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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 1.85 MB, 1390x1631, moe 151099 fuji_choko seifuku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7425716 No.7425716 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /jp/, buyfag here:

So, I was recently introduced to fuji choko, and really like the work. I'd also really, REALLY like to buy one of the artbooks, but it seems they're only sold within Japan, which is difficult for this American citizen. A quick check of J-list turned up nothing, and the other import sites I know are for games, not art.

So, how would you get a hold of these pics? Yes, I can just wave the walls, but I'd prefer to also pay the artist for their work and to show I really approve of what they've created.

>> No.7425722


>> No.7425746

Use a proxy service like Yokatta or Tokyo Hunter?

>> No.7425768

circle name seems to be "ちょこれとろ" or "藤ちょこ"

blog is:

Now in the most recent post dated 5/14 there are three links to webshops. Unfortunately for you all three are sold out/preorders completed. If they ever get more stock you can use a proxy to buy from them. The price is 1365 yen for the item alone. Your total costs would be 1365 + proxy fee (if applicable) + shipping from store to proxy + shipping from proxy to you. I'd estimate costs to end up being 3000-4000 yen for one item. Personally I try to buy multiple items at once so both the proxy fee is less (they usually have a base price plus a percentage) and the shipping costs are combined together.

You may be able to get a copy via Yahoo Japan if someone sells theirs there and you would have to use a proxy for that.

Sample proxies:
fromjapan.co.jp (seems to be the cheapest at the moment; I haven't used them yet but I plan to whenever I finally buy stuff from Japan again. The yen:usd rate is horrible at the moment)

>> No.7425805
File: 1.29 MB, 1293x1354, moe 145649 dress fuji_choko neko see_through.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool and thanks!

I always hate asking questions like these, because the answer invariably turns out to be something 'obvious' that I missed for some stupid reason.

Expensive, eh? looks like I'll need to save a bit first.

Art/imports general thread?

>> No.7425816

He uses warm color way too much. Every drawings looks so fucking bright.

>> No.7425834

Maybe you're just a cold person.

>> No.7425865
File: 1.74 MB, 1240x1860, moe 131756 fuji_choko pantyhose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah, he tends to do so, although that coupled with all the transitions might be one of the things I like about them.

>> No.7425890

the item itself isn't too expensive for a book with color. it's just that you get hit by fees and shipping. I try to make my orders maybe 10000 yen or so. toranoana (another shop) has free domestic shipping at that mark. as far as I know melonbooks doesn't have free shipping (but it's been a while since I've bought from them so I don't really know).

try not to get too caught up i it. I know I burned through about $1000 in the span of a year and a half because I kept seeing things I liked. I've cut back considerably. I think I only bought $150 worth during winter comiket's releases and nothing since. plus the exchange rate is near its lowest.

>> No.7425896

on that note, the urge to buy rises. I'll forget it in a couple of hours. I'm so backlogged on things that I buy from certain artists.

>> No.7425913
File: 273 KB, 850x968, sample-1721308337b455b2ae0b4c3f964b3bc4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thanks for the advice! I'm not normally so taken by stuff, there's just something about his work that really resonates with me, so I'd like to get an actual copy if possible.
Lol, hopefully it's just a summer fad.

>> No.7427218

Move to japan to buy stuff and live weebo dream.
Can't fool the locals, they'll know you're just another smelly animefag & ignore you in the hope you'll go away.
Pay some jap whore to buy your nerd shit. She won't be any more ashamed than when you blew your load over her tits.
Nomoneyleft, go home & pretend you had a great holiday seeing cultural stuff.

>>there's just something about his work that really resonates with me
Really? What you've posted is pretty generic.

>> No.7427228

Someone's bitter.

>> No.7427232

What I find so intriguing is that I have no clue what this room is for.

It's clearly not a bedroom, and that doesn't look a dining table in the back (seats only on one side), so it can't be a living room/dining room combo. By the rack of magazines it reminds me of a waiting room, but then why is all her stuff lying about?

The cat looks very lifeless too. Did she just sit on it like those chinese bunny crushing videos?

>> No.7427236

>Really? What you've posted is pretty generic.

Doesn't seem too generic to me. I like this really bright theme.

>> No.7427246
File: 837 KB, 2048x1536, 301584333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7427247

fuzichoko is a she

>> No.7429248
File: 2.14 MB, 1895x1363, Konachan.com - 75740 fuji_choko original panties see_through underwear wings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Really? What you've posted is pretty generic.

Perhaps, but there's something in the way he/she combines the elements of the pics that I like. It'd take a very long time for me to actually dissect the picture and give a clearer explanation.

Although, if you happen to know some artists with a similar style, I'd be glad to check them out.

>> No.7429399
File: 1.57 MB, 1920x1200, 1304572836776.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Very nice! How did you get a hold of them? Japanese local, used a proxy, other method?

>> No.7429460

Got them from melonbooks through proxy. But I think you are out of luck, its sold out on stores.

Now your last hope is yahoo auction, even if it pops up, its going to cost you heaps.

sorry bro :>

>> No.7429515

Nice pictures. This makes me wonder if art collecting would be a fun, even profitable, hobby to pick up.

>> No.7429534

there is thing called pixiv

>> No.7429601

I just happened to catch this thread and from what I see fromjapan.co.jp is apparently offering to proxy at no extra cost (ie. no comission)? That's a pretty sweet deal there, I might have to use them instead of tenso.

>> No.7429718
File: 1.25 MB, 1635x1155, Konachan.com - 81323 animal_ears blonde_hair fuji_choko tail touhou yakumo_ran yakumo_yukari.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah, I see that too now that it's been mentioned. Now I just need to find an artbook. XD

Anyone know what 'SS' magazine is? I found an auction related to choko, but it appears to be some add magazine instead of an artbook; unless it's an artbook of multiple authors? I'm a bit retarded in this particular area...
It also seems choko does a lot of random stuff, like CD cover illustrations (explaining the Vocaloid and Touhou pics), which I keep running into.

It'd be nice to have a wall scroll of one picture, or at least something semi-large. Hell, the digital copy from choko would be nice too.

>> No.7429734

SS is a illustrator magazine, not all of them have her art works. Some might just be interview.

If you are looking for her arts, try:
http://fuzichoko.blog39.fc2.com/ - her blog, DUH
http://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=27517 - her pixiv page

>> No.7429798
File: 2.16 MB, 2047x1445, Konachan.com - 82410 animal bird blonde_hair book clouds dress fuji_choko lolita_fashion long_hair original scenic sky sword weapon wings yellow_eyes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah, I found those, and am trying pivix ATM, although the security code's being retarded for some reason and not displaying (scripts enabled and page unblocked. >_<).
I'm guessing pivix functions like deviant art in the scan purchasing department? AKA, one could purchase a picture from the artist via the site?

As for her blog, there didn't seem to be any links to purchase stuff, although I was browsing it via google translate and may have missed something. There were some mentions about melonbooks, but as other anons noted earlier that artbook's sold out.

>> No.7429806

amazon.co.jp ships abroad (unless it's a digital medium, for some goddamned reason), although I don't know if they have what you're looking for. A quick search turned up some results for me though. A couple months back they implemented (partial) English interface so you don't even have to fish around with Rikaichan to do things.

I bought オーラのこもり歌 through them, although the shipping was a killer.

>> No.7429837

pixiv is just community where artist can upload their arts, no money involved.

She doesn't post much on her blog, its mainly for letting people know her recent works in magazine or CD publications.

As for her artbook, she only released one so far, the one thats already sold out.

iirc, amazon ships oversea using DHL. thats why its so expensive.
