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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 391 KB, 800x600, 1307141544191[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7433177 No.7433177 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /jp/, /v/ and /a/ here, thought you might want to join in the Katawa Shouji threads with us.


>> No.7433186
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>> No.7433190

>Katawa Shouji

>> No.7433191


>> No.7433192

You thought wrong, fuck off.

>> No.7433193


>> No.7433195

it was obviously a typo

>> No.7433200

Only plebeians like Katawa Shoujo.

>> No.7433203

Get out KS devs

>> No.7433205
File: 49 KB, 550x610, 11884.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crippled paper door?

>> No.7433206

So what's the point of this game? It's just a generic high school setting but the girls are crippled?

I can't believe these faggots spent years of their life making this crap.

>> No.7433207

Reported for crossboard invasion.

>> No.7433208

nope not yet
at least we know it'll be out this year

>> No.7433209

/jp/ why are you so mad? I mean this board has an even higher rate of sage than /v/ does

>> No.7433211

But OP's talking about Katawa Shouji, which is an undeniable masterpiece.

>> No.7433212

okay, I laughed

>> No.7433214

This won't end well.

>> No.7433217

Somebody mind posting that sage copypasta?

>> No.7433218

Get out and stop posting on boards you've never been on before.

>> No.7433222

Dear /jp/,

Why are you such dicks?

-/a/ and /v/

>> No.7433224

Visual Novels can be so much more, Katawa Shoujo is the work that will revolutionize the genre by showing us how.

>> No.7433227

I posted here last time we did this thread, and you were just as mad then

>> No.7433228

That because they use it for its intended use (posting without bumping, and NOT for insulting, as the rest of 4chan uses it).

...in this case, though, it's because they hate KS.

>> No.7433231

Because we're tired of idiots posting Katawa Shoujo. It attracts some of the worst people.

>> No.7433232

I just want to say that pretty much every VN in the world is trash besides Katawa Shoujo. Even then I'm kind of a bit sketchy. I really hope it lives up to expectations.

unless you count phoenix wright and hotel dusk as VNs.

>> No.7433233


reported for invasion and for faggotry

>> No.7433234
File: 110 KB, 311x820, ThecancerthatkillingM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont do it happily BUT LOOK AT THESE DUBS!!! THEY SPEAK THRUTH!!!!!

>> No.7433235

but the worst people are already here

>> No.7433236
File: 102 KB, 252x216, UNLIKE YOU.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7433237

ITT: /jp/ gets buttmad at a few posters who don't lurk /jp/ often

>> No.7433238

get out ks devs


>> No.7433240

It attracts some of the worst newfags.

>> No.7433241

KS devs truly are the worst posters on 4chan.

>> No.7433242

/jp/fags just got TOLD.

>> No.7433244

Yes, I can see that. We wouldn't be having this thread otherwise.

>> No.7433247


>> No.7433249

ITT: /jp/ acts xenophobic to relate to glorious Nippon

>> No.7433251

ks devs pathetically trying to stay relevant

>> No.7433252

oh, ok
that makes more sense

>> No.7433253

Why do you guys sage so much? Guess I should try to fit in.

>> No.7433255

Report submitted! This window will close in 5 seconds...

>> No.7433258


>> No.7433259

Are you fucking retarded? Sage goes in the subject field. Idiot.

>> No.7433260

>KS gets posted
>it attracts some of the worse people
>sagefags in full force
I see what you did there

>> No.7433263


We're the only board on 4chan that uses sage properly. Shut up.

>> No.7433264
File: 36 KB, 225x221, 1295504219195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u mad dat i sagebomb ur thread brah?

>> No.7433266

omg /jp/ is so mean fukken weebs keep saging my threasd >.< wait till /b/ hears about this then you'll be sorry

>> No.7433267

/jp/ is actually the only board on 4chan to think they use sage correctly.

>> No.7433268

There's no need to be so hostile. That's just rude.

>> No.7433271
File: 147 KB, 953x885, 1306027360371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry we interrupted your secret club meeting /jp/, we'll get out of your room now.

