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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 97 KB, 664x713, 1306684139146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7415524 No.7415524 [Reply] [Original]

It's Memorial Day.

How many of you /jp/ neets are thinking of joining the military to finally get out of your rooms and have a job and get some sweet sweet tax-free income?

Free food, free place to stay, get to travel (might even get to go to Japan), and free healthcare. Then, when you're out and people are on your ass because you are sitting in your room doing nothing playing videogames, you can play your veteran's card and say you were in the war and staying in your room takes your mind off all the terrible things you saw. Of course, go into something easy that wouldn't get you shot at.

Heck, you could join the navy and go into naval aviation and everyday will be just like Strike Witches.

Are any /jp/ers currently serving in the military?

>> No.7415530

I've thought about it. I'm too fat though.

>> No.7415531

I'm not a muricunt, that's not how it works here.

>> No.7415532

What is Memorial Day?

>> No.7415537
File: 10 KB, 282x217, tom_d_boondocks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HELL NAW, first day in ima prolly be anally raped

>> No.7415541
File: 591 KB, 900x1260, d495b925854fd9390cfacc98464cbee0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, you mean I get to eat, sleep, shit, piss, and masturbate in close proximity to buff men? And you mean that these buff men are the same guys who brag to their friends about how they'd risk going to jail so they could put a bullet through the head of all sick fucks (like me!) who enjoy these kinds of pictures, among others?

Oh golly gee, please show me where to sign!

>> No.7415556

isn't the point of being a truneet to avoid the awful type of people the military attracts?

>> No.7415560

Most males join the army for 6-12 months, because it's either civil service or prison if you refuse.
Don't assume everyone lives in the same country as you.

>> No.7415580
File: 430 KB, 1200x1200, barkhorn nopan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's 2AM. I'm stationed in Okinawa. Sorry, my Memorial Day is already over.

>> No.7415585
File: 393 KB, 2500x1875, 1306663811282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't live in the USA OP. I hear there are alot of bros in the army from /a/ though.

>> No.7415586

why are americans stationed in japan and do they even do any work there?

>> No.7415591

It's my last resort option if being a hobo doesn't work out.

>> No.7415592
File: 92 KB, 250x250, eliphas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>finally get out of your rooms and have a job and get some sweet sweet tax-free income
>Free food
>free place to stay
>get to travel

Fuck all of that. I only like the part where I get to kill entire villages.

>> No.7415597

>deathpimp trying to indoctrinate NEETs into their murdercorps

>> No.7415601

Reported for advertising. Get the fuck out of here, recruiters.

>> No.7415603

The stock answer is "to serve as deterrent a regional arms race" which isn't too far from the truth. And no, we don't really do anything here other than try to minimize the effect of drunk Americans on the locals.

>> No.7415606

>Wow, you mean I get to eat, sleep, shit, piss, and masturbate in close proximity to buff men?
This sounds good but
>And you mean that these buff men are the same guys who brag to their friends about how they'd risk going to jail so they could put a bullet through the head of all sick fucks (like me!) who enjoy these kinds of pictures, among others?

>> No.7415616
File: 45 KB, 640x480, 1163225423196.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The military is good choice if you want to realize how fucking good your life was before you were stupid enough to join the military.

>> No.7415632

If I join, it's so I can get shot at or step on a mine.

>> No.7415633


All of 4chan is infested with Americunt soldiers. It's really annoying.

>> No.7415643

war criminals 'r us

>> No.7415647

Is the US Army constantly doing guerilla recruiting on /jp/ or something? I don't see any other reason other than /jp/ hiveminders as to why you thinking joining the military would be a good idea as opposed to getting a job. If you're a TruNEET™© and suddenly want money or whatever, I'm sure there are easier jobs than the military.

>> No.7415655

What did you expect from an american imageboard?

Hosted in America?

If moot was Brazilian, things would be different around here.

>> No.7415659


>> No.7415666


So you think that every forum in this world is infested with soldiers of the nation where it's hosted?

