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7313288 No.7313288 [Reply] [Original]

Last thread: >>7265617

>> No.7313289

Ar Tonelico For Lazy People Pack™:

Contains torrents for the games along with the emulator installer and bios. Now updated with the latest PCsx2 SVN beta client, plugins are automatically included. Thanks to Anonymous for this.

AT2 Flash Cosmosphere:

Lossless albums:

AT - All: http://www.hongfire.com/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=116396&d=1240137696
AT2 - All: http://www.hongfire.com/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=108204&d=1232984269
AT3 - OST: http://www.nyaatorrents.org/?page=download&tid=112183
AT3 - Hymmnos albums: http://www.nyaatorrents.org/?page=download&tid=111040

Thanks to Yuyucow and Anonymous in previous threads for digging up the links. Foobar can play the .tta files but if you feel like converting them to .FLAC or whatever for your MP3 player/Media player of choice then Foobar also provides an easy convert tool. Takes about a minute to convert the albums over to FLAC.

Utau Oka ~Ar=Ciel Ar=Dor~ is out! Download it here:

AT3 Artbook - http://www.mediafire.com/?jrm2mg22mkx

AT2 Raki bug patch - http://www.mediafire.com/?bp8ydy03ml7r5xa
You shouldn't need this if you're using the newest version (0.9.7) of PCSX2. Thanks to anonymous for uploading this!

Latest Technical Data Compilation Room Issue:

Latest Toukousphere Translation:
April Fools TKS:

AT Visual Book available for pre-order:
Atelier Official Chronicle available for pre-order too:

>> No.7313336

How do I get harmonics up in AT2 so I can get Replakia to activate?

>> No.7313340
File: 79 KB, 885x504, ar-tonelico-3-flip-gravie-021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep using ↑ attacks. You should get a the Replekia activation way before you hit the maximum for an EX attack. Remember to activate it from the menu,.

>> No.7313348

Max out your harmonics level on the emotion gauge every attack phase until Replakia becomes available. Preferably do it with the vanguard paired with Cloche, so their harmonics level will be preferentially increased.

>> No.7313362


Harmonics increases with the attacks you do while pressing up on the D-pad.

To go into more detail, each attack phase the radar thing in the lower-right corner fills up with a pink polygon, and the attacks you do stretch the white polygon that starts as a point in the center in the direction that you were pressing when you attacked. In the case of harmonics/burst/sync the associated attribute only increases when the white polygon vertex hits the pink polygon vertex, I'm not sure if there's a difference between 'maxing' care or just hitting it once.

Up is harmonics, which enables higher-level vanguard attacks and supermoves. IIRC loot quality is also determined by harmonics level.
Left is burst, which increases the burst gauge (ie the percent thing that determines magic attack damage.)
Down is sync, which brings the two reyvateils closer in sync with each other- when the two lines in the thing to the left of the emotion meter line up perfectly, synchronity chain is activated, which is how you activate the combo magic that you start getting in the Infelsphere. You probably won't be able to pull this off until later when the girls have gained more sync via talk topics with each other.
Right is care, which replenishes the RT's MP.

The tl;dr version is that your attack phase priority should be up > left >= down >>> right

>> No.7313539


I finally got around to playing again and got Jacqli in my party, she's amazing. The conversations with Spica made playing through the first game worth it.

>> No.7313601

Jakuri also packs the strongest non-synchronity spells in the game. Hell, with the exception of her spammable spell, her starter red magic are more powerful than the best C-Sphere level 5 magics Cloche and Luca can pack. Her 'My Slaves' line of spells are more powerful than Luca and Cloche's initial Infel Sphere combo spells AND she starts with one of the best reyvateil armours in the game and a stupidly high MP pool.

Strongest Pure Blood Beta reyvateil that surpasses even Origins indeed.

>> No.7313618

Phase 4-ish in my first AT3 playthrough (Finnel route) no playable Akane is making me very sad. Such wasted potential.

>> No.7313625

Downloaded the beginner pack about a week ago, I'm on phase 5 in AT2 now. There wasn't a torrent for 3, so I'm assuming I'll have to search for that myself.

>> No.7313658


3 is for PS3, so you'll need a legit copy or hacked PS3 to play it.

>> No.7313667

Oh, I probably should have looked that up first. Thanks.

>> No.7313669

About AT3,
what's the difference between a girl's normal end and true end?

>> No.7313673


There's a new version of pcsx2. Is it included in the pack or is an old version?

>> No.7313677

One extra Phase.

And normal end isn't exactly "good".

>> No.7313680


Normal end is basically the equivalent of AT1's "don't bother saving Shurelia" phase 2 end- you end up with the girl, but aside from that nothing's really solved, and you miss an entire quarter of the game.

>> No.7313691 [DELETED] 

You forgot the Tilia drama CD, OP.


Thanks once again to the Anonymous for translating it.

>> No.7313789

Assume that it isn't.

>> No.7313928
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not sure if i should get ar tonelico 3 or atelier rorona...

>> No.7313930

Get both.

If you cannot do that, get AT3 first.

>> No.7313976
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If you really can only pick one, AT3.

But yeah, get both.

>> No.7314067

There's never a "last" AT/GUST thread.
By next Friday activity will pick up again.

>> No.7314101



>> No.7314539

That feeling of forever being unable to multi-level purge. Tried it during the MYU fight and even took the milked out the entire time possible spamming a million supermoves before attempting it, to no avail.

>> No.7314616


You have to get far enough down the Cosmosphere until the game says you can double/triple purge.

>> No.7315112

Speaking of, is there any benefit to quadruple purging?
Or even a cutscene that can be unlocked? I grinded a long time to get the double purge cutscenes, but I don't know if there's anything attached to purging from under level 3 to flipshere.

>> No.7315116

So it isn't just a matter of unlocking the Purge levels, I also have to unlock multiple-level Purges too?


>> No.7315242
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>I said I do so that means I really do.
Infallible logic there, Finnel.

>> No.7315279

I found my AT 1 & 2 discs today, I think I'll replay them this weekend.

>> No.7315289
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>> No.7315368


If you Triple Purge on a red line, you get the full version of their final purge movie and sometimes their expression changes as well (i.e. instead of embarrassed they're smiling and winking).

Quadruple Purge is an immediate Flipsphere. But of course since your Burst Gauge is probably lower it won't be as damaging.


You should be able to triple purge in either 5th or 6th level, I forget.

>> No.7315380

Anime is an adaptation of the visual novel, so of course it's ';like the anime'.

>> No.7315584

I have to say, after finding out just how much of a horrible monster Ayatane is in the last levels of Finnel's CS, it's pretty satisfying to charge to 500k and kill him with a 1.8 million damage flipsphere from her.

>> No.7315779


Dat unmarked spoiler, glad I already beat it.

Wonder what's up with him looking like Final Fantasy's Bahamut? He even had Mega Flare!

>> No.7315785
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So I just got the third Reyvateil in AT3 and wanted to check out her Song Magic animation...was this intentional? The multi colored beams and how they were spread out really reminded me of a certain beam spamming gundam.

>> No.7315805


Given that Aoto very obviously has a newtype flash in his ultimate super move, I'm guessing it's intentional.

