

By your powers combined...

>> No.7494162


Madoka was the center and the reason of the loop though.

It's not bad writing, it's just you being stupid.

>> No.7494164

You too.

>> No.7494177

So basically it's not making any sense. Thanks for confirmation.

>> No.7494181

It's also basically you being reported.

>> No.7494183
File: 629 KB, 1600x1191, Konachan.com - 88983 glasses green_eyes green_hair gun long_hair saya_no_uta tanbo_ryouko weapon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No, the OP had no indication on the topic. Then some trolls complained about the obvious /a/ look, then it actually turned into a discussion about puella magi.

/jp/ is for OTAKU related posts, which anime falls into. It can be about the characters, the series, anything; but it needs to be an _intelligent_ discussion.

Are there things generally considered taboo? Yes. We don't discuss sports too often. However, there could be cases where sports are relevant to the board (such as a VN competition or something), so they shouldn't be discouraged on sight.

Of course, if one is a fan of all the pointless sex threads and unintelligent discussion, then it would make sense to ban a thread like this. For those of us who actually want to have a meaningful conversation, these types of threads actually provide some hope.

Now, you could actually post something related to this topic (Because you've been shitpost-trolling this entire thread) and help /jp/ improve and not be /a/, or you can keep flaming those actually trying to discuss something until the thread dies and we go back to touhou sex.

>> No.7494193

Not even going to bother reading that, since you're probably just trolling anyway. That's against the rules you know.

>> No.7494194

Did you not start posting here until /jp/ turned into Otaku Culture?

>> No.7494196

You've been spending to much time with those retards on formspring, it's seriously effecting your posts.

>> No.7494197

>arguing with White Ren

>> No.7494199

maybe you could try discussing anime on the anime board

crazy idea, huh?

>> No.7494203


No, you're clearly trolling because you're hindering an actual discussion.

Fucking tripfags. Go plague some other board.

>> No.7494208

>>I don't think you get the point. This thread is completely unrelated. People don't discuss bicycles in /an/ so why would you discuss anime in /jp/?

Sounds like OCD (the ordering and arranging type) bro.

>> No.7494209

>/jp/ is for OTAKU related posts, which anime falls into.

confirmed for newfriend

>such as a VN competition


>help /jp/ improve and not be /a/

this thread was 100% /a/ from the start

reported so hard my dog came in terrified at the sound of me smashing my specially made report key

>> No.7494210

...Oh you.

>> No.7494212

>Shitpost troll getting reported

>> No.7494227

For what other reason would 4chan have different catagories? Just to look cool? No, you fucking idiot.

>> No.7494231
File: 285 KB, 800x600, wallpaper-304247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or we could go to the board created to break off the semi-intelligent discussion form all the trolls of /a/ and have anintelligent discussion there.


Ha, right. I'll be a newfag once meido returns form the dead.

>> No.7494238

Who gives a shit you're breaking rules and you're getting reported for it.

>> No.7494243

that's not why /jp/ was created
it was created to separate the anime board from touhou, visual novels and such

>> No.7494244
File: 181 KB, 800x600, wallpaper-169581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


And what happens when....wait for it folks....some of those boards overlap in content?

Answer: conversations are valid on BOTH BOARDS.

_Actual_ anime discussion is as otaku as Touhou, and rare on /a/, so ti comes to /jp/ instead.

>> No.7494256

Doesn't White Ren post in Tactics Ogre threads and other /v/ threads? Why is he only against /a/ material?

>> No.7494257
File: 1.13 MB, 1600x1200, wallpaper-148677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Likewise, to both you and actual White Ren.

No, it was to stop the VN/Touhou/vocaloid and Anime fans form trolling each other.

>> No.7494261

ITT: People continue a shitty off-topic discussion that should be deleted while White Ren yells at them.

>> No.7494266

Stop posting like an idiot. /jp/ was created to seperate VN and Touhou from anime, not so /a/ could have a place to discuss their bullshit at "intelligently". Fuck off forever.

>> No.7494268



Yeah that's great, referring to something you have no idea about because you've seen other people do it will convince me you're not an uppity newfriend. Great strategy.