>> No.7433272
File: 76 KB, 600x450, 1307140488684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hipster weaboos like /jp/ are much worse. At least a newfag can become an average anon after some time lurking. Hipster weaboos are too much autist to change.

>> No.7433273

The baiters and the haters are both the worst people.

>> No.7433274

And you are proud for that? >_>

>> No.7433278

KS devs astroturfan again

>> No.7433280

It's like complaining about "sagefags" and spewing out memes such as "u mad" are all you subhumans can manage. This is why your board has become shit. Please get out and leave ours alone, lest /jp/ becomes influenced by your inanity.

>> No.7433283

if u don't like KS and this ur shitty mlas and ymks and such are better because there japanese u a newfag that needs to GTFO

>> No.7433284

Get out, KS devs.

>> No.7433286

It's like metashit, tripfriend gossip, and complaining about the state of boards is all that you subhumans can manage. This is why your board has become shit.

>> No.7433287

Get jobs, you useless layabouts.

>> No.7433288

People like this are the reason you don't make KS shit in /jp/. Look at the fucking people this shit brings in. Just keep this shit off /jp/.

>> No.7433289

>u mad
>2 matches
>both with sage
ask a KS dev anything

>> No.7433291


>> No.7433292

Please wait until you're 18 before posting of 4chan.

>> No.7433293

Yeah, yeah. And hating and bating are so fucking normal.

>> No.7433294
File: 128 KB, 410x614, 658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey /jp remember when this board wasnt full of sage fags?
And I thought you were our brothers and sisters....

>> No.7433298

Make this wall taller, Mr. moot.

>> No.7433299

i am average american male i enjoy bad game katawa shoujo

>> No.7433303

I wonder how many of you threadshitters were even around for the first two weeks after the initial release of KS when everyone, /jp/ included, fucking loved it.

Bunch of fucking whiny parrots making this place deader than it already is.

>> No.7433304

Get out, Forex devs.

>> No.7433306

It still amuses me that people still thinks sage means anything.

>> No.7433308

That's lovely, KSDev

>> No.7433309
File: 30 KB, 329x297, 1304383615429.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People who make fun of what is unarguably one of the worst boards for it's childish and rabid userbase?

>> No.7433310

Ge­t out, KS devs.

>> No.7433313

Jesus Christ, you people are rude. Same shit every time with you /b/a/v/ posters: come to some board you know absolutely nothing about, get scolded for your idiocy, and start throwing insults like "weeaboos" around. Just stop. Get out.

>> No.7433315

I was here for it. It was terrible.

>> No.7433316

i am a japanese male hikikomori and i thing glorious Japan is the best country ever and all other cultures must die. Baka gaijin.

>> No.7433320

I don't know how you faggots just cant take that we don't like KS. We don't like it and that's that.
Its not for everyone so stop trying to force this shit on us.

>> No.7433324

u mad?

>> No.7433326

why u sage ks is good game u just hipster and u mad that good game is liked by everyone why u mad though

>> No.7433332

If you're so smart, why are you unemployed?

>> No.7433336

If you riff-raff didn't come and stir shit up, everything would be peachy. No problems, no bitching.

By the way, you use "its" for the possessive form.

>> No.7433337


>> No.7433338

This thread is like the epitome of terrible. The worst parts of /jp/ and the worst parts of the faggots who browse /a/ and /v/ all together in one thread.

Reported at the speed of light.

>> No.7433340

Being a ksdev isn't considered employment, dude.

>> No.7433341

Get ou­t, KS devs.

>> No.7433343

That statement coming from an /a/ browser really doesn't prove your point.
You act like fucking children when we don't like the shit you like. Grow up and fuck off.

>> No.7433346
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>> No.7433352
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>> No.7433353

You call that an argument?

>> No.7433354

You need to grow up and stop being asspained because he's right.

/b/ and /jp/ are universally hated and it's not without reason.

It's also not a surprise both regulars on the boards think they're the best boards.

>> No.7433355

This may be a lost hope, but could we turn this into an otome function thread seeing as it doesn't look like it's going to die? There are a few new CGs released.

