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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7395505 No.7395505 [Reply] [Original]

>teaching english in Japan
>after a conference go out with one of the new japanese grammar teachers for some drinks
>she just graduated from Temple university (one of the big gaijin universities in japan)
>I ask her how it was
"All the guys there are total anime nerds. Its really pathetic. They come here and think that japanese women will find them attractive when they are SO ugly and dirty. My friends and I are always laughing at them when they are talking at their tables and don't think we understand English. All they talk about is anime and stupid stuff"

I got 99 problems but being a weeaboo ain't one.

>> No.7395508

More of girl?

>> No.7395513
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>mfw you posted a Corean.

>> No.7395516


>> No.7395514

sorry don't have any more

>> No.7395519


>> No.7395521

Interesting, I graduated from Temple University. Got my degree in Physics, so couldn't really go to Japan for anything. I guess I could've gone for a bullshit class, but didn't really have the money.

>> No.7395523

god-tier hip waist ratio

>> No.7395524
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>but being a weeaboo ain't one
but you sure are one HELL of a faglet

>> No.7395533

But I don't like anime, or Japanese telivision and film, or even culture.

I am on 4chan for /v/ and /tg/

>> No.7395537

I met a few older (read 30's) Japanese women this year when I was helping out with fund raising for the relief effort and a few of them actually advocated that I go teach English, and later told me they actually met their husbands that way.

No they didn't settle for them in their 30's they were in their 20's when they met, and have kids all that. The guys brought them back here. Met one of the husbands and it looked like he was a much much bigger 'geek' than I ever was.

>> No.7395538

And look how smooth her unshopped skin is.
I bet it's soft too.

>> No.7395543

No one's a bigger geek than you, Anon.

>> No.7395548
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Yes, you are.

>> No.7395552

That's enlightening and all, but what does it have to do with touhou?

>> No.7395557

SPOILERS: Women don't give a shit what your hobbies are or whatever. If you're attractive and make effort on your appearance in contrast to being a lazy fat ugly smelly sack of shit you could rape kittens while watching anime for all they care.

>> No.7395559

Use the spoiler tag, faggot. For some reason that's pissing me off.

>> No.7395562
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I can dig it.
not that into anime.

>> No.7395565


Great job understanding women, faggot. She was obviously hinting that she's a /jp/ lurker. You should have immediately engaged her in a conversation about Touhou and eroge.

>> No.7395568

That's not how you use spoilers.
That's just annoying

>> No.7395576

>I am on 4chan for /v/ and /tg/
And then you proceeded to post on /jp/.
To give an analogy, it's like walking into a bar, declining sex from a man because you are heterosexual and are only here to drink, and then giving a blowjob to a guy in the toilet.
tl;dr yur gay.

>> No.7395588


That's why you have your parents pay for everything, like mine did.

Also, I agree. I had the unfortunate experience of living with people like that for a summer semester at Temple's Japan campus. I mostly kept to myself, though.

>> No.7395590
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Thats because they weren't aggressive enough. Rape them till they enjoy it.

>> No.7395596

If women think you're attractive in your native country than that won't be any different in Japan I imagine. You'll probably be perceived as more attractive because you have the exotic thing going for you. If you're an ugly loser in your native country then you will still be the same in Japan.

>> No.7395612

I don't understand the appeal of moving to Japan to put on an act to try and fit in with normal people and get normal girls. You can do that in your own country.

>> No.7395616
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Aside from weird beauty extremes and personal fetishes and tastes being accounted for, attractive people tend to be attractive anywhere they go. The opposite is also true.

>> No.7395622
File: 252 KB, 686x939, c8acda6d-5121-4e2a-b9b7-01b0f73f72ae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate normals and I hate weeaboos.
I hate that this thread exists.
I hate that I can't take it easy.

Fuck, I hate everything.

>> No.7395625

unfortunately your thread has fallen into the old trap of thinking people on /jp/ like Japan or Japanese people.

>> No.7395628

This. Everybody sux.

>> No.7395630


It's easier to break old habits and establish new ones if you move to a new setting. Also, going outside of your country has a mystique about it; people who travel abroad are seen as being more worldly or refined.

Of course, you don't have to go to Japan to get any of this. You could just as easily move to Germany or Bahrain.

>> No.7395651

>You could just as easily move to Germany or Bahrain.

No anime there.

>> No.7395664


Both of those countries have the internet. If there is internet, there is anime. As far as licensed stuff goes, Germany and France have a larger selection than what's available in the US if you insist on buying the stuff.

The only thing that Japan really has going for it in terms of actual weeaboo appeal is the doujin stuff.

>> No.7395768

>The only thing that Japan really has going for it in terms of actual weeaboo appeal is the doujin stuff.

troll detected

>> No.7397549

Agree, rape is ALWAYS the anwer

>> No.7397558

>All they talk about is anime and stupid stuff

Compared to what girls talk about? Lol.

What do real men talk about /jp/?

>> No.7397567
File: 81 KB, 480x580, 1778853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, Moko really looks different in 3d...

>> No.7397570

How much they want to be little girls.
