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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7482433 No.7482433 [Reply] [Original]

Eden Eternal thread? Eden Eternal thread.

☢CAUTION!!☢ War Room Edition ☢CAUTION!!☢

Previous thread(s)

Servers go live tomorrow June 14th at 7pm PST.

Server: Aquamarine
Channel: 8

We'll be organizing guilds later that night, after we have people who've reached level 20 (requirement for starting a guild). We will have two guilds managed by "Hotglue"; they have experience from Closed Beta and were the first guild in the game to found a guild village. If you'd like direct access to Hotglue; their contact information including chatroom can be found via their Steam.


>> No.7482435

I have to work the rest of the week though. The game better be good.

>> No.7482439

I assume this is going to end up just like those CB threads.

>> No.7482468

Does it have its own soundtrack CD like mabinogi? I'll only play it if it has good music

>> No.7482482

It's a PVE game so I would say it won't. But then again people have been raiding/trolling the forums harder than CB ever did, so I have no idea.

>> No.7482487

Dragon's Nest beta goes from 12-6 pst tomorrow, so those in it will be free to join in this meaningless war.

>> No.7482496


Honestly, it reminds me of Mabinogi in some ways. Instead of being able to level and use whichever skills you want at any time, though, you freely switch between classes on the fly.

Mabi still has more content and, in my opinion, better music and NPCs. This game is fun, though.

>> No.7482527

The music kind of sucks. The areas are worth looking at though.

Ir reminds me more of RO with being able to kill groups of enemies easily and classes having that one outfit. RO 2 should use the "one class outfit but you can change them based on level" thing so you can keep the iconic RO outfits but still have variety.

>> No.7482577

Can someone repost this: http://archive.easymodo.net/jp/image/9rP59kUhRQQ7tJE6P7aA4w

>> No.7482579

Why not here, newfag?

>> No.7482583

I don't have beta access. Probably many others don't as well.

>> No.7482585

hotglue went mainstream.

>> No.7482602
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>> No.7483053


I can't remember but was it Hotglue that banned stuff like Chatzilla clients, or was it one of the other more autistic /jp/ irc channels?

>> No.7483068

oh, I thought it was something interesting. You can delete it

>> No.7483070

Whoever they are, they're clearly serious business irc losers who cannot take it easy. The anti-/jp/.

>> No.7483080

I was hoping it'd be longer before they started OB..

>> No.7483664

Only one more hour, Anons!

>> No.7483674

This is actually.
They were talking about hardcore grinding and trying to be the first town to prove the official forum ags wrong.
But not like it matters, I have high tolerance to faggotry and playing with them is better than playing with gaiafags.

>> No.7483684

or you can make your own guild

>> No.7483694

No thanks.
I like to take it easy and managing a guild is tedious task.
I just want a channel to look for party, rape shit, dye up my loli and craft my silly hats.

>> No.7483725


I have to strongly agree with this anon.
During the two days that I played, I did random groups, and while some of the healers were horrible, and some of the tanks wouldn't wait for the healers to regain MP, it wasn't so bad.

In my opinion, dealing with shit-tier groups occasionally, as well as wiping, is part of the gaming experience.

(And some might actually become decent players)

>> No.7483755

Did you read my post correctly?
It is easier to tolerate hotglue faggotry compare to pubs.
The ratio of faggots in hotglue is like 1/10 while in pubs it is like 9/10. Not sure about Atelier but the only time I went into a dungeon with them I got flame because the tank suck and doesnt know how to tank. Of course with my take it easy approach to gaming, I just kept quiet and continue doing my job.

>> No.7483756


Isn't it opening at 7PM? If so, then it's 12 more hours.

>> No.7483769


Ahh, I should have written that I meant to agree with the last sentence, the "take it easy" essence of it.

>> No.7483846

I got bored of EQ2 so I guess I'll join you guys for a couple of weeks.

>> No.7483851
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I thought /jp/ hated Hotglue.