>> No.7433358

Get­ out, KS devs.

>> No.7433359

Sorry, I'm unable to ignore threads like this--indignation gets to me. Bad habit of mine.

>> No.7433365

Are you implying that regulars on other boards don't think they are on the best board?

>> No.7433366


Has a release date been announced yet?

>> No.7433368

Holy shit they did update. There may be hope yet.

>> No.7433370

You /a/ faggots just think /jp/ sucks because you get berated for coming here and thinking your memes and recommendation threads are going to fly. They won't.

But continue thinking like that if you wish. It's best you fuckers stay far away from here.

>> No.7433371

They don't.
/a/, /m/, /v/, on most others recognize that the boards themselves are shit

Though I don't know why /m/ thinks that, they're actually pretty good.

>> No.7433373

Not that I'm aware of, however I'm only google-translating the developer blog so I honestly have no idea. It's unlikely though.

>> No.7433375

/a/ knows /a/ is shit and they deal with it. (mostly like)
/v/ is shitty and they just don't give a fuck.
etc etc tc

>> No.7433376

And here we have a neo-/jp/ faggot that tries hard to fit in and tries to get who he thinks are newfags to leave.

No anon, you are the newfag

>> No.7433378

kraptawa shitjo

>> No.7433379

But they do. If they didn't they then wouldn't go to them. Every board does the "hurr why is /?/ so shitty."

>> No.7433381


>> No.7433383

Not really, some boards like /sp/ think that (they're wrong, but some like /ck/ do and they're justified in that though. A few I can think of off the top of my head are /tg/ and /co/ (pre-ponies). Boards like /a/, /v/, and /g/ know they're shit.

>> No.7433384

Wow, this thread. 4chan really is a lost cause.

>> No.7433385
File: 51 KB, 324x246, 1297968470136.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh boy, /jp/'s gotta protect its turf. The rest of 4chan, you've been warned.

>> No.7433387
File: 59 KB, 640x616, 1283671722402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they still go to /a/ and /v/

>> No.7433390

>hide posts with sage
>54 posts hidden

>> No.7433392

Yeah, us ksdevs are going to have to try other venues.

>> No.7433395

>If they didn't they then wouldn't go to them.
They continue using the board because they have nothing better to do and they are mildly interested in the topic.

everyone on /a/ knows the board is shit. It's still not as bad as /jp/ because at least they have on topic threads

>> No.7433396

All boards on 4chan are terrible. All of the users are faggots, including me. 4chan is long past it's glory days, and there's nothing you can do about it.

>> No.7433398


>> No.7433399
File: 19 KB, 400x500, hi5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HELL yea /b/rother

>> No.7433401

Get out­, KS devs.

>> No.7433406

If only /jp/ could accept that it is shitty so that ks threads can be finally allowed with open arms.

>> No.7433411

Get out, KS­ devs.

>> No.7433414
File: 31 KB, 294x339, 1291760616091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It literally feels like I'm surrounded by children.

>> No.7433415

>Pseudo-intellectuals throwing around phrases like "riff-raff"

Oh, wow, I haven't been here since the split but you shitheads really do have some kind of twisted superiority complex, don't you?

At least the other boards realize how much they've ruined it for themselves, you guys made your board shit AND you don't even see what you've done.

It would be amusing if it wasn't so sad.

>> No.7433418

I don't believe you trollsageanon because every thread without the likes of you is always interesting, a good read or even funny. I really beginn to wonder how you sagetrollanons are doing irl, are you happy? Doy ou have friends?

>> No.7433419

why do you need three threads on three different boards anyways?

>> No.7433429


if other people doesn't think this board is shit.
this place will be invaded by cancer like you.

please don't stop hating on us.

>> No.7433431
File: 168 KB, 1280x720, 1307001236162.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7433438

Just how new are you?

>> No.7433442

Don't mind them. It's just a handful of autists who have no joy in their lives.

The rest of us just like to take it easy.

