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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 70 KB, 813x668, Coobie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7465741 No.7465741 [Reply] [Original]

How many of you still live with your parents?
Do you ever plan to move out? Why or why not?

General shut-in/Hikki/NEET thread

>> No.7465750

23 and still live with my parents.
I'd like it if I could just stay here forever, but lately my mother has been quite pushy. I get the feeling she might kick me out soon.

>> No.7465759

I have an university degree, my own apartment, and a well-paying job.

>> No.7465765 [SPOILER] 
File: 550 KB, 800x1000, you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

22 and currently live with my uncle, Sam

>> No.7465772


OP here-I feel the same. Parents are getting pushy, and I'm pretty sure they'll make me leave once I've finished my degree.

Of course, I'm getting pretty sick of their shit as well, and it's probably time to leave.

>> No.7465773

25, parents
i'm going to need a better job before i can move out

>> No.7465774

army recruiters get out

>> No.7465780

/jp/ - Blog Culture

>> No.7465794

I do. It makes me hate myself because out of all the shitheads in this world my parents are the only actual people who love me. I know I'm not good enough for them and that drives me to escape reality which keeps me from becoming anything good. It's a viscous cycle.

>> No.7465799


>Not toohoo, seacats or typemoon, so it can't be relevant to a board supposedly about "otaku culture"

>> No.7465805

That's not true.

Incidentally, you're retarded.

>> No.7465821

20 and still living with parents.
I might move out later this year though.

>> No.7465831

I wouldn't have reported this thread if it wasn't made by someone from /a/.

>> No.7465839
File: 27 KB, 260x375, 1293672228001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And because of that silly cat:

>> No.7465840

I'm moving out in 3 weeks.

Is it scary to live your day to day life completely alone?

>> No.7465849

19 living with my parents.
Tried to move out earlier this year but I suffered from severe homesickness, my sleeping disorders and anxiety worsened. I also lost weight, I couldn't bring myself to cook, eating alone made me feel really lonely.
I guess I'll try to move out when I have my degree and hopefully a job.

>> No.7465853

I'm 24 and live with my mom. Thing is, she doesn't want to let me go. She's always been very protective. My older siblings managed to move out when I was born...

I guess I still have too much of a normalfag ego, wanting to leave. Am I stupid?

>> No.7465870

I would have thought there were more supporters of moving out, considering how it's the only way to truly be left alone and not be bothered about anything, which many people here appreciate.

But I suppose it's not just a matter of moving our or not, there's also the sacrifices you have to make to afford your own place, whether it means getting a job, or having significantly less pocket money. That's what you have to consider.

>> No.7465872

19, yes I live with my parents.
I plan on moving out in the coming years, but I need some moneyz!

>> No.7465874

I have been living alone for about 6 years.
It is pretty nice, but you need to track and do a lot of stuff: your bills, cleaning the flat, groceries.
If you fail with that your living conditions would deteriorate so you better keep yourself in check.

If you get really-really lonely you can always get an animal. Cats are very nice for that. They are low-maintenance and have very defined personalities (like some may be lazy and some may be really upbeat).

>> No.7465875

Of course not anon.

>> No.7465956

I lived with my parents until I was 26, and still eat diner with them most days. The best of both worlds: both privacy and human contact.

>> No.7465988

I live with my banging hot girlfriend. She just blew me. Shit was SO cash.

>> No.7466022

19, after two years of failed college, I moved back in with my parents, who are on the verge of charging me rent.
I'm "looking" for a job, to pay for me moving away.

>> No.7466024

In most countries people live with parents until they finish education, find STABLE job and get married.

But since I'm Hikki I don't plan to move out until I will have to go to gensokyo.

>> No.7466437

I moved away when I was 19, came back home 1 year later due to an unreliable friend who got himself a girl who didn't want to pay for anything.

I moved away again when I was 21 with a girlfriend, moved back a year later due to her massive ammount of irresponsability and her constant love for alcohol and clothing.

I wanted to move when I was 24 but my parents divorced and I didn't want my mother to be alone (I have a sister but she doesn't work and is a complete shut-in).

No plans to move out right now, not until my mother gets herself a boyfriend or something... but I doubt it will happen in the near future.

>> No.7466443

>gonna join military
>hopefully i wont get caught fapping to hentie in the barracks

>> No.7466449

almost 22, going to uni, live with my mum
no plans to move out yet

>> No.7466471

I am 19 years of age and live with my mother. I have no job and no education except for finishing high school.
I plan to go study something after the summer though, and hopefully get a job this summer so I can move out. I'd love to have my own place so I don't have to feel sorry for my mother as I sit behind my pc all day looking at japanese drawings of cute underage girls. And so I can drink and smoke without having to hide it.

