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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 231 KB, 1000x1421, 1305498177561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7389527 No.7389527 [Reply] [Original]

NEET thread? NEET thread.

>> No.7389529

I know a NEET who goes to uni and has a side job.

>> No.7389530

glorifying mental illness, are we?

>> No.7389533

I hope this one wont get deleted soon too. That pic brought a question to my mind. How many of you guys try to look more girly? By wearing something, doing hair whatever.

>> No.7389536

why would you want to look girly?

>> No.7389543


>> No.7389544

I don't try but without noticing I sit cross-legged in the girl fashion.
Living with a single mum and 3 sisters for 20 years leave some weird habits.

>> No.7389557

Unemployment isn't a mental illness.

>> No.7389572

/jp/ hasn't been very NEET-friendly for quite a while.
You'd probably be better on Tohno.

>> No.7389577

In private? I'm a crossdresser, so trying to look girly is to be expected. In public? Only as a product of my private life. My nails are often too long for a man and my arms and legs are kept hairless, but no one really sees/notices that. Also, stupid meido deleted last night's trap thread. Made me very sad ;_;

>> No.7389582

hiding in your house too afraid to leave is.

>> No.7389591
File: 766 KB, 2000x1495, 8621079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me in my section 8 apartment.

>> No.7389595

Awws, I have my legs hairless maybe once a month. Too lazy to shave all the time, but it feels nice to have silky smooth legs! Lets hope for a lasting trap thread so you can have fun there.

>> No.7389596

That's a hikki.

NEET threads might as well be chav / nigger welfare queens general.

>> No.7389644

Are you taking hormones?

>> No.7389668
File: 4 KB, 128x100, goodman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back to topic i just quit my job and now drinking coke and playing games. feels good man

>> No.7389669

No and I have no plans to. While I enjoy what I do and will eventually go out while dressed (actually, probably as soon as I get my friend to help me get some make-up and teach me to use it), I'm content enough living life as a male. Hormones are for people who find they can no longer live happily in their current bodies.

>> No.7389699

I remember when I quit my, felt like weight was lifted off my shoulders.
Enjoy your newfound NEETdom.

>> No.7389737

Take it easy~
Just make sure to get some kind of goverment support if you can. It wont be nice when you run out of money.

>> No.7389754

Today I saw THAT FUCKING WOODCHUCK that's been fucking up my lawn. I shot him through the half-open window with my 10/22 I keep next to the bed. I never got out of bed.

Am I a NEET, a redneck, or both?

>> No.7389874

Both and you are awesome for it.

>> No.7390705


>NEET: Not Educated, Employed or in Training.

What if you are Educated, Trained, but unemployed?
Does being a true NEET need to have none of these?

Feedback will be appreciated as I am writing this for a part of my book.

>> No.7390714

0/10, try harder next time.

>> No.7390735

Wasn't it "Not Employed, in Education or Training"?

>> No.7390765

As long as you are not currenlty being educated, employed, or trained right now you're a NEET. Although one in a different position than other NEETs.

>> No.7390773

I hope for your sake you're not heterosexual, because things might get awkward for you down the road.

>> No.7390788

One part of the NEET lifestyle I enjoy is being able to sleep and wake-up whenever I please. And the little to no responsibilities.

>> No.7390803

Agreed. I take that for granted sometimes.

>> No.7390812

I've been looking for volunteer work to do. I need to stretch a bit doing some different things.

>> No.7390818

I had a job for the last 6 weeks. They wanted to put me in charge of the shift. I said no. My options were to accept or they find someone else. So back to /jp/ I went. I'm too lazy to be responsible for a shift, plus social anxiety.

I hope I can get another job soon though, I liked getting paid every week again.

>> No.7390821

I signed up for classes at my community college. Either that or get thrown out. Shit sucks, but at least I can use the leftover financial aid money for games and stuff.

>> No.7390825

>cross-legged in the girl fashion

How the hell is that different form normal crosslegged sitting

>> No.7390827

Isn't that the whole point?

