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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7461816 No.7461816 [Reply] [Original]

It's over, Japanese games are finished

>"Japanese games have experienced a humiliating decline. Every day this week, I've been worried about how Japanese games will make a comeback."
- Square Enix exec Kouji Taguchi


>> No.7461824

Are you suggesting Square Enix are they only game developers that make Japanese games?

>> No.7461825

tell me 3 jap game dev that still make good games

>> No.7461830

I honestly don't think so. But whatever. If it happens I'll just keep catching up with older games I haven't played yet.

>> No.7461832

Tonelico 2 was pretty good. I would put it among the likes of ff4 and cc

>> No.7461833

Nitro+, Key, Falcom

>> No.7461834

Fatlus, From Software, Capcom

>> No.7461835

You need to cover that guy's face with Tactics Ogre PSP.

But yeah I agree, only one god-tier game in years ain't enough for SE.

>> No.7461837

tri-Ace need to get off their shit and make a new Valkyrie Profile already.

>> No.7461838

fatlus hasnt been releasing anything thats not smt in ages
capcom just make shitty games

from software is good though

>> No.7461839

>Tactics Ogre PSP.
>Tactics Ogre PSP.
>Tactics Ogre PSP.
remake, psp

Inform me when they make NEW Tactics Ogre

>> No.7461841

You'd think they were in decline if your company just spent the last decade pandering to FF7 fans.

>> No.7461842

Why would you not have a PSP?

>> No.7461843

Persona 4, 2008. Not so old I think and it's good. Also, Capcom made Monster Hunter.

>> No.7461846

all handhelds are shitty no exceptions
persona is still technically a smt

>> No.7461849

Oh sorry didn't pay enough attention while reading. Also handhelds are awesome.

>> No.7461851

Vanilla Ware makes pretty cool games.

>> No.7461859
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SEGA already did that 20 years ago

>> No.7461860

I don't care much, I enjoy my western game nowadays.
I think the most recent japanese game I liked is Bayonetta...

>> No.7461862

Kotaku is such a shit site. It's like Sankaku except for video games.

>> No.7461863

>I think the most recent japanese game I liked is Bayonetta...

What are you doing on /jp/, exactly?

>> No.7461865

Was there a rule against liking fun action games?

>> No.7461870


>> No.7461872

Why, you didn't like it ? Too lewd ?

>> No.7461873

So you prefer shooters shooters shooters over jrpg jrpg jrpg. The gaming industry is such shit right now.

>> No.7461875

Don't play dumb. I'm asking what are you doing on /jp/ when you don't play Japanese games and it literally revolves around them. VNs aren't games? Proud secondary? Something else?

>> No.7461877

What good Western developers are there, though? I honestly can't think of any.

Obsidian isn't bad, but the only game they made that wasn't a sequel (Alpha Protocol) was a terrible mess of gameplay.

>> No.7461881

theres tons of fun games in steam, check them out.

>> No.7461884

I do enjoy shooters. And many other action western games. I still buy and play japanese games, but mainly on older consoles.
I don't care if games are westerns or japanese, I like almost every genre, I'm easily satisfied.

>> No.7461886

Tell me one good jrpg on steam, I dare you.

>> No.7461887


>> No.7461888

indie devs

>> No.7461889

Never used Kotaku really. Always thought it sucked ass too.

There are a few good sites though. The Magic Box has been good for like 10+ years now and Silconera seems OK too.

>> No.7461891

>jap games
pick one. after you pick good and go and play diablo,diablo2,wc3, and sc2. you'll enjoy these actual good games.

>> No.7461893

I'm talking about studios, not indie developers.

>> No.7461894

What the fuck are you doing on /jp/ if you play shit like Diablo and not glorious JRPGs?

>> No.7461897

Everyone already played those a decade though.

>> No.7461898

casualfests that idiots like you like to glorify? by the way, i own those all.

>> No.7461899

You have /jp/ and #hotglue mixed up.

>> No.7461901

Why did you list only Blizzard games.

