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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 2.42 MB, 800x1067, DO_WANT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7390877 No.7390877 [Reply] [Original]

-Cyberstep at Fanimecon 2011. Will the intrepid GMs be mobbed by players waving cash or just plain mobbed? がんばってください, てんぷら-さん!
-Players asking for Japanese-style garapons learn why people should be careful what they wish for
-Registration for the clan tournament opens and preparation reaches a fever pitch
-CB players make astonishing discovery: /commu/ is ***ty

Old thread:

>> No.7390888

Those goods... I want them all.

>> No.7390937


I really wanted that Ivis Wallscroll, but apparently 10 different people want it, so i gave up. Apparently my chosen proxy service dude won't be able to get there at exactly when it starts.

>> No.7391083
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>Players asking for Japanese-style garapons

>> No.7391226
File: 49 KB, 531x516, CosmicBreak Community.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7391264


>> No.7391321

Yeah, that was hilarious. Dumbass voluntarily blows $200 he can't afford on a lottery and has the balls to cry about it. The part that made me laugh the hardest was when he thanked the community after the whiniest poorfags in /commu/ start sympathizing with him for being a moron. Pure comedy gold.

>> No.7391393
File: 492 KB, 600x847, 19088484_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How stupid do you have to be to keep feeding money into a slot machine and to get upset when you don't hit the jackpot?

>> No.7391453

I'm waiting for someone from suemerica to sue cyberstep for some stupid reason (like those morons that sue wow and lineage) just so the garapon bullshit can be indirectly exposed.

>> No.7391548

Is it true that Melfi is voiced by Kana Hanazawa?

>> No.7391563


>> No.7391652
File: 142 KB, 775x965, CS_BUST.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which /commu/ is worse, Getamped2 or Cosmic Break?

>> No.7391659

Haha oh wow that guy on /commu/ bitching about his $8 is making me laugh so hard.

>> No.7391662

The one that constantly posts threads on /jp/.

>> No.7391677

>lily rain eve goddess
>beautiful body
I want her! Someone has a picture for that pillow cover?

>> No.7391716
File: 68 KB, 850x277, sample-c3d50f22f3a9f5497166c3d7e312979b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly, I can't wait to get my EVE Dakimakura. I don't think they've ever released the official art of it, simply because people could then go print their own for way less. This is the best I've seen and her hair colors is weird.

>> No.7391751

Thank you

>> No.7391767

If someone goes to the con, please scan the papercrafts.Thanks in advance.

>> No.7391782
File: 41 KB, 210x235, melfichan4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hahaha oh wow

>> No.7391789

I feel like I'm missing something: Has he blown 300 dollar on an in-game MMO raffle to get a rare character?

Getting money from idiots can't be that easy, can it?

>> No.7391800

Anyone else noticed cyclotes has even more free cap than byne? I think it's the bot with the max free cap now.

>> No.7391813

A rare character that is mediocre at best, yes.

Also, does anyone know which Challenge Cubes have the slotless Mini Lily and Mini Crim?

>> No.7391834

To be honest, I would rather get a fuckload of slot protectors/tune up materials than another Shino

>> No.7392100

tempura add 20/30% harmonics to the tune sets

>> No.7392111

Why can't they have a normal store like every other MMO and less broken bots

>> No.7392200
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>> No.7392207

Doesn't tec help with ranged weapons?

>> No.7392301


>> No.7392355

I don't get it, is Hakua trying to troll players? All he does is make sarcastic replies pointing out shit posts and purposely make a fool out of whoever he is replying to.

>> No.7392519

So it looks like Hotglue isn't considered a threat. I don't hear much about them and whenever I see them in arena they all do average (japporo,dertia, frostz or whatever). Kanbara is the only good one.

I guess the best lottery choices would be Charlotte and Snowflake.

>> No.7392536

I see you've missed Minamitsu, Luvia, Alpha, and Etou. Yeah, i don't see them playing that often anymore. But Snowflake, for example, has only 1 better player than any of those.

>> No.7392567

>japporo,dertia, frostz
Etou is good now? I remember when he was plain average, if not, bad.

>> No.7392579

Probably someone else playing the account then.

>> No.7392875
File: 39 KB, 353x324, 123654646897.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7393208

It's florette

>> No.7393229

What the fuck? Florette is still playing?

You are all a bunch of pride-less faggots.

>> No.7393319
File: 15 KB, 220x223, HappyMoneyGuy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bet on Charlotte. The chinks will pay2win like crazy after last time.

>> No.7393322

It's funny how every time there's some kind of tournament or something in CB, everyone starts talking about how hotglue won't be a threat this time, all good hotglue quit, etc., and yet hotglue has won every single tournament up until this point.

>> No.7393424


Snowflake is shit. EFB is dead. Hotglue is mostly dead, but as has been pointed out, they've managed to get back a few stars.

Charlotte > Hotglue, you heard it here first.

Expect vyolets to get third place due to the complete lack of competition, second if Charlotte and Hotglue face off in the same bracket.

>> No.7393507

EFB has spent the last few weeks trying to grab as many good people as they can to make an actual stand in the tournament.
MSBS and MoD are going to put a single tournament team together, which may turn out to be half decent.
That's really all that will be notable from DOS, I wouldn't expect either of them to place higher than 3rd.

>> No.7393514


EFB has recruited such pro players as boytitan

They don't have a chance this tournament, especially if the original team quit.

>> No.7393631


and fenrir, dont forget about fenrir, in fact ive heard their mass recruiting has been actually causing some of their older members to quit

>> No.7393724

It seems EFB is trying to make themselves into a superclan or something.

>> No.7393778

To the same extent of Charlotte?

>> No.7393789
File: 25 KB, 769x314, is this right.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is how aquila girl works, right?

>> No.7393799

So after seeing this thread I looked into the game and it seems somewhat interesting

I'm installing it right now

What am I in for?

>> No.7393803


>> No.7393816

I wish I could say something different. I really do.
PS: Join the WIZ faction if you want to join hotglue

>> No.7393832 [DELETED] 

where can i get version 3.3.4?

>> No.7393849 [DELETED] 


>> No.7393857

soon after i posted i ended up finding it, thanks anyways

>> No.7393864

It's fun, until you level up out of the noob rooms. At that point you hace a choice: quit, start spending money to keep up with current equipment (and this game is fucking expensive), or vow to become so skilled that you barely need to buy anything.

