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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 77 KB, 801x602, Chouun2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7457494 No.7457494 [Reply] [Original]

Once again a new Koihime Musou thread.

Old thread :
You can use the archive to find all our links there to the OST, CG & sprite rips and so on.

Fighting game :

Support Mangagamer:

The game + voice patches for those that wish.

Also once again. Everyones favourite song:

>> No.7457514
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>> No.7457561
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>> No.7457882
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You forgot:

Sprites, CGs, etcetera. Uploaded by Anon

OST/Soundtrack of Koihime

OST/Soundtrack uploaded by Anon

Videos :
OVA that we wants translation on

>> No.7457912

That's why OP said >You can use the archive to find all our links there to the OST, CG & sprite rips and so on.

>> No.7457952

but... you could just put it here, the thread is literally right there and you just have to copy paste it.

Also I wanted to bump this to the first page and chose the method that would make me look only kind of like a dick. Probably didn't go over as well as I thought.

>> No.7457996
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Need some delicious brown leader

>> No.7458010

This game is terrible. So many pretty girls I wanna fuck, three hours in and still no penetration has occurred. It's like it knows I have a terrible libido, and it's teasing me.

>> No.7458155

I'm bored so here goes! My japanese isn't exactly perfect so I'll indicate the part I didn't get with ??? or just by saying I didn't get it (alot of it are food names) feel free to fill in the ??? or correct me

Chibi-chibi adaptaion, Koihime FLASH!

Chouhi, a story about desiring breasts.

Rinrin: Going out, going out, going out with Riri-chan~
Riri: Going out, going out,going out with Rinrin onee-chan~
Rinrin: That's right, today Rinrin is onee-chan! I have to act responsibly! Rinrin and Riri, moving forward~
Riri: I don't understand~

>> No.7458161


Kii: I'm full, I'm full! The ??? at ??? was delicious! Tomorrow they said they'll have ??? so I think I'll go to the same store again. Well then with the money I got I think I'll go get more delicious food-
Kii: Huh? What happened? I can hear a child crying from over there.
Rinrin: oyoyoyoyo~
Kii: Hey you over there! If you're bullying the weak I won't forgive you!
Rinrin: It's a misunderstanding! I'm not bulying weak children! This is...
Kii: Huh!? Aren't you Chouhi?
Rinrin: And you're thar glutton chibi from that time!
Kii: Don't call me Chibi! It's Kyocho, Kyocho! Anyway, what happned? Is this child your little sister?
Rinrin: It's not like that. Her name is Riri and she's one our comrade's, Kochuu obaasa-
Rinin: that's wrong... pretty oneesan's daughter...
Kii: So whay is that obaasa-
Kii: that's wrong... that young, beautiful, stylish oneesan's daughter crying...?
Rinrin: About that I don't really understand. She was in a good mood until just now but... suddenly she started crying...
Kii: Hm..
Rinrin: WAA! Why! Why is she crying!?!?
Kii: AAh! Maybe she's hungry? I'm sure she wants some breasts!
Rinrin: Ah! That's right! It must be that! IF that's the case... then quickly with Rinrin's breast...
Kii: With's your flat-chest it's not possible, is it?
Rinrin: (can't catch this sorry, she's just insulting Kii's figure)
Kii: What did you say!?
Rinrin: Waa! It's not the time to argue amongst ourselves...
Kii: That's right. Anyway, we have to look for somebody with a more proper breasts...

>> No.7458165


Rinrin: Yosh! Let's try asking that person!
Rinrin: Excuse me! The large breasted, ??? onee-san!
Kayuu: Hm? You're talking about me? What is it?
Rinrin: I want you to take out your breast!
Kayuu: Wha, What? That's sudden
Rinrin: It's the most important thing in the world! ???
Kayuu: Hm!? The most important thing in the world? Yosh! If that's the case, wait, how can I take it out, in this kind of place??
Rinrin: (sorry)
Kii: That's right. And it's not like it will decrease if she showed it to us...
Kayuu: Argh, ok fine! You don't need to delberately whsiper loud enough to be heard! If I take it out it's ok right?