>>>/a/ beckons you

reported so hard I burned a hole in the earth and ended up in an ocean near australia where i was brought to land by aboriginal people and crowned the prophesised king of Report Island

>> No.7494269

both of them are fakes

>> No.7494273


No, really it's only about Karma. Incubators didn't posses emotion and karma, although they understood how it worked and affected the universe.

>> No.7494275

first time I thought it was just a typo

so basically, it was to separate anime fans (and the discussion of anime) from touhou/vocaloid fans (and the discussion of those)

>> No.7494279

Reported again.

>> No.7494286

>thinks that reports do something
>on /jp/ no less
>not a newfriend

>> No.7494290

Fuck off with your greentext.

>> No.7494292


>> No.7494295

I don't think that word means, what you think it means.

>> No.7494296


>> No.7494298


Get the fuck out.

>> No.7494304


>> No.7494305

Both of you are reported.

>> No.7494309


>> No.7494310 [DELETED] 


>> No.7494311


>> No.7494312

epic thread

>> No.7494313


I think this is the real one.

>> No.7494317

Shut the fuck up, White Rens are speaking.

>> No.7494321

posting so i can report myself

>> No.7494322

Check 'em

>> No.7494325

Nice doubles.

>> No.7494327


fucking reported

>> No.7494331

Why is /jp/ so good?

>> No.7494332

Reported as fuck.

>> No.7494333

I can also do triples.

>> No.7494336

>reported so hard I burned a hole in the earth and ended up in an ocean near australia where i was brought to land by aboriginal people and crowned the prophesised king of Report Island

I like your imagination. I hope one day to report as well as you.

>> No.7494337

Lol, it'll be interesting to see this thread after all of white Ren's stuff is deleted, there might even be space to discuss something...

>> No.7494340

Why are you Sudo so fat?

>> No.7494343

Reported for three of the same numbers at the end of your post number.

>> No.7494344

Fuck I forgot my sage.

>> No.7494349
File: 63 KB, 1280x720, 4576856466786546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking wizard.

>> No.7494351


>> No.7494354

Maybe you could use that space to discuss something that's actually /jp/ related.

>> No.7494355

If anything, this whole thread will be deleted.

>> No.7494356
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>> No.7494360
File: 674 KB, 1280x720, [Derp]_Gosick_-_02_(1280x720_x264_AAC)[B8D5E446].mkv_snapshot_15.30_[2011.01.15_20.17.28].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why are you Sudo
Someone has to be.

>> No.7494361
File: 458 KB, 1200x1600, 1288741663149.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to be that desk.

>> No.7494365


Well, we were trying until White Ren flipped shit.

>> No.7494367

Try heading to a White Ren-less board to discuss your Madokas.

>> No.7494369

At no point has any post in this thread come close to being /jp/ related. /jp/ is not anime/meta.

This post is just as shitty as the rest of them.

>> No.7494371
File: 11 KB, 300x300, check 'em.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking magnets.

>> No.7494373


Just to watch it come back? If you shitpost in them all you'll be the one banned...

This is exactly like the yukkuri abuse thread, if you'd just let them go they'll die faster and with less bitching.

>> No.7494378

Did you take your medicine today?

>> No.7494380

Yeah, just keep remaking those Madoka threads. That'll show that autismal /v/ mod that they can't keep anime out of /jp/ where it belongs.

>> No.7494386

Your mom flipped shit

>> No.7494390


>> No.7494392
File: 146 KB, 600x600, 1289295296111.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We just need 00 and 88.

>> No.7494394

>/jp/ related
>All things otaku welcome!
>anime is otaku

Yep. Clearly.

>> No.7494397
File: 36 KB, 479x359, buri hamachi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Report him for shitposting, thread derailment, and spamming anime image macros.
Do you think if he gets banned repeatedly he'll take a hint, or is that too subtle for an autist to understand?

>> No.7494400


>> No.7494401


Why are you playing the otaku card? Nothing good ever comes of it.

>> No.7494402
File: 180 KB, 1280x720, [Frostii]_K-On!!_B-Side_Theater_-_Uraon!!_-_5_[68EDDDCF].mkv_snapshot_00.16_[2011.02.07_20.44.15].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I take it at night.
Fuck off, Jones.

