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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 49 KB, 400x291, Dungeon_Fighter_Online_logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7411214 No.7411214 [Reply] [Original]

Can I talk about this game here? I seem to remember Mabinogi threads in the past, so this shouldn't be too far of a leap.

>> No.7411222

MMOs are allowed in /jp/. There have been many DFO threads here. We even had two guilds, although the split caused them both to die.

Someone should make a new guild.

>> No.7411223
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Play it. Love it. Have for over a year and a half.
/jp/ has tried multiple times to put guilds together and failed though, unfortunately.
I'm actually an officer for one of the largest guilds right now. Guild actually grew out of Soku players.

>> No.7411227

I haven't played this since the English version beta.

Has it changed much? Vindictus has gotten tremendous upgrades, so I imagine this has too?

>> No.7411237

Ok, so do berserkers hemorrhage MP as bad as normal slayers? Will my hedonistic life of constant 40 hit combos have to end if I become one?

>> No.7411243

i'm gonna play it when it comes out on XBLA. i hope it's good.

>> No.7411263
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Berserkers are king of mashing x.
You'll be spraying blood everywhere, not mana.

>> No.7411264


If you want big ass combos play a blade master or asura, if you just want to frenzy up and spam X X X and blood lust then play berserker.

>> No.7411271

This game would be good if i didn't have to proxy my way in

>> No.7411275

What good are long ass combos if I have no fucking mana. Unless those classes offer a more efficient alternative to my bread and butter slash, slash, slash, upward, cross, wheel/crescent combo I use most of the time in PvE.

>> No.7411276
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Mana should never be an issue now with the potions from Loton. You can buy cheap 150gp for 150mp potions and spam them and it is effective even at level 60.

>> No.7411294
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So what does everyone main?
Demolitionist reporting in here.

>> No.7411361

I quit after new hell system.
I used to farm around 2-3 pinks a day with just my main (60, wrecking), and suddenly, AFTER A FUCKING WEEK OF FARMING, none.
Fuck that.

>> No.7411378
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I'm in there

>> No.7411395
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I just got an insane just an hour ago and got a moonshine Katana. 67 radiant eyes for me.

>> No.7411399

I had like 845 or so radiant eyes before I quit, bro.

>> No.7411406
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Well unless you were selling the gold you made with pinks what made you quit?
Or were you an obsessive upgrader?

>> No.7411409

>Or were you an obsessive upgrader?
This. I was spending a bunch of mils every day. I'm greedy, and I lust for power. MORE, AND MORE, AND MORE.

>> No.7411413

I broke alot of +13s before I quit :\

Broke a +10 Elenore too. I quit cause the grinding for certain quest items became too ridiculous and couldn't keep pace with everyone else.

>> No.7411416
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Well that's too bad.
The economy is going crazy right now anyway due to rumors about the big updates coming.
After all they're removing FP from the game.

>> No.7411419

>Make a new character
>Get to Storm Pass in one day.

>> No.7411420
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You have to spend money to make money!

On a serious note, where does /jp/ play or what whats your in game names, etc? I played the beta and am thinking of going back.

>> No.7411422

Weird, no Tokens just like Vindictus.

I guess they decided it'd be better to let people grind away

>> No.7411423

>After all they're removing FP from the game.
Are you fucking shitting me? Why would they do that? It'll make a world of difference.
Also, big updates=?

>> No.7411427


Thieves, no FP...I'm calling 2nd Impact.

If so, I might start playing again and roll a Soul Bender.

>> No.7411430

In any case, not going back. Need to focus on console gaming. I swore to myself ( ゚ ヮ゚)

>> No.7411434
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I play a 60 demolitionist on the NA server (Cain). AvahMaxim, officer of Signify. Also have other chars but they're just alts.
Tokens still exist. But you shouldn't need to token with how cheap potions are at Loton.
We don't know the details. The first two shown are Thieves (new class) and FP being replaced with BP (Blitz Points, the more rooms you clear in a day the MORE exp you get, so the more you grind the faster you grind.) The other two announcements are supposed to be bigger, making them hard to imagine.

>> No.7411440

>and FP being replaced with BP (Blitz Points, the more rooms you clear in a day the MORE exp you get, so the more you grind the faster you grind.)
That's pretty messed up.