Riri: *sniffle*
Kayuu shows breast
Kayuu: How is it? With this is everything good?
Riri: ooo....
Rinrin: The crying stopped!
Kii: Awesome, breasts!
Kii: Huh? Why?
Rinrin: The areola must've been to big, so (can't catch)
Kayuu: My breast is not ??? you know!
Rinrin: Cover that kind of breast!
Kayuu: Oh, yeah, ok. ???? but...

>> No.7458168

As far as porn goes, it's not very good.
It's a very enjoyable VN though, the character routes in particular.

>> No.7458172


Kachou Kamen: Stop right there!
Kayuu: Who is it!?
Kachou Kamen: Flying down to correct this chaotic world, my name is-
Rinrin: Oochou(?) kamen!
Kachou Kamen: Daichou (big butterfly) Kamen, no Shouchou (small butterfly), no Kachou Kamen! TOOH!


Ok, that's it for today, it's getting late. I *may* continue it tomorrow if I've got free time again but no promises.

Btw, I forgot to mention but this is a translation to this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K3YTt5EYYIs

>> No.7458253
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As I'm nearing the end of the game I'm experiencing some unanticipated attachment to some of the characters. In particular Rin-Rin. I just find the game's depiction of her childhood or lack thereof really touching. You match that with her love for the MC and indomitable spirit and it's just been very emotional for me.

Of course, that doesn't stop the main character from fucking her. What a scumbag. When she comes to his room crying about her parents on her birthday and then MC's like "I SAD" but then practically rapes her. What the fuck. I kinda wish I could turn off the ero but continue to get her scenes.

>> No.7458312

Once penetration happens it keeps happening though.

>> No.7458579
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This just shipped today

anybody got it?

>> No.7458757
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I remember lots of COCKBLOCKING happening at first, but it goes away after a while.

>> No.7460416

>The level of salting is perfect!
Oh, wow, that's just WIN. I should go and download the anime soon

>> No.7460813


Well She did want his Baby, So it was consensual.

But never the less, Her route was kind of unbearable at times.

>> No.7460828

an 11 years old wanting your baby, eh? She's most likely unable to do that biologically yet

>> No.7461063
File: 189 KB, 808x630, koihime1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heh, there was an event where RinRin ran into your room crying. I was 100% sure it'd be "Rin Rin is dying! Rin Rin is bleeding between legs!"
Wasn't that though.

>> No.7461070
File: 186 KB, 809x628, koihime2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That said, Rin Rin did have a good character. I did enjoy her route. It was sad how the previous thread ended in Rin Rin bashing...

Also, the only female character I'm willing to call GAR. This fucking scene.

>> No.7461150


Yeah that scene was totally bad ass.

>> No.7461258

She's 18, seriously. What really bothered me was when she kept saying "boobs" "boobs" even though she was as flat as a washboard.

>> No.7461327

GAR != badass.

Learn the difference.

>> No.7461878

Let me correct you, good sir.


>> No.7462147

I've been watching that Three Kingdoms 2010 show. It's quite good.

>> No.7462859

i do love some delicious Sonsaku and whole Wu kingdom

>> No.7462990

I don't know how she is in shin but I don't really like Shouyu/Meirin and Kannei. Renfa, and Shaoren are awesome, though.

>> No.7465562
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>> No.7466553
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>> No.7467048
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>> No.7469585
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>> No.7469778

Does Karin fight in Shin? Even once?
Koihime gave the impression that she's really strong (possibly also strategically), but she didn't have the chance to prove that even once in the game.

>> No.7470054

Yeah. She even fought against Aisha and Ren at the same time at one point

>> No.7470677

>Koihime gave the impression that she's really strong (possibly also strategically)
I would think she's better at strategy than actual physical combat

>> No.7470913

>Gamania formally launched a web-browser based MMO strategy game titled Web Koihime Musō (Web恋姫†夢想?) on December 7, 2010[7], which has since been running on eight different servers. The game allows players to control upto 5 generals at a time from the Shin Koihime Musō cast, join one of the 3 warring factions and try to conquer players of the other two opposing factions with the Red Turban Bandit faction acting as a NPC faction.

