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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 1.06 MB, 1360x768, snapshot_20110616_171518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7487623 No.7487623 [Reply] [Original]

Eden Eternal thread? Eden Eternal thread.

My /jp/ can't possibly have this many cute little girls in it!

Server: Aquamarine
Channel: 8

Previous thread(s)

>> No.7487632

Just went down for maintenance or somethin'

I just started playing like 2 hours ago, seems pretty fun.

>> No.7487642

I'm liking it although in the first hour the NPC's were getting gang raped

>> No.7487647

/a/ looked like they were going to play earlier, but seem to move on to Prius instead.

>> No.7487667

Open beta already? Damn, I wanted to get a new graphic's card so I could play. By the time I do you guys will have moved on. Oh well, once again I'll catch you on the next game.

>> No.7487671

Hotglue infestation phase 2 - Lure unsuspecting /jp/ers to flavor of the month MMO

>> No.7487681

If there's room in the guild, toss an invite to Alpharius.

>> No.7487684

hmm hey where are you guys anyone by angor mines?


>> No.7487685

Spent so much time in CB, but now I don't have the will to play in OB. All that time grinding for the rewards just went down the drain. Oh well, back to waiting for RO2.

>> No.7487688

Fuck that game, after level 30 it was boring as shit.
And now I don't even get my daily cash hop money allowance.

>> No.7487689
File: 1014 KB, 1360x768, snapshot_20110616_171236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We'll have space tomorrow for guild invites. Feel free to join our Steam group or IRC chat in the mean time to keep in contact with us.


>> No.7487694

Hey Kritzinger are you still trolling official forums?

>> No.7487702

any way to bypass
"Our service is not available in your region. We apologize for the inconvenience."?

>> No.7487706

why am I no longer in the guild after relogging? charname Dakya

>> No.7487708


Shit posting at it's finest.

>> No.7487718

>Spent so much time in CB, but now I don't have the will to play in OB.


>> No.7487719

Your autism is weak.

>> No.7487725

the buttmad and autism gratz wish there was still room in hotglue

>> No.7487730

I suppose. The captcha in the game just made it worse.

>> No.7487736
File: 184 KB, 1024x768, Daigo-Pringles-1024x768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daigo Umehara himself took a break from owning scrubs in Street Fighter to make a video in honor of Hotglue making the first town in open beta.


>> No.7487738

But... but... Miku isn't black.

>> No.7487748

Why don't you try Spiral Knights?

>> No.7487754

So how do I get my alpaca?

>> No.7487774

So let's say I dye an armor, will all the outfits you can choose from the character menu have the same color?

>> No.7487778

I have a problem, /jp/. While playing Eden Eternal, everything on my screen flashes on and off, whether it's the quest box, action bar, the bag, everything! It has gotten to the point that I can no longer log on, due to these captchas (It won't even appear on my screen) What can I do to fix this?

>> No.7487828

I did actually(if only because of Ian).
Nice game, but has exactly nothing that would make me play longer than a couple of days.

Well, anyway, just woke up, time to start playing Eden.
That loading bar is the most disgustingly cute thing ever, dammit.

>> No.7487830


>> No.7487839

I finally know why people on /jp/ kept telling everyone to avoid Hotglue.At first I really thought they are just doing this to be cool but now I know better.
When they were the first guild who took a guild town on the server they kept saying "YOU MAD?YOU JELLY?" in the world chat.
I expected people from /jp/ to be more sophisticated.
Today I've learned: Once you talk to someone from /jp/ without anonymity they suddenly start acting like /a/.

>> No.7487877

It's not so much /jp/ as it is the people in Hotglue. Just try to take it easy, if you can.

>> No.7487886




>> No.7487896

But aren't people in Hotglue mainly from /jp/?
I assume that they are at least all NEETs otherwise they could have never achieved this so fast

>> No.7487905

It's made of people from /jp/ who came to /jp/ from other mmos (mostly Aika and Cosmic Break where the most butthurt was caused).

/jp/ needs to just have several permanent seperate guilds. Hotglue can continue to attract butthurts and bandwagoneers and there can be a TakeItEasyCo. where the members sip tea and eat pizza instead of intentionally trying to dominate the server (as opposed to dominating it just because they really have nothing better to do than grind)

>> No.7487908

Not necessarily. At any rate, they don't act like they're from /jp/ at all, regardless of their lurking habits. Attempting to derive the behavior of your average /jp/ lurker in an MMO based off of how Hotglue behaves is essentially the same as someone browsing /jp/ and coming to the conclusion that people like wtH or King of /jp/ are a good representation of the userbase.