>> No.7466474

>Not get caught fapping
You wish son

>> No.7466478

>He still has to hide his smoking and drinking
Worst mom ever.

>> No.7466480

I'm almost 22 and I have 1.5 years left of being a parasite, then I'll have to move because I'll be destined to a unit in any part of my country.

Don't do it bro, you'll regret later.

>> No.7466515 [DELETED] 

12 live with mom hostile towards her
.. -silently awaits flame and lolicons-

>> No.7466544

24, living with parents. Actually do have a good job, but also crippling debt due to a poor choice in college, so I can't afford my own place yet. Plan to move out once my debt is cleared.

(used to live on my own, but had to move back to my parents house when my life went to shit)

>> No.7466547

23 and although I don't want to move out I need to since my mom is 62 and won't live much longer

>> No.7466557

19, swapping off between a dorm (When school's in session) and my parents (When it's not, some weekends).

I plan on moving out when I find a decent, stable job, or when I get kicked out.

>> No.7466575

23 later this year and still living with my mom.

The rent is super duper cheap, own the estate and is located on the countryside, so not much people anywhere. I told my mom however that it's about time she moved out, and she concurred.

>> No.7466584

23, still living with parents. I do have a good job though (21.50 and hour good?) but what is keeping me from moving out is that I work out of town 4-5 days a week. Who'd look after my place?

Besides my mom talked me out of it since I work out of town so much. Told me it would be kinda pointless.

>> No.7466594

So /jp/ doesn't have any real Hikkis or even NEETs anymore.


>> No.7466599

The old ones had to get thrown out of their parents' basements eventually, and it's not like we're accepting anyone new.

>> No.7466601


>implying the place of residence makes any difference in that matter

I agree with you on the military/job faggots though.

>> No.7466605

They all killed themselves or got a job.

>> No.7466613

nope 22 and full neet here

>> No.7466616

not true. i'm a real hikikomori who lives by themself and haven't left my apartment complex since last september. order food online, check my mail at 4:00am, and do wash once every 2months.

>> No.7466638
File: 19 KB, 200x200, Boris.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh how I love that outlook here is that being a NEET/hikki is something seen as desirable, cool and awesome. Being a burden and mooching off your parents is cool. You guys are no different from any other clique.

"You are not NEET!? You are not true /jp/ Anonymous! You cannot post here!"

While I do understand that we probably have some here that conform or adhere to the typical NEET/hikki standard, when you begin to gloat about or ridicule those that are not the same......then we have a problem. It's almost as bad as those on /b/ that think being a /b/tard is cool.

>> No.7466641

Right so... Why did you attach a reaction image to your post?

>> No.7466645

The difference being to be a /b/tard you need to post laffulose threads, whereas to be a typical NEET/hikki, you need to spend at least 15 hours a day on /jp/.

If you can't tell why the latter is more beneficial to the board than the former, please get off /jp/.

>> No.7466652

That's not the point here is it.=?

Please get off /jp/ eh? Let us see then how the latter is more beneficial. Let's open this thread up in another tab and allow ourselves to scan the first few pages of /jp/

Hmmm, seem your fellow NEET brethren are not doing so well.

>> No.7466656

>If you can't tell why the latter is more beneficial to the board than the former, please get off /jp/.

Well enlighten us then. You say we can't tell but let me ask something, can you? Give us some of that wisdom of you're going to start with the, "get out of /jp/" shit.

>> No.7466657

>That's not the point here is it.=?
You're trying to make a point in a thread unrelated to /jp/? Oh really?

Lurk before posting. I'm not even gonna bother to read the rest of your wall of text.

>> No.7466658

Oh /jp/, you used to be hard to troll. But now...

>> No.7466660

>Lurk before posting. I'm not even gonna bother to read the rest of your wall of text.

Skirted right around the subject I see. Like a true man scared of the truths and does not want to hear them.

>wall of text

Didn't know you were mildly dyslexic too. How's that working out for you?

>> No.7466661


lolol i trol u

Go back to /b/, child.

>> No.7466665

>Internet is serious business
Yeah... Keep replying, justifying yourself as if you were in a forum.

>> No.7466669
File: 53 KB, 640x458, reactiondog2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The true cope-out of a man defeated. Everything is a troll. He disagrees? Troll. He argues against me? I was trolling you bro. We can all play that game

>Oh /jp/, you used to be hard to troll. But now...
Jokes on you fag, I was trolling the entire time. Booyah bitch.

