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7333528 No.7333528 [Reply] [Original]

Was Ririko the heroine for this game or was it Natsumi? I mean, the reason Kenichi went through all that shit was so he could help Ririko and the final arc was hers.

>> No.7333673

Huh? Ririko was only shown in the flashbacks. She was either killed or given the maximum penalty seven years ago when Saburou led a rebellion.

>> No.7333684

I have no idea who you're talking about, OP.

>> No.7333690


>> No.7333691

That's a nice tree.

>> No.7333707

AKABEi SOFT2's organization of routes in this and G-Senjou leads me to believe that Ririko is the true route.

Also, the best route.

>> No.7333711


Her ending also makes the most sense, but lol it's not the canon end.

I think Looseboy got severe brain damage somewhere between writing Sharin and Sharin's fandisk, given how horrible the latter and G-Senjou are.

>> No.7333731


>Sharin's fandisk
>not better than the original

Yeah ... no.

>> No.7333734


fuck this guy, g-senjou is awesome.

>> No.7333742

It was actually easier for me to finish G-Senjou than Sharin. That may say more about me than the VNs, though.

Also, if you're only concerned about who would be considered the "canon" heroine, you needn't look further than the title.

>> No.7333746


Fuck you both, giving Houzuki any kind of backstory ruined what was most compelling about him, and G-Senjou's Chapter 5 is totally fucking herpaderp retarded, completely ruins the previous chapters (which ranged from 'good' to 'okay') in retrospect, and nearly ruins the Epilogue, which only avoids ruination because of how fantastic it is.

>> No.7333751


"Himawari no Shoujo" is supposed to be plural. Ken describes the girls as such not long before the ending.

>> No.7333752


>what was most compelling about him

And this was? All his back story did was fill in a bunch of holes left open by the original.

>> No.7333755

Touka was the only one who didn't give into the suffering and kept to her beliefs, no matter how dire. That role is only given to the main heroine, therefore Touka is the main heroine.

>> No.7333763

The entirety of G-Senjou was totally fucking herpaderp retarded to the point of making it a chore to playthrough. I acknowledge that Sharin wasn't exactly the pinnacle of writing either, but it was at least better than the trainwreck that was G-Senjou.

The only entertainment you could possibly get from reading it would have to be from laughing at how utterly stupid it was the majority of the time.

>> No.7333767

>giving Houzuki any kind of backstory ruined what was most compelling about him
If you liked inhumane, unrelatable villains that are made of pure evil rather than human and guided toward the role of antagonist. Irony: evil mana is basically just that. She wasn't compelling AT ALL.

>> No.7333765


>> No.7333770

Great, you've managed to call something you didn't enjoy "stupid". You'll do well in the world of critics.

>> No.7333776

The Sharin fandisc really did a great job at solidifying the whole wheel theme in the story. Houzuki became like that because of his predecessor and she became like that because of hers and it just keeps going.

>> No.7333777

>I acknowledge that Sharin wasn't exactly the pinnacle of writing either

I don't get all the hate for Sharin. Sure, there's a couple moments when it goes full retard, but the Ririko twist was brilliantly executed and Obligations are a really cool and original idea for a criminal justice system, not to mention how well the themes tie into both said system and the setting.

>> No.7333781

I stand by my observation. Whether or not it applies to all of them, it obviously applies to one of them.

>> No.7333783


I think he was just saying that Sharin had its fair share of flaws as well and wasn't exactly hating on it.

>> No.7333795


It removed what ambiguity remained in his character, and that's never a good idea.

Notice how Darth Vader doesn't seem nearly as cool now that you know that inside that suit, there's a whiny, entitled jerkwad who never grew up. It's the same thing here.


This I will agree with, but I don't think it should have come at the cost of making him into just another generic protagonist.

There's nothing compelling about ANY of the characters in that fandisk. Why Houzuki would go so far to save someone as aggravatingly useless as Mina I'll never know.

>> No.7333797


I know, I'm just wondering why it gets so much hate both here and especially on other boards, and especially in comparison to G-Senjou, which it definitely isn't worse than.

>> No.7333805


>It removed what ambiguity remained in his character,

see >>7333767

>> No.7333809

What's wrong with Little Brown Houzuki? She is supposed to be exactly like Masaomi, except small, foreign, young, and female. Each exam proctor gives their pupil the same soulbreaking treatment their own proctor gave them.
So you see, everything is like a wheel.

>> No.7333810

Natshitmi is the main heroine.
Her route is the canon route after all if you play the Houzuki FD route.

>> No.7333815


I always see more hate for G-Senjou than I do for Sharin, to be honest. At least when they're compared by people who have read both, Sharin is usually regarded as the better one.

>> No.7333836

sharin WAS better.
I've been thinking, but maybe g-senjou is meant for the japanese audience, specifically the ones who were too fucking thick to realize that sharin/MLA/etc's perspectives are just applicable to first world countries like japan - show them how shit can hit the fan, how weak and beautiful love, human will and tales of courage is.

