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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7380786 No.7380786 [Reply] [Original]

Hi, /jp/

This is /a/

What do you think of us?

- Sincerely, /a/

>> No.7380789

Underage normalfags, all of you.

>> No.7380788

Why did you have to ruin such wonderful characters?

>> No.7380790

We're fine with you as long as you stay in /a/.

>> No.7380794


Do you mean beevus and butthead or panty and stocking?


I'm not underage and I'm not a normalfag ;_; Do you like touhou, or is that stereotype untrue? We used to have good touhou threads before the split, ne, /jp/-kun?

>> No.7380798


Why don't you want me here? I swear, I can be elitist to! Give me a chance!

>> No.7380800

Don't mind you as long as you keep your shitposters in your own board. There have been alot in here lately.

>> No.7380801


Beavis and Butthead, naturally.

>> No.7380802

What kind of a retard would think that panty and stocking are great characters? Oh right, maybe one that came from /a/.

>> No.7380807


We have an issue with shitposting, especially with summer coming around. It's hard to deal with them all and the mods have been a bit lax, but hell, we try. We're sorry if any of them come over here, we'll try and direct them to /v/ next time.


I'm glad we have similar taste. Panty and Stocking were horrible characters, but I just had to make sure, it's a bit foreign for me over here.

>> No.7380809

>I can be elitist to! Give me a chance!
You can start by stopping that.

>> No.7380812

As with any proper board, your first step is to delete this stupid thread and lurk until you learn to fit in.

>> No.7380813

You're not autistic enough.

>> No.7380814


I'm sorry if I offended you. It's just that over on /a/, /jp/ is considered elitist for looking down on us as normalfags. Most of the normalfags on /a/ are just newfriends or people wanting to get into anime, not long time /a/nons and they often don't stay long. But /a/ is normally the first place they go, which is why we have to deal with a lot of shit posters. One day we will go the same way as /v/, I fear, but for the while we're coping. Thank you for your concern.

>> No.7380816

stopping what?

>> No.7380817


I have no desire to become one of /jp/. I am merely checking up on you and helping to mend less than positive associations between our boards. To be honest, I spent more time on /jp/ shortly after the split but eventually I drifted back to /a/. I still come here occasionally for the occasional VN thread, though.

>> No.7380818
File: 171 KB, 408x423, ikatroll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like yout style OP.

>> No.7380821

Tell me, /jp/, do you hate key visual novels as much as /a/ does?

>> No.7380822

Beavis and Butthead was better. That's what I think, honestly.

>> No.7380825


/jp/ seems to hate Panty and Stocking as much as I do. Tell me, /jp/, do you hate most Gainax works or just Piss and Shit?

>> No.7380832

No, Clannad is one of my favorite visual novels.

>> No.7380834

/jp/ has in contray to other boards very differing opinions on everything, there basically is no "/jp/ thinks...". Except liking Touhou, its music and being autistic.

>> No.7380836
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Pretty much this.

>> No.7380841


Me too. Kyou is mai waifu


I can understand that, /a/ also has a similar diversity, though amidst trolls and vocal fanbases/hatebases, it can be hard to tell. I imagine you guys don't have to put up with that dubs shit over here? Were any of you around before the split?

>> No.7380842

Went to /a/ just to see, amongst all the bullshit on the front page there was a Tiger & Bunny thread so I forgive them. Can't say I'd be willing to shuffle through all that fuck on a daily basis, god speed to you.

>> No.7380844


Despite all the shit on /a/, it is the best place on the internet to discuss anime and manga. To survive you have to learn to avoid the bad threads.

>> No.7380847


I mean, the alternative is landwhales and naruto fans.

>> No.7380848

I was done with /a/ when code geass happened.

>> No.7380851


I stopped browsing every Sunday just to avoid that shit.

>> No.7380858
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>> No.7380862


Thank you, however, your use of the liquify tool in photoshop could use a bit of work.

