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7429730 No.7429730 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.7429740

DFO sucks.

>> No.7429745

but they have great tits (and dfc)

>> No.7429755

You suck.

>> No.7429765

Physical east coast server yet? Havent been up to date and I hate lag...
Also should I play this or Eden eternal?

>> No.7429771

DFO is bad and Eden will be bad. Either way you'll lose.

>> No.7429774

shitty game, no thanks.

>> No.7429787 [DELETED] 


>> No.7429786

DFO is only good for ???

>> No.7429789


>> No.7429794

Hellmut on the left
Saccharin on the right

>> No.7429809


>> No.7429820

Hi (◕‿◕✿)

>> No.7429821


Who is doing this - every time a DFO thread pops up my name pops up.

If you have a problem with me, just tell it to my face please.

sage for not /jp/ related

>> No.7429831

MMOs are always /jp/ related.

Looking forward to the huge patch. I'll probably try and hit 70 when it comes out, assuming Dragon's Nest doesn't stop me.

>> No.7429842

Shut up, Nexon devs.

>> No.7429844

Our "second impact" is going to throw everything out of whack. I haven't even hit 60 yet

>> No.7429845

lighten up a little, no one's attacking you here

>> No.7429856
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Why is DFOS so shitty?

Oh wait, it's because of you

>> No.7429869


a friend of mine that usually lurks /jp/ told me to search easymodo/greenoval for my name on the /jp/ archive. Evidently my name's been brought up a few times, along with hellmut and soltis for some reason, and it's never been a positive comment.

>> No.7429888


;_; I thought I got along with everyone...

>> No.7429891 [SPOILER] 
File: 72 KB, 850x616, sample_59b2c869a5b40bd888a269d00ac38d5a..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry, some people out there thinks you're somewhat lovable...

>> No.7429896

Yeah, I blame Sacch for not banning retards like you.

>> No.7429900

Got to sky tower before I quit. Everything just takes a million hits to kill but is trivial to deal with otherwise.

>> No.7429917
File: 53 KB, 500x500, 14902278_p9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So do you not know how to equip weapons or what

You can start by banning that Muffin retard who keeps trying to post Necro stuff when it's already proven he has no idea how anything works

>> No.7429923

Buy potions from Seria and don't be shy on skill spamming. Sky Tower and Behemoth are both horrible

>> No.7429924

I haven't gotten anything better than the shitty club GSD gives you.

>> No.7429925

I'm not sure I want to play anymore. I'm doing that Chamber of Blood or something on Kings Road and I hate it. I keep getting one shot and my weapon runs out of durability at the boss so even five tokens isn't enough. Then again maybe it's because I always go solo.

>> No.7429930
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Chamber is easy a hell compared to every other Behemoth dungeon. Stop using bad gear and stop sucking.

>> No.7429931

You're not doing something right if you can't solo Chamber of Blood on kings. Having a problem with damage means you're not using the right skills/stats.

>> No.7429935


How is that even possible. Chambers is like the easiest behemoth dungeon (well, aside from outer wall)


I don't even know who you're talking about. I usually just organize the mage subforum. Tell Hellmut to do it.

>> No.7429936

browse the auction house for purple weapons on your level. Disassemble blue items and npc white ones. You'll need the cube fragments later or you can sell them for money in the auction

>> No.7429939

I AM skill spamming. I burn through potions like a motherfucker but shit still takes 2-3 cycles to kill and the golems are so much neutral wave and run it's ridiculous.

>> No.7429942

You're a slayer. That's your problem.

>> No.7429944



there's your problem oh ho ho ho.

PS, if you're dealing with golems, kill the golem controller enemy first, and changes all the golems into golem spirits that have much less physical defense.

>> No.7429946


Really? I find it really hard. My weapon keeps running out of durability too easily, it's a Santa Luce, I'm using a Blademaster. That and enemies keep spawning and I only have about 7 health potions each time I go in as well. It may be because my armor isn't up to par though, I don't focus much on my armor.

>> No.7429949
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PROTIP: Kill Golem Controllers, wait for the golem spirits to self destruct

>> No.7429950

kill stone golems with magic, spirit golems with physical. Also, Asura?

>> No.7429953


you get better armor mastery bonuses from armor equipment that matches up to your level.

I assume you're spamming SST on everything then, since SST is superior to X-spam in every way.

Also, Seria potions. Spam them a lot.