>> No.7494404

Thanks White Ren/fake-kun, this is the most fun I've had in a while.

>> No.7494405

He's to off his face on Anti-depressants to realize.
Just give him some cake and he'll be quiet.

>> No.7494407

Now Madokafaggotry has been quashed we need a new topic.

"Why is Sudo so fat" seems pretty good. Any objections?

I'll start with an easy one to get the ball rolling:

Lack of exercise

>> No.7494415


Because I'm right and shitposting like Ren's doing ruined /a/, and is threatening to ruin /jp/.

>> No.7494417

Does your Mother still check to make sure you're taking them?

>> No.7494437

There are video game otaku, train otaku, food otaku, pokemon otaku, cartoon otaku, weapon otaku and so on. Are you then suggesting that the content of pretty much every other board fits on /jp/? Honestly, are you being serious here?

You are arguably one of the densest people I've ever seen on 4chan.

>> No.7494442

Don't forget the 88 man.

>> No.7494444

go to the fucking text board already if you hate /a/ so much

>> No.7494446
File: 500 KB, 1240x1174, 1302762494841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for reminding me.

>> No.7494450
File: 48 KB, 848x480, [Ryuumaru] Ichiban Ushiro no Daimaou - 05 [16148B99].mkv_snapshot_13.30_[2010.05.04_22.13.08].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If that's the case can we start banning people for posting MMOs and RPGs now? We already have a video game board for that.

>> No.7494451

Eating to much Junk food instead of meals.

>> No.7494452
File: 65 KB, 409x497, 1306960310396.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

noice quads

>> No.7494457

visual novels and touhou are video games too, it's something of a grey area
I wouldn't mourn the loss of MMO and RPG threads though

>> No.7494458
File: 77 KB, 450x268, 4636364634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7494460

Can we? Probably not, since we're not mods. But that doesn't stop us from reporting those threads, or do you need to see "reported" everywhere in a thread to know that an off-topic thread is being reported?

I'd be more surprised if you weren't reporting all of those terrible MMO threads.

>> No.7494483

She never checked.
I actually haven't been fat for years. I was 330 pounds at one point until I became anorexic and dropped down to 140. I'm 6'3", by the way.

>> No.7494484

Here you go:

>> No.7494487


>Our definition of "positive contribution" is the submission of substantial, helpful, friendly, and humorous posts to the boards, along with the uploading of quality images and files.
>Contribution is important because it is what drives this website. If we didn't have a dedicated pool of users who frequently contribute, we'd be yet another stagnant run of the mill forum. But we aren't. By having an increasing number of diverse and quality contributors, 4chan becomes more unique, interesting, and enjoyable to use.
>It's really quite easy. If you have something to add to a topic: reply. If you have an interesting, high quality, neat, rare, etc. picture: upload it!

/jp/ is the second-most widely defined board, second only to /b/

What qualifies something to be /jp/ instead of another board's shit is how specialized it is. Anyone can talk about Saten's penis or a luger, but only a few can do in-depth comparison of the rules and workings of the Railgun universe or the intricate details of the luger design, the aims of the project, and how it influences the war.

Most of what's on /jp/ doesn't fit that. The only reason touhou, VN, and vocaloid stuff is so prevalent is because it dosn't fit on the other boards.

Those topics can belong here, but we rarely have actual otaku here, so they don't come up. Because we're so awash with those three topics, most of the board has forgotten how broad it actually is.

>> No.7494495

>I was 330 pounds at one point
Ewwww, do you have loads of losoe skin?

>> No.7494511

>I actually haven't been fat for years.

Stop it, you're destroying the balance of the world. Water is wet, fire is hot, and Sudo is fat.

>> No.7494532

Famine down. Pestilence, destruction and death to go.

>> No.7494534
File: 626 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Nichijou - 11 [720p].mkv_snapshot_02.34_[2011.06.12_01.05.48].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did before I got free surgery covered by my insurance to remove it.
Deal with it.