>> No.7393897

I haven't kept up with Cosmic Break news for months. I remember they released a Lily dakimakura a while back. Have they released any more since then?

>> No.7393900

ok so

what if you had a air robot
and played it like a land robot

you would tune it for wlk and put shaden booster on it and somehow this would be a good idea.

>> No.7393904
File: 23 KB, 331x338, 1268779430137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what if you had a air robot
>and played it like a land robot

>> No.7393936


Adhom's always had this pipedream of "uniting DOS" apparently now by recruiting all the best members of rival DOS clans, ironically if this does work out all it will do is create a huge gap between the DOS pubs and EFB's elitism causing DOS to be thrown into even more disarray than usual, no real unity at all just a select group of pros and an even bigger horde of pubs

>> No.7393937

Not sure if want.

>> No.7393942 [DELETED] 

sure sounds like MS-DOS mk.2

what now of MSBS?

>> No.7393958

>>uniting DOS

Rynex-itis is contagious like AIDS.
What's become of MSBS?

>> No.7393963

Why can't i make it bigger than 800x600...

>> No.7393971


This guy here

Which one should I select for my first robor or does it not really matter

>> No.7393975

Pick Lily Rain. It will teach you to NOT rambo.

>> No.7393977


crimrose, you get a free beam gun mod

>> No.7393978

pick crimrose to get a unique gun.

Not that many good people left, so they are working together with the remnants of MoD to get a full team.

>> No.7394115

Alright I picked crimrose

the games fun but it also seems somewhat confusing with all the different mods and shit

also don't get the whole 3 robot party thing

>> No.7394191


Gambles away $200.00. Doesn't get what he wants.

Yeah, same here. Havent played in months just because it got so empty, except for people whining about gara.

>> No.7394200


joined forces with MoD, they brought all their competent players over and i heard theyre joining tourney with a joint team, also that a few of MoDs rt whore players are giving rt to their poorfag pros, seems like their serious

>> No.7394265

This tournament is going to be the most depressing thing.

There is no glory to be had, as the userbase is so dead. The game is most certainly no longer fun. The amount of money that needs to be spent to win counters the ingame cash prize.

There is no sanity here.
No matter the clan, the end will be the same. One will win, while one will lose.
But there is nothing to be gained, no matter who wins. Each clan enters knowing this.
It is a meaningless tournament, full of madmen engaging in useless folly.

>> No.7394276


Aquila Girl vs Toybox Girl: The Movie: The Game: The Tournament: HD Collector's Edition: The Soundtrack Starring Lily Rain EVE.

>> No.7394310

>MoDs rt whore players are giving rt to their poorfag pros, seems like their serious
I wish this was true, but it isn't.

>> No.7394333

is this copypasta from a game? I feel like I've heard it before

>> No.7394347

It's from Kotomine's monologue at the end of Fate/stay night. Right before the fistfight with Shirou.

>> No.7394355

You forgot Fencers and hoppers. And Assraiders. That's the entire tournament right there.

>> No.7394385

>roll royal gara x5 for the hell of it with offer RT
>2 gold balls
>both lilly
>you got me, CS

does anyone want to trade their melfi for a elisalotte? I'm on wiz.

>> No.7394396

Elisalotte is a shitty RT bot. Only appeal is moe-appeal, and even then Melfi is arguably better in that category.

Like half of UC melee bots are better than Elisalotte tbh

>> No.7394486


She's an Ouka with a free arm. That in itself should indicate how she should be played. The only Elisalottes I've been seeing are fail builds.

Remember how people kept saying Connie is shit? Well there's a few players out there who manage to bring out her potential. It's the same thing. Just because they're not OP like the sugoi girls, doesn't mean they're shit.

>> No.7394488


Not to mention fail playstyles. I keep seeing people trying to play her like a Fencer.


>> No.7394565

>what if you had a air robot
>and played it like a land robot

You would tune it for fly as usual. You would cart in float dash and quick land/jump. maybe even hopper it up, if you can...
Tune for STR if you're using melee weapons.
Tune for TEC if you're using Frau legs. (attacks are TEC based.)

Your biggest challenge will be getting back into the air once the missle spam dogpile begins. Unlike LND units, AIR units CAN NOT Blast Guard.

Do all this... and enjoy your 25th place, kicked from matching AIR Jikun.

>> No.7394598

GTFO Rynex

>> No.7394729

TaeTae will play this time.

Charlotte is gonna win for sure.

>> No.7394738

>Charlotte is gonna win for sure.
>No KaiKai
>No Hikaru


>> No.7394767

well the idea was using shaden booster so you could run fast and then have fast flying as a backup. I guess not having tough runner and blast guard is a pretty big deal though.

>> No.7394780


taetae is shit

Charlotte will win because of puddin and etherlight.

>> No.7394802



>> No.7394813


you're faggotry

is omnipresent


>> No.7394820
File: 2 KB, 202x92, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is this?
Charlotte What the fuck?

GTFO commu fag

>> No.7394830

>What the fuck is this? Charlotte What the fuck?

I don't get it.

>> No.7394832
File: 77 KB, 470x375, fk yea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tae means Shit in our country

>> No.7394910

Charlotte has probably spent more then the clan tournament first place reward to win this tournament. how stupid of them.

Also the only people in their roster I deem scary dangerous are Asukuu cause of hartigarm machine 12k melee (one match he got that much) Gammy because of alphfag air raiders (and he ALWAYS lags) and Etherlight due to being a pay2gamewarrior

the rest, lol. I've defeated them in arena before. TaeTae is shit as well.

>> No.7394937

Is he gonna be warping around like a faggot on the tourney too?

>> No.7395396
File: 476 KB, 1280x960, Wed May 25 18:10:12 BST 2011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7395683

Bonus balloon.

>> No.7397034
File: 241 KB, 800x600, ScreenShot_20110326_0010_42_046.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't see how hotglue can complain about etherlight when they have shit like this

>> No.7397109
File: 275 KB, 1024x768, derp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>354 RT

>> No.7397235

Jesus Christ, Metal.
Why does that Laz have BoyTitan cost??

>> No.7397257


Who are you using to get your Daki cover?
Hankzorz bailed on it, and my only other source might not be able to make it/is looking like a longshot now.

