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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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No.7351138 [Reply] [Original]

Cool watermark JAST!


>> No.7351140

If I play Demonbane USA in Japan will I die?

>> No.7351152

Now maybe people will stop bitching about eroge companies that block U.S IPs. It's just business not racist shit.

>> No.7351153

Peter Payne and all Nitro+ staff will bust through the walls, ceilings, and floor and kick your ass, piss on your computer, and shit inside your dick.

>> No.7351158

I was fine with that until the last item

>> No.7351198

>penis with diameter larger than guy's head
oh my god

>> No.7351237
File: 191 KB, 816x638, expectedrealdealgetcomedy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well played trolls.
At least I get some comic relief after the depression of MLA.

>> No.7351268

>depression of MLA
I pity you.

>> No.7351752

They warned about this well in advance. It's there due to Nitroplus feeling paranoid.

>> No.7352433
File: 150 KB, 816x638, REALDEALLL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So REAL DEAL that I almost had a heart attack.

>> No.7352451

someone will probably patch it

>> No.7352491


>> No.7352500


>> No.7352515

What happened?

We can't discuss visual novel companies on /jp/ anymore?

>> No.7352516

NSFW picture.

>> No.7352517

Moderating 101: Public banning has no purpose, if there is no apparent reason.

>> No.7352518
File: 65 KB, 800x600, cthuluchan..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7352520

Let's keeping /jp/ work safe!

>> No.7352521

He could have just deleted the image. I smell blood on someone's anus here.

>> No.7352522

All boards that default to the Yotsuba B or Burichan (blue) theme are to be considered "work safe". Violators may be temporarily banned and their posts removed.

>> No.7352523

A stray mod appears and feels like showing his incompetence?
That's a new one. I wish

>> No.7352524

NSFW in a SFW board.

>> No.7352526

A snide remark about JAST is made.
User is banned almost instantly.

A NSFW Touhou thread is posted.
It stays on /jp/ for weeks.

Now, when did moot sell out mod positions to greedy companies?

>> No.7352527

This was supposed to be the part where we play it cool and not get worked up into a tizzy.

>> No.7352525

Was the Tenga/onahole thread deleted too or what?

>> No.7352532

Fuck you faggot I'll throw my sissy fit whenever I want to

>> No.7352533

Maybe it is time to request that this board become NSFW, it's pretty bad getting bans and deletions for actually productive /jp/ threads.

>> No.7352535

It's funny how people are getting worked up over this. The topic is obviously fine, hence why the mod decided to keep it around instead of let it auto-delete. It's just the fact that the OP decided to post a NSFW image. End of story.

>> No.7352537

E-mail moot. I'm all for this.

>> No.7352540

We've tried that, he even posted on /jp/ making it very clear this board will not be nsfw.

>> No.7352545

I thought this was /a/ for a minute there.

>> No.7352548

I remember that, but it wouldn't hurt asking again. Maybe moot will be too busy with canvas to refuse.

>> No.7352551


>> No.7352550

Then this board would become
/jp/ - Touhou H

>> No.7352549
File: 16 KB, 384x355, no you didnt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>public ban

>> No.7352555


>> No.7352559

Relax guys, the mod will barely show up to ban people here for NSFW.
He was probally bored today and decided to take alook at /jp/

>> No.7352561
File: 41 KB, 798x597, Clipboard08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's about goddamn time

>> No.7352565

The mod probably just wanted to tell us "yes, we're still banning NSFW stuff, stop pretending /jp/ is in anarchy". Unfortunately, even on /jp/, that red, bold text begs for a hijack.

>> No.7352568

there is /d/, /h/, /e/, /y/ and /u/. Why would you need a sixth board?

>> No.7352582

Spoiler the fucking things, christ

>> No.7352587

Did you ever go to those boards? Yes? Then you will likely have realized that all these boards brim with underage faggots that get off to badly drawn HCG from the 1990 era. Not to mention that /u/ and /y/ could as well be straight out of Gaia, just with the occasional porn picture thrown in.

>> No.7352589

Doesn't change a thing, its a common fact that spoilering an image doesn't change it from NSFW, and is still bannable.

>> No.7352591

It was spoilered

>> No.7352593

 >>7352582-san is an idiot.

>> No.7352597

Then make them better, your complaint is pretty weak, its porn for fuck's sake.

>> No.7352603

Blue board. SFW. Spoilers do nothing.

>> No.7352605

Have you considered the fact that there might be a pattern to this, when all the NSFW boards just happen to be the worst boards we have on 4chan? I do support the idea of being able to discuss our eroge more freely, but I just don't see it doing our userbase any good to make porn dumps legal as long as they are relevant to the board.