What is this?

>> No.7470923

found the website http://kh.gamania.co.jp/index.aspx

>> No.7470997

Yet, she always employs tactics from others? And her strategists increase to 3 (4 if you count Kakouen) in Shin I believe.
Kakouton sings praise of Sousou's physical prowess, but being a complete fangirl her praise is of rather questionable worth.

>> No.7471026

>Yet, she always employs tactics from others?
Not always, sometimes she overrides her strategists strategy if she thinks hers is superior (and convince everybody that that's the case).

Anyway, getting others' opinions and employing (human) resources effectively is also part of good strategising.

>Kakouton sings praise of Sousou's physical prowess, but being a complete fangirl her praise is of rather questionable worth.
I... agree with this. Karin is strong enough to swat small-fries like flies but compared to other generals she's pretty much mediocore

>> No.7473401
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>> No.7473402
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whoops, wrong pic

>> No.7474017

Anyhow the original Cao Cao were very cunning, mostly he asked his strategists for suggestions or just to see what they thought of his plans. Sometimes he had a plan in mind just waited to see if one of his strategists would come up with the same.

>> No.7474873

Lol Im like watching Hoshizora e Kakaru Hashi EPISODE 7.

And suddenly I see there playing a fighting game with Koihime musou characters.

Whats up with that? Ill try to find a screenshot in the meantime.

>> No.7474881


>> No.7474941
File: 1.71 MB, 320x180, hoshizorakoihime.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here I got this off animesuki.

Apparantly Hoshizora and the Koihime animes were made by Marvelousentertainment.

Being a Koihime musou fan, It was a nice cameo to see.

>> No.7477896
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>Batai beating Shuutai

It's not supposed to be like this

>> No.7477954

You realize most of Cao Cao's personality comes from a historical fiction novel written over a century after his death, don't you? Romance of Three Kingdoms is the Chinese equivalent of Johnny Tremain.

>> No.7478136

But KH is based on that novel so it's fine isn't it? Most likely nobody here knows how the real Cao Cao is supposed to be like anyway, so let's just limit ourslves to discussing the fiction.

>> No.7479179

Even historians make him out as a great strategist and politician, not as great as the novels make him out to be, but they are an exaggeration of the persons' original traits and even attributes some feats to the wrong people, like the three brothers taking part in the Anti-Yellow Turbans Coalition, when Liu Bei was too young to take part on it.

>> No.7479325

but it wasn't bashing, as I recall it was people generally agreeing that while she was a good character, as a lover she's lacking. It's just that the first part of her route is Rinrin causes trouble, Kazuto smooths it over, in the second half RinRin causes trouble/has personal problems, Kazuto just acts with the philosophy "All of your problems can be solved with my dick".

All in all:
Was she a good character: Yes
Was she courageous and consistent: Yes
Was she a good lover: No

But like we said before, it's all a matter of preference and if you like her, great for you! You just have one less piece of competition when it comes to getting RinRin figures and the like.

Although I have to ask, was I the only one who disliked the Meirin's wives? It felt like they took Yue and Ei and flipped who was the dominate one and that made everything worse. I dunno maybe that was just me, but I can't really stand their route.

>> No.7479334

>Hot character designs
>Most of the h-scenes are generic consensual heterosexual sex
Japan are you even trying?

>> No.7479400

What's wrong with consensual sex?

If you hate it so much just go through all of Lilith Soft's back catalog, I'm sure it'll better suit your tastes.

>> No.7479409
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>> No.7479775


The biggest problem isn't the consensual sex. Though there really is only so much you can do with it before it starts to lose its appeal.

The H-scenes have an extreme lack of personality. It's not so bad the first time or so, but it's very boring to read(read:fap to) over and over again.

IMO, Alicesoft is the best at keeping the H-scenes interesting without feeling like a tired chore.