>> No.7397293


No MB air raider, and that's the bot most actually good players consider the most broken.

>> No.7397383


Because Katagewa's account is the richest account in hotglue by a few orders of magnitude, and etherlight has spent three times as much as he has.

There's a pretty gaping difference between having garapon toys and having garapon toys that are perfectly tuned.

>> No.7397602

it's only broken because the faggots that use them all lag like shit. if they had normal latency it wouldn't be a big deal.

>> No.7398052 [DELETED] 


I was present during the radio show as LordShade.

I also was coincidently the first one to leap on the thread when somebody told me that he was going to buy and ship if you paid him

>> No.7398062

Its that time of the year again~
Who will come out victorious?

2 time winner HotGlue?

Autists of Snowflake?

BRD elites Charlotte?

the most infamous clan of DOS, MSBS now merged with beta 3rd placers MoD?

or the brand new EFB, recruits coming from the best of each top DOS clan?

>> No.7398087

>Charlotte has probably spent more then the clan tournament first place reward to win this tournament. how stupid of them.

Don't you realize they spend a lot of money regardless of whether or not there is a tournament?

>> No.7398141


Snowflake is dead, MSBS is as pathetic as always, and EFB's "elite" are anything but, especially without kampfer.

The only real contenders this tournament are hotglue and charlotte.

NFA might be something this time as vyolets has actually been taking in players this time instead of just entering with who he has.

>> No.7398145


of course i knew, BRD autists.

>> No.7398263

It's shit.

>> No.7398475

no buff for elisa this week

>> No.7398481


What did happen then?

>> No.7398484
File: 162 KB, 850x445, kz_kura.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HG vs Charlotte.
HG please WIN!

>> No.7399246


Kanbara convinced Florette to play, but he keeps saying he sucks at the new metagame. Ristelle is gone for good.

Meanwhile, the money gap between us grows even wider.

I don't think we'll be winning this time.

>> No.7399284


>> No.7399301


I hope Ivis is going to be released right before the tournament happens.

>> No.7399357

HG isn't gonna win, vs those cashfags but if they manage to pull it by great ammount of LUCK.
HG going to be fucking epic. (`-´)>

as for charlotte, nobody cares since they already got everything.

>> No.7399367

Please, just get out of /jp/.

>> No.7399375
File: 404 KB, 1280x720, buttdevestated.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nobody cares
KaiKai quit the day ETF lost the last tournament, and he hasn't been seen in game since, despite having charged loads of money to that account.

I think they care.

>> No.7399393

Godfucking dammit this update.

Alpha airs, alpha airs everywhere.

Enjoy your easymodo game. Unless you're not a cashwhore.

>> No.7399398

But I thought hotglue wanted a chance to get assraiders on their cashfag accounts.

>> No.7399473
File: 335 KB, 1000x1000, gtfo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.7399489

You bumped the thread just to tell them to get out. You're a silly person.

>> No.7399752
File: 108 KB, 1280x720, [2010.12.03_00.16.35].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weekly garapon, so good.

>> No.7399801

Ivis next month.

CBEN confirmed for dying no matter what Tempura says.

The last monetary squeeze. It has arrived.

taking bets the game won't last til 2012 now.

>> No.7399818

why is Ivis an indicator of CBEN dying? Did the jp version not get the same thing?

>> No.7399831

They haven't even released alternate color EVE yet. CBEN still has a ways to go.

>> No.7399843
File: 204 KB, 683x797, 1304266206477.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Revenge Tunes > Ivis
Fully Tuned VF + Revenge Tune > Ivis
What's your point again?

>> No.7399943


after they release Ivis what will they release, Dust Particles? this is the last RT bot that we know off that CBEN doesn't have yet.

also that leaves some hope that Bazarr will be very soon cause they are rapidly running out of content.

I don't think they'll release alternate coloured eve.
CBEN doesn't even have the nerf that JP Eve got.

also if Ivis wasn't a last minute cash grab they would of released her months ago, you know like when she was actually released.

>> No.7399973

And what do they release in CBJP to keep people interested? Cyberstep spaced out the big releases so people's wallet wouldn't hurt too much, or at least not all at once. As soon as EN gets caught up we'll probably be getting the same releases as JP, similar to how we got Sugoi garapon and the C.S. quest at the same time as CBJP did.

>> No.7399984

CBJP seems to be stable. and they have been around longer.

>> No.7400063

my wallet isn't ready yet!

>> No.7400095
File: 81 KB, 450x350, 1281318273302.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>new moebots coming out every month
>retard bawwing because there's nothing left to release
>my face

>> No.7400096
File: 129 KB, 1128x1408, 15268591.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still don't understand where this idea that EVE is nerfed in JPCB came from. Have you actually fought one on there? They hit just as hard, move just as fast, lock on just as fast. All the listed stats are identical. The JPCB wiki doesn't mention anything about it. There's a single comment about how a guy FEELS like she is nerfed, but 0 concrete evidence.

People learning how to actually fight bots properly so they don't get constantly buttdevastated does not mean the bot has been nerfed.

>> No.7400165
File: 68 KB, 550x439, little%20brown%20girls-550x439[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After Ivis maybe I can finally get that little brown fire-using moebot I've always wanted.

>> No.7400226

Their default skin are pretty yellow already, that should be enough. And you can always make your own brown bot by painting her.

>> No.7400293
File: 68 KB, 700x396, dccbbfed75dab6fa954d044c19566da2[1].jpeg_111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eh, it's just not the same.
every harem stable requires at least one brown girl. Not just recolors like Majalis and LOUD.

>> No.7400568

>CBEN doesn't even have the nerf that JP Eve got.
Why the fuck do people think EVE got nerfed in JPCB?

>> No.7400610

Chinese whispers.

>> No.7401482
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my wallet is ready

>> No.7401597
File: 151 KB, 1178x833, cannonballin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey Tempura if CS ever goes to any more conventions or ships merchandise within the U.S. you guys should consider selling the translated manga. I'd buy the Cannonballer or Sword Wing manga for a reasonable price.

>> No.7401676

Manly tears.

>> No.7401756
File: 178 KB, 800x600, 9658430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks Ivis gara won't have the worst rates yet
>he thinks Ivis will be attainable for less than 10000 RT

>> No.7401917

Get out of /jp/.