>> No.7390828

Girls cross their legs higher up. Men with non-skinny legs can't do it, but basically the leg goes over the balls. This is my guess, anyway.

>> No.7390836

I just got offered to play in a concert band for the summer, and I don't do anything else except go on 4chan so I guess I'll be doing that. The guy who told me about it has been a NEET for around three or four years so he must've gotten bored enough to join it too or something.

We don't get paid though. I would like to have some extra money, getting harassed by my older sibling about not having a car or stable job is starting to get to me.

>> No.7390837

Originally, I became a NEET because no one would hire me for about 2 years. I enjoyed the lifestyle. Late last year I had a job at Toys R Us stacking shelves. Around the start of this year I quit that and started to take it easy again.

I no longer have a real backlog other than watching Welcome to the N.H.K. I've practically finished everything else in my free time.

>> No.7390846

Branch out from your usual interests and try something new.

>> No.7390848

I was thinking about picking drawing up next. Already have the tablet, just haven't made a successful transition between paper and the tablet.

>> No.7390850

Yes. There are other forms of entertainment besides anime and video games. Took me a while to figure it out myself.

>> No.7390853

While I was still in college, I was a Creative Writing major, education minor. My writing skills deteriorated from lack of use over the years.

>> No.7390856

>no one would hire me for about 2 years
Gee, I wonder why.
>I was a Creative Writing major, education minor

>> No.7390858

Make a Visual Novel. Just keep a notebook with ideas about things that interest you until you think up a basic story, then proceed to flesh it out and structure it until you're ready to make it.

>> No.7390867

It was a piss poor decision.

I was actually throwing ideas around about doing one earlier. Same thing with all my stories happened. I created a folder full of information, research, character outlines, and rough starting plots. I got the basic writing down, but if I go more than around 50 pages or so I stop liking the story itself.

That was a real pain in college. Half the work I did I ended up not liking near the end and got B's or higher on. Exact opposite for things I grew fond of.

>> No.7390872

So stop writing what you like and write something good instead.

>> No.7390891

Unfortunately I am, I'm trying to stop it but its an old habit

>> No.7390892

My writing skills got better since I became a no-life on 4chan, actually.
I enjoy writing random little passages to elicit an emotional response from readers here. I do it every other month or so for the confidence boost.

Granted, I couldn't do it for any site other than 4chan, though. I've gotten too used too this userbase, and my writing is always shaped by what I know those here would like.

>> No.7390901

But if I don't like what I write, how can it be good? I start off OK on pretty much everything. Then I get to a spot that I feel is kind of rough, and just move on from there. A few times that rough spot changed something drastic (a play I wrote during my high school playwrights class ended up changing a character's gender. That play ended up being performed during the last performance of the year) and a few times it made it a pile of sloppy shit.

I guess I just need some feedback as I go instead of being paranoid and not showing anything other than the latest draft.

>> No.7390918

so it was you, the asshole, who trolled me back then

>> No.7390921

How do I go about getting money for being a neet? I have been going to therapy since I was 12. There must be something for me.
Where's sudo?

>> No.7390926

Well, when I said emotional response, I meant more heartache rather than anger.

>> No.7390928

Keep writing Anon. Don't get discouraged if you write something and realize you don't like it. A writer is able to come up with ideas, but a professional has the guts to discard more than half of what they come up with. When you've reached the end of a project, close it down.

Make note of the things you really liked or interested you about the project. Make a genuine list of everything you thought was truly brilliant and make note of them. Make note of where you got stuck at and ask yourself why it happened. The next time you start a story, think about the places you get stuck at right away.

>> No.7390930

Thank you for the kind words!

>> No.7390932

I do, long hair and excessive cleaning routines also weight loss.

>> No.7390943

Long hair, skinny body, shave my arms every time I shave my face, shave my legs/pubes/etc. whenever I can be bothered since that takes ages.
I have long and curly hair, so I try to fashion it in a somewhat androgynous style.