>> No.7461905



>> No.7461911

>d2,wc3, and sc2
keep living that dream of yours. if you wake up someday you'll never be the same again.

they're the best video game developer easily. you got the best hack and slash rpg ever made diablo and you got the best rts multiplayer games out too. if you want to eat shit and play brown and bloom fps games you can go figure that out yourself.

>> No.7461914

Blizzard is mediocre at best.

>> No.7461917

fanboy elsewhere please

>> No.7461919

>they're the best video game developer easily.

Blizzard has only released three games in the past decade.

>> No.7461921

>"Square Enix games have experienced a humiliating decline. Every day this week, I've been worried about how our games will make a comeback."


>> No.7461922

Those all cater to casual gamers as well you fucking retarded fanboy. Or what, do you think all those millions of players are all hardcore gamers? Next you're going to say that WoW isn't a casual game. Blizzard games are like CS, everyone and their grandma's play them because they're easy to get into.

>> No.7461930

Modern Activision-Blizzard = Square-Enix = same company same.

I miss when both were god-tier.

>> No.7461931

nothing is wrong in casual gaming as long as it doesnt include waggling

>> No.7461932

Go back to /v/, all of you.

>> No.7461934

you're completely wrong, but the best quality of blizzard is their games are still good 10 years later. sc is still a national sport in korea. diablo games are still the best multiplayer rpg games out. wc3 is still huuge in china along with dota.

there is a reason why their games are national sports whereas call of duty 27 which is released every 6 months is laughed at by everyone but console peasants.

>> No.7461936
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Never said there was nothing wrong with it. I'm a casual myself. Which is why I own these games in the first place.

>as long as it doesnt include waggling
What's wrong with handhelds and Wii? They're brilliant in their own respect.

>> No.7461939

/v/ has threads like this every second too.

Can't imagine how much that board sucks. I mean it must be like an AVALANCHE of pure suck 24/7.

>> No.7461949

nothing wrong with the wii if you accept it that it's not a gaming console but a health care device

handhelds are just retarded because i seriously doubt you would want to play games that take time to play outside, leave those to smartphones where you can just play games that can be finished in a minute

>> No.7461951

>you're completely wrong,

Nope. Warcraft III in 2002, World of Warcraft in 2004, and Starcraft II in 2010. That's it.

Blizzard makes quality products, sure, but they've hardly done anything recently.

>> No.7461955

Define casual and hardcore.

I don't think those buzzwords mean anything, really. From how I've seen them used in real life, however, it appears the definition of hardcore is "high-budget game with 3D graphics and little actual gameplay", so yes, this includes WoW.

>> No.7461957

you're very stupid. you don't even understand why games are called casual. you even mentioned wow when i explicitly didn't mention it too. just because normal people can play the game doesn't make the game casual you fucking retard. everything in life is casual by your stupid definition. you don't even understand why the term casual was coined. it's used to describe games where the skill ceiling is incredibly low and anyone can easily ***MASTER*** it. the fact you're calling wc3,d2,sc2 casual only proves you're a fucking retard casual gamer yourself who probably hasn't even played the above mentioned games. why would anyone who's trying to argue a point about how casual the worlds leading esports are mention wow in comparison?

>> No.7461959

You can play handhelds inside you know.

>> No.7461960

>nothing wrong with the wii if you accept it that it's not a gaming console but a health care device
What does it matter? Stop talking like a console fanboy.

>handhelds are just retarded because i seriously doubt you would want to play games that take time to play outside
You have no idea how precious my DS was to me during my military service. Totally changed my view on handhelds.

>> No.7461961

id just play my pc or consoles on large screen

>> No.7461963

Stop getting tricked into replying to bangcock just because he changed his name.

>> No.7461965

>it's used to describe games where the skill ceiling is incredibly low and anyone can easily ***MASTER*** it

So why is everyone calling rhythm games casual, then?

>> No.7461967

Regardless of handleds being good or not, some great games are exclusive to them.

