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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7450676 No.7450676 [Reply] [Original]

Are you ready?

>> No.7450686


>> No.7450692

Are you ready?

>> No.7450697

Oh god I'm so ready

>> No.7450713

These mods are the sole reason for me building a new PC.

Otherwise I'd grab it on the PS3.

>> No.7450715

I don't care if I get flamed

I prefer shota over loli. Keep your little girls away

>> No.7450727

Shota is fine too friend. We'll all have fun in Skyrim this November - that's for sure.

>> No.7450735

You can't fuck little boys in Skyrim?

It's pretty much historically accurate that the vikings the Nords were fashioned from fucked boys as a way of helping them grow up. You get fucked when you were young, then you fucked when you were finally considered a man. This is tantamount to Nords not having spears.

Fuck this shit, I'm pirating it then seeding until I get a 500.00 ratio on the thing. Fucking lazy devs depending on modders to fix their mess-ups.

>> No.7450736

I wish they would just make an open world monster hunter game...
Could you imagine it? Trekking through the blizzards to reach you mark. Wildlife starting to fade and wither as you get closer to the volcano region. Herbivores travelling huge distances to get to the water hole. It would be beautiful.
The only downsides I see are aggro ranges for if you need to run away and marks which are too far away. Multiple cities, towns and villages could fix that though.

>> No.7450741

...so? are you guys gonna post some fapalicious 3d or not?

>> No.7450745

Hold on. Children have been CONFIRMED in the game. Todd Howard said so himself.

And they get kidnapped and taken into dungeons in side questlines!

>> No.7450753

...well, everybody have his tastes...
>kidnapping childs
...well, I guess that that's enough for today...

>> No.7450755
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>your face when they make mods that allow human have sex with dragons

>> No.7450768

I spent more time playing dress-up in Oblivion than actually playing the game. And praise the nine divines for that, the game was a wreck.

>> No.7450769

Those Japanese modders better be upgrading their PCs. I expect great things.

>> No.7450772

They better make it so I can be a dragon and have sex with another dragon while flying in the air

>> No.7450773


Now I'm interested. Brb, researching.

>> No.7453179


>> No.7453182

I want to play a trap shota and have a muscular oneesan companion.

I fear that my tastes might be too specific, though.

>> No.7453191

I don't want to be rude, but they probably are...my eyes start bleeding reading what you said...

>> No.7453193

>trap shota
You can just be a little girl and pretend it's a boy. I think your tastes are a little too... specific.

>> No.7453194


>Todd Howard said so himself.

Not that I'm not doubting that there will be kids in Skyrim but don't believe anything that faggot says.

>> No.7453196

It won't feel right unless there's some physical sign that I'm actually a trap.

>> No.7453205

well, I just want a mod to rule the night, from the throne of undyingness, with a vampire loli queen at my side.

>> No.7453206

Eh. Modding a bulge wouldn't be *too* hard I guess.

>> No.7453214
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>> No.7453215

oh yeah, catgirls!
...wait, that killer abs Felicia companion mod, it really exists, or I was too drunk that night to notice when I feel asleep?

>> No.7453216



>> No.7453218

>Didn't click the picture


>> No.7453221
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>> No.7453222

>using standard-width w's

>> No.7453224

guys...guys...it was a PUN

>> No.7453225

Master weaboo here. Forgive us.

>> No.7453238 [DELETED] 

Whoa, I just realized this thread was on /jp/. Trippy.

>> No.7453245


>> No.7453291

Ready ? ready doesn't even FUCKING DESCRIBE IT
i can't wait to shout fus roh dah with a loli voice

>> No.7453321

You mean you can't wait to shout FusRohDah with a deep Nordic voice in the body of a little girl.

Skyrim would be better without voice acting

>> No.7453537


>> No.7453560 [SPOILER] 
File: 305 KB, 1600x900, loliblivion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my body is ready.

>> No.7453565


Which mods were used for these?

>> No.7453566


You mean I can't wait to shout FusRohDah with the voice of Miku because TES has allowed voice mods since Morrowind.

