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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7341806 No.7341806 [Reply] [Original]

Besides plot and character development, what is the moe archetype that you favor, /jp/?

As for me, the very rare Yandere Ojousama is my favorites, followed closely by whatever archetype Kaoru from Amagami is.

Pictured: VICIOUS -ヴィシャス, a very old h anime, fairly unknown.

>> No.7341809

For me, yamato nadeshiko.

>> No.7341814

What he said

>> No.7341838

>Pictured: VICIOUS -ヴィシャス, a very old h anime, fairly unknown.

I am intrigued by this, and would like for this anime to become known to me

>> No.7341837

blonde drill hair rich girl. I wish it was more common.

>> No.7341851
File: 116 KB, 540x700, 4b9436a0ac627079e2d553c8b95850b7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kuudere is best.

>> No.7341874
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Here you go bro. Enjoy. Despite being so old, I find it to be better than all the shit we see nowadays. I suspect it might have been based on a hmanga, but I could find nothing.


>> No.7341905
File: 276 KB, 700x1000, af93704b02457b362f13898b224b44f732217009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm usually in favor of the short-haired genki type. Y'know the one that's only ever an imouto or osananajimi. But lately with Mio, Saeko from HotD, and Saeko's clone from Kampfer, I'm leaning towards the long black haired character with a cool-yet-kind composure.

>> No.7341910


Thanks. It's going much faster than the 5kbs torrent I had found

>> No.7342018

I still don't understand what kuudere is. is it supposed to mean "cool" or "silent?"

>> No.7342068


>> No.7342074

Oh wait. You mean the source?

It's from "Cool", as in cold.

>> No.7342120

The former. Not saying much is generally part of being cool, but not to Rei-clone degree.

>> No.7342130

Is there a decent list of Japanese character archetypes anywhere, in English?
I started thinking about my preferences, and realized that in addition to some character types I can name, there are some that I'm pretty sure should be archetypes(since they're pretty common), but I don't know how are they called.

>> No.7342154

I'll side with that.

>> No.7342179

wait so what do you call characters like saber or the yoko hisaka character from that furry animu who say "saa" and "hmm" a lot and have a mature sort of feel?

>> No.7342229
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>> No.7342240

Kuudere, actually.

They are silent, distant, collected, and capable of a very delicate kind of love.

>> No.7342248

The friendly, loving childhood friend that is always there for you but has no romantic interest in you.
Not the childhood friend that secretly loves you but can't say anything, I mean the childhood friend that actually has no romantic feelings toward you.

>> No.7342251

saber isn't kuudere

>> No.7342264

Pardon anon, but I find no other archetype close to her.

Her demeanor points toward lesser levels of kuudere-ism. She is no Rei Anayami, nor other kuuderes are supposed to be. What do you suggest?

>> No.7342285

>I mean the childhood friend that actually has no romantic feelings toward you
Do those even exist?

My favorite archetype is the osananajimi. Any kind really.

>> No.7342289
File: 131 KB, 612x786, 18716261.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I enjoy monstergirl moe. Have ever since Jogoku sensai Nube

>> No.7342312

Its rarity is what makes it so appealing.
Being so close to someone and already having a high level of affection for them, but still having to work for a relationship.

Childhood friends are the best.

>> No.7342334

Wait so you mean the childhood friend would eventually develop feelings for the protagonist? I can live with that. But if she never felt anything for him that just wouldn't feel right.

>> No.7342337

They do outside of VN's
I still love mine, but I love the part that doesn't love me in her as much as the rest of her. I love her for her. I ussed to be jealous, but her current boyfriend and her fit so well together, they fit better than we ever could have. So I find myself being actually, genuinely happy for them. Never thought I'd say that one day.

It's still more than friendship, somehow, but it feels more like family now in the end. Really happy to have her, so I can understand that anons feelings towards this archetype.

>> No.7342368
File: 229 KB, 1600x1200, EVG11_01D@0000_pos_0_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The submissive inumimi in heat.

>> No.7342373

>Pictured: VICIOUS -ヴィシャス, a very old h anime, fairly unknown.
My god, a hentai hipster.

>> No.7342382

The focus of /jp/ should tell you that we are picky about our porn. Are you perhaps new here, casual?

>> No.7342389

Half of the planet doesn't have anything to eat while you can live a comfortable neet life. That fags only alive because of his gay heal, he can easily recover more than half his troops in one turn.

>> No.7342430

Not at all, but seeing, "it's very old, you probably never heard of it," being used sincerely is a rarity.
I didn't mean it negatively, I was just caught off guard.

>> No.7342445

Loli with zettai ryouiki and a speech defect.

Kudo is pretty much perfect.

>> No.7342449

>very old
Yeah, no.

>> No.7342450
File: 196 KB, 1600x1200, EVH01_05D@0000_pos_0_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw someone else read this VN

>> No.7342460
File: 154 KB, 800x600, Wife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me the best is the "imperialist" female.
She is submissive to her man, but believes no one else is below her. She is aggressive in expanding the relationship/territory. So she collects women around her and asserts dominance, socially, physically and sexually, and places them in a harem or servitude to the master couple.
A bit of an ojou-sama, a bit yandere, a bit batshit insane bisexual lolicon, surrounded by maids, petgirls, and always looking to violently hatesex her rivals into submission then drag them home to be fucked by her husband and bred for the "empire."
The closest I've ever come is Risa and her shoving the little girl she owned as property hymen first onto her man after dressing her in a maid uniform.
Endless fapping.

>> No.7342532

I thought the dogs didn't have hymens in that game?

>> No.7342557 [SPOILER] 
File: 591 KB, 800x603, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I meant more figuratively.
She bodily picked up a small girl and impaled her on her man's penis with an insane smile and near-yandere eyes.
Picture very related.

>> No.7342601

tomboy that is, depending on my mood, either genki or kuudere

>> No.7342635


The fuck? This just seems like the best. Is there more of this?

>> No.7342662

Don't worry, she's shit.
Her dogs are where it's at, so you'd be more interested in >>7342368

>> No.7342663

There's that Goudere manga, but its not really good and it will probably have a seriously depressing ending given the author's track record.

A few older harem series started like that I think. DNA'2 was like the opposite of it sort of.

>> No.7342664

like blastoise from sekirei?

>> No.7342668
File: 81 KB, 480x359, ekshmj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Man, I love the Amagami girls. I must go back and complete all events.

>> No.7342670

She's not interested in sharing, just dominanting the ones she's forced to share with.

Though I'm really behind on that manga.

>> No.7342689

Dominate yet very caring.

>> No.7342696

. . . Where can I see this?

>> No.7342697

I wish.
There are some women sort of like this in Rance, and he sort of exhibits the ideal male half of the equation, subjugating/destroying men, conquering territory, etc.
You best be kidding. Risa is nearly ideal.
I have never thought of her that way. She has tsundere sexual attention with Musubi but I can't see her hunting down other Sekirei and dragging them naked to her master by their hair. Though that'd be hot.

>> No.7343150


>> No.7343200
File: 409 KB, 680x680, 1299445523729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Half-asleep/high/sleep depraved moe.
You know, like that nudist doctor in Railshit. Bags under eyes for bonus points.

>> No.7343368

her character is all over the place because Nasu is a bad writer

>> No.7343377

You mean because Nasu is such a good writer she can't be defined by simple generic archetypes.

>> No.7343386

>Nasu is such a good writer
whoa whoa, slow down there, you might need to take some medication and think this over first