>> No.7461969
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Leave him be. He has a serious case of suffering from delusions of grandeur. He will never be in an e-sports tournament or play anything at a competitive level. Words like APM, micro or strategy will never make sense to him other than being pretentious. And he will still believe gamers are all casual.
Meanwhile things he leeches from the internet are totally not casual. It takes a special kind of mind to be able to click the download button.

>> No.7461971

Different person here. Everything Blizzard does is casual shit except Starcraft. I've never heard of any casual playing it online.

>> No.7461975

Stop having a tantrum kid and write coherently. If you bothered reading my post, I already threw in an implication of what I mean by the term casual.
>Blizzard games are like CS, everyone and their grandma's play them because they're easy to get into.
Blizzard games are known for their accesibility. If you really think Blizzard games only caters to hardcore players then you're pretty stupid.

>who probably hasn't even played the above mentioned games.
Lol'd. Spoken like a true Blizzard fanboy. It's been such a long time since I've last saw a fanboy this blind. Oh well, time to move on.

>> No.7461987

Regarding this, have you seen the threads he starts? He thinks people don't notice that the first 5-15 posts are all his. Fucking hilarious.

>> No.7461990

>casual discussion
>on /jp/

fuck off and take your shit to /v/

>> No.7461991
File: 324 KB, 395x385, 1306320357558.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're going around in circles. You're basically saying a casual game is something grandmas (excluding badass grandmas) can play, right ? So all those "easy to get started with, nearly impossible to master" games are also casualfests, right ?
So chess is a casualfest, right ?

I don't even want to know how your mind works.

>> No.7461992

Do you watch television?

If you do, you're casual @ life.

>> No.7461994

I don't.

>> No.7461998

>So chess is a casualfest, right ?

It actually is, apparently. At least according to Wikipedia.

Yes, if you still needed the proof that the term is bloody stupid, you have one now.

>> No.7461999

you aren't counting expansions... blizzard expansions add more content than most games sequels do. i'd rather have the best games with expansions than sequels with less content and worse production quality. it shows they spend lots of time on the quality of the games instead of releasing a sequel every 6 months like everyone else does. the only other company who takes comparable lengths of time to produce actual quality sequels is valves episode games.

you're so stupid it's seriously painful. you don't seem to understand what the hell you're talking about. the term "CASUAL" is used to describe games where you can easily master the mechanics of the game and the difference between being the best and mediocre is only a little bit. being a game that no one buys because it's complete shit doesn't make it hardcore or cool. the difficulty of a single player doesn't define a game as casual or not because that attribute is used to talk about when you're near the pinnacle of the game.

"everyone can read so reading philosophy is casual"
"everyone can add 1+1 so being a mathematician is casual"

tell me a game which isn't casual by your definition so i can roll around the floor laughing at you please.

>> No.7462002

Why bother replying?

Is there something you need to confess, my child?

>> No.7462003
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I... uh... watched the news last night...

>> No.7462012

if you're in the US the news on television is shit

>> No.7462013
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>> No.7462017

So the word loosely defined since it's part of the internet vernacular made up by frustrated 13-year-old gamers trying to make themselves feel superior.
And thus you're trying to prove the term is stupid.

I fear that was not the main topic, which is whether wc3,sc ... could be called 'casual'. Unless that's another guy. An anonymous board can be confusing.

>> No.7462018

Don't live in US, luckily.

>> No.7462019

Honestly this is worse than the average thread on /v/.

...Okay not really, but it's trying pretty hard to be.

>> No.7462022

This thread reeks of /v/ and /a/.

>> No.7462023

Either you live in the US, you live in a third world country, or you live in a country a lot like the US but with more expensive gas and more income tax.

Oh well.

>> No.7462024

Warcraft 3 is 99% casual shit and 1% hardcore because no one actually plays the normal game. Everyone plays TDs and Dota.

Starcraft on the other hand is hardcore.

>> No.7462025

you hang out in lol threads you can't complain about the quality of anything.

