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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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7468892 No.7468892 [Reply] [Original]

Eden Eternal thread? Eden Eternal thread.

Previous thread(s)

Closed Beta ends June 12th at 6pm PST! There is no official date for Open Beta, but our inside sources hint at a possible June 22nd start date.

We'll be organizing power grind groups to get the guild(s) up and running with a focus on raising the guild level (and thus membership cap). We (Hotglue) kinda gave up grinding experience for the guild once we hit level three and founded a town; since everything was going to be wiped anyways.

Here are some of the changes from closed beta to open beta (and no character wipes once in open beta);

Increased Level Cap: Bumping up the level cap from 40 to 50
2 New Classes: Coming with the increased level cap players can unlock 2 new classes, Blade Dancer and Shaman
New Dungeons: Including the Level 41- 48 dungeons for parties of 5
Monster Invasions: In zones above 20 monsters will attack nearby towns

If you were in either of the /jp/ guilds during closed beta, we invite you to join the Eden Eternal IRC chatroom or Steam group to keep up to date as to what and how we're going to be organizing for the open beta;

Server: Rizon.net
Channel: #hotglue


>> No.7468903

"Oh by the way guise CBT is over tomorrow kthnx"

I love how much of a warning we got.

>> No.7468915

One question: which class is the most blatantly overpowered?

>> No.7468920
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Kritzinger from hotglue predicted that it was going to end June 12nd. Fucking psychic.

>> No.7468932

In PVP, melee > magic.
In PVE, healers are blatantly OP as they can heal themselves and AOE grind.

>> No.7468937

Is this actually good? I figured it was more flavor of the month crap that people would stop playing after closed beta.

Also, is illusionist any good? I realize the game encourages switching classes, but its the only class I was interested in.

>> No.7468944

Trollington just found some retarded stun mechanic with the Warrior. OP for PvP if it happens.

>> No.7468947

>Here are some of the changes from closed beta to open beta (and no character wipes once in open beta);

Which means that all characters made in CB will be erased but once made in Open Beta, will stay forever and ever?

>> No.7468948
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They get very very silly hats.

Also, the game is really good (if you manage to get into a guild with /jp/ so you can grind together).

>> No.7468949

>In PVE, healers are blatantly OP as they can heal themselves and AOE grind

I did that as an Engineer. All you have to do is drink some potions. You even have the added benefit of killing the monsters faster than a Cleric, too.

>> No.7468951


Run a dungeon with an Illu, be spoiled to hell by MP regen. God damn.

>> No.7468959
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Yes. However, if you did play in Closed Beta there are some rewards you'll get in Open Beta. No character wipes in Open Beta.

>> No.7468960

>In PVP, melee > magic

Tell that to the decked out Knight that was 4/3 levels higher than my Cleric and lost horribly to me in a duel.

Either way, these games were never meant to be balanced for PvP.

>> No.7468963


It's alright. The downsides are that it doesn't take long to get through the content, and there's not much left after you do get through it. The class changing is nice, but it's still very short. The shortness actually reminds me of Aika.

>> No.7468967

yes, i am familiar with the prizes but i am only level 35 atm.
which means, it's impossible to reach lv 40 by the end of day.
Oh well, it is a good MMO, you'll definitely find me in Open Beta.

>> No.7468978

We only were allowed to play up to 1/3rd of the first island, there are four other islands past that.

>> No.7468986

Tell that to WoW.
>play warrior
>fuck shit up
>everything dies, eat some food, back in action a few second lster

>play priest

or were you saying in this game specifically?

>> No.7468992

Yes, but I was referring to the content available for us to play through. Unless the 45-50 grind is going to span a whole different island, there still isn't going to be all that much. I did have some fun playing it, but it didn't take very long to hit max, get some high character levels, lose all your money crafting, and then wait for more content.

>> No.7468994

wait, isnt warlock lvl 50 + mage 50 + shaman 50?

>> No.7469003

Warriors Onsurge (charge) stuns the target for 2 seconds. It makes the target immune to other stuns. However, it doesn't make you immune to fear, which the Warrior has. Some 5s AoE fear that doesn't break with damage.

>> No.7469021

Are Bards actually any good to groups later in the game? I played one till level 29/24. Not getting their healing song sooner seemed kind of gay, and I definitely couldn't replace a cleric or or a DPS class, so for dungeons that took 3 people I didn't feel like that much of an asset.

>> No.7469025


Character level 55.

>> No.7469047

Who are you quoting?

>> No.7469053

Wasn't there already another of these threads up? Condense your shit.

>> No.7469078 [DELETED] 
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This is literally my first time visiting /jp/ so if this thread is better suited for /int/ just let me know i guess.

I seriously want to learn how to speak/read/write in japanese. So like most ignorant people wanting to learn a new language i started looking into rosetta stone. Once i learned how ridiculously expensive it was, i started looking for more inexpensive way.

I came across a few sites that talked about the AJATT method. What struck me about this method is the author wants people to learn how to read and write before you ever start with the speaking bits.

It basically consists of buying 3 books (not related to the author of the site in any way): Remembering the Kanji Vol. 1 & 3, and Remembering the Kana and using an SRS to help you study.

It just seems out there, but almost every source that isn't trying to sell me something says traditional classroom technique and hardcore repetition are not very efficient. Supposedly the man from the AJATT site self taught himself to fluency in a mere year and a half and even got a job and is living over in japan.

Has anyone heard of the AJATT method or does anyone here have experience with self teaching a language? Any general tips or advice? It just seems overwhelming trying to conquer learning a new language.

>> No.7469119

>(and no character wipes once in open beta)

Thank fucking lord.
Too bad I'm going to be poor wasting all my cash trying to craft those damn cestus'.

>> No.7469132

Crafting is a myth, there actually aren't any successes. Don't waste your money buying into those lies like I did.

>> No.7469134 [DELETED] 

Personally, I'm not planning on continuing to play. Testing it out for a short time was fun enough; I'd probably just lose interest if I kept playing. I would not buy anything, and default bag space is pretty bad.

The whole on-the-fly class changing was pretty fun, though. Since I always go for thief/rogue in other games, this was my first experience acting as the tank or healer.

>> No.7469138

Personally, I'm not planning on continuing to play. Testing it out for a short time was fun enough; I'd probably just lose interest if I kept playing. I would not buy anything, and default bag space is pretty bad. I am curious about the other races, though. If they were available, I might have given them a try.

The whole on-the-fly class changing was pretty fun, though. Since I always go for thief/rogue in other games, this was my first experience acting as the tank or healer.

>> No.7469156

Ranged as a solo class. Seriously, I soloed to 25 as a mage/cleric, then 35 as a bard (yes, I know heavy metal is OP if you have a whole camp to yourself, and I know I can solo 3 man dungeon pulls easy).

My hunter and engineer both leveled solo way faster. Hunter specifically was Perforate (the DoT with no Cd) -> Chainshot/Anesthetic and things were dead before they got to me.

As a Party Class tanks obviously. Going Knight/Bard/Illu for open beta.

>> No.7469169

Why in all of the fucks does anyone ever say thieves or MA are bad?
I absolutely do not understand. I twoshot any mob while grinding, I give everyone but me teeny tiny bars in instances, and nothing lives through a stun in duels. nothing.
Also, knights are better than warriors in every single way for tanking.

