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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7444763 No.7444763 [Reply] [Original]

Last Thread >>7385985

>> No.7444765

Ar Tonelico For Lazy People Pack™:

Contains torrents for the games along with the emulator installer and bios. Now updated with the latest PCsx2 SVN beta client, plugins are automatically included. Thanks to Anonymous for this.

UPDATE: There's a new version of PCSX (0.9.8) which can be found here: http://pcsx2.net/downloads.php

AT2 Flash Cosmosphere:

Lossless albums:

AT - All: http://www.hongfire.com/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=116396&d=1240137696
AT2 - All: http://www.hongfire.com/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=108204&d=1232984269
AT3 - OST: http://www.nyaatorrents.org/?page=download&tid=112183
AT3 - Hymmnos albums: http://www.nyaatorrents.org/?page=download&tid=111040

Thanks to Yuyucow and Anonymous in previous threads for digging up the links. Foobar can play the .tta files but if you feel like converting them to .FLAC or whatever for your MP3 player/Media player of choice then Foobar also provides an easy convert tool. Takes about a minute to convert the albums over to FLAC.

Utau Oka ~Ar=Ciel Ar=Dor~ is out! Download it here:

>> No.7444768

AT3 Artbook - http://www.mediafire.com/?jrm2mg22mkx

AT2 Raki bug patch - http://www.mediafire.com/?bp8ydy03ml7r5xa
You shouldn't need this if you're using the newest version (0.9.7) of PCSX2. Thanks to anonymous for uploading this!

Latest Technical Data Compilation Room Issue:

Latest Toukousphere Translation:
April Fools TKS:

AT Visual Book available for pre-order:
Atelier Official Chronicle is OUT:

>> No.7444775

luca is a whore and a slut

>> No.7444779


>> No.7444786 [DELETED] 

There's something that's bugging me about the AT1 phase 2 ending. [/spoiler]Suspend stops the tower from functioning but doesn't that mean the world is basically doomed? As we've seen throughout the game the whole AT world is supported by the tower. The continent floats because of the tower, the weather is controlled by the tower, and we have no idea what other things the tower controls to make life there possible. Doesn't shutting down the tower then means all those life-support functions will be gone too? Otherwise, if parts of the tower is still functioning isn't it possible for Mir to slip into them and start wreaking havoc again?

>> No.7444790

There's something that's bugging me about the AT1 phase 2 ending. Suspend stops the tower from functioning but doesn't that mean the world is basically doomed? As we've seen throughout the game the whole AT world is supported by the tower. The continent floats because of the tower, the weather is controlled by the tower, and we have no idea what other things the tower controls to make life there possible. Doesn't shutting down the tower then means all those life-support functions will be gone too? Otherwise, if parts of the tower is still functioning isn't it possible for Mir to slip into them and start wreaking havoc again?

>> No.7444855

I'm sorry, but has Luca even engaged in sexual intercourse? Oh, that’s right. She hasn't even made contact with a man outside of dive therapy. In fact, it’s only therapy involving fields for soothing. Does not having a cliche tsundere personality make you a slut? Is that what you’re saying? Because if you’re saying that I can assure you that you’re wrong. Why would you make this topic when the game is already finished and we know for certain she is pure? Luca is a holy maiden now and she was been the purest maiden in Metafalss? Luca has to go up against one of the sluttiest reyvateils in Ar Ciel who just happened to have a lead because she was praying on Croix's innocence. But you know what? Cloche is still a whore. Luca is the best heroine in all three games, she has the best songs. Luca has already won Croix over, she would have done it sooner if it wasn't for her tragedy with her sister throwing her for a mental loop. Maybe you should shut the fuck up before you make retarded topics like this. You know why? Because you're going to be embarrassed when Luca is proven a better waifu than any other in AT2. Cloche tries to latch on to anyone who would have shown her a different and free life. Are you retarded? Are you autistic? You are a fucking idiot and you should never make a topic on this board again and I’m fucking serious. I almost have a feeling you’re the only guy making all these anti-Luca topics because you’re a faggot hater who doesn’t like a heroine because they’re canonically pure. Fuck you, be good at something in YOUR life and then maybe try to troll these fucking idiots on the board, like I give a fuck. It’s so easy to spot out your threads now, you’re a retard. Always doing stupid shit like this. Why don’t you try to be a good poster? Just for once? For once in your fucking life try not to make a topic like this. That’s just you, you’re always right at getting it wrong. Fuck you. You are nothing.

>> No.7444870
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Friendly reminder.

>> No.7444877

You fags are worse than the ones who argue un-ironically about Fate.

>> No.7444883
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>> No.7444884
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>> No.7445265

My worthless phone just got awesome.

>> No.7445287


Luca is a pure maiden, what you say is lies.

>> No.7445643

Where are all these Luca fanboys coming from? I thought /jp/ agreed that she was a prostitute and a gigantic slut.

>> No.7445674 [DELETED] 

She can slut it up all she wants. The more pertinent fact is that she's also a giant manipulative bitch.

>> No.7445824

I think something was written about this ending in an official book somewhere. I can't seem to find it though

>> No.7445941


There's some side material that explains that the Rim of Metafalss nearly drops entirely when Shurelia sings SUSPEND and shuts down the first tower, and was kept up by Frelia's power alone. She continues to support the Rim through the second game.

Off the top of my head, the second tower Reyvateils (minus the IPDs, of course) and the third tower Reyvateils all used the first tower as their song magic server, didn't they? But non-RT-related functions outside of the aforementioned one didn't depend on the first tower at all.

Of course, the world is still doomed, because IIRC they say somewhere in AT3 that the world is going to end in a few decades (maybe less?) if nothing is done. In order for the world to be saved in AT3, however, Cocona and Sasha have to come to Sol Cluster with the Heart of Gaea, which in turn requires the events of AT2 to happen, which are heavily dependent on the first tower being active and Mir/Jacqli's presence.

That said, evil Mir running rampant would have doomed the world sooner than AT2 and 3 not happening would have, so it's not like Shurelia made a completely terrible call there.

tl;dr- the world is fucked, yes, just not as immediately as you're thinking.

>> No.7446207

>IIRC they say somewhere in AT3 that the world is going to end in a few decades (maybe less?)
It's actually one year after the events of AT3, if you stop at Phase 2.

>> No.7446225
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How does it feel knowing that your "pure maiden" does this at work to random strangers every single day? I felt like a change from cover Harve.

>> No.7446258


>> No.7446304

Except she doesn't.

>> No.7446454
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Whatever helps you sleep at night, Anonymous.

>> No.7446471
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Yo check this out.

>> No.7446479
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>> No.7446482
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>> No.7446498

Her dive therapy sessions DO NOT INVOLVE SEXUAL FAVORS IN EXCHANGE FOR MONEY. She just helps people relax like an aroma therapist that uses flowers and dolls. Luca is cannon pure no matter how much autistic /jp/ is.

>> No.7446528 [DELETED] 

Pure bitch.

>> No.7446535 [DELETED] 
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>cannon pure

>> No.7446546

So is Cloche, in fact Cloche is a super bitch far beyond anything Luca could do. Cloche commits war crimes for fucks sake.

>> No.7446557 [DELETED] 

You're off your meds again, Billy. Take a nap and come back once you're in touch with reality again.

>> No.7446573

No, my name is Chris. I am just calling the bullshit that /jp/ gives Cloche a pass and reveres her just because she is a tsundere.

>> No.7446581 [DELETED] 

She gets a pass because she doesn't lie to and manipulate her friends and treat them like dirt.

>> No.7446596

Also because she's got 15.3 miles of cleavage.