>> No.7487909
File: 13 KB, 480x360, 456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even retards can be Neet
Think outside of the box

>> No.7487910

So what's the gameplay like? I'm noticing a lot of people playing it and hell, I'm looking for an MMO to spend some time poopsocking in.

>> No.7487917
File: 9 KB, 212x238, 35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like all mmos
Just free korean are the worst.
>Bring me 1000000 crocodile eyes
I subed back to Aion and got bored again after 2 days :(

The only 2 mmos I would tr now are Warhammer 40k mmo and Hellgate Londong , tomorrow should open beta start

>> No.7487926
File: 372 KB, 1019x1019, 1303251772538.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay I keep seeing these threads on the front page every day.

Is this jaypee's new mmorpg? Are we all playing it or something? Give links to signup, server, etc.

>> No.7487944

Wiki says it's in closed beta, if I download this game will I not be able to play?

>> No.7487952

It's in OB now, just go register at aeriagames.

>> No.7487957

>I subed back to Aion
Ugh, that game could have been good, but it was too much of a grindfest for me. Quit at around Level 40, I think.

Some spout stuff like that on the guilt chat, some don't. Hotglue seems to have more of the former though, from what I've seen (and if the reason is because of what >>7487905 said, how horrible!). Everyone seems to be having fun, so I'll bother no more.

Oh, it's in closed beta now. If you want to play, you can just search for the game name on google.

>> No.7487961

>it's in closed
Apologies, I meant to say open.

>> No.7487970

Could you explain it please?
I don't get what gets dyed if the only clothes change come from the outfit option in char window.

>> No.7487980


Can anyone help?
I still haven't been able to log on, I've been waiting for about an hour and a half, and the Aeriagames people don't seem to be doing shit at the moment....

>> No.7487996
File: 58 KB, 259x220, 1303832591670.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My god it's beautiful.

Hotglue master race.

>> No.7487998

When did /jp/ turn into fucking Gaia and start playing shitty MMOs like this? With fucking Hotglue?

You guys are worse than the wowfags cybering in Goldshire.

>> No.7488001
File: 86 KB, 639x800, 56895685685858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It isn't much of a grind anymore, Just I lack the will to focus to play mmos

>> No.7488006

Are you new to /jp/ little faggot?
Check the archive and find the answer yourself.

>> No.7488014

I tried whispering a couple of people but was ignored. Invite Aza whenever there's any room, thanks.

>> No.7488023

Uhhh... 'bout 2008?

>> No.7488028

I seem to be in a bit of a pickle, /jp/. I accidentally deleted a quest item I got from a previous quest, and now the current one needs it, but I don't have it, so I can't continue. Is there any way I can resolve this predicament aside from having to start over? I'm thinking about grinding until I level up so the next area's quest will show up, but I'll miss out on some items.

>> No.7488031

Drop then restart the quest. Shouldn't be too hard to redo.

>> No.7488038

Thank you very much, I'll try this out, and hope it works.

>> No.7488040

I took a vacation because it was a shithole. I didn't imagine fags like you could make it any worse, but here we are.

>> No.7488044

That feel when no one else seems to have your problem so no one is willing to help ;-;

I really just want to play the game...

>> No.7488046

You seem to have forgotten your sage.

>implying /jp/ wasn't infested with Gaiafags during the Touhou13 Demo release
>implying I didn't leave about then because a shithole
>implying it isn't astronomically better after spending three months over at /v/

Now get out.

Try lowering your graphics settings. How good is your graphics card? You may need to update your drivers.

>> No.7488049

My my my, it seemed to work! I don't know why, but after I took the quest again, that requirement was already checked! Many many thanks, Pedonymous. I hope you and the rest of /jp/ will have a pleasant day.

>> No.7488052

You know, when you misuse the quote function just like /v/ in these threads, /jp/ becomes somewhat less "astronomically better."

>> No.7488054


Well, I do seem to have the recommended "Video Settings" And my computer is fairly newer than my friend's who is playing the game just fine. How do I lower my graphics settings? I feel like it might be the problem, and Since I've had this problem since CB, I'll do anything to get it to work...

Thanks for the quick response, by the way. I'm somewhat butthurt that I can't play thanks to captchas

>> No.7488062

>implying anyone but you actually gives a flying fuck

Now quit shitting up the thread with your off-topic posts.