>> No.7433450

>/v/ and /a/ here
>- 102 posts and 11 image replies omitted.
I'm sure you all have a deep discussion about this high piece of work and totally not crying about the same shit like always.

>> No.7433451

Here's a secret, if you don't like the content of a thread, you don't have to participate in it. This is a public website, not your pillow fort clubhouse. Hide the thread, move on, let others talk about a /jp/ related topic.

>> No.7433452

But you're actively trying to claim this board is "better", no?
Get your shit straight.

>> No.7433453

Yeah us ksdevs, man! haha :)

>> No.7433455

How autistic do you have to to be to be unable to accept that not everyone likes your shitty generic VN?

>> No.7433456


so many typos.
i bet your brain already drowned by your own bloods right now.

>> No.7433457

Get out, K­S devs.

>> No.7433458

bad game alert :)

>> No.7433459
File: 64 KB, 500x375, kircheis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This thread

>> No.7433460

Or you could just stick to /a/, /v/, and gaiaonline.

>> No.7433464

How exactly is KS Otaku Culture?

>> No.7433465

I doubt anyone on /jp/ wants to talk about KS.

>> No.7433467
File: 154 KB, 1000x1200, 1306349242139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your faith in humanity is astounding.

>> No.7433468


no this board is shit, you just said it your self and i agreed with it.
please leave.

>> No.7433469

God damn, I just checked /a/ again for the first time in years. No wonder they're coming here.

>> No.7433470

Get out, KS ­devs.

>> No.7433472
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>> No.7433475

I sure hope so, I remember getting some good IaMP and Melty games in against some pretty cool guys back when the board was first created, would be a shame if the entire board was full of uptight self-rightous assholes now.

>> No.7433476

Here's a secret if you don't like the content of a board, you don't have to ruin it with your presence. You are free to not browse it and to "discuss" about it on /a/ and /v/ with smarter people.

>> No.7433482

No, I don't know what /b/tards say about their boards because I stopped going there roughly in 2006. And you should have, too.

>> No.7433483


they usually hates anything that VN related years ago.
now they got VN general in every days, such hypocrisy really sicken me.

or maybe its just a major influx of newfaces.

>> No.7433486

/jp/ is just /b/ if you exchanged 'umad' for 'autism' because it's literally the same shit just worded different and spammed just as much, and the boards are on the same level now too, hell I lied - /jp/ is more like if you took /b/ and gaia and combined them because it's THAT shitty.

>> No.7433490

It's absolutely fine really, but varies from thread to thread. Threads like this are bound to attract the worst of the board, as will most touhou threads. There are still some "reasonable" posters in specialist threads such as dolls etc.

>> No.7433491

What the fuck. I just checked the front page of /jp/
6 metathreads (including a tripfag thread)
2 touhou threads
1 idol thread
and this thread

This board is fucking terrible. How can anyone think it's good

>> No.7433493

yeah this board is infecting me but be glad, that way you don't have to answer to the information and just brag about grammar

>> No.7433495
File: 567 KB, 819x800, 19198583.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always remember: The minority is the most vocal one.

As for me, I just don't give a damn.

>> No.7433496


why stay then?

>> No.7433497

jp jp it's the only one for me

>> No.7433498

disgusting /v/ shit thread

praising generic visual novel #58341 because of a shitty handicapped gimmick

>> No.7433500

>Hey /jp/, /v/ and /a/ here, thought you might want to join in the Katawa Shouji threads with us.

this is what op post says...but /jp/ guys aren't interested, so why we don't leave them alone?
ah, >>7433418 you are clearly a retarded, as all the others shits that try to gain the upper bringing discussions to a personal level.

>> No.7433504


>> No.7433505


>> No.7433512 [DELETED] 


>that way you don't have to answer to the information

I don't need to because i'm not the same guy you just reply to.
I'm just saying you that you were making too many type while responding to him.

stop being mad at internet.

>> No.7433509
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>> No.7433511

Get out, KS devs­.

>> No.7433517


>> No.7433520

Why is KS not /jp/ related whereas K-ON is? I don't understand.