>> No.7446597

That's because she has no friends. The only thing we can judge Cloche on is her professional life and in that she harms society far more than she helps it until the two maidens come together. Putting on the occasional fake smile to skycat and Gen is much better than the shit the Grand Bell does.

>> No.7446610 [DELETED] 

Missed the part where she has no actual authority and was tortured for days on end every time she tried to act against them, did we?

>> No.7446666

That still doesn't erase the fact that she was the one acting as a figure head and that she was a member of the Grand Bell's inhumane scheme. Not being ok with it and feeling bad does not absolve her of her responsibilities.

Alfman may have had most of the power but she was still the maiden and could done more than a fucking research paper. Don't get me wrong because I do like Cloche after Phase 3 but the way /jp/ trolls a good character because they can't handle anything out of stereotypes is pure bullshit.

>> No.7446673 [DELETED] 

I'm not allowed to hate her for being a bitch, I have to hate her for being nonstereotypical? Why can't we live in a world where we're free to hate things without prejudice?

>> No.7446715

It is hypocritical to hate Luca and sing Cloche's praises. I can stomuch the idea that maybe you don't see Luca's charm but don't go around hating on here character just 'cause.

>> No.7446752
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That's kinda like blaming the President of the US for all the shit the government does. The President doesn't have that much power compared to the rest of the government, and it is often the work of the previous official and/or the other branches which really gets things done. He just gets handed the blame, whether he was a part of it or not.

And, if you haven't noticed, the political system in Japan is just as crooked as the American, if not worse. Guess what office hers was based on? Guess who's lack of power she inherited? the powerless figurehead has been mainstream Japanese since the shogunate.

Also, Luca didn't cause harm? Forget the civil war she starts because she's jealous of Cloche? Can't blame one 'figurehead' without going for the other. At least Cloche tried to oppose what her group did, Luca rushed in willfully and out of personal spite.

And, while we're at it, don't forget that Luca was really only using Croix to search for her sister. And, her 'confession' that she actually likes Croix could easily be interpreted as her trying to hold on to her control over a high-ranking government employee. Anyways, she TRIES TO MURDER HIM SEVERAL TIMES in her cosmosphere just because she's too childish to think of other people. Something similar can be said about saving the revitails; that was her building an army.connections network for her own use. Enjoying the cynicism card yet?

I dislike Tsunderes, kuuderes, and main moe, but at least Cloche's not a two-faced bitch.

>> No.7446756 [DELETED] 

Sing her praises? I said that she had an excuse for being a bitch. Also tits. Misha's the only good AT girl from the first two games in my book.

>> No.7447769


No Jakuri or Shurelia? What the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.7447793

He's gay.

The censorship of this image made me smile.

>> No.7447832

Got this too if its the Meruru app. Does yours only play on headphones?

Also I started playing Totori and can only understand about 1/3 - 1/2 of whats going on. Feels bad. I should get back to kanji grinding.

>> No.7447875
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Hating on Luca is one of my favorite parts about AT2. The dive prostitute stuff is just a joke, but the "pure maiden" nonsense always makes me laugh.

>> No.7447902

So I know Shikata Akiko has released AT songs (my favourite in the series, in fact) in her RAKA and Harmonia albums. Anyone know if Shimotsuki Haruka and the others have as well?

Otherwise, shameless petition to add links the aforementioned albums to the thread header.

>> No.7447908

You're a real jerk, you know that?

>> No.7447975 [DELETED] 

They are both boring, crowbarred in,and have crappy Cosmospheres.

Deal with it.

>> No.7447990

You. Me. Pistols at dawn.
I'll make you eat those words or eat lead, nerd.

>> No.7448054
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While I do like Jacqli, I think the later parts of her cosmosphere(mostly the romantic parts) are horribly forced and really awkward.

I never really understood the appeal of Shurelia though. She doesn't have much of a personality or presence. She only appears in the game for a short period of time. She doesn't even have a proper ending. Her cosmosphere isn't very interesting except as a contrast to the proper ones. Even the shopkeeps in Ar tonelico 2 aren't as hollow as her.

She just doesn't really seem to have a purpose as a love interest except for people that have a thing for the typical knight+princess pairing. She is cute though.

>> No.7448073

I would honestly say Misha is the knight/princess pairing. Shurelia is more like... the knight doesn't settle for the princess and instead marries the queen.

>> No.7448081

The so-blatantly-clumsy-moe-type-that-it-hurts queen.

>> No.7448090

You people are insane.
You're arguin about characters in some kind of dating game or something.
The hell? I mean, I see people argue about fiction all the time. But you people are defending the character's integrity and character. Like you know them personally.

I am NEVER EVER going to come to /jp/ again.

>> No.7448110

Welcome to /jp/!

>> No.7448112
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>> No.7448124
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You people are insane.
You're arguin about video game consoles and anime or something.
The hell? I mean, I see people argue about fiction all the time. But you people are defending the video game consoles and anime's integrity and character. Like you know them personally.

I am NEVER EVER going to come to /v/ and /a/ again.

For me it's gotta be the last 30 seconds of AT. The way Shurelia confesses was the best. Plus she's just hot in general; I like her hair style and color.

>> No.7448139

I'm going to start AT2 soon. In terms of route branching points and endings what should I watch out for?

>> No.7448148
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Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaabsolutely nothing.
Well, one thing. If you want to get the third reyvatiel's ending, don't progress past anyone's Cosmosphere Level 5.
But seriously there's no fake ending like in AT1.

>> No.7448392

Near the end of phase 1, you have to pick Luca or Cloche for a decision point. I would recommend Cloche, because you'll still be able to get her costume from the 5th Cosmosphere even if you end up going for the third reyvateil's ending (and, let's face it, you probably will unless there's something wrong with you). You'll want Cloche's costume rather than Luca's because you'll be mainly using Cloche and the third reyvateil for your party. The third reyvateil has some nice, powerful spells, and Cloche is needed for Replakia.

>> No.7448516 [DELETED] 

Plus it's hardly a split. It's like AT1 that you're apart for about 3 dungeons, then everything plays out the exact same as before, just you don't get to go to the end of one of their cosmospheres.

>> No.7448835


I.. I'm sorry.. ;_;

>> No.7449348

Cloche isn't 'needed' for Replakia if you play the game normally and don't do anything to artificially increase the difficulty. In fact, apart from Replakia, Cloche is weak as a reyvateil if you don't lock into her ending and go beyond her L5 cosmosphere. Because her L3 is non-existent, you're one costume and a few songs behind Luca at her L5 cosmosphere boundary.

That concern is rather irrelevant once you get access to the third reyvateil though as her BASIC song is stronger than pretty much all of Luca's and Cloche's songs up to and including the L5 cosmosphere barring the Synchronity Combos songs. And to further hammer in the point that she's ridiculously powerful, her best song family at her L5 cosmosphere is stronger than Luca and Cloche's synchronity combo songs without unlocking their last one by going beyond L5.

>> No.7449364

You forgot to mention how the third revytail is the only actually likable girl, and not a total backstabbing, whoring bitch.

>> No.7449391

you mean 'butch'

>> No.7449446
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I find shurelia far too attractive to like anyone else better.

>> No.7449451

No way, she basically stole Misha's/Aurica's boyfriend right before their "honeymoon". That can't be right

>> No.7449463

Who cares? She's like all of my fetishes combined,

>> No.7449465

She's been in love with Ryner ever since she took care of him as a baby.

>> No.7449472

Wow, she's a paedophile...

>> No.7449488

I'm playing AT2 now. Just got a choice to go off with Luca or protect Cloche, easiest choice in the world. Luca is a crazy bitch.