>> No.7315820


I'd argue that it's not really a big spoiler given that by the time you know that that's his real name he's already outed as a villain.

And as pointed out in >>7315785 and >>7315805 there are references to other animu/vidya all over the fucking place in this series, so his boss form being that way isn't really out of line.

See also: Tyria's comment that drills are only good weapons when used by robots.

>> No.7315909

I've been sprinkling bits of Atelier Rorona in between my second AT3 playthrough.
I had bought the game on release at Gamestop, but the day after some sort of RL mess happened and by the time that was over I had forgotten all about it. So it's nice to finally be able to sit down and play it.
PSN still being down helps too, since I'm not drawn away to play some multiplayer games.

>> No.7316730
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I personally blitzed through AT3 when it arrived and now I'm just bouncing around between games. Disgaea 3, Neptunia and Rorona are the main ones right now. I really wish I had more motivation to play though, I've got such a huge backlog and yet I sit here for 95% of the day doing nothing apart from just browsing..

>> No.7316831
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>> No.7318448


Never give up, Anonymous! They'll announce it eventually.. ;_;

>> No.7318486

>RL mess
>multiplayer games
Get out of /jp/.

>> No.7318513

Going to court is actually a pretty fun multiplayer game in the right context.

>> No.7319146


Stop touching PD3D lolis, Anonymous.

>> No.7319199

I'm not giving up either, although I really hope it's not on the PS3. I love Gust's spritework and it was one of the most charming parts of the MKs.

>> No.7319299


What's wrong with it being on PS3? I'd rather it be on a region free console than a 360.

>> No.7319320

Id rather it be on both.

>> No.7319391


Well I doubt it would be in all fairness. All of their games so far have been PS3 titles and their engine that they use is for the PS3. Also keep in mind that if it was on the 360 then you'd likely have missing content (no Japanese audio, missing audio etc.) just to fit it to a single disc.

>> No.7319839

Are there any talk topics that are dependent on the number of heart points you have?

>> No.7319919


There are talk topics that only appear if you take a certain girl's ending, yes. I don't think there are any ones that depend on precise point ratios, though.

Strangely enough, if you 2:1 and lock in Saki/Finnel via maxing their CS, you'll get the talk topics referring to the phase 3 3-point scene (where Aoto gets border disease and his chosen girl saves him) even though you never actually saw it.

>> No.7319972


Is Jakuri or Jacqli?

>> No.7320206
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>> No.7320216

I'd be fapping if it weren't for some drugs my family wants me to take that kills all desire.

>> No.7320377

The former for the Japanese romanization, the latter for the localized version. Either or is fine, really.

>> No.7320458
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You disappoint me, Anonymous. Your love should transcend everything. The fact that a silly little drug prevents you from doing so just shows your weak your love truly is.

>> No.7320616

According to the Setting books, Mir was called Jakuri after the model of the robot she was using for the first part of the game. That's why Croix and co. were a bit surprised that she was actually a girl when she hopped out on gaia.

I recall reading in some other background material that she would had picked a cuter and more feminine name to go under in Metafalss if she had a chance to redo it all.

In that regards, you can argue that Jacqli doesn't quite match up with the intention since that is a bit more feminine and closer to an actual girl's name than the colder Jakuri.

>> No.7321284


With her naming sense I can only imagine what sort of silly name she'd come up with for herself..

>> No.7321354

So is any limited edition with calendar still out there?

>> No.7321359
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Obviously, Mule.

Sweaty Soma hijack.

>> No.7321390


Unfortunately not, your only choice is eBay or Amazon etc. where you'll be expected to pay fucking stupid prices for it. I know an Anonymous purchased 10 copies though so maybe he'll be willing to sell one. Or you could wait and the NISA store might restock the premium edition, there's no calendar but you'll be saving yourself some money by doing this instead of buying elsewhere.

>> No.7321870

Heh, as if they ever stock more than 100 copies at a time, which get sold out almost immediately.
Those setting books give WAY too much information. Like how Jacqli's install port is below her navel

>> No.7321901

Where below? Like... oh my

>> No.7321911
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Posting again for great justice

>> No.7322035
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You make it sound like you didn't want to know where her install port was... Not that it matters too much given that the install ports are never drawn on the official arts.

While yeah, the setting books give a huge amount of info, some of it is incredibly interesting such as the story or the feelings behind each and every hymmnos. Additional information such as how the world is constructed, little things such as character histories that aren't fully explored in the games or even little side stories to the characters are really great. And of course, plausible explanations to why the goddesses of each tower have these flaws such as Shurelia being unable to process location signals from the tower without her linkage suit all because of a buggy software upgrade (that is unlikely to ever being fixed).

>> No.7322086

awesome this is more usefull than /v/

i got AT 1 last year because of the cute cover i ended up liking it, i didn't know it was this popular, like 2 days ago i picked it up again and defeated this huge anoying boss i couldn't beat before (i think its name was mir) she had too many parts and i used HUGE loads of items

>> No.7322125

Guess I'm busted.
And yeah, those setting books make for interesting reads.
It's not THAT popular, sadly, I wish it were. Then again, i suppose a lot of people pirated the games, so it might be more popular than I think it is.

>> No.7322171

The Ar tonelico series aren't that popular...
Hell, there's probably more interest in Custom Maid/Custom Girl here than in this general thread judging from the number of posts each gets.

I highly doubt Mir's naming sense is in any way shape or form worse than Aurica's. After all, she's far more likely to end up making tea than a really atrocious name. That said, I did let Aurica name most of my items in AT1 simply because they were pretty awesome in the hilarious sense.

>> No.7322183

anyone has more info on Neptunia Mk.2 ?

>> No.7322219

That's because she more likely to make an abortion of a food item than an abortion of a name.

>> No.7322786
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Might be due to AT3 being on the PS3, many here don't have access to it.

Before I forget, time to post the obligatory stuff.

>> No.7322859
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I would disagree, pic related case and point.

>> No.7322863
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But it tastes good. It just takes a leap of faith to try it.

>> No.7323026

I love how XaaaCi has a 13 second long scream that maxes the bars on the graph.
I didn't love how I had my headphones at max volume when it started.
It was like
"Ah fuck."

>> No.7323625


Jakuri is still the best and my most favorite girl.I wonder if Gust will ever make a side story for her, one that takes place a couple of years after At3's LN.

>> No.7323893

Well, there's a Drama CD after story of her.

>> No.7323971

Just did the Ar Ru DLC. Those next episode previews were fucking amazing.

>> No.7324184

I didn't get to download those before the PSN went down. Still waiting... damnit.

>> No.7324345

Do I have to get the glitched hyuma in order to get the 100% cosmosphere trophy for Tyria?
I've already gotten it in a previous run, so it's listed in the extras.

>> No.7324357

Nope. It's a fairly useless hyuma, anyways.

>> No.7324368

Okay good. Hopefully PSN comes back up by the time she joins my party this run so I can redownload the Elemia Island DLC.

>> No.7324896

Unless I'm mistaken, she only has one, and that takes place before the start of At2. I don't think Jakuri has another one that's an after story after At3, does she?

>> No.7324918

Ah, my bad. Yeah, she doesn't, sadly.

>> No.7324987

Are there any translations floating around for the drama CDs?

