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File: 27 KB, 503x378, 1285818810148.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7462410 No.7462410 [Reply] [Original]

looks like Nitro+ is going all-ages at full force

>> No.7462431

That's good, ero content is stupid anyway.

>> No.7462438

You are stupid.

>> No.7462440

At least I'm not a gross otaku like you.

>> No.7462452

I agree, we need more great SFW VNs.
I hate to see my characters having sex and it's usually for stupid reasons.

>> No.7462454

Meh, Nitro+ went shit after Muramasa anyway. It's a sinking ship.

>> No.7462456

nigga u gay

>> No.7462457

I think I'll kill myself if Dogura Q is without porn.

>> No.7462458

That's good, all their ero content was shit anyway.

>> No.7462467

I don't think you of all people should be insinuating others to be gay, bangcock.

>> No.7462468

I take you never played Sumaga?

>> No.7462480

Yeah, except they have the best eroge artist in the industry. Will truly be a loss if Nitro+ goes all age.

>> No.7462490


>> No.7462499

That's it eroge is dying.
Enjoy your sfw disney shit consolefags.

>> No.7462502
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>> No.7462504
File: 248 KB, 850x1238, doguraq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7462505

I will, thank you.

>> No.7462508

This doesn't looks like Tsuji-santa,

>> No.7462512

Well damn.
Things just aren't the same without the ero.

>> No.7462515

Pretty much this. They gave me Muramasa, they can fuck off now.

>> No.7462527

According to EGS it'll be a 18+ game, but I don't know how reliable that is.

>> No.7462531

>Best ero art

Demonbane ero was awful.

And yes, I know it was probably JAST's fault.

>> No.7462539

Why has nobody commented on the wonderful pun in the OP image? I chuckled heartily.

>> No.7462540
File: 184 KB, 640x1920, doguraq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was surprised to see a teaser to it when I played Nitro Royale.
That was in 2007, I really doubt anyone is still working on it. Just look at what they released in between.

>> No.7462541

It's an 8 years old game after all. Jingai Makyou has fappable ero.

>> No.7462546

not that funny

>> No.7462555
File: 409 KB, 1024x768, 20100824225156b02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They only had one proper title released after Muramasa, dude. Unless you mean exactly that, I'm annoyed by that, too.

Anyway, this site has literally nothing to see right now. The only things that may be relevant that I see are the crown, the DNA string and the word "Ornithology" (which is probably just a part of a random texture, anyways). Certainly doesn't look like Dogura Q or Nubatama no Nue to me. Wonder how long will those titles stay in their backlog.

>> No.7462564

Shitty game (Axanael). A remake of a mediocre eroge without ero. Trying to promote their awful mascot.. what the fuck is Nitro+ doing. I think they've run out of ideas.

>> No.7462570

they're probably trying to go mainstream with all-ages shit the same way key did, and are keeping the porn projects in the freezer in case things don't work out.

>> No.7462581
File: 747 KB, 1595x2338, N 005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>awful mascot
You take that back, you fucker, Sonico is adorable.

Although I do agree that her game should not delay any proper titles. At least we're getting new ChiRal title this year.

>I think they've run out of ideas.
Like I said, they already have two great titles in their backlog. And they've been there for ages.

>> No.7462615

what do the chinese words on that picture say?

>> No.7462619

A pun which would turn more unfunny than it already is if someone were to explain it to you. I just thought it fit the situation.

>> No.7462624
File: 110 KB, 360x500, cg12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>At least we're getting new ChiRal title this year.
Yeah, but the art's not too great they. They should have got the TnC artist to come back and do the art for the game. That artist has really improved.

>> No.7462630

though*. Damn typo. Have we gotten any more info on Dramatical Murder? there isn't much on the site.

>> No.7462644

There seems to be quite a lot magazine previews, but I haven't googled any of them.

>> No.7462759

Only 4800 yen? It's gonna suck.

>> No.7462795

Who is the writer?
That's the most important thing

>> No.7462836

Well there are 4 choices

>> No.7462908

Or a new writer.
That's what I'm betting on. I doubt it's any of them.

>> No.7462930

is this the sumaga/axanael/carnevale one?

>> No.7464619

It's called 'appealing to a wider audience'. nitro+ knows they just can't live off of filthy otaku money.
I don't see anything bad with going all ages.

