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File: 415 KB, 640x480, Phantasm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7376555 No.7376555 [Reply] [Original]

Finally cleared Phantasm. I almost captured and Danmaku Bounded field as well, but was hit on the last wave both times.

Replay at http://replays.gensokyo.org/download.php?id=13815

Touhou/STG gameplay discussion thread? Last one we had went pretty well. Post your replays, scores, areas of current interest.

>> No.7376560
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Expect to get sick in about 3 days.

Also SA Hard is HARD.

>> No.7376568

>I almost captured Boundary of Humans and Youkai and Danmaku Bounded field

Typo, sorry.

>> No.7376579
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SA Normal is hard too. Its the last game I haven't 1CCed yet. Guess now that this is out of the way I can focus more on practicing SA.

>> No.7376600

That fucking cat.

Also, the difficult stage 1 makes it really demotivating to play. Stage 1 hard = stage 2 lunatic.

>> No.7376615
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Actually fuck the cat, Satori kicks my ass on Hard. And to think that some days ago, I beat Flan. ;_;

>> No.7376622

which recollections? ReimuA will only make you feel miserable

>> No.7376665
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;_; I'm used to the Normal version of Boundary of Wave and Particle and I keep moving at the wrong time.

>> No.7376722
File: 800 KB, 715x1000, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


SA is the easiest of the lunatics(except for TH8 where you can start with more lives).You can just bomb every hard part. Took me like 60 tries to 1CC it


If you safe your bombs right, SA is easy beatable on hard also.

Good luck there

>> No.7376740

>SA is the easiest of lunatics
what the fuck am I reading.jpg
If you're bombing your way through, that's kind of cheap. Why not try to actually capture spellcards?

>> No.7376754

Its not like im bombing every spellcard. 1st you wanna 1CC difficulty, then you can go for catchin spellcards, right.jpg?

>> No.7377290

Boundary of Humans and Youkai its quite easy, but Youkai and Danmaku Bounded field its another story.

And Double Death Butterfly it's the hardest IMO.

>> No.7379017
File: 96 KB, 638x480, ohflan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm playing EoSD extra nowadays. I find myself moving around a lot against Flan. I'm starting to get the hang of her second spellcard, although I still can't get past it.

>> No.7379071

I believe it. Haven't cleared it myself, but it's not a huge step up from Hard, especially in comparison to most other Lunatics.

I'd say IN is the easiest though.

>> No.7379090

This, never captured it on Hard whilst 1cc'ing SA.

UFOs are annoying to get the hang of (again, after 1cc'ing Normal months ago), so it'll be the only game I won't have1cc'd on Hard. Same with StB Level 10 and Ex; don't have as much time as I used to.

>> No.7379102

I'm almost done with UFO Normal. Starting to panic a bit more when I play it, although I've gotten better with actually collecting UFOs lately. Screw Nikou's Air Scroll though, that card is really annoying for me. I think I need to get even better at UFO collecting.

>> No.7379147

I find marisa C Satori a hell of a lot harder than Reimu A.

plus, for SA I think shot types can often make the game harder than a higher difficulty

>> No.7379153

Huh? How so?

>> No.7379173


I hate notori cards, they're all sideways and lasers.

and I found 1CCing normal with marisa A a lot more difficult than hard with reimu A

>> No.7379192

Flandre: http://replays.gensokyo.org/download.php?id=12860
Ran: http://replays.gensokyo.org/download.php?id=12861
Mokou: http://replays.gensokyo.org/download.php?id=12862
Suwako: http://replays.gensokyo.org/download.php?id=12863
Koishi: http://replays.gensokyo.org/download.php?id=12864
Nue: http://replays.gensokyo.org/download.php?id=12901

All my extra replays, if anyone really watches these. Since beating Nue I've kinda stopped Touhou in wait of 13.

>> No.7379204
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It might be because Marisa C is, without a doubt, THE worst shot type in the series. Even for scoring there is absolutely nothing of worth.

>> No.7379227
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>Post your replays

Somewhat random enforced no-miss run with Reimu-A. Not considering it a full scoring run.

>areas of current interest
Casually looking for people interested in scoring. Not actively engaged in anything with Touhou. I think I want to return to PCB one day.

>> No.7379342

I still can't beat Ran after two months of going at it.

>> No.7379356


How often are you playing against her? I've gone against her about six times and I've found her to be much easier than I expected, although I haven't beaten her either.