>> No.7433521


>that way you don't have to answer to the information

I don't need to because i'm not the same guy you just reply to.
I'm just saying you that you were making too many typos while responding to him.

stop being mad at internet.

>> No.7433527

op, delete this shit.

>> No.7433538

>as will most touhou threads.
Really? I remember most touhou threads being either straight image dumps, game/score discussion or IaMP/SWR netplay threads.
Sure there was some stupidity in the image dump threads but I would have hardly called it the "worst" of /jp/, sort of funny really, since that's what the board is mostly known for outside of it.
Sage because it's utterly pointless bumping the thread at this point.

>> No.7433541
File: 190 KB, 529x600, 14231322.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am a /jp/ regular, and perhaps one of the oldest posters. I make the occasional eroge/touhou/interesting tidbit/doujin thread, and have never done a single one troll/meme thread.

And I am interested in KS, in quiet amusement on what a bunch of strangers can do. The GET OUT KS DEVS is nothing more than a handful of trolls that I dismiss with a handwave.

Your assessment is erroneous. Take it easy.

>> No.7433550

It's not a hand full of trolls. It's the hivemind of /jp/ today.

Well... at least these people think they're not meme spewing dullards. Anyway /jp/ is shit.

>> No.7433554
File: 14 KB, 251x251, 1280268328060[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/v/ and /a/ here

>> No.7433555


>if i post toho pic my point is relevant xD

>> No.7433558

The dollthreads are highly creepy, more creepy than all of /x. But hey whatever floats your boat .

>> No.7433559

/JP/ IS SHIT ITS JUST LIKE /B/. *continues trying to force ks on the board*

>> No.7433564


>> No.7433565

>doujin thread

>> No.7433576

well, if people from /jp/ is actually interested in this topic, and the butthurting regards only a small percentage of it's population, I have to take back my words.
I feel refreshed

>> No.7433580

thats my favorite meme too! btw who ur favorite ks girl? mine is rin because shes so kawaii and she truly suki the MC

>> No.7433584

i'm surprised this thread got more than 50 posts

sure is mad in here. gotta love summer time

>> No.7433587

yea fuck the ks haters

>> No.7433590
File: 4 KB, 229x220, whyjpwhy..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> /a/ ks thread, decent

>/v/ ks thread, also decent, supposed meme legend drops by

>/jp/ thread, rage, bitch, and butt hurt

> why /jp/? why?

>> No.7433593
File: 488 KB, 1000x1000, 7064490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like the Monster Girl Quest one, remember? I posted it here when it was announced and even gave a couple download locations. I also am the guy who posts the Violated Heroine threads.

Thus, doujin.

>> No.7433603

Get out, KS devs.­

>> No.7433604

Because we have to keep the golden title of the "shittiest board of 4chan."

>> No.7433609

Get in KS devs

>> No.7433611

you lost that as soon as /soc/ was born

>> No.7433629
File: 139 KB, 500x600, rinseriousbusiness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7433632

what was traced to make that piece of fanart

>> No.7433634


maybe some /jp/ers dont want to share a thread with /a/ and /b/ jr?

>> No.7433640

This is nothing more than an attempt to viral.

>> No.7433642

With such a vague term I was confused.

>> No.7433645

­Get out, KS devs.­

>> No.7433669

If you want to discuss KS get the fuck out of /jp/

>> No.7433682

nice bump, faget

>> No.7433685


/jp/ is shit but it is OUR SHIT, so it's acceptable.

>> No.7433697

Can someone kill this thread already?

>> No.7433708

Ok I make a new thread :3c

>> No.7433724

Just think, /jp/ will become like these mongoloids by 2012/13.

>> No.7433731

Same reason you can't discuss Dora the Explorer on a physics forum.

>> No.7433732

meanwhile MLG is happening
go watch it instead of shitting around


>> No.7433744
File: 250 KB, 868x712, 1305073557371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want Idra inside me

>> No.7433754

Fuck off board invaders.

>> No.7433761


>> No.7433765

Is that a challenge?

