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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 142 KB, 233x233, 354678.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7338841 No.7338841 [Reply] [Original]

>ZUN made first Touhou when he was 19.
>Shoji Kawamori made Do You Remember Love? when he was 24
>Nasu and Takeuchi made their first VN Tsukihime when they were 27.
>Hideaki Anno made Gunbuster when he was 28

By the age 20s, what have you achieved?

>> No.7338844

i fucked you're touhou

>> No.7338843

I have a deviantart account

>> No.7338848

I made myself a NEET.

>> No.7338846

nothing, because i am a drain on society and don't give a fuck.

>> No.7338850

I've written a lot of stuff that no one will ever read because I have no self-confidence.

>> No.7338852

I have a cute waifu and a cool keyboard

>> No.7338854

if it's mystery/fantasy or it has some good puzzle/detective type stuff I'll read it.

>> No.7338858

It's not. It's mostly drama.

>> No.7338859


>> No.7338861

Post it. I want to see someone on deviantart who doesn't act like a retard.

>> No.7338863

Iam pretty good programmer. But I dont have own ideas and Iam lazy as fuck.

>> No.7338873
File: 853 KB, 1154x1600, banana-druid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and here's the problem. I made my deviantart when I was 17. I gave up drawing long ago, this pic makes it easy to see why

>> No.7338876


This is actually pretty amusing idea, I perceive.

>> No.7338878

This one time, I made this photoshopped image which a few people thought was funny.

>> No.7338888

I watched my first porn when I was 6.

>> No.7338891

I deleted my blog

>> No.7338893

I made a game on rpgmaker when I was 14. It was a custom engine and I was very proud until I lost all my files.

>> No.7338897
File: 12 KB, 122x208, 0348.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait....do we have to achieve something in life?

>> No.7338903

I live a very quiet NEET life and like to think about my sanity or lack thereof.

>> No.7338907
File: 64 KB, 554x439, it can't be helped.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made a game with a friend too when I was about 13.
>mfw we got a 10 in computer science and everyone was jelly, even when the game was fucking horrible

>> No.7338908 [DELETED] 

>this pic makes it easy to see why
No, you fucker, no. That picture has a lot of room for improvement. When your work sucks, that's all the more reason to strive to improve it. You have quit at a level when it isn't even that hard to improve yet. Your attitude towards drawing is more faulty than that picture. When you can't do something, you learn it instead of giving up. At that level, you either haven't practiced very much or if you have, your practice has been greatly lacking in effort (assuming you don't have serious brain injury or something). You gave up before you even really tried.

You can't get skills on a silver platter, you achieve them through years of tears and sweat. It isn't about talent, it's about motivation and hard work. You know all those artists you admire? All of them used to draw pictures like that. The difference is they cared enough to get through that phase while you didn't.

>> No.7338909

>this pic makes it easy to see why
No, you fucker, no. That picture has a lot of room for improvement. When your work sucks, that's all the more reason to strive to improve it. You have quit at a level when it isn't even that hard to improve yet. Your attitude towards drawing is more faulty than that picture. When you can't do something, you learn it instead of giving up. At that level, you either haven't practiced very much or if you have, your practice has been greatly lacking in effort (assuming you don't have serious brain injury or something). You gave up before you even really tried.

You can't get skills on a silver platter, you achieve them through years of tears and sweat. It isn't about talent, it's about motivation and hard work. You know all those artists you admire? All of them used to draw pictures like that. The difference is they cared enough to get through that phase while you didn't.

>> No.7338910

still don't see why you couldn't continue and make millions.

>> No.7338915
File: 109 KB, 543x403, 2b6c4f975d7cf581f97ba2b4ddfe1bff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but actually I've come to disagree,
there are people who are just able to do it perfectly on their first try, titled as geniuses
then you realize that there are plenty of these "geniuses," and those are the ones that compete to accomplish something.
everybody else should just aim for mediocrity.

>> No.7338916

I'm 18, so I still have time to do something about that. I think I won't have any time to really achieve anything, though. Too busy with studies.

>> No.7338918

Achievement-oriented thinking is one of the defining marks of a normalfag. Normalfags don't belong in /jp/.


>> No.7338919

I once was a cute flat-chested 7 y old girl and regulary enjoyed tea time with my other equally cute female friends. We all wore frilly dresses and hats (ocassionally bonnets too).
I've now turned into a 19 yold chubby camwhore that watches anime all day with a quiet boyfriend that buys me all the stuff my father won't.

I'm living the dream.