>> No.7379379

I try until I'm frustrated every other day (30+ tries per sit-down.)

>> No.7379381


Oh. Are you trying to beat her while capturing everything or with scoring? I kind of abused borders and bombs to keep my life count high and made it to her second to last spellcard once because of it.

>> No.7379382

I mean, I beat Mokou after 2 weeks of going at at, but I can't seem to beat Ran for the life of me.

>> No.7379384

Which cards are you two having difficulty with? I can probably help with everything except for her version of DDB. Also, which character?

>> No.7379386

Neither. I'm just trying to survive.

>> No.7379387


Oh. It may be the shot type then, I dunno. I've been using Sakuya A since that's the only character I've 1cc'd the game with. Admittedly it kind of feels like cheating though, I may switch characters because of it but I'm not sure if I will yet.

>> No.7379390

The the first survival spellcard, the swastikas, Shikigami spellcard, and the second to last one. I'm using Sakuya A

>> No.7379393

Sakuya A has huge issues with Princess Tenko, although she does everything else fine. I suggest trying Marisa christmas trees because you build borders at insane speeds.

>> No.7379401

The manji and Chen are really easy once you get the hang of it, but they're quite intimidating at first. Just watch a replay of it. Chen you don't even have to watch a replay, I think I got that on my second or third try. Just keep an eye out where Chen is.
sakuya B builds even faster

>> No.7379402


I've noticed the Princess Tenko issues as well, that card murders me. The big problem is everything else feels too easy as her in comparison to other characters. It doesn't feel fair at all to use her. It's not MoF Marisa bug bad, but still. I might try Sakuya B since I still want to use her.

>> No.7379405

Wait, doesn't Ran only have one survival spellcard?

>> No.7379411

I know you dislike watching replays, but the Swastika one there is a certain pattern you need to perform to beat it. For the first wave (slowspin), stay on the outside. Once the bullets get sucked in, quickly move to the left and move up INTO the swastika and move around ran with the smallest radius you can attempt. You have to move around her in a small circle or you won't move fast enough to avoid both the bullet wave and the swastika. Then when it feels like it's slowing down again charge back down to the bottom (the way it goes if you enter from the left you should go back down on the right based on the timing). Rinse repeat.

For the shikigami, try not to pay too much attention to Chen, just make sure you keep yourself mobile.

Can't remember what the first survival is.

Second to last one as in the survival with the spinning circles? I usually tilt my head so I can see better (no, seriously). Just keep to her and try to think ahead, she usually goes one clockwise circle then back to the middle so don't get left behind just because a spot is relatively safe.

Hope that helps somewhat.

>> No.7379435

In the meantime, should I just treat genesis as a survival card or should I actually bother capturing it?

>> No.7379471

I fired up ten desires for the first time an hour ago

It was certainly easier than UFO, normal is just too easy.

>> No.7379473

You mean Genetics? Just remember that when she makes that charging noise, she'll fly straight toward you, so you can use that to create more of a chance to hit her.

>> No.7379481


I'd say a lot of the other game are easier than UFO as well for the first three stages on Normal...Although I will agree with you on it being easy. Hard and Lunatic seem up to par though currently.

>> No.7379504

>sakuya B builds even faster

Just so there won't be any misunderstanding, I hope you're including bombs with that.

>> No.7379587 [DELETED] 

>sakuya B builds even faster
From what I remember, MarisaA had the highest Cherry rate out of anybody. Either way, ReimuB still beats SakuyaB.

>Post your replays, scores, areas of current interest.
Eh, I've been revisiting PCB Normal with the no focus/death/bomb conditions. Beyond that, just playing random little things, do perfect and/or scoring runs of individual stages on various difficulties.


I played very cautiously later in the game and didn't execute a handful of things as well as I would have liked. It's perfect as far as the special conditions go, but I would have really liked 1.7B.

Obligatory usual dick waving because I never do anything new or exciting:

Perfect PCB Phantasm:

Perfect IN Extra:

Perfect SA Extra:

Perfect SA Extra (pacifist):

Perfect UFO Extra:

>> No.7379621
File: 219 KB, 787x783, 4639292132_82bfbb3d3e_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sakuya B builds even faster
From what I remember, MarisaA had the highest Cherry rate out of anybody. Either way, ReimuB still beats SakuyaB.

>Post your replays, scores, areas of current interest.
Eh, I've been revisiting PCB Normal with the no focus/death/bomb conditions. Beyond that, just playing random little things, doing perfect and/or scoring runs of individual stages on various difficulties.