>> No.7380865

Its been a while, I just remember every single thread on the first 2 pages was code geass the day it aired, and on offdays about it was about 75%. That was around the time when get threads first started appearing, and I left 4chan altogether for several months. I can't bring myself to go back to /a/ even if I want to talk about a currently airing show.

>> No.7380871


The good thing is that stuff like that doesn't happen anymore. /a/ has gotten larger and as a result there is more of a variety of tastes and not everybody is watching the same thing every season now. The recent Madoka shitstorm, though large, cannot even be compared to the shitstorms caused by TTGL or Code Geass R2 or Haruhi, and chances are /a/ will never have another event like those again.

Unfortunately, there is considerably more shitposting, off topic and trolling than there ever was before, as well as dubs shit. If there was a better place to discuss anime, I would be out of there in a second.

>> No.7380874

Not really, if you managed to find enough good fans you can discuss with them directly using chat clients and such. It's what I do now, none of the bullshit of imageboards or forums for me. And it's much easier to avoid spoilers.
Of course, that's assuming you actually find people with similar tastes and little faggotry. That's the real challenge.

>> No.7380881

/a/ is just too fast for me to visit anymore. Not just the post rate, but the way people approach shows. It's all about the latest show, the very latest episode, hell, stuff that's streaming live and raw.
Throw in a myriad tastes and people opening new threads every minute, all crammed into 15 measly pages... no thanks.

>> No.7380882


>Not really, if you managed to find enough good fans you can discuss with them directly using chat clients and such.

I have some of these, I use both IRC and Skype for this purpose, however, this can lack some of the speculation and improvised discussion that can only occur in a large community such as /a/.

>> No.7380891


Most of the discussion for a specific episode will happen within 24 hours of it's release on /a/. I miss out on a lot of this as I come from a country where internet access is poor, and as a result I cannot download shows directly from fansubbers and must use low size re-encoders which take considerably longer, so I understand where you are coming from.

Though I can understand this wait is nothing compared to waiting for Visual Novels to be translated. I'm still waiting for a translation of Tomoyo After.

>> No.7380904

It's not even a matter of speed for me, I just don't have the time I used to. I wish I could have stayed an ELITE NEET, but shit happens.
saging for blog.

>> No.7380909


Fair enough. You /jp/ guys are alright. I might come here more often and actually discuss shit with you. You're better than you were a year ago.

>> No.7380927

>It's all about the latest show, the very latest episode, hell, stuff that's streaming live and raw.

It was always like that. It just used to be less noticeable because, well, a few years ago stuff was appearing at a slower rate.

There's a lot of problems with /a/, but this ain't one.

>> No.7380933

>I might come here more often and actually discuss shit with you.

See what you guys did?

>> No.7380955


I promise I'll lurk for a few months, honest.

>> No.7380957

/a/ is shit now because it's too fast, people only want to discuss stuff that just came out, half a day later and it's considered old news, also too many new shitty tripfags the mods bendover for. Oh, and last time I was on there, raildex and k-on threads were being deleted but doubles faggotry was left untouched.

>> No.7380962

Like I said, it wasn't a problem before because I actually had the time to keep abreast with the latest flavor of the month. Now I just watch stuff a couple of seasons late, if at all.
It's a personal thing.

>> No.7380979

We dont discuss animu or offtopic shit.
I suggest you to lurk more before you start posting.

>> No.7380984


The mods really are the worst on /a/. If they're not sticking attention threads or playing music, they're deleting legitimate discussion and leaving shitposting alone.

The world is a worse place now that Modcat is gone ;_;

>> No.7380992


>We dont discuss animu or offtopic shit.

I'm aware of this.

>> No.7381014


>We dont discuss animu or offtopic shit.

First four threads are hermione threads and a bird cooking pasta.

>> No.7381030

Hermione threads are part of some shitraid. /b/ probably.

>> No.7381042
File: 19 KB, 285x319, Hermione.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do you think of my drawing /a/?