>> No.7401927
File: 33 KB, 483x291, TAKE MY MONEY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fear not, i'm expecting CS to garatroll me

>> No.7402258

TaeTae sucks

>> No.7403447

【Robot Name】

BD: Melfi BD
 WB: Repair Bit
 LG: Melfi LG [High Run Beta] [High Run Beta]
 HD: Melfi HD [High Run Beta] [High Run Beta]
  HDAC: Calico Cat Ears [High Run Alpha]
  FCAC: Autumn Earrings [High Run Beta]
 BS: A. Maid BS [High Run Alpha]
 AM: Melfi AM [High Run Alpha] [High Run Beta]
  WP: Granted Bow
  WP: Military Gun [High Supply] [Supply] [High Supply]
 AM: Melfi AM2 [High Run Alpha] [High Run Alpha]
  WP: -

【Config Check】

COST: 1115
CAPA: 1125
HP: 372
STR: 7
TEC: 7
WLK: 40
FLY: 4
TGH: 13


Capacity +70×6
Blast Guard
Short Boost
Quick Jump
Quick Land


any idea what i should do with this? (btw, the upgrades on the WBG are suppose to be on the bow - cosmicalc doesn't show supply upgrades for it)

im actually using a WBG right now, but tbh i'm just spamming arrow rain (dmg not that good) while healing. i want something decent to chase with, and a military gun sounds decent, but the ammo is really low so i can't really farm items with it much..

>> No.7403570

>  WP: Military Gun [High Supply] [Supply] [High Supply]
so like, how much ammo difference does something like this make? And at what cost?

>> No.7403674

Military gun as it is has barely enough ammo good only for one kill, and for a weakened enemy at best.

>> No.7404138

it was nice playing with you guys.
cosmic broken

>> No.7404152

server down or something?

>> No.7404190


eh? works for me.

>> No.7404196

The game is dead. Enter at any given moment and you'll find 3 rooms max. One full of pubs, one decent, but filled and one 15vs2 Union wars

>> No.7404552


>> No.7404584


>> No.7404728

upgrades on wbg/military gun are supposed to be on the bow (+3 shots for 35 cost) since cosmicalc wont let me put the supply upgrades on it for some reason

>> No.7405455

I'm expecting Charlotte to win, HotGlue in 2nd and MSBS or EFB in 3rd.


>> No.7405482 [DELETED] 


>> No.7406313
File: 36 KB, 750x400, shimapan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finally found a use for my gold pepen.

>> No.7406476
File: 28 KB, 502x333, nodaki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

feels bad, man

>> No.7406527
File: 133 KB, 1440x900, Cosmicbreak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My wallet isn't ready!

>> No.7406662

Why can't you have one?

>> No.7406744


>/commu/ idiot who doesn't see the possibility of Hotglue and Charlotte ending up in the same bracket.

>> No.7406770
File: 189 KB, 800x600, ScreenShot_20110516_2138_40_103.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you know the drill

>> No.7406964

Diamond joined Charlotte. I thought you had standards man.

>> No.7406992

taetae and asukuu are full time chinese autists,
CB is the only game they are good at, since they are cashfags

>> No.7406998

just because they're cashfags doesn't mean they're good, I've seen people beat them with a major tune/bot gap.

>> No.7407556

you need a little cash for some tunes right?

>> No.7407597
File: 377 KB, 1024x768, ScreenShot_20110528_0413_33_718.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nope. You can tune by grinding, breaking, grinding more, and tuning it until it comes out good enough for you.

>> No.7407660

but then you have to pay for replacement parts

>> No.7407679
File: 203 KB, 480x270, wahaha.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


But a lot of the best parts are UC/findable..

>> No.7407688

tell me where you're finding cross raptor arms and brickgale boosters so I can get some too

>> No.7407725
File: 63 KB, 380x400, 5880110_m.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Can't do anything about Brickgale BS, but eh Cross Raptor AM? I don't use Cross Raptor AM. Use cheaper arms, tune more.

>> No.7407834

Hurry up an paypal your proxy buyers so you can get those dakimakuras guys. Still 3 days left.

>> No.7408566
File: 66 KB, 446x631, 10152197.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eve Dakumakura is on it's way to my house sir.

>> No.7408698

That feel when crimson veil activates on first hit

>> No.7408880

Why is this image always partially colored? Was it never finished?

>> No.7408930
File: 777 KB, 1280x960, 16330937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably because everytime it's posted it's by me. There's a more colored in version of it, but this one looks better.

>> No.7409227

Being in Charlotte is depressing.

At first I considered myself to be quite rich with 200 dollars worth of survey RT, but some of these people literally spent THOUSANDS of dollars on this game. The constant discussion about rolling the garapon without worrying about getting garatrolled makes me feel like poorfag.

>> No.7409256

What the fuck is a dakumakura

I know that feel.

>> No.7409270

>Mistyped the "i"

>> No.7409353

>>7409227 200 dollars worth of survey RT
All my rage

>> No.7409412

How about you google it? And why are you even on this board if you don't know what a dakimakura is? Get out please.

>> No.7409912


>> No.7410058
File: 44 KB, 712x349, ⑨.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BRD's Representative Clan
Be Rich or Die = Charlotte

>> No.7410073

No wonder they always seem to pull one out at the end of every week nowadays.

>> No.7410177

Can you faggot go back to /commu/ already?

Fucking disgusting that we have such non-NEETs browsing our board just because it has a CB thread.

>> No.7410403

Hey dipshits, I know what a dakimakura. Read my post, I'm asking what a dakumakura is. And don't even give me the one letter off shit; the I and U aren't even next to each other on the keyboard. Go fuck yourself and get out since you're obviously from /commu/.

>> No.7410428
File: 56 KB, 480x516, reimu fuel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the I and U aren't even next to each other on the keyboard

>> No.7410552

This is an english board. Learn to use an english keyboard.

>> No.7410557
File: 68 KB, 772x354, 772px-KB_Maltron_3D_US.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7410566

Dakimakura is Japanese word. Use English terms.

>> No.7410571

I dosent matter, everyone must have an english speaking keyboard.

>> No.7410696

You should simply remain quiet instead of asking what a "dakumakura" is, faggot.

>> No.7410706

Same with you. If you are going to go on /jp/ you should at least know how to spell dakimakura.

>> No.7410871

did madcatz make this?

>> No.7411288

At Fanime panel Tempura said UC to RT will be here in june.

just sayin.