>> No.7469257

You guys seem to have been 2, 1 shotting shit with melee types in CB. My experience in CB using mage/illusionist was shitty DPS. I could never 2 shot anything in dungeons.

>> No.7469271

+6 or higher weapon? M-Atk specced?
Mages almost one shot solo mobs.

>> No.7469274

When I had to grind my thief to 35 it was awful. But that was just me I guess. I had some pretty shitty daggers and the only way I could 2 hit anything was by using Ambush + swift strike, but sometimes I would auto attack before I had the chance to use swift. I just hope martial artist is better.
Gonna go martial artist/illusionist.

>> No.7469303

I guess I must've been TERRIBLE. The most matk I could manage was 7k.

>> No.7469304
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MA is absolutely the shit, but if you were having problems with thief you might have problems with it. Ambush+Swift Attack is pretty good, but Suppress+energy wound is even better.
Plus the first MA outfit is absolutely stellar.

>> No.7469333

Which class has the strongest DoT? I fucking love DoT skills.

>> No.7469340

boring game

>> No.7469349

Single target: Thief/Martial Artist. You have to apply it 5 times, but it does over 500 damage per tick once you do.

AoE: Engineer. It has to be applied 3 times, but does over 300 damage per tick, in addition to having no cooldown and also doing good AoE damage each time you use it.

>> No.7469366

Bard's dot might be stronger, but its a healer class so yeah it doesn't do much damage overall.

>> No.7469398


Magician has the strongest total DoT damage with Winter Chill+Hell Fire.

>> No.7469456

I lost interest in this game pretty fast. Lets hope they add some sort of large scale arena.

>> No.7469462
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This is the best staff in the game, regardless of its power.

>> No.7469469


That's not the molesty hand staff.

>> No.7469477

Really? Does Winter Chill boost Hellfire damage?

>> No.7469491

No. Winter's Chill by itself does almost as much as the thief one for 3 stacks, and they have hellfire on top of it.
Going by DoT damage in this game is terrible anyway, since they don't scale.

>> No.7469499

Kinda a slap in the face announcing the end of the beta two days before it actually happens. I guess that contest that ends the 13th for the laptop was a big enough hint. Just hit 38 and 3500 class points, hopefully I can ride ulta to 40.

Besides the traits, what do you think you will be doing differently in the OB?

Confirmed for best character design.

Congratulations on getting all classes to 40, you know who you are.

>> No.7469535

Skip all the talents that modify secondary stats except possibly atk or if it chains to something amazing. It's ridiculous that the increase is based of your rating when it's only 1% per point.

>> No.7469552

Leveling Hunter up unless we are short on tanks again. Cleric instead of Bard since hotglue hates 2 healer groups.
Staying with Crack Shot or Adv because everyone and their mother is going cookie cutter AGI.
Ignoring +1% rating talents unless they are prereqs or I need them for rank.
Going to dungeon more this time. Last time I solo'd too much.

>> No.7469570

> Besides the traits, what do you think you will be doing differently in the OB?

I made a list of things to do/don't do in OB as they came up while I played.

* Save all '''Terrified Thoughts'''
* Conserve gold and skill CP past lv20
* Conserve all +M-Crit scrolls for crafted equipment
* Check town tax rates before buying anything in them
* Save and turn in '''Asbee Crystals'''
* Do book quests

>> No.7469577

I can't decide if which trait to go with magician. INT and MATK or LUK and MCRIT dmg?

It seems to me like mage types can push up their mcrit rate considerably, up to 30% with cleric LUK buff.

>> No.7470365 [DELETED] 

I have some questions.

Is that a Skin in OP?
if so, can you post some?
Are you guys around right now?
I just heard about the game and wanted to level a little to get some stuff for OB.
Who do I ask for guild(I already played ECO, CB, Iris, etc with you)?
What class do you need the most?
Also, too bad I just heard about it, otherwise I would have grinded 24/7 for that alpaca 。・゚・(ノД`)・゚・。

>> No.7470377

>Ignoring +1% rating talents unless they are prereqs or I need them for rank.
What do you mean?
I am getting all the 2% crit damage and 1% crit rate that I can from talent.

>> No.7470388

Are you guys around right now?
I just heard about the game and wanted to level a little to get some stuff for OB.
Who do I ask for guild(I already played ECO, CB, Iris, etc with you)?
What class do you need the most?
Also, too bad I just heard about it, otherwise I would have grinded 24/7 for that alpaca 。・゚・(ノД`)・゚・。

>> No.7470402

Sadly, I could only get to level 38, due to exams. I really wanted the top hat, too...

>> No.7470427

Grinded from 20- 26ish. Finally hit a dead end on quests. I wanted 30 too.

>> No.7470454


I only got to lvl 34/34 cleric :(

>> No.7470457

Btw to evryone who thinks they can't reach level 40. Last day is 3x exp rate, it'll take you one day to get you the tophat and the title of Prophecy Manifest granted you are in the 30-40 character level range.

>> No.7470465

Your crit rating only increases your critical chance by around 20% at this point, depending on your gear. So a 1% increase in crit rating winds up being a .2% increase to crit chance. I'd much rather spend 2 points on a base stat, or a point increasing a worthwhile skill, then add that small amount of crit.

Crit damage increases are better, but I doubt they're worth spending points on either in most cases.

>> No.7470470

You still have plenty of time. And you'll get a 3x boost to experience the last few hours. Start grinding now and you'll make it.

Also, stay tuned to the #hotglue IRC for OB info.

The other day Kritz was talking about making two hotglue guilds, with Neo and Azif leading one and himself leading the overflow one.

>> No.7470662

What would someone suggest for a hunter? Skill path wise.

>> No.7470680

Ok, so how do i start?

>> No.7470696

How long until the 3x XP rate?

>> No.7470701

Last 3 hours, 3PM to 6PM PST. Until then, you still have 2x class exp.
Might want to just wait for OB instead, no point starting now since the first 30 levels are nothing but following quest lines, and you don't get to see much more of the game.

>> No.7470709

What is the fastest leveling class?

>> No.7470711

the +crit damage ones are way better, especially for Ranged DPS and Mages, but otherwise yes, +1% rating = +1% of what you HAVE not +1% to the stat.

>> No.7470726

When is OB, or have they not announced it?

>> No.7470744

you might want to... well, read the OP.
>Closed Beta ends June 12th at 6pm PST! There is no official date for Open Beta, but our inside sources hint at a possible June 22nd start date.

>> No.7470750

For a tank, is the +12% hp or defence trait better?

>> No.7470766

After lots of pondering and the like and so. I do believe in my opinion the health one giving the most benefit since there's a whole slew of def+ items and enchanting gives +def but there's very little items that actually give HP or MP.

I went with the AGI trait this CB but im pretty sure ill pick the HP/MP one come OB. I mostly played a tanking knight throughout and planning to in OB aswell.

>> No.7470774

I only got up to lvl29 on my Hunter before switching to Engineer. This what I have,

Tiger (max as I lvl)
Wilderness (I got mine to 16)
Rapid Shot (max as I lvl)
Flash Bang (I got mine to 22)
Piercing Shot (max as I lvl)

If you're doing it right, any mob will die before it can hit you unless you get surrounded by aggro. Your tiger will do all the tanking for you. I also maxed Eagle Eye and Perforation.