>> No.7324990

Which one is the glitched hyuma?

Don't really want to go too far into her cosmosphere until I'm going for her ending but I'd like to get that one out of the way now so I'm free to download the DLC when PSN comes back up.

>> No.7325004


It's the one that you get the first time you go to the shrine.

The shrine is how you access the DLC, so the event plays out differently depending on if you have it or not. The don't-have-DLC version is how you get the hyuma.

>> No.7325032

Cheers, thanks bud.

Really looking forward to doing her stuff but I'm locked in to Finnel this run with 3 hearts (not that it was a bad thing, Finnel's CS was great).

>> No.7325200

No, but she shows up in side Finnel.

There's a full translation for side Tilia. Beside that, I believe ARM has summaries for a number of the earlier ones.

>> No.7325256

I've only found summaries for AT2 drama CDs. What a bummer.

>> No.7325328

Might I ask you to spare a link? I'd love to read them.

>> No.7325369


>> No.7325755
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>> No.7325812

Useless alchemist only good for her pie appeal.

>> No.7325866


Pie, you say?

>> No.7325868

Man, Raphael's kind of a dick in Finnel's normal end.
Haha, you keep being a kid, we'll be over here subjugating all Reyvateils.

>> No.7326052
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That's fine by me.

>> No.7326131
File: 199 KB, 985x739, [animepaper.net]picture-standard-anime-rhapsody-a-musical-adventure-rhapsody-2-little-princess-46696-avalonsalkia-preview-c89b6b3e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh man, that scene where you use the Philosopher stone as an ingredient for the pie... That look on Astrid's face.

Btw, since you people play games localized by NISA, any of you played games by NIS that NISA didn't localize? I'm playing Marl Kingdom 2 right now.. which is the sequel to Rhapsody: A musical adventure, and there's something fundamentally wrong with a musical number about some giant cat whipping up a batch of ingredients for soft cream, only to feed it to his henchmen and have them frozen in a conveyor belt, defrosted, and have them shit out the soft cream into the cones.

>> No.7326897
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Meruru LE now getting a little figure/charm along with the nendoroid, drama CD and paperweight.. It's sad to know that NISA will have none of these for their eventual release. ;_;

>> No.7326941

Figures importing the Nendos would cost an arm and a leg for 'em, so indeed, I don't think we'll see 'em.

...For some reason this reminds me of the Annie LE, which I regret not getting. Dem Pepe and Annie figures, man.

>> No.7327443

Yeah I have those, but didn't that LE cost something like the normal price of a DS game?

>> No.7328199
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Since my R4 is pretty much broken, I can't continue playing Atelier Annie so I'm thinking about buying that or Atelier Rorona. Which one do you guys consider to be the superior game?

>> No.7328275

Rorona. Annie had, well, Annie who is a superior MC, but Rorona has a little more depth, gameplay-wise, and it's pretty much more charming.

Also, it's on a console.

Well, in my opinion, anyways.

>> No.7328315
File: 210 KB, 330x475, Totori.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heh, thanks for the idea.

>> No.7330017


Rorona is pretty fun and there's quite a lot to do in it. You can get it pretty cheap these days too so I'd say go with that.

>> No.7330018

I'm still out on which one is 'better'. Annie is far more lenient on the time management hands down. Rorona had you budgeting your time usage to the very last day if you didn't have a guide pre-plan stuff for you and there's tonnes of events that can be missed if you weren't aware of them in the first place like the beach visit.

I personally just love Rorona's characters and setting far more than Annie though the combat system is just plain and simple, a mess.

I just want Totori so bad... then after that Meruru...

>> No.7330121

I really don't get how people are getting time-issues with Rorona, I just played it like I normally would and had like three months to spare, easily.
My only problem with the game was that New game+ is fucking useless, and after playing through it 4 times to get all endings ( and failing on the last attempt to get the rich ending because i accidentally triggered an ending flag i couldn't get out of ) I ragequit and am still missing one ending now.

>> No.7330168

It's more to do with the events that are missable if you didn't know they existed. Or if you stuffed up and didn't optimise your synthesis batches to milk every bit of every day spent, or if you synthesised in bulk the wrong type of item for the assignments. Making Cannons for the 2nd assignment as an example is a huge waste of time since those buggers needed 2 days each on top of the 2 days spent for the ingots. Screw that production chain up and you're in a hole. Muck around too much with ingots and cloth for equipment upgrades can get you seriously burnt as well.
Sleeping/resting is supposed to be a nice way to get some health back while you're synthesising up a storm. But, it was far more effective to grab the crew and go off adventuring so you not only rested on the way out to the fields, but you get items on the way back in.

Then again, I'm going for the masochistic 'be able to get any ending with a single set of saves' route.

>> No.7330253

Shit, I've just completed the first assignment and I'm wondering if I should restart the game with a guide.

>> No.7330291

Only if you're anally retentive when it comes to attempting to get a one play-through clear of every ending.

It's unlikely that you've messed anything up big time by the end of the 2nd assignment. It all depends on if you are willing to play through the game at least one more time to get everything done or you'd prefer to have the mystery knocked out of the game and get it done in one shot.

>> No.7330367

I'll probably do what I did with Qoga, and do one playthrough by myself and subsequent playthroughs with a guide.

>> No.7330376

I keep trying to finish 2, but for some reason, it just feels so boring. Didn't have problems playing through 1 and Qoga, but I'm having a hard time getting into 2 and I'm not sure why. I guess I feel like the plot is kind of dragging along and nothing terribly exciting has happened yet.

It also doesn't help that I chose the Cloche route, but they saddled me with Luca anyway.

>> No.7330388

Any word if there is going to be a non bundle version around any time soon? I'm a little low on cash and $60-$70 is a little steep right now.

>> No.7330603

Yeah, that's basically what I did, did the first playthrough on my own, got an ending ( and apparently just about all missable events ). Did a second playthrough focussing on getting every other ending out of that next save, excluding rich ending. Did another playthrough that should've gotten me the rich ending, but since i brought that dick along that gets his ending flags while coming along with you and finding new ingredients ( i took him along for the pie ingredients he unlocks ) I got locked into his flag before I could make the 1,000,000 cole by selling pies in his shop.

>> No.7330815


For which game?

>> No.7330870

Ar Tonelico 3

>> No.7330978


What do you mean by the bundle? The premium version? That was limited to pre-orders only (and the NISA store, whenever it's in stock) for no difference in the price.

>> No.7331178

Hmmmm, not exactly GUST, but I guess it's kinda close?
Nora and the Time Studio. Producer is Shigeo Komori of the Etrian Odyssey series. The character designer, Yuji Himukai is also from the Etrian Odyssey series, but the scenario and planning is Shinichi Yoshiike who's worked on the Atelier series. The game itself seems like a SRPG with Atelier mechanics...

>> No.7331376


Looks like a nice combo.. a shame I don't have a DS though.

>> No.7331380

Nice arstyle.

Just emulate it, DS emulation works very well.

>> No.7331425


How does the touch screen stuff function in the emulator?

>> No.7331438

You click on the screen with your mouse. Simple as that.