>> No.7449494

I haven't gotten her end so forgive me but I only got the impression that she fell in love with him, if at all, during their journey and only thought of him as another loyal knight before.

>> No.7449500

There are hints that she already liked him when she sang suspend or when she sent off Lyner for his church/search party mission though (even though the latter is pretty vague/I'm just imagining it)

>> No.7449509

The truth is they are both two scoops of crazy, you will leave Cloche for the third revytail anyway so it matters whose life you want to look at in Phase 2 and 3. Cloche in any other VN/jRPG would easily be the most hated character but Luca is there so it makes seem less bad but don't be fooled, she is a mega bitch.

>> No.7449525
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You know, some people would have found it easier to go with Luca as Cloche is lying to the people and represents the organisation that is increasing the occurrence of those dangerous IPD outbreaks. The very same things that killed Croix and Cocona's families and the resulting IPD containments is what Croix hates most about his job. Yes, Cloche isn't directly responsible for those incidents, but she is the PR front that pulls the wool over the public's eyes so that they don't realise what is happening.

Not that I went for Luca mind you, I went with Cloche in a heartbeat. Luca's incredibly cold attitude to her mother and to the party once she drops her facade really doesn't help win any points to jump over to her side...

>> No.7449548
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Everytime Lyner did stupid things that hurts her my heart aches. I even swore I won't ever look at Shurelia's ending i her playthrough. Her awesome VA just made me like her even more (try listening to her at the ending where she told Lyner that it's ok if she wants to stay with Shurelia or when she spoke with Lyner before the choice to join the search party, it's just heartbreaking. Oh, I'm talking about the Japanese VA of course)

>> No.7449552

I went with Luca because of those reasons and I felt like could understand Luca on a more human level as Cloche's thoughts and opinions on things are batshit insane. Cloche also rubbed me the wrong way at first with her tsun and just being straight up rude, she still bothers me even after I got her end. Both heroines are infinitely less shitty after phase 4 though but at first they are both bitches,

>> No.7449568

Well Misha is the best girl despite being with the worst protag imaginable. Croix is a good person if lacking personality and gets stuck with Bitches and Whores. Lyner is dumb as hell and kinda a douche and he gets Misha and even Aurica is better after a while.

>> No.7449583
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Well, we all know how it really should end.
Luca and Cloche are more than capable in taking care of themselves after all...

I must say I'm not very fond of Aoto so far...

>> No.7449587

1. Misha
2. AT2 third reyvateil
3. Finnel
4. AT1 third reyvateil
5. Aurica
6. AT3 third reyvateil
9001. Cloche
9002. Luca
900000000003. Saki

>> No.7449598

>above AT3 third reyvateil
No, she's just above cloche. Cloche at elast has miyuki sawashiro.

>> No.7449606
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What did you not like about Sucky?

>> No.7449611
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I reckon Origin/Beta reyvateils have got the really shitty end of the bargain. While yes, they do live for a long time, staying eternally youthful (In Shurelia's case, self-proclaimed 16 years old) and wield powers that are akin to a goddess, they know exactly to the second when they will die unless it's in combat.

It sucks really badly for Tilia especially. Her lifespan was cut seriously short by what was needed to save the world, and she will die soon regardless when her tower shuts down even though all the Beta reyvateils of Clusternia will live on as they are on a different S.H server.

I know it's supposed to be Tilia and Aoto Protocol, but I cannot help but instinctively read T&A Protocol to be 'Tits and Ass Protocol', then immediately think that Tilia certainly doesn't have the T.

>> No.7449617

I look forward to the day when Aurica and Luca corrupt Saki in the Toukouspheres. Aurica wants to turn her black from the inside out, while Luca wants to soak her and let it seep in from the outside.

>> No.7449686

What are these... Toukospheres?

>> No.7449690

Isn't she saved in the after story LN?

>> No.7449701
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Extra reading materials. You should read them, really.

>> No.7449706

Should I read them after inishing all 3 games? Currently I'm still in the middle of 2

>> No.7449719
File: 123 KB, 900x1000, 8964271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just read everything anyway, in sequence, it's on 108 now. They'll say when the next game's characters are thrown into the mix.

>> No.7449752

Highly recommended to finish all three. The toukouspheres assume you are very comfortable with the settings and are not afraid to throw around spoilers.

Think of it as one huge merged cosmosphere then take it from there. Everyone's personalities gets shifted towards one distinct aspect. Aurica is her normal self most of the time, but she's got rather 'evil' side that is expressed from time to time.

That's assuming that it's a Tilia end... but yeah she does get saved with the intervention of Frelia and Metafalss.

Incidentally, Tilia is the only Origin reyvateil who does have a fully functional reproductive system. Shurelia and Frelia cannot have babies. Isn't that sad?

>> No.7449757

>Luca and Cloche are more than capable in taking care of themselves after all...

That's one of the things I liked about AT2. Unlike a lot of VNs (and RPGs with VN-like plots) that guilt trip you by indirectly (or directly, in some cases) telling you that if you don't go with a certain girl's route she will die alone and unhappy you HEARTLESS MONSTER, in AT2 the girls you don't pick generally turn out okay.

>> No.7449761

Being a lesbian is not being okay.

>> No.7449787
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Oh poppycocks, they just have a lot of catching up to do after being separated for some 14 years, standing on opposite sides of a coup and wanting to kill each other then finally discovering that they were each other's beloved sister.

More like it was totally wrong to split them up.

The bigger question is, black or white?

>> No.7449793

>You know, some people would have found it easier to go with Luca as Cloche is lying to the people and represents the organisation that is increasing the occurrence of those dangerous IPD outbreaks.

Well, yeah, that's kind of the point- you either side with the good guys and the girl who just told you she hates you (but obviously doesn't, from the player's PoV) or you side with the bad guys and the girl who's been a more sympathetic character lately. That's why Luca's reveal happened right before the branch point, because otherwise it would make less sense for Croix to ditch both Luca *and* the rest of the good guys.

It's also the main reason why I went with Cloche the first time- I liked the whole "I completely disagree with what your organization is doing but I'm staying by your side because I love you" angle.

>> No.7449802

Saki would've disappeared anyway if you didn't get her end.
And I guess Finnel would've wallowed in self-pity until she killed herself if you went with Saki?
So yeah, someone's going to die no matter what route you're on, I guess.

>> No.7449804

Even though the Sacred Army was made out to be the 'good guys' in the early parts of the game, you do find out they were trying to do some really scummy things like the sublimation plan which would kill all the IPDs in the process by forcibly deleting their cosmospheres from Infel Pira

>> No.7449815


True, but neither the player nor Croix knows that at that point. For all intents and purposes at the branch point they are at worst the lesser of two evils.

>> No.7449838

Not to mention there's the whole Taragana lead which no doubt would catch some people's interest into who is he and what relation does Croix have with him.
While they do seem like the lesser of the two evils, I seriously did not trust Chester or Amarie one bit. Chester was all out creepy as fuck. Postcard material for a stalker and a pervert. Amarie was just so suspicious.

>> No.7450003
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can we talk about mana khemia?

i just finish the game (both of them)

>> No.7450011

It's sitting on my PS2 waiting for me to finish AT3.

>> No.7450077
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Puniyo is the strongest 5 year old. Definitely my favorite character, pity Pamela isn't around in MKII.

>> No.7450088
File: 123 KB, 512x512, 28a472cd6d1c9cfb7a0a8278949706c2e71a86bb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It seems I can't buy healing items and now the antibodies shit are everywhere and don't drop anything worth talking about, what a pain.