Not that anyone other than my parents even know I exist anymore, but being hairless from the neck down does an odd wonder to my self-esteem. If only it didn't take so long to shave everything.

>> No.7390944

Now all you have to do is put on a dress and your transformation into a maid is complete.

>> No.7390949

I'm not really a NEET as I'm in education but I have zero social interaction. How do you guys dedicate all your time to hobbies/entertainment without feeling desperately inferior? Do I just have a superiority complex where I feel I have to do something extraordinary or I'm just as bad as the plebs?

>> No.7390960


You're just another loser.

>> No.7390964


I already know I'm a failure, so I don't care as much nowadays. It's fun at least, although sometimes I feel guilty.

>> No.7390976

I never feel inferior. I don't worry about such things.

>> No.7390979

Because I know that when you graduate and get a job, your taxpayer dollars will pay for my figs and dakimakuras.

>> No.7390989

The problem for me is that if I just give up and become a complete shut in I can no longer feel like I'm better than the people I hate.

>> No.7390997

Why hate people? Give up such thoughts and find NEET Zen.

>> No.7390999


I don't hate anyone, so maybe that's why. I don't have a need to feel better than anyone else, it seems silly to me.

>> No.7391021

I shaved myself once. Couldn't be bothered to do it again though.

>> No.7391022
File: 2 KB, 187x147, 1305477560368.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here here!

I'm in education so I don't have to be a NEET, if I drop out of education again he says I have to get a job.

CAPTCHA mention financed... is that a sign?

>> No.7391023

How do you handle that type of hair? I have shoulder-long blonde curly/wavy hair, and it's really damn difficult.

>> No.7391028

Personally, I put some leave-in conditioner in it after a shower, then grab the bangs and pull them around to the back of my head and just try to tie/tangle them together.

It gets the bangs from getting in my sight, and also keeps the hair itself from poofing up too much.
I do need a haircut, but I'm absolutely clueless as to what would look even remotely good on me.

>> No.7391030


I actually have to get a job soon. Knowing me I'll get fired from it soon after I get hired, but oh well. I bet work is going to feel like hell anyways.

>> No.7391037

I had a job for a year but quit. It is hell.

But I could buy pretty much anything I wanted, even though my wages weren't so high.

Again, my captcha was about money... but bankrupt this time...

>> No.7391045


I see. I guess I'll have to live with it for a while. I might also be forced back into college even though I've said multiple times I didn't want to go back. Seems like I'll be stuck in the same rut everyone else is.

>> No.7391060

Shaving is such a pain. I really can't be bothered doing it often. I figure it doesn't really matter anyway since I don't go outside. My mom makes a few comments about it on occasion but I don't mind much.
Managing your hair is also a pain. I've chosen to wear a headband at all times and keep it messy. Strangely enough my mom doesn't ever comment on my hair in a negative fashion, even though it's way more visible and icky looking than the lack of shaving. Maybe that's just me.

I pushed myself into trying to learn Japanese again. This makes the...4th time I've started. Hopefully I won't fail so very quickly this time. One can always hope.

What are you guys using all your free time on lately? I've shifted my focus from VNs to games and the PS3's library is keeping me busy.

Also when did you last shower? I just took one today, it was very refreshing! You should really go shower if you haven't done so in a while~

>> No.7391064

>What are you guys using all your free time on lately?
Pressing Ctrl+Shift+R

>> No.7391068
File: 27 KB, 470x263, glen-or-glenda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: Crossdressing NEET Writers

Maybe one of you will be the next Ed Wood.

>> No.7391074

Why not just use F5?

>> No.7391077

My way sends you to the top of the page automatically.

>> No.7391079

I started feeling much better once I stopped worrying about doing anything extraordinary. Face it, we just weren't meant to become great people. Forcing ourselves to think we are will just make us beat ourselves up over the fact that we're not.

>> No.7391080

Pretty much doing this too, while pretending to study for appearances (god that's pathetic). I have a lot of games but not enough time to play them.

>> No.7391091

Never knew that. The more you know.