>> No.7411447
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It also begins to damage your gear at an increasing rate if you get too many points spent. At least that is the general understanding of the penalty.
But that's not that big of a deal, really.

>> No.7411450

I stopped playing a while ago and haven't been able to get back into it. when thieves come out I might try again.

>> No.7411451

Sounds like a job for a 4 berserker party.

>> No.7411458

Sounds like a shitty guild.

>> No.7411469

Game sucks. Huge hacking problem, pvp is shitty, endgame is boring.

I think /jp/ has better games to try.

>> No.7411472


you mean 4x Witch, 4x Summoner, or 4x FMech

All wearing Cranial Armlets.

>> No.7411475
File: 445 KB, 972x480, ScreenShot2011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im playing on jp nexon server.
no one is there. Bots are getting to level 70 more often with each passing day (you are getting public announcement if someone reaches 70).

Ex skills are kinda funny, at least you feel the development of the character right until the cap.

There is looong transformation quest (pic related), which allows you to take form of overpowered as fuck staple monsters, like Dornier or Ninja turtle. They were the only reason i managed to go further than lvl40 on monk. Shits hard.

>> No.7411481

>pvp is shitty, endgame is boring
No, not really. Kinda the opposite.

>> No.7411485

not quest, I meant event, fuck me.

second impact came later for jp than thief though.
It made its way on jp only this year actually.
But they are adding stuff in a very strange order, there will be more missions for Ghent, but they arent even on jp server yet.

Korean version promised to add Avenger subclass like this year.

>> No.7411493


PVP is gear carried and some classes are bullshit in PVP like monks or WMs.

>> No.7411514
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oh, about that.
Korean version is updated with "fair arena" thing, which only allows you to fight with different set of arena gear and different skill set. You can only upgrade them both, if you will be successful on the arena. Dont know other details, its like several weeks old.

>> No.7411521


And DFO still does not have Hero Arena

>> No.7411575
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Also, I dont get why everyone so hyped up about unlimited fatigue. You need to spend hours to waste 156 points after level 40 anyway, not counting death tickets and several infinity runs, and ancient dungeons...

Its only important for somewhere about lvl 1-18 range, when you can get "tired" before achieving subclass.

>> No.7411595

I used to spend 156 fp in 1.5 hour on my main on hell runs only.
Plus 2 hours of another 156 fp on my alt farming. What do for the rest of the day?

>> No.7411602
File: 22 KB, 184x184, Iris.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cool, thats fast.
Now you will be able to farm more.
great deal.

I suppose that was the reason people stopped playing mabinogi:heroes. They used it as some kind of mining streak.

>> No.7411603


That's retarded.

>> No.7411615
File: 152 KB, 600x500, BatomeFist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least unlimited FP will reduce elitism some. It won't be as important to only spend your fp with the perfect people everyday.
Really, it's not a change that could hurt.

>> No.7411632
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>> No.7411637
File: 99 KB, 500x692, 1304319888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kinda, it doesnt really matter. Hi-level partying sounds like its mostly about going to Otherverse, gathering party with full set of rare slotted avatars with super wonder rare upgraded emblems. And otherverse runs are limited per day, so elitism mainly gathered around those dungeons.
Not that I ever played in group to say that.

no idea what solution wont be retarded in this situation. Still better than allowing +15 weapons, avatars and difference in amount of skill points. 2nd impact also made way to two additional equipment slots, and they are can influence your stats from "meh" to infinity as well. Like, basic elemental stone gives you +32-35 to all stats right off the bat.

>> No.7411653

Witches, why are they so fucking fun?

>> No.7411655


Well shit, you spent time farming and trading for all that crap you deserve to be more powerful.

If someone's sore about getting their asses handed to them by people with superior gear they can do the same.

>> No.7411661

Legit argument, though the problem are those fucking chinese hackers who have those ridic gear and control the economy

>> No.7411694
File: 76 KB, 500x594, 1305525889.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the thing is, there is no point in tournament, if you can clearly see the outcome. Some might even say that farming all day for pinks, selling , reselling and upgrading weapon isnt related to your pvp merit, and thus should not influence it. Its like if your enterpreneur skills would be able you to buy more thugs with knives and guns to assist you in the box match. Thats probably the main reason why fair arena was introduced - to separate pve and pvp achievements.
Actually, old ways of pvp are still presented, so its not worth the arguing. And there is also coop territory control mode for those who like pve more. It looks like altar of infinity but more developed in all senses.