>> No.7338924

I really don't get why society insists on valuing talent over hard work. It's really ridiculous when you ask someone what kind of practice they did to become good at something, and they pretend to not know too well, because they want it to seem like they just miraculously stumbled upon a talent. Not only does this cause people to mistakenly think that hard work has no value over talent, but it also causes those who do have some talent to pride themselves on putting the least amount of effort into what they're doing, since the less you work for the results you get, the more talented you will seem, and the more people will praise you for being a genius.

>> No.7338927
File: 355 KB, 600x600, 1302509606871.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't get it, do you.
It's not about achieving, it's dreaming about what you could have achieved.

>> No.7338931

I have reported over 1000 threads on /jp/

>> No.7338933
File: 39 KB, 470x313, terrence_tao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went to a seminar given by Tao earlier this year.

>> No.7338938

Thing is, no one is born with the knowledge on how to draw. Our genes are far from complicated enough to be able to pass on that kind of knowledge. So drawing doesn't come naturally to anyone. No matter who you are, you have to learn it at some point. Being a genius is just about learning faster.

Admittedly, there's a chance that you're average or below in learning speed, but it's really useless to worry about that. The world would be an extremely depressing place if everyone gave up on everything they were average in.

>> No.7338939

>there are people who are just able to do it perfectly on their first try, titled as geniuses
That's funny, because I've taken years of classical art education with some of the young artists with the most potential in my country, including professional artists, and I've never met a single artist like this. Every single one of them started out horrible, but spent their free time practicing rigorously to improve. Because of differences in motivation and such, some people need a bit less practice than others, but no one ever does things right on their first try in art. Drawing is a very complex skill, and it takes years of practice just to learn the basics.

Usually, people just assume they did it right on their first try when they really didn't - people who want to think the artists' achievements are due to simple talent that they had from birth, rather than all the hard work they've gone through. By assuming someone's skill is due to talent only, you're disregarding all of their years of hard practice just to make the world look more comfortable to you. Personally, I hate it when people tell me I draw well because of talent: no, I don't, I draw well because when I was 12 and the other kids were having fun outside I was in my bed, drawing anatomy sketches one after another with an aching arm and teary eyes until I did not fail.

>> No.7338941

whoa, I unleashed quite the shitstorm here!
I don't even think I lack talent, it's much rather that I know that even the most talented artists have a ridiculously straining job. Talent doesn't reduce the effort involved. And I'm plain lazy.

>> No.7338943

i'm frustrated. what the fuck. go back to >>>/cgl/ this board isn't for your kind. camwhoring? really. fuck.

>> No.7338948

Just out of interest, what motivated you to put so much effort into drawing when you were young?

>> No.7338949

What a sad story. I pity him.

>> No.7338953

Are you still surprised by hearing about females camwhoring? I can tell you, 99% of females on 4chan have camwhored on /b/ at least once. It's really ridiculous how many of them do it and end up regretting it, and just try to bury it and convince themselves they're one of us

>> No.7338954

Overall, western society seems to believe that skills are innate rather than learnt. I think people also use this to justify their laziness and the like. They can just say they don't have the talent and no one will ask them to do it anymore, instead they'll get a lot of sympathy for being so incompetent. People can justify a lot of helplessness by saying "I just can't." it's usually the ones who think normal, healthy people should be able to learn things, and that helplessnes comes from problems in attitude, that are found odd.

In reality, even a big portion of an IQ test result, which we tend to think reflects a difference in our inherited, immutable intelligence, depends on the person's motivation: http://www.nih.gov/researchmatters/may2011/05022011motivation.htm

>> No.7338956
File: 30 KB, 300x395, Julius Caesar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Julius Caesar served in 63 BC as a quaestor in Spain, where in Cadiz he is said to have broken down and wept in front of a statue of Alexander the Great, realizing that where Alexander had conquered most of the known world at thirty, Caesar at that age was merely seen as a dandy who had squandered his wife's fortunes as well as his own."

It's fine. Some people are just late bloomers.

>> No.7338960


Pretty sure it's the other way around. Western society believes you can do this and that through hard work, while Eastern society tends to believe everyone more or less has a chiseled, predetermined role.

>> No.7338961

That would also explain the whole "it's useless if you didn't start out as a child". And the "I'm too busy in my day to day life to start learning something like that", despite the fact that first world citizens in our age have more free time than ever.

>> No.7338968

Fucking Alexander, that little cocky brat. Why couldn't I be more like him? ;_;

>> No.7338979

> you can do this and that through hard work
More like you can earn this and that much money through hard work. Free enterpreneurship doesn't bother on teaching untalented individuals how to do a job, but on allowing the more gifted to succeed over the others.