>> No.7483170

>repetitive scenes
that's why Kouchuu is the best

>> No.7483862

>was I the only one who disliked the Meirin's wives?
You mwan the futa twin? I don't really like them much either but that's more because how I dislike futas in general

>> No.7484607
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>> No.7487699

This scene was even more awesome in Shin. Rinrin is a God

>> No.7489129
File: 186 KB, 630x1000, [animepaper.net]picture-standard-anime-koihime-musou-sonsaku-in-lingerie-and-with-sword-114237-marcus91-preview-860966ec.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7489895
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>> No.7491831

You're making me drool even more after Shin. That's not a good thing considering it'll probably be at least two years before it's translated.

That said, there were numerous problems with that scene.
One, that bridge is freaking narrow. With an army in tens of thousands, it'd be a bottleneck taking hours to cross. You're saying the enemy army didn't catch up to them before that happened?
Two, Rin Rin set an ambush. That is not Rin Rin like. It would've been more believable if for example Shion had been behind the bridge in the background.
Three, hide an ambush WHERE? That place is a freaking wasteland. There might've been an entire large rock or two, but hiding a force large enough to scare off the pursuers? Not likely.

Oh well. The scene was still glorious, best not to cut into it too deep.

>> No.7491896


It's a reference to the books.

Zhang Fei had his men tie a bundle of branches behind their horses and them ordered them to raise the flags and ride the horses back and forth to whip up a dust storm.

By doing so, he could mask how many men he had. A combination of this, Cao Cao's natural paranoia, his loud yell which was strong enough to kill one of Cao Cao's men and Guan Yu's tales about Zhang Fei scared Cao Cao off.

Zhang Fei then kinda fucked up the whole ruse by burning down the bridge the moment Cao Cao left. But hey, give credit where it's due, he had a nice plan going for a while.

>> No.7492319

I dont remember a Kan'u or Chouhi in the romance of the three kingdoms. Thats weird. Infact those are japanese names so it would be really strange for chinese people in that period to have them...

>> No.7492324



>> No.7492331
File: 107 KB, 800x600, koihime musou2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't remember either of these names from the romance of the three kingdoms...

>> No.7492338


It's the Japanese versions of the names. I believe someone's already posted a chart of the characters with both the Chinese and Japanese names.

>> No.7492361

How do you take a name and "japanify" it?

"John Smith" in english is still pronounced "John Smith" even if you are russian or whatever. You dont suddenly change it to a russian version.

>> No.7492372


China and Japan sharing kanji, one of the writing systems. The same character in Chinese (such as the character for Zhang) can be read as Zhang for the Chinese and Chou for the Japanese.

>> No.7492495

Then what about this "true name" stuff?

The chinese didnt have true names, just family and given names.

>> No.7492512


Actually, they did. Back then people would have several names to be addressed by. I'm not too sure on how it works myself, but it's similar enough to the true name thing they have here.

For example. Cao Cao was also known as Cao Mengde. Simiarly, Zhang Fei was Yide. Gun Yu = Guan Yunchang. Liu Bei = Liu Xuande.

Just don't ask me which is the more personal one, I alway forget.

>> No.7492604
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>> No.7492772

Wow, she can draw

From what I've read it's a "common name" with which people in general refer to them as (or to be polite). This name is also included in the game

and so:
Cao Cao:
Chinese reading:
Surname: Cao
Name: Cao
Common name: Mengde
which makes Cao Cao/Cao Mengde
Japanese reading:
Surname: Sou
Name: Sou
Common name: Moutoku
which makes Sou Sou/Sou Moutoku

Liu Bei:
Chinese Reading:
Surname: Liu
Name: Bei
Common name: Xuande
which makes Liu Bei/Liu Xuande
Japanese reading:
Surname: Ryuu
Name: Bi
Common name: Gentoku
which makes Ryuubi/Ryuu Gentoku

But the true name thing is, I believe, Koihime Musou original (to make them have cute names like how girls should have, maybe?)

>> No.7492790

> But the true name thing is, I believe, Koihime Musou original (to make them have cute names like how girls should have, maybe?)