You're welcome. I wouldn't count on the GMs in this game, from what I've seen in the world chat they're 14/younger years old.

There ought to be a settings button either on the startup screen or when you press ctrl in-game.

>> No.7488077


Ouch.. It seemed to work (Usually the Aquamarine/Emerald server selection will flicker off as well) Though I was actually able to see it, almost inevitably, the captcha didn't even show up. (It DID show up, but it was invisible) I did some clicking around, and I found the "Confirm" button. That's all I was able to do, though. After a bunch of desperate clicking to make the captcha appear, I was then greeted by a "Unable to connect to server" or something of the sort...

I'm not quite sure what this means, or how it may relate to my problem, though.

>> No.7488082

i'm kind of sad that /jp/ isn't playing APB

>> No.7488088

>buy-to-win: the game

>> No.7488089

i just wanted to see what sort of beautiful waifus /jp/ could create in the chardesigner

i think i'd enjoy fapping to /jp/'s characters

>> No.7488092

So if this is in beta, will our characters be wiped when the final release comes out or no?

>> No.7488093

It's not very in-depth, unfortunately.

>> No.7488096

No character wipes.

>> No.7488098

I see.

I might as well give it a try then.

>> No.7488105

What are the /jp/ guilds currently and how do I score an invite? The quality of the general game population is killing me, although I found if I'm nice to some of them others know who I am and stop need rolling everything when I raid with them.

>> No.7488155

Downloading the game and I'd like to know this as well.

Don't make me play with gaiafags, /jp/.

>> No.7488156
File: 28 KB, 272x353, game is ruined.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw the brazilians are already playing this



>> No.7488157

I am actually, at least until there's a /jp/ guild for this, and not Hotglue. I almost fell for it last night, thinking Hotglue WAS a /jp/ guild...

Lucky break, that.

>> No.7488163


What compels those niggers to play on NA servers?

>> No.7488165

Fuck it. Lets just make one then if there isn't one already.


>> No.7488167

I've played Trickster for 2 years, and I pretty much got used to them.
Some of them were kinda nice too

>> No.7488174

I haven't even started yet, actually. I might later.

>> No.7488179

Same here. Downloading at the moment. Guess I'll get used to the game solo before seeking out the jaypers.

>> No.7488192
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>> No.7488217

Ok, time for a retard tier question - how do I zoom out? The camera is too close for my liking.
Please don't tell me it's mouse scroll wheel only(mine doesn't work).

>> No.7488225

Press escape and check your hotkeys in the settings.

>> No.7488240

I guess the /jp/ guild will be on Aquamarine as well?

>> No.7488265

Aquamarine channel 8
I've been playing with many /jp/ers there sine the early closed beta, still too socially awkward to get into a guild though.

>> No.7488268

How will I tell the /jp/ers from the other players? We're all little girls, right?

>> No.7488273

what i'm seeing here is outstanding, guild town and chat trolling, i wish i could join but i'm too fucking busy and i'm sure this will stop being the FOTM when i will be available.

>> No.7488294

Simple test: ask what Japanese Bird is cooking.

>> No.7488301
File: 58 KB, 454x454, 1272433934295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys are such hypocrites.

Next time /jp/ insults wowfags I'll link you back to this thread.

>> No.7488311

WoW is not acceptable.

It's okay if we play a little girls though.

>> No.7488340
File: 157 KB, 747x600, Raggy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WoW isn't acceptable because you underageb&s can't get your mommy to buy it for you.

When I poopsock raided in vanilla/TBC my guildies were all over 18 and fucking awesome. I can guarantee you that's not the case with this Hotglue free beta shit. You guys all talk like faggots and kids.

>> No.7488349
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>> No.7488350
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Why you even bother to talk to the children
Ofc you cant compare mmos to F2P mmos

And hotglue is a gaia guild , I dont understand why they post on /jp/

>> No.7488357

So we have to pay to play ugly characters and not being around little kids?


If I'm going to play a shitty mmo, at the very least I want to play as a little girl with others playing as little girls.

>> No.7488358

>And hotglue is a gaia guild , I dont understand why they post on /jp/

This is pretty much true. Just visit their IRC...

>> No.7488360

>implying hotglue didn't branch off and become independent of gaia and not shitty

>> No.7488364

Get out hotglue devs.