>> No.7462027

>Damn it I wish I could jump on Twitter and tell that exec that I much rather have 10 FFXIII-2's than any western developed rubbish.
Hell, FFXIII had a great showing with the developers seemingly set to address all the shortcomings of the previous game and bolster its strengths. What exactly was he disappointed with anyway? Did he think that Tomb Raider and Deus Ex are better looking games?
I happen to disagree strongly, Deus Ex only looks passable in the pre-rendered footage and every real gameplay footage I've seen of it has looked very awkward, and as for Tom Raider, well at least Japanese developers have discovered a little thing I like to call colour.
Yeah, its not all muddy browns and reds, imagine that.

Gentlemen, THIS is a weeaboo. Note carefully. The scum are all over andriasang and siliconera.

>> No.7462033

EVERYTHING on television in America is shit.

I haven't watched television for over a decade.

Wanna know something? Once you stop watching it, your actual life gets more interesting.

Unfortunately, you also realize how stupid your neighbors actually are.

>> No.7462035

And the reason for that is what?

>> No.7462037

I'm the guy who joined in in the middle trying to point out the term is stupid and therefore the whole discussion is stupid.

>> No.7462039

the actual rts portion of wc3 is super huge in asia still. also you're trolling by calling dota casual too. it's extremely unforgiving not the most difficult, but calling it casual is far too much. this is like reverse trolling from console peasants who are frustrated they're called casual so they're labeling everything casual.

>> No.7462041

Only children argue about such inane drivel as wrpg vs. jrpg

>> No.7462042

I for one agree with him.

>> No.7462044

America makes good original series but that's about it.

>> No.7462051

Nearly all games are hard to master going by your logic. Read >>7461965

Oh, pray tell, why did Blizzard stress the importance of custom maps in SC2? Why did they go as far as to create divisions instead of using and established ladder system (was actually added later IIRC), and even implemented a Facebook sync system? Why did Blizzard make LoD's 1.10 patch more streamlined and less time consuming when there wasn't really anything wrong with the system? And don't get me started on Wow.. I really don't understand why it's so hard to accept that Blizzard games appeal to casual mass as well who don't have much time to play such games.

And why are you responding with images? Are you trying to act calm and composed while in reality you're banging your keyboard in fit of rage? We don't do that in /jp/, go back to /v/

It's like you totally forgot that custom maps in WC/SC franchise is what make them casual oriented. I'm a living proof of that, so you throwing a hissy fit at me is really, really hilarious to watch. It's as if I hurt your TROO gamer pride or something.

>> No.7462053

you're a fucking retard because i have only started 2 threads in the past 4 months

>> No.7462057

LOL! Ah, is THAT your justification?

You need to look at your face as you're watching it, mouthbreather.

>> No.7462069

I don't know what you're talking about. I don't own a TV but I know there's good programs on HBO and AMC.

You can't exactly call all US television shit.

>> No.7462071

>Fri Jun 10
>Thu Jun 9
>Tue Jun 7
a'ight buddy

>> No.7462074

and what?

>> No.7462076


That's already 5 threads in a month or so where you samefag your threads to keep them in page 1. I always knew you aren't really good at math, bangcock, but wow.

>> No.7462077

I'm reasonably certain one week is a slightly shorter period of time than four months.

>> No.7462084

if you never noticed i never post without my name field

>> No.7462086

Play human revolution. Its on par with the original. Hitman looks rubbish though, and the other game.

>> No.7462088

Yeah, you keep making those excuses.

>> No.7462094

LOL, yes I can.

I've seen television evolve over the decades. Yes, it IS shit, and you are trying to justify it. Mind you, I'm not saying there is anything good on ANY television, anywhere. However, fools get defensive of their favorite little niche.

