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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 35 KB, 848x480, [Ryuumaru] Ichiban Ushiro no Daimaou - 08 [F2D64A99].mkv_snapshot_16.47_[2010.05.30_17.24.33].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7492660 No.7492660 [Reply] [Original]

What has the worst community: Touhou fans or competitive Smash fans?

>> No.7492663

Sion does

>> No.7492664

God, Smash tourneyfags are the worst fucking beings in existence.

Also reported, jones, go back to /bun/.

>> No.7492666

Smash? What's that?

>> No.7492669

Probably the Marvel vs. Capcom 2 fandom.

>> No.7492671

Pokemon fans

>> No.7492672

melty blood

>> No.7492673

What has the worst community: IM@S fans or competitive Melty Blood fans?

>> No.7492674

Smash Brothers.

>> No.7492675


Actually, it's not so bad, since there's so few of them.

>> No.7492678

Call of Duty.

>> No.7492684

faggot versus the world fans are bad as HELL

>> No.7492688

nintendo and apple fans

>> No.7492692

Dreamhack tournament prizes

SSF4 prize
1. 12 000 SEK + Products from Energizer and Madcatz
2. 5 000 SEK + Products from Energizer and Madcatz
3. 3 000 SEK + Products from Energizer and Madcatz

SC2 prize
810 000 SEK in total prize purse.

LoL prize

35 000 SEK in cash prizes

All fighting games are equal to smash brother fans. Whatever gay fighting game you play isn't any better than smash. In fact, smash is better because it's played by children who know it's a babby game instead of a bunch of criminal minorities who may rob you after the tournament. rap = nigger music, fighting games = nigger entertainment, and sion = rap+fighting games = nigger.

>> No.7492693
File: 111 KB, 1280x720, 1304872674362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lot of Touhou fans are kind of annoying to me, but I do think that competitive Smash Brothers fans are just as bad, in a different way, of course.

But both of these are nothing compared to the FPS community. When I was trying Halo 2, I was accused of cheating for getting 4 head-shots in a row. The same thing happened to me when I tried out one of the Call of Duty games (don't remember which one and I don't care either) but instead of getting accused of cheating, I was bitched at for using the sniper rifle the way it is supposed to be used.

Note: The only FPS game I will ever play ever again is Unreal Tournament 1999 with computers. They don't bitch and they are better than the nerds that bitch at me for "cheating".

- Anonymous

>> No.7492698

Touhou has one of the best fanbases. Just because it's so huge doesn't make it shit.

>> No.7492699

>Halo 2
Meant to say Halo 3, but I guess there really is no point in correcting myself since they are the same game.

>> No.7492703

This is actually true. There is no community as shitty as the FPS community. At the very best, the FPS community is nothing more than a zoo.

>> No.7492704

That's Xbox Live for you

>> No.7492707

The western iM@S fanbase is made up of 13 year old girls. It doesn't get much worse than 13 year old girls.

>> No.7492712

I don't think most 13 year old girl iM@S fans can speak Japanese.

>> No.7492730

>competitive Smash fans
I thought you could only play games competitively.

>> No.7493105
File: 86 KB, 354x489, touhouCO_cirno003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd say Touhou fans are easily god tier compared to most other fanbases, simply for all the cool shit to play/read/whatever. Also, most of them are pretty chill.

Most other fanbases just fight with others and/or compare their serious business of choice to other things, in some attempt to feel superior.


Here we go.
I'm not one to get into these kind of debates, but the only people that say these kind of things ALWAYS suck at said game. No exceptions.

>> No.7493945
File: 46 KB, 848x480, [Ryuumaru] Ichiban Ushiro no Daimaou - 07 [9C6D0ABB].mkv_snapshot_03.31_[2010.05.23_14.28.04].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'd say Touhou fans are easily god tier compared to most other fanbases
Don't kid yourself kid

>> No.7493951

What's the matter, Sion? Something bothering you?

>> No.7493952

He thinks criticism is an attempt to feel superior!


>> No.7494003

I just dislike everyone that isn't me.

>> No.7494017


MOBA games or WoW's community are much worse.

Though, out of those two, probably competitive Smash fans.

>> No.7494054

scrub spotted. dota had a good community if you weren't shit and didn't feed.

>> No.7494128

What, no Tribes 2?

>> No.7494171
File: 76 KB, 848x480, [Ryuumaru] Ichiban Ushiro no Daimaou - 04 [4AE1E4E8].mkv_snapshot_02.46_[2010.04.28_02.13.50].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you didn't play 5.84 for at least a year then you don't know shit about DotA

>> No.7494186

how would a console peasant like sion know?

>> No.7494221

He plays all the mainstream casual hipster shit like CS, CoD, HL2, TFT.
Shitty taste in vidya and anime ehehehehe

>> No.7494226
File: 81 KB, 500x541, 1306527031157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7494241

huh? that guy is spamming every shitty console game you find in /jp/. the only thing pc related i've seen him mention are free mmos that run on toasters.

>> No.7494963

I'll probably sound like a complete idiot for asking this.
(Please don't be to harsh) but....

What exactly is wrong with Touhou fans.
I play the games, save well-made images on my PC, etc,but I have never witnessed anything wrong with people who enjoy Touhou. Its just me, but what, where, and how did people start hating on touhou's fan base? I found out about it one day and thought it was complicated but kind of neat.

>> No.7494978

You should get out of /jp/ and look everywhere else there are touhou fans.
If you don't see the problem it means that you're part of it, or simply haven't looked enough.

>> No.7494987

I hate everyone though so I can't really give an opinion.

>> No.7494990

Every fanbase of everything ever is shitty.

It can't be helped.