>> No.7488370
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>I want to play as a little girl



>> No.7488376
File: 9 KB, 191x263, imagesruyerye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if I cut my sandwich in half its still a sandwich.
I don't understand why you guys came to /jp/

from all the threads the only thing we saw , was that you guys are underage gaia fags and you try to show off on /jp/ a board that gives like 3% a fuck about your awful looking characters.

now back to gaia and recruit your kind

>> No.7488377

Hey whatevr
Why are you so retarded?
If you want to link them link them to /v/.

>> No.7488380

Just how NEW do you even have to BE just to POST something like that......

>> No.7488382
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>> No.7488383

Please just go back to WoW since you like it so much.

>> No.7488384
File: 54 KB, 755x750, 1302879649667.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure is summer.

>> No.7488387
File: 155 KB, 500x500, 1308086964375.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get back to /v/ normal.

>> No.7488390

But World of Warcraft is casual shit and full of normalfags.

>> No.7488391
File: 29 KB, 395x405, 1302631227992.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tripfag trying to act alpha
>complaining about bad character designs
>posting idols

>> No.7488392

New enough to know this garbage belongs on /v/ and not /jp/.

You'll find plenty of kids who hop from free beta to free beta while they beg for steam gifts there.

>> No.7488397

And this shit isn't? It's an MMO. A free MMO. The kind of MMO gaiafags flock to.

>> No.7488405
File: 49 KB, 430x304, 1302795447071.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But this is a separate guild. We're keeping to ourselves. We're trolling the autistic Gaiafags.

I don't think you understand what you're talking about.

>> No.7488411

Who the fuck are you quoting?

Why is this garbage thread still here. Take it to >>>/v/.

>> No.7488416



>> No.7488420

I never said Eden Eternal isn't shit. Stop assuming things.

>> No.7488422
File: 7 KB, 259x194, dfsdfsfs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only reason they play it, is because its free.

Gaia fags 12-16 years old
no money
Free to play mmos

>> No.7488426

>But this is a separate guild. We're keeping to ourselves.
No. Instead of "keeping to yourselves" on #hotglue you post offtopic shit on /jp/.

>> No.7488433
File: 4 KB, 206x237, 1307714396594.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is this any more off-topic than a touhou thread or an idol thread?

I guess you want another "I'd x her y if you know what I mean" character thread instead of this, right? Take it easy, jesus christ. Pardon us if we want to have fun with others who share our interests.

>> No.7488435

>How is this any more off-topic than a touhou thread or an idol thread?
Are you serious?

>> No.7488437

How come you post those pictures of that old woman every time you post? She's an impure slut who smokes.

>> No.7488439

Why are you spamming these shitty reaction images and defending a bunch of children playing a free to play MMORPG?

>> No.7488443

>avoiding the argument

>> No.7488444

Why are you even arguing in this thread? If you want to play WoW, get back to /v/ and do so. This is /jp/, we play what we like, and we like little girls.

>> No.7488445

Why are you not on /v/? Who let you out of your cage?

>> No.7488447

Hold the fuck up, I've never even played WoW. I'm just wondering why this thread is here and why it's full of reaction images and misquotations.

>> No.7488450

/jp/ was made for touhou. And random character dumps =/= games.
For everything else there is board dedicated to video games.
God, stop with your random excuses.

>> No.7488453

Because this is a video game thread. /jp/ was made for visual novels and Touhou.

Now take your trolling back to /b/ retard.

>> No.7488454

We already explained why it's here. And it isn't our problem if you don't understand greentext like the rest of the website.

>> No.7488457

Yeah because EVERYONE knows and follows /jp/ board rules and only posts Touhou or VNs, right?

Hold up a second, I'll go make a >/jp/ meet up thread that you can post in a get out of this one.

>> No.7488459

Why insist on staying here when it is so clear you don't belong?

>> No.7488460

Too obvious, should have said Flanfly spam instead.


>> No.7488462
File: 45 KB, 576x768, 1305125783737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back to Gaia fag
This has nothing to do with /jp/
You are spamming about a gaia guild with gaia under age fags.

>> No.7488465 [DELETED] 

>Other people shitpost so it's okay if I do it too
Great argument.

>> No.7488468

>why this thread is here
Because hotglue fags spam them here.
And out /v/ mod ignores them because they suck his cock on irc or something.
>other people are shitposting
You might as well post CP if that's your excuse.
CP is /jp/ related because retards from /a/ post saten threads! xD

>> No.7488469

>/jp/ - Tired Old Idols and Shit VNs General

>> No.7488473


Here you go.

>> No.7488474
File: 9 KB, 362x199, wasshoi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7488475

What's a good VN?