I played very cautiously later in the game and didn't execute a handful of things as well as I would have liked. It's perfect as far as the special conditions go, but I would have really liked 1.7B.

Obligatory usual dick waving because I never do anything new or exciting:

Perfect PCB Phantasm:

Perfect IN Extra:

Perfect SA Extra:

Perfect SA Extra (pacifist):

Perfect UFO Extra:

A bunch of other silly replays with silly conditions that nobody cares about:

>> No.7379950
File: 167 KB, 787x783, 4478828337_3bf2a6dee8_o[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Triple post?

>> No.7379953
File: 114 KB, 640x958, er.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>because I never do anything new or exciting
Try a pacifist no focus run of SA's Extra with Reimu C.

Picture related, it is from one of my attempts.

>> No.7380061
File: 227 KB, 787x783, 4479097059_77889fe5ca_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The sys subdomain was giving me trouble and I was correcting a typo and then I got the verification wrong and it dropped my image and then I accidentally made a new thread and... The archive is too cruel to me.

I've done a run of SA Easy with those conditions, only to lose all three of my lives from ramming into stray bullets during Utsuho. It's very silly, and I'm pretty content with my regular pacifist run of SA Extra, thanks.

Also, I think I've watched your attempt before, assuming it's the one you put on the replay archive.

>> No.7380093
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I decided to give it a couple attempts anyway. Miracle Fruit ate all 3 of my lives each time. I think that will be all the effort I'll be putting into this.

>> No.7380111

Looks like neither of us made it past Sanae ;__;

>> No.7380633

Would it be better to work on extras or games I haven't managed to 1cc yet? I'm kind of debating on what move I should go with next.

>> No.7380676

Either. Both.

>> No.7380684


Oh...I was wondering since I kind of lack focus right now. I might play a bit of this, a bit of that, but I feel if I just grind out UFO and SA a little bit longer I can finish them much sooner than if I just hopped from one game to the other whenever.

>> No.7380693

A good balance between focusing on a game and moving around is best. Don't play one game for weeks at a time, but it does make sense to have a particular focus for a few days.

There's no real 'best' way to do it though, so just play whatever you feel like playing, is what I usually do.

>> No.7380695

>A good balance between focusing on a game and moving around is best.
>There's no real 'best' way to do it though

You get the gist of it, at any rate.

>> No.7380696
File: 481 KB, 640x480, AHAHAHA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reposting my first sort-of-cheated 1cc from earlier that I deleted because I realized I had made a terrible mistake.

I had no idea that changing to start with 5 lives wasn't acceptable, as once long ago an Anon said

>QUIT CHANGING DEFAULT LIVES, just kidding, it doesn't matter after stage 3 anyway.

Still though I take heart in this performance, as even with default lives I would've survived the game, albeit much more narrowly. A proper 1cc is near!

>> No.7380699


I guess...But I feel like I'm hopping around way too much. One day I might play PCB extra for an hour, then I might work on a different one the next day, then once I do the PCB extra again I might not do as well as I used to. That sort of thing. Once I get my best run of the day that results in a 1cc or something close to it, I usually don't play for the rest of the day.

>> No.7380893
File: 62 KB, 640x480, LIEBE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

watched the Suwako and the Koishi replay, was a really fun watch. Mishaguji-sama and the "Trollrose" tripped you up quite a bit. here's me against Koishi to show how much I hate the fucking Trollrose.

keep those replays coming, I'm looking forward to your stuff

>> No.7381961

Up you go. Don't really have much to say, haven't been playing recently.

>> No.7382510
File: 500 KB, 640x480, th021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Graze with Reimu-A

Not much of an improvement over last time because I probably spent my suicides all wrong during stage four. Hino Phantasm needs some practice or I should stick to sitting on the spawn point for Phantom Dinning. Started getting lazy during stage five. At least I didn't die twice during stage one this time.

And because I couldn't post in time:

Speak for yourself. And please put up some competition.

>> No.7383170

I don't really get it, but I'm having more trouble 1CCing PCB with ReimuB than I did with MarisaA. Isn't ReimuB supposed to be easier? :l

>> No.7383171

do the MarisaA no bomb challenge, fun stuff

>> No.7383186

>Player Penalty*0.2

>> No.7384646

Played a bit of DS, level 8 still kicking my ass. I'll probably be working more on it later.

>> No.7385753

almost captured the lunatic catwalk. oh wow.