>> No.7483855

>Join Steamgroup
>Waifus, waifus everywhere
>Why am i surprised i came from /jp/

>> No.7483859

Its still better to play together than with regular players.

>> No.7483944

PM? Fuck that, I'm going to sleep.

>> No.7483956


Seriously, I'm disappointed as fuck, I'm so retarded I switched PM with AM, being the excited little girl that once was. I'm going back to sleep as well.

>> No.7483960

So has OB started yet?

>> No.7483975

Not for 12 hours

>> No.7483992

So, what's the best class to play if I'm too autistic to group with others unless absolutely necessary?

>> No.7483998
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For those taking it easy with calculations: https://sites.google.com/site/edeneternalna/home/open-beta-start-countdown

It'll be at 5am for me, may the caffeine gods be with me.

>> No.7484003

You'll be staying up i take it?

>> No.7484013
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Well yeah, not like I have anything better to do.

>> No.7484034

Did you play the closed beta? If so which class/did you enjoy it? If not what class are you planning to main as for the open beta?

>> No.7484062

Is there some kind of skill tree calculator our there that can be used to plan out class builds?

>> No.7484073

Not him, but I'm in the same time zone as he is and I'm planning on staying up as well.

My favorite classes during CB were easily Hunter, Engineer and Knight. All great classes. I don't think I will actually have a main in OB, I'll be playing everything.

>> No.7484077


Not the same person, but I played magician and cleric in beta. I used cleric to tank all the random mobs that attacked me when I teleported for quests. Magician was nice for the aoe attacks and higher DPS. I didn't do any multi-person areas at all, so I'm not sure what either would be useful for in those. I used a mace and shield for both classes though so I wouldn't need to bother with switching equipment. I just unlocked illusionist in the last hour of the beta and I'll probably try it out when I actually get a chance this time.

I'll also try playing the melee classes this time too. I woke up about 6 hours ago so staying up until it starts should be easy. The next 12 hours I'll be staying up will be the hard part.

>> No.7484081

The game's a bit new for that, but it shouldn't be too hard to work out, since the class knowledge skills are quite straightforward (no extra skills, no synergies), you get 1 knowledge point per level, and they take 1 point for the first 5, 2 points for the next 10, then 3 points for the last 5. This means that, to get to 5 takes 5 points, 10 takes 15, 15 takes 25, and 20 takes 40. You should be able to figure a plan easily enough on your own.

>> No.7484116

Why do /jp/ guilds always feel like some terrible mix of /a/, /v/ and the worst people from /jp/?
I just want to take it easy with some decent /jp/ers.

>> No.7484120

The only deceptive thing is that the skills that have a 'rating' like EVA, Cast/Attack spd, and crit rate don't give a flat +1%. They give (Current Rating) *1.01 . Which means that in general those skills are very bad. 25 points in cast speed would only give you 3% if you had 20% base, or 6% with 40% base, etc.
An example is that with 30% crit rate and 1.70 crit damage, 2% crit damage = 5% +"crit rate".

Just try to group with the people that don't spam guild chat. Worked out for me.

>> No.7484141

Is that game easy enough for someone who never played many mmo ? I'm just bored and want to take it easy...

>> No.7484174 [DELETED] 

Warrior is a solid starting class, has a number of skills to boost their defense and so forth. Quite possible to hit the defense cap with their Metal Bluster and Titan Wall skills. They can also be very potent DPS if built for it because they have access to a few innate and class specializations that can boost the already high damage of two handed swords/axes to rather obscene levels.
Knight is the next tier warrior, but plays quite differently. Having a number of skills which boost evasion and move speed in conjunction with a couple of high threat AoE attacks makes the class an excellent evasion tank (either dodge or kiting) which can outclass the warrior when fighting groups. Matches fairly well with the warrior against single targets, but suffers from much lower defense.
Theif has many aspects of the rogue class, focusing on critical strikes and stealth, though the combat advantages of the stealth only come in higher levels (I think their first strike from cloaking skill is at 30). Their Sonic Cut DoT stacked for some supreme damage against single targets, but they fare less well against multiple mobs, having only 1 AoE whose damage I found to be sub-par.
I didn't get a chance to try out the Martial Artist before the beta ended, but from what I've heard they eschew the stealth element and focus on a number of stacking abilities which were rather broken; once they got their stacks up they could tank as well or better than a warrior or DPS as well as or better than a thief.

