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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 26 KB, 663x778, howibecameahikikomori..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7488197 No.7488197 [Reply] [Original]

How did you become a hikikomori?

>> No.7488203

shouldn't this be on /b/? take that gay image macro shit and get out.

>> No.7488218

I hate people, that's how.
You want my life story? Maybe you should ask that question, then.


>> No.7488227

so tsundere it's kawaii.

>> No.7488229

...You really are an idiot.

>> No.7488247

Early school years, they teased me for liking Nintendo.
They destroyed my toy Mario. They stole my Pokemon Blue and buried it.
They made me cry.

I wanted to tell my class about Super Mario 64, this new 3D game that just came out. It was amazing and it made me feel wonderful, I loved it so much.
They threw paper at me and destroyed my schoolbag.

I wanted to play Pokemon. I had a link cable just in case and a bag to carry my GameBoy and other related Nintendo gear. I found somebody to play it with... and they came barging in during our game, and tore the link cable up... they beat me up and my friend ignored me. Didn't you want to play Pokemon with me? Why are you just watching this happen?

They wreck my Pikachu doll. It was such a nice doll. I wish I could find it on eBay or something but it just doesn't exist anymore. It was the best looking Pikachu doll I've ever seen in my life, I slept with that doll and loved it and showed all the girls...

>> No.7488250

I found a friend.
We would play Pokemon Stadium, oh how I enjoyed that time spent. If not Mario Kart 64, Pokemon Stadium or Smash Bros. these were the best times of my life ever. I wasn't getting beat up anymore, and I might have been able to defend myself now if somebody tried. I have a best friend! He's my only friend but he's my best friend.

They called me names. They kept saying "Nintendo sucks", "Playstation is better" and later on I would get teased and beat up because I didn't have a Playstation. "You don't have a Playstation? What a fag!" they would say.
...Playstation doesn't have Smash Bros., or Mario, or Zelda. I can't find any fun games to play with my friend on Playstation.
"You're still a fag."

Amazing! Look at the GameCube! It now has CDs like the Playstation but the games are so fun! I can't wait for another Zelda to come out! I have to tell my best friend about this!
"I'm moving away."
What? You... you can't leave... you... why?
Spend time playing Banjo Tooie multiplayer together, continue with Mario Kart 64 and Smash. Somehow it isn't quite the same but it's still fun because it's Nintendo.

My best friend moved far away. I'm alone again. I can't make any friends at school because what I am interested in gets me called names like 'fag' and 'loser'.
The GameCube is released. I can't afford one but the PE teacher brings one in every Friday to school and we can play it all throughout Lunch! He has Mario Kart: Double Dash!! and four controllers, I can play against the other kids! This will be fun.

>> No.7488252
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(not really a hikki, just friendless loser)

>> No.7488253

They knock the controller out of my hand. They tease me, they call a Mushroom "NOS", I grin and bare it, and I beat all the other kids on the game.
"Do you know how to drift, son?"
You just press L or R and tilt the analog stick left and right, sir.
"Come in tomorrow during Recess and I'll teach you all about drifting."
Yay! My PE teacher is amazing!
The kids are getting violent.
"You're such a fag. All you do is play Mario. Get a girlfriend, loser."
"Video games is your life! Ha ha what a loser!"
"Meet me after school, faggot. I'm going to smash you."
...Because I play Nintendo and not Playstation games?

Why /v/, why? True story from a 19 year-old shut-in.

>> No.7488258
File: 81 KB, 663x778, otaku..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7488267

dude, what the hell are you doing? when the last time you saw this kind of thread on /jp? never. don't start that /b/ shit here.

>> No.7488278

Mario Kart is rigged so the player in last always has the best items.
You actually were the worst player, you just got lucky and won. Still nice pasta, though, but I find hard to believe that no kids liked pokemon in a school in the 00s...

>> No.7488280

Your underage is showing.

>> No.7488286

kid maybe you should have been a sega fan, i've been a massive videogame cunt my whole life and i never had shit like that happen to me, actually i was the opposite and i'd fly off the handle and attack people for insulting sega.

>> No.7488290
File: 49 KB, 665x781, 890-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7488295

I have a feeling that everyone hates me. End of story.

Go on, say it. I expect nothing less from /jp/. Go on.

>> No.7488298

Underage? My face when most people in the 90s still called videogame consoles a "Nintendo". Not super or 64, just Nintendo.
This guy is just delusional that nerds played nintendos and jocks played playstation

>> No.7488297

I don't hate you.

>> No.7488299

The outside world is full of people like OP (BORING!)

>> No.7488303

Playstation were better consoles anyway, maybe the bullies were right

>> No.7488306

3 years old, playin gaems all day erry day, this goes on for years.
Don't have friends in school.
Why? Because I have an extreme passion for games, therefore I never picked up that disgusting "indifference is so cool" attitude.
Get to high school, meet some decent people, but they're still nothing like me so I avoid them.
At this point I realize the entire world is like this.
I'm still playing games all day.
Real men drink alone etc etc

>> No.7488310
File: 86 KB, 354x489, 1307648917789.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't hate you, Unless you are OP

If you are, go back to /b/ with your shitty template socialfag shit

>> No.7488313


>> No.7488315

This is me, Except i'm a NEET too and dropped school because i felt like i didn't need it

>> No.7488319

i'd put my dick in you, anonymous.