>> No.7415671

Interesting, I'm going to hobo soon also.

>> No.7415677


>> No.7415683

And Brazilians infest everything regardless.

>> No.7415684

You are clearly the devil in disguise. I will no longer heed anything you say.

>> No.7415682

I considered joining the ROTC program until I found my school only has it for the army. Oh well, such is life.

>> No.7415689

I have noticed a huge influx in recruitment threads/posts...

It's conspiracy. The government is trying to gather up all the shut-ins so they can eliminate us.

>> No.7415697

I hate those Forex cunts, too.

>> No.7415750
File: 217 KB, 1140x1620, 0e466c7696620efb7305226bff7aaef1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Awesome tier: Reserves

Let's constantly deploy; you don't need any downtime tier: National Guard

Oh boy this was a mistake; I'm constantly surrounded by idiots tier: Active Duty

That feel when you have a military job, a civilian job, and go to school at the same time.

>> No.7415753

Brazilians would not normally do this. Can you not see it is some person from another country trying to make us look bad?

And yes, I am a Brazilian. Surprise.

>> No.7415754
File: 269 KB, 1280x720, eve_020401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Navy-fag here. I'm in my room playing eroge right now. Hell, I go to the nearest hotspot and play Cosmic Break too. No one minds because there are weirder people here than me.

>> No.7415756

Of course that idiot zun!bar would bump this.

>> No.7415757


GAYbar confirmed for recruiter samefag.

>> No.7415767


Samefagging isn't new to him.

>> No.7415777
File: 113 KB, 600x842, 9293919c2c2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Samefriending isn't new to him

You're a fine one to talk, Anon.

>> No.7415783

What do I have to join to get spanked by Lynette?

>> No.7415784


Looks like someone hurt your feelings.

>> No.7415786
File: 1.13 MB, 284x207, keepemshinyp1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll just leave this here.

>> No.7415791

I dropped out of army college if that counts
I didn't really like army life, I had no privacy. it was very annoying
i have no idea how you people get to play eroges and such. i didn't even have enough time to study for my exams and my grades were terrible

>> No.7415793
File: 262 KB, 692x720, DAT ASS YOSHIKA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7415797
File: 148 KB, 600x842, 3e173cad5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>insinuating my butt is not aflame with mad 24/7

>> No.7415849
File: 77 KB, 537x800, 480865ab3c2912e5ef98d7e32999a7ae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm in the Air Force. Nothing exciting, just Comm.

It's not bad. Of course I wish I could go back to being a NEET, but that would probably true of any job.

>> No.7415982

I hate you Comm guys. You took all the computer jobs at my base, and we went into record management.

>> No.7415989

I'd love to join the military and finally become a human of worth, but I dunno. I have a decent build but I don't know if a /jp/ type like myself could handle getting yelled at and insulted all day, plus all the excercising and all that.

How bad is the Air Force?

>> No.7415996

The military won't automatically make you a person of worth. Just look at ZUN.

>> No.7416013

>getting yelled at and insulted all day
Air Force boot camp isn't like the others. If you go in, you'll either come out really strong or really smart, because nobody hates on you unless you get caught doing stupid shit.

>> No.7416021

the military didn't make me a person of worth but it did make me feel like i was finally doing something with my life. it felt very nice
not everyone can put up with being locked in 5 days a week, though. it's not for everyone.

>> No.7416049
File: 34 KB, 252x228, minnabattleofbritain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Heck, you could join the navy and go into naval aviation and everyday will be just like Strike Witches.

Um... ha ha?

>> No.7416067

>getting yelled at and insulted all day
It's like you're really on /jp/!
Just imagine they're calling you a shitposter instead of maggot.

>> No.7416077
File: 97 KB, 333x500, Minna puppet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7416083

What are your guys' ranks?

Second lietunenant here.

>> No.7416092


>> No.7416093

Quit before I got past recruit.