>> No.7466672
File: 37 KB, 130x183, pitt.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And yet you reply back. Now we have some communication going. Still going to skirt and insult?

Your mind must be overheating.

>> No.7466676

>And yet you reply back.
Yeah. You really know what you're doing.

>> No.7466681

21yo, no plans on moving out, no bitchy girlfriend, only glorious free time.

>> No.7466690
File: 27 KB, 380x302, surprise_youre_a_retard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And what am I doing hmm? All I see you doing is sitting back and making baseless claims and not even backing them up. You're like a five year old on the monkeybars. Clueless and inexperienced in adult ways.

>> No.7466693

Gee you really know about communication. Where did you read a single insult towards you from the user? You sure love acting like a virgin victim.

Get an appointment to check that "dyslexia".
Else you'll have many problems in the future. And not just here.

>> No.7466697

I liked NEET pride back when it was slightly sarcastic. We would acknowledge we were losers, even if we had no desire to change.

Now we might as well be 14 year old anarchists thinking we're fighting the system by refusing to have jobs and insulting anyone who do.

>> No.7466700

Moved out, had a place of my own for awhile. Then the economy just shitted out badly. So back to living with my mom until things improve.

Generally a shut-in on most days.

>> No.7466704
File: 13 KB, 295x300, THIS IS SEWIOUS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh you make me smile Anonymous! Pat yourself on the back or high-five that buttranging bro of yours later! You really got me! No really! You did!

I am a virgin matter of fact....that is.....until I meet you one day.

>> No.7466707

Doesn't answer my question.

>> No.7466720

And what question were you posing Anonymous? Lay it out in barren, layman's terms for us simple minded folk.

>> No.7466723

I thought real hikkis/NEETs slept for at least 16 hours a day.

>> No.7466736

/jp/ does not know what a real hikki is. Trying to conform to and see themselves as Japanese. To be able to identify with them.


>> No.7466738

i'm 31 and i still live with my parents

i hate social contact

i will move out when the time is right

>> No.7466745

I don't need to. And since I got stuff to do I'll leave you to think.

Have fun doing whatever and talking on your own. Oh yes, don't forget to tell yourself in each post: "I'm just trolling, calm down... It's just trolling." You seem to have forgotten that.

>> No.7466751

lolno. That's sankaku complex.

>> No.7466760
File: 159 KB, 427x340, 4chan_1210163534357.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have a good day then Anonymous.

Also, enjoy being the allusion of jumping to conclusions and assumptions when you do not have any real base facts and tell yourself every day that, "I got that guy good. I got him so good". It might hinder your life.

>> No.7466761

21, taking online classes so technically not a neet but still pretty much a shut-in loser living alone with no friends and no future prospects. probably going back to mom's basement once i finish my degree to wait out the economic apocalypse.

ramen and beer, ramen and beer...not a bad life intermixed with games and /jp/

>> No.7466763


>> No.7466767


you're both becoming obnoxiously incoherent. please stop or move your internet-argument somewhere for the sake of everyone forced to read your garbage. thank you.

>> No.7466771
File: 42 KB, 354x460, shutup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't make me come over there bitch.

>> No.7466780

I really hope it's the same dude replying to himself.

>> No.7466785

I've been a NEET for almost 4 yeas now.

Since I was 16.

Joining the Air Force later this year.

>> No.7466787

Nope, it's not. But maybe it is. Hey, who here likes Mario Paint?

>> No.7466790
File: 9 KB, 459x377, 1307494695311.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 19, work two jobs, one is a temporary thing for the summer. I work in the meat and deli departments at a supermarket and will be starting as a clerk/whatever at a sub shop next week.
I'm taking business classes in college, with this fall marking the beginning of my second year.

Despite fitting the type to shut myself in--as I hate people and skipped out on the first three weeks of class because I couldn't find my class room and people kept staring at me on the first day--I currently live with my mother and two little brothers, she and her boyfriend, well ex-boyfriend as of this morning (what a wonderful alarm clock), fight pretty often.

I'm saving up money from my two jobs to move out and live with a couple bros for a year or two before getting a serious job and getting my own place.

I also own a car and am not a virgin. If only I could strike an even balance of emotion, I'd be a pretty together guy.

>> No.7466815


You're also a pretty fucking bad reader.

>General shut-in/Hikki/NEET thread

>> No.7466817
File: 155 KB, 500x500, getoutofjp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7466835

Anybody who gets trolled by a moron more or less deserves to have been trolled, so it works out in the end. Plus it wouldn't be a blog thread without something bitching up a storm over something idiotic.