>> No.7488483
File: 385 KB, 719x886, CosmicBreak Community_1276167472132.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I wonder who are those anime shitposters?
Oh wait, IT'S YOU.

>> No.7488484

Not Ar Tonelico, that's for sure.

>> No.7488490

So did you guys make the video?

>> No.7488498

So mad.

>> No.7488500


Referring back to my question, can someone PLEASE take a screenshot of what the captcha looks like? It's invisible for me and I'll need to know where it's located/where I need to click for it to appear...

>> No.7488503

Well your sort on /jp/ seem to worship Umineko for whatever bass-ackwards reason.

>> No.7488506

/jp/, acting more retarded than the Hotglue fags?

It's more likely than you think.

>> No.7488508

It pops up somewhere randomly... sorry.

>> No.7488520
File: 6 KB, 201x250, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enough proof
and now try to tell me you aren't 16 year old Gaia fags.
Back to Gaia fag

>> No.7488523

What games you you play, sir?

>> No.7488529
File: 59 KB, 354x500, 357hjc8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

atm ?
Nothing almost
subed to aion and quit it 2 after 2 days was too boring , maybe 1-3 games of hon and that's all

The main problem is why a fucking Gaia guild is spamming /jp/ to recruit people.

>> No.7488533

You're completely missing the point. I'm done here.

>> No.7488534

Man Aion was the most money I ever spent on a single game. And I played like for a week or so.

One of my worst investments ever. I mean the graphics where stunning but damn it the gameplay got so repetitive.

>> No.7488539

so whats the guild name and who do i contact? I just started playing and I could use a friendly NEET face or two.

>> No.7488541

Despite what the neckbeards in this thread are saying, Hotglue is pretty fun to play with. They'll help you out in the beginning and there's usually someone willing to form a party with you. They're playing to have fun.

>> No.7488547

Back in August I upgraded my graphics card to a fermi, bought 4 more gigs of ram to a total of 8gigs and pre-ordered the special addition of Final Fantasy 14.

I played non-stop for about two or so weeks, was the highest ranked goldsmith in my guild making a shit ton of money and could of made a hell of a lot more before I stopped.

I quite after about 2-3 weeks cause I couldn't take the pressure. I wanted to just take it easy ;_;

>> No.7488549

Jesus fuck. Shut up and take it easy.

If /jp/ers are on Aqua8 and need a 19 cleric for something, Whisper PrinnyD and I'll help.

>> No.7488551

You're taking Faggot of /jp/ seriously.

>> No.7488552

errr so who should i contact in hotglue?

>> No.7488555

Personally, I'd wait until an actual /jp/ guild forms, if at all.

>> No.7488558

That's what I'm going to do. Just downloaded and planing to install. Dunno if I want to join up with Hotglue from what I've read in this thread.

>> No.7488559

Go to the irc, or leave a request to join here with your username. Users need to be invited to join a guild.

>> No.7488562

>Despite what the neckbeards in this thread are saying
That's like complaining about underage kids on /v/. Go there if you don't want hikis.

>> No.7488572

Going to start playing this game. If in a week hotglue is as bad as they say and there isn't a /jp/ guild, I'll just make one were people can just take it easy with no pressure and shit.

>> No.7488575

True j/p/sie here.


Add me if you want to take it easy. We can just party for a while and waste some time.

>> No.7488579 [DELETED] 

IGN: Shimau

>> No.7488586

No one is saying hotglue are bad at playing free korean mmos, were saying that they shouldn't spam this shit on /jp/.

>> No.7488750
File: 607 KB, 1024x768, snapshot_20110616_003414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure if you still need, it pops up randomly on the screen.

>> No.7488787

Thank you so much... but I'll probably be unable to play...

My problem is that, see all those "Pop-ups" on your screen? The minimap, captcha, action bar, even the chat. Anything that can be moved or modified. ALL OF THESE ITEMS will randomly disappear and re-appear, sometimes clicking will make them appear/re-appear at random.

During CB, I was able to play around this. Though it was a pain in the ass to turn in quests, I was somewhat able to pick up on what was where, and i adjusted. However, this captcha nonsense is really screwing me over. The captcha will disappear, and I'll have no clue where to search for it.

The picture really helps, because I can somewhat calculate where the confirmation button is. The problem is, now that OB is up, I can't log on, because the captcha is usually invisible, and I can't get it to pop up. (But I know it's there, because I sometimes find myself on the confirmation button, I hear the noise it makes once you click it)

tl;dr, I am still unable to play, and beating myself up for it. Thanks for the picture though, anon. The dedication is much appreciated.