And if enemies are spawning too much, kill the bishops? first, because they're the ones responsible for summoning iirc

>> No.7429960

Hellmut and Saccharin need to go back to DFOS. Everyone should just get out of this thread.

>> No.7429967


Which bishops? For some reason I see all of them doing summoning, whether they're red or yellow or whatever. Yeah, I'm spamming SST with occasional Triple Slash and other skill usage. Also, Seria potions? I don't know what those are. Actually, I ran out of healing items besides those coins which are really risky and the fact that I never spend gold on healing items, I always just grind to get more. I should also look into getting a second weapon, that would help with durability problems.

>> No.7429971


>> No.7429977

Well, there's the problem for everything you could possibly think of.

>> No.7429980


You can buy really cheap potions from seria (50/100/150 gold for 50/100/150 hp or mp)

Getting a second weapon if you're a slayer isn't too bad of an idea honestly, because of durability issues.

I'm trying to remember which ones.. the color is the distinguishing factor though.

I wouldn't have come here (normally a /ck/ and /a/ person) if someone didn't point me to this thread.

>> No.7429988


oh god I'm sorry.

Also why are you using NWS as a zerk, you have no m.attk at all.

>> No.7429989


I want to, but I'm not sure what I'd get considering I only have about 100k. A pink would cost too much, but anything less would be inferior to the weapon I have now. A Greatsword would probably compliment my character best.

>> No.7429999


>> No.7430004


don't bother with pinks unless you're made of money.

pick up a cheap purple of the appropriate level.

If you were using a santa luce I assume you're a WM. try a blunt, they're quite cheap and pretty fun once you have the blunt mastery along with backstep cutter. if you're pve you can afford multiple masteries

>> No.7430013

Most people use purple weapons because they are more affordable than pinks. And yes, a swapping to a great sword if good for when you use your cube skills since it has much more weapon attack than a light saber.

>> No.7430014


Yeah, money is a problem. I kind of got lucky with the Santa Luce, I've been upgrading it a lot. But since I really need a second weapon, I'll probably pick up a blunt since apparently they're the cheapest of the weapon choices I have.

>> No.7430015

I'm thinking of just starting over because I herped and derped way too much in the beginning. I picked a slayer because it seemed like the least faggot-y class.

>> No.7430023


blunts are cheapest
also don't waste your money upgrading, especially at a low level. it's not like you're a ranger.

if you want an easymode class pick up a m.gunner, priest, or fighter.

alternatively, if you have a little bit of patience, try the mage.

priests are so ridiculous buff they breeze through the beginning/early dungeons.
fighters, well, kind of bulldoze through dungeons too
gunners. find an autokey, hold down the x button, and eventually things in the dungeon will die.

>> No.7430034

I don't want an easy mode class, I want a class that is fun and takes skill. Taking forever to kill one enemy is not fun or skillful though.

>> No.7430046

Fuck Osahwott. hes a fucking terrible moderator. He hella plays favorites and is a total douche. I don't know how even even became a moderator.

>> No.7430047

skillful meaning combos or skill spamming?

>> No.7430049


I don't know what to use the cash for otherwise. I did manage to get a nice level 35 purple blunt for 30k though, good deal. I want that pink to last a long time so that's why I want to upgrade it.

>> No.7430058
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You will outlevel pinks so fast at low levels they aren't even worth it. Worry about getting super gear when you are at/every close to the cap

>> No.7430064


So what do I use that gold for? Do I save it or something? I don't really like purples since I felt as if I wasn't doing enough damage so I got a pink.

>> No.7430065


hi raccoon


Nothing in this game takes skill. You're either going to be spamming skills or spamming a button. It's a dungeon style beat 'em up with an MMO element to it.


pink weapon of X level is equal in power to a blue weapon of X+10. Purple weapons are equal to a blue of X+5

Just to give you an idea of how good your pink is.

don't be so hasty to use your cash. save it for the ridiculously expensive gear at end-game

>> No.7430069

Go back to DFOS.

>> No.7430075

you will need the gold later when you awaken. It is seriously expensive. Just use your money to buy weapons

>> No.7430085


Okay then. I kind of thought this way I'd save by being able to use it until level 50 or so when it gets outdated while getting an early boost later. I seriously don't like the Chamber of Blood, I haven't gained a level since I started it. Everything else I've had no trouble with, my combos get interrupted all the time here though. Maybe that's normal for a WM though.