>> No.7416099


Don't you have a forum where you can circlejerk all day? Why bring this faggotry to /jp/?

>> No.7416102
File: 53 KB, 900x632, 1306665559262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>weirder people here than me

Can you explain how weird?

>> No.7416104

fart commander

>> No.7416110
File: 415 KB, 630x700, c7e94d0f0a337c769f817a9752f37d1a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh boy, how did I miss this thread?

Man I love America.

>> No.7416115


>> No.7416122

Me too.

>> No.7416124


Nobody cares.

>> No.7416129
File: 454 KB, 800x814, art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ouch, looks like the haters are out, even on Memorial Day...

Also, Air Force is top tier.

>> No.7416134

I, too, enjoy Satoris. What base are you at?

>> No.7416136

So if someone doesn't care, he's a hater?
Nice logic. You must be really worthy to the country with that train of thought.

>> No.7416137


I don't know what's a memorial day and I don't care but I do know that this shit has nothing to do with /jp/.

>> No.7416141
File: 97 KB, 500x500, c105037cc20e0f238d052e54d3aa515a2457e570.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Minot AFB

I know, its just as bad as everyone says it is in the winter. I mean, how often do other get to work on planes in -45F weather?

>> No.7416148

Oh... I'm terribly sorry.... I didn't know.

Kadena here.

>> No.7416152



>> No.7416155

Ignore. It's just one guy samefagging.

>> No.7416161

I'm evading conscription, actually.
Goddamn, why would anyone want to be in the military? Even with the income tax-free and room+board paid for, you could take home more working a shitty entry-level job elsewhere without having to become some dipshit officer's dog.

>> No.7416163

No one gives a shit. Cry more.

>> No.7416166

Never been to /k/ I see...

Lucky you, though at least its a base I have a chance of going to with my job. What do you do?

>> No.7416186

/int/? What?
Why don't you fuck off back to /k/, OP?

>> No.7416187

I see what little you do know of the military is Marine Infantry.

Because most of it is nothing like that, and adding in all the benefits you receive, I didn't know you could make 50k a yr at a entry level job.

>> No.7416195

Yeah, I'm really going to get myself killed for some petty cash. Get a brain moran.

>> No.7416196

What is your problem man? /jp/ moves slow enough as it is so it isn't going to bump anything off the board. Can't other /jp/ers in the military talk with each other? We're all bros right?

And no, I'm not from the USA or in the military.

>> No.7416204



>> No.7416209


>> No.7416211

You've got other boards to discuss these themes. Why not go there? /jp/ isn't Random or Military or even your beloved /r9k/ (thought apparently it's turning into it).

Plus you aren't the one changing the rules. Being here is a privilege not a right.

>> No.7416215

>What's your problem with rule-breaking content, man?

>> No.7416222

Although I rarely ever post I wanted to say something too but you already said it so I'll second your post.

It feels like the same person to me, though.

>> No.7416231

I don't get what you're trying to say.
Are you saying we should all be supporting each other, despite the theme?

Look where you are. Think why /jp/ was made and think if this has anything to do with /jp/.

>> No.7416240

Men won't wear pants, we'll fondle each others, we'll fight against alien and use magic!

>> No.7416550

>>The military won't automatically make you a person of worth. Just look at ZUN.

What's wrong now, Anon.

I mean I go to Afghanistan, come back, and you're butt is still as sore as ever. What gives; I thought time heals all wounds.

>> No.7416559
File: 346 KB, 1050x746, 1287534630977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Satorin !KOMEijI/Jg

>> No.7416569


>> No.7416576

You know he's just being a silly tsun-tsun~

>> No.7416581
File: 18 KB, 279x285, airforce guy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7416583

>chair work.

What kind of workout the army does? body weight or olly weights?

>> No.7416603

Want to fuck that nazi in the OP

>> No.7416639


If you know a loadmaster named Jared, tell him Hi for me.

>> No.7416661

I'm getting out of the military tomorrow