>> No.7488794

Is there an easy way to self cast? Like heals and such.

Didn't see a macro menu.

>> No.7488797

Nope, you have to target yourself manually. And if you get attacked by an enemy, you will untarget yourself. There is no "Sticky-Target" function in this game, from what I have played, which makes self-healing a bit challenging.

Also, bumping for >>7488787

>> No.7488798

There is. In the settings, first tab

>> No.7488799

There's a cast option in options under Chr. It makes it so you selfcast if you target nothing or an enemy.

>> No.7488802

Settings, CHR, self cast.

>> No.7488806

Yes, there is, it's in the options menu, Chr tab.

>> No.7488818

I'm now level base 11, mage11 and cleric 9.
What I'm suppose to do now? level up the other classes even though I don't want to use them?

>> No.7488824

do as many quests as possible and you'll unlock more classes.

>> No.7488827

You don't have to if you don't feel like using them. Just keep pumping your character level up with quests. It's very easy to level the classes you've neglected on higher level monsters and your high character level will let you upgrade the base skills high enough to kill monsters in any class. You can also leech class levels in dungeons.

>> No.7488831


>> No.7488836
File: 583 KB, 1024x768, snapshot_20110616_233456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mage looking for guild and/or party to take it easy while doing quests and instances. IGN Freiya.

>> No.7488841

Why is this game so bad at downloading? I'm stuck with 5kb/s most of time.

>> No.7488849

>Defeat Forest Imp: 0/10

Why are you idiots playing this grindfest shit?

>> No.7488857

Why do idiots do anything?

>> No.7488861

I wanna see you playing RO if you think 10 monsters is a grinding.

>> No.7488874

So you're defense is it's less shitty than a really shitty F2P MMORPG?

>> No.7488879


Boy do I feel stupid right now.

>> No.7488882

Why not? It's not like NEETs have anything else to do.

>> No.7488884

His defense is that people on /jp/ are autistic as fuck and grinding is the only thing they CAN do. But RO was too much even for him.

>> No.7488887


Don't. It happens.

>> No.7488893

Especially when you actually are stupid.

>> No.7488897

IGN: Connie

Anyone want to help me learn the ropes?

>> No.7488900

I am too stupid to comprehend that joke.

>> No.7488925

Is everyone playing on Aqua /8?

Can you switch servers after you made a character?

>> No.7488929

Nope. You can switch channles
ex) aquamarine 8, then aquamarine 1-9, any of these channels

However you will NOT be able to use that charecter on Emerald 1-9 or any other server

>> No.7488932

IGN: RollCake
Just started as a cleric

>> No.7488938
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>> No.7488965

Someone knows wich way is better to get to blade dancer? Start as a warrior or mage?

>> No.7488981

It says you need bard level 35 if I remember

>> No.7488994

Can your sell stuff?
My backpack is full

>> No.7489002

nope, third level of the Thief class

>> No.7489004

You can sell anything you don't need at any vendor by right clicking it.

>> No.7489033

As a hunter what skills should I get/ignore?

>> No.7489068

People thinking my crapping all over the Aeria forums reflects all 150+ people in Hotglue; no you are the summershit.

Why are you so worried about your public image?

>> No.7489072

Nobody likes you. Isn't it sad?

>> No.7489099

What do you guys think for the heroic trait:

Leadership +12% HP/MP or Guardian +15% DEF, +5%ELEM

Going for thank class.

>> No.7489106



>> No.7489109
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>> No.7489123

Neither. When tanking, HP and DEF are second place compared to EVA, which is much more useful when it comes to negating damage. You want the Maverick heroic trait for increase in AGI.

>> No.7489125


Serious? Don't make me fuck up my starting build. Going for that Paladin class or whatever.

>> No.7489130


the Agi and Str trait are both good since agi adds evade and Str adds block. There's a def cap that can be reached easily so in the end, you'll be working on evade and str too.

>> No.7489132

I'm dead serious. Watch this Knight:


He rarely takes any damage because he's evading hits like crazy. DEF does jack shit in this game at higher levels.

>> No.7489136


Endgame tank uses all 3, Def contributes to a percent damage reduction so it does a lot more than ""jack shit" when the boss starts hitting for 5k per hit

>> No.7489142

So the Maverick +10% AGI and ATK SPD is the way to go for an endgame tank?

Honestly that seems kind of weird to me but I didn't see that guy in the vid taking too many hits...