>> No.7450099

Healing Amount Up at the first opportunity followed by Defense Up, it's how I somehow rode out the wave without buying anything.

>> No.7450120

Still, I need to farm a bit, I only have like 10 eh eel or whatever they are called (can't read anything on my TV) left

>> No.7450121

I just got to Chapter 11 of the first game. Started playing a month or so ago but forgot about it for a bit and I'm getting back into it now.

Why are Jessica and Vayne so perfect together? Is it because they're both such huge nerds?

>> No.7450132

What? Vayne goes best with Nikki, you silly person. Although I prefer Vayne and Anna, and found Vayne and Roxis to be very cute.

Puniyo is a spellcasting monster. If she only she were more resilient, she'd be an absolute beast of a character. Oh well, I guess she is only five years old, after all.

>> No.7450173

Just buy the items on shops.

You should be swimming in money by now. If you aren't, synthesize some useless, worthless crap and sell it. Now you -will- be swimming on cash.

>> No.7450267

But that's the problem, I can't find any shop that sell healing items.

>> No.7450295

Serously? There are a fuckton. I used to buy them in the Clustania General Shop.

>> No.7450320
File: 289 KB, 853x1000, D2_Yukimaru_7_Bust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ugh... I feel stupid now, I never noticed I could change the things they sell.

>> No.7450350
File: 328 KB, 800x800, 10883063.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pamela is my favorite one, in MK II i got the tsundere end WHY I CAN'T TAKE THE MAID ROUTE? goddammit Gust

>> No.7450670
File: 49 KB, 430x1100, at-misha-arsellec-lune4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Agreed, I'm playing AT for the first time and don't have access to the third RT yet, though it'll be really hard for her to beat Misha.

Lyner really made me rage at the part in phase 2 where you're searching for chronicle key.

Misha: Please don't leave me behind, I don't want to be alone.
Misha: Once I get back my song, I'll be locked up in that room again, doomed to sing for the rest of my life all alone
Lyner: Hey guys, I got an awesome idea! Let's leave behind Misha so we can go past that door and get her song back faster!

Pic related, China Misha is the most awesome Misha

>> No.7450746

My biggest dilemma in that game wasn't choosing a heroine. It was deciding whether to keep her a loli or in that costume.

>> No.7450759

Loli, of course.

>> No.7450774

She won't even come close to beating Misha at all, unless you prefer undeveloped characters who rely on cutesy gimmicks and clumsiness.

>> No.7450855

Or if you are a pedophile that didn't keep Misha as a little girl.

Yeah, Lyner made me rage like no other during any Misha interaction. I wish Misha would have liked a better person but I can't help but feel guilty if I don't pick her.

>> No.7450963
File: 15 KB, 578x83, Misha mai waifu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7450999

From the thumbnail it almost looked like two people copulating.

>> No.7451966


Get your mind out of the gutter.

>> No.7451986


I thought it looked like two stick figures kicking each other's ass.

>> No.7452083 [DELETED] 

So what's this I hear about a DLC glitch in ATIII?

>> No.7452874
File: 276 KB, 730x1044, TotoriSide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it wrong that I was more occupied with waiting for Atelier Totori than any of this year's E3 announcements?

It probably doesn't help that I just grabbed a really nicely scanned 1.3GB pack of Atelier Rorona/Totori art...

>> No.7452883

Considering how shitty E3 was, I'd say you were more than justified.

>> No.7452955


Yeah, E3 really lacked weeaboo shit this year. Sony didn't show off that new falcom RPG, Bamco didn't show of anything about tales, Square only showed FFXIII-2 but square is shit now anyway so who gives a fuck, Nintendo didn't announce the last story nor xenoblade and didn't show off paper mario, Sega didn't announce VC3, Capcom won't bring MH3 over and I'm still mad at them for letting breath of fire stay dead and fatlus and Xseed didn't even show up. Damn disappointment for me.

>> No.7453051


I thought Atlus were at E3? I haven't paid any attention to E3 but I recall seeing an E3/Atlus related article on Siliconera with Catherine passes or something.


Could you provide a link, good sir?

>> No.7453217

I reckon the next gen of consoles may finally herald a resurgence in Jrpgs. I say this because I suspect next gen consoles will drop sharply in launch price, because the PS4 will probably use much the same architectures as the PS3 but with souped up memory and clock speeds for its cores, and perhaps a (vastly) improved gpu.

This would make the x720 and ps4 far more accessible and the audience for core gamers much bigger (lets face it, you're really limited in what you can deliver on a wii, despite the fact there's a massive install base).

Hopefully this will attract alot of jrpg devs to get back into the game. This generation has been pretty lacklustre. The only great Jrpg I can think of has been Nier. Atelier has been fun, Ar tonelico had OK sound but gameplay sucked. Resonance of fate became a borefest of gameplay once you got the hang of it. Star Ocean 4 had possibly the worst combination of art direction and dialogue and writing ever. I haven't played the Tales games but they don't seem to be great story wise.

>> No.7453240

Is anyone here importing Dark Souls from japan? I'd rather discuss it here than on /v/ for obvious reasons. Demons souls threads haven't been good there since Dark Souls was announced and Namco turned the hype machine to 10

>> No.7453254

>This generation has been pretty lacklustre.

Keep in mind that this generation isn't even *close* to over yet. Think of how many of the best JRPGs on the PS2 came out in the later parts of its life, after the PS3 had launched- Persona 3/4, Ar Tonelico 1/2, etc.

>> No.7453270

True but it seems alot of devs have shifted onto portable. And Atlus is more interested in churning out remakes on handheld than putting out a console SMT or Persona. At least Catherine means they have the engine done though.

>> No.7453273

At first I thought Luca and Cloche would end up kissing at 1:30

>> No.7453276

I need to ask, is there any undub version of the mana khemia games or english voices are must?

>> No.7453285

If I remember correctly they both have dual audio available.

>> No.7453289

Yay. Thanks.

>> No.7453638

How the fuck didn't the artist from ATII notice that world-sprite Luca has her hair ornament on the opposite side than her actual sprite?
It has always bugged me.

>> No.7453669

Because they're lazy and only flip the sprite (and character portraits!) instead of redrawing them.

>> No.7453680

The character designer and sprite designer are separate positions.

Nagi's expertise does not come cheap, completely redrawing the character art just to flip that kind of thing over would be a waste of time and money, so the art is mirrored instead.

For the sprite designer's side, it has to do with how the gameplay is set up that the sprites face that way and thus they are "flipped" so that their notable features can be seen.

If they had all the money in the world they would definitely maintain the continuity, but AT is simply far too niche to justify extra expense.

>> No.7453721

Even worse than re-makes Atlus seems only to want to ride the Demon's Souls popularity train as much as possible and release crappy medieval fantasy action games. I still mad that they won't localize Endless Frontier EXCEED.

>> No.7453747

Demon's Souls is the shit man, just saying.

>> No.7453784

Will I enjoy Totori more if I play Rorona before? I'm sure I'll buy the former because I've been told it's great fun, but not sure how good the latter was. I saw it today for 20€ so if it's decent enough and will make me enjoy Totori more when it's released then I wouldn't mind buying it.

>> No.7453970

Rorona is a pretty enjoyable game overall for the cute characters, despite the sorta grindy schedule-y gameplay.

Seeing as Totori won't be out for a while, you may as well play it to tide you over til then.

>> No.7454274
File: 159 KB, 1000x1454, File0026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there some sort of reward if you finish AT1 with all the talks of one (or all) girl unlocked?

Seems like I missed one of the earlier ones and I'd like to know if i have to reload an older savegame and lose like 10 hours of playtime.