>> No.7331900


That's pretty nice. I've got such a huge backlog of games already though but this gives me a nice chance to try out a few DS games I missed. Thanks. ♥

>> No.7333884
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>> No.7333975 [DELETED] 

Atelier Annie is retarded difficult.
Over the course of three playthroughs, I still have not managed to get the alchemist level necessary to craft Azure in time for the final assignment. In the third playthrough, I was rich enough that I could just buy all my ingredients from the shop and only needed to gather Pure Springs. Even though I blew months at a time just crafting, I STILL couldn't make those fucking gems by the end. I don't get it. How the hell am I supposed to do it?

>> No.7334811


Try a Gamefaqs guide or something?

>> No.7335469

Two days until possibly a Totori US announcement!

>> No.7336211

So I'm still missing some chests for the trophy.

I've covered the usual suspects for easily missed chests (that room in Lymph Node, Saki's room in Moebius, that one in the Tower of Origin, that wing in the Archia Think Tank that you only go to in Finnel route, the airship at Garvelt Bridge.) For those of you who have gone through the same thing, where was That One Fucking Chest, outside of those areas?

>> No.7336333

The ones that slapped me in the face were ones where you have to drop down to reach them.

>> No.7336341


Yeah, I hit a couple like that in the trail between Blue Canyon Hamlet and Eternus Shaft.

>> No.7336398
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Hmm, honestly I can't really comment since I got them all without particularly trying in my first playthrough. Just thinking back there's plenty of areas that kind of fuck you over if you do miss one however. You could always use the guide I've seen a few other Anonymous mention before, I think it was on GameFAQs. I assume you grabbed the chests in the prison with the drop down ledge? The little 'secret' ledges in the first areas of the game? All of the side rooms in the Governate area of Clustania? Honestly there's just too many places that I can recall that have 'hidden' chests.. Enjoy your backtracking, Anonymous. ;_;

>> No.7336423

Have you tried the missable in Eternus Shaft prison area?

>> No.7336455


I managed to jump back up there and searched that area, no dice.

>> No.7336494

It may not be the best place to ask but if in Hymmnos, "I" is always implied, can I express "to be/being" with just slamming "re" before a noun?
for example:
"frawr" is flower, can i assume "I'm glad to be a flower." translates to "Was yea ra re frawr" ?

>> No.7337393


You'd probably be better off asking on the ARM forum or something, assuming the ARM wiki doesn't help.

>> No.7337557

No. I'm fairly sure there's some sort of existential verb in standard, but I can't remember off the top of my head. What you've written here doesn't make much sense to me, though.

>> No.7337659
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Hymmnos 101?

>> No.7337664

Cynthia ;_;

>> No.7337670
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Jerk. Cynthia's love is the greatest.

>> No.7337860

Given any other game, Cynthia would have been a contender. Pity she's up against the two main heroines, the greatest reyvateil and COCONAAAAA!!!!

She and Skycat had a whinge against Rikka because she ended up with her main squeeze while they were left sobbing on the benches.

>> No.7338124

If I save over/delete my clear data in AT3, will I lose all the info in the Extras section?

>> No.7338147

No, the system save is kept separate. But why would you overwrite it?

>> No.7338182

Because I missed a lot of talk topics in my first playthrough, and so I wanted to have a more complete starting point from a clear save at Phase 2.
I know it's wildly inefficient, but I'll be afraid that I missed something if I NG+ instead of start fresh.

>> No.7338222


Just NG+ to the beginning of the game, then.

>> No.7338252

EXP carries over, and that makes battles more boring than they already are.

>> No.7338791


However you clear the game so much faster. Easy mode + NG+ with stupidly high characters (80+) lets you blitz through the game and focus elsewhere (Getting talk topics, going through a different cosmosphere etc.) You can also craft a shitload of those items that reduce battles, they help so much for this too. Though I played my first playthrough on hard mode and got pretty much everything I could have possibly gotten so maybe that's why I chose to blitz through it each time afterwards.. there's only so many times you can supermove 8 times, purge then nuke to finish fights without getting extremely bored.

>> No.7339496
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What time will the announcement be tomorrow?

>> No.7339846
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1 to 2 PM in San Francisco's time zone, according to NISA's website.

>> No.7340513


Yeah, and if you play on hard mode the enemies are powerful enough that you have to start taking them seriously again by late phase 3/phase 4 anyway, so it's not like the entire game is a faceroll.

>> No.7343761
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>> No.7344206
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Excellent. I'm really curious to know what their 'secret' title will be.

>> No.7345201
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It's nearly time~

>> No.7345420



>> No.7345430

Oh boy!
2011 sure is a good year for JRPGs!

>> No.7345437

By the way, if I play Atelier Totori before Rorona, will I have troubles for understanding the story?
I missed Rorona's release in Europe and can't buy online for now....

>> No.7345442

Totori and Cladun were expected but some shitty Bleach game? Really? I expected better. Oh well, I'm extremely happy knowing Totori is a few months away at least. Today is a good day, gentlemen.

>> No.7345457

Only some returning characters are all that appear in Totori.

Yeah, though I honestly don't mind it, as long as they don't pull off an Atlus USA on us.

>> No.7345576

Bleach game might not be half bad in the long run. You know how many retards gobble that shit up, and it's more money for NISA which means they can budget more on games that actually matter.

>> No.7345606


Yeah, if the Bleach shit gets them money they can put into games we give a shit about then it's a win for us.

>> No.7345629

About Bleach, from the NISA forums:

>1) We're really excited about getting to work on Bleach with Sony. It's actually a really fun game overall, and the visual style is really cool (I say this as someone who's never watched the show before). That being said, this isn't a case of us suddenly transitioning to only licensed titles and leaving our traditional stuff in the dust. We think working on this title will be good for the company (and as a result, good for our fans) for a variety of reasons, which have mostly been touched on already, but we're still very much dedicated to the kinds of games that allowed us to tackle a huge property like Bleach in the first place.

So, yeah, worry not, guys.

>> No.7345636


Don't get me wrong, good sir, it's nice to see that NISA will probably be getting some extra income from this simply because it's part of the Bleach franchise but I was just expecting something else, you know? I think the Anonymous from the previous thread got my hopes up of a Neptunia 2 international release at the same time as Japan. ;_;

>> No.7345683

So this thread gets to deal with waning popularity until fall.
Challenge accepted.

>> No.7345842
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It'll always be popular with me.

And besides, Meruru comes out at the end of June. I know there are more importers than just me here.

>> No.7345983

>Finnel wants to rename Tranquility Heroine Paradise

I have a feeling that that isn't much better.

>> No.7346140

Yes, Totorin this Fall.

>> No.7346181

Is Rorona worth buying? I've only played Atelier Annie on DS and found it to be rather dull. A friend of mine said it isn't that much like the other atelier games on PS2 and not as good. The battle system in Annie was really pointless and the entire game was pretty aimless without that much to do.

Are all of the Atelier games like that or is the one I played a weak point in the series? I'm ok with games not holding my hand or not having immediate goals.

>> No.7346246


As someone who picked it up on day one, I'd have to say I was pretty disappointed with it. I liked the open-ended approach it took, but everything else felt really....lacking, I'd suppose. The alchemy system came off as very limited as compared to the other games in the series, and the battle system was simple to the point of being mind-numbingly dull, so you couldn't even really look forward to that. Characters were a hit and miss, thought their interactions were entertaining.