>> No.7430090


upgrades add to pierce damage that goes on top of your normal damage. the more important part of a weapon is its base stats

>> No.7430095
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>> No.7430106


Okay then. Back to Chamber of Blood then. I'm going to lose all my tokens and get exploded on mid combo again, but I don't care...

>> No.7430108


you have charge crash at that level right? don't forget to use it. Part of the utility of being a slayer is that you're difficult to interrupt.

>> No.7430115


Yeah, I've been using it. It's not enough though. They still get me even through it somehow.

>> No.7430119


Some of them can grab you, causing the green? ones to turn red and explode on you. This dungeon isn't terribly melee friendly, I'll admit that.

>> No.7430137

if you can't solo it on kings, don't force yourself. You can always grind in 1st spine or do the dailies.

>> No.7430147


That's usually how it goes. They one shot me as well. Would it be a good idea to get purple armor? Mine isn't that good.


My only quests are on Kings of that place. Well, there's one on Behemoth actually, I could do that.

>> No.7430231

anyone who plays this and is not legitimately 13(the population of Nexon Games) is completely autistic with no irl friends

not /jp/ related

dfos mods are scum of the earth stop posting on /jp/

>> No.7430495 [SPOILER] 
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being a stoned kyuby is suffering

>> No.7430616


Greatest blog

>> No.7430667
File: 30 KB, 636x508, dfo194.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If DFO's new patch can somehow get rid of that "wanting to kill yourself after running Sky Tower/Behemoth 500 times" feeling, then it would be an awesome game.

>> No.7430700

Reduced exp curve + unlimited fp. I think that counts

>> No.7430731
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DFO Drama. On /jp/.
I guess a lot more people here played than I thought.
We laugh at that guy in IRC all the time. He loves to stalk our guildmaster.

>> No.7430763
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I can't wait to make a thief and die at my keyboard after 50 straight hours of Sky Tower!

Pretty sure a Korean kid died this way actually.

>> No.7430813
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If you weren't terrible you shouldn't have to run most Sky Tower dungeons more than like 4 times each, except for maybe Vestibule

Of course you only got to like level 21 and quit after I ran you through Nest once

>> No.7430842

I know, I'm just exaggerating. I always did just 1 run for each difficulty on each stage. Took me like 45 minutes per go though.

>>of course you only got to like level 21 and quit after I ran you through Nest once

My bad. If anything those runs through Nest/golem stage/etc were the most fun I had in the game.

>> No.7430854

Haven't played since the beta
Is it fun again?
Is every travel area still a writhing eargasm of gun clicking?

>> No.7430926


There aren't gunners everywhere anymore. Actually, there aren't many players everywhere, period. Game population has kind of died.


oh god that blog. creepy stalker.

>> No.7431717

Well as long as you newfags are off /b/ its all gud in da hud

>> No.7431891


>> No.7431908
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Who cares.

Who is ready to park their thief at level 18 and wait a few years for shadow dancer or ninja to be released?

>> No.7431928

I've decided I don't care about being a faggot so I'll be a grappler.

>> No.7431936
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You know, there's just something about not giving a flying fuck about how many times you slam a monster or player into the wall and floor that makes that class great.

>> No.7431950

Should I be grinding shit up or selling it?

Should I buy gold cards?

>> No.7432009
File: 452 KB, 600x750, Mage42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like it's been said before:
SELL white items to npcs
GRIND blue items; Keep the cubes for quests and awakening or sell them for money on the AH.
SELL purple/pink items on the AH or if it's worth nothing, GRIND the purple but most pinks, even lower level ones, will get you at least a million so they should be SOLD.

Gold cards are really up to you. I buy them almost all the time since I got the money to do it and if you're soloing dungeons that have about 8+ rooms, you can normally make that money back from all the gold drops plus your free top card gold. If you can't, I'd recommend card flipping on dungeons will worthwhile items in them:
Sky Tower: Floating Castle, Castell, Golem and Dragon Nest
Behe: Outer wall, 1st/2nd Spine, Chamber of Blood.
Aphel: Shallow keep, Spider's, Catacombs and Shadow lab
Mount Thun: I really don't know, since you'll have enough money saved up anyway, just flip when you run it on kings or something.

>> No.7432456

No. Level up the thief to 70 then wait a few years for shadow dancer and kunoichi. Then you'll be the first level 70 Shadow Dancer or Kunoichi.