>> No.7484176 [DELETED] 

Hunter is the first Ranged DPS class. It receives a number of slowing/rooting abilities and a summoned pet combatant. Lacking AoE attacks, the hunter is fairly good against single targets, but can be overwhelmed by groups. Was a good basic ranged class, albeit a bit bland for my taste (I'm told that at higher levels they get some more interesting shot types).

Engineer has many of the same skills as the hunter, loses the pet, but gains an ability that covers them in an Iron Man-esque mechanized suit and a number of ranged AoE bomb effects. Didn't play it much, but have seen them be quite effective.

Cleric is the usual healer class, but has access to the only nature and holy spell damage that you'll have access to for the first few levels (since damage type can be used to affect drops on certain mobs, this is important). The cleric remains the primary healer class, having a main heal, a stackable HoT, two dispells (one single target + short defence buff, one AoE with medium time healing received buff), and three potent long term buffs. Healing class it is, but is still capable in single combat, having a debuff which boosts their nature and holy damage against a target.

Bard is the epitome of short term buffs and doubles as an off-healer. Losing the HoT, cleric buff, and dispelling skills, the bard gains a variety of mid to long term buffs which affect damage, cast time, evasion, and enemy defense. Most of them are quite short term, however, meaning the Bard has to run a constant rotation to keep the buffs up in combat, typically forcing them to decide between keeping more of the buffs running or adding additional healing to the group. An enjoyably dynamic class.

>> No.7484182 [DELETED] 

Magicians are the first magic DPS class, having fire, ice, and lightning skills available to them. Powerful AoE damage and DoT abilities as well as some potent single target skills make the magician a (not unexpected) contender for the highest damaging class in the game.

Illusionist loses a few of the ranged AoE spells to gain a mind control spell, a cast/attack time buff, a few more ice spells, and most importantly a mana regeneration spell. Less damaging than the magician in general, but the support skills make the illusionist a good addition to a party, especially since some classes get perpetually mana starved (mostly the non-caster classes) and the buffs are always welcome.

The Open Beta should be adding a couple of the third tier classes (I want to say Shaman and Templar, but can't remember), so those should make interesting additions to the mix, though I don't know how they will play. I found most of the classes had their own style of play and the ability to switch between them and adapt to the circumstances to be a refreshing mechanic. Will be enjoying this one for a while, I think.

>> No.7484189

Warrior is a solid starting class, has a number of skills to boost their defense and so forth. Quite possible to hit the defense cap with their Metal Bluster and Titan Wall skills. They can also be very potent DPS if built for it because they have access to a few innate and class specializations that can boost the already high damage of two handed swords/axes to rather obscene levels.

Knight is the next tier warrior, but plays quite differently. Having a number of skills which boost evasion and move speed in conjunction with a couple of high threat AoE attacks makes the class an excellent evasion tank (either dodge or kiting) which can outclass the warrior when fighting groups. Matches fairly well with the warrior against single targets, but suffers from much lower defense.

Theif has many aspects of the rogue class, focusing on critical strikes and stealth, though the combat advantages of the stealth only come in higher levels (I think their first strike from cloaking skill is at 30). Their Sonic Cut DoT stacked for some supreme damage against single targets, but they fare less well against multiple mobs, having only 1 AoE whose damage I found to be sub-par.

I didn't get a chance to try out the Martial Artist before the beta ended, but from what I've heard they eschew the stealth element and focus on a number of stacking abilities which were rather broken; once they got their stacks up they could tank as well or better than a warrior or DPS as well as or better than a thief.