>> No.7391114

Or just click /jp/ again.

>> No.7391119


i don't understand how people can go days and days without showering. i sometimes bathe or shower 2-3 times in one day. feels good man.

>> No.7391121

I guess some people really like it. I dunno, I feel a lot better after a shower.

>> No.7391132

In my deepest depression (around age 17) I sometimes didn't shower for a month and in the end I had to cut my hair off because it was too tangled. It can get to a point where you can't be bothered with even personal hygiene.

>> No.7391137

For me it's the amount of time a shower takes. With all the goo I have to fill my hair with to make it feel right, it takes me 25 minutes to shower and 5 more to dry my hair. It's a huge bother and skipping any steps just leads to feeling worse than before I went in.

>> No.7391139


get out normals

>> No.7391140

Everybody has their preferences.
Sometimes I don't bathe for a week or more, but I don't leave the house or sweat much.

>> No.7391144

>25 minutes to shower
Takes me an hour, minimum.

Parents complain about water bill, so I take showers sparingly.

>> No.7391171

NEET while I've been unemployed almost a year after graduation (In before lolol should've picked a better major). I like having a lot of free time and few responsibilities, but fuck it, I want to be independent, make good friends, start a family, etc.

>> No.7391173

You actually WANT friends?

>> No.7391177

Friends aren't that bad if they're not total dicks.

Unfortunately, I can't recall last time I met someone in real life who wasn't a total dick.

>> No.7391181

What did you major in?

>> No.7391195

Been NEET for two years strong but have only $100 left in the bank. I think I'm in my twilight years, and I've tried just about everything to extend it.

>> No.7391203


Too lazy to write anything that long.

>> No.7391205

I'd actually bet I'm a good deal unsociable than most of you, but yes. It's nice to have people who you can trust, share interests with, can talk to, etc. I think there's a tendency for some lonely people to tell themselves they don't need any friends as a means of coping, but truth is that the vast majority of humanity needs to have a sense of belonging.

MechE at a top 25 University in the US. I'm interested in as Masters in a specific field, but alas, all the programs I've checked out want a year or two of professional experience beforehand.

>> No.7391219

I've never had friends like that. The most I've had were this group of kids when I was 10 who I played video games with and that was it.

Really, I'd be fine with just a lover to be the househusband to. Even better if that lover is Yukari and I'm her pet instead of husband.

>> No.7391224

You're hardly unsociable if you seriously want to start a family and get a high paying engineering job. I.e a normal life, I'm obviously not saying that's bad but you're pretty damn far from an actual NEET (even though you technically qualify).

>> No.7391228

Fucking summer.

>> No.7391232
File: 96 KB, 400x400, 1302548724802.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NEET faggotry is attracting more retards from /a/b/v/ than secondary touhou shit.

Take this shit to >>>/soc/

>> No.7391243

Don't be retarded.

>> No.7391246


Go blog somewhere else retard.

>> No.7391249

>lolol should've picked a better major

>> No.7391251

Hikki NEETs are the true Master Race.

>> No.7391265

As if I'm taking part.
You and I both know your post was retarded at best.

>> No.7391271

During 4 years of college, I made less than 5 people I'd consider friends, none of whom I'd consider confiding to. I have zero friends in this state, and just about only one friend from HS I talk to on a semi-regular basis. So, yes, unsociable.

>> No.7391274

Is there anything that's actually allowed on /jp/ besides VN and touhou in your mind? I could make the argument that both should be in /v/, and that anime should be in /a/.

>> No.7391277


No retard, there's a lot of NEET faggots on /a/v/b/ and /soc/.

>> No.7391283

We've had an influx of these threads this week, and so far they seem to be written by board outsiders, for board outsiders.

Put the drab blogging to rest.

>> No.7391288


Blog threads are not /jp/ related, I don't give a shit about the idiotic "True NEET 4 lyfe xD" meme, if you want to talk about what you do everyday with your lame and boring life go somewhere else.