>> No.7454408


To my recollection none of the AT games reward anything for 100% talk topic completion.

>> No.7454449

Other than the satisfaction of opening up the Extra page and seeing absolutely everything completed, not much.

>> No.7454648

My Atelier book came in.
Oh joyous of joys.

>> No.7454662

Oh my god this thing is huge as fuck.
I can't believe I only paid 25 bucks for this. I look forward to what the Monster Hunter and AT books look like next month.

>> No.7454858

I've just started Mana Khemia but... how the fuck do you change Philomere to Jessica?

>> No.7454866

I've just started it too, the game freezes on a black screen when I try to to go the world map. That was a good 25 minutes of playing, though. Anyone know how to get past this?

>> No.7454884 [DELETED] 

Normal localization? Philomere Hartung is kind of a ridiculous name. As is Damn, which was changed to Flay.
On a related note, it's funny to me how people get their panties in a bundle over stuff like this now while still not caring about things like Sabin's Japanese name being Mash.

>> No.7454908

How's the Mana Khemia PSP port if you're not playing from the disc? Most complaints I've seen about the port were loading times, but I saw a few others too.

>> No.7454919 [DELETED] 

Worse graphics, still has sound problems, still an inferior port, but playable.

>> No.7454922

Well it only has an English dub, so if you don't mind that, you're good to go, because download/pirated version loads just fine.

>> No.7454938

Oh wait, never mind, I've got it working now.

>> No.7455047

Great, I just finished my first assignment and I had no troubles.
Damn bear, I had to spam healing a bit.

>> No.7455065

There's an undub for the Mana Khemia PSP port, no? Didn't try it since I already played the PS2 version.

>> No.7455073

I would assume so, but I've never seen it myself.

>> No.7455079


If you check the back it actually retails for like $38 and some change, same with the Tony book. Changing to another topic, teacher Marie from Atelier Marie is fucking sexy.

>> No.7455103

So, man, gonna scan it?

Or hell, anyone gonna?

>> No.7455110

The day I pull apart any of my art books to scan them in is the same day I kill myself.
So not today, no.

>> No.7455114

There is, yes.

>> No.7455118


Welp, time to wait for somebody else. If it ever happens, that's it. God, I hate being broke.

>> No.7455121

Sure hope you remember us when life becomes too much for you.

>> No.7455126

>On a related note, it's funny to me how people get their panties in a bundle over stuff like this now while still not caring about things like Sabin's Japanese name being Mash.

People tend to be less upset over localization fuckery like name changes, removal of cultural references, and censorship when they're ignorant of it until long after falling in love with the localized version of the work. It also helps when the quality of the localization is otherwise really good- which FF6 was, by 1994 standards.

More generally speaking it was the accepted standard to change funny-sounding names and Japanese cultural stuff in localizations back then. In this day and age, however, people want localizations that make a minimal amount of changes, Japanese audio tracks, etc, and they'll hear about it immediately if you fuck around too much.

See also Lunar 1 and 2 (or pretty much any Working Designs release, really) for an example of localizations that were well-received back then but people would cry bloody murder over now.

>> No.7455128

Don't worry. Scanning it in is on my bucket list now.

>> No.7455134

Akira Ishida makes good things even better.

>> No.7455153 [DELETED] 

People don't mind most of the fucking around that NISA does with Disgaea. Almost every part of the items and monster stuff is completely made up out of nowhere.

>> No.7455232
File: 889 KB, 1010x1077, nept7a5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>start playing Hyperdimension Neptunia
>>it's basically an AVG/visual novel with Sega fanservice


I wish the RPG parts were fun though. But I guess there's Segagaga for that.

>> No.7455240


True. But people also tend to give more slack to localization fuckery with jokes, especially if the fuckery is in minor stuff like item descriptions and not in plot scenes.

>> No.7455293 [DELETED] 

I know, and I'm perfectly fine with it. Just pointing out the hypocristy. Cosmetic changes like character names hardly bother me at all. Only when things start getting in the way of characterization or story do my hackles go up.

>> No.7455679

May I ask where you got the book from?

>> No.7455696

Links up top.

Well actually I got it from Amazon. But better to link to book depository since they do better stuff internationally.

>> No.7455710

luca is a whore and a slut

>> No.7456209


Oh come on. Stuff like this is very rarely, if ever, localised for us and still you refuse to purchase even one of them? They're only £20.. I'm a NEET with very little/no income and I'm still buying the AT book and already got the Atelier book last week. I don't regret the decision whatsoever, it's definitely worth the money considering you get 300 pages of delicious art.


Bookdepository link in the third post or check Amazon if you can get free delivery from there since it may be cheaper.


I wish the god damn PSN account 'maintenance' would end, I want to make an account and get the extra characters for Neptunia but it has been down for over a week now. ;_;

>> No.7456252

What are te dimensions of the corona art book? Surprised it's paperback

>> No.7456380

So /jp/, I started Ar Tonelico Qoga but I just need to know something, is the Cosmosphere relevant to which route you want to take? I want to do Saki's route first but would advancing through Finnel's Cosmosphere affect me in any way?

What about the conversations?

>> No.7456385

Neither are relevant. You only need 3 hearts with a girl, or 2 and her confession (in their cosmosphere) to get her true end. And they aren't really routes, just endings.

>> No.7456390

CS progress shouldn't affect your route decision as much as Heart Points. You can't even get past the route point (CS8) until you've pretty much been dead set on a route.
So work Finnel's route to your heart's content.

>> No.7456394


Also just want to clarify, the final personas from Finnel and Saki's respective cosmopheres are mutually exclusive yes? Not a Saki fan but I love Sakia Rumei.

>> No.7456396

Yeah pretty much.

>> No.7458147


It's A4 sized. The quality of the pages is especially good.

>> No.7460448

Can somebody list the artbooks available for the Atelier and AT series?

>> No.7460702

Just the two in the header posts have/will be released in English so far.

For the other ones, you can either download the scans also linked in the header posts, or through some miraculous luck find them on sale somewhere.

>> No.7461792

Anyone knows of a sav where I can do Cloche's cosmosphere fully?
I tried the big one at gtamefaqs but that only allows Luca and Jacqli's, which is kinda sad sinc I wanted to do hers.
The one that actually works is from phase 4.

>> No.7462221 [DELETED] 

Just finished AT3 with Finnel's true end. Now I'd like to play the DLC but I can't quite figure out how to access it.
I downloaded and installed it, cleared Tilia's binary field and went to the shrite. But when I try to sweep my card it keeps telling me that "the conditions aren't met yet". What am I doing wrong? Do I have to be on Tilia's route to play it?

>> No.7462225

Just finished AT3 with Finnel's true end. Now I'd like to play the DLC but I can't quite figure out how to access it.
I downloaded and installed it, cleared Tilia's binary field and went to the shrine. But when I try to sweep my card it keeps telling me that "the conditions aren't met yet". What am I doing wrong? Do I have to be on Tilia's route to play it?

>> No.7462254
File: 17 KB, 80x80, change.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Noriko Mitose sings white album

It's really nice, I just found out about it and have been listening to it non-stop. Only heard the version from the eroge before. Are there any other less well-known Noriko songs that are good?

>> No.7462315

just go to the shrine again.

Now you should be getting the option to access your DLC

>> No.7462803


She's done all sorts of great stuff.

>> No.7462981

Encountered a weird glitch. My AT2 would sometimes refuse to read my memory card, causing me to be unable to save. Restrating the PS2 solves this problem but it's quite annoying when after a long story segment you try to save but you find out you can't and have to replay the segment all over again.

