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File: 103 KB, 640x480, ohnoes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7455332 No.7455332 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /jp/. I've been playing Ijimete Maniac and it seems to flow like a normal porn VN, but then I took the loli path. That is one of the creepiest bad ends I have ever seen.

So /jp/. What VNs have the creepiest/best bad ends?

>> No.7455373

Fate/Stay Night has an abundance of creepy bad endings including being decapitated and left alive and being turned into a living staff.

>> No.7455407


>> No.7455420

This marks the 100th time i have heard of fate/stay night since i've decided to keep count of how many times i've heard of fate/stay night. Since I have lost this game, I now must play Fate/Stay Night.

>> No.7455438


Yeah, Type-Moon games are basically entry level. F/SN and Tsukihime at least. Don't be caught on /jp/ without having read them.

>> No.7455441
File: 51 KB, 498x446, 1257302641558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bad ends in Sekien no Inganock
Damn it Gii, stop being a retard.

>> No.7455452

Ijimete Maniac is cool. Go for the pantyhosed girl, her route was really nice I thought.
I wouldn't have said the loli's route was that creepy myself but I was used to msize games by then so I was indifferent about it (loli cutting your dick down and trampling on it with full force in their other game was more repulsing in my opinion).

As for creepy bad ends? I don't know, there are too many to think and I wouldn't want comparing them which was the most creppiest.

>> No.7455465
File: 127 KB, 750x531, wut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Gii, kill the monster!"
>"What should I do?"
>>Kill little girl
>>Kill little girl's father
>>Kill the monster

Those fucking choices, man.

>> No.7455478

>being turned into a living staff
When was that?

>> No.7455494


He probbably means doll/teddy bear.

>> No.7455502

mfw I'm the monster

>> No.7455818

I thought Caster did in one of the bad ends?

This is the game where the Loli cuts off your dick and tramples it. The creepy part to me is when the days turn into ??? and the lolis torture you in more sadistic ways until they are ready to let you bleed out and die.

>> No.7455834

Is this a guro game or is it trying to send a message about liking lolis?

>> No.7455858

what's the bad end? she turns into that lady with the tumors in her chest?

>> No.7455860

Not a guro game (which makes the ending shocking). It's a femdom game and if you take the loli route and try to back out on them, they tie you up for an indeterminable amount of time, molest you, beat you, seal your dick with glue, and then cut it off with a pair of scissors. The last thing you see before you die is the lead loli standing over your severed dick with one foot raised high above it.

It's just plain creepy.

In Big Sis the Witch, a game where you a shrunk to about an inch high, your sister freaks if you try to run away from her and tortures you by shrinking you some more and keeping you in a laundry bin for about a week before she swallows you whole.

>> No.7455885

Big sis is pretty light hearted aside from the occasional teasing. Are there any translations for that or I raf you games yet?

>> No.7455928

Bad Ends?

There is this game named Ryouki Hime. You are this noble guy who had his parents raped and killed in front of him, and his beloved older sister forced to have sex with him, ending with her decapitation right at the end. So Bahn(?) rapes, tortures, blackmails his way until he is the undisputed ruler of the kingdom, effectively enslaving the princesses and killing anyone that disagrees. He is left empty, miserable and alone, because he realizes that he did exactly the same thing that was done to his sister. You then see him in the throne, with the Princess at his feet and an army fop naked women in a wild orgy, looking bored. You probably have seen the image around 4chan by now.

>> No.7456887

Oh right, I confused Ijimete Maniac with Ikisugi M Lesson, I was referring on this game. Been ages I played them, my apologies. Yes that was rather fucked up indeed.

Damn I wish MSize would announce their next game (and no ridiculous amount of scat this time thank you!). There's literally no femdom game being worked on now at all anywhere. I don't think I ever been like this when there's absolutely 0 nukiges with that fetish coming out in the future.

>> No.7456894

What was the bad end? I dropped it when she started jumping on his dick (literally), that was already way too much for me.

>> No.7456897

>>7456894 here
>I confused Ijimete Maniac with Ikisugi M Lesson
Shit, me too.