>> No.7470776

So if I'm aiming to hunter, should I save skill/class points?
If not, what should I get?
I'm a warrior.

>> No.7470787

Im going to stick with this game a long time.Everything is so kawaii uguu. Its exactly how I imagined RO2 would end up, and somehow I also get a .Hack/Dusk vibe. Either way, its apparent theres a shit ton of content while leveling. What do we know about endgame?

Also, I need help making a decision. I know for certain that I want to play a Cleric and a Templar, for healing and tanking. Would it be a wise decision to make two characters so I can give each one the best trait at the start, or just make one character and get that 12% bonus trait? Im thinking long run here.

>> No.7470791

Class points are per class. You can spend how ever many class points and knowledge points as you want on your warrior, and when you swap over to a hunter you'll start all over again for that class.

The common skills are exactly that. Common. Every class of that type will share those skills so if you're not too hurting for cash, you may want to invest in those liberally. Keep an eye on the MP costs though, because the MP costs can creep up on you and all of a sudden you're chain chugging MP pots.

>> No.7470794

By that I mean should I make a character with Sanctum Trait for a Cleric and Guardian for Templar, or just make one character with Leadership?

>> No.7470807

so are we going to to individual fame grinding (for crafting, not guild fame) or are we going to all donate to a select group of people & have them buy stuff for us

>> No.7470817

10% more def, or 12% more HP. That really is a good question. Either case will result in ALMOST the same effective HP counts, though obviously going for more HP means that your healer(s) will need to do a bit more work.

However, something to remember is that you can chain chug potions, so the extra 10% defense, assuming that it is worth an extra 10% damage reduction compared to what you'll otherwise have without the trait would be far better if you need to drop lots of potions since you will get more bang for the buck in those potions.

12% max HP would offer better protection against damage spikes, while 10% defence should allow for absorbing the most sustained DPS.

I'm leaning towards the defense trait TBH...

>> No.7470823

by common you mean regular skills?

>> No.7470827

The defense trait sucks because if you actually feel like it you can cap defense to 50% by fortifying gear. Also, the bard buff makes the trait worthless.
Then again, the HP one isn't great either. Most go for STR or AGI.

>> No.7470829

Anything you spend silver/gold on, carriers across the entire class type. Class points are specific to the class and are completely isolated from each other.

>> No.7470833

Oh, the cap is actually reachable? Well then that changes everything...

>> No.7470836

Are knowdledge points class bounded too?

>> No.7470838


>> No.7470842

about how many hours did it take you to reach lv 40 ?

>> No.7470848

Yes, the cap is very reachable. That's why good warriors don't out tank good knights unless they are in a multiple healer (raid boss) situation.
IIRC the bard buff at level 40 is +2k def and >170 eva

>> No.7470853

What about HP? Is the HP trait really that useless?

>> No.7470856

Would that be due to warriors having more p-healing skills/passives?

>> No.7470874

Why are the crit damage talents better than the rate talents even when they cost 2 points?
+5% rating on my LCK stacking hunter gets absolutely raped vs 10% crit damage (by over 4x) with 30% crit.

Only in cases where you are dying from one shots, which usually means you or your group screwed up.
Most of the time you die because the healer cannot sustain your health at the rate of damage you are taking.

and the fact that warrior skills are -dmg, not +eva, as well as -dmg % knowledge skills. In a party dungeon healers reactively heal so they can do extra during an EVA which makes the difference minor between the two.
IE on tank EVA and full HP a bard can toss a buff or the cleric can do purifying wind or patch healing. In a spam heal situation they don't care about tank evades.

>> No.7470881

Would it be a good decision to go with 12% HP/SP on a Cleric/Bard or the Sanctum Trait for extra healing alone?

>> No.7470882

Interesting, i see the point now which in turn makes me now wonder wether to go STR or AGI instead as a knight. I'm leaning more into Agi given the EVA expertises and so though but we have also that +Str expertise too.

>> No.7470890


Can anyone help with this? Still not sure how badly the loss of Sanctum for healing is endgame.

>> No.7470891

For Clerics (and single healing bards):
Wis >= Luck + Mcrit >> AGI >>>>> Anything else.
For Bards normally:
AGI >>>>> Anything else.

1 wis = +1healed.

>> No.7470906

Assuming 6000 MP, is that a decent number? 12% extra MP would be another 720 mana. I'm fairly certain in a fight that matters, you'll be able to chain chug another 720 mana from potions during the fight.

I'm from the camp that the more healing per second you can do, the better. Especially with the Cleric's HoT. That thing is a monster in both throughput and mana efficiency when you keep that thing rolling at max stacks.

>> No.7470912

HoTs don't benefit from WIS.

>> No.7470914


So once you get to a certain point with your stat growth the regular heal spells your main go to?!

>> No.7470946

Once you hit Malice and up, you need to use cure instead of stacking HoT since even the scrubs 2shot your tank.

>> No.7470959


Difficulty, in MY Korean grinder? This is good news. I will probably end up keeping Sanctum on my Cleric and making an alt with Guardian or the 12% HP trait for tanking purposes.

>> No.7470984

Keeping the hot up is painless for clerics, so they do it.
Its bards that sometimes drop life song, and tbh bards do better as buffers than healers.

>> No.7470991

That's not so much difficulty as poor scaling. I was looking forward to having the Clerics having a shtick where they keep a strong HoT rolling and top off with Cure. Looks like the life of a healer at the top end is just spamming one button.

>> No.7470999

>spamming one button.

That all I do, I don't even bother using life cure anymore since i'm too lazy.

>> No.7471008

The time, plus the lag and animation needed to instant cast life cure might just cause your tank to die to two 2critical hits.

>> No.7471013

I guess that's my cue to punch out as a healer in this game.

Tank + DPS here I come.

>> No.7471115

It did feel similar to the first RO2, but I just reached Tranquill hill, and the Bandits area map is an exact copy of the bandits map in RO2.
I spent a lot of time in that game so I can easily recognize it.
Still love the game though, hope some of you stay after CB.

>> No.7471121

Keeping life cure up is always a HPS increase, so unless your tank is going to be one shot by a skill, it is better to refresh it. Cure is a 2s (1.5s for most clerics) cast. It also adds stability to your healing game and give you opportunities to react with cleanse or group heals if you need them. The odds of your tank being one shot in that 1s interval comes down to you messing up somewhere else or being extremely unlucky (3x crit chain).

Whether you have to or not in order to sustain the tank healing is another story. IF you have to dispel you should keep it up. It does heal ~400/s after all.

>> No.7471160

At what level does it cure that much? and is the upgrade worth getting?

By upgrade I mean the talent upgrade for life cure.

>> No.7471222

Not the person you quoted, but I liked the extra time enough to take the talent. It's another spell's worth of leeway to refresh if you have a streak of bad luck. The 5 points into the max mana prereq are basically a waste though, so I don't know.

And at 37, with the talent, mine healed for 355, I think.

>> No.7471279

Couple of questions from a healer here. G-healing states that it increases healing you take, but it does nothing to increase the healing you actually do, does it? Also, the games HoT's effectiveness don't seem to be influenced by WIS or G-healing, or even expertise skills. Can anyone confirm this?