I can't wait for a fully-produced nitro+ game to make it in consoles.

>> No.7464981

>best eroge artist in the industry.
Their artists are pretty good but no.

>> No.7464993

I definitely support having all ages games
ero could just be done on fandiscs or alternate releases - most games don't have ero thats good enough to care about anyway

>> No.7464996

I really think ero is holding back the potential of eroge. Without it the genre could be so much more.

>> No.7465021

>I really think ero is holding back the potential of eroge.

>> No.7465644
File: 190 KB, 1200x1744, 029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not that their artists are exceptionally good, it's their art direction that is good. Although that one particular artist is great even without any enhancing >>7462504. I dare you to find a better artist.

>> No.7465650

The only people who don't support ero don't even know Japanese.

>> No.7465662

They are also closet normalfags since they're self-conscious about liking a game with porn. They want to be able to talk about it openly on their forums like faggots.

>> No.7465674


>> No.7465684


>> No.7465687
File: 431 KB, 859x1200, 1277377129010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't like the way he does faces.
If you talk about better artists, within Nitroplus there is ATK

>> No.7465700

Yeah, this, pretty much

>> No.7465705
File: 353 KB, 1152x1755, 067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah Namaniku is great, but some CGs and sprites were really derpy in Muramasa. I prefer Niθ myself.

>> No.7465709

Even though porn in story games is usually unfappable I still can't give a single fuck about all ages games.

>> No.7465720

Porn in a scenario-ge isn't about fapping, well it is a bit but it's not all there is to it.
It's about the realization of a relationship, the sense of finally "getting" the heroine.
In an all ages game you don't really feel that.

>> No.7465737

> some CGs and sprites were really derpy in Muramasa
one portrait of Muramasa looked like she had a lazy eye or something, but it was just the hair coloring's fault.

>> No.7465739

The art for Dramatical Murder is abysmal. Easily has the worst art out of all the ChiRal titles released so far, and the protagonist has an awful design.

>> No.7465740

My problem with Niθ is that basically both the males and females have the exact same kind of faces, mostly always with same kind of expression.

>> No.7465783

It really is the worst out of their titles. I think the artist is some pixiv artist since I've seen artwork similar to it a long time ago. I wonder why they couldn't get Chinatsu do do the art for them again.

>> No.7465787
File: 260 KB, 1024x576, ev996_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Namaniku's style is a lot more cartoonish than Niθ's. Kageaki's and Ichijou's rage CG struck me as bit odd, but I guess it's just the artstyle.

>> No.7465792

Ah, I forgot Chinatsu left NitroPlus to freelance but I don't think it would have been that hard to get her back for another ChiRal vn.

>> No.7465802

Worst N+ writer hands down.

>> No.7465807

So bad that none of his games are translated?

>> No.7465808

Sumaga is partly translated.
And he isn't bad

>> No.7465810

The only above average is Sumaga. Gekkou is just.. really, really mediocre. You could even say bad if it wasn't for Noel's route.

>> No.7465825

well, come on, bad might be stretching it. It's your average action flick with mafia and alchemy flavor, it had its moments.
Or maybe my perception of it is just screwed since it's one of the first japanese games I played

>> No.7466351
File: 198 KB, 838x378, img_main.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, she's a Pixiv artist. I think her most famous fanart to date is a Miku one which was in the charts for fucking weeks. Her art is pleasant enough on its own I guess, but definitely not fitting for a ChiRal title. Too bright.

>> No.7467260
File: 254 KB, 800x600, gk1102_アキラを押し倒すケイスケ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. So much.
The Togainu No Chi/Lamento artist was great.
The Sweet Pool artist was alright.

But, the art for this new game looks pretty uninteresting. Let's hope it gets better, otherwise I'm probably not reading it.

Since we're on the topic of Nitro+, was Axanael any good? The concept & the theme looked pretty cool, but i don't know if it's shit or not.

>> No.7469901

>Since we're on the topic of Nitro+, was Axanael any good? The concept & the theme looked pretty cool, but i don't know if it's shit or not.
It was a bit too long and had lots of boring episodes with characters no one cares about. It is also spoiled by the fact that no one dies, which is surprising for a Nitroplus title. At least Noko and Sakura were good, and the roulette aspect is interesting, even if it only works on the first playthrough.
