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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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749260 No.749260 [Reply] [Original]

Modified copypasta from /a/ but play along.

Imagine it is World War III and anonymous is drafted into the army, a stray explosion blows an enemy soldier in front of anonymous, he is badly injured. The explosion was severe enough to blow the uniform jacket off the enemy soldier. You ready yourself for the kill but wait, you look upon his chest and see that he is wearing a t-shirt with RanSmirk printed on it under the tattered rags of his jacket. A tear of compassion rolls down your cheek. Do you kill him?

>> No.749263

N-No.... because he is myself

>> No.749280

I have sex with him first

>> No.749272


>> No.749275

Steal the shirt, kill him.

>> No.749281
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I'd be wearing this shirt.

>> No.749283

No, plus he's injured.

Geneva, etc.

>> No.749284


>> No.749285

I'd kill him because I don't care about Touhou characters.

>> No.749286

The shirt proves he is not my enemy. For I am not fighting for petty nationalism, my true enemy is normalfags. Boundaries on a map mean nothing to me. I would save his life and go AWOL and start scalping motherfuckers in the night night like Brad Pitt in Legends of the Fall. Death to normalfags!

>> No.749287

>World War III

there are no armies, only nuclear devices

>> No.749288

Ran smirk? I call a medic.

Aya/Haruhi shirt? My vision would turn pure red from rage. It's now Death Blossom time.

>> No.749294

nobody said he surrendered


>> No.749298

I kill him, we are at fucking war you know.

>> No.749303


I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones. -- Albert Einstein

>> No.749312

It really depends on how injured he is I guess. If he just got blown back and he still has his rifle in hand and seems ready to use it, I'd shoot first and shed tears later. ;_;

>> No.749325

I fucking hate that quote

>> No.749328


I do not understand

>> No.749340

As he's laying there bleeding imagine this.

You're so filled with adrenaline, yet so shocked at seeing the shirt, you go into a trance and it seems as if Ran is smirking INTO YOUR SOUL.

Then you commit suicide.

>> No.749341


Jesus, newfag summer.

>> No.749353

Einstein didn't know shit about my penis and its tremendous power, the true secret weapon of World War 4.

>> No.749377

Am I the only one who loves that quote, it's basically saying that we have entered a age that we can no longer fight huge wars without immanent doom of killing off our own fucking race.

>> No.749385


I love it also; its so true in every sense.

There will be no more world wars; even if the predictions of globalization and such don't come to pass, wars will be fought via proxy, not directly. It's just too dangerous.

Of course, its hard to fight a war with an "enemy" nation when each nation has 10 trillion dollars invested in the other.

>> No.749401


Wars will be obsolete once we perfect the Gundam Fighter technology.

>> No.749407
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>> No.749430
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lol wut

>> No.749432

Shirt GET

Not that difficult.

>> No.749439

He knows about touhou.
He has a ransmirk t-shirt.
and YET he can't graze ONE fucking explosion.
I'm sure he played easy modo all the time...
Such people do not deserve life.

>> No.749441


There were no nukes in 1910.

>> No.749481

Poor bastard should have worn a Cirno shirt instead.

>> No.749525
File: 105 KB, 440x615, 1212467289067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if another WW happens, i suggest we touhoufags get together to stage a worldwide cleansing with nuclear bombs. we will imagine Gensokyo in our heads and our collective minds will open the way into Hakurei Shrine.

for Shinki!

>> No.749595

Oh good lord what is wrong with anonymous today? Have you all become illiterate? It's a simple question that has only 1 answer.

Kill him and rape the corpse.

>> No.749604


Back to /b/ please

>> No.749606

No way in hell I'm making a C-Consciousness with you fags

>> No.749656
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>Boundaries on a map mean nothing to me.

Yukari approves.

>> No.749683

Ransmirk is the equivalent to /v/'s Weegee. Ran's smirk can pierce innocent souls.

>> No.749684


Is it possible to do anything BUT rape a corpse? Or is there some way to gain permission?

>> No.749697


If it can't say no, consent is implicit. Pisses off feminists, but fuck them.

>> No.749705

I get close to him, say "Nyan nyan nyan nyan ni hao nyan gorgeous delicous decul" and shoot him.

then cry about the horror of war.

>> No.749929

fuck, now I really want that t-shirt.

>> No.749935


You can ask before you kill him.

>> No.749949
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>> No.749982

Rape him. Because I have found my true kindred spirit.

>> No.749988

Same way you donate your body to science; leave it in your will.

>> No.749991

Can anonymousity bloom on a battlefield?

>> No.749994

I hug him

>> No.749995

Only if you take off your dog tags.

>> No.749997
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You know, I bet Otacon would fit right in on /jp/.

>> No.750006

That kind of goes without saying. If you're a white guy who's nicknamed after a fucking anime con, you probably have a high enough powerlevel to be here.

>> No.750007


>> No.750016
File: 452 KB, 799x923, 1212474618587.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.750029


>> No.750035


Aya looks hot in that picture

>> No.750052



>> No.750061

>aya looks well-used in that picture

>> No.750104

What else should I hold for focus?

>> No.750373


>> No.750438