>> No.7471295


Spiritual Training only increased the duration of my Life Cure. It did nothing to increase the amount it healed by. Still, for one point, It's probably worth it, especially considering that Sincerity for the 10% MP is also worth getting.

>> No.7471297

I'm probably switching to DPS for the OB. Playing healer was too much of a pain. I got sick of that one thief in every party who refused to use pots and then raged when you didn't heal him instead of the tank. I'll probably be playing hunter or engineer. What masteries should I be putting my knowledge points in?

>Also, the games HoT's effectiveness don't seem to be influenced by WIS or G-healing, or even expertise skills

The HoT skills are only affected by skill level. Stats don't do anything for them.

>> No.7471349

I sincerely hope your party kicked that moron out.

MP. Ranged classes really need MP. They actually play more like debuffers than they do DPS. The Engineer for example, has a slow, stun, and an immobilize. Hell, we didn't bother getting a tank or a healer during Ulta dino grind runs.

Unless you have an Illusionist at your beck and call or don't mind guzzling MP pots, get MP.

>> No.7471383

Is health and mana regen based off a % of your max HP and MP, or is there some other factor that controls it?

>> No.7471412

I saw this and now wanna give the game a roll.
Fuck my life, I am so shallow I just can't resist a little girl with a silly hat.

>> No.7471415

I did some tests before on the Engineer.
Her standing HP regen is at 87 per tick, while on Mecha mode, which gives a bonus to HP, it's at 95.

I would assume it is percentage based, but I haven't done any extensive tests to prove so.

>> No.7471495

MP is a worthless stat to spec in. I highly doubt you are using more than what you get from pots. 1k every 10s?
My hunter has 400 level 3 MP pots because it only takes 2 skills to kill a mob. DoT-> Chainshot or Pierce. Bam done.
level 35 +0 blue bow.

Pump all that shit into +20% Crit damage, get 5 on +lck +str.

>> No.7471563

I wanted to try Eden Eternal, and I had even received an invite for Closed Beta. However, I cannot seem to find the specifications anywhere. What are the system requirements for this game?

>> No.7471569


>> No.7471573


Yeah my computer can't play it. Oh well.

>> No.7471596

The general rule is to stay away from stats that have a "rating" attached.
My Bard has +10% cast speed talent. In fully stacked Cast speed gear (25%) the talent only actually gives me 2.5%, as I see when I switch to hunter. While as a bard there isn't anything really better when you are doing your optimal role - I am very heavily debating skipping it.
Same for Crit Rate, EVA rate, ACC rate, etc. You can test this out with the +% Certs.
IIRC someone in guild worked out the math that at an average 30% crit rate, +5% "crit rate" = 2% crit damage, and it isn't worth more until your crit damage gets to obscene levels.

>> No.7471994

Previously, people doubted the usefulness of mage stuns.

I have confirmed that firebolt stun and the lightning stun have separate immunities. In fact, sometimes you have even proc them at the same time.

This also leads me to believe that firebolt and lightning stuns have separate immunities from all other forms of stun. Though I have not tested it.

>> No.7472026

one's a knockdown and one's a stun, they cause knockdown/stun immunity which is the same for every stun/knockdown

>> No.7472049
File: 75 KB, 200x200, Untitlf-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We'll be doing a /jp/ group photo in Hotglue's village in 20 minutes. Log in and join us for a good time.

How to join hotglue's town?

Press G -> Find Village -> Select Hotglue from the list -> Click travel

>> No.7472202
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that feel when everyone in the whole world ever has an alpaca

>> No.7472212

I'm just waiting for the wipe so i can start all over again. Engineer is way too boring...

>> No.7472256

I will never see hotglue's village. I thought I had more time.

This is the worst my connection has ever been. I literally can't stay connected for more than 30 seconds.

>> No.7472271

the last pic i posted as HELL is hotglues village

>> No.7472285
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Meanwhile in channel 1

>> No.7472297

Supposedly, "+1% crit rate" is never equal to 2% crit damage at attainable stats.

No, people like mage stun and knockdown when they dueling. What they don't like is that they are random on abilities you spam, so you can't really count on them to interrupt. If you waste the stun timer on a mob and it uses a skill that one shots the tank, what will you say?

>> No.7472300

Will you guys accept me if i join only in the Open Beta?

>> No.7472356
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Servers are NOW offline.
Thanks for the fun times guys, i hope I'll see some of you again in OB.
Until then~

>> No.7472360

That last disconnect. It wasn't just me that time ;_;

>> No.7472364

i forgot to take a screenshot.
In fact, i never took one.
It's like... It's like my beloved Char ceased to exist because I was unable to retrieve a memory of him.

I am sorry....
He was erased unbeknowned of my love and care.

>> No.7472365
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>> No.7472366

Is it sad that I took a screen shot of the last disconnect?

>> No.7472367

Nevermind. I ain't the only one lol.

>> No.7472368

How long will this keep your and hotglues attention for this game?

>> No.7472375
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hotglue.jpg time

>> No.7472379

What do you mean offline? was that the beta? That was quick. Is it about to be official or what? Is it too late to try this game out? How long until everyone ditches this game because every time I try and join and actually get into a game everyone else bitches and moans about it "dieing"

>> No.7472380
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I took it pretty easy, so I didn't make it to (current) endgame, but I did manage to beat that tree dungeon just minutes before the server went down. It was the first time I ran one without being the tank or healer.



>> No.7472382
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>> No.7472390
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Someone snapped this for me, probably the final boss in the full game.

Get these abilitys.
>Nightmarish roar- Casts dispair on all targets in a 30 foot radius for 30 seconds.

>Nightmare- Increase P-ATK 12,651 and attack all targets in a 30 foot radius, if targets are under "despair" they are killed instantly

He also has an ability that instantly heals him for 17K, and absorbs all damage for 10 secs, all damage done in those 10sec is returned to the attacker.

He was there for a bit with about 100 people hitting him, never lost a sliver of hp.

>> No.7472394
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>> No.7472395

So it's fun, right?

>> No.7472398
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go away wth you dont even play this game

>> No.7472403
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>> No.7472405

Me inside the statue making love with BOOF.

>> No.7472407

When does open beta start?

>> No.7472410
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>> No.7472412

That looks like someone sacrificed an Alpaca head to the shota statue...

>> No.7472416


What the HELL's character is easily the most moe moe there though. Maybe it's the outfit.

>> No.7472420


Its Aeria Games so anywhere from tomorrow to 2 weeks from now.

>> No.7472421
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And that's all. Thanks, and see you in OB.

>> No.7472425

This pretty much sums up EE in one image.

>> No.7472456


sup Mathias

>> No.7472464

was Bard available? did anyone get a chance to play that class?

I was thinking of making that my main when i get a chance to play this

>> No.7472471

Yes, bard is a good class too.

>> No.7472487
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Bard is a very good support. But it sucks leveling up while you're on your own.

Having a bard in a 5 man party makes things so much easier.

>> No.7472499


Imagine grinding with an aoe instant stackable dot, all the while being able to heal your party with a stackable hot.

>> No.7472500

Bards are fun/useful support and secondary healers.

Don't even think about soloing as one though, unless you can AOEspam grind

>> No.7472506

Bard is so easy to level up. You only get it a little later on and leveling it at higher level goes really fast. Once you hit around level 20 and then up to 30 things get exceptionally easy and you are one of the most powerful solo spam farming classes.

