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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7399248 No.7399248 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else here not a racist, but wishes the Nazis had won?

Theirs was a truly effective fascist government that took a nation on its knees from a depression and turned it into a military, technological and economic powerhouse within the space of
twenty years.

It was a social experiment in the way that many reformed or new nations are. America was an experiment in democracy and (eventually) egalitarianism. The Soviet Union was an experiment in Communism. Nazi Germany was the grandest experiment of them all: a rejection of the gentle side of man and a wholehearted pursuit of our more teutonic side: The glorification of the strong, the self-sufficient, and the dominant. It was to be the beginning of a bolder and more uncompromising global civilization that would bring discipline where before there was only coddling; that would harden the soft, and that would not be afraid to say that equality means equal opportunities, not that all men regardless of education or skill are inherently equal to one another. It was a call out to all men to transcend their passive, mediocre existances and aspire to become the heroic and unstoppable species that mankind always had the potential to become.

Nazi Germany was the combined hopes, dreams and ambitions of all who dared to dominate; but in the end, these dreams were quashed by weak, subversive men who would rather hold their superiors back rather than attempt to catch up.

>> No.7399254

inb4 somebody says yes

>> No.7399252

hello my son

>> No.7399266
File: 209 KB, 640x480, 1300023382745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How long will the butthurt /new/fags remain butthurt? It's getting tiring really.

>> No.7399271

I'm all for a martial kind of government that would help its population to shape up and be more morally defiant to external assaults. However, they could've used less Jew killing.

>> No.7399272

Reported for illegal content.

>> No.7399276

> Theirs was a truly effective fascist government that took a nation on its knees from a depression and turned it into a military, technological and economic powerhouse within the space of
twenty years.

>twenty years

They reigned from 1933 to 1945 and were at their peak at ~1941

>> No.7399278

>illegal content
>Nothing in OP's post is illegal, in that there's no pornography or "hate" speech
>Report it anyway
>Suddenly expose yourself for the butthurt JIDF sleeper unit you actually are

>> No.7399280
File: 11 KB, 272x212, dude.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you frustrated, neo-Nazi?

>> No.7399285

The nazis' government was the ultimate normalfag government. I can't find the quote right now but Goebbels said anything that wasn't "normal" and didn't fit in had to be exterminated.
/jp/ and its autism would have gone to the camps before the jews or political prisoners.

>> No.7399290
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>> No.7399293

>It was a social experiment in the way that many reformed or new nations are. America was an experiment in democracy and (eventually) egalitarianism. The Soviet Union was an experiment in Communism. Nazi Germany was the grandest experiment of them all: a rejection of the gentle side of man and a wholehearted pursuit of our more teutonic side: The glorification of the strong, the self-sufficient, and the dominant. It was to be the beginning of a bolder and more uncompromising global civilization that would bring discipline where before there was only coddling; that would harden the soft, and that would not be afraid to say that equality means equal opportunities, not that all men regardless of education or skill are inherently equal to one another. It was a call out to all men to transcend their passive, mediocre existances and aspire to become the heroic and unstoppable species that mankind always had the potential to become.

tl;dr: “Intellectual activity is a danger to the building of character”

>> No.7399295
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>> No.7399297




>> No.7399316

nice kopipe

>> No.7399318
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>> No.7399322
File: 84 KB, 550x686, 1251540060885.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut up OP

>> No.7399340

>Anyone else here not a racist, but wishes the Nazis had won?

I don't but I like to pretend I do to piss people off.

>> No.7399354

Then now I wouldn't be fapping to drawn lolis all day, every day, but working my ass off in the mines or something.

>> No.7399364

But they were defeated single-handedly by the mighty United States of America... and are probably better for it, like Japan.

>> No.7399390

So is this newly turned shitpasta from /v/ or something?

In any case its wrong and not otaku general. Reported

>> No.7399527

just think how much more anime they'd be if japan won...

>> No.7399529

Nah. The reason being that no matter how much progress they try to make, they're not actually progressing towards anything objective. All they're doing is making life different for the next generation, but that won't make them happier.

Ideals like this tend to have an undertone of this development actually having purpose, like there's some God-given goal. Even if there was I can't fathom how it could be interpreted, nor can I say it's really an objective goal when it's what some being wills. After all, for what purpose does the being will it?

>> No.7399537

There wouldn't be any since japan would have staid an imperialist state.
You can thank america for turning japan into what they are now.

>> No.7399541

I like the fact that I don't speak german so no.

>> No.7399551

I'm frequently under the impression that this is just one of those alternative universes where the bad guys (the allies) won WWII and rewrote history to seem like the good guys.

>> No.7399553

Stop bumping your thread, OP, nobody cares how delusional you are.

>> No.7399559
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Obviously not....

My grandfather already had to run from camp in Germany for weeks. Other one was nearly shoot as child, and luckily survived because bullets missed him.