>> No.7462095

not like i give a fuck about what you believe
i bet you also believe world's going to end in 2012

>> No.7462097

also; next thing you'll assume all posts on the internet are made by me

>> No.7462098

simply because you, a small portion, of the customers enjoy casual play doesn't make the games casual. blizzard knows about 40% of the people who bought sc2 literally didn't even play or finish the single player game. they make the game for everyone but the actual core of the game is targeted are competitive multiplayer which isn't "casual" by any definition.

you're talking about 1.10 patch now too? i seriously cant' believe you're saying that made d2 easier... it actually made it more difficult in pve and made nearly all of the specs viable again in pvp too. the biggest part of that patch was them releasing rust storm to delete all the hacked items. yeah, d2 was so casual people hacked the blizzard servers so they could import edited items they made themselves so they could tell them for hundreds of dollars.

out of all the games around d2 was the most "hardcore" you could possibly get honestly. it's not the apex of skill like gook clicking in sc, but for just a vulgar extreme community none are worse and more hardcore than d2.

believe whatever you want about blizzard, pal. you don't know shit and are completely retarded. you still haven't listed an actual hardcore game yourself. you're just a butthurt console peasant who got his shitslapped on battle.net so you turned to consoles and whine about blizzard.

>> No.7462101

You don't give a fuck what I believe, and yet you reply to me in an aggressive manner. That's.. very 3rd world country-like of you, bangcock.

>> No.7462103

I'm not involved in this discussion, but I want to point out that your usage of "LOL" and tendency to call things "shit" are not very conducive to your argument.

>> No.7462104

>you reply to me in an aggressive manner.
scroll up and see who started this shit

>> No.7462107

ummm blizzard's revenue skyrocketed when they made the games easier

>> No.7462112

I don't see any post where someone calls you names.

>> No.7462113

The Wire
Breaking Bad
The Killing
Six Feet Under
Mad Men
Game of Thrones
The Sopranos
Band of Brothers

so you're telling me out of all these shows, there's nothing that's good?

>> No.7462114
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>people humiliating bangcock again
BOO BOO leave him alone guys!

>> No.7462116

I not trying to make friends on an anonymous board, and I don't need to be friends with a mouthbreather that wastes their life.

>> No.7462118

That's like 1-2% of American shows. Way to prove his point.

>> No.7462121

I said original series, not everything on TV.

>> No.7462122

Anonymous 06/10/11(Fri)08:42 No.7461963

Stop getting tricked into replying to bangcock just because he changed his name.

>> No.7462125

I meant original series as well. There's so much shit you don't even believe.

>> No.7462126

you're talking about wow. wow and the rest of the blizzard games are in different categories. they didn't make sc,wc3, or d2 "easier". you can only slightly argue because they didn't make the game mechanics in sc2 10 years behind the times it's "easier" but competitive play isn't ever "easier" when the standard is still high apm, micro, macro, mutlitasking, and strategy.

does fixing stuff like telewalk make d2 "easier" because hackers now can't teleport around the map as an amazon?

>> No.7462130

Not really, most of the stuff now is reality shows.

>> No.7462131

What he says is right, and I see nothing aggressive in that.

>> No.7462134

Not only does it make yourself look bad, but your lack of civility also shines poorly on the argument you are making. Especially considering that argument boils down to "the masses are idiots."

>> No.7462136

ad hominem isnt agressive? cool story.

>> No.7462137


>> No.7462139

makes me wonder why bangbok even uses a name. he's worse than all tripfag combined excluding spammers like wth, and that's saying a lot

>> No.7462141

>ad hominem

You probably shouldn't use words you don't understand.

>> No.7462143

Oh, so you believe that the masses are idiots? Because I believe the masses are only hurting themselves.

>> No.7462145

keep samefagging

>> No.7462149

/jp/ sure has changed. since when was it acceptable to argue television shows were good? i knew something was wrong when someone from another board made a /tv/ thread and it got serious replies.

>still watching tv
you should be on /b/ and facebook if you're doing that.

>> No.7462150

i was just discussing shit normally and some fag came up about how people shouldnt listen to me because i use the name "bangkok"

explain how is this isnt an ad hominem

>> No.7462152

Some of these shows are genuinely good though. What's the problem?

>> No.7462153

Talking about them doesn't belong here. It's simple as that.