>> No.7472515

Its a buffing class that unfortunately wears light armor. Single healing on it is very boring (Cure spam -> Illusion if it is going to drop).
Buffs are 12s long so end up with something like this when spec'd:
life - illusion (metal) - crit - rhyme (metal) - life - anything (metal) - anything - illusion (metal) - life - crit (metal) - rhyme - any - life - etc etc.
where you can use metal on any of those.

It works, though imo unless you want 2 healers a dps is better. 1 healing with a bard is way worse than cleric. Hotglue was under the impression that bards were worthless when I was leveling them up so I mostly pugged it.
Bard/Cleric/Hunter/Knight/Warrior 40 here.

WAAAAY overrated. The exp/hour was only good in areas where 12+ mobs can be grabbed by the first 2 AoEs.
If you are only grabbing 2-3 per aoe any other DPS exps faster.
Hunter is 2 shot kills, and Engineer can do the same but better. I don't even use heal song as a bard because running makes you kill at least 2x as fast overall.

>> No.7472526
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Damn, that was a fun closed beta. I ended it with multiple Dino runs and ended up 15 % away from lvl 40. I'm sad that i never got into Hotglue, I posted my IGN a few times in these threads and posted my name on the wiki as well as sending a mail to the leader. Oh well, see you guys in OB!

>> No.7472530
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ditto, any jp guild woulda been fine as HELL

>> No.7472537

I probably turned you away as if you were a pub. Make sure you mention /jp/ or I can't tell.
Not that it matters anymore. Kritzinger is gonna be the leader in OB.

>> No.7472539
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I-I'm sorry. ;_;

We'll try harder next time, ok? I got banned for a week on Eden Eternal so I couldn't follow up on any of the messages I sent. I apologize.

>> No.7472543

Hotglue hated bards? I bardhealed a ton and nobody ever mentioned anything about it.

>> No.7472549
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It fucking sure is summer.

Healers can't heal, kiters can't kite, stunners can't stun, aggroers can't aggro and tankers can't tank.

>> No.7472562
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Ah okay, next time I'll make sure I get in! And don't worry, I heard about you getting banned, that was horrible. Hope we'll play together in a few weeks!

>> No.7472570

>stunners can't stun
there were only 2 reliable stuns in CB, and everyone just used those asap (engineer/onrush)

>aggroers can't aggro and tankers can't tank.
pretty much the same thing, although it is hard to not get 2 shot when you're debuffed (by double next hit) or when you get crit for 70%+ of you hp

>> No.7472601

I was 40 bard on the third day. For the first 2 days people just told me they sucked in guild when I asked for a group (Luca and Trollington mostly, like with knight-hate). So I just pugged everything on my bard and did guild runs as a cleric or tank.

Its not like I really needed it. People changed their minds once they realized I had heal song and saw me kiting 15-20 mobs on my own clearing the entire level 36 turtle area or the level 30 giants.
I'm just saying that people seem to over reacting to everything. Bard AoE Soloing is good if you grab 4-5 mobs per aoe. If you are only doing 2-3 at a time it is better to swap to a dps. So that basically means if you aren't all by yourself, you are getting shitty exp. Knight dps is good with a +8 hammer, but in blues its so so, etc.
Bard+Mage is a god tier pair though. I can tag infinite amounts of mobs while they 2 shot them all.

>> No.7472613
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Fun game, I made it to 40 in the very last minutes.. I hope open beta will be fun too.

Did anyone from Hot Glue get cleared for that 40 all classes alpaca reward?

>> No.7472627


is that you pacifica? :3

>> No.7472632

bard/ranger actually seems pretty solid for a 2 man grind group

anyone want to do that (or similar aoe type stuff) in OB? though i'll just be rushing to level 50 before i get started on guild quests (or until i stop running out of quests and have to spam repeat/dungeon). will be playing for a long time/maybe spamming portal stones from free offers to get away from starting area swarm

>> No.7472633

No, Pacifica was the only other person that believed me when I said bards got good at 25 though. I think she stopped playing when she hit 40 on the 4th or 5th day.

>> No.7472638
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>there were only 2 reliable stuns in CB, and everyone just used those asap (engineer/onrush)

Still those were usefull as fuck while fighting dungeon bosses especially when it was going to cast an aoe spell.

>pretty much the same thing, although it is hard to not get 2 shot when you're debuffed (by double next hit) or when you get crit for 70%+ of you hp

Yeah, but it doesn't help when your tanker put all of his knowledge into attack and accuracy. And when you get 2 shot, this is where your supposed to get the aggro and pull away, like the dragons in ulta and the worms in rotten.

Works wonders.

>> No.7472643 [DELETED] 

I did that combo with >>7472613 it was actually pretty effective even for pretty casual MMO players like us.

>> No.7472644

How are illusionists for soloing?

>> No.7472658

Some autist did and others were close.

>> No.7472661

Very good. You get a pet to battle along side with you and infinite amounts of mp.

>> No.7472674

Arus did.

>> No.7472692

>Yeah, but it doesn't help when your tanker put all of his knowledge into attack and accuracy. And when you get 2 shot, this is where your supposed to get the aggro and pull away, like the dragons in ulta and the worms in rotten.

Agreed. It is also very frustrating to single heal tanks that are completely in low level dps armor.
I really like 2 healer bard/cleric groups. DPS suffers a bit but the bard in buff mode tossing out their AoE debuff and both of us cycloning does keep the dps pretty high and no one will die with 600hp+ a second and 2 reactive cures.
Bosses however are 1000x times easier because the bard handles group healing, buffs, and heals bursts on the tank which lets me dispel and focus on the tank. This only really matters when everyone is running in greens or underleveled.

Nothing really beats the Ranged DPS classes for soloing though since they are the tagging kings. Hunter can kill anything with DoT+chainshot or DoT+slowing shot+ flash bomb. Engineer has the same instant AoE as bard but they don't have to target the ground so they can kite even better.
It doesn't matter how many people are in the area, they can tag every mob that spawns before other people.

>> No.7472711

You 2shots most mob but the cast time is not so good so it will be not as fast as a mage grinding with AOE.
Useful on bosses since a lots of the lvl40 end game bosses are weak to ice.
My party got mad at me for pulling aggro off the tank when we were killing turtle. Now when this happen of course you will try to run/kite and wait for the tank to get back the aggro.
But this game is retarded, the boss life reset to full.
Why they do this, I have no idea.

>> No.7472723

>>Some autist did

So vague. This could literally be anyone.

>> No.7472729
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It was quite fun but the staff at Aeria are complete retards and they pull the dumbest stunts like ending CB just after a week with only a day notice.

On the other hand they may have done that because of all the great things we achieved. Not trying to toot my own trumpet but in some respects we really owned that game and it was just a matter of time until we were all running around in the rarest gear at max level of every class.

The class switching mechanic was interesting but also helped cause quite a lot of group confusion. I think we did pretty well and probably did a lot more than the other jerkoff mega guilds that spam-camped every leveling area as soon as they got there.

>> No.7472734

They respawn when any player does to prevent zombie strategies.

