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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 936 KB, 1366x768, troll or no.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7421507 No.7421507 [Reply] [Original]

was this a troll or some kind of way to compensate for the lack of a translator note and replaced a japanese meme with an american one?

>> No.7421525

I can't wait for the dub.

What did he actually say, may I ask?

>> No.7421524

Steins;Gate is full of 2ch memes.
I haven't kept up with the anime, but was the line 駄目だこいつ・・・、早く何とかしないと

Dame da koitsu... hayaku nantoka shinai to

>> No.7421535


yes it is that line. is it significant?

>> No.7421553

Who's release is that? If it's HorribleSubs then you are using a crunchyroll translation. Normally you would expect that to be bad but this translator apparently used to TL for eclipse. I am rather dissapointed.

>> No.7421566


But Eclipse were horrible, as gg's awful translation of Hidan no Aria is trying to point out.

>> No.7421567
File: 42 KB, 291x352, 201103071149479c7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Source is Death Note.
It means "This guy's no good..., gotta do something about it"

Copypasta replaces it to "This _____'s no good..., gotta do something about it"

    /::::i::::、:::ヽ、:::\:ヽ:\::ヽ:、:ヽ:、:',    早  駄
    /::i|::l::ト、ヽ::、:ヽ:、:::::\::ヽ::l:ヽ:i::i:::!    く   目
   /:/:!:::!:|::ヽ:\ヽ:::、:\::ヽ:ヽ!:::i::|:::!::!   な  だ
   !ハ::|::::i::l:|心、:ヽ::\:ヽ_\、\:ヽ:|!:|:|i.  ん
    i、:!:|:、N{、ヒjヽゝ\ヾイ ヒj >、ヽi:、:|:l:   と   こ
     ヽ:!::トヽ ̄ l! `  ` ̄´ |::l::|:|j:,!:!  か  い
      ト、::! u         j |::/lj:::!リ  し  つ
        ヾ、  丶 -    u リイ:|リ   な   :
        リヽ ‐、ー- 、_   /イ:::i    い  :
       rー'"ト:l゙、   ̄   ./  , |::!    と   :
      / ヘ ヾ ヽ、 _,. '   / |:'  

>> No.7421587


.... this is more obscure than the "i'm going to take a potato chip..........AND EAT IT' meme...

>> No.7421597


Different things are funny to different cultures.

I, for one, find 'yo dawg' to be very funny but it would be better and more acceptable in a dub.

I hope someone is planning to license this...

>> No.7421599

It's a meme because it sounds funny and serious at the same time.

>> No.7421618

inb4 gg defence squad

>> No.7421664

I'm not watching this but I'm curious as to what they're doing because I hear a lot. Got any screenshots or cliffs?

>> No.7421678


Nah, nothing on hand, but they're retaining the original Japanese sentence structure and not translating stuff that Aria says a lot like 'baka', 'yatsu', and 'urusai'.

Again, it's all to shit on Eclipse because gg has gotten a lot of hate from Eclipse fans in the past.

>> No.7421679

how are you still breathing? i thought if your brain doesn't function you can't breath. their hidan no aria subs are mocking the users on /a/ for requesting tl instead of horrible localization and fanfiction level rewrites. what does leaving huge portions untranslated randomly and huge tl everywhere "prove" or "point out". there is maybe one or two issues where tl notes would be preferable over an entire series out of 20 series. not every episode 20 times and tl notes for words like "baka".

i hope you're around 13 years old. thinking gg is "pointing out" something in their subs shows you severely lack cognitive functions.

>> No.7421687


Holy god wow.

I knew American children didn't get irony but this is something else.

>> No.7421702

hurrdurr troll subs

I hate this shit. Attention seeking nonsense by "so funnay" faggots. Your job is to translate what the nice 2D people on the screen are saying, not to insert your own retarded and juvenile sense of humour as if anyone gives a fuck.

>> No.7421706

How many Death Note memes exist?

>> No.7421717

Too many.

>> No.7421729

america is related to what i said how? i understand completely now. you're severely mentally disabled. if gg is ironically using tl, which they obviously are, then them using them ironically can't "prove" or "point out" something, child. eclipse didn't have awful translations like that either. you seem so disabled...

shouldn't someone like you be on /a/? go back.

>> No.7421736

mfw i dont notice these things when i don't have subtitles.

>> No.7421748


That's two trolls I've seen today that are just godly. Thank you. You're an inspiration to me.

I have to try harder in future.

>> No.7421760
File: 11 KB, 250x250, story413img20081874356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7421766

Can't think of a meaningful response? Better accuse the other person of being a troll!

>> No.7425177