Anybody experienced this problem before?

>> No.7463176

I never heard about GUST, until a friend of mine showed me Ar Tonelico, I will always be grateful to him.

>> No.7463225

Mine would "save", but the next time I start up the game the save file would be missing and I'd have to start a new game from scratch.

It was the memory card being broken/old, I went out and bought one and it worked fine.

>> No.7465264

It fucking amazes me how my resolve to see the stereoscopic view of huggin Ar Ru has taught me how to finally cross my eyes correctly.
In fact, after succeeding, I went back to the Magic Eye book I got when I was four years old (being twenty-one now) and saw all those pictures that I haven't been able to see for almost two decades.
Now my eyes hurt, and I can barely read what I'm typing right now.

>> No.7465496


That's the power of love, Anonymous. Love for DFC and HHNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGG.

>> No.7465936

Please just ignore me if I'm asking anything stupid but:
>Servers- Patra Pauwel (DRIVE). Patra Pauwel is a server used mainly by male reyvateils (almost 98% of it's reyvateils are males) and it currently supports the DRIVE_ extension.

Is this canon? I thought only females can be reyvateil.

>> No.7465939

Why is AT3 still £35.85 ?!

Usually games drop to 20 pounds after all this time.

I can't buy it at £35.85 !!

>> No.7465949

>buy PS3 games

>> No.7465959

Yes Imagine some of us like to play fighters and stuff like Uncharted 2 or RDR online!

>> No.7466138
File: 323 KB, 1254x1771, 96ad03c0c0d23917e4aff723b652cc4d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know a good online shop where I can buy PSN point codes with paypal? I checked out a few but they all look like scam sites to me.
I really don't want to give sony my credit card details after all that shit.

>> No.7466158

Play-asia. I think they have ones where they just email you the code or whatever.

>> No.7466174

Do you need US UK or what kind of codes do you need?

Shopto.net has awesome UK ones.

>> No.7466257

Different countries have different cards? Why the fuck would they do that? I guess I need a German card then.

>> No.7466280


Different regions for the PSN store. There's American cards, European cards, Japanese cards etc.


It's a niche RPG. How many brand new niche RPGs do you see these days that don't drop below £25-30? I believe Neptunia is still over £30 too.


As far as I know the reyvateil gene can pass onto males but it lays dormant so they are for all intents and purposes a normal human. Only females can activate the gene and use song magic.

>> No.7466301

>Different regions for the PSN store. There's American cards, European cards, Japanese cards etc.
Okay, thanks. My AT3 is region 1, so would the DLC I get on the German store even work with it? Or do I have a make another account on the US PSN store and get a US PSN code.

>> No.7466331


I'm not sure, but if you want to be on the safe side I'd get a US PSN account and a US PSN money code.

>> No.7466357

Alright, thanks. I just bought a US card from play-asia. Now I Just hope they mail the code soon so I can finally make out with Ar Ru on the beach.

>> No.7466748


You'll have to wait anyway, the account creation thing is 'down for maintenance' right now and god knows when it'll be up again. Quite annoying since I've been trying to make an account for the Neptunia DLC for over a week now..

>> No.7466784

do they have cars in ar ciel

>> No.7466888

It worked for me. Just made a new account with fake address etc.

>> No.7467205
File: 66 KB, 1136x679, ffffff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The fuck? I've been stuck with this for over a week now..

>> No.7468161

You can make a new account with your PS3. That still works.

>> No.7468231


Yeah but I'm from the UK, I'm trying to make an American PSN account since my AT3/Neptunia is from that region. The account creation on the PS3 is limited to your region only as far as I know so I'm stuck waiting for the PSN website to stop being silly.

>> No.7468245

luca is a whore and a slut

>> No.7468271

>The account creation on the PS3 is limited to your region only as far as I know

>> No.7469048

I'm still waiting for new CFW so I can buy DLC at all. Fucking Sony, I actually want to give you my money but you refuse to take it.

>> No.7469896

Could someone enlighten me as to whether a non-Japanese version of AT3 still contains Japanese voices? I'm thinking of buying it, but I'm not so keen on a localized version after seeing the list of voice actors.


>> No.7469971


It's dual audio so you're safe.

>> No.7470050

The way AT2 forces me to play the game 3 times to get all the endings and cosmosphere scenes... argh

>> No.7470121

I hate this trend in modern RPGs. Too many branches and alternate endings. Very very few have fun enough battle systems that sitting through 90% identical playthroughs just for the few differences is a really boring task.

>> No.7470125

Not to mention that the battle system in AT2 is really straining on your hands. BLOCK BLOCK BLOCK BLOCK. Couldn't play for more than a hour a time.

>> No.7470166

Only need to play through it twice.

Make a save at the Phase 1-2 decision point. Play one through up to the end without locking in an ending. Grab Cocona end. Grab the 3rd Reyvateil and Luca/Cloche whoever you picked. That's 3/4 endings done and if you hunted every single talk topic, you're nearly done on that front since the other route has exclusive topics. Play once more from phase 2 using the early save and finish off the exclusive talk topics and don't bother with all the rest of the optionals since you don't need them any more.

Modern? Dear lord, the whole idea with multiple endings and crap have been around for yonks. At least 16 years or so and few games were kind enough to provide a newgame+ mode.

And by the way, you're in /jp/ where the staple diet are eroge with 90% identical content, multiple branches and endings and save scumming.

Easy mode called. If you don't want to worry about the battles, there's always that. "But I don't want to use easy mode", then why are you complaining about having to work during the battles? GUST games are rarely about the battle systems although the Mana Khemia games were fantastic in that department.

>> No.7470191

Wait, there was a Cocona end in AT2?

>> No.7470209


Yeah. You get it by not triggering the other girls' endings (ie don't take anyone past level 5.)

>> No.7470216


>> No.7470222

So, is it worth to try?

>> No.7470242

And by the way, you're in /jp/ where the staple diet are eroge with 90% identical content, multiple branches and endings and save scumming.

Yes, but VNs tend to have a skip feature of some sort.

RPGs don't.

>> No.7470264


If you're going to do a second run anyway, you may as well- just don't push any girl past level 5 and make an alternate save just before the end. It's not like the game isn't trivially easy even without high-level spells.

>> No.7470268


Very true. AT3 seems to be getting the hint, though, as it does have a skip feature and a very nice NG+ feature.

That said, neither AT1 nor AT2 require more than two runs to get all the endings, and you can get all but one ending in a single play in both of those.

>> No.7470306

>skip feature
But it's slow as fuck.
>and a very nice NG+ feature.
Only level, money and DP carry over. How is that nice?

>> No.7470314


It's nice in that you can choose to restart from before certain branch points instead of having to start from the beginning every time.

>> No.7470345

Yeah, but I fucked that up. I saved after getting the third heart point for Finnel right before fighting MYU. Big mistake apparently.
Because now if I NG+ at the battle of fate I start with Finnel having 3 heart points.

>> No.7470416

I see someone's getting desperate for attention.

>> No.7470936

Are the DLCs for AT3 important? I'll be most likely playing on a hacked PS3 with a pirated game so I want to know whether I'm missing much if that makes me unable to get the DLCs (which is most likely the case. Or can you pirate DLCs too nowadays?)

>> No.7470947

While I'm at it I'll also ask about the Arland Series' DLCs if they have them. I'm a big fan of GUST games and am thinking to get myself a PS3 just to play them (and FF13)

>> No.7470948

No, I just post that every time I read this thread. It's tradition.
Buttangery fanboys defending her are just an added bonus.

>> No.7470955

Rorona has no DLC.