>> No.7391295

Anyone who rebels against NEETs truly needs to get out of /jp/.

>> No.7391314

I think most people here would be more than fine with that. Once you lose that silly manly pride which a NEET has absolutely no use for, you'll see that the life of a pet really isn't that bad at all. You get free shelter and food, and much more love and care than you could get out of a normal relationship. Why is it supposed to be so much better to be thrown into the cold real world where everyone has all kinds of ridiculous expectations of you and will just abandon you if you don't fulfill them? In the end, you won't have that much more freedom, because the workplace you sold your life and future to don't have anything to gain from giving you any freedom.

>> No.7391326

Now, now, I do enough fantasizing about being a pet to various Touhous. I've even taken to praying for such a future, but realistically, my only hope for being able to take it easy is to die before I'm forced to not take it easy anymore.

>> No.7391327



>> No.7391329

You get no freedom or independence though.
I wouldn't mind having a Touhou as a pet though/

>> No.7391335


I dislike a lack of freedom, whether it be from being a pet or being stuck at a job I hate. I've always liked the life of those fairies, no responsibility, easy going, do whatever they wish, it seems nice. Perhaps it's just childishness speaking, though.

>> No.7391339

You generally get more freedom and independence than if you get a job, try to remain social, or, god forbid, try to start a family.

>> No.7391342
File: 396 KB, 600x660, 1302324693873.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who needs freedom if your owner is someone you love and trust?

Plus, I'm a shut-in. How much freedom do I need to be a lapdop?

Also, I've always been curious of Reisen would make a better pet or a better master. Others tend to fall one way or the other, but can't tell which would be best for Reisen.

>> No.7391356

If it's childishness that makes you speak of a fairy life with freedom and no responsibilities, what makes me speak of a pet life with love and no responsibilities but to make my owner happy?

>> No.7391362


>> No.7391364

Perversion? A yearning for safety?

>> No.7391367

Most of you are just pets to your parents anyway.

>> No.7391369


I'm not really sure. I have mixed feelings to tell the truth. I kind of want to be a guardian of sorts, but I also don't want people telling me what to do. I don't like giving orders either, though. I don't know where I'd fit.

>> No.7391374

They don't want me anymore...

>> No.7391377

There are probably people who would want you as a pet, they wouldn't be female and they wouldn't be pretty though.

>> No.7391379


That's what it feels like...I really want to move out, but I also don't want to have to work for the rest of my life. It's like I'm a pet no matter which way I go.

>> No.7391382

You guys should just move into together and be butt buddies with one another so we don't have to have NEET threads anymore.

>> No.7391384

Not really. With a job comes financial independence and the means to pursue hobbies with the money you earn. Figurines and onaholes aren't free, after all. You get less time to yourself though, so that's the tradeoff.

Because you want to be the little girl and be submissive?

>> No.7391385

I don't think it has to be about being ordered around. Personally, I just want someone kind to take care of me and make me feel loved, without forcing me to give up on the few passions I have in life.

>> No.7391392


That makes sense I guess. I don't really like being taken care of. Always this guilty feeling.

>> No.7391416

I meant more that I believed childishness was the cause of my desire to live for another as their pet, not that I was asking seriously.

>> No.7391420

In most real life situation, like your parents, that's natural, because they don't want you to feel comfortable with depending on them. But what if your "owner" was really good at making you feel comfortable with it, and ensuring you that she was just happy to have you around? Or how about trying to pay her back for what she does for you, and being awarded with a smile of genuine happiness and being told that you mean a lot to her?

>> No.7391422

Less time to enjoy the toys you can now buy just means that you're selling your self in order to drown your sorrows with material goods.

How is that freedom?

>> No.7391426

My parents are telling me to either get a job or get out. What kind of job can a 22 year old with no college get?
Are there any easy government jobs out there that don't require a college degree?

>> No.7391441

Minimum wage.

>> No.7391442
File: 483 KB, 1280x756, 1304514947924.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

traps guide, maybe someone will need it

>> No.7391443

Depending on where you live, there probably are.
But only people with the right connections get them.