>> No.7462156

This whole thread shouldn't be here either. Why haven't you hidden it by now?

Oh, I know, you're just trying to justify not liking it.

>> No.7462158

its over, a certain type of entertainment is finished.
they haven't been releasing masterpiece after masterpiece since the times in where i was like 12 and didn't know anything but these "masterpieces" and now i think everything that came after my "masterpieces" is shit.
no i'm not being a nostalgic faggot at all, i'm just literally stupid yes onii-chan fill my dirty slut ass with your sperm oh yeah cum harder all over my face pussy mmm your sperm tastes delicious onii-chan

>> No.7462159

I apologize if I misunderstood your attitude, but my point remains the same. You claim to be speaking from a position of superiority over the 'masses,' yet you make use of "LOL" and personal insults. All I'm saying is that you could stand to act more civilized, and your arguments would benefit from it.

>> No.7462160

I never said threads like these belong here.

>Oh, I know, you're just trying to justify not liking it.
Was there something wrong with what I said earlier?

>> No.7462162

get the fuck out retard

>> No.7462163

Besides, they're only good in respect to your life.

Porn is good for the same reasons; "the things you will never do."

>> No.7462164

/jp/ likes to throw out normalfag to anything they don't like

it's stupid

>> No.7462166

>you're just trying to justify not liking it

"Herp derp, you should like what I like even though you came here to discuss something else entirely and probably aren't interested in the first place."

>> No.7462167

The best game of this gen is Japanese (Demon's Souls)

>> No.7462168

Thinking about it, I actually found out about 4chan because the "donate or die" ('05) campaign was mentioned in the anime section of a d2 forum. Yeah no one cares but it's kind of nostalgic for me.

>> No.7462170

Personal insults?

I don't know you. I may deplore what people who watch television allow their lives to become(more boring than television), but those are my precious feelings, and it can be observed to be true.

>> No.7462172

100% agree

>> No.7462173

I didn't bring it up but I take offense to being told I should go to /b/ or Facebook for liking decent shows.

I want to like you /jp/, I want to be accepted by you, but some of the shit you say is stupid.

Anyway I'm done here.

>> No.7462175

Are you going to import Dark Souls? I can't be the only one on jp importing it. Looking forward to making threads here and avoiding the first timers on /v/ amidst all the


>> No.7462176

i found 4chan originally because a post on blizzhackers in '04.

>> No.7462180

Are you saying /v/ doesn't or can't talk about Dark Souls?

>> No.7462183

why are you on /jp/?

some of the people here live the some most boring lives you can imagine and that's not because of television

>> No.7462184

No, you should leave because you belong in the past.

You can remember more television than your actual life, and that IS pathetic.

>> No.7462190

Try going into a dark souls thread on /v/.

Demons souls thread since 09/10 were full of friendly posters offering advice, sharing experiences etc. Dark souls is full of trolls, people (xbox owners) complaining about how you have to restart the level every time you die in demons souls and general unpleasantness.

I guess its a testament to the success of Namco's marketing and the cult success of Demons Souls that its so popular on /v/, but it sure did bring the quality of threads down.

>> No.7462194

I don't even know what that means.

I've lived a pretty memorable life so far if that's what you're saying.

>> No.7462196


They have a mutually shared pathos, even if they can't see it in themselves.

>> No.7462197

Go back to /v/ and take all the other shitposters in this thread with you.

>> No.7462198


I doubt it. I bet you can discuss far more about what you have watched, than you can express of what you have done.

>> No.7462200

The topic at hand wasn't really about my life now was it.

This is silly.

>> No.7462201

People still play games and argue about who has a better life? On /jp/, really?

>> No.7462204

Ah, so you're beginning to realize how much television you have watched over the years.

It is frightening when you think about it.

>> No.7462205

Make me. Jrpg imports are not mutually exclusive to /v/. Hit that report button as hard as you can, punk.