>> No.7411703
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I have caps from the DFO anime too.

>> No.7411715
File: 91 KB, 1280x720, Envy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It really depends.
I have had a full set of chron2 gear (~280 EP) since day 5 or 6 of it being out, then I stopped running it because we ran King's Road ~50 times and confirmed no sets yet.
It's more that people don't want to join groups that they'll have to use consumables in, or that will be slow in dungeons.
And here, another screencap from the terribly funny DFO anime.

>> No.7411725

Anybody else find it weird that the mage comes from Brooklyn?

>> No.7411728
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I wasn't really trying to show off or anything, I just thought that particular screencap went with the tone of >7411615 quite well. The post sorta made me imagine this poor little mage that wasn't quite pulling her weight or had a semi-unstable connection, much to the ire of her teammates.

>> No.7411730
File: 81 KB, 300x605, 13037086731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wiki states that its not clear where are mages from.
The whole world is unclear. Pandemonium wages war on itself, gets fucked to oblivion into small pieces. Some of them falls into Arad, which is a horrible mess as well. Holes to other dimensions everywhere, apostles running whenever they want. Pandemonian esper stands on Arad street and tells directly where the apostles are currently and what will happen soon.

If anything, I like dfo setting a lot.
There is plenty of things in the world, which probably are made only for infinite updates material, but they at least interesintg unlike in generic phantasy setting.

Maybe im just biased. But maybe train express running on waters of the ocean hanging in the middle of the sky isnt very common.
But well, then the train gets captured by mutant ninja turtles. Guess that makes the whole idea of western express line just a bad clone of tmnt.

>> No.7411909


>> No.7411987

>they're removing FP from the game
Hoooly shit I'm glad I quit when I did

>> No.7412124
File: 12 KB, 429x306, Youmu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's with people saying fp being removed is a bad thing?
The only way you could hate it is if you'd lose control and play 24/7 as soon as you were unlimited.

>> No.7412146

got bored after hitting 60 with all the mages except BM (forever 50). Why is my spirit summoner with a +14 weapon so OP? makes playing the other ones boring.
Waiting for 2I so I can roll a Brawler.

>> No.7412334
File: 320 KB, 600x697, 17434594.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still using the English voices

>> No.7412357

Game ruined my Nexon also, go back to Nexon.

>> No.7412427

Wait, it isn't like that already? No wonder it was so hard beating that guy who was four levels higher than me.

Are stats fixed too in that?

>> No.7412731
File: 333 KB, 640x480, pvpisfun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Prices on ANYTHING slayer
God I hate the economy in this game.

>> No.7412780
File: 350 KB, 640x480, 1305286513231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mages are the best

>> No.7412859

you are so goddamn stupid, slayer ANYTHING except weapons are cheaper than anything any other class gets. try getting avatars for a mage then come back and tell how slayer is so expensive)

>> No.7412876


You don't know dirt cheap until you've played an F.gunner.

>> No.7412888

Mage dress-up is serious business. 500k+ for basic slayer avatars is still pretty steep...

>> No.7413052

give me your hat avatar

>> No.7413068

its more like every mage wants exactly the same stat (int or %cast for pvp).
though I did log in and pc, it looks like they are about 50% higher than December.

I still wish I had saved money when the gold rates were retard level. Shit used to be selling for millions upon millions left and right. I should really get around to checking if some of the people who quit the game and bought gold still have it.

>> No.7413089
File: 348 KB, 640x480, DFOScreenshot00014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7413117

>The only way you could hate it is if you'd lose control and play 24/7 as soon as you were unlimited.
That wouldn't be surprising, as my usual gaming sessions ranges from 15 to 20 hours, and my record is 64 hours straight.
still, not going back though

>> No.7413134

Keep in mind this unlimited FP has a drawback after the first 200 "BP". Every 50 points, along with your exp going up, your repair cost and durability loss rate go up.

>> No.7413202

I've seen this a few times on /jp/, and I've always been kind of interested, though mostly because I want to play as a little girl. I have a lot of free time right now though, and I think I might give it a try. How bad is the learning curve for a first time player, and is there any good resource on this game? Are you forced to party at all, or can you play solo?