>> No.7494538
File: 220 KB, 908x730, 1305935117962.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Confirmed for greasy and obese.
You must have to use a pile of bricks as a seat.
Probably can't even find clothes big enough so you just sit there, on your brick pile, with a sheet round you.

>> No.7494545

I don't know why it's just not specified as Japanese PC Games. That would cover almost everything except idol threads and Im@s.

>> No.7494548

Confirmed for not being able to read and comprehend the use of past tense.

>> No.7494551

>covered by my insurance
You mean covered by the Government because you're to lazy to go outside and get a job?

>> No.7494553

Sure, if that's how you want to think of it.

>> No.7494554

Heck, it's still better than being a fat 26 year old virgin who lives in his mothers basement and scrounges off the government.

>> No.7494555

Sudo threads are the best threads on /jp/!

>> No.7494560

light novels and kigurumi are part of the dysfunctional /jp/ family too

>> No.7494563

What about Japanese internet subculture or Futaba portal?

>> No.7494568
File: 454 KB, 1280x720, [Derp]_Gosick_-_05_(1280x720_x264_AAC)[7968590A].mkv_snapshot_14.02_[2011.02.05_10.26.32].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not fat and I have my own room.

>> No.7494569


And if moot wants to redefine it, he can. It's current definition is ALL things otaku, and nothing else. However, the non Touhou, VN, and Vocaloid people left because of people like Ren flipping shit instead of tolerating actual discussion.
The rest are stuck here until the board changes or people like him calm down.

>> No.7494572

Most kigurumi/figurines are of Japanese PC game characters, and I have seen maybe two or three serious threads about LNs that weren't just cunts from /a/ trolling.

>> No.7494577

I don't see anybody forcing anyone here to continue posting in this thread. You're all here by your own free will.
I've got nothing more to say, seeing as this is a thread is devoid of content worth any further commentary.

>> No.7494580

>I have my own room.
You mean Whale Tank.

>> No.7494582

That definition is all-encompassing, therefore it's meaningless.

Of course, it wouldn't be an issue if people actually had decent threads about anime or whatever here instead of just spamming and shitposting it.

>> No.7494583

Oh, well then, I apologize.
Your mother must be very proud.

>> No.7494587
File: 30 KB, 360x303, 1301258598858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Luckily it's not a tank, I don't know how to swim.

>> No.7494591
File: 45 KB, 475x323, 1305936806423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I chuckled.

>> No.7494592

>until I became anorexic

holy shit, an anorexic fatass is the most hilarious yet depressing thing ever

>> No.7494594

moot doesn't even remember this board exists
board content is only regulated properly(-ish) when the mod/janitor is on

>> No.7494603


No, it's not all encompassing, that would be /b/. I've already explained that /jp/ is the specialization board, but spamming/trolling has watered it down to almost nothing.

We were working on turning there thread around, and had almost gotten there right as Ren entered and shit on it to hell.

Hell (not that you'll believe me), but I posted
as an attempt to either shut the thread down or reverse-psychology the posters to post something useful, and the latter had almost worked.

>> No.7494609

This makes me wonder, how much water would Sudo displace?

>> No.7494612

Great thread. Good job everyone.

>> No.7494617

It is all-encompassing for everything related to Japan. There, happy? Do not make me draw you a fucking Venn Diagram of board content.

>> No.7494618

moot made /jp/ for tossing all the shit in /a/ that wasn't anime or manga. The actual rules as they currently stand are a joke because nobody can be bothered to make actual rules, but rest assured, nobody in 4chan administration ever intended that in-depth discussion of the M-1 Garand go to /jp/.

>> No.7494619
File: 61 KB, 393x455, 1306963577393.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7494627

Otaku is a Japanese term and not a Japanese qualifier, in much the same way that a rendezvous is not a gathering of French people.

Stop trying to set up straw men.

>> No.7494630

Almost. You forgot to add, "that isn't anime, manga, travel, historical, or political."

>> No.7494631

He could displace an entire Ocean.
It was sudo, that caused the Tsunami in Japan, he tried to go swimming at the Beach.