>> No.7456903

one of Kiriya Hakushakuke bad ends had the route heroine transform the main character into a sort of flesh amoeba, and she just kept fucking him and spawn now flesh monsters until the whole mansion was a clusterfuck of writhing flesh for eternity.
One of the other heroines had no good ends, her only end had her and the main character try to elope together only for the mansion mistress to find out and imprison them, she's gang-raped as a daily occurrence.
I didn't really expect it since most of the other routes had good ends so it hit me more than I thought bad ends were capable of.

Baldr Sky's bad ends are also pretty bitter/holy fuck what, especially Nanoha's bad and normal and Chinatsu's bad.

>> No.7456905

I started on Shizune's (that was her name right, the girl in OP's pic?) route a while ago, but I'm afraid of finishing it, due to how sadistic she can get, which tells me that the ending might be scary.

I like her relationship with the protag, but I wish she would retain more of her warm personality when she goes into sadistic mode.

>> No.7456920

I've always thought of Nanoha's normal end as a preamble to her true end.

>> No.7456923

I know that feel. I can't find any femdom or straight shota VNs in the near future.

>> No.7456954

Yeah there really isn't any. I scoured through the homepages of the developers who worked on femdom games before just yesterday but the results of my exploration was more depressing than I feared. I'd hazard a guess next time will see any new femdom nukige will be in autumn already ;_; .

>> No.7456965

The genocide chapter in Double Cast. If you enter that chapter, no matter what combination of choices you make you and all your friends will die horribly.

>> No.7457002

>One of the other heroines had no good ends

>> No.7457376

Extravaganza had some deliciously fucked up endings

>> No.7457384

The older maid

>> No.7458148

Big Sis also had an ending where the maid found you and swallowed you alive.

>> No.7458152

Bible Black.

>> No.7458209
File: 57 KB, 794x594, rain normal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of my favorite bad ends.

I didn't even care much for Rain, but god damn, this is some soul-crushing stuff.

>> No.7458210
File: 192 KB, 1024x768, breastcrush.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one of those i-raf-you games had an english translation (i actually can't even remember which, think it was the hospital one) but it was done almost entirely with google translate.

>> No.7458260
File: 214 KB, 800x600, VISUAL_NANOHA_E02A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, that one was pretty crushing end. altough this one is up there too due to: "Oh hey this is pretty good end actually and nothing seems off... NOPE"

>> No.7458275

The best bad end is the one at the end of the second chapter in Phantom of Inferno, when Reiji storms the headquarter of Inferno, fucking awesome ending.

>> No.7458319

That was a cruel ending. However, it shows just how much she loves Kou. Rain is amazing waifu material.

>> No.7458353 [SPOILER] 
File: 292 KB, 800x600, VISUAL_SORA_15C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sora is better waifu material. But yeah, both Sora and Rain are both top-tier waifu material.
But now that I think about it, is there even normal/bad end in Baldr Sky that isn't depressing and to some degree fucked up? they all had something that made them that.

>> No.7458383

I actually felt some of the bad ends fit better with the actual story and the way events panned out. But yeah, some of them really really hurt, particularly the Rain, Sora and Aki ones.

>> No.7458390

There was a bad end for Sora?

>> No.7458393

Somewhat, yes. See >>7458353.

Of course, it didn't matter since you got the true end on the next playthrough anyway

>> No.7458439

agree most of the normal/bad ends are more fitting. hell I would say that they didn't originally plan to have good ends, but then they realized how depressing game it would be before the true end. so they decided to tack some good ends along the way, as not to depress people away from finishing the whole game.

more like normal end. it's the end where Sora and Kou do double suicide before their conciousness disapears.

>> No.7458440

Just to clarify, you can get the bad end by losing to Sora when you fight her, or picking the wrong choice about Kuu's jealousy. The scene in that image ends in a double suicide instead of Kuu coming in and intervening.

>> No.7458451

Oh wow, I had no idea. Well yeah, that would count as a bad end.
