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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7473336 No.7473336 [Reply] [Original]

Eden Eternal thread? Eden Eternal thread.

Previous thread(s)


Closed Beta ends June 12th at 6pm PST! There is no official date for Open Beta, but our inside sources hint at a possible June 22nd start date.

Increased Level Cap: Bumping up the level cap from 40 to 50
2 New Classes: Coming with the increased level cap players can unlock 2 new classes, Blade Dancer and Shaman
New Dungeons: Including the Level 41- 48 dungeons for parties of 5
Monster Invasions: In zones above 20 monsters will attack nearby towns
If you were in either of the /jp/ guilds during closed beta, we invite you to join the Eden Eternal Steam group to keep up to date as to what and how we're going to be organizing for the open beta;


>> No.7473376

Did anybody actually play a Martial Artist? I don't think I once saw one around and never hear people talk about them. I'm pretty sure they were attainable...

>> No.7473382

You had to hit character level 40 and Thief level 35, and most people didn't bother/manage to hit 40 in time.

I was trying, but I started playing like 2 days ago, so I didn't make it.

>> No.7473393

>So you wanna join Hotglue? To bad kid, we don't accept nerds

You make me sick. Circlejerking faggots.

>> No.7473399

Isn't the correct spelling "too" bad?

>> No.7473400

They were, but without its signature weapon, the cestus. If you really wanted to you have to go through the painstaking process of crafting one.

Otherwise, you were pretty much playing a gimped Thief.

I could only imagine the frustration of parties having to carry around a martial artist going for 40.

>> No.7473426

If you're looking to make your own Cestus in OB, make sure to spend every 25m in Aven putting up new crafting, turning it in to Arthur Hammer for the rep to make it. You need:
150 Raw
250 Refined Copper
500 Hard Iron
To get the 1000 rep requirement to buy the Ore Seperator required to make it, granted there isn't a quest one in OB.

>> No.7473430
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>We conjure the spirits of the computer with our spells (Extended ``Satori'' mix)

>> No.7473434

That dragon in the central area during the last few minuets got me thinking about new bullshit we could be faced with in the OB.

Ok, wait.

Level 40 rabbits mobs with 20HP, simple enough to kill by breathing on them. Now give them a debuff that is always active that makes it if you kill them in one hit, your character dies instantly. The only way to kill them would be to party with some level 1 scrub who hits it twice with no weapons to kill it.

Not bad enough? Make the aggro on them bullshit so they start combat if you are within 100 feet of them. Still not bad enough? make a quest that requires you to kill 50

Think you can do worse?

>> No.7473440

fuck off with your high requirements games, faggots

>> No.7473457

There was a few of us. I personally think that have 2 cestus would have brough out more power in MAs.

>> No.7473569


Yep. 40'd it.
It's high as fuck DPS and with a shield you can effectively tank Ulta while not really losing much DPS.
Also, has the same charge+stun warrior has.

>> No.7473593

How do you even post on /jp/ with that calculator of yours?

>> No.7473881
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Finished uploading the alpaca parade.


>> No.7473897

Game is shit.

>> No.7473907 [DELETED] 

Stupid company has me locked out from the client, and they can't even figure out how to undo what they did.
No tophat. ;_; Screw them.

>> No.7473926

Not exactly there. Like I said on the mumble:

The *Nightmare* Dragon had 4 things I noticed. Namely a 'hey I debuff you', a 'you still in range with debuff? U DIE NAO', a 'HEAL AND SHIELDDDDD' and 'not in range with my debuff? Yoink! You are now!'

Considering how relatively simple this sounds, I dare not put any faith in anyone (bar hotglue and Atelier) when it comes to fighting said dragon eventually. Considering the public can't even understand a simple command such as 'stay back'.

>> No.7473929


>> No.7473999

This game looks cute. How many little ladies will be playing it?

>> No.7474018
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Rika's bard songs are the miracle of the universe.

>> No.7474062

Many of us played the closed beta. We'll have to see how many people are willing to grind all over again in the open beta.

I'm sure a lot of us will.