>> No.7391450

Typical schedule:

Wake, eat, net/anime/manga/game/vn, alcohol, bed.


My story is close to yours. I was unemployed for a year, then I got hired on seasonally at Toys R up until Christmas Eve. Been unemployed since then.

Feels good, though I'd like to have a secure flow of money that doesn't come from combing thrift shops for things to sell on Craigslist/Ebay.

>> No.7391462
File: 82 KB, 441x578, 1290650650903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like being pet on the head for washing the dishes while she went shopping for dinner~

>> No.7391474


I live in Northern Virginia, so I'm pretty close to DC if that helps any.

>> No.7391476

You guys who want to be pets are waaay too domesticated.

>> No.7391477
File: 714 KB, 320x320, 1305892444904.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who says you guys you guys have to go out and get a job? Let a woman lead the relationship.
She'll earn the money, and all you have to do is clean, cook and take care of the kids. seems like the perfect job for you guys.
I mean sure, you may have to deal with a bitchslap or two, or perhaps a kick to the balls whenever you are out of place, but it would be worth it.
Don't tell me you men are still trying to cling on to your pride, in this day and age...

>> No.7391479
File: 150 KB, 527x355, 1292287594410.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are discussing the pleasures of being a pet?

>> No.7391481

>Let a woman
Sure, I'll just order one online.

>> No.7391483


Go fuck yourself.

>> No.7391486

But my Daki can't find work either.

>> No.7391489

yesterday i stayed at home and did nothing^^
lol iam such a neet^^xD

>> No.7391490
File: 24 KB, 155x178, dubs3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7391492


I'm still not so sure. I have feelings of guilt whenever I'm around anyone. I've always admired those heroes that go around helping people only to disappear and not gain any recognition, so I'm not sure if being a pet would be so comfortable.

>> No.7391493

You say material goods like it's a bad thing. Food, water, and shelter are material goods. With money, the range of activities I can do are expanded.

>> No.7391495

Sounds good. Now, how do I build a portal to the 2D world where I could actually find a woman who wants to take care of me and won't just engage in a relationship with me because she has something to gain from it?

>> No.7391497

If you're gonna be sarcastic, at least sage the thread.

>> No.7391498

And with how you earn that money, the range of activities you can do are diminished.

>> No.7391502
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>> No.7391503

Goddamnit, go back to /a/.
Please let me suck on your foot sweat though. ;_;

>> No.7391511

>I have feelings of guilt whenever I'm around anyone.
I'm sure the right 2D girl could make you come over that!

>> No.7391514
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>> No.7391519
File: 128 KB, 550x750, 107fd1b0d97527e2cc5e9e25312a5712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You keep trying, but it's pretty hard to derail a thread in /jp/ with "dubs13.gif" images on your own.

>> No.7391542


Perhaps so. I dunno, I've just always wanted to play the hero.

>> No.7391544

Get out of here, Shirou

>> No.7391551
File: 478 KB, 895x633, 1279153719514.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7391559


Then you have plenty of options for government work. Check usajobs.gov and have at it. You could get a job at the US Capitol as a groundskeeper and still make $18+ an hour or if you're in decent shape and have no criminal background get a job as a federal security guard or police officer for different agencies. All they do is sit around, check people and patrol the property every once in a while. Doing something like that should shut your parents up because now is not the time to get a job in the private sector.

>> No.7391561

Why does this image have to be so arousing?

>> No.7391576
File: 1.01 MB, 921x921, 6b17206d8e3a90904d68569b307e82f897041405.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7391582
File: 177 KB, 500x577, 12f6c54b31a4d70f0c6b22575a66954e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, I wanna be a pet.

>> No.7391621

Oh Kanako, when will you hear me and take me from this 3D?

>> No.7391641

How many people here wear women's underwear on a regular basis?

>> No.7391645


Used to years ago. I stopped it though because it feels awkward now.