Totori has characters as DLC; Cecilia, Cordelia and Yksel, if I'm not wrong.

Meruru will obviously have DLC, as well, but details are unknown.

>> No.7470974

Rorona has no DLCs.
Totori currently has party member unlocks for Cecilia, Iksel and Cuderia as well as an in-game model viewer, jukebox with extra music packs and the ability to swap out the game's BGMs.

AT3's DLCs are just fan services. Personality packs for one of the characters and an extra Binary Field.

>> No.7470990

>Totori currently has party member unlocks
Oh wow, that's... major.

>Rorona has no DLCs
>AT3's DLCs are just fan services
I guess this is good news

Thanks for the info guys

>> No.7471000


You wont be missing much in regards to the DLC. You could just YouTube the Elemia Island hug simulator and the personality packs for Harve-sama aren't exactly the greatest thing in the world since they aren't voiced though it's apparently dubbed if that kind of thing interests you.

Rorona has no DLC. Totori has a few extra characters and some additional features like a jukebox. Meruru isn't released yet but I imagine it'll have some DLC down the line too. Nothing too important but you might want to keep it in mind.

Also if you play other stuff like Disgaea, Neptunia etc. you'll be missing out on extra character DLC too if those interest you at all.

>> No.7471018

You're not fooling anyone. You're just begging for attention. You can't expect to troll and be respected at the same time.

>> No.7471021

You idiot! You're supposed to ignore the trolls. Don't bite the bait, don't even acknowledge their existence.

>> No.7471032

It just got a bit too pathetic to ignore. Nobody answered his >>7455710, so he decided to retry because it hurt to be ignored.

>> No.7471273

AT3's Elemia Island DLC is worth every penny. My greatest and best PSN purchase ever.

>> No.7471517

ww not same person at all

I wish they (and all companies in general for that matter)'d stop doing DLCs. It just seems like an excuse to release an incomplete game and add to it afterwards.
Not that there's anything wrong with more fanservice.

>> No.7471538

Honestly, though, GUST does DLC right about almost all the time.

In Totori they didn't release the characters like five months after release, and AT3's only paid DLC felt like an actual bonus, more than anything.

You don't feel like they took that shit out of the game to resell it later, but more like it's some extra stuff. Like, you know, how DLC should be.

>> No.7471595

NIS DLC, on the other hand...
Doesn't all of the Disgaea 3 DLC cost more than a full-priced game?

>> No.7471769

All of Disgaea after 1 is ca$h-in anyway.

>> No.7471878

D2 was pretty good.
But that isn't the topic at hand.

>> No.7473409
File: 49 KB, 375x523, Chroah Luca Forgiving Lovers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7474053


Disgaea doesn't need DLC to run though, it's just some extras content really so it's not all that bad. If someone wants to blow more than the price of the game just for some additional content that barely adds anything to the game then that's their choice really.


I agree. So many times I've seen games that just feel like they hit a wall in development and decided "Fuck this, lets just sell it now and throw in the rest of the game as DLC". At least the AT DLC is nothing more than bonus content not important to the game at all. Also Totori does it right with the additional characters in that they're introduced months down the line unlike Neptunia's bullshit of 'Here's a handful of characters, you will use them for the entire game and will receive no new characters unless you pay money' from day 1. That's the kind of DLC that makes me want to punch someone in the face.

>> No.7474171

Sorry, I can't let this go.

>If ~ is sealed, it's a 5/5 legendary creature. If unsealed, it's a 10/10 legendary creature instead.
Sounds iffy, should be reworded.

>You may play any Song Magic from your graveyard as if it's from your hand. You lose 4 life each time you do.
Activated abilities are formatted as Cost: Effect


>Whenever ~ deals combat damage to target player, that player discards their hand.
Targeting doesn't make sense here because it's part of the trigger, not the ability.

Overall, I'd change this to a 5/5 legendary with:
>Seal (~ enters the battlefield with a seal counter. Permanents with seal counters have no abilities.)
>~ gets +5/+5.
>Lose 4 life: Cast any Song Magic spell from your graveyard. Activate only as a sorcery.
>Whenever ~ deals combat damage to a player, that player discards his/her hand.

There's also some other implications this way, like interaction with cards that manipulate or enumerate counters. By the way, this card appears broken.

>> No.7474359

Except there's no point complaining about it to me because I found that by typing "luca ar tonelico" on google. I don't even know what card game is that card supposed to be from...

>> No.7474736


That reminds me, what happened to that card Anon from a few threads back? I recall him being pretty passionate about it but then he just suddenly stopped posting.

>> No.7474911


Disgaea 3 has an entire additional campaign as DLC for $15. The characters are like what, $1 each, some with a map?

How is that not fair?

>> No.7474913

Combo magic (AT2), how do you do it?

I keep attacking with the down+button command but the waves just won't line up. Sometimes they even reset back to being totally out of phase for no reason. Must I be at a certain point in the story to actually be able to do this or something?

>> No.7474914

Btw, I have crafted 3 combo magic so far

>> No.7474932

The reyvateils need a certain amount of synch with each other. I think it's around 33-35% for Luca/Cloche and around 30% for Luca/Cloche and the 3rd reyvateil before they'll be able to synch. If you don't have enough sync between the reyvateils, you cannot trigger synchronity chain no matter how many phases you spend trying.

With around 33% synch between Cloche and Luca, you'll need around 8 rounds of Sync to be able to trigger the Synchronity Chain. At higher levels of sync, say 65%+, you can hit synchronity chain in around 2-3 rounds easy, which makes the 2nd phase of the last boss more manageable since you can go straight into a combo spell for strong song magic without having to get it prematurely cast by one of its abilities.

>> No.7475130


As the sync between the two RTs you're running increases via their talk topics with each other, the number of rounds you have to fill the sync meter to activate Synchronity Chain decreases.

In practice, you will probably not see a combo magic happen until phase 4 at the earliest.

>> No.7475146

Hey, I don't know if it's only me but....
I can't access the japanese store on the playstation network.
It says "This service isn't available in your country" or something like that.

>> No.7475158

It Only Does Region-locked PSN Store as of the last update.

>> No.7475191

What's the name of the Elemia Island OP song? Can't seem to find it on the OSTs.

>> No.7475197

>In practice, you will probably not see a combo magic happen until phase 4 at the earliest.
I'm in phase 3 and you can pretty much do it in 3-4 turns, you even have time to use replakia and EX attacks.
But taht's with Cloche and 3rd reyvateil, they have like 50% of synch rate.

>> No.7475198

There's no actual song released; I heard it's a mix of Saki's different Battlesphere's hymmns.

>> No.7475201

Games aren't, but stores are.
What the fuck?

>> No.7475233

Ah, damn. Any idea where I could find the first part of the mix?

>> No.7475305

The song at 0:10. Looks like no one has ripped it yet. Too bad, it's such a cute song.

>> No.7475386

If you experiment with hyumas, you could probably replicate the song yourself.
But it'd take a lot of trial and error.

>> No.7475420

By the way, no one made a hyuma guide?

>> No.7476022


Probably because there's not really much you can say for a guide regarding hyumas other than to try them out yourself. There's a lot of combinations to bother going through and some only activate under certain conditions so it would be pretty time consuming to make a guide for that.