If you can find it for cheap, go for it. I wouldn't consider it a necessary play though.

>> No.7346361

So, all of Rorona's english VAs are back for Totori.

This makes me happy, Rorona had a pretty good dub. Especially Rorona herself, goddamn, her voice was incredible.

>> No.7346417


Yep. I asked one of the NISA staff members myself and he confirmed the old cast are reprising their roles. Was happy to learn that.

>> No.7346426

...etc, just to get all that silliness out of our system.

>> No.7346437 [DELETED] 
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Make us whole again, lsaac.

>> No.7347352


But it's not silliness. To each their own though.

>> No.7349770


>Challenge accepted

Is that so?

>> No.7350332
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>> No.7350520

>PSN is back up
>still can't access PSN store to download Elemia Island DLC
That's cool, I guess.

>> No.7350521

Guess they were right when they said they had a title "you would never guess!". I really can't get excited for the Bleach game, but of course I'm happy about Totori.
But... Even though the Bleach game will bring a lot more money to NISA ( assuming they do a good Quality Assurance on it, since I don't think people who don't normally play their niche games will put up with their shitty QA they put out on their games ). If Bleach ends up selling really well... What do you think will happen next? Putting out titles like Bleach games will become a save option, meaning they'll do it more often so they can bring in more money. And time and people they spend on those games will be less they'll spend on the game we actually WANT them to localize.

>> No.7350551

Well, they said both in their conference and in their forums that they'll never abandon those games they have their fanbase for. That means, of course, the NIS and GUST stuff keeps getting localized no matter what, I guess.

>> No.7351131

Well of course they say that. But they're a very small group of people localizing these games, they can't handle too many games at once, if they do, the quality of the localizing will drop severely. And they'll still be localizing NIS and Gust games, that's also fine, but they don't always localize ALL of them, like the handheld Atelier games besides Annie, or the PSP-remake of La pucelle, or that Antiphona game. If they take on mainstream games like Bleach, games like those will be the first to fall off the list of possible localized games.

>> No.7351242

Indeed. On the plus side, releasing such games might actually make the company grow, so who knows.

Honestly, it kind of bothers me they're doing a Bleach game and all that jazz, but as long as they don't drop the games they -should- localize, or -can- localize, then they're okay in my book.

>> No.7351275

It may be hard to imagine but when companies generally start getting a ton more work and making a ton more money, they start hiring more employees to do the new work. Gasp.

>> No.7351524

I'm disappointed it was a Bleach game instead of something no one else would bring out, like Toradora Portable (only VN that had the slightest chance since they licensed the anime), or Criminal Girls, the older titles that were passed up before (someone mentioned Antiphona, that's one of them), or hell even GalGun. Maybe Tale of the Last Promise; sure XSeed or Atlus could get that, but NISA and Imagepooch made a deal together, so...

Well, as long as they don't become like Atlus USA, who are now only publishing western rpgs and forgotten to localize japanese games that would otherwise not get out (Luminous Arc 3, for example).

>> No.7351547

I honestly have the feeling they aren't publishing PSP games because the effort wouldn't translate in revenue.

ClaDun being the exception because the game doesn't have much text, in comparison to the VNs or pseudo-VNs they could localize, instead.

>> No.7351558

Spoilers: Criminal Girls is shit, be glad they didn't wast the man-hours to localize it.

>> No.7352160


From what I heard, Cladun made money because they didn't do a disc-based release. One developer I talked to estimated NISA is losing 75% of their sales to illegal downloads - not that 75% of people playing it have pirated it, because that number is like 99% for all non-PS3 platforms industry-wide, but that they're actually losing 75% of sales, when they compare numbers for their PSN-only titles (previously very difficult to pirate) to ones released on discs. The same for why they won't do third-party DS titles anymore - I heard Annie barely sold in the thousands of copies.

It's also why they (NISA) are focusing more on the PS3, and on more DLC for PSP games.

>> No.7352287

>previously very difficult to pirate

Still very difficult. There are no keys available to undo the DRM on PKG files downloaded from PSN, barring a few older games like flOw.

Can't even access the PSN store on CFW, which sucks. I actually want to give Sony/GUST/whoever mney for DLC but they refuse to sell it to me. I don't even care about online play, I just want DLC.... ;_;

>> No.7352313

>Can't even access the PSN store on CFW
One problem. The other is PS Store isn't up yet.

>> No.7352405

I finished Finnel's normal ending a moment ago and I truly marvel at this game's ability to make me feel like shit.
VNs, and other media which carry similar themes as Qoga never fail to make me feel melancholic, but having the mediocrity of reality exposed is not pleasant.

I'm done whining. Just putting it out there in case anyone experiences anything similar.

>> No.7352639


Have you tried the version.txt hacks? In the past that let me access the PSN Store without upgrading my firmware. It doesn't actually give you the new features of the old firmware, so new games won't run, but you should be able to get DLC with it.

I eventually gave up CFW, as OFW got more features and it became clear that the CFW community was splitting into homebrew on 1.5 and piracy on 3.x, neither of which I really cared about. I just wanted to be able to rip my UMDs to get decent battery life. :(

>> No.7352768

This might be sort of a dumb question, but is AT3 kind of glitchy? I just got the game, but sometimes the voices don't play when I'm pretty damn sure there should be voices. When I press up too see the dialogue and press X to make them play nothing happens either. Is this a bug or did NIS just not bother to do English voice acting for those parts?

>> No.7352780

Sort of off topic, but while we're complaining about games not getting localized Bamco deserves special mention for the way they have threated Tales. Goddamn, what a shitfest that is. They don't localize half the games and when they do localize one they cheap out on the voice acting and don't give the japanese voices and don't bother dubbing the skits. Sega not localizing Valkyria Chronicles 3 sucks dick too.

>> No.7352781

They didn't dub the whole game. The first two AT games were the same way.

>> No.7352786


Because of BUDGET there are a lot of parts that are voiced in the jap track but not in English.

>> No.7352789


But the thing is that there's still the option to make the voices play by pressing X, it just doesn't work. Also, there are segments that really look like they should have voice acting, like that scene where you meet that mayor guy with the eye patch and beard in prison and tatsumi's voice becomes girly again. The game makes a big deal out of it but there's no voice acting there. I'm quite sure that isn't normal. Did they at least leave all of the Japanese voices in or did they cut some of those out too?

>> No.7352808


Has there been hard confirmation that there's going to be no VC3 release here or is it just assumption based on the fact that they haven't said they are localizing it when they had announced VC2 already at this point last year?

Sega of America's official VC twitter account has been active lately, I'd take that as a sign that they still have interest in doing things with the franchise.

>> No.7352812


If there are speaker icons in the dialog history but no voice when you press x on them, that probably means that the scene is voiced, just not in your selected language.

>> No.7352814

They left all the Japanese VAs in.

>> No.7352829


Okay, that's good to hear at least. Usually I do my first playthrough in English and my second in Japanese, but I guess I might just skip the English entirely.