>> No.7474068

OH GOD, I tanked for dozens of pickup groups after I hit 40. In every dungeon there was AT LEAST one ranged dps who would stand within a few feet of the boss no matter what and release the moment they inevitably died.

I was so frustrated I started asking leaders for an extra healer for dumbass duty, if a healer wouldn't stand out of range I just left the group.

>> No.7474077

I'll definitely continue, even though I never got into a /jp/ guild I had a lot of fun. I hope they don't ruin it with pay to win in the OB and full release.

>> No.7474091

The 30s fear sounds like a right royal PITA. I suspect lots of debuff removing for that shit?

Those mechanics otherwise are very simple

>> No.7474117

You've used safety stones right? You definitely need those if you are going to scroll for decent equipment. I guess you can buy them off other people too.

>> No.7474127

Yeah the player market was totally saturated with cash shop stuff, when the nicest outfits can be bought for a single zones questing gold there isn't much point buying AP.

>> No.7474142


that was only because you got free ap everyday.

>> No.7474195

Why is hotglue so elitist?

>> No.7474196

Why are you going to grind in the open beta? I'd just mess around for a while because you're only going to have to do it a third time when it launches.

>> No.7474198

There is no wipe come OB, hence why.

>> No.7474268

Kritz's jokes are annoyingly easy to take seriously.

We're not.

>> No.7474279

how can trollington seriously call himself "world class tank" when he doesn't even know knight silence doesnt work on bosses

still like knight more than warrior for most tanking. its like comparing a gladiator and a templar in aion - templar is the best tank but does pretty shit damage, but gladiator can tank most things just fine with a decente healer while doing high DPS. later on most pulls have 4+ mobs and the knight aoe really shines there, and their single target damage is pretty good when focus is up (+15% chance to do +50% dmg, not sure of the base rate)

too bad there isn't any sort of real weaving/clipping in this game with auto attack+skills

>> No.7474285

although i'd roll with a warrior for tanking something strong - ie world boss or really hard hitting boss. EE is homogenius and everyone gets 2 shot, so the HP buff/5% more HP would help (defense buffs seem useless since you can cap it pretty easily apparently, and titan wall reduces very little damage on single target)

then again, if the HP increase won't make a difference in if you get 2 or 3 shot, then just roll with a knight for better mitigation/dps (since they get the 10% bonus for using a rapier+shield, warriors who use 1h+shield get no bonus. seems like shield would be standard because of mitigation+faster attack speed on 1h, which makes declaration effective since you get that many more points of malice each hit)

>> No.7474366

>easy to max out

what the fuck am I looking at.? 10 P-Atk = +1 dmg dealt. 10 P-Def = -1 dmg taken. Those dinoes in Ulta wack me for about 2k dmg despite my 3k P-Def, which means unless if you have 11.5k P-Def then you haven't maxed your damage reduction vs them. Dungeon bosses don't hit quite as hard as hard, but it's still some 7k P-Def to get perfect reduction from them at 40.

>> No.7474379

Jokes are typically supposed to be funny.

>> No.7474395

uh, from what I recall, P-Def works as a damage reduction percentage, and that percent is capped out at 50%. Considering my ~lvl22 warrior was running around with ~40% DR at ~2200 P-Def in unforged greens off a vendor... I don't think it'll be too hard to get the buffs to hit 50%.

>> No.7474407

It does scale. You'd need quite a bit of reinforcing before hitting the damage reduction cap at 40.

>> No.7474434
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Fine, I'll restate what I said.

Kritz's "trolling" can be annoyingly easy to take seriously.

Hotglue isn't elitist. As long as we're aware that you're from /jp/ and as long as you don't go around using "xD" and shit, you're free to come and go as you please. Kritz just likes to make us look extremely obnoxious to pubbies, which makes appealing to /jp/ harder. He's decided to take the (imaginary) role of our PR rep because nobody else cares enough to do a better job and he tends to be more outspoken than the rest of us.

I really didn't mean to drag out any sort of discussion of hotglue because it derails perfectly good Flavor of the Month MMO threads, but I felt like clarifying.

Please return to your regularly scheduled alpacamarching.