>> No.7411512


Congratulations to all you faggots. No more surveys and reward offers for us.

>> No.7411531

Fanime question and answer session

Q:How old are you?
A: 24

Q: Who is your waifu?
A: Winberrl (He's not married in real life yet ladies ^_^ oooooo)

Q: Can you be more active please?
A: Uh...I think I'm pretty active already since I log on once a day. (I'm guessing that's a no)

Q: Is GM Miso hot?
A: Yeah, I think she's pretty good looking.

Q: What kind of Tempura are you?
A: I'm a shrimp tempura because it's way more awesome.

Q: How did you grow your luscious beard?
A: Err..I currently don't have one but if you meant the one I had at GDC...I didn't shave for a week.

Q: Is Mecha Jetter LXE's husbando?
A: Yes

Q: Who came up with your GM names?
A: GM Usan

Q: Do you like yandere or tsundere?
A: Yandere, just slightly though.

Q: Do you get free RT for being a GM?
A: No, we don't get it on our personal accounts. We can play on our GM accounts, but we're not allowed to play with whatever bots.

Q: How big is your anime collection? Figurines? Dolfies? Favorite character?
A: I have terabytes worth of it. All of my figurines broke in the earthquake. *insert his attempt at sadface here* I don't collect dolfies. My favorite character...hrm....that's a tough one....I'd have to say Saiten-San.

Q: Are you a lolicon?
A: No comment (Yes.)

Q: What pickup lines to you use on girls?
A: I don't talk to any girls except for GM Miso. (hahahahahaah)

>> No.7411557


This also removes any possibility of some form of RT stuff trading happening. Congratulations, faggots.

>> No.7411563


Who the hell is Saiten?

>> No.7411577
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>> No.7411702
File: 39 KB, 511x385, 1305443139107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HAHAHAHA Fucking sugoi dogs and their idiot users pilots. feels good man

>> No.7411717
File: 43 KB, 1142x1101, theshow.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope the final tournament bracket ends up looking something like this.

It would basically allow for a whole bunch of impressive or interesting Matches.

Hotglue versus MOD(beta style), NFA vs EFB rematch now that Vyolets is taking the tournament seriously, Charlotte's HKers versus the old HKers, Hotglue vs NFA or EFB, Snowfags vs Charlotte or HKers(what they failed to achieve in the first tournament)

>> No.7411813
File: 277 KB, 480x640, 17294820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course we will still have surveys and reward. Companies pay CS for that stuff. You think they are just going to magically stop wanting money because they are giving us free RT?

>> No.7411887

What the Hell clan is Noir_Croix? Did the HKers split again? So they now have EveryThing'sFine, Charlotte, and this new Noir_Croix?

>> No.7411920

No matter how you look at it.

>> No.7411952

Everything'sFine is dead. It's not even listed in the top 50. Although I'm kind of surprised Charlotte didn't split into two teams for the tournament. They have quite a few recognizable names that aren't on their roster.

>> No.7411992

Does hotglue have enough points to be allowed to participate? I think it would be hilarious if they didn't.

>> No.7412015

Hotglue has won all previous events. They'll most likely get a spot anyways even if they didn't meet the point requirement.

And could you really call it a tournament without a returning champion. Couldn't truly tell if you're the best if the returning champ ain't there to beat.

>> No.7412023

Hotglue gets in the top 5 WIZ weekly without even trying

>> No.7412076

I hope Hotglue loses this one. This game has gone on long enough.

Also I have a silly idea of Hotglue making a comeback in the next tournament after this one, but it will be even more dead than now and it's pretty dead. Can hardly find enough people competent enough to play the tournament.

>> No.7412082

Recognizable? You mean the ones playing for NFA?

>> No.7412095

Since /jp/ers don't go to cons.

What >>7411813 said basically. I've stated several times that offers don't have anything to do with UC > Rt being or not being in the game. I don't know why everyone thinks they're a "replacement."

It's pretty unlikely that we'll implement Rt part trading anyway because it would be so potentially risky profits-wise. If we were to implement it someday, I don't think that having or not having the $5 a month UC > Rt probably would influence the decision either way.

I said Saten-san, I guess the guy didn't know Railgun. It was kind of a spur of the moment answer, I always get uneasy when people ask me for my "favorite" character. But Saten-san is moe.

>> No.7412118

This game is dying, do something about it. Every time I login there are only 2-3 active rooms.
Since you make such massive profits, why not waste it on advertisements?
I rather have ten rooms filled with pubs than one room filled with elite, waiting for a spot to open.

>> No.7412159
File: 321 KB, 840x700, winhug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I heard you like berrls. Do you like manberrl, pinkberrl, vesca, or...?

>> No.7412162
File: 174 KB, 477x472, pantsu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Tempura. Go buy a Dollfie!

>> No.7412172
File: 72 KB, 400x510, winberrl vesca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7412185

TBH I wonder why they bothered. Yah, it's better than nothing but it's not like 50 RT a month is going stop the begging and crying.

>> No.7412186

Hi Wulfgar.

>> No.7412188

Cosmic Break was designed to operate at a profit with a very small, well-invested community. Attracting lots of players is not the business plan of Cosmic Break. Here at CyberStep we have found that the cost of advertising outweighs any potential profit benefit. Enjoy your 3 rooms.

>> No.7412193

Tempura confirmed for Saten spammer!

>> No.7412194

I was hoping that Hotglue would NOT join this tournament. What a bunch of faggots. They're not going to win anymore. They should've retired from the tourneyfaggot scene undefeated.

>> No.7412205

We're working on getting more people. Advertising at the right places in the right way is harder than it sounds, you can't just throw money at advertisers and get tons more people. And we don't really make "massive" profits either...

But like I said the game isn't dying, really. It's always been this way, except during final beta when we got that huge surge of people. The number of logged in users has been really steady since the end of the final beta.

I like black haired berrl best. This one >>7412172

Sorry, not a doll guy. Nice shimapan though.

We know it won't stop the complaining, but it gives people something to work towards each month. IIRC Japan first got UC>Rt about half a year or so after their service started too, so we figured it was about time to add it to ENCB.

Dohoho, not me.

I'm surprised nobody's picked up on the Sunflower description yet.

People said that every tournament, but Hotglue keeps on winning...

I have to go back to Fanime now. Bye guys.