>> No.7433767

-"shitty memes and GET posts"
-shallow extroverts with hivemind mentality who can't think for themselves and look in each other for approval
-"STOP LIKING WHAT I DON'T LIKE" type mentality

-shitposting that's an eyesore to watch
-rarely talk about video games
-rivals with /a/ that have an even worse hivemind mentality

-Take it easy!
-introverts who tell people to fuck off when we don't like them
-difficult to understand by /a/ and /v/ due to not having to socialize and getting approval from each other in our interests
-/a/ is tsundere for us because we can moonspeak

3 boards in a nutshell.

>> No.7433768

Astroturfing so hard

>> No.7433769

Still can't see it?
You're already there.
Worse, I'd say, just because you can't see it.

>> No.7433776

-people who pretend to take it easy
-tripfag gossip
-more metashit
-people whining about why /jp/ is so terrible
-people whining about why other boards are so terrible

>> No.7433780

Finally, /jp/, /v/ and /a/, together at last! Oh how we've all been waiting for this day!

>> No.7433785

I can't believe anyone actually likes /jp/. So much, 'I dun like wut u liek so i mad.'

>> No.7433788


You made your point, leave now.

>> No.7433790

I can't believe anyone actually likes ksdevs. So much, 'Start liking what I like i mad.'

>> No.7433793

I have been waiting for the full version god knows how many years, Yet the date doesn't seem to be getting closer.

>> No.7433796

From what I've seen in this thread it's more like trying to discuss physics on a Dora the Explorer forum.

>> No.7433797

It's more like you idiots crying out "You don't like what we do, you jobless, pathetic weeaboos!!!!"

>> No.7433809

Yes, it seems we're obviously not up to par with you and your vast intellect. You might as well leave this shithole.

>> No.7433814

Katawa Shoujo: An intelligent dating sim for intelligent people.

>> No.7433816


yes, yes. "/a/ is far superior than /jp/ in every way because /jp/ is a shithole."
Now leave so we can enjoy ourselves.

>> No.7433830

ITT: faggots and peasants that put KS on pedestal and cant seem to grasp that other people might not like their game.

Why so hypocritical ksfags? You dont see us going to your board making Touhou threads asking you guys to join in?
Last I remember, we got banned for posting Touhou and got quarantined to /jp/ so I think you should stop too.

>> No.7433832

oh the butthurt, its.. amazing.

>> No.7433836


>> No.7433841

How old are you?

>> No.7433855

Except that since the last COMITIA, KS is officially /jp/ material.

Hell, they just got accepted in Comiket itself. It is a bonafide VN.


>> No.7433857

Hey, you said it, not me.

I don't even like KS, I just can't grasp how this place became so fucking full of whining shitheads and children in such a relatively short time, it took /v/ and /a/ years longer to become cesspools of trolling and stupidity.
Back when I used to come here threads didn't have nearly as much of this fucking shitty attitude, and were actually quite civil.

>> No.7433863
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Go fuck you're dad on facebook u virgin nerd.

>> No.7433865

How about you release a product before trying to force feed us threads

>> No.7433872

get out ks devs

>> No.7433882

Then get the fuck out of /jp/

>> No.7433885
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>> No.7433886

Yeah, pretty much.
But hey, what do I know, the guys in this thread have been here a whole six months, clearly that gives them authority to decide what everyone on /jp/ likes and dislikes.

>> No.7433887

/jp/ - Butthurt.

>> No.7433889

God damn, you are one stupid motherfucker. Maybe if people didn't create shitty threads like this and attempt to push things that we obviously dislike, no one would be bitching. It's like pissing someone off intentionally and telling them they have anger issues.

>> No.7433897

>push things that we obviously dislike
Nice hivemind mentality.