>> No.7476671


Now that I've progressed to the early parts of phase III, I think it kinda sucks that you can progress the cosmospheres past the story. Stuff like Misha saying how Aurica and Shureilia will be after her if she gets more bold with Lyner at a point where you're on your way to stop her while she's possessed by Mir is kinda weird

Nonetheless, the tsundere Hama after you revive her and binary fields were awesome. Kinda sucks that I have to turn Misha into a pedobait to be able to equip her last costume, though :(

And while were at "sucks":

Lyner: I want to reawaken Shureilia!
Tastiella: Misha will have to sing Chronicle Key again, for the rest of her life
Lyner: Hey Misha, I want you to sing :D
Everyone else: Huh? We're just standing around, it's up to Lyner :D

I really hope the other two games don't pull off something like that, otherwise I fear I'll ragesmash my controller / console eventually ...

>> No.7476719

Is it your first time playing this?
Misha > Others.
And yes, when lyner left misha at chronicle keys, i mad.

>> No.7476838


Yeah, this is the first time for me. Don't ask me how, but I somehow managed to miss out on GUST games until I stumbled across an AT/GUST thread here and gave the Ar Tonelico For Lazy People Pack™ a try.

>> No.7476979

Join the club, I never would've known about AT until I saw these threads.

>> No.7478137

I was actually playing Atelier Iris when I say this thread. I then found out that both series were made by the same company and decided to try AT out

>> No.7479204


Never played a single GUST game before until I heard the music from AT1/AT2 at which point I downloaded them instantly and have loved them since.

>> No.7479423

How could anyone miss the AT games? Sure, if you're walking around with your head firmly up your ass and you're busy playing normalfag mainstream shit, I can see how you might miss it. If you were actually paying attention to JRPGs for more than 1 second, it was impossible to miss.

>> No.7479438

Out of my house and my country for about 4 years and at that time AT haven't came out yet (I recall AI2 has just came out for a couple of months or so) and during the 4 years I didn't really pay attention to PS2 games (There was no point as I left my PS at home and my crappy laptop isn't good enough to emulate it).

>> No.7479451


That's no excuse. What prevented you from getting on the internet and checking out what's being released?

>> No.7479473

What's the point of making myself droll over games I can't even hope to play? At least I went and tracked all the good games I didn't have the chance to play during that 4 years right after I got back.

>> No.7479561


I'm a UK fag and seen absolutely nothing about the game over here so I never even knew it existed. I also wasted the vast majority of my high school life playing MMOs so I played little console games. So only in the past year or two have I gotten around to playing stuff I missed out on.

>> No.7479573

So I've been reading up on the Toukosphere, and I was just wondering about the whole reyvateil song duo in AT2.

It was said that no two reyvateils can sing the same song and produce the same emotion, so how where they able to synch their songs to form one song magic? Isn't there some sort of discrepancy for it to work? Or does that explain why there's a synch ratio feature in the game too?

>> No.7479588


I thought that was the whole point of a synchronicity chain? Slowly but surely their feelings come together as one and they produce the song magic that is desired. I don't think the song itself can be the same (See songs like Purger that sound completely different) but I think they can combine their powers to bring about stronger magic. This was also the point of the talk topics between the reyvateils in AT2 so that they grow closer to each other and thus share their feelings more easily with one another.

>> No.7479589

The official explanation is that in reality, only one of the reyvateils is singing the song. The other is adding their feelings to it to add to its effect.

>> No.7479658

Why are you being such a little bitch about it? Some people just don't get a chance to hear about games, others don't own the platform a game is for and are only play it when that platform becomes easily emulated.

>> No.7479701


>Pamela also returns


>> No.7479751

Playable Esty.

That's a pre-order if I ever knew one.

>> No.7480036

>Pamela being in a GUST game.

Holy shit what a shock.

>> No.7480250


Well it's not so much of a shock rather than it's nice to have her deliciousness available again.

>> No.7483885
File: 253 KB, 554x362, pamela.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow, nice illustration. I kinda miss her as she wasn't around in MK2 and I don't own a PS3

>> No.7484212

Btw, does anybody knows where can I download the AT OVA? I felt like watcing it after listening to the OVA Special CD but I can only find dead torrents of it. Is it any good?

>> No.7484217


>> No.7484223

Unless something's wrong on my end I've tried that one and it's dead (is it really dead?)

>> No.7484246


If that's the one linked at the top, it's slow but working.

>> No.7484265

>AT2 Flash Cosmosphere:
What is this?

>> No.7484274

but pamela was in both rorona and totori

>> No.7484276

What do you all consider the best tracks from the series?

Never played any GUST games.

>> No.7484279

You're mom.

>> No.7484280
File: 49 KB, 1072x49, slow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess that is pretty slow for BakaBT standards, but still nowhere near what I'd call slow in general.
Also, BakaBT doesn't do "dead".
Check if your torrent client is allowed:

>> No.7484324

I have to pick? oh boy...

Chronicle Key
Rig Veda
Method Metafalica
Method Implanta
Sublimation ~omness
Flip Arphage
Sand of Time
Method Hymmeli

>> No.7484503



>> No.7484509
File: 121 KB, 662x807, 1258642724230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7484539

EXEC_CHRONICLE_KEY/. is the best so far

EXEC_PURGER/.#Misha Extracting
are pretty good

I'm still refraining to listening o songs from AT2 as I'm still in the middle of playing (wouldn't want to spoil myself and reduce the awesomeness of the songs when they're played in game) but so far the Replakia song and Hibernation piqued my interest.

Oh, the AT1 in-cosmosphere tracks and the AT2 dive shop track are pretty awesome too

>> No.7484633

Wow, I was pleasantly surprised when Jacqli suddenly sang Harmonius before the battle with the giant negative feeling monster thing (Zadom?). As much as Lyner is a dumbass his methods seems to work pretty well Mir forgave humans, at least to some extent

>> No.7484660

Speaking of the songs, is there a longer version of the songs sung in the Hymmnos Musicals (e.g. EXEC_HYMME_CPLUTONIUS, EXEC_NULLASCENSION) or am I stuck with the 20seconds-1minute snippets?

>> No.7485308


Those are available in the drama CD's, aren't they?

>> No.7485332

They released an album with the full versions either early this year or late last year, I can upload if no one else has it.

>> No.7485349

...Or, I can google and find it right after I say I'll upload it. http://www.mediafire.com/?qmirw7qf5vjf463

>> No.7485849

Best track from the series is hands down Singing Hills ~Salavec Rhaplanca~

>> No.7486497


>> No.7486563

Turned on my client, seeding now. Hope it helps.

>> No.7487691

I left my com on the whole night and it seems it finally picked up some seeds and is currently downloading with a healthy speed. Thanks

>> No.7487696

The ones in the drama cds are the 20seconds-1minute snippets

Awesome, thanks

>> No.7487700

Finally got around to playing AT1. Is one of the routes better to do first, or does it not matter?

>> No.7487703

You would have to be a monster to not do Misha's.

>> No.7487704


>> No.7487711

A more complete answer is that it hardly matters. The full cosmospheres are available for everybody and the plot barely changes.
The difference is about 4 dungeons in the midgame and the ending itself, which is approximately 10 lines long and completely tacked on. Keep a saved game before the choice if you care about the former, look up the latter on youtube.

>> No.7487789

There isn't any lossless copy, is there?

>> No.7487975

Ec Tisia ~Tarifa~ if you can count it as in-game soundtrack.
The lyrics match well with AT 3 ending...and it's making the feeling of accomplishment much better after beating AT 3.

>> No.7487982

Is there any hope for AT3 novel to get translated? :(

>> No.7488027

Get out of /jp/.

>> No.7488881

Wow, the OVA is quite good even though it's rather short. My only problem with it is why the hell did they give Misha only 1 second of screen time? Even stupid Radolf has more screen time than her!

>> No.7488894

thread on autosage? testing

>> No.7488941


new thread