>> No.7472740

>engineers in mecha mode for single pulls
>engineers NOT in mecha mode for 3+ pull
>hunters that summon tigers and aren't responsible (hurr tiger goes berserk and aggros entire room)
>hunters that don't root in a 2+ pull of strong mobs
>cleric/bards that don't dispel debuffs fast enough
>clerics/bards that just spam heal instead of dpsing/putting on HoT when the tank is at full HP after mitigation
>thief classes spamming dot on low level monsters
>mages not giving element guardian to dps, not stacking 3 winter chills on high hp monsters
>tanks being dipshits and stay still tanking a huge group of mobs instead of kiting a little bit

I probably missed some.

>> No.7472757

It's like I'm really playing WoW.

>> No.7472763

>>On the other hand they may have done that because of all the great things we achieved.
>>in an online RPG

Trust me, it isn't this. It's the Aeria being retards thing. You could blaze through the content in 4 hours and I doubt they would even care.

>> No.7472764

You have to realize that this is a free to play game which means there is no subscription fee and everyone is able to play this. You should not expect your people from wow to be playing this.

>> No.7472765

>implying you need any of that

EE is pretty easy

take it easy man

>> No.7472769

>bard/ranger actually seems pretty solid for a 2 man grind group

I did that combo with >>7472613 it was actually pretty effective even for pretty casual MMO players like us.

>> No.7472773

As a former and current WoW player I can say with confidence there are plenty of idiots no matter what the cost of the game. I should think it at least weeds out those who are too young to get enough money to pay for it every month, though.

>> No.7472775

Oh wow tell me about single healing some silly tanks. Most normal players absolutely sucked, which is why I started healing for dungeons in the first place because I couldn't count on them to do anything right...

And then this one time a tank called hatigq or something starts pulling the dino dragons one after the other without letting us rest and then pulls George and we wipe. He didn't seem to grasp the concept of being out of mana and that 180 MP for a heal a hundred times was more than even mana potion spam could keep up with.

>> No.7472776

I am downloading it now, is the player base just going to dwindle at a rapid rate as soon as i get the hang of this game? I woul like to know before hand if everyone is going to stop playing this or not.

>> No.7472783

>I really like 2 healer bard/cleric groups. DPS suffers a bit but the bard in buff mode tossing out their AoE debuff and both of us cycloning does keep the dps pretty high and no one will die with 600hp+ a second and 2 reactive cures. Bosses however are 1000x times easier because the bard handles group healing, buffs, and heals bursts on the tank which lets me dispel and focus on the tank. This only really matters when everyone is running in greens or underleveled.

Oh yes! I love 1 heal/1 support group. They were so underestimated but the fact is that they make everything so damn easier. I never tried that in 3 man dungeons tho... I wonder if it would work in Rotten due to the queen's regenerative ability.

>Nothing really beats the Ranged DPS classes for soloing though since they are the tagging kings. Hunter can kill anything with DoT+chainshot or DoT+slowing shot+ flash bomb. Engineer has the same instant AoE as bard but they don't have to target the ground so they can kite even better.

Even if never really got the chance to work on my hunter, I saw that while doing some dragons. I think I'm going to main this in OB.

And they even have tanks of their own. They don't have a long lifetime but... being able to take 2-3 hits makes a huge difference.

>> No.7472793

we had a full ulta group, person who said he'd tank switched to a level 10~ knight and the leader kicked him. ended up getting an engineer who told us he could tank (spammed zone/world for like 15~ minutes, no tanks) and it was actually pretty good

basically he kited the mobs around while still somehow using skills on them and keeping aggro. for some reason if you get the first hit you get significant malice gain and pretty much none of us aggro'd the mobs after he started aoeing, even though engineers have no malice generating skills. i didn't even even have to heal much since he was just kiting them around, was nice to be able to DoT/buff instead of mashing cure

>> No.7472795

Closed beta just ended actually, open beta doesn't start for a while.
I can't speak for everyone but it generally seems to be a pretty short game, but a fun one at that. It might not be the next Mabinogi, but it should be a nice way to waste some time for a few weeks.

>> No.7472803

>mfw a hunter's tiger tanked better than our tank who dc'd

>> No.7472817

Hunter pets are pro man. In a 2 healer group with no tank we killed bosses in Ulta with a hunter pet / hunter tanking if it died.

>> No.7472818

Seriously this.
A 1st time lvl20 tank in all green from hotglue can tank better than a lvl40 pub tank in ulta.

>> No.7472820

You know he could have been using +5% Malice certs. But that does sound like a good group experience...

My experiences are kind of worse, before a slot opened up in HG I was grouping for dungeons mostly with random people at the door and the tanks just charged into the mobs like nothing. It was so stupid and I got used to having to overheal just to keep them from harming themselves and everyone else.

The few times I had decent/okay tanks they ninja looted rare and powerful cleric/magician items.

The problem with group set up though is that everyone needs to know what the tactics are going to be, yet most just do their thing and don't give you time to talk or prepare.

>> No.7472851

Better start answering surveys to get AP so you expand your storage/bag.

>> No.7472855

Not sure how late this post will be but, my friend who decided to join an ulta party while we were offline said it was easier when it was just the 3 of us doing than with 4 random pubs. I wonder how bad it is.

>> No.7472862

Even with tards in your party the dungeons are really easy.

>> No.7472868

It is very bad. We're talking WoW dungeon queue bad with a nice helping of retard bad.

Had a 3 man dungeon group once. Thief was retard, and the bard kept going afk while I was cleric healing. [Yeah wtf, but i needed it bad].

I just hope we get some nice attendance once OB opens up. Seems like we got competition from reading the posts on guild fame and so in the EE forums.

>> No.7472886

With all this complaining about bad tanks and bad players in general, now I'm not sure if I was doing as well as I thought I was.

I didn't bother using damage spells when healing because they don't do much damage. Plus it's a pain to constantly switch targets.

>> No.7472896

Same here. I was tanking mostly and so and no one died so I guess i did ok.

I'm VERY hesitant when it comes to tank kiting though since it screws up melee really badly also I always feel like the mob is going to get unstuck from me but come OB ill give it more of a try then given the knight's mobility

>> No.7472912

>Trust me, it isn't this. It's the Aeria being retards thing. You could blaze through the content in 4 hours and I doubt they would even care.

You're right about them being retards but they also seem like a bunch of amateurs as opposed to a larger more bureaucratic retard company like SOE.

>I doubt they would even care

See the difference with SOE for example and Aeria is that SOE's staff will try very hard to give you the most PC non-committal redundant answer. While Aeria's staff for EE display an extremely unhealthy emotional attachment to the game and are clearly very biased, make lots of fuck ups in-game, lie, and all other kinds of bullshit you would never expect from a proper company.

The official announcement for CB clearly stated it would end on the 6th of July or something like that. Well their closed beta wasn't really closed, they didn't fix much, they proved themselves as highly incompetent worse than amateur MMO admins, and they went back wishy washy on their promises and ruined the chances of many people to achieve the prominently publicized CB rewards.

I would say it is likely made an emotional decision partly from the competitive nature and the drama on their forums. It just seems much more likely they stopped the CB early for such rash emotional reasons than any rational or technical reason.

>> No.7472921

So apparently there are going to be non-human races coming out later. This is fucking disgusting and gross. I'm going to be wanting to kill any non-humans I see.

>> No.7472922

Racial purity, man. That shit's important.

>> No.7472927

Motherfucking this.