>> No.7462206

If this was Demon's Souls then yes, but since Dark Souls Japan release is only (IIRC) one month early and probably won't be English, I'll probably just wait. I have it preordered anyway.

>> No.7462210

No not much really.

I've probably watch more movies than television actually.

Is there anything else you want to know about me?

>> No.7462213

Also, the rise in popularity does seem to be pretty annoying, but it just means more people to play with online, I guess. Hopefully they stick to their word and don't implement voice chat.

>> No.7462220

Denial is a symptom, and I don't know anything about you that is any different from hundreds of millions of other people.

>> No.7462223

Oh so I'm in denial? or you just can't admit that not everyone fits into your dumb vision of everyone that watches some television shows.

>> No.7462224

I personally think they should include voice chat just because more features = better

just make it off by default

>> No.7462228

I'm sure you can still party chat, at least. Also I'm confused on what console to get it for. I'd get it for PS3 just because, but I think I know more people who are getting it for the 360 so I might get that version insead.

>> No.7462230

I disagree. The whole atmosphere is constructed around isolation and being overwhelmed. I hear that in Dark souls up to 3 people can be in your game, meaning (no sauce to confirm or deny) it could be possible that they're all black phantoms. Making communication difficult is part of the game.

>> No.7462232

You have a lot in common with everyone.

Are you saying that is a bad thing?

>> No.7462237

From the E3 floor demo, you can see that the black phantom mechanics are largely the same (e.g. world enemies do not target them, etc) so I really doubt they would allow you to be invaded by more than 1.

The 'pyromancer' class was shown in one video I watched 'planting a seed' in another users' world that 'made it harder.' I think it spawns black phantom NPCs or something?

>> No.7462240

Isn't that what you're saying? I know that's what a lot of /jp/ is saying.

I don't let any of that dictate what I like or don't like though.

>> No.7462246

party chat as in what? the original demons doesnt have any kind of vc at all.
>Also I'm confused on what console to get it for
i assume the better players will go for the ps3 version because demons souls was an ps3 ex

while i agree about that, i like being to communicate with my bros while playing online. we'll just use skype on our phones if theres no in game vc anyways. i just feel like its more convenience to just put vc in the game.

>> No.7462251

I was asking what your feelings were this time.

Is it bad to have something in common with most of the people on earth??

>> No.7462252

party chat on xbox

I'm hoping for region based servers like DS, though I heard its all P2P now, which will be terrible for Australians like me. Playing on the JP/Asian server has been the best multiplayer experience I've had in a while.

>> No.7462257

Not for that reason.

I hope this goes somewhere because I'm getting sleepy.

>> No.7462259

I mean you can enter a party with someone and voice chat with them / multiple people if you'd like, but that in game voice chat won't be an option. Who knows.

And yeah "better" players might be on the PS3, but I'd rather have an easier time in matchmaking. Maybe I should wait and see what console sales are like.

>> No.7462267

Aw, I'm sorry you can't discuss your feelings, Anon-kun.

You can go back to sleep, Anon-kun.

>> No.7462270

Well christ, at least tell me what you were getting at.

>> No.7462282

I would, but I actually just ran out of time and have to leave. Gotta go out and do stuff. Busy-busy.


>> No.7462292

What happened? It wasn't the answer you were looking for?

>> No.7462366

>makes a wall composed almost entirely of games NOT officially available in English, thus no western market
>lists on opposite side nothing
for the western world, nothing's changed. get over it.

>> No.7462369

Japanese games would be better if they were 3d sidescrollers that didn't try to be retro instead of rpgs.

>> No.7462373

>Kotaku is such a shit site. It's like Sankaku except for video games.
It's worse, actually, Shitkaku did not break their entire site with a senseless java interface redesign. months after the redesign clicking on links still does nothing or the site hangs. only an idiot would ruin their site with broken java scripting and not force the retards who broke it to fix it.

>> No.7462374

Wow nice, this whole thread is basically bangcock being a pile of shit

>> No.7462382
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we hold translations hostage, with fake stories of crashed hard drives, til you donate

>> No.7462391