>> No.7488320

Playstation 2 vs SNES...I'd have to go with the PS2.
Sure the SNES was cool, it had plenty of amazing games, but those games were still mostly kids games.
The PS2 however has shit like Devil May Cry and CAVE ports.
I see no reason to go back.

>> No.7488324


>> No.7488334

if you were any good you would've played both. it isn't like the current gen where they're all shit. they use to actually be good. like n64 has smash brothers, golden eye, zelda, bomber, mario cart, and other party games. playstation had a lot of good games too like tekken, need for speed, twisted metal, and shit ton more.

>> No.7488336

Who would think about Playstation 2 vs SNES?, That's ridiculous

i've had more fun with my PS2 than playing every single snes game

>> No.7488343

Even when you put it that way the n64 still looks like a faggy console.
And the Gamecube even more so.

>> No.7488352
File: 49 KB, 150x200, OPisafag1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is now a Playstation appreciation thread.

>> No.7488353

I was basically just staying in school to leech off my parents for as long as possible.

>> No.7488355

n64 was amazing shit like donkey kong 64, but yeah gamecube was fucking shit. trust me, bro. i hate console scum like the next pc gamer but everything besides gamecube+current gen was actually good.

>> No.7488362

Leave him, He clearly doesn't know any good games from neither console at all

>> No.7488367

Don't be so mean to gamecube, it at least had viewtiful joe. Although that game came out on PS2, obsoleting the gamecube.

>> No.7488371

you aren't a gamer if you just played playstation and didn't touch dreamcast+n64. you probably play xbox 360 and ps3 currently too, scum.

>> No.7488385

I only play 360+Ps3 console wise now because nothing else interests me. My 360 has all of my shitty little girl hold A simulators and my Ps3 has all of my shitty action/rpg games.

>> No.7488389

How can you say the 360 is shit when it has so many CAVE games on it, and Bayonetta, and Vanquish, and Hard Corps: Uprising, and Arcana Heart 3, etc etc?

>> No.7488393

you didn't even need to say so. i could tell you're a console peasant wannabe gamer with that earlier exchange.

>> No.7488396

Actually nope, I played with playstation 1 - 2, n64 but it didn't have many fun games, I had a dreamcast too and my fair share of games for it too, Many favorites (pic related), Nice try though.

>> No.7488400

This is my first post in this thread.
VNs aside, nothing on PC interests me anyway. I think indie games are fucking garbage and I don't enjoy most other PC games. I don't like competitive or online gaming in general.

>> No.7488401
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>> No.7488403

all consoles have good games shut up

>> No.7488407
File: 78 KB, 663x778, untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7488408

fuck off suigin

>> No.7488409

Shhh, Can't you see we are shitting on OP's thread by discussing unrelated topics?

>> No.7488417

Report submitted! This window will close in 5 seconds...

>> No.7488424

golden eye, smash brothers, and the classical nintendo made 3d with new mechanics wasn't fun? you aren't even trying. i mostly tried and list multiplayer games i played with groups of friends not single player games.

like i said, i was referencing games that were fun to play with friends(guess you didn't have those?) and i didn't try and make a comprehensive list of all the good games it was just a short list of a the few out of my memory. i even added there was a ton more.

you're completely full of shit though about n64. last generation was when they were actually making new game mechanics and all those games i listed were very original and if you played snes/nes you would've wanted to play them too.

>> No.7488427
File: 172 KB, 850x1061, 938..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Good taste you have there, chap.



Suigin in "sensible opinion" shocker. Videogame companies are just that -- companies. They want your money, end of. The idea of "console wars" is retarded infantile bullshit and if you take it seriously you need to get back to GameFAQs. Do you also have "health insurance wars"? "Accountancy firm wars"? Why are you so defensive of corporations? They all have good games.

>> No.7488430 [DELETED] 

this game was much better. get some taste, faggot.

>> No.7488434
File: 38 KB, 266x266, 1044248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this game was much better. get some taste, faggot.

>> No.7488440
File: 200 KB, 943x889, 13082337496645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7488451
File: 71 KB, 787x778, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7488461

Uh, no. CvS is much better than MvC. Especially the second one.

>> No.7488502
File: 414 KB, 663x778, Untrue story. Tr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was bored so I made this up.

>> No.7488513

Nice box you have there.

>> No.7488518

Is that you Croatia?

>> No.7488521
File: 20 KB, 582x329, haveuever.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

10/10 rage reading that. going to school and being a hikikomori combined with using template images on /jp/? i'm so angry right now, thanks.

don't use template images. this isn't /soc/ or /b/.

>> No.7488524

Yeah the filename didn't display right.

I made this to troll. It's untrue story tolololol.jpg

>> No.7488535

i didn't notice the filename due to the blinding rage when i saw the image.

>> No.7488540

Not a hikki but a NEET for 5 years counting

Crippling APD, hatred of normalfags, born in poor as fuck family in an expensive area to live in.