>> No.7432645

Summoners in PvP is the worst thing ever.

>> No.7432663
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God damnit, I am so late.
Don't worry, the thread is now legit.
At least until the boobs picture is added.

>> No.7432732

What are the advantages and disadvantages of all the fighter classes?

>> No.7432804

Striker does really good damage without a reinforced weapon and plays like a fighting game, but you'll go through mp like a slut through dicks.

Nen Master is a magic wizard/support and is pretty much the best, especially after 2i. The only "weakness" is that you do mostly light damage but everything is weak to that.

Grapplers have lots of throws for invincibility, and it's all mostly fixed damage so you don't need to reinforce. Also has mp issues.

Brawlers sort of have stuff from the other 3 classes (melee, ranged, throws), but with a greater focus on status effects. They're good if you do them right, but hard to get down and lots of endgame bosses have full status immunity.

>> No.7432809
File: 219 KB, 850x456, Fighters..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't really go wrong with a fighter, especially as a first character.
Strikers are pretty much human wrecking balls. They're unstoppable juggernauts who bash through rooms. They have very minimal support, but they're arguably the premiere physical dps class along with being quite tanky. Strikers are fairly common.
Brawlers are a bit of a quandary. They require precision builds but they have incredible battlefield control. While only slightly above average in dps and survivability they have a lot of debuffs, crowd control, and battle manipulation tools. Brawlers are rather underpopulated because they take a lot more thought.
Grapplers are really straightforward and yet very difficult to efficiently build due to their highly split off pve and pvp builds. Grapplers are generally loved in parties. Pretty tough although below average in DPS they have good control of enemies due to being able to hold them down.
Nen Masters are pretty much melee casters. That may sound terrible, but their toolbox is really the biggest in the entire game. A poorly geared Nen is fairly weak, but a well geared Nen in a high end party is pretty much the strongest class in the game. Next to best support/buffs, above average personal dps (if you get to high end gearing) and awkward defense. They can go invulnerable and protect the team at times but if caught without any buffs/barriers they are low hp/clothies. Nens are average popularity, but good nens are rare, and the skill difference is very obvious.
Feel free to ask any more questions if you have followups.

>> No.7432819

So, when do they plan to make Slayers the non-shitty class?

>> No.7432830
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When you make an Asura in 2i and become the easiest class in the game to play and roll over every dungeon solo

>> No.7432845

Sorry, I'd rather play a not-shitty game.

>> No.7432846
File: 551 KB, 1421x728, Slayers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jokingly, when fslayers debut.
In all seriousness though:
Soul Benders: Like Nen masters they're top tier support while having high personal DPS and being reliant on spells for defense. This class is doing more than good enough.
Berserkers: So bad they had their own patch to try to fix them. They're still suffering. They're a faceroll class and it seems that is the intended design, faceroll until you die of a nosebleed on your keyboard.
Asuras: Nothing wrong with this class except MP consumption, which is hideous, either worst or second worst in the game. Has a fairly complete toolbox even if fairly low damage potential.
WMs: Massive disparity in potentials of the weapon choices and highly skill based. Not very versatile and is rather unwanted in parties in the West because the class attracts 12 year old xxX_CLOUD_strife~XXx types.

>> No.7433119

Whenever a high level cubes me in PvP, it's ALWAYS a blade master using that double slash.

>> No.7433297

FUCK, I just did a run of shadow thunderland and got a huge amount of mutant kills, but my gold card ended up being a pet item.

I mad.

>> No.7433357
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Just grind them. They break down just fine.
You shouldn't be buying cards really at all either, unless you are specifically running King's Road and clearing 8+ rooms.
If you join a large guild you get another loot card for free from guild express if you're that hard up for loot.

>> No.7434580

Too many hackers in this game, dropped.

>> No.7434596

Party with friends. Oh wait /jp/ doesn't have friends. Loser.

>> No.7434615

I just tried a mage and they suck. Why would anyone knowingly subject themselves to all that tedious mashing?

And how do I deal with gunners in PvP.

>> No.7434755

You're dumb. What's the point of partying if you just 1 shot everything? Hurr.

>> No.7434759

all da hackers are pvpers and goldbuyers, /jp/ only plays for fun :)

>> No.7434781

I said party with friends dumbass.

>> No.7434829

Mages are pretty bad 1-18 but they're fine after they class change

>> No.7435220

Max Florae and Hodor. Breeze through 1-18