It might still get announced at E3, but VC2 bombed pretty hard in the west as far as I can tell and the PSP is pretty much dead everywhere except Japan as far as software sales go. So it wouldn't surprise me one bit if they just don't bother translating it. I hope VC4 goes back to the PS3 though, or at least the NGP. It'll probably sell more in the west that way and the better hardware opens up a lot of gameplay opportunities, not to mention the much better graphics and sound.

>> No.7352919

I've been trying to put that same feelings into words for a while now, and I think you nailed it.
I've had a couple of occasions where a battle would start and the game would just get stuck at the screen wipe. Other than that (and the inconvenience that comes with realizing I haven't saved in three hours), nothing bad has happened.

>> No.7352925

It's not like the english track is wildly incomplete like the AT2 dub was. If I had to guess, I'd say 80% of the game is dubbed?
Also the Harvestasha personality packs are dubbed but don't have a JP voice track, which is odd.

>> No.7352937

I think a lot of people may already have given up on Bamco on that account. Just about everyone I know wants to play all those Tales of- games they don't bring over. But hey... At least they said they're bringing over Tales of Graces F next year, I guess

>> No.7352973

>Also the Harvestasha personality packs are dubbed but don't have a JP voice track, which is odd.

What the hell? Do the other personality packs have the JP voices? If so, then why is Harvestasha's the exception? Did NIS do that out of greed or did they simply fuck up somewhere?

>> No.7352981

Actually, the personality packs were never voiced in Japanese. Probably because they were released a while after the game came out and they couldn't get a hold of the VA.
Since they came out literally two weeks after the game came out in the US, NISA probably figured they had the VA there, might as well get her to dub a few more lines.

>> No.7352985
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Oh boy... Bamco.. I'm one of those seriously pained over the non-releases of the Tales games. ToG:F is one consolidation I guess but Bamco has released the ported version of Eternal Sonata/Trusty Bell and decided not to do the same with ToV. I've resigned to importing ToV on the PS3 and charge through it in Japanese. Shouldn't be too bad since I've played the XBox360 one several times.

Back onto the topic of the thread...
That's just an indication of how attached you became with the characters and the world. The next question is wondering why is it that AT was able to make you feel more attached than other games/media with similar themes...

>> No.7353028
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I believe there was consideration (given enough interest) to voice the personality packs.

Kusoframe was not impressed... though I suspect a number of her fan base would be more than happy to be tied up and be whipped by her while being endlessly insulted.

>> No.7353065


Well, on the positive side the guys who were doing the ToG english patch are doing one for vesperia now so if you got custom firmware for your PS3 you'll be able to get English text at least. A shame we'll never get English voice acting for vesperia PS3 though. I don't know how you guys feel about the whole sub vs dub thing but Vesperia is one of the very few games where I actually liked the dub better. I think the VAs did a fantastic job there.

>> No.7353118

How well are the AT girls represented in Cross Edge?

Are they "in character" and do they get much dialog? Or are they lost in the shuffle with the large cast?

>> No.7353120
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>> No.7353124

So I just finished level 8 of Misha's Cosmosphere...

I wanted to hug Hama so badly, it was killing me. ;_;

In before slowpoke.

>> No.7353178

It's been a while, but I recall the personalities being pretty spot on, Shurelia is a beast once you actually get her as a character.
Hama is adorable

>> No.7353279
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I am highly tempted to accuse Shurelia of cheating her specs in that picture...

>> No.7353439


If it were possible to bring a Mind Guardian out of a soulspace, I would take Hama away, bring her to my home, and give her love and care.

>> No.7353743
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There are no redeeming qualities in Cross Edge. Don't play it. If you get it, you will be contributing to exactly the kind of bullshit we need NIS/NISA/Gust to stop doing.

>> No.7353759

So i bought ar 2 for the ps2 a while back, does the bug really make it unplayable? ntsc u/c is the one with the bug right?

>> No.7353764

It's not unplayable, and there's a whole lot of workarounds for it.

But, yes, the bug's in the NTSC version.

>> No.7353776
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>Put it Cross Edge
>See the opening
>Awwww yeah, this is gonna be good
>Start playing
>My (d)evolving face as I get further into it

Boy, I sure love that fucking mandatory grinding, crappy ass plot progression system, and bulllshit true end requirements.

>> No.7353783


Bug can be passed if you kill the boss fast enough. Fortunately you only need to defeat it once to progress the plot. But if you want the extra gallery pictures you might be in trouble.

There's supposedly an Action Replay Max code that bypasses the glitch but since I don't have either ARM nor the game itself (I used an emulator to play this, which automatically fixes the glitch), I can't test it.

>> No.7353847
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Is there any other way to be treated by my goddess? She can step all over me and call me a disgusting human all day if that is what Harve-sama truly desires.

>> No.7353933


But she's a hologram, silly man. Wouldn't she phase through you?

>> No.7354282
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>> No.7354431

That's one thing that's undeniable, there's NO excuse for the ass-backwards true end requirements that are IMPOSSIBLE without prior knowledge

>> No.7354877


Boy I sure do love greentext. Who are you quoting there chief? Oh yeah, no one.

>> No.7355096

It is incredibly easy to avoid getting fucked by the bug in normal play. There are some extras that you might have a hard time getting due to it, though.

>> No.7355693
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Easy is relative. The bug was never picked up because the testers didn't do their jobs properly and blasted through the battles with over powered characters.

Try avoiding it when you're purposely ~10 levels underlevelled and your reyvateils can barely keep a red spell casting for more than 4 phases before gassing out.

>> No.7356003
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My Saki run is going pretty well. Cleared all talk topics up to Level 7 so far.
I figured I'd try to get everyone's crafting discussions as well. Tyria's are pretty amusing, especially when crafting early-game equipment.

>> No.7356134

Does anyone know if there are AT3 CGs uploaded anywhere?
I know a couple of weeks ago someone posted all of Saki's slide picture story in another thread, but that's about it.

>> No.7356569


You doubt the power of glorious SCIENCE?

>> No.7357348
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Oh my..

>> No.7357411

So, any good or notorious games in the Atelier series for the psx/ps2?

>> No.7357447

Mana Khemia. Atelier Violet/Viorate and Lilie for no translation.

>> No.7358897
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You'll never have Mir use your lap as a pillow while she plays games whilst you clean her ears.

>> No.7358973

Mana Khemia questions!

- Is there any major changes between the PS2 and PSP versions of MK1?
- Which is considered better: MK1 or MK2?
- Is there any notable bugs in either game?

>> No.7359048


Well, yeah, if you're deliberately underpowering your party it can be pretty hard to pull off, I suppose. But for a first-time player who's not trying to do anything fancy you just have to know to pop your spell before the end of the third attack phase and you'll probably one-shot him.

But you pretty much have to take it as far as you took it (deliberately having everyone be underleveled) for it to be a challenge to beat the timer. I did my "keep everyone before level 5 to do three endings in one clear" run using Luca and Jacqli, expecting to have to sub in Cloche for that fight due to Replakia. I forgot to do it before the fight, and *still* managed to beat it in time.

>> No.7359156

>- Is there any major changes between the PS2 and PSP versions of MK1?

PSP version load times are awful.

>- Which is considered better: MK1 or MK2?

Both are regarded equally, I believe.

>- Is there any notable bugs in either game?