>> No.7391653

My dad got me a job at his factory and I am starting next week. I am 23 and have never had a job, I think I'm going to throw up. I'm sick to my stomach.

>> No.7391657

Be brave, and think of all the stuff you can buy with the money you'll get.

>> No.7391661

I can finally buy some figs and a Pop'n controller, but is it worth the price? I don't want to give up this lifestyle, it is too soon. I thought I'd have more time.

>> No.7391663

At the cost of freedom, though, you gain love and happiness. And not that government sort of happiness that only serves to make them money off of you.

Being a pet means someone takes you in despite you being more a hindrance to them, either economically or otherwise. They value you so much, they don't mind the burden to keep you around, or even appreciate the burden because it allows them to have you.

And all they ask in exchange is your obedience. Live your life to make her happy, to follow her orders, and for that, enjoy the happiness of having your head pet while you nap.

>> No.7391695
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You will never be the pet of a rich and beautiful girl who doesn't mind that you are an ugly and useless piece of shit and only wants to make you happy regardless of all your faults. ;_;

>> No.7391696

At least your dad works and can get you a job.

>> No.7391697
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>> No.7391702


Perhaps, perhaps not. Not everyone gains happiness from the same things. But some people would surely enjoy this sort of thing.

>> No.7391710

Perhaps, but both those who would enjoy it and those who won't will never experience it.

>> No.7391712


That's true I suppose.

>> No.7391718
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>> No.7391724

That's deep.

I remember reading a story about some morbidly obese guy who was stuck to his chair because he didn't move from it for a few years, and his girlfriend would run him in food while he shit all over himself. So some people do experience it I guess.

>> No.7391730

Being a pet is not the same as having a slave.
You offend me.

>> No.7391735

She obviously thought him as a pet. What do you do with a pet? You feed it and pet it every once and a while.

It's not like if she ran away he could get up and chase her.

>> No.7391749

I've been wanting to, just need money to buy some.

>> No.7391761

A good owner makes sure their pet is healthy, not morbidly obese, stuck to one spot and festering with maggots.

>> No.7391773

Threads like this gives an opportunity for /v/-folk to feel connected to the board. Shame on you all.

Just look at >>7391695

>> No.7391776

I try to limit the amount of lifting I do mostly because I'm lazy, but also so my muscles don't grow. So far,my arms are really thin and my knees are sharp. One of the most interesting moments of my life was posting pictures of my bottom half with my dick tucked and when people asked for more, I posted a picture with my very erect penis untucked and people thought it was shopped.

So yeah, I guess you can say that I do try to make myself look more girly.

>> No.7391778

Sometimes it is a pets fault as well. Sometimes my cat won't play with me no matter how much I try. An owner could only do so much for their pet. I am not heartless enough that I can just throw my cat out on the street because it is a lazy piece of shit that hates coming near me. Sometimes you get stuck with bad pets after you already made a commitment.

I think it's more the fact that you don't want to accept you would really be nothing more than a worthless sack of flesh festering in his own shit with nothing to provide for your beloved owner who is sacrificing so much to be with you.

>> No.7391779

Not on a regular basis, but one time when I was in 7th grade I went on a panty raid and stole a couple of bras and some panties. Only problem was that they were the target classmate's mother's panties (they were both the exact same size in 7th grade, which was odd.) Those undergarments ended up in a local stream out of disgust.

>> No.7391783
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>> No.7392054

I used to have the most awesome bro cat. He'd always jump up on my lap while I was playing TF2 and he'd watch anime with me. I'd set ice cubes on him when it was really hot and he would never notice them until they would melt all the way then he would jump up and run across the room. He would make the pain of constantly being alone go away. Sadly he only lived two years before contracting a terrible disease. Stan, if you are out there somewhere in the great beyond, know I love you like a brother.

>> No.7392191

What kind of panties do you like to wear?

>> No.7392304
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>> No.7392346

>he thinks praying does anything.

I laughed a little too hard, lulz.

>> No.7392565

Silky panties are very nice