>> No.7333846

> but maybe g-senjou is meant for the japanese audience
Sharin is ranked higher than G-senjou on EGS.

>> No.7333839


I for one have never seen any "hate" for Sharin. It's usually regarded at minimum mediocre, up to best game ever.

>> No.7333855

>specifically the ones too fucking thick to(ry
Read the whole sentence.
Well, maybe the guys at EGS are really thick. I don't think that's the case though.

>> No.7333856

>show them how shit can hit the fan, how weak and beautiful love, human will and tales of courage is.
This isnt what g-senjou is about.

>> No.7333860

If two people have the maximum penalty, are they allowed to talk to each other?

>> No.7333861

>specifically the ones who were too fucking thick to realize that sharin/MLA/etc's perspectives are just applicable to first world countries like japan - show them how shit can hit the fan, how weak and beautiful love, human will and tales of courage is.

What did I just read?

>> No.7333863


The only people I see who "hate" Sharin are the babby's first VN guys from /v/ who regard G-Senjou as a masterpiece out of the two or three VNs they've actually read.

Sharin is generally acknowledged as the better by anyone who has read both.

>> No.7333902

I believe that the reason I enjoyed G-Senjou more is because you were lead to believe Kyousuke was causing the girls to suffer through the various events for most of the VN. Both were intriguing enough, but G-Senjou scratched my sadistic itch for a while. Once you found out otherwise you were already far enough in to keep reading and the Epilogue picked up any loss in momentum. I also preferred G-Senjou's girls.

>> No.7333914


Most people agree that G-Senjou had better girls, it's the plot and presentation they have qualms with.

>> No.7333921


>I also preferred G-Senjou's girls

Out of curiosity, for what reason? I really had a hard time giving a shit about the three other girls that weren't Haru since they pretty much became completely irrelevant to the plot once their arc was over with.

That and they weren't exactly winners personality wise. Tsubaki was the universe's doormat. Kanon was obnoxious as hell. Shiratori and her entire route were just...forgettable.

>> No.7333928

dat haru man.

>> No.7333929

I liked Gsen's girls, but didn't give a shit about any of them because only Haru was actually important to the plot.

>> No.7333934

oh yeah, also, Tsubaki was awesome when she started going badass. Then it was ruined

>> No.7333942


That was actually very upsetting. She actually started to get something resembling a personality and was on her way to becoming an interesting character....and then all that development is thrown out the window thanks to her shitstain of a brother.

>> No.7333945


I wouldn't call it becoming badass, she was still just a workhorse.

>> No.7333961


She started to get a backbone, actually started caring about her own wants and needs, and wasn't letting a five year old push her around anymore.

Badass? Maybe not, but at least she was standing up for herself.

>> No.7333968
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G-senjou should have just been a high school comedy. In terms of girls

Ririko > *

>> No.7333981

Ririko was the only Sharin girl that didn't annoy the piss out of me. G-Senjou... Tsubaki's route was fun but basically >>7333934. I really enjoyed Kanon's VA, she was my favorite possibly for that reason alone. Shiratori's route was almost annoying but then I gave up on it and went with the bad end instead, which was more or less what I had been hoping for from G-Senjou the whole time even though it was short. I enjoyed Haru the least, actually. Maybe I just have strange tastes.

>> No.7334058


Fucking this. What five-year-old is so sheltered that they don't understand that they're having the shit beat out of them?

Fuck that family. There's something seriously wrong with them.

When I play a protagonist who is a member of the fucking yakuza, I want to CORRUPT girls, not be 'saved' by them. That's just retarded.


However, I agree with this guy about Kanon. Dat Ushio.

>> No.7334096

I can't be the only who thought of John McLane when Kyosuke was walking through the streets bleeding, tired and then those climbed stairs like there's no tomorrow

>> No.7334151
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One of the only two times in the entire game where he was remotely likable. Haru loses major points for falling in love with a faggot like him. Now Kenichi, there's a guy you love to love.

>> No.7334234


He doesn't even have a personality, despite all of Looseboy's attempts to give him one.

He should have just made Haru the protagonist and had Yuki fuck her or something if having H-scenes was that important.

>> No.7334325

Ririko and oddly enough Mina were the only girls from Sharin/Sharin FD that I liked. Natsumi was kind of a snoozefest and Sachi annoyed the hell out of me, Touka wasn't too bad.

Tsubaki that was leaning towards becoming corrupted was interesting..but she earned a few points with me sticking to her guns. Her ending was also pretty nice, making Kyosuke lead a normal life.

Wasn't too fond of Kanon, but I loved Mizuha's VA and seeing her grow up and change in her route was pretty neat. And of course like most people I loved Haru as well.

>> No.7334332

>Not fond of Ushio

What is wrong with you you sick monster

>> No.7334355

Should have stay dead with her cockroach mom.
Whoever thought that putting in dragonball in a drama is a good idea need to be shot,

>> No.7334378

It's no more out of place than Fuko or Misae being granted a wish by a cat.

>> No.7334382

I never do this. Never. But you give me no choice.