>> No.7489143

how many /jp/ guild are there?
is there any space left?

>> No.7489144

It's capped at 50% reduction, though, so stacking DEF will only get you so far. EVA and Block rate are much more important.

>> No.7489153


that's what I said here>>7489130

>> No.7489162

why do you care if people talk shit about your guild?

>> No.7489174

Okay, went with Maverick.

IGN: Nemuru on Aqua / 8, Warrior.

If anyone wants to party up or something I'll be around learning the game.

>> No.7489194

Hey guys, time to jump on the next fotm since CB is so shitty now. IGN is Vulva

>> No.7489210

Anyone know if cast time was a cap?

>> No.7489293

>People thinking my crapping all over the Aeria forums reflects all 150+ people in Hotglue
It does. No one outside will bother about who is, out of 150+ people, isnt like Kritzinger. You are representing the guild, and it will be regarded as a whole thing.

>> No.7489335

Kritzinger, did you play SMT: Imagine back then?

>> No.7489364

Nobody give a shit about him.
I am more worried about him bringing undesirable faggots like him here.

>> No.7489373
File: 16 KB, 500x400, 1307183830894.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys are worse than /v/ jumping ship from one shitty FOTM MMO beta to another.

I hope you know that.

>> No.7489390

No one gives a shit.

>> No.7489406

Fastest way to leveling is doing quest?

>> No.7489410

What heroic trait should I get as a cleric?

>> No.7489422

Yeah, the main quests give tons of exp.


>> No.7489426

Hey at least /jp/ plays and talk about games. You don't see /v/ doing that. Anyway >>>/v/

>> No.7489458

That Touhou guild shouting isn't a /jp/ one right? Do we even have any other then Hotglue?

>> No.7489497


>> No.7489499

Anyone wanna party with me? Just started, maybe we could hold hands.

>> No.7489508

Someone make a TakeItEasyCo.

>> No.7489534

I would if you didn't have to be level 20. Guess that's why there isn't a /jp/ guild at the moment.

>> No.7489535


I played it for too long, but i played for fun.
Been toasing people up everywhere in PVP(the only thing i was playing the game for, really), but then this Spirit Infusion thing came and things were getting too expensive and time consuming for me; did not want to spend real money so i can stay competetive with all those cash shop whores, so i quit, then made some mild trolling on forums and got myself permabanned(along with tons of other good players). There is only cancer and shit left on SMT Imagine now. Plus, there is only 1 channel now.

Even if it looks alright, do not start playing SMT Imagine ever. It's more Cash Shop than MMO, really.

>> No.7489546

Most of us quit when all there was to do was Sugi gold.
What was your IGN? I was CC.

>> No.7489550
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>> No.7489557

Towards outsiders Hotglue is trying to act though and cool all the time while looking like idiots, but the guildchat is actually rather silent and people are introverts most of the time

>> No.7489564

Everyone needs to take it easy.

>> No.7489597

newby question, is open or closed beta now?

if are closed how I get account for enter?

>> No.7489603

All the people in <Touhou> need to be shot

>> No.7489610

what's with your engrish

>> No.7489621

i br

>> No.7489624

Ahahaha, was the Spirit Infusion around the same time when dungeon drops were nerfed essentially making the game even more grindy without cash shopping?
I remember some of us RPed dungeon bosses or notable monsters (like Jikokuten) in the forum chat, lamenting poor drops and shit. Then most of us got banned for that with "disrupted community peace" verdicts everywhere.

>> No.7489626

I had to mute all the chat excluding party chat and system chat.
Fuck this game.

>> No.7489630
File: 647 KB, 1024x768, snapshot_20110616_052304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god, I want to ride an alpaca. ;_;

>> No.7489633

You are probally also the kind of person who hates the laughter of children and suffers when other people are happy right?

>> No.7489634


Yeah, stuff was seriously fucked up, though now it's worse than it was "back then". I was one of the "4 kings". That's probably more info than i should have given out, haha.

SMT truly has(/had) the worst GameMasters/moderators/admins/volunteers i have ever encountered anywhere.

>> No.7489635

I'm not.

>> No.7489645

A pity, really, since it is actually plot-relevant to SMT fans (it takes place between the first and second games, assuming the neutral ending for the first game.) and was a fun game.

>> No.7489701

so is there guild war or something other than pointless grinding?

>> No.7489713

What's the best heroic trait for illusionist?