>> No.7466877

I moved out last August and have been living with 3 other people since. On the rare chance I do see my room-mates, it is in the kitchen/living room and less than 5 sentences is passed between us. Maybe if I start to get more money I can pay 200 dollars I can move into the Single Apartments on my complex.

>> No.7466970
File: 99 KB, 500x420, boomerangkid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

27 years old, still living with parents.
For years I've been staying awake all night to avoid seeing them as much as possible, but it's getting really tired. I will gladly move out, but a. rent is really high around here , and b. I rely on my dad giving me his car whenever I need.
Shit sucks.

>> No.7466979

I'm 23 and still live with my parents. Plan on moving out once I finish my degree and get a job. Unless I kill myself first, that is.

>> No.7466990


But I'm moving away in half a year.

>> No.7467007

>about to hit 30
>still live at home
>never paid rent because I'm no sucka
>feels good

>> No.7467012

Why living with your parents is looked down on America?

>> No.7467020

I am a NEET but not quite a hikkikomori. 22 years old, no college, no job, no car, poor family... I am trying to get into CC so that I can end my misery. My town is know as a black hole of despair. I want to see the world and am at the point where I don't care if I am not doing anything but 100% school dedication. I am so depressed and the only way out is to fight through to get an education so I can leave the country for a while. I lived on my own for a short while and enjoyed having no human interaction but it did not last long. Maybe being a NEET would be better if my family was not poor, but still undesirable.

>> No.7467022


Pretty sure it's looked down upon everywhere.

>> No.7467029

This is something that bothers me. I have known Americans (online) who have looked down on me because I live with my father and don't show any desire to move out but I don't see why people think it's a bad thing. I've always considered the desire to move out a fairly juvenile desire to show that you're capable of being an independent being but if it's not necessary, then you're only doing it to prove something.

Lately I've been comforting myself knowing that I'm from an Asian family and that both female and male relatives only seem to have moved out after getting married.

>> No.7467032

It's considerably more acceptable in Europe and Asia than it is in the states.

>> No.7467041

>>7467020 {Me}
It's post like this that make me feel better. Because in America it really is something that people scorn you for and it gets annoying when you know that in most countries it's perfectly normal to live with the parents without being considered a leech.

>> No.7467049

Actually it's acceptable in most of the world due to financial constraint.
Americans just don't realize how good they have it.

>> No.7467132

There are no true NEETs/hikkis here... only unambitious faggots who've grown lazy with lax parents.

>> No.7467155


It's frowned upon in America BECAUSE we've had it so good up until now. Up to now, if you didnt get out of the house after college you would be considered lazy because of the vast opportunities you have to make money and a name for yourself while you're still very young.

In most other countries living with your parents is seen as both financially and socially superior to living by yourself or with others, assuming that you have not started a family of your own.




>> No.7467158

It's well known that all REAL truNEETs are ambitious, independent folk with strict parents who instilled them with a tremendous work ethic.

>> No.7467196

Being NEET/hikki implies suffering from some sort of mental disorder that's much more than simply being lazy. Being educated and/or working yet too afraid to leave your parents teat just shows a lack of initiative.

>> No.7467208

NEET/hikki - a result of being unable to perform or function under the high social and cultural pressures of Japanese society

What everyone is describing here - Not having the drive to take on more responsibilities because it's easy having your parents carry their burdens for them

>> No.7467216

Ignore the "You can't be NEET/hikki if you're not Japanese!" faggot. It's a known troll.

>> No.7467222

And stop trying to justify the classification by calling those you disagree with trolls.

Having a shitty job and/or a bullshit degree immediately makes you neither a NEET nor a hikki. It just makes you someone with shitty pay and/or shitty education.

>> No.7467229

Cry harder, little troll.

>> No.7467251

LOL, so says the guy who's trying to apply labels to people that don't follow the technical definitions at all. It's like how people with poor communication skills and crappy personalities call themselves Aspies and somehow think it makes everything better.

Even if you consider yourself a true hikki/NEET, what are you going to do about it? See a professional? Make an effort to separate yourself from the label? Or simply commiserate with others on the internet?

>> No.7467289

NEET: "Not in Education, Employment or Training".
What are you talking about?

>> No.7467307

He's talking shit, as he always is.

>> No.7467335

I'm replying to myself, LOL.

Point is, don't stick a convenient label on yourself just so you can make yourself feel better. It's neither an excuse nor a reason to be fucking worthless.

>> No.7467511

>Even if you consider yourself a true hikki/NEET, what are you going to do about it?
Probably nothing.

Who gives a shit?