There are /jp/ers who like KS. Post in threads you like and leave the others alone

>> No.7433899
File: 53 KB, 500x329, Lets_play_HS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dear Senators X?X?X?X? and Gensokyo Bar members:

As you may have already guessed, its me checking in again. I am being unfairly harassed and targeted by FBI agents and other secret operatives every day. These agents are hired by NSA agent and billionaire Virginia Newbon and her hermaphrodite lover moot to perform black ops on me at every establishment and website I visit. Because of her position she has extensive power and control over almost everything. Virginia Newbon and the FBI are literally children and find it fun to harass me and purposely have me kicked out of my favorite restaurants and stores. Because of Virginia Newbon and her hermaphrodite lover moot, every place I visit is staffed with her FBI agents.

This thread is just further proof of the NSA/FEMA PsyOps being perpetrated on /jp/ by NSA agent Virginia Newbon and her hermaphrodite lover moot. Superior Neanderthal population of /jp/ must be vigilant of all PsyOps perpetrated against us by hermaphrodite moot.

>> No.7433902

If you don't like KS and you don't come here, then what the fuck have you been doing in this thread all this time?

>> No.7433906

ksdevs astroturfing in /jp/ don't count.

>> No.7433908
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>> No.7433910

Oh god the hypocrisy is astounding.

>> No.7433915

Is this the "Imma rub my cum on your burn scars." game?

>> No.7433918

I'm sure there are those enjoy KS, but read the fucking thread. Does it really seem like the majority of the board (at least the vocal one) enjoys it? I for one don't think so.

>> No.7433924

make an elfen lied+naruto thread on /a/ it'll have the same effect as this thread here

>> No.7433925

If the majority of the board doesn't like it, the majority of the board shouldn't post in the threads

>> No.7433929

I like it but I don't bother posting. You "KS devs" guys are worse than the old Touhou hijackers.

>> No.7433938

Say Lucy can beat Accelerator at manipulating vectors.
Also say you are from /sp/ and tell em they suck

>> No.7433939

Get out Touhou hijack Dev

>> No.7433940

Vocal minorities should dictate everything?
Yeah that sounds great.

>> No.7433947

So if you were in a room with 100 people and you and one other guy really liked the kazoo but everyone else hated it and you started playing it so they told you get out you would just complain and say we like it so stop complaining.

>> No.7433949

Those people can't hit a mute button
You can hit the hide button

>> No.7433952

I never claimed that. I'm saying if you don't want to get "bitched at," I suggest you refrain from posting things that will effect such treatment. KS is one of them.

>> No.7433959

Get out filter Dev

>> No.7433963

Quite right sir.
I think it went for long enough and I am going to give you a hint: If you actually really gave a fuck about KS you'd contribute to it instead of whining and the autists of /jp/ feeding on your tears would go bother an other thread. Oh but wait, there is nothing to discuss about since it was already talked to death and it is just viral marketing. Oh wait maybe you don't know how to use a filter? Do you want us to do it for you too?

>> No.7433971

And I'm saying that just NOT posting in the thread will make it die faster than spamming it with bitching.

>> No.7433982

Get out GROUP Dev

>> No.7433985

Okay stop posting

>> No.7433995

Except that only applies on a faster board.

>> No.7433997

Regardless, you will nonetheless get reprimanded. Even if you don't like it, that's just the way things are. I'm not advocating either side, just telling you that it's silly to get mad over an obvious outcome.

>> No.7434002

/jp/ - meta

Worst board on 4chan. Worse than /b/

>> No.7434006

Then get out.

>> No.7434011

Nope. You deserve to suffer for how terrible this board is.

>> No.7434012

This is like the 20th time you have posted this and still haven't left

>> No.7434028

Dear mod,

>> No.7434029
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This is the difference between us and /b/. We don't go on /b/ and tell them they are shit. Inb4 "the day /jp/ owned /b/ picture.

>> No.7434034

I'm sure the janitor will leave it up when he does his daily sweep

>> No.7434040

I understand that since this thread--and perhaps a few more in the same strain--is the only one you have seen here over at /jp/ you would feel that we're a bunch of angry poopooheads, but we're pretty nice guys otherwise.

Not saging because I don't want to hurt your feelings.

>> No.7434051

I've been using /jp/ for about a year and a half to two years. You used to be nice, but now it's full of angry retards pretending that they're taking it easy.