>> No.7492827
File: 100 KB, 800x600, 1308312697939a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, I found this screenshot posted by some anon. Back when I started playig the game I must've not thought anything of this but now after I've finished the whole game... oh boy, that's some foreshadowing

ignore the circles in pic

>> No.7492832 [SPOILER] 
File: 115 KB, 800x600, lo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They just don't give a shit any more do they? And to think MG once planned to censor Soul Link and Higurashi because of a couple of young-looking girls that didn't even have h-scenes...

>> No.7492885

To everyone that has the full voice patch installed; go to the title screen and click on the white box in the top-left corner.

>> No.7492920

What happens when you do this? I've uninstalled the game for a while now and don't feel like installing it again just to see it

>> No.7492924

It's a bonus feature put in by the voice patchers, shows you a special message from them and lets you hear the voice files that were in the game code but didn't make it into the final release.

>> No.7492931
File: 80 KB, 864x480, koihime1188.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All girls in eroge are at least 18 years old.

>> No.7492968
File: 52 KB, 324x246, 1275954213137.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure thing bro.

>> No.7492973


>> No.7492980

it's not statutory if there's a disclaimer

>> No.7492984

Rinrin is an extremely late bloomer then. Imagine not going through puberty yet even though you're already 18...

>> No.7493106

making a hard dyke to succumb to your dick


you probably know who i'm talking about

>> No.7493120

Fucking everybody and everything succumbed to Kazushi's dick, it got boring after a while. The h-scenes between Enshou, Ganryuu and Bunshou - holy shit I wish there were more of those. Plus I didn't feel like a pedo fapping to those

>> No.7493438

I wish the MC was more interesting than "hurr generic highschool boy".

>> No.7493456

He's ugly too, which is fairly unusual.

But he has a big dick so all is well

>> No.7493484

So isn't this just Sengoku Rance minus the gameplay?

>> No.7493517

No he's not. He's pretty normal. Karin said he's average. You can see his face in the harem end.

>> No.7493530
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Shes one of the best girls

>> No.7493546
File: 84 KB, 640x480, 89.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And clearly over 18.

>> No.7493552

But Riri said he's not attractive, I can't argue with lolis.

>> No.7493612
File: 182 KB, 800x600, 12..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's jealous her mom has the hots for him and wants his baby, thats why.

>> No.7493613

It sold 2000 copies yet?

>> No.7493633
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/jp/ - Hawawa/General

>> No.7493654
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>> No.7493717


According to there twitter, theyve havnt broken the 900 mark yet.

>> No.7493732

Fuck that's depressing. I don't care about the voices, I just want an official localization of Shin.

>> No.7493743

Ask moogy nicely.

>> No.7493751

Is Moogy going to provide the original uncensored h-cgs?

>> No.7494783

Does ANYONE want this for the porn?

>> No.7494802

No, I want it for the riveting gameplay and award-winning story.

>> No.7494804

>not attractive

There is no contradiction there.

>> No.7496348
File: 501 KB, 800x600, 1306701394704.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Not attractive
> every girl in the game wants in his pants

>> No.7497018 [DELETED] 

>> No.7497083

If the story is set in China why are they speaking japanese?

>> No.7497114


So their audience can actually understand what the characters are saying.

Also, you do NOT want to hear Chinese voice-overs. Ever. Trust me.

>> No.7497117
File: 279 KB, 700x700, 1305448945512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's because the game acts as a translating device. It translates the the original messages and names in japanese so the japanese people could enjoy the story as the chinese are too busy overpopulating. Then the game is translated to the english via patch.

Alternatively, the Koihime-verse suffered change related to the MC's arrival. He caused anomaly so great, the whole language shifted into japanese.

Also Stop being a bitch

>> No.7497163
File: 171 KB, 804x605, koihime musou3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They had panties in medieval china?

>> No.7497170

Man, that's bad art.

>> No.7497173


You do know you're playing a game right?

>> No.7497178

I thought this was a historical simulation

>> No.7497187


The subtitle says something about a lovely maidens tale.

If you want historical sim of the time period, play Romance of Three Kingdoms 11. It's a great turn based strategy game.

>> No.7497196

Is that even in english?