>> No.7412208

tempura add 20% or 30% harmonics to the tune sets
then you can properly call them tune sets, and it would lower the amount of rage on the blue balls

>> No.7412209

When will Ouka come back? It's been 4 months or more and I really want a second chance to get her

>> No.7412219

> Dohoho, not me.

Admit it, it's the honest truth.

>> No.7412228
File: 422 KB, 1024x768, 1302013040792.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


nene temp, do you collect busou shinki?

>> No.7412237

Seems somewhat reasonable, we'll consider it.

She'll be back at some point, don't worry. We still have the Shana version of her to release one of these days.

Not really. We can operate okay with the player base we have now, but obviously we want more players if possible. Nobody says "well everyone we have now is spending lots of money so we don't need more people."

I really gotta go now, stay classy /jp/.

>> No.7412239
File: 28 KB, 640x360, 1305601592036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7412241

Comeback? you Butthurt!? HAHA
Charlottes gonna win this tournament since they Payed allot.

without cashfagging up you know charlottes gonna lose to HG again

>> No.7412259

Have they given out the RT yet? I might log on to give it a roll.

>> No.7412277
File: 40 KB, 704x480, snapshot20100713062624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>at some point
>Shana version
I just want the normal one ;_; It wouldn't feel the same as the one I had in the beta

>> No.7412294

>I'm surprised nobody's picked up on the Sunflower description yet.


Hey, Tempura, is there a release date with Ivis, many probably know about that roulette on the main website, but if you release it this week I'm going to LAUGH SO HARD CAUSE EVERYBODY will want one for the clan tournament.

Or are you going to be a bit more 'yeah lets not fuck things up' and do it after?

>> No.7412297

Cosmicbreak(Yes, CB revolves around CBEN) is full of faggots. We need more entertaining people such as AnalProbe.

Also, the word "rape" should be uncensored tbh.

>> No.7412299

Tempura, the problem isn't in advertising. It's in the game itself being very unfriendly towards new users.

The constant power creep doesn't really help.

>> No.7412303


>> No.7412320

From the moment new players leave the entry rooms, they're fucked. Since most of them wouldn't even consider wasting money as they only started playing (they would consider it after they play a while and get better, much like I did) they ragequit immediately.

>> No.7412350


make a rhombus ranked restricted room limit was a good move, and I only just noticed it recently. TBH there needs to be one for triangles and maybe more for Rhombus. after that point there should be adequate in skill enough to take on the cash bots, without rage quitting.

>> No.7412429

Has cyber step fixed the broken AIR bots yet? Or is Tempura still ignoring that problem because according to Tempura, CBJP meta = CBEN meta.

>> No.7412468
File: 25 KB, 320x250, boring.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How to change the meta/improve teamwork:
1. Double hp of of all bots (including cartridges and tuning effects)
2. Repair kits change to heal 25% of max hp instead of flat 100.
3. Repair WB heals 15 per tick instead of 7.

>> No.7412469

Add a 6-7+ Br Room. Too many casuals in 3+ or whatever.

There really isn't any helping with making a pentagon and under room. Circles and other low ranks will always feed in higher rooms. Even in the diamond and below I see vanguards, ag, tbg, etc. I occasionally see vanguards, etc in the circle rooms. Sure they don't know what the fuck they are doing but if there isn't a spy or an alt playing in the room bad end.

>> No.7412497
File: 149 KB, 800x600, cosmic 2011-05-29 19-14-52-50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Needs 4 more people

>> No.7412510

Shit, SUP should be rewarded more because most players are reluctant to play SUP as it brings down the Br.

>> No.7412523

2k+ HP bots no.

S Bot users will get less than 100HP recovery no thank you. L Bots with 1k HP will recover 250 HP, 500 HP if you double total.

Increase Healing. More support points, people might actually use support more. I like it.

>> No.7412637

Bots can't go up to 1k hp without some huge advantage bonus and tuning; I really doubt we'll see 2k hp bots.

S bots should have 600-800 hp after the adjustment (from 300-400 base), giving them a 150-200 hp repair from repair kit.

Game becomes war of attrition due to high HP. SUP becomes more important (burst to quickly take down a target, or repair to fix up the team)

>> No.7412694

Why would you join them then?

>> No.7412728

I've got a different idea.

1. HP handicap is given to a player based on their own individual "power rank" relative to the average "power rank" of the opposing team.
2. HP handicap does not include damage bonus.
3. HP handicap is given in real time as players join and leave the room during the match.

What is a "power rank"? This is a ranking formula that uses the account rank, BR rank, total RT spent, and total UC spent.
1. Account rank represent seniority: How much you've played the game.
2. BR rank represents skill: How good you do in arena matches.
3. RT spent represents accumulated wealth of cash goods.
4. UC spent represents accumulated wealth of non-cash good. (Does not take into account paint/polygon edits)

The actual formula is up for debate.

>> No.7413078

That's fucking retarded.

>> No.7413103

The more you play, the more UC you get. You can use Rt to buy UC. UC is NOT a decent measure at all.

Your post just reeks of "I don't like that others spend money on this game"

>> No.7413214
File: 383 KB, 1280x789, ScreenShot_20110529_2243_17_611.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when is cyberstep going to use br to balance teams?
there's always one side that gets stomped

>> No.7413236

3 BR limited 15v15 shuffle rooms: 90
2 non limited 15v15 shuffle rooms: 60
1 non limited 30v30 shuffle rooms: 60
6 non limited 30v30 union rooms: 360
6 non limited 15v15 union rooms: 180
2 level 5 limited 15v15 shuffle rooms: 60
3 level 5 limited 15v15 union rooms: 90
3 rank limited 15v15 shuffle rooms: 90

Total arena capacity: 990 players

>> No.7413247

I see nothing wrong with the teams

>> No.7413255


Projectile guard for arts. 45% reduction to beam and bullet weapon types in addition to their current defense.
That way air types actually focus on land and support bots while ARTs gain a better control of the map (as was intened in the first place).

>> No.7413263

Guess what?

I got an eve daki autographed by tempura

Grow your beard back temp, and get a table next time. You where just sitting on the floor with a laptop.

>> No.7413273

So you spent over $100 on a dakimakura and some faggot wrote his name on it?

My god, you guys shouldn't posses any money.