>> No.7338984

It's a doggy dog world, huh?

>> No.7338994

I can't tell if you're serious or making some kind of pun.

If it's the former, the phrase is "a dog-eat-dog world."

>> No.7339001

Compare "good luck" to "ganbare."

>> No.7339002

Quite a lot of things, really, but I'll write some of it here. I liked drawing from a very young age, but it was at 8 that I first noticed that my human figures didn't look all that human after all. I decided that I would learn to draw humans well, no matter what; it was the first time I wanted to improve my drawings technically, and a very strong impulse. I was a stubborn kid, so I really wanted to be able to learn to draw now that I had decided to.

Soon after a lot of stuff happened in my family and at school, and I was severely bullied. Drawing was my only strength and escape back then. The other kids could tell me I'm ugly, stupid and bad at many things, they could hit me and shove me, but they could not take drawing away from me. I forced myself to improve so much that no one in class could question my ability, and when I was sketching, everyone either left me alone or treated me nicely, asking me to draw for them.

Of course, drawing also allowed me to express feelings that I couldn't tell anyone. A pen and a paper was seriously my best friend back then, and I don't know if I would be here today if I hadn't drawn. It was one of the very few things that prevented me from feeling perfectly worthless. And it did provide me a concrete escape at the time, as I applied for (and got in) an art-specialised school to get away from the bullies. Ever since drawing has been a dear hobby to me.

>> No.7339012

i thought i couldn't think less of women, thanks for the help. i left /b/ once camwhoring became popular because it reeked of desperation. 99% of the females on 4chan camwhore? i can believe that.

>> No.7339013

Reminds me of Mina from Sharin for some reason.

>> No.7339021

Overall, western = individualist and Asian = collectivist. This leads to different kinds of attributions, that is beliefs as to why certain things happen. Studies say western people believe the reason for both fortune and unfortune to lay in the person and Asian people find the reasons in the person's environment more often.

For a few examples of what this can mean:

A person is poor, begging on the street.
Westerner: "He is a lazy parasite of the society who has got himself in this situation."
Asian: "He has been born into poverty, and he has never been taught the way to get out."

A person is a successful enterpreneur.
Westerner: "He is naturally intelligent, talented, a wonderful person who has built his own success."
Asian: "He must have had supportive parents and good teachers that have made this success possible."

>> No.7339027

If only Snacks was here...

>> No.7339028

I made a game based on the philosophy of Anaximenes (in my mind).

>> No.7339037
File: 185 KB, 488x488, Takao_wont_hug_you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I was 20 I also liove Takano ... and start learn drawing to draw her

>> No.7339039


>> No.7339040

>ZUN made first Touhou when he was 19.
What? Since when?

>> No.7339043

By 20, I decided to do a masters - I am one one of those "first person in the wider family tree to do university and wear hats". My parents were happy, myself? It wasn't a consideration.

Also it is shitty to realise the conquest glory of the past, something impossible barring some world war breaking out. That's assuming you break out from the ranks and didn't become a body before then.

>> No.7339044

>Western = individualist
>Asian = collectivist

Your analogy falls apart when you start looking at non-Confucian philosophy and you remember that Communism, the whole Utopian tradition, and the original idea of the Republic as espoused by Plato are solely Western inventions.

>> No.7339047
File: 175 KB, 351x1697, 1290275592474.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have made this.

>> No.7339053

You're right.

But I don't think you know what the word analogy means.

>> No.7339064

>According to Japanese Wikipedia, Jun'ya Ota was born on March 18, 1977

>Highly Responsive to Prayers was apparently created back in 1995 (while ZUN was attending college). However, the first display of the game to "the public" was at the 20th Hatoyama Matsuri, a local festival of Tokyo University, in November of 1996.

>> No.7339087

I will finish college at age 23 and then get a vasectomy at 24.
I will help humanity.

>> No.7339102

My long term plan is to try and force reform of the Civil Service from within, but this probably won't see fruition for another thirty odd years.

>> No.7339120

created a shitton of ideas I am too lazy to work on and forget as I jump on to other ideas.

>> No.7339152

I figured out the meaning of life.
No, seriously.
It's a bit hard to put in words though, so you'll forgive me if I take few years until I'm confident enough in my ability to express it in writing before sharing it with you.

>> No.7339230


Pretentious faggot.

>> No.7340212
File: 215 KB, 468x263, ika crying_1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I wish I could give you a hug, Anon. I hope you're feeling better about your life as of late