And only people who think that Nazis were cool, are people in countries where Germans didn't arrive. The same with communism.

>> No.7399568


Too bad they didn't got him. Now we have to deal with a crybaby like you. I hate Belarus.

>> No.7399576
File: 46 KB, 649x854, lenin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I've heard that while Lenin was still around, Communism was pretty cool.

>> No.7399585

>Totalitarian/communist paradise with no unemployment and food/housing for all
>enjoy not being able to criticize your own government when they fuck up without getting arrested

>> No.7399602
File: 242 KB, 432x320, vlcsnap-2011-05-14-15h35m35s68.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

German Fag here. We talk about this everyday while drinking beer.

The world would be better, maybe.

>> No.7399633

Another germanfag here.
We do the same except that my friends are racist and want to burn all the turks

>> No.7399643


>> No.7399650

The world would have less crappy beer defiantly.

>> No.7399666

Go away worthless krautchans

>> No.7399691

>burn all the turks
Couldn't you keep a small breeding population for slaves?
Met some seriously cute turk girls, would be a shame to lose them completely.

>> No.7399694

We hate them and we want to burn them all because they are ugly and destory everything with their shitty islam and terrorism.
Also they steal our jobs and corrupt our children

This is what some germans actually believe

>> No.7399706

>only people who think that Nazis were cool, are people in countries where Germans didn't arrive
And Pollacks

>> No.7399711

You know, the popular image of a communist government is people like Stalin, Mao or Castro. Most people never heard of communist states NOT rules by massive pricks. How WAS communism when Lennin was around?

>> No.7399724
File: 87 KB, 480x640, eirin_illic_ullianov.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, from what I've heard, he used to actually listen to other people's opinions and there was Trotsky to slap his shit when he didn't.

>> No.7399732

His facial hair was also less evil than Stalin's, that has to have had an effect.

>> No.7399735

Back off from the German anons! You would also be like this if you had to bear all the guilt for slaughtering 6 million Jews and the 2 fucking wars. And still have to pay for the damages, while bailing out europe, and holding this shitty coin, even do WE did nothing!

We even help in god forsaken Afganistan!

Fuck the world. Long live Germany.
*opens a beer*

>> No.7399739

Probably. He's kinda moe actually.
Also that chin.

>> No.7399742

*punches wall, is 300pounds* *grabs dick* snuggles, is warm* *glomps krauts-kun*

>> No.7399740

Mao was ok.
He was good strategist but bad in economics and the revolution that killed millions was unavoidable. Either that or staying on disorganized feudal age being raped by brits and pretty much by everyone else.

But Stalin. Oh dear... His brutality was more reasonable than Hitler's but without that excuse he'd be at least 10x more notorious than Hitler.

Castro is just small time.

Lenin was good.

>> No.7399745

Germanfag from before here.
I don't care at all about all this

>> No.7399760

Are you kidding me?

Well, maybe you care more about the Turks now. Fuck them, they aren't a huge problem in the south.

>> No.7399761

> implying all the "great things" that happened for Germany during the regime was anything more than Nazi propaganda

>> No.7399762


Well, you heard wrong. Lenin is the guy who took Marx-communism (retarded but mostly harmless) and turned it into what we know as communism today. Stalin just had to use the system Lenin had set up before him.


Once again, no. Germany's recovery in the 1930's was the result of the huge amounts of coal and steal on it's territory, its excellent strategic position as a European trade hub and on it's high population density .

In other words the exact same factors that fueled the rise of the Kaiserreich and its post WW2 recovery. The only thing Hitler did for Germany's economy was to refuse to pay the reparations for WW1.

>> No.7399763

LOL Hitlar, get logged in already. Lenin, too.

>> No.7399765


national socialism was truly the right way


this is not the soviet union, you and I would be decent socially functional members of society

>> No.7399766

Would the world be better off? Probably, same with communism.

But I value individual freedom much more than the good of society.

>> No.7399770

>individual freedom

no such thing

>> No.7399778

Still much more than under fascism or communism. Of course current governments are going full retard with more and more unnecessary laws.

>Durrr cartoon characters have rights too!

>> No.7399783

Of course a hypothetical Nazi/Commie government won't go to such lengths to 'preserve the purity' of the members if their party.

>> No.7399784
File: 1.09 MB, 2148x1500, 1264343810210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you sure? Stalin was notorious for abusing the system, not using it properly.

>> No.7399814


Yes. Lenin started the policy of keeping the people under control through "systematic terror" (using his own words). He also blocked many motions to limit the power of state police and to establish a more democratic system.

He wasn't as bad as Stalin, but he was to Stalin what Mussolini was to Hitler.

>> No.7399828

Still, I'd prefer a communist totalitarian regime than a fascist totalitarian regime, both look nightmarish, but at least the first one supposedly gives everyone equal opportunity to be crap.