>> No.7453580

Well, that was a cinematic after all. I'm not sure you hear his shout in FPS modo, and you can play as a female at the very least.

At any rate, Skyrim will have children, so that presumably means vanilla lolis (though I doubt they'd look particularly lolish, considering Bethesda and all). They'll be invincible though.

>> No.7453581 [SPOILER] 
File: 910 KB, 1440x900, m9lxz2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still haven't been able to find out what mods made this.

>> No.7453595

well, a FusRohDah in a Kikuko Inoue fashion sounds more appealing than the little girl one, frankly.

>> No.7453599

And how many voice mods exist since Morrowind?

And how many of those are actually any good?

>> No.7453607

This... this can't be real.


>> No.7453698

This game doesn't come out for 5 more months.

Even after it comes out, you're gonna have to wait a few months before a good body/face mod comes out.

>> No.7453706

...and at least a year for the really good stuff. and consider eventual add ons and patches...
it's quite some time...

>> No.7453715

if it uses the same engine oblivion mods should work without any problems. just like fallout 3 and new vegas.

>> No.7453726

Creation Engine is different than Gamebryo, though it is based on it. It remains to be seen whether that'll work or not, but it seems unlikely without a bit of modification.

>> No.7453730

This is being designed for consoles and then its being ported to the PC for its release.


Lets hope the mod community continues to be good.

>> No.7453740

Please go back to /v/.
This post was made not in response to the content of your post, but its delivery. Please do not respond to this post.

>> No.7453763

I'm ok with that. my computer wouldn't be able to play it otherwise

>> No.7453796

It's actually quite possibly the other way around. Games made natively for the PC are usually very scalable, and can run on a wide variety of systems due to the large amount of grafics options and whatnot.
Console ports are oftentimes lazily ported, so you can't turn anything down (or turn anything up, for that matter), so if you can't run it you're pretty hosed.

>> No.7453827
File: 27 KB, 590x540, 1272953871360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not only am I not going to go to /v/, I'm going to reply to your post after you asked me not to. I'm gonna do it 20 minutes later and without a sage and include a reaction image.

How do you like that?

>> No.7453880
File: 96 KB, 930x930, 235424534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You definitely do not belong here if you're getting upset at something like that. He was just telling you your post isn't how we expect posts to be here.

>> No.7453890
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>> No.7453896
File: 40 KB, 406x406, 1300910944374.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I take it back. Go back to /b/.
Jesus Christ.

>> No.7453902

I hope that there won't be a town like Bruma in this game. Every single oblivion save I have ever had, every possible citizen of Bruma has been killed. I will most likely still be a warrior with restoration/destruction spells regardless.

Also: One time when I was playing Oblivion I killed an NPC in the Imperial City, took his clothes and roleplayed as him for 129 in game days. Without time skipping

>> No.7453905

Whenever I see that picture, the sound effect in the upper right always looks like she's wearing a red glove and doing a gang symbol halfway out of the picture.

>I hope that there won't be a town like Bruma in this game.
Well... considering that Bruma was the town most like Skyrim's citizens and climate, and this game is entirely set in Skyrim...
I'd say you're going to have multiple life sentences awaiting you.

>> No.7453916

Dunno. Couldn't get into Morrowind or Oblivion. Just not my kind of game I guess.

>> No.7453920

I just had an irrational hatred of Bruma for some reason.

>> No.7454063

Was your mother, sister, or waifu raped by a man of Nordic decent?

>> No.7454074

Not that I know of. It might have been that whole "get us reinforcements", which I got them reinforcements from EVERYWHERE. Only after I beat the main quest I found out you didn't need to do all that bullshit.

>> No.7454088

You got trolled hard by NPCs.

>> No.7454090

Isn't it sad Bethesda games with mods make better fapping games than Japanese eroge productions?

>> No.7454097

I just installed oblivion... any mods I can use to make it look better? it's a very old game

>> No.7454098

That I did. I still enjoyed the overall game though. Although Knights of the Nine was tedious as all hell in my opinion.

>> No.7454101

You can pick and choose from here: http://www.tesnexus.com/

I don't recall the recommended mods list off the top of my head.

>> No.7454106