>> No.7413209

There are only two quests I can think of that actually require you to be in a party.

>> No.7413215

Not 2, but few anyway. FFFFFFF I want to play. But but. can't, EU

>> No.7413219

I don't like the blade master's fluff. The demonic arm is the slayer's defining feature.

>> No.7413245
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its pretty soloable until level 40 or something (depends on a class really). Then there will be some troubles on higher difficulties, until 60 i think, then levels will get a bit easier again.

The problem is that, you will need to go into Ancient dungeons, and they are twisted in one way or another. short story long, they are very fucking hard to solo, even if you are five+ levels higher than monsters in there. You will be able to fight them off later, after some training.

But then there are Outer world stages, which wont let you enter without party of 3 or more people. They are even more hard, mostly because of some tricky mechanic on the stage (for instance, there are three bosses on the level, any of them will ressurect in 10 seconds, if there will be at least one still standing. So you will need to kill them all at once). Well, they wont really stand in your way, but you will miss a chunk of the game, like me.

This or that, game is still interesting without partying or pvp.

just use jp server. Items and skills have english names (even on korean sever, for some reason) and you could then translate jp wiki to find out everything you need.

Considering little girl, Witch is very hard to go solo in pve. Battlemage is okay, depends on your button mashing skills. Summoner or Elementalist are quite easygoing (not at the start though!)

>> No.7413253

>hard solo in pve
Are you high? Acid/lava, EMM, MM spam, swatter...

>> No.7413256

Not to mention they have the best juggle in the game!

>> No.7413261

Pretty sure hes talking about the stuff that is actually hard to solo.
Though witch does have a invul grab which helps a lot.

MM spam and swatter are pretty meh. EMM is pretty good but sucks up a ton of points and needs a good weapon to use well and a good weapon on the other 3 will absolutely tear witch a new one.

For PvE an AoE spec is almost always better as well. Usually Fire Dark and Rain or Fire Light Water.
Witch's main selling points is that it is fairly easy to play, doesn't need good gear (leather armor and brooms are dirt cheap), and becomes good around 30. Ancient library sharing is always nice boost too.

>> No.7413320
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well, its like an opinion, it goes here and there. Watching video of the witch passing through hell stage and derping over her random skills, is pretty painful.
But what classes are actually hard in pve?
Someone said asura, but then it was actually one of the easiest. Especially when i tried monk after that. I hoped that someone will show me the way, about how monk is piss easy in pve due to X and Y skills. But, alas.

>> No.7413331

I forgot to mention, I duoed 1-60 with a witch as an Ele and Shururu and Manteau are both seriously bad ass and the reason that they excel. Solo and Party builds aren't that different, but most of the ones you see are AoE builds for pve for good reason. They have amazing party support with AoE that doubles as debuffing. She started as dark melee but respecced to AoE once we got to 50+ because her kill speed was just too slow.
I wouldn't recommend MM unless you know what you are doing, because getting a Dust, MM, EMM AND Shururu will absolutely rape your points.

Ele is pretty bland up to 48 unless you really love the burn playstyle. Really a love it or hate it class. Solo and party builds are also very different (varying from dark/light solo to fire/dark hybrid to ice/dark party to t3 party only)
Summoner is terrible up until 30 (Mark), varying in power depending on build until the 40s (spirit or hybrid), and now is arguably even more weapon dependent than Elementalist. Its all about micromanagement. Get used to solo or partying with other summoners.

BM was my pvp character so I won't go into the comparison since a pve one won't have the problems I did, but also a love it or hate it.

>> No.7413333
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My class trainer is hotter than yours

>> No.7413374

jewbeck pls go

>> No.7413396
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I just tried to make an account to play this and I got system error and kept telling me I typed the numbers wrong.
How can I fit in with /jp/ with things like this happening?

>> No.7413479

Are there any bosses that fight like player characters? I think that would be pretty interesting.

>> No.7413489

yes, quite a few in fact

>> No.7413637

FP is gone? You assholes, why'd you tell me this? As if I weren't stuck in my room enough.

>> No.7413842
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Register using IE. Nexon's pages are weird in other browsers.

>> No.7413867

>Most Corean websites are weird in other browsers.

>> No.7414019

I decided to come back to DFO, then I couldn't remember my goblin pin number, now I get to wait for techsupport to change it.