>> No.7497199

rotk 11 is in english. The expansion is not.

>> No.7497205


There's a partial patch for it. I'm not sure how much it translates and how much it leaves out though.

>> No.7497320

But in ROTK 11 you don't get to see girls naked.

>> No.7497402

Anyone have a complete save file?

>> No.7497744

You know, his face can be average but he can still be attractive (I mean, when riri said he isn't attractive she is most likely reffering to his face only...)

>> No.7500717

wont let this die

>> No.7501112


>> No.7501623

Much obliged

>> No.7502382

is ROTK11 any good? I only played 9 long long ago and the battle system makes me yawn...

>> No.7504853


>> No.7505266
File: 494 KB, 1447x814, 1307010372767.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ROTK 11 is good. A big step forward if I say so myself.

>> No.7506425
File: 251 KB, 985x703, [animepaper.net]picture-standard-anime-koihime-musou-kakouton-140078-marcus91-preview-ebff80a0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7508870
File: 212 KB, 850x833, koi19948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Delicious eyepatch.

>> No.7509378

What are those stats?
At least one of them is probably fighting ability. Furthermore possibly split into three: speed, strength, skill. Then the last remaining two would be... tactics? And what else?

I doubt loyalty is there, that'd most certainly be maxed.

>> No.7509384

Probably intelligence or something

>> No.7509437
File: 638 KB, 800x600, 1306118172099.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish for Karin-sama to have my babies

>> No.7509478


There is an artbook with stats for all Koihime characters.

SouSou is by far the most broken.

>> No.7509493


Upper right is fighting ability. After that going clockwise are knowledge, intelligence, charisma and command ability.

>> No.7509653

any link for the artbook?

>> No.7509759
File: 7 KB, 191x137, text.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is there a way to fix this?

>> No.7509813

Download the font.
You can find it at the bottom of his post.

>> No.7509824

it worked perfectly, thanks a lot!

>> No.7511030

What the eck is the difference between "knowledge" and "intelligence"? As in "read knowledge"? If so, shouldn't that be at a 0 rather than 2/5.... considering how she failed superbly as Karin was asking her about Sun Tzu's stuff.

>> No.7511125

Intelligence is your ability at learning while knowledge is what you already know. She at least know some things or she wouldn't be able to lead an army at all

>> No.7511152

Whoa, is there a place to download all of those

>> No.7511270

I found it here http://www.animepaper.net/art/140078/kakouton so I don't know...

>> No.7513744 [DELETED] 

how long is the game?
I've heard that is more or less 50 hours, how true is this?

Pic related. I just start to play yesterday, but, i had to start all over again due to the fact that I just put the voice patch a couple of minutes ago

>> No.7513755
File: 934 KB, 798x600, Koihime VN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how long is the game?
I've heard that is more or less 50 hours, how true is this?

Pic related. I just start to play yesterday, but, i had to start all over again due to the fact that I just put the voice patch a couple of minutes ago

>> No.7513830
File: 10 KB, 130x180, 8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I heard every character in Koihime Musou lusted after Ugly Man's face. Is this true?

>> No.7514385

The plotline isn't very long. If you don't don't go into character routes (read: don't use homebases) you should clear the game pretty easily in a day.

The plotline isn't very good though. The character routes are. And they're rather long.

>> No.7517563


>> No.7519096

Don't you guys think how Kazuto suddenly fit perfectly in as a ruler in the first game kinda... weird? I find the way he's treated in Shin's Gi route to be more realistic (basically he became a trainee of sorts, imagine MLE Takeru)

>> No.7519357

At least in Koihime, that was explained in the ending.
The entire world was a story created by him, for him, as a protagonist. As such, everything goes his way. It also explains why everyone lusts for his cock.
Short version, self-induced plothax.

>> No.7520289

I don't think it was created by him though. For him/about him, maybe, but not by him

>> No.7520316


I don't like this.

Good thing this whole alternate histories crap was removed in the anime.

>> No.7520378

I thought it was a good idea. For once there's a proper reason for a harem lead to have his massive harem.