I only think the only power GMs had in game was infinite world calls and fiddling with xp rates. That and even mailing them a letter wouldnt get a response yet ya had to spam world call to even get their attention.

>> No.7472932


To be fair, I kind of can't really blame a Mage for keeping Elemental Guardian on people. Yeah sure, it's completely absurd, but it's a 30 second targeted single-buff. I can't expect a DPS class to sit and buff a moving group for 10 seconds once every 30 seconds.

But yes, this is why you find a play group and stay with them and never party randoms.
A bit of my group was offline yesterday and me+girlfriend were going for all 40's(we both hit it) and we picked up 2 randoms and a friend on Ulta. One was a hunter that didn't do shit most the time(literally sat there and stared) and complained about crap while making extremely shady/awkward comments about my name. The other was our bard and didn't do crap except NEED EVERY GOD DAMN THING.
We ended up doing 2 runs with them, then saying we had to go, invited a friend(who already hit all 40's) and we ended up 4man'ing with a better efficiency than with the two derps.
tl;dr: Consistent playgroups are pretty much required or you're just going to hate everyone and not get anywhere.

>> No.7472954

The only dps move I would expect from a cleric is their AoE cyclone or the lv 40 one. Targetting is too retard level in this game for anything else.
The mage buff sucks except maybe on the tank during a very hard elemental boss. +1 dmg = +10 atk.
Now the illusionist cast speed buff is a completely different story. that shit needs to stay up since it is a group buff.

Going Knight/Bard/Illu or Knight/Hunter/Cleric/Shaman for Open beta. I hate that bards and hunters, and mages and clerics share the same armor, so I'm only going one or the other until cap.

>> No.7472968

Don't listen to him. He's a complete retard who hasn't even been to Ulta. I swear to God, if I see a healer trying to DPS in Ulta, I'll kick you off my team.

>> No.7472974

> illusionist cast speed buff
> lasts 18 seconds

I hate that shit so much. I imagine it's only useful in field boss fights.

>> No.7472980

People would scream at me day and night if I wasn't 3 stacking heavy metal, keeping crit, illusion, life up while single healing the tank. Playing dps or tank is easy mode compared to that crap; I was practically running a 1 man army there.
Seriously debating going cleric if am going to be expected to single heal everything while keeping up all buffs.

>> No.7472982

This. Turn the battle recorder on and see the contribution of a Cleric that "tries to DPS", it is a pathetic amount and should not be done whatsoever.

>> No.7472983


You've never played on Aeria before, have you?

They follow the model that short CB=better. If you started playing not expecting the CB to last under a week and a half, you were very mistaken.
They're not developers. The game is pretty much already made. They just need a short comprehensive list of the OBVIOUS problems in the game that got translated between the US and the TW release.

And from a market sense, it makes sense. The longer they run on CB, the longer they can't make money on the game. It also doesn't help that the longer they run on CB they risk losing more and more interest from the players and lose the gigantic hype train they spent a fortune marketing for.

My guess is that, if they had a quality-req system to determine when CB ended, it was after X number of people met the highest CB reward(since they set it obscenely high). The time they listed on their announce was something they had to do just because that's how shitty their timed announces on their sites are.

But no, they don't give a shit about you or what you do or how fast you run through a games content. It's Aeria. The GM's are glorified customer support and they do shit at whim.

>> No.7472992

If you are an illusionist and you arent stacking 3 of these speed buff, you need to play another class.

>> No.7472993

The only time I attacked as cleric in a group was when I felt the tank could handle a hit and I could afford to split my concentration by switching back and forth.

The fact is most "tanks" go down in two or three hits. There is also nothing a heal can do for you if a hit takes 90% of you health bar the cleric is faced with the choice of spamming heals just to keep you alive or letting you die to concentrate on someone with actual hit points.

I'm also quite mad I never got to see the HP bars of my party members or summoned pets because that would have been really helpful and insightful.

So what a cleric has to do is spam heal, keep up 5 stacks of cure every 12 or 14 seconds, cure debuffs on the tank, heal the party, cure debuffs on the party because they rang into the circle, and then people also want you to switch target to the monster and do damage while keeping track of the healthbars, debuffs and cooldowns and buff termination timers.

Ok, but I need +100% cast speed first.

>> No.7473001
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I did my best in the three days I've been playing. I'll never get a top hat now. ;_;

>> No.7473012

Necessary for a lot of things. Every spell casted faster counts when the tank can drop in a second.
DPS is easy if one plays lazy. However, a good DPS will know when to use skills unlike the pubs that go full retard and use every single skill for no good reason. Even so, tanking is more difficult than DPS.
You can set the HP to show in numbers in options.

>> No.7473022

That's so fucking stupid though. It's ONLY 18 seconds. That means you just lost a DPS in your party for dungeon where any decent tank+healer does NOT need cast buff.

How many of your Ulta runs did you actually have a dedicated cast buff illusionist?

>> No.7473028

>use every single skill

What does that even mean? "Pros" only spam one skill? Elaborate, because that's what it sounds like with your vague statement.

>> No.7473036

You are casting it once every 18secs and all 5members of your party benefits from it.
I am not sure what is the problem?

Read >>7472711
While keeping up the buff, I still did enough damage to pull the boss off the tank. Well maybe the tank suck but still you are helping everyone by making cleric heal 25% faster.

>> No.7473037

Actually, the MP regen is the Illusionist's main charm for dungeon parties. While the class cannot be a better DPS than a DPS class, there will be no worry about running out of mana (which speeds up the dungeon run itself), and Deadly Icicle still packs quite a punch. I look for consistency and reliability in my dungeon runs, not just for speed.

>> No.7473043

Not the person you responded but what I believe was not using the correct skill for the moment.

Ill do one blatant example I kept seeing all throughout CB.

Thieves stacking their dots as their openers on trash mobs rather than ambushing-->slam or that other class skill that does the 3 hits in a row that I forgot what it was called.

Made me rage as fuck and kept seeing it all over grind areas and so. By the time the thief had the full dots on one mob I already killed 2-3

>> No.7473053

That depends. The cast speed of the heal is like 2 seconds. That means if the cleric waits for the tank to get hit before casting and they get hit once a second then the tank could very well be dead before the second heal lands.

If they get the full stack of 3 speed buffs and they're spec'd for speed casting they might be able to heal in half the time and deal with debuffs inbetween all at the expense of +/- 2k damage once every 15-18 seconds you maintain the buff instead of casting a damage spell.

>> No.7473054


Deadly Icicle is by far the strongest magic spell until Necromancers are released.

>> No.7473076

Anyone else doing offers for free AP?

>> No.7473082

Their contribution is quite small. Helpful but small. A level 40 cleric should have 5,000-6,000 MP and the mana burst spell is only around 100 MP per 30 second cooldown or so?

DPS classes don't seem to have much of an issue with mana though except maybe for Magician. It's really mostly the tank and healer that are down in the mana dumps when grouping dungeons.

>> No.7473084

Warrios/Knight tank comparision:

Warriors are armor capped quite fast and have a lot of awesome skills to reduce damage taken any further (titan wall and metal bluster are amazing.)
Best singletarget and bosstanks.
Angry punch is strong and manaefficient singletarget aggro on a low cooldown.
Also, thanks to hp and 10% plushealbuff the highest hp pool.
Onrush is great to get back to bosses after running out of nasty aoes (like Gamera or Garson heal aoe).