>> No.7413287

we kept losing like 5 matches straight
also look at my frags, even with that the rest of my team was getting stomped

>> No.7413337

Ask the devs to make an "anti-beam coating" tune-up for shields, or something.

Or make Force Barrier LGJ a more recurring item in the weekly garapons or special garapons.

>> No.7413360


Perhaps make an anti-beam chaff or "smoke" dispenser LGJ/AMJ? Like when you use it, it releases a bunch of clouds/smoke that weakens or blocks beam shots.

and this dude's suggestion >>7413337

>> No.7413404

Got to watch some guy play aquila girl at the panel
Derp fly around shooting blaster at stuff
oh no I am shot, boost regain thing to run away
more shooting
probably would have gotten gamewarrior and first place if he had started on it.
I think it wasn't even his own account or something.

>> No.7413410
File: 190 KB, 406x549, shakugan_no_ouka.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shana version

>> No.7413420

BOOF, you are fucking nuts.

>> No.7413447

>The number of logged in users has been really steady since the end of the final beta.
yeah but how many of them are acutally playing in arena? the number of union wars players has dropped significantly and everyone knows it.

>> No.7413450


No, I really think the extra catridge is the best solution. Otherwise the air players will just wait or still swarm people because those parts/effects usually don't last enough to be useful.

>> No.7413454

Or maybe just follow CBJP's example and make it an Rt shop item.

captcha: nvoting lands, how fitting

>> No.7413473


He meant the summer fan.

I used the same proxy buyer and I have a daki now too

>Ouka released
>piss and moan about Ouka
>EVE released
>forget about Ouka
>piss and moan about EVE
>Agirl released
>forget about EVE
>piss and moan about Agirl
Why do I get the feeling that come Ivis it will be:
>Ivis released
>Forget about Agirl
>piss and moan about Ivis

>> No.7413486
File: 240 KB, 500x450, 19226681_p2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone had an ivis in the beta, we already know first hand how broken she is.

Agirl will always be an issue. It's an OP air bot in a game that favors air bots.

Ouka, VF and soon Ivis are overpowered lands, that's for sure. But in a game ruled by bullshit airs (agirl being the most bullshit) they are at a disadvantage. Remember, the beta was mostly ART players getting raped by lands.

EVE is still an issue, it's almost impossible to take one on in anything, the only way to kill one is to catch it off guard and kill it before it notices and hops away. Hopefully ivis will be able to deal with them better.

>> No.7413499

I generally use low cost bots and as a result low HP. They have 120-150 HP. Double that and you get the 240-300 HP range. I get 75 HP at most. No thank you.

>> No.7413508

How the fuck did Wulfgar kill an EVE with a regular Lily (Egyptian Prince) in a duel?

>> No.7413516

Or you could go Star Wars/Gundam Seed and add a "beam deflect" tune or cartridge that works when you have a melee weapon.

Of course, mashing right click to deflect a storm of beams sounds absurdly hard. Automatic effect?

>> No.7413541

>No, I really think the extra catridge is the best solution.
>Projectile guard for arts. 45% reduction to beam and bullet weapon types in addition to their current defense.

Art fanboys are the worst. So buffing Arts with a ridiculous cart will stop Airs? Won't that just turn the game from Air Break to Art Break? Arts don't suck only because Airs are too good, they mostly suck because nobody bothers getting mobility on them. Those with good mobility can compete just fine even with the current state of airs; see Albatreos and Amateus. Nerf airs that are too good by actually nerfing them, not buffing their counters.

If VF can't deal with EVE then Ivis won't be able to either. Red Squealer w/ Daedalian AM2 is about as close to an EVE counter as there ever will be, what with it's crazy range and damage.

>> No.7413550

I still don't see why you need more anti-air tools when blast bazookas already exist. is 80 damage with a massive hitbox not enough for you?

>> No.7413574
File: 1.13 MB, 1462x1600, 87145db000538a48b36225553b096780.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm don't think ARTs should be the gods of CB. I'm just saying that these bots should have better chances of staying alive against AIRs while still being vulnerable to melee, fixing a bit the balance. I agree with the mobility part, but just agility won't help when what you are meant to counter is faster and can beat you without effort.

Of course, this is just an idea and someone else can think of something better

>> No.7413620

the game engine favors air bots over everything else. The curved maps fucks with the aim system unless you're an air bot --the aiming system and curved maps play to their advantage.

>> No.7413678

I agree with Fio's tits.

also, >>7413550
Maybe if blast bazookas came with equipped with every mechled I might agree...

>> No.7413772

I have another suggestion. Rather than adding extra cartridge, I recommend removing the type bonuses - LND no longer takes bonus damage from beam, AIR no longer takes bonus damage from blast, and so on. It should balance the types up and make each type more competitive to each other.


>> No.7413797

>sunflower description

I don't get it.

>> No.7413828



wears a flower on her head.

>sunflower description

"A decorative flower. Brightens up its wearer's day more than any amount of sunshine ever could."

do the math.

>> No.7413853


They are playing arena. Haven't you noticed that there are now 3 rank restricted rooms full of players?

More people play in those than the autist rooms. CB has a lot of user growth, it just has absolute shit for user retention. Once people rank out of those rooms, they quit.


Nobody ever bitched about Ouka. Also, if you truly believe what you said, you have no idea of the current state of the metagame. Ivis is going to be trash, and the only person who plays one will be Kanbara

>> No.7413908
File: 1.70 MB, 1600x1200, 17189048.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bitched about Ouka. Ouka is an extremely strong bot when built correctly. I haven't a clue why people are so down on her.

>> No.7414015
File: 65 KB, 1280x720, delicious tears.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7414050

Ouka without a doubt is a really, really strong bot. Not to mention she is one of the coolest bots in the game too.

>> No.7414058
File: 97 KB, 747x419, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7414088

Too bad dmg reduction builds up so fast when being multi-hit rapidly like that, you'd probably do more damage with two bazookas.

>> No.7414091
File: 29 KB, 773x456, most possible dakka.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stats? Who needs 'em when you've got this much dakka.

>> No.7414104


>"A decorative flower. Brightens up its wearer's day more than any amount of sunshine ever could."

Where is this from exactly?

>> No.7414213
File: 67 KB, 736x322, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New project, about half way done.

God forbid this ever sees the arena.