Haven't heard of any in MK2, but there was a certain freezing bug in a side-quest of MK1.

>> No.7359250

>a certain freezing bug in a side-quest of MK1
There was? I 100%ed it and never ran into any problems.
And don't touch the PSP version. Load times for literally fucking everything make the game stutter like an epileptic riding a chainsaw.

>> No.7359260

Oh, and I thought the characters and plot in MK1 were much better than MK2. MK1's characters were also better balanced and you got to use the whole cast while MK2's split route thing is just a really stupid gimmck. Character balance in general was also excellent in MK1 while more average in MK2. They did add a ton of good extra things to the game engine in MK2 but I think it could have benefitted a lot from a single route instead of the gimmick and getting rid of two or three characters.

>> No.7359266


In MK2 if you play Ulrika's route after Raze's on a certain one of her quests the game will freeze when a certain monster uses an attack. Forgot which one it is, but it is fairly early on.

>> No.7359550

Note that if you download a PSN copy of MK1's PSP port or just pirate it, the load times are cut down significantly.
Like it's a staggering difference.

>> No.7359565

It's on the Playstation Store? I guess that makes tracking down a copy easier.

>> No.7359578

At least it will be once the store comes back up.

>> No.7360563

PSP version of MK1 sucks, and it has only english dub.
the only bug I can think of right now in MK1 is in new game+ there's this optional dungeon with severely overpowered monsters that you can't even hit without getting the items in that dungeon and fusing them into your weapons. But getting into an encounter with those monsters can freeze your ps2.
MK2 had... a few things.. Don't remember them all. One is indeed if you play Raze's route first, then go to Ulrika's, in the beginning, you'll get a request to defeat a.. UFO pot, was it? And you'll have a hard time beating it since a few of its moves freeze the game. Another one is a ways ahead in Raze's route, when you're in this character development battle, i think it was for Puniyo, that there's suddenly an option to use Whim's special attack ( as in, not Lily's, Whim's ), if you do, crash.
And third i can think of is in the third storyline, if you go into the quest board place and try to get a quest with Ulrika as your on-screen character, the game crashes.

>> No.7362231
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I'm seeing Mana Khemia being discussed but I'm not seeing any Anna.. I'm disappointed.

>> No.7362708

There's an unspoken understanding that Anna is the best, so people just end up talking about everything else.

>> No.7362728

Basically what he said. >>7362708

>> No.7364331


But how do you think she feels, Anonymous? She needs some visible love too once in a while.

>> No.7366267
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Welp, looks like this thread is dead.

>> No.7366380

I could rage about the treasure hunter trophy in ATQ if you want.

>> No.7366404

Discussion's going to waver for a while, at least until Meruru comes out.
Then discussion will waver again until Totori comes out in English.

>> No.7366408


Fucking hell, I'm still missing some treasures for that one too.

>> No.7366470

Will NISA pack the Totori nendoroido with the limited edition? I'd pay extra $50 for that.

>> No.7366490


Shame. I've just finally found somewhere to buy the game, but the shipping is gonna take some time.

>> No.7366512

I got the list of treasures and started to go back to each area one by one.

Fuck I even missed two treasures in the Blue Heaven Trail area past the monk's house. Gonna be a pain in the ass to go through the other 174 boxes avaialble before the end-game area.

>> No.7366589


Easy mode + craft those items that decrease encounters. You can basically just blitz through every zone.

>> No.7366635

Also trying to get those other trophies though (man I wish these things were never thought up, they really suck the fun out of games). Like clearing out the encounter bar 25 times, 300 battles, etc. So I guess they can all be done together.

>> No.7366658

>Try escaping from a bunch of battles to rack up for the 100 escapes trophy
>End up gimping myself for Moocheriel monsters + Ar Ru fight
>Get my shit wrecked

>> No.7366693

Encounter bar can be done easily enough in Blue Heaven Trail. Area has five encounters to clear the bar.

>> No.7366753


They're actually not that bad since you're inevitably doing multiple runs for the endings anyway. Just grind a little to get 25 encounters + 300 battles on one run, by the time you've cleared phase 2->end twice you'll have everyone at level 99, which means you gain time and lose nothing by running away from everything on the third run.

>> No.7366864

Yeah, do have to grind those all out so I'm planning to do it with the treasure one.

Since I'm almost done, which girl do you guys recommend going for? Ms. 3rd reyvateil or Saki? I liked Finnel's a lot so I dunno if the others will tickle me the same way.

>> No.7366903


I heard from some NISA forum member (not NISA staff member) that the company that makes the nendoroids can't/won't ship their products outside Japan anymore, which might explain why we didn't get the nendoroids for Disgaea 4.

>> No.7366916

I'd recommend the 3rd Reyavteil. 100% Saki's cosmosphere can be an exercise in frustration, and I'd recommend using a guide when you try her.

Speaking of Saki, I just finished my second run with her (this time actually getting 100% completion), as well as all her talk topics. Just gotta get 3rd girl normal/true and indecision ends and I'll have all the trophies except for 100 flees and 100 saves.

>> No.7367149

Well that sounds like a pain in the ass. Ms. 3 it is.

Gotta start from the beginning though, gave Finnel all three hearts. Ech.

>> No.7367169


You only have to start from phase 2, actually.

>> No.7367176

Aww, that sucks.

>> No.7367309

Start from Phase 2 for 3rd girl. Start from the beginning when you do Saki.
I mean, I don't -think- there's any hidden, missable shit in her first few levels, but you don't want to finish her Cosmosphere and see you've got 95% completion.

>> No.7367324

Yeah, I've read about that problem with Saki more than a few times. Hopefully I don't bump into that too...

>> No.7367340


Yeah, I've seen some people having a real problem 100%'ing Saki's CS or getting her trophy. It's weird.

>> No.7367350

I've heard that you have to start from phase 1 to get the Saki 100% trophy, even if you NG+ off a file where you didn't miss anything.

>> No.7367354

>I mean, I don't -think- there's any hidden, missable shit in her first few levels

You have to peek in on Saki in the first level and not stop her from stripping in the third (I think?) level in order to get everything, iirc.

>> No.7367363


You have to NOT stop her? Won't that make you miss a Hyuma?

>> No.7367367


There's a CG if you don't stop her, though.

At least I'm pretty sure you only get it if you don't stop her.

>> No.7367386

I've never played an Ar Tonelico game before, but I'm considering getting Knell of Ar Ciel for PS3. Is it worth it for someone who loves JRPGs like Tales games?

Also, will I be able to understand the story without having played the previous games?

>> No.7367406
File: 419 KB, 1280x960, 1279821685353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you come in expecting a Tales of game you'll definitely be disappointed. If you love VN elements you'll love this game too, but you'll need to play the previous games to enjoy the very little references to past games.

>> No.7367407

I didn't play before 3 and it isn't confusing at all. You might not get some character references but that's about it.

...I'm just not sure what exactly a reyvateil is though.

>> No.7367421


Why did she have to get old and ugly and uncute

>> No.7367422


You can get the same CG in her next level if you answer Saki the second time she asks you what you want. Costs a shitloadda DP though.

>> No.7367429


Because her previous voice actor that made her sound so cute yet tough ("I'LL HELP EVERYONNNNNNE") didn't get to reprise her role.

