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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 68 KB, 513x520, abraham.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7368820 No.7368820 [Reply] [Original]

At first i thought the whole autism/asperger/social outcast thing was a joke.

Then i talked further with a few people from /jp/...okay several dozen people from /jp/...and i realised that most did have some serious problems.

There were people who got off from insulting others. Literally.

There were people whom enjoyed shitposting on /jp/. They would deliberately make a shitty post. As shitty as possible. Because it made them happy.

There were people with so deep seated pyschological issues that i cant begin to guess what their problem was. One day they would be perfectly normal. The other they would be a raging homicidal maniac. Another day they would be all giggly and pretending to be a little girl.

And then you know, there were all the fanbois...that would literally SUCK COCK as the fan of something or other. The kind who thought that touhou/miku/baby's first VN/whatever was GOD'S GREATEST GIFT TO HUMANITY. And the cock that they suck...oh god THE COCK THAT THEY SUCK...

>> No.7368828

>There were people whom enjoyed shitposting on /jp/. They would deliberately make a shitty post. As shitty as possible. Because it made them happy.


>> No.7368831

>There were people who got off from insulting others. Literally.

That's not a /jp/ thing, it's a human thing.

>> No.7368836

I strive to be shitty.

>> No.7368837 [DELETED] 
File: 25 KB, 219x232, W_(Double_You).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I heard the touhou fags like cocks .
Last one I saw had 10 cocks

>> No.7368844

Cool story.


>> No.7368845

Shut up, you pedo.

>> No.7368847

I love sucking cocks got a problem with that?
Be careful with what you say now or else I'll track you down and suck yours

>> No.7368848

Shut the fuck up retard. Go cry to /r9k/.

>> No.7368851

So mad.

>> No.7368855

Fuck you, you piece of shit. Go play in traffic.

>> No.7368857 [DELETED] 
File: 30 KB, 511x384, 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

come at me bro

>> No.7368862

Your point?

Yeah whatever. Lurk more normalfag.

>> No.7368894

>There were people whom enjoyed shitposting on /jp/.

There's gotta be some irony around here. My irony detector tells me so. Unfortunately, I'm an autist and I can't really point at the irony.

>> No.7368913

thats not abraham thats lincoln dumbass

>> No.7368921


I guess "There were people whom enjoyed shitposting on /jp/. They would deliberately make a shitty post. As shitty as possible. Because it made them happy." really exists.

>> No.7368928

who is Mugen

>> No.7368940

idiot that's john adams, he has to put on his top hat to transform into lincoln

>> No.7368956


That's just his real name, he's still CALLED Lincoln out of context
You know, Batman/Bruce Wayne style

>> No.7368957

>One day they would be perfectly normal. The other they would be a raging homicidal maniac. Another day they would be all giggly and pretending to be a little girl.

Hey. That's me.

>> No.7368962

Isn't this why we hate normals?

You know, we hate normals for being close-minded, foolish idiots, but we are drooling manchildren who hate an entire caste of people closemindedly. Ah well, I'm happy with the black and white, schizoid worldview I have.

>> No.7368970
File: 48 KB, 280x314, 1305656292119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she sees your penis

>> No.7368971

Even with my schizoid PD, I don't shitpost or get angry here. I just usually don't care, and only reply to threads with topics that I care about. Likewise, I wouldn't respond to old copypasta and trolling, but I'll just make this one exception.

>> No.7368975

I read and post here because I feed off of the suffering of others, the same reason I periodically check /adv/. The idea of people in these ridiculously shitty situations, whether really or for attention, actually makes me feel really good.

Its called a stovepipe hat, I saw so on the Simpsons.

>> No.7368989

i enjoy trolling because i like seeing people's reactions.

i've devoted my life to trolling /jp/.

>> No.7368999

>There were people with so deep seated pyschological issues that i cant begin to guess what their problem was. One day they would be perfectly normal. The other they would be a raging homicidal maniac. Another day they would be all giggly and pretending to be a little girl.


>> No.7369175
File: 77 KB, 486x579, lol-wut-jp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i like seeing people's reactions.
>trolling /jp/.

>> No.7369198

>normalfag encounters heavy internet users for the first time.

>> No.7369290

>implying you are schizoid

>> No.7369330 [DELETED] 
File: 19 KB, 196x252, download_girl.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There were people whom enjoyed shitposting on /jp/. They would deliberately make a shitty post. As shitty as possible. Because it made them happy.
lol sometimes i try 2 hard ^__^I|I

>> No.7369332
File: 19 KB, 196x252, download_girl.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There were people whom enjoyed shitposting on /jp/. They would deliberately make a shitty post. As shitty as possible. Because it made them happy.
lol sometimes i try 2 hard as HELL ^__^I|I

>> No.7369343

I'm not even into trolling anymore, I just like making people feel bad.

I want to be that guy who insults you just right in your weak spot so you end up thinking about it all day. It makes me feel better about my shit life to know I'm making other people's lives shittier.

>> No.7369355

I've only seen maybe 2 posters on /jp/ who could qualify as actual weighted shirt mommy don't hug me or I'll cut you in your sleep autistic.

Sure there is some depressive disorders floating around, maybe a little bit of dissociative gender even a few mongoloids no doubt.

But /jp/ for the most part are a sane rational bunch.

>> No.7369384

>But /jp/ for the most part are a sane rational bunch.

Complete delusion. /jp/ is full of terrible people, in one way or another. But mostly they're compounds of lots of terrible traits and debilitating flaws, mostly stemming from weakness.

>> No.7369385
File: 111 KB, 600x746, 1289246855543.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But /jp/ for the most part are a sane rational bunch.

>> No.7369388


Just two? Or is it one of those "multiple posters are probably the same person" kind of things?

>> No.7369392

A lot of /jp/'s posters that actually have psychological issues just lurk 99% of the time, so you can't really tell. But there are definitely quite a few of them out there. Way, way more than two, that's for sure.

>> No.7369391

You make it sound like people with weakness can't be sane and rational.

Or that almost all the strong people in history weren't fucked mentally one way or another.

Also terrible in a moral perspective doesn't make them insane it just makes them assholes. I didn't say they weren't assholes, they're just pretty lucid assholes.

But this is a dumb argument because we both have different opinions on sanity and we won't change eachother's.

>> No.7369405


That's why I asked.

>> No.7369407

Autism is a spectrum thing. Most asspie can function in society just no one likes them because they're assholes. They can't help it for the most part but thats was assburgers does to a person.

And things like atypical major depression can have alot of the similar symptoms and such.

But its the difference between a Neurotic and a Psychotic.

Having a neurotic disorder doesn't mean you're insane it just means you're having trouble coping with something mentally due to biology or trauma or something.

I've only seen a few anonymous posters that sounded True Antisocial or Autistic and thats probably the anonymity effect.

>> No.7369421

>/jp/ is full of terrible people

There are two logical mistakes there.

First - you're assuming that "sane" and "terrible" are mutually exclusive. I'd venture it's the exact opposite. (Not saying that insane people can't be terrible, of course.)
Second - you're committing a fallacy of composition here. The fact that /jp/ is composed of... well, people (the terrible part is redundant, really) doesn't mean it cannot behave rationally as a whole.