>> No.7414242
File: 443 KB, 849x723, 1253779369636.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Most people had no clue how to play Ouka and even now there's at most like 6 or 7 people who can play her well in encb.


If only I had the money to get Ivis, but I don't. So even I won't be playing Ivis unless someone gives her to me or I get a ton of extra money out of nowhere.

>> No.7414280

Do you have hardsaves for these?

I only have the crim.

>> No.7414397


and I shall have one in official service as well.

>> No.7414544


Submit a video wahaha. It's the only way.

>> No.7414902
File: 32 KB, 500x500, 6444981_m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No space on my hd to film anything and my computer probably couldn't handle using fraps and playing anything at the same time.

>> No.7414924


wow how old IS it?

when I record with Fraps, i get a slight Framerate drop but then it shoots back up to 60 FPS due to my graphics card going 'oh, you want me to wake up now?'

>> No.7415065

what does ouka mean?

your ivis was shit and I farmed you for points all day during the beta

>> No.7415078



>> No.7415088

Whoever did that thread, please fuck off.

>> No.7415104

How about we make CB threads bannable from now on?

>> No.7415118

oh boy, here we go again

>> No.7415127

>Implying graphics card has any use in CB.
>Implying that using Fraps puts more stress on GPU and not the CPU and HD.

>> No.7415185
File: 3 KB, 188x313, screwed.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no neviriru
>no melon
>no kampfer

calling it now, EFB is beaten by snowflake/NFA/noir before they ever even get to see Charlotte or Hotglue

Also I saw Kanbara post a roster in that thread but it's gone now, what's up with hotglue?

>> No.7415190


So many people playing other accounts. It's hard to keep track of it all. And autism dictates it needs to be posted perfectly instead of updated later with fixes.

>> No.7415205




>> No.7415208


You do know you can join up with other people in making a video right? Just get some of the HotGluefags to help you and share the RT evenly.

Although, that wouldn't be "taking it easy".

>> No.7415215

That guy is an idiot, what else is new?

I wish he'd fuck off to the JP server he loves so much.

>> No.7415375


Here are the vids of the CosmicBreak FanimeCon panel I had a friend record

>> No.7415384


The fuck is this shit?

>> No.7415387
File: 214 KB, 450x600, 6091365_m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I asked Rina and she's lazy. I'll get around to it sometime, maybe.


Someone requested I add some things, then someone told me other stuff and then the people I need to talk to aren't awake and I give up fuck it I'll post it tonight or some shit.


Uhh.. like.. maybe 3-5 years? I'm not sure since I kept changing random parts at different times I think. I use an nVidia 8400 GS or something and I think my cpu was a like 2200 or 2400 duo core or something. I'm not good with computers at all.

>> No.7415392

Only watched the first 30 seconds. Why do people go to these again?

>> No.7415408 [DELETED] 
File: 411 KB, 385x288, bueno.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who knows. I watched the entire thing though The only thing worth mentioning is that in the second video at about 5:25, Tempura confirmed the UC -> RT.

>> No.7415406

Hey rei hunter. Fuck off and stop making thread in /jp/.
Bring your shit back to /commu/.

>> No.7415420
File: 157 KB, 400x800, nightmarefuel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I watched it and I felt like I just wasted 40 minutes of my life. Although I did get the actual confirmation from Tempura about the UC -> RT in the second part at 5:25 or so.

Your hairstyle is terrible, Tempura. I still love you for your sexy voice though.

>> No.7415432

Just have Rina submit the umbrella herder video, you'll at least win a GM award.

>> No.7415437

I am autist
I play bad japanese game cosmic break on western servers

people continually begging for moebots while ruining themselves financially over a digital currency whose name they can't pronounce

overpowered Bots and the only solution is getting more overpowered Bots

If only this game was fun, had balance and didn't look like pure and utter shit

It's like Runescape but for weeaboos

>> No.7415443

I bet its going to be like 100,000,000= 5 rt

>> No.7415452

I know this is an anime convention and all, but I can't help but think that the average anime fan that just wanders into that room out of curiosity would find themselves a little dismayed at viewing Miku Miku Dance videos without a proper introduction...

Or the fact that a video game company is even promoting it's game with Miku Miku videos in the first place...

I mean, I understand that this game is aimed toward a rather niche market to begin with, but still.... I guess I can see why trying to advertise to a western audience would be a bit problematic...

>> No.7415485
File: 1.94 MB, 128x256, hakua_was_here.tdcgsav.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TA3CH0607 Lily Rain
TA3CH0645 Lazflamne
TA3CH0651/TA3CH0652 Astromeria
TA3CH0681 CB Weapon Set
TA3CH0692 Winberrl

You can probably ask in the 3DCG thread for those specific files. It's been a while since I've touched 3DCG, so I don't have AG.

>> No.7415545

This game has balance.

Just like the arcade HnK fighter.

>> No.7415715

Something actually great got entered to the video contest? Didn't see it coming.


>> No.7415740


The party's all here. We're just waiting on you, Hotglue. I know they say the hero always arrives late, but it's starting to get close.

>> No.7415812

I am autist
I play bad japanese game cosmic break on western servers

people continually begging for moebots while ruining themselves financially over a digital currency whose name they can't pronounce

overpowered Bots and the only solution is getting more overpowered Bots

If only this game was fun, had balance and didn't look like pure and utter shit

It's like Runescape but for weeaboos

>> No.7415874

It's a cute video, but it's a bit dated.
AIRs eat Arts for lunch now. Not LNDs with great swords.
what is this, 2010?
oh wait, I guess it is...

>> No.7416127



>> No.7416251

Wow stop showing Hotglue footage in a con. Don't want hotglue to come back to this game damn.

>> No.7416274

Gotta give the all'star team some atention, no championship without a reigning champ to defend the title.

>> No.7416307

Tempura in CBNA at Fanime responses:

Eihwaz CD items being sent out: "after the con, probably tomorrow"
Kuro Neko ACC (the event-only big grey cat that a lot of CBJP players have): "sure" (qualifies as a maybe)
Upgraded Lotto cubes: "soon"
New Rt charge items: "soon, not this week though"

>> No.7416520

"Crimrose is fat"

100.5t according to C21.

>> No.7416578

>Upgraded Lotto cubes

any additional info?

>> No.7416628

New thread:

>> No.7416630

Which one is tempura? Also, that was really done unprofessionaly, dat messing with the camera.