That and NISA pretended she was 16 instead of 13 so the new voice actor had to make her sound 16.

>> No.7367430


The main plot requires no knowledge of the previous games. There are a few characters from the previous games in it, but everything you really need to know about them and why they're around is explained.

If you have the option I'd play 1 and 2 first, but if you want to skip to 3 then you won't miss too much.

>> No.7367451

they could have still made the girl cute

she looks too close to finnel too

>> No.7367460


>We regret to inform you that the following items have been delayed as we are still awaiting stock from our suppliers :

>Gust "Atelier Series: Official Chronicle"
>Estimated arrival date: June 06 2011 - June 18 2011

Go fuck yourself, Amazon. This is the second time they've delayed that art book. Fucking faggots.

>> No.7367528


They're hording it to themselves, the artbook's that damn good.

>> No.7367540


Pretty sure it's not Amazon who controls the release date.

>> No.7367621

Wait, she's only supposed to be 13? Man if that's true I'm a lot less confused about her since I use the Japanese audio.

>> No.7367705

That's the 20,000DP one right?
I did that by accident. I was raging pretty hard, because a similar thing happened earlier with a butch looking ATK+ Hyuma and both incidents drained all my DP.

Question though:
Done Finnel's ends (with 3 hearts) and the Bad ending, so should I NG+ to the beginning for Saki or should I just begin a completely new save for her?

I actually missed 5% of Finnel's CS and have saved past the point of no return, which is quite maddening, so I want to do another route before going through hers again. Makes me wish I'd started with Saki since Finnel's was so fantastic and the former just cannot compare now.

>> No.7367722


I think it cost 8000 DP.

Also I can't really answer your question because I did Saki's first (and missed 100% because there were mini events I missed that I didn't know about until someone pointed it out) and am currently doing Finnel's. Well, I would be playing it if PSN weren't down, I want to download the personality packs already...

But, I think you can just NG+ to the beginning, if you don't care that you'd blitz through battles until late in Phase 3.

>> No.7367724

>>7367722 here

I think I might have contradicted myself ("I can't answer that" [answers seconds later]). What I was trying to say is, I can't say for 100% certain what is better for you because I did the opposite of you route-wise, but I think NG+ would be better if you want to get to the end faster.

>> No.7367950

I have a question about the CGs.
Specifically, I'm missing two that come before and two that come after the Saki/Finnel true end CGs, and two more that sandwich the CG of Tyria in a swimsuit.
Now I'm assuming two of the former are for Tyria's true end and Cocona end, and the last two are probably more Binary Field-related events. So what are the last two?

>> No.7368353

Is it worth getting both the Ar Tonelico book and the Atelier book?

I'm spending so much in the next two months already on games... I want both but I'm not sure right now.

>> No.7368391


extras for beating Akane in battle

>> No.7368434

Alright, thanks.
I'll probably do as someone else suggested; NG+ to the beginning and craft a bunch of encounter rate decreasing items so I can blitz through the plot and focus on completing Saki's CS.
I'll also keep a save before the battle of destiny so I can choose to do Tilia's route without the un-necessary backtracking. Also so I can experiment with Harvestasya personality packs.

Ask yourself which series and/or artist you like more, and go for that. Mel's art is delicious, but I'm only getting the Ar Tonelico book.

>> No.7368842


They both look very good and honestly I usually wouldn't care about these sorts of things but the fact that they were actually localised brings my full support regardless of how much of a poorfag I am.


I know they don't but that's no excuse for them to have an ETA up that was over 3 months earlier than it actually is. Getting my hopes up and crushing them isn't very nice. ;_;

>> No.7368936

hmmmmmm, there's a scan of the ar tonelico book out if you're just in it for the art.

Mel's artwork for the Arland series are just stupidly gorgeous and detailed so that would be my preference if I could only choose one even though I love AT to bits. Heck, just take a look at Mel's art over the years. The second he started using softer tones, the quality sky rocketed.

>> No.7369222

I already got three of those. Are there more?

>> No.7369485


Those are the only 3 available. I can check later on which ones you're missing, if you'd like.

>> No.7369563

That would be helpful. I'm sure I'll get them during my last two playthroughs, but I just want to be sure there's not any that I'm missing.
To be specific, they're CGs 8, 9, and 12 on Page 1, CG#1 on Page 2, and CGs#4 and 6 on Page 3.

>> No.7371957

>>7366864 here
Got the last treasure chests. That trophy can suck a dick. Two in Blue Heaven Trail, two in Clustania District, and one in Archia (in the most goddamn obvious spot too).

At least now I can fully enjoy the game without having to hunt for little side crap. Feels good.

>> No.7372482


Out of curiosity, where were the Clustania and Archia ones?

>> No.7373506

>At least now I can fully enjoy the game without having to hunt for little side crap. Feels good.

I hear ya. I'm haivng a hard time motivating myself to do my last run because I feel obligated to finish off that fucking chest trophy first.

>> No.7374077


Yeah, I missed a couple in Blue Heaven as well. Also missed a couple in Clustania, probably because it was my second run so unlike my first few times in there I didn't get all the chests in there effortlessly by virtue of being completely fucking lost.

>> No.7374098

So far I've been using the GameFAQs guide and clearing out the chests as indicated. I guess you guys could try running through it too, thought this might help.

>> No.7374159

It really didn't take very long, it's just tedious as shit.

Clustania's were in a room on the right side on like the second or third floor. There's so many of them side rooms there I guess I just missed that one. Archia's was just in a room near the Tower of Origin. I must have derped and passed it by the 40 times I walked by it for the story.

>> No.7374527

Yeah I was dreading having to go back. Luckily I still needed other trophies and it was only my first playthrough.

Same thing kept me from playing Star Ocean 4 though... well, that and Edge being a little bitch.

>> No.7375592
File: 543 KB, 300x400, Delicious Reimi.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Personally Reimi was the only reason I even managed to get half way through the game.. but it just wasn't enough. I had to give up after a certain point because the game was just overall quite bad. Voice acting was horrible, story was cheesy etc. I really should pick up the PS3 version some time since it might actually be tolerable then.

>> No.7375627

The voices for the other characters are fine in Japanese but... jesus even in Japanese Edge makes me want to kick babies in the face. I got to the point of the ships landing and never put the disc in again.

I used to love SO too. Now I just stick to the NISA releases for my PS3 entertainment.

>> No.7376014

Now I have to force myself to finish this game.

>> No.7376032

Faize! Faize, Faize, Faize, Faize, Faize!
kill me

>> No.7376331

Raze's shit eating smirk pisses me off

>> No.7376558

Finally beat it. Finnel had a great ending. Just need to go back and pick the other option during the CG sequence and see what's different.

Any word on when the PSN Store is coming back up? I really want to get the DLC before I go for another playthrough.

>> No.7376596

>Finally beat it. Finnel had a great ending. Just need to go back and pick the other option during the CG sequence and see what's different.

Probably faster if you just look it up on youtube. I know there was a Saki True End vid showing the reactions to the different choices, so I'm sure Finnel has one, too.

>> No.7377852

>Posts: 302

Well at least this one actually reached the bump limit.