Knights do a lot of aoe aggro and therefore are preferred for speedruns.
Silence skill is amazing to counter boss aoes due to not being affected by stun immunity.
Knights also take higher damage spikes due to high evasion when buffed but generally lower defense compared to warriors. Sleep imunity also helps a lot of the mobs cast sleep a lot.

>> No.7473085
File: 138 KB, 600x600, 9e56882f10c69c8ff7e59415244ea0bf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aeria Games paid and volunteer staff members are the worst bunch of meme spewing faggots I've even had the misfortune of running into. That's why we keep World and Zone chat off at all times and answer questions / seek up amongst ourselves.

>> No.7473094

>Silence skill is amazing to counter boss aoes

On the jp wiki it says that the silence doesn't affect bosses. Did you find differently?

>> No.7473096

Ilusionists are a must have for any dungeon runs.
Without ilusionists the tanks will be out of mana after every pull, even when using potions on cooldown.
Illus just keep the party running without any break.

>> No.7473105


The wiki is right, silence is worthless against bosses.

>> No.7473107

>complaining about 1 spell every 18s. 2 if you count crack/clarity.
Seriously? Play a mage then. Its a group buff. MP regen is a group buff too, so you better keep it up. If the tank is missing it tell everyone to get near the tank on trash.

That's why as a cleric I am going to date a bard+dps. They can dps for 3 man and bard for 5 man.
I don't care about stupid tanks or dps complaining that they are wasting spots.

Kind of missing the point there. Bard buffs are 12s. That means they had 6-8s reserved every 16s with knowledge skills for only casting buffs. Stacking the aoe dot, dispelling, healing the tank, all of that was not included.
I played both and even as a tank it was nothing like single healing and buffing. In fact, most tanks complained their two 30s buff skills, and dps is way easier, don't even play that game. Doing healer or buffer alone is about as much work as everyone else.
Playing a shitty healer (only spamming cure on tank nothing else) is easy mode like everything else.

Knights also have self cleanse that gives fear immunity (so they are immune to fear and sleep). I'm pretty sure silence only works on spells though, not boss aoes.

>> No.7473108

I didnt read the /jp/ wiki but on my runs healing knights I saw quite a lot of bosses stop casting their spells despite not being stunned.
I only noticed this happening when knights were tanking so I assumed that they cancelled the casts with skilllock.

>> No.7473111

Where do I do them? Can I do them now to get AP for open beta?

>> No.7473115

So it's a TW game?
That explains why every map, building and model was stolen from RO2: Gate of the world.

>> No.7473119

Well, if Knight skillock is worthless against bosses, my assumption that Knights are inferior to Wariors is proven once more.

>> No.7473127

I was expecting to reach at least 15 but fell asleep at 13 (haven't slept for days).
Were those titles any good anyway?
Hope OB is soon, really liked the game, even though I also noticed this

>> No.7473132

I hope for the sake of your sanity that your assumption was not once questioned. If you're anything like me, you leveled both Warrior/Knight to 38+ (you got Warrior to 40, didn't you) and had ample time to experiment with them. In my experience, there's really no reason to be a Knight tanking a boss unless the boss has a really, really annoying sleep spell that can't be dispelled right away.

I love my Knight when I'm doing AoE pulls, though. Makes me wish Warriors got AoE provoke a lot earlier.

>> No.7473151

It wasn't.
Knights just seems superior to me in every aspect of tanking.
Hell, aoe provoke is even skillable to reduce the afected monsters EVA.
And warriors can even make their taunt reduce the damage they take.

Knights do great dps though.
I got mine near 11k P-ATK and it did hurt like a truck while not suffering of any of the usual melee dps class drawbacks.

>> No.7473155

100+ per second, meaning a Cleric using heals (which most likely take longer than a second to cast) gets a majority of the used MP back. Along with natural regen, it's like they're not using MP at all. Also, Mind Surge (MP Regen) can be kept up all the time, because the buff's duration and the cd are the same.

I've mained Hunter and found MP issues in instances. In fact, every DPS class shouldn't have an abundance of MP if one is using the class to its fullest. The majority of skills are not some stun or long cd skill that should be saved for emergencies. It's an excuse for being lazy, if anything.

My two cents: In instances, for the weaker mobs I tend to open with the AoE DoT/-def skill after the tank grabs aggro, and pick off the targets one at a time whilst reapplying the AoE DoT. It's fine if my high DPS makes the tank lose aggro on that single target, just have to use the root and finish it off. Oh, and I don't use the -Malice certs on these guys, pointless and loss of DPS. For the tougher single mobs, my MP pool takes a hit since I throw in all the other debuffs (-acc, -cast/aspd, single-target DoT, slow, etc). This is not just for additional damage, but for the little differences it makes for the tank and Cleric. the -acc and -aspd helps quite a bit against any hard hitting mob that hits slow, or when up against 2 tough mobs, like the statues in Ulta. However, an Illusionist can trivialize this matter by charming the other (why I like them in the party despite DPS loss). Still no -Malice certs, because the 6-second root is plenty enough for the tank to regain aggro, and less incoming damage on the tank means the healer is less pressured to spam heals. Essentially, -Malice certs for me are only useful during bosses, and that's if the tank is really bad. The guild tanks never lose aggro even when I'm contributing 50%+ of the damage anyway.

>> No.7473160


As someone who levelled both to 40 tanking Ulta;
Knights are much, much, much better at crowd control. You will never have mobs off of you. Ever. Knights also feel like they have higher single target DPS, it could just be a "feel" but it's still there.
Warrior is a lot more tanky. They can take hits better but that's kind of it.

Point's kind of moot though. Neither are really "necessary" for a truly optimized party. MA can tank bosses just as well and the "kill the mob before they kill you" method works surprisingly well with a party that knows what they're doing.
(Last minute Ulta runs to help 2 friends hit all 40's with 3 MA, 1 bard and 1 Mage that korean'd elemental guardian constant was hilarious and fast as fuck)

Also, I never once had a tank class in a dungeon before Ulta. Everything was either corpseblocked or Mage tanked while I supported on bard with absolutely broken songs.

>> No.7473179

Keeping a knight alive is about twice as hard as keeping a warrior alive, although I'm making broad guesstimations here. But my experience is that an excellent knight is as sturdy as an average warrior and that an excellent warrior is almost boring to heal.

Most knights I've had to heal drop about as fast as a DPS. That doesn't mean they don't have their uses though because you can easily duo a 5-man dungeon like Malice with just a knight and a cleric or bard.

>> No.7473180

Don't even start that again. You and Luca have pretty much said every class sucks only to retract it days or even hours later.

Warriors are better in raiding situations where its full hp or one shot, when undergeared or bard-less, or when the boss attacks very fast.
Knights are better if they need to be sleep immune, have to kite, or hold aoe threat.
Otherwise the difference between them for 80% of bosses is practically nothing. You can't even keep up +armor 24/7 and there is a defense cap on top of it.
Ideally people would have both, but one or the other is completely fine.

>> No.7473174

Excuse me good Sir but being slightly worse to Knights in terms of aoe aggro doesnt make Warriors bad at aggroing 4+ mobs.
It'S not hard to tank a large pull with warriors.
It's hard to finding a group that lets the warrior pull the mobs.