>> No.7352606

>Have you considered the fact that there might be a pattern to this, when all the NSFW boards just happen to be the worst boards we have on 4chan?
It means /jp/ should also be nsfw as it's also one of the worst boards?

>> No.7352612
File: 17 KB, 425x292, no_wait_alright_rape_ensues.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, wait.


We ask moot to put a second spoiler specially used for porn!

Rape ensues.

>> No.7352614

back in my time, people were silently banned and their thread deleted.

>> No.7352617

I agree with you strongly. Although it'd be nice if the odd spoilered image was OK, in a relevant eroge thread or whatever.

We would have Touhou H dumps everywhere, all the time. It would be awful.

>> No.7352618
File: 71 KB, 400x400, 1855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sadly, it's the opposite, if we become NSFW we might really become the worst board. I just realised my mistake.

I am >>7352533 and I take my words back.

>> No.7352622

It's not like porn dumps would a lot worse than the touhou image dumps we're already getting all the time, though.

>> No.7352632

I know what you're saying but it would definitely bring in a lot of outsiders and be horribly frequent.

>> No.7352635

have you been to those boards? they're full of retards and have draconian rules that completely defeat the purpose any of the boards might have. any retard can find porn on danbooru or fakku, but pretty much anything but dumping easily available shit gets you banned.

>> No.7352636 [DELETED] 
File: 73 KB, 811x479, madmod.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't like this secondary mod one bit.

I'm not allowed to insinuate that Alice is a cold and unlikable bitch, who is according to canon a cold and unlikable bitch? Fuck that.

>> No.7352644

Sounds pretty legitimate to me, its still a shitty thread.

>> No.7352642
File: 184 KB, 600x600, 1241852529766.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Alice (the avatarfag)
Wait, what?

Mod, we don't talk about any avatarfags here unless we specifically state it.

>> No.7352650
File: 94 KB, 799x600, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. I can definitely see /jp/ being filled with threads akin to >>7352142 except now with porn.
And I am sure that if we can restrain ourselves better, the mod might be a little more open-minded. I'm sure that a huge black rectangle across all the naughty bits would have granted >>7351138 impunity. To prove my conviction of this, I shall post a properly censored but otherwise NSFW image.

>> No.7352654

>Ban OP
>Leave thread unmolested
That's just asking for drama and stupidity. The mods never seem to do their jobs.

>> No.7352655

I don't really hate him, it looks like he's actually trying, we just need to put him on the right track.

>> No.7352656

Then the ban should be for shitposting and not "trolling", which I clearly wasn't doing. Then I would quietly serve my time instead of resetting my modem.

>> No.7352663

Really anon, really? You're saying you're ban-evading because he didn't exactly outline the offence you knew full well was an offence?

>> No.7352667

So you're not only trolling, you also don't know Touhou lore?

You deserve the ban.

>> No.7352670

First of all, what the fuck is an "offence"?

And second, yes.

>> No.7352673
File: 58 KB, 454x454, 1272433934295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Touhou lore

>> No.7352674

Just get rebanned, you made a shitty thread, you got banned. That is that

>> No.7352678

I'm not going to use the word "canon", basically anyone who does seems to be completely ignorant about it, I don't want to be associated with those people.

>> No.7352679

You think I posted an image of my ban image not expecting to get rebanned?

>> No.7352681


What's the point of having mods/janitors on /jp/ if it doesn't help improve board quality. For example, this thread would've gone off into obscurity if it weren't for overzealous deleting of "non-worksafe" material. As if anyone on this board is going to be reading threads at work.

>> No.7352682

Not sure if the mod is just dumb or trying to teach a lesson, it would have been better if he had just deleted the thread.

>> No.7352683 [SPOILER] 
File: 123 KB, 800x600, a7481ac730b02973145d51e662596491.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty good game so far. How many chapters are there?

>> No.7352684

Using the word lore is going to get you associated with much worse, specifically wowfags.

>> No.7352686

Maybe if the moderation was ever around when the regular spammers appear anyone would give a shit about what they say, and wouldn't just ban evade not giving a fuck.

It's like having some security patrol who sleeps 24/7 appear. When his fat ugly ass wakes up and finally goes for patrol and he sees some children playing around and decides to flex his authority on them and prove he's the boss. Yet, he ignores the people looting 4chan and spraying shit everywhere by spamming threads they dislike.

Never around when it matters and when they appear no one gives a shit what they say or do and ban evades.

>> No.7352693

You should write a book.

>> No.7352701

less arguing more sauce on where i can get usa ver.