Also it's all metathreads. I've never seen a board this high in percentage of metathreads.

>> No.7434054

We run out of things to talk about.

>> No.7434056

>we're pretty nice guys
Anyone nice gave up a long time ago.

>> No.7434057

Well actually discouraging the discussion of entry level VNs doesn't help

>> No.7434063

There's only one side of the argument getting mad though, and it's not the pro-KS side.
Are you seriously going to try to twist something that obvious to any onlooker until it fits your perception of the board?

>> No.7434070

Its not out. What is there to discuss? Circlejerking over pictures and fanfiction? I'm sure when it comes out there will be actual discussion threads.

>> No.7434072

>You used to be nice, but now it's full of angry retards pretending that they're taking it easy.
Nah. They're not even pretending to take it easy these days.

>> No.7434086

You can discuss entry level VN as much as you want. Just not this one.

We aren't the only board that flat out says not to discuss something that is related.
/tg/ - no Touhou, not even an RPG
/a/ - Good luck talking about Naruto
/lit/- >4. There is to be no discussion of Ayn Rand.

>> No.7434095

If you read the thread, it's pretty clear that both sides got mad at one point or another. But since the /jp/ posters are on home territory, our /a/v/ visitors shouldn't get upset over the fact that KS is disliked here and that it will bring about harsh posts.

>> No.7434101

I see no mad.
I see stupidity, but not anger.

>> No.7434102

>You can discuss entry level VN as much as you want. Just not this one.
YMK, SnU and the like are discouraged and even spammed on occasion

>> No.7434113

>shallow extroverts
you have never even been to /a/ have you? we follow the same code you guys do, in fact there was a shitstorm just a few weeks ago over /cgl/ and /soc/.
its a handful of retards samefagging. we don't promote that shit, we just can't seem to get rid of them. we have the same problem with some of our tripfags.
>hivemind mentality who can't think for themselves and look in each other for approval
>-"STOP LIKING WHAT I DON'T LIKE" type mentality
one of these things is not like the other.
>shitty memes
lolwut? this is coming from /jp/?
>japanese bird eating spaghetti

>> No.7434121

I just saw a YMK thread the other day. It might have some resistance, but that's because the majority of the board has already discussed it. If people actually join the thread, no one decries it.

However, with KS, there is only two outcomes
1. No game discussion, because it isn't out yet.
2. No game discussion, and KS Devs are told to get out.

>> No.7434122

It seems to me that /a/'s already begun to be flooded with said "shallow extroverts." It's different there now. I'm sure at least 1/3 of the users have Facebooks and 1/2 want a girlfriend but are unable to get one.

>> No.7434124

Get out of /jp/ and wallow in the cesspit of /a/ fuckface.

>> No.7434128

Why would there be resistance in the first place?
Why would there be people on /jp/ be so asspained that someone is discussing entry level VNs that he resists the threads?

>> No.7434139

Because we are elitist jerks. Just like every other board on 4chan.

>> No.7434141

last year maybe when we were flooded by /b/tards and douchebags talking about the big 3 and gets but we have improved tremendously since then. summer hasn't even been that bad this year, the majority of it has been trolling and the serious ones get trolled/saged to death.

>> No.7434168

I really like the color blue. I just wanted to express that feeling.

>> No.7434209

I prefer grey. But I respect your opinion, as blue is a nice color as well.

>> No.7434215

>143 sage

keep going

>> No.7434226
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>> No.7434234

You forgot noko+sage. It's probably more like 200.

>> No.7434240

And I like blue-grey. /jp/ sure is a great place.

>> No.7434413

I like you, /jp/. You're getting the VN you deserve and you're going to whine, whine, whine about it when it comes out.

>> No.7434799

ohhh boy

>> No.7434802

why did you bump this

>> No.7434808

oh sorry, I seem to be lost.
This isn't /n/

>> No.7434837

That's because the devs think they can viral this piece of shit.

>> No.7434875

It's not shitposting if you're being ironic

>> No.7434920
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>> No.7434956

The hype of this is an insult to the greatest VNs