>> No.7494641

/jp/ is for Japanese shit. If you were to ask moot what goes into /jp/, he would probably respond, "weird Japanese shit that doesn't go in the other boards." If you are seriously trying to argue that there's no special relation between /jp/ - Otaku Culture and Japan you're a retard.

>> No.7494647

>Otaku is a Japanese term and not a Japanese qualifier
Except that it is also used as a qualifier, genius. There are mecha otaku, train otaku, etc.

...Congratulations, you missed the entire argument and agreed with my point while thinking you were arguing. I hope you're proud of yourself.

>> No.7494660

Actually, I agreed with your point and added a qualifier while full well knowing that I was mostly in agreement, and you incorrectly assumed that I was arguing against you. A gold star for you.

>> No.7494661


And moot also made 4chan to share images with his friends. Your point is invalid and an irrelevant conclusion.

>> No.7494665

The old "what belongs in /jp/?" debate is tired and irrelevant now

There is a list of acceptable content, and you either know what's on it or you don't. Here's a test: if, before posting your thread, you have to think "is /jp/ the right board for this?", then chances are i. it isn't ii. you don't belong here

>> No.7494669

You are either retarded, autistic, or a dedicated troll.

>> No.7494670
File: 77 KB, 469x619, 1304027727846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now you're just being silly, I already said that I don't know how to swim.

>> No.7494677

Couldn't they just wish entropy away?

Or that it wouldn't cause heat death and just go in cycles or some shit?

>> No.7494682

is that your Last Question?

>> No.7494685

It's not really a matter of swimming though is it?
Your enormous body mass would just sink straight to the bottom like a 5 tonne brick.

>> No.7494686

I thought fat floated.

>> No.7494687

Not on the rule board.
Anyways, guess what's almost exclusively Japanese (with some Korean sweatshops)? Anime. Even if we presuppose you're not incorrectly using the terms, Anime is still something Japanese and Otaku, and thus /jp/ related.

>> No.7494697
File: 633 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Nichijou - 09 [720p].mkv_snapshot_12.45_[2011.05.29_01.11.52].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If only it were that simple.

>> No.7494703

there is no list because /jp/ isn't hivemind,newfag. like someone who actually browsed /jp/ for 3 years will listen to some random anonymous and their shitty suggestion about what belongs here.

only dumb ass newfags would take some kind of shitty list seriously since they don't have a clue what belongs.

here is the list of what belongs here according to people who have been browsing for 3 years.

1) whatever i want to post and like seeing.

>> No.7494704

I'll let you in on a secret: neither moot, nor the moderators, nor the users of /jp/ interpret /jp/'s only board-wide rule literally so as to encompass everything that could possibly be stuffed into it, and neither should you.

You can't seriously be this stupid.

>> No.7494709

poorly defined or not, anime discussion has a much of a place here as Call of Duty discussion has on /vp/

>> No.7494714


Nah, he farted and the ensuing typhoon ruptured a hole in the centre of earth that eventually ended up surfacing in Japan

I hope you feel bad for what you've done to Nihon, Sudo

>> No.7494717
File: 120 KB, 800x600, 18303449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't just remove entire balances of the universe

>> No.7494730

So their is insufficient data to answer that question?

Then perhaps someone should wish for a meaningful answer.

Or perhaps incubators are just part of a giant supercomputer finding said answer.

>> No.7494734

>Affirming the Consequent
>Irrelevant Conclusion
>defamation of character instead of having a valid point


>> No.7494735


Wow you are autistic. I didn't literally mean there exists a fucking "/jp/ list" somewhere. I meant almost exactly what you said: "whatever i want to post and like seeing." My point was that over time it's become clear what people here want to post, so if you had to draw up a list of acceptable topics in theory you COULD. I didn't mean you SHOULD, I meant that if you belong here then you instinctively know what would belong on it. It's something you pick up from intuition and seeing what's come up over and over.

Try not to interpret everything so literally before you get so asspained next time.

>> No.7494739

I see, it's all three. A rare combination.

>> No.7494750


It wasn't about her Karma, it was about balancing the karma of the universe. She happened to have a lot of karma built up, and thus was able to get a large wish.