>> No.7489743

i'm kinda curious about something

the graphics in this game are not fappable at all

why is /jp/ playing if the graphics are unfappable

>> No.7489752

You can't fap to those cute alpacas ?

>> No.7489777

Heh, that was pretty amusing time.

I still played for some time after SI. I had really big hopes for the Diaspora. But then I learned about 30k magnetite entry cost. Then Fifi had to remove most of the useful info from her blog (I am still butthurt with the japs/aeria about this). And so I too jumped from the sinking ship.

As other anons said here, it is a shame IMAGINE is managed by short-sighted cash-hungry retards.

>> No.7489787

Is the guild still full?

>> No.7489802

okay sent a invite to Hotglue. I'm bored of playing alone.


>> No.7489856
File: 44 KB, 190x412, wtH_got_a_silly_hat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my character is cute as HELL

>> No.7489871


Your hat is ugly as HELL

>> No.7489874

how the HELL do i dye it

>> No.7489884
File: 23 KB, 268x252, GossToneDemon_swears.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7489889


I love that camp. So many mobs so close together.

>> No.7489925

go buy some dyes at rainbowfall forest

>> No.7489946

Why do people insist on single healing Malice with a tank that has less hp than me?
So they can add another dps that barely beats heavy metal?

Frustrating as all fuck.

>> No.7489974
File: 65 KB, 640x464, 1308207700257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey look its grandfantasia

>> No.7490008
File: 176 KB, 500x345, MeremLeftLeg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone took my character name from CB: Bichu, but I made a new one, new ign is Saver, requesting an invite from Hotglue whenever possible

>> No.7490016
File: 110 KB, 600x600, 1303252599983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really need a /jp/er guild. I don't want to join any of these sugoi naruto gaia clans.

>> No.7490037
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>> No.7490054

i would rather kill me than to join Guilds called Akatsuki or xElfenliedx

>> No.7490057
File: 754 KB, 1366x768, snapshot_20110616_233441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good at chilling around.

>> No.7490177

So hotglue, have you fapped to your loli yet?

>> No.7490243

So did anyone join a guild other than hotglue? I just want to take it easy and play relaxed, none of that hardcore shit.

>> No.7490249

Personally, I don't mind hardcore taking it easy, but fuck hotglue. I guess there was never a /jp/ guild created?

>> No.7490261

Don't tell me, everybody on /jp/ is socially akward to the point that creating a guild is way to difficult ?

>> No.7490264

Level 18, need to be 20 to create a guild. if you can wait till tomorrow(I'm going to play F.E.A.R. now). then I'll create one. or maybe it will take more time. I just wan to take it easy.

>> No.7490269

Nah, I would have done it but I just started. Need to be level 20 plus pay some gold I think.

>> No.7490272

Isn't Hotglue the guild? Or are you other people refusing to join it because you too realize it's just made up of a bunch of casuals who go to /jp/ "once in a while"?

>> No.7490280

>Isn't Hotglue the guild?
No, fuck off.

>> No.7490319

>F.E.A.R. 17 gb

Fuck it. I'll keep playing EE till level 20.

>> No.7490338

I'm willing to wait for a /jp/ guild. I just want to take it easy while playing with some people, questing and shit.

>> No.7490340

Did you even read my full post.

>> No.7490349

As far as I know, I do see some ex-Hotglue members in a guild of their own, but never see them speaking or advertising. Atelier was their name I think.

>> No.7490352

i joined <Touhou>, the most /jp/ guild in the server

>> No.7490380

>Did you even read my full post.

>> No.7490389
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>> No.7490395

Are they even from /jp/? Just because of the name, doesn't make them /jp/ers.

>> No.7490410

So how should we name the /jp/ guild?

>> No.7490419

I liked the name "TakeItEasyCo." someone posted earlier. Other names are fine too.

>> No.7490427

I like TakeitEasyCo.

Lets make it something /jp/ related.

>> No.7490432

Yeah, TakeItEasyCo. seems perfect, really.

>> No.7490434

What channel are you guys on?

>> No.7490449

are you implying /jp/ isnt made of only touhou related things?

>> No.7490452

The one in the OP.

>> No.7490455

TouhouFamily guild is better.

>> No.7490457

Name it TouhouRP.

>> No.7490483

Needed 50 gold for guild.. I only have 22, I didn't knew about it till now haha.
I guess I can make around 25 gold before reaching level 20...

>> No.7490487

What's your ingame name?

>> No.7490489

I can give some of my gold if needed.

>> No.7490491

I can help. What's your IGN?