>> No.7474459
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Illusionist confirmed for sexiest and lewdest.

>> No.7474470
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>> No.7474471
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>> No.7474526

Are you implying elitist is bad?
If you are please go back to >>>/a/ or >>>/v/.

>> No.7474604

Wait, so are the levels going to be reset??
What about the knowledge points?

>> No.7474618

Like in many closed betas, everything will be wiped come OB. You'll have to recreate your characters.

>> No.7474628

Suddenly illusionist is now the best class in the game.

>> No.7474633

Anyone tried the surveys?
Which ones actually pay off?

>> No.7474640

You do know what a full wipe is, right?

>> No.7474641

Pretty sure there won't be any "wipes" the probelm is that I'm not sure what that even means.
Anyone feel like actually answering >>7474604 ?

>> No.7474642

People taking me seriously on the Internet?


>> No.7474651

Your character gets raped by mobs to a point that they forget everything. You will have to re-skill and re-level your character because of their trauma.

>> No.7474659

Mfw All of my characters were lvl 1 and I don't give a shit anyhow.

>> No.7474663

>Pretty sure there won't be any "wipes" the probelm is that I'm not sure what that even means.

5 star post.

>> No.7474688


Closed Beta is Here!
The curtain begins to raise. The lights come up. The stage is set, and we are now ready to begin! Closed Beta officially launched today, and the CB invitations are now going out in waves. Check your email, check your account notification settings, and get ready for massive amounts of adventure!

Closed Beta? What's that?
Closed Beta is one of the earliest stages of a game's life at a publishing company. It's a chance to be one of the first on the server, to learn the nuances of the game, and find out whether or not you will enjoy the game before Open Beta and full game release happen. This is the best time to take risks with builds, to experiment with different combinations, throw yourself at boss monsters and get smushed to pieces, and all that fun stuff.

We do ask our players to remember that Closed Beta is a testing phase, and that there may be occasional bugs and glitches. If you encounter any issues during your CB experience, please let us know!

Even the website doesn't say shit XD

>> No.7474696


Please.. Please. Even if you come from another board, at the very least, try not to post like a retard.

>> No.7474700


LOL just WHAT are you talking about? XD

>> No.7474703


Please.. Please. Even if you come from another board, at the very least, try not to post like a retard.

>> No.7474722

That feel when no one, other than trolls even acknowledges your question...

Just a Simple yes/no question...

Level wipes?
Knowledge point wipes?

>> No.7474728




>> No.7474737
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>> No.7474741


>> No.7474747

You have to start from scratch.

>> No.7474752 [DELETED] 
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>All these sevens and fours

>> No.7474763


Greentext are meant for quoting you dumbfuck, seriously even if you're from another board, at the very least, try not to act like a retard.

>> No.7474768
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>> No.7474769


Read this: http://www.aeriagames.com/forums/en/viewtopic.php?t=1228487

>> No.7474771 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7474772

Sure is getting pretty butthurt in here

>> No.7474804

This Eden Eternal shit still going?

How long before /jp/ gets bored of it? Another week?

>> No.7474810

Judging by how long /jp/ has been playing CB, try another year...

>> No.7474812

Ooops I accidentaly reported your post.

>> No.7474815

CB just ended.

>> No.7474829

I think he meant Cosmic Break.

>> No.7474831

Yes, after an entire year.

>> No.7474837

Oh wait, yes, this.

>> No.7474841

>CB just ended.
So what we are supposed to do now?

>> No.7474855

The same thing we do every night.

Tea parties and lesbian sex.

>> No.7474862
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>> No.7474895
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>I-it's not like I only took that shot because of your delicious butt, i-idiot!

>> No.7474900

Geeze I was just going to try this out and it says the CB has ended.

>> No.7474904

Yeah, just wait for the OB. Should be in a few days at most.

>> No.7474909

Excuse me for being slowpoke, but how it was closed beta if
1) main site had big green button "download"
2) which worked.

what was closed about it?

>> No.7474916

Aeria games.

>> No.7474918

Closed in name only. I was wondering the same thing at first.