If one were to 'wish away' her karma, then it would further imbalance the karma of the universe. Unfortunately I'm not an expert of Buddhism, but I have a feeling that's an undesirable state.

>> No.7494806

>Appeal to Popularity
>Appeal to Tradition
>Defamation of character instead of presenting a valid argument

No. It will not be that way until it is defined that way. You're arguing from fallacy and are thus incorrect.

If moot wants to change it, he can. In the meantime, we'll continue to have these fights until something is resolved.

>> No.7494818
File: 221 KB, 796x631, 1307769997044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know what karma or Buddhism has to do with the therodynamic property of entropy, but alright.


>> No.7494830

stop posting that picture!

>> No.7494833

Resorting to popularity, tradition, and the word of moot to decide what belongs in /jp/ does not constitute the logical fallacies "appeal to popularity," "appeal to tradition," and "appeal to authority," because community standards are necessarily dependent on these three things.

It is that way because it has already been informally defined that way by a large group of people. You're just moaning and bitching because you believe that literally the only thing that matters is what moot explicitly wrote down in the rules one day, which makes about as much sense as thinking that /cgl/ must very literally be ALL DRAMA ALL THE TIME because moot wrote it down.

One shudders to think what an autist like you would make of common law.

>> No.7494834


The thermodynamics aspect was the author's doing; a way for the incubators to sound 'sciency' and avoid the involuntary negative reaction towards religion (and all the fuss it would've caused in the fans).
Also, Japan has a tendency to 'mix up' their religions a bit (Eva, shinto+buddhism, etc), so that probably plays a part too.

>> No.7494843


This guy knows what he's talking about.

>> No.7494918

It appears 4chan has a word filter, so I can't post my original argument. What I can salvage:

Where's the 'word of moot' as it were?
Misconstrued interpretations like yours cause problems in 'common law'.

A 'group' can still define something and be incorrect Much like copyright law and how music is shared. 'Pirates; consider it 'ok', but it is NOT, regardless of their semantics. Your arguments are a fallacy, and thus incorrect.

There is no 'majority' consensus, specially because all of 4chan's anonymity.

>> No.7494931

When moot first created /jp/ he announced that it was going to be for general Japanese things, such as figurines, VNs, and Touhou, specifically to get that shit out of /a/. That's a precedent.

Your analogy is retarded because we are not talking about a bunch of unnamed individuals attempting to interpret United States law, but deciding standards for their own community.

Your last argument is a crock of shit.

I'm done wasting my time here.

>> No.7494953

And you're just as likely to be making that up as I am to be you. You can't provide anything definite and only appeal to generalization and tradition.

It is valid because we're talking about a minority of a culture attempting to define the rules for the majority. Anyways, that's international law. You should really read up on the Berne convention.

Glad to see you still know how to call names instead of think logically.

Good, because you're wrong.

>> No.7494969

ITT: I just finished my first philosophy class.
Congrats kid.

>> No.7494979

Are we seriously arguing about what makes /jp/ /jp/?
It's pretty damned obvious that /jp/ is just a secret internet club for elitists who look down on people from other boards. Case in point?

>Touhou hentai
>Touhou ecchi
>/v/ threads
>Shit tripfags
>Meta-threads on otaku culture
>/b/ trolls

Seriously, there's no point in arguing otherwise.

>> No.7494980

The difference is that people who know the first thing about /jp/ will note that many of the things you say are self-evidently retarded. I don't need to provide "definite evidence" against an assertion that's on par with asserting that the night sky is flaming orange, and even if it was necessary, the majority of the board knows where to find it.

International law and the Berne Convention has jack shit all to do with the rules of /jp/ and I'm not sure you would find that applicable in any way. Possibly because you are a retard.

>> No.7494993
File: 128 KB, 363x494, 1291174324919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I can't offer a sufficient counter argument
>Better insult the person I'm debating against to 'win' the argument!

>> No.7494999

>This person is so stupid that a serious response would be wasted on him.
>I'll just call him a retard because I'm lazy.

>> No.7495000
File: 49 KB, 500x496, LiWei5BM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Long live elitism.

>> No.7495002


>Hey look, I can't think of anything else so I'ma gonna troll1!!1!122!

>> No.7495005 [DELETED] 

Reported for severe retardation.

Get out of /jp/.

>> No.7495009

Greentext and reaction image?
So how did you score for your final?

>> No.7495011

>215 posts and 39 image replies omitted.

Wow /jp/, seriously? It's a no-text, /a/-related thread and you guys go and do this?

>> No.7495021


Regardless of the board association, they trolled and shitposted it instead of letting it die.

Usual, bored day on /jp/...

>> No.7495025

>a serious response would be wasted
This isn't true, arguing with a dumbass can teach you as much as arguing with the most intelligent man on earth. You just have to pay extremely close attention.
It's like how reading stupid theories can teach you just as much as non-stupid theories can.
While idiots often insult the person because they CAN'T argue against their points, this isn't true of intelligent people. It is possible that they're insulting the person BECAUSE they wouldn't believe what they do if they weren't a dumbass/retarded/coward/man-child/etc.
Your debate teacher/skeptic friend/etc lied to you.

>> No.7495026

Oh, trust me, it died a long time ao. It just happens to still be shambling around as some sort of undead abomination.

>> No.7495028


You might find this surprising, but....

There's more than one person supporting this thread.

>> No.7495032

I'm not, and David's not, so that only leaves you.

>> No.7495035

>Believes the trolls on this thread were intelligent.

The only inkling of 'intelligence' was in the posts related to the topic, not a bored anon trolling the thread.

>> No.7495036

You keep telling yourself that.

>> No.7495037


And I'm not the one who posted the miku pic.

So, looks like we have at least one more person here.

>> No.7495038

>BECAUSE they wouldn't believe what they do if they weren't a dumbass/retarded/coward/man-child/etc.
You would have a point if the person you are debating against hasn't provided valid arguments the entire thread even if he came off as pretentious.

Because everyone is the same person on an anonymous image board.

>> No.7495039

You might find this surprising but I know it and I am just here to call out names.

>> No.7495042

If by valid, you mean pure garbage, then sure.

Oh wait, no, your point fails to hold in that case.

>> No.7495046

you guys are such a newfags

>> No.7495047

You guys are funny.

>> No.7495049


I thought flaming was a standard /jp/ thing?

>> No.7495050

Nobody in /jp/ flames, ever.

>> No.7495051

Before I leave this thread, I'm just going to say that repeating something enough times doesn't make it true. In fact, it's a fallacy that even a child could understand.

Have fun circlejerking in your delusions.

>> No.7495055

Don't let the door hit your ass on the way out, retard.

>> No.7495058

I'm going to stay in this thread just because of that comment. You brought this upon yourself.

>> No.7495065


Hell, I can't even follow who's going for what anymore.

Want to talk about Madoka, or am I suppose to be arguing with you right now?

>> No.7495067

I knew I shouldn't have done that.

I'm quaking in my socks right now.

>> No.7495068

>You brought this upon yourself

>> No.7495078

I've also lost track of who's on which side.

>> No.7495083

Don't bother, it's mostly a same-fag trying to incite more 'rage'. Everyone who mattered is gone now.

>> No.7495099


Well, I know there was myself and at least someone else, then another showed up with that pic of miku (maybe even one of the 'someone else' group), and then it got messy after that...

But, The majority of the thread was at least between 2 different parties...

>> No.7495160

I thought /jp/ was too mature to do full-on flaming, and instead we engage in passive-aggressive trolling.

>> No.7495232


Missed White Ren's posts? Or are you metaing me?

>> No.7495266

In my opinion passive aggresiveness is immature in comparison to violently arguing until someone is simply incapable of continuing. I mean it's like...do you make up with EVERY friend you ever disapprove of? I certainly see no reason to.

>> No.7495306


Kind of like how Homura violently forced Madoka to relive all the death cycles until Madoka intervened?

>> No.7495329

I'll watch madoka and get back to you.

>> No.7495361


Generally a good idea before posting in a discussion about the series.

>> No.7495374

Take it to /a/, shitposters.

>> No.7495386

>Shitposts to warn about shitposting....

>> No.7495392

Fuck off with the greentext.

>> No.7495428

